RP :: Volume #22

#30: A your such saying, despaired

Naomi falls to the ground, in mouth puts out the blood, may be called the frightened lethality because of this blade, her cheeks twitch to continue. 奈洛伊落地,口中哇的一声吐出鲜血,因这一刀堪称惊悚的杀伤力,她的脸颊抽搐不止。 When suffered the Su Xiao first blade, Naomi thinks that is some Su Xiao's Ultimate, therefore supplements that high True Damage, may after she suffered the second blade discovered, Su Xiao is the blade blade so, does not open Ultimate, this was terrifying. 挨了苏晓第一刀时,奈洛伊原本认为那是苏晓的某种大招,所以才附带那么高额的真实伤害,可在她挨了第二刀后发现,苏晓是刀刀如此,并不是开了大招,这就非常恐怖了。 Now Naomi is finally clear, before the iron mouse dies, why has not fed in the information of enemy, is not the iron mouse does not want to pass on, but is he simply does not have the time, that high True Damage simply is the main tank killer. 现在奈洛伊终于清楚,铁鼠死前为何没传回敌人的情报,不是铁鼠不想传,而是他根本没时间,那高额的真实伤害简直就是主坦杀手。 You special have a grudge with him, have not cut me. „ “你特么和他有仇,别一直来砍我。“ Naomi looks at Su Xiao of not far away, Su Xiao partly is squatting on a cement column of break, the blood drops following the blade edge. 奈洛伊看着不远处的苏晓,苏晓正半蹲在一根断裂的水泥柱上,鲜血顺着刀锋滴落。 When with the Su Xiao fight, or when with starting the Su Xiao fight of Hunting Time, the Sensor strength is useless, instead will be misled by Sensor. 苏晓战斗时,或者说是与开启猎魔时刻苏晓战斗时,感知力根本没用,反而会被感知误导。 The saliva of Naomi spout belt/bring blood, in the mouth the smell of blood makes her breath even more rapid, she can determine, continues according to the present momentum development, she will die quickly. 奈洛伊吐出口带血的唾液,口中血腥味让她的呼吸越发急促,她能确定,继续按现在的势头发展,她很快就会死。 „......” “斯……” Naomi just said a character, Su Xiao has appeared before her, the bright as snow blade light heaves in sight. 奈洛伊刚说出一个字,苏晓已经出现在她面前,雪亮的刀光映入眼帘。 The Naomi almost instinct operates spider machine armor to keep off before the body, may in the next quarter, Su Xiao appear in her behind, the Naomi trauma area can be imagined, Stan of not far away supports even, he still can only pass sentences in advance, no one knows that which the Su Xiao next quarter will appear, except for he himself, in the Naomi preparation summoned back spider armor, Su Xiao has appeared in her body side. 奈洛伊几乎本能操纵蜘蛛机甲挡在身前,可在下一刻,苏晓就出现在她身后,奈洛伊的心理阴影面积可想而知,不远处的斯坦就算支援,他也只能通过预判,谁都不知道苏晓下一刻会出现在哪,除了他自己,就在奈洛伊准备召唤背后的蛛甲时,苏晓已出现在她身侧。 Although Su Xiao continuously in space penetration, the path that but the long blade cuts has not actually stopped, when he appears in the Naomi body side, the Dragon Flash blade edge has touched the flesh of Naomi nape of the neck, in this flash, Naomi Sensor as if slowed down, she felt that cuts into her nape of the neck the sharp long blade slowly, without aching feeling, instead some ice icy cold feelings, numb. 苏晓虽然一直在穿透空间,可长刀斩下的轨迹却没停,当他出现在奈洛伊的身侧时,斩龙闪的刀锋已经触碰到奈洛伊脖颈的肌肤,在这一瞬间,奈洛伊感知似乎被放慢,她感觉到那把锋利的长刀缓缓切入她的脖颈,没有疼痛感,反而有种冰冰凉的感觉,还有一丝酥麻。 Naomi felt that she should die, the speed of enemy is not quick, but is flickering to move, moreover is nonseptate flickering moves, almost 0.2 second, the enemy moves unexpectedly three times, she cannot think how to defend. 奈洛伊感觉她应该是要死了,敌人的速度已经不是快,而是在瞬移,而且是毫无间隔的瞬移,差不多0.2秒时间,敌人居然移动三次,她都想不到怎么去防御。 Although the thought of Naomi is quick, but her body also can only lean slightly, in that pair of pupil is somewhat helpless, since cannot avoid, she can only die to the enemy looks. 奈洛伊的思维虽然很快,可她的身体也只能略微侧,那双眸子内有些无奈,既然躲不开,那她就只能死给敌人看了。 Zheng! 铮! The long blade has cut, the less than half palm flies, grasps the Su Xiao body single layer of long blade, the both legs bang submerges in the ground. 长刀斩过,小半个手掌飞起,手持长刀的苏晓身体一重,双腿轰隆一声没入地面内。 