RP :: Volume #22

#29: Dark metal domain

In the basement of half collapsing, Su Xiao and Stan looking at each other, Naomi stands in the entrance of basement. 半坍塌的地下室内,苏晓斯坦对视,奈洛伊则站在地下室的入口处。 The Blood Sect member in Holy Grail world nearly all extinguishes, only remains Stan and Naomi two people, but wildness of Stan performance, even if as if the sky collapses, he can still accept confidently. 圣杯世界内的血门团员近乎全灭,仅剩斯坦奈洛伊两人,可斯坦并未表现的狂怒,似乎就算天塌下来,他也能坦然接受。 What has saying that Su Xiao is defeated is not Blood Sect of complete body, because they lack the brain in team, is Azure Nightmare that super Old Fart, although the Stan strategy is not low, but he and Su Xiao are similar, is the military force faction, with these super Old Fart also some disparities. 不得不说的是,苏晓打败的并非是完全体的血门,因为他们缺少团队中的大脑,也就是青魇那种超级老阴哔,斯坦的智谋虽然不低,但他与苏晓类似,属于武力派,与那些超级老阴哔还有些差距。 However any factor could not make up for the fact of Blood Sect failure, moreover Stan also had the opportunity, so long as the homicide fell Su Xiao this serious hidden trouble, after returning to Reincarnation Paradise, can consider to rally, naturally, this also had big Difficulty, the Blood Sect enemy were many, by the present Blood Sect Adventure Group situation, will decide will have many hostile Adventure Group to retaliate. 然而任何因素都弥补不了血门失败的事实,况且斯坦还有机会,只要他杀掉苏晓这心腹大患,返回轮回乐园后就可以考虑重振旗鼓,当然,这也有很大难度,血门的仇家不少,以眼下血门冒险团的情况,定会有很多敌对冒险团来报复。 In the basement a deathly stillness piece, grasps Su Xiao of long blade to stand in same place has not moved, because of him and others, so long as A' Mu arrives, can help him block Stan or the Naomi random person, Su Xiao can butcher another in a short time. 地下室内死寂一片,手持长刀的苏晓站在原地未动,因为他等得起,只要阿姆一到,就能帮他挡住斯坦奈洛伊任意一人,苏晓能在短时间内宰了另一个。 Su Xiao, Stan and Naomi obvious, sees only on Stan to emerge the black golden energy, several metal armor pieces are separated from his chest place, an invisible pulse spreads. 苏晓这边等得起,斯坦奈洛伊明显等不起,只见斯坦身上涌现黑金色能量,几块金属甲片从他胸膛处脱离,一股无形脉冲扩散开来。 When this pulse has swept Su Xiao, he felt that the body surface transmits the pricking, the surroundings present invisible attractions, from is pulling his body in all directions, as if must tear limb from limb by five horses him. 这股脉冲扫过苏晓时,他感觉到体表传来刺痛感,周围出现一股股无形的引力,正从四面八方拉扯他的身体,仿佛要将他五马分尸般。 Prompt: Hunter had been affected by the dark metal domain.】 提示:猎杀者已被暗金属领域波及。】 In Strength attribute Judgement...... Judgement passes.】 力量属性判定中……判定通过。】 In Agility attribute Judgement...... Judgement passes.】 敏捷属性判定中……判定通过。】 In stamina attribute Judgement...... Judgement failure( the enemy side masters the high rank stamina Judgement ability).】 体力属性判定中……判定失败(敌方掌握高阶位体力判定能力)。】 You have withstood the dark metal domain debuff effect, the traveling speed reduce 30%, the healer effect from outside world reduces 50%, every minute of True Damage that receives 240 point dark attraction turbulent flow.】 【你已承受暗金属领域的减益效果,移动速度降低30%,来自外界的治疗效果降低50%,每分钟受到240点暗引力乱流的真实伤害。】 Because of the influence of dark attraction turbulent flow, your physical body defensive power reduces 29 points temporarily.】 【因暗引力乱流的影响,你的肉体防御力临时降低29点。】 【When because of the influence of dark gravity force field, movement has 5% probability triggering gravity dizziness effects, this control effect is physics department control, Swordplay Grandmaster is unable to exempt, the control time is 0.3 ~ 1. 