Stan appears before the position that Naomi is, moreover was cut the second half palm, in that half palm has a slowly shatter parchment, this thing rescued a Naomi life. 斯坦出现在奈洛伊之前所在的位置,而且还被斩下半个手掌,那半截手掌中有一张缓缓破碎的羊皮纸,正是这东西救了奈洛伊一命。 Su Xiao before the Stan body, he felt that at this moment intense pulling feeling and heavy pressure, particularly the heavy pressure from internal organs is most fatal. 苏晓就在斯坦身前,此刻他感觉到强烈的拉扯感与重压,尤其是来自脏器的重压最为致命。 Su Xiao's line of sight somewhat blood red, he lifts a hand blade to cut with the feeling to Stan, compares the Naomi speed, the Stan speed crawls like the turtle, but that type immovability the feeling to make people unable to neglect. 苏晓的视线有些血红,他凭感觉抬手一刀斩向斯坦,相比奈洛伊的速度,斯坦的速度如同龟爬,可那种不动如山感觉却让人无法忽略。 As Dragon Flash is close to the throat of Stan, cutting of long blade strikes the speed by the strong gravity effect, the speed is getting more and more slow. 随着斩龙闪接近斯坦的喉咙,长刀的斩击速度被强重力影响,速度越来越慢。 Stan puts out a hand to grasp to Su Xiao, naturally gets nothing for one's effort, Su Xiao just appeared behind Stan, eight emerald green spider armor feet raid to him, dresses Naomi of spider armor. 斯坦伸手抓向苏晓,理所当然抓了个空,苏晓刚出现在斯坦背后,八根翠绿的蜘蛛甲足向他袭来,是重新穿戴好蜘蛛装甲的奈洛伊 Eight spider armor all puncture fully spatially, when Su Xiao comes again, has appeared beyond two people more than ten meters. 八根蜘蛛甲足全部刺空,苏晓再次现身时,已出现在两人十几米外。 Tick-tock and tick-tock...... 滴答、滴答…… Two couples' blood drop in the place, they look at each other one, simultaneously sees the helplessness that in the opposite party eyes hidden. 两夫妻的鲜血滴落在地,他们对视一眼,同时看到对方眼中隐藏的无奈。 Right, when coping to open Hunting Time Su Xiao, Stan and Naomi must uncomfortably uncomfortable, the opposite party not only mysteriously appears and disappears, flickers to move unlimitedly, but also that is extremely sharp the blade , the Stan survival capability even must surpass the main tank iron mouse in team now, or he is frank of Blood Sect most core, but does not arrive at the critical moment, he rarely acts. 没错,在对付开启猎魔时刻苏晓时,斯坦奈洛伊是要多难受就有多难受,对方不仅神出鬼没,无限制瞬移,而且那把刀还极其锋利,要知道,现在斯坦的生存能力甚至要超出团队中的主坦铁鼠,或者说,他才是血门最核心的坦,但不到关键时刻,他很少出手。 What to do, to flicker the Close Combat + Magic Hunter set of moving to is almost the non-solution.” “怎么办,会瞬移的近战+猎魔套几乎就是无解。” Naomi covers the side neck single-handed, during the speeches is also coughing a blood. 奈洛伊单手捂着侧颈,说话间还咳出一口鲜血。 73 seconds.” “还有73秒。” The Stan opens the mouth, as Fourth Order large-scale Adventure Group Captain, he knows certainly that a Magic Hunter set of ability, Su Xiao's Hunting Time also remains at present for 73 seconds. 斯坦开口,作为四阶大型冒险团团长,他当然知道猎魔套的能力,眼下苏晓的猎魔时刻还剩73秒。 Your this saying...... despaired, I suspected, we once in Naruto/Hokage world Demon Hunter Ring of competition, fell to his hand in finally. „ “你这一说……更绝望了,我怀疑,我们曾在火影世界的争夺的猎魔戒,最终就落到他手中。“ Naomi actually guesses right, that Demon Hunter Ring indeed arrived in the Su Xiao hand, for this reason, he has the opportunity to collect the Magic Hunter wrap/sets, what is interesting is that because competes for the Magic Hunter set Blood Sect to Naruto/Hokage world and Su Xiao becomes enemies. 奈洛伊其实猜的没错,那枚猎魔戒的确到了苏晓手中,正因如此,他才有机会凑齐猎魔套,有趣的是,正是因为血门火影世界争夺猎魔套才与苏晓结仇。 Said these, without significance......” “说这些,没意义……” The Stan words have not said, Su Xiao has cut big piece Blade Aura, the form flashes vanishes in two people lines of sight. 斯坦的话还没说完,苏晓已经斩出大片刀芒,身影一闪就消失在两人的视线中。 Stan and Naomi back on the opposite party, in order to avoid being been close from the rear area by Su Xiao again, the significance that what a pity, does this is not big. 斯坦奈洛伊背靠对方,以免再被苏晓从后方接近,可惜,这样做的意义不大。 Blade Aura cuts to Stan, his hand gets hold, appears by the big hand of dark gravity manifestation before his body, as this big hand grips tightly, the gravity and attraction hand over to echo, all Blade Aura are accordingly stave. 刀芒斯坦斩来,他的手握紧,一只由暗重力形成的大手出现在他身前,随着这只大手紧握,重力与引力交相呼应,所有刀芒应声破碎。 Zheng. 铮。 Dragon Flash appears before the throat of Naomi, what may let her surprise is, unexpectedly only then a blade appears, Su Xiao oneself disappear without a trace. 斩龙闪出现在奈洛伊的喉咙前,可让她诧异的是,居然只有一把刀出现,苏晓本人不知去向。 Bang! Su Xiao trampled in the shoulder of Naomi, Naomi whiz flew, banged into the wall of basement, the life and death does not know. 砰!苏晓一脚踹在奈洛伊的肩头,奈洛伊嗖的一声飞了出去,撞入地下室的墙壁内,生死不知。 As Su Xiao's summoned, before Dragon Flash flew his body, he just gripped the instance of long blade, a giant palm clapped from the above. 随着苏晓的召唤,斩龙闪飞到他身前,他刚握住长刀的瞬间,一只巨大的手掌从上方拍下。 Bang, like having the earthquake, was too deep to see the bottom the big hole to appear together, but Su Xiao is standing in that big hole revolts, the blood drops following his chin. 轰隆一声,如同发生了地震般,一道深不见底大坑出现,而苏晓正站在那道大坑叛,鲜血顺着他的下巴滴落。 Under the vision of Starck surprise, a Su Xiao blade cuts to own chest, he prepares only to be able with one set during the combination machine that opening Hunting Time uses. 在斯塔诧异的目光下,苏晓一刀斩向自己的胸膛,他准备用一套仅能在开启猎魔时刻期间使用的组合机。 Demon Hunter King on Su Xiao has the change, starts to change to the Pendant appearance, before making war, he has prepared to use this set of combination technique, therefore there is Reed to build Space-Time Sovereign Pendant had been received in the storage space by him. 苏晓手上的猎魔之王出现变化,开始向项坠模样改变,开战前,他已经准备好使用这套组合技,因此有里德打造的【时空主宰项坠早已被他收入储存空间内。 Demon Hunter King altogether has three shapes, abstains from the shape, the Pendant shape, the spear/gun shape, naturally, regardless of Demon Hunter King is what shape, its coverall attribute will not change, what change is the foundation attribute. 猎魔之王共有三种形态,戒形态,项坠形态,枪形态,当然,无论猎魔之王是什么形态,它的套装属性都不会发生变化,改变的是基础属性。 Abstains from the shape Demon Hunter King to reduce 40% all Anomaly mode durations, the Pendant shape is the time delay enters near-death mode. 戒形态的猎魔之王可减免40%所有异常状态持续时间,项坠形态则是延时进入濒死状态 Unyielding( passive): When Demon Hunter King is the Pendant shape, after HP is lower than 10%, enters near-death mode the time delay 20 seconds( this ability triggering gap is 3 day). 不屈(被动):当猎魔之王项坠形态时,生命值低于10%后,将延时20秒进入濒死状态(此能力触发间隔为三个自然日)。 Dragon Flash cuts the Su Xiao's chest one after another, his HP reduces fast, reduces to below 35% in a flash, but this satisfied Conditions of Use of Absolute Shadow Flash ability. 斩龙闪接连划破苏晓的胸膛,他的生命值快速降低,转瞬间就降低至35%以下,而这就满足了绝影闪能力的使用条件 Su Xiao is opening in Hunting Time, but Absolute Shadow Flash is the ability that Swordplay derives, this naturally is the Su Xiao's ability, therefore present Absolute Shadow Flash is in no Cooldown stage, even if cuts unable to massacre the enemy, can still the long-term usage, the premise be similarly Su Xiao's stamina can maintain. 要知道,苏晓正开启猎魔时刻中,而绝影闪则是刀术所衍生出的能力,这当然是苏晓的自身能力,因此现在的绝影闪进入无冷却阶段,就算斩杀不掉敌人,也同样能连续使用,前提是苏晓的体力能维持。 Sees Su Xiao to brandish a sword autonomy, Stan is vigilant immediately, his surroundings present the jet black line, this is rich to nearly obvious dark gravity, if Su Xiao does not open Hunting Time, he wants to massacre Stan is not an easy matter, the opposite party surrounding several meters regions, almost may not approach the region, the physique is weaker, smashing that even may pull by that alternate dark gravity and dark attraction. 看到苏晓挥刀‘自残’,斯坦马上警惕起来,他周围出现漆黑线条,这是浓郁到近乎可见的暗重力,如果苏晓不是开启猎魔时刻,他想杀掉斯坦绝非易事,对方周围几米的区域,几乎是不可靠近地带,体质弱一些,甚至可能会被那交替的暗重力与暗引力扯的粉碎。
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