6 seconds.】 【因暗重力力场的影响,移动时有5%的几率触发重力眩晕效果,此控制效果为物理系控制,刀术宗师无法豁免,控制时间为0.3~1.六秒。】 ...... …… The attraction and gravity appear around Su Xiao simultaneously, the previous quarter seems like a mountain to press on his shoulder, the next quarter has the attraction to pull his body, this offensive transformation feeling makes Su Xiao not adapt very much. 引力与重力同时出现在苏晓周围,前一刻还像是一座大山压在他肩膀上,下一刻就有引力拉扯他的身体,这种唐突的转换感让苏晓很不适应。 Sensor to gravity at the same time, Su Xiao thinks of the iron mouse immediately, this ability and ability of iron mouse is very similar, no, should be the enhanced version is right, or is Stan lends the iron mouse through that metal armor piece this ability, ability that rather than the iron mouse arm shield supplements. 感知到重力的同时,苏晓马上想到铁鼠,这能力与铁鼠的能力很相似,不,应该是增强版才对,或者说,是斯坦通过那种金属甲片将这种能力借给铁鼠,而非铁鼠臂盾附带的能力。 A Stan action confirmed Su Xiao's suspicion, his hand wields, a metal armor piece flies to Naomi, armor piece to paste after the chest of Naomi, her immunity the influence of dark gravity and dark attraction. 斯坦的一个举动证实了苏晓的猜想,他的手一挥,一块金属甲片飞向奈洛伊,甲片贴在奈洛伊的胸口后,她免疫了暗重力与暗引力的影响。 Starck's ability can control the dark gravity and dark attraction, thus the manifestation wide scope weakens the domain that + kills the enemy, every minute 240 points True Damage, this is very terrifying effect, Stan only need stand there let alone. 斯塔的能力是能操控暗重力与暗引力,从而形成大范围削弱+杀敌的领域,每分钟240点的真实伤害,这已经是很恐怖的效果,更何况斯坦只需站在那里就可以。 The Stan ability does not strengthen itself, this Su Xiao has thought, the range is big, for many situations, but control, may weaken the enemy, is defensible, this is the ability that Captain most admire. 斯坦的能力并不是强化自身,这点苏晓早就想到,范围大,适用于多种情况,可控制,可削弱敌人,可防御,这才是团长们最心仪的能力。 The dark metal domain opens at the same time, Naomi is also the appearance big change, her lower part turns into the spider shape, the spider abdomen is giant, that eight armor foot Anomaly are sharp, becomes the emerald-green, builds like the alloy. 暗金属领域开启的同时,奈洛伊也是模样大变,她下半身变成蜘蛛形态,蛛腹巨大,那八根甲足异常尖利,成翠绿色,如同合金打造而成。 At this time the Naomi upper part is the person, the lower part is the spider, but Su Xiao always some feelings, are the lower part of that spider shape are not the Naomi main bodies, but is some type of alloy armor. 此时奈洛伊上半身是人身,下半身则是蜘蛛,可苏晓总有种感觉,就是那蜘蛛形态的下半身并不是奈洛伊的本体,而是某种合金装甲。 Ding, ding and ding...... 叮、叮、叮…… Naomi armor steps on the ground fully, exudes a resounding sound, the ground of her place visited emits repeatedly the light smoke, the sour odor proliferation of irritating the nose, this is the acidity is absolutely violently poisonous. 奈洛伊的甲足踩踏地面,发出一阵脆响声,她所过之处的地面冒出屡屡青烟,刺鼻的酸味扩散,这绝对是酸性剧毒。 Stan and Naomi open directly in a big way, the entire journey is almost completed instantaneously, does not have the broken possibility. 斯坦奈洛伊直接开大,全程都几乎是瞬间完成,不存在被打断的可能。 The pale blue energy is elegant in the Su Xiao body surface, he 100 seconds kills these two now, Hunting Time had opened. 淡蓝色能量在苏晓体表飘逸,他现在有100秒时间杀了这两人,猎魔时刻已开启。 Obviously, three people just met open Ultimate to send regards mutually, simply does not have to probe. 显然,三人刚见面就互相开大招问候,根本没进行试探。 Whiz, Naomi has delimited together the green shadow, shortly will have appeared before the Su Xiao body, this speed, even if True Attribute reaches 99 points unable to have. 嗖的一声,奈洛伊划过一道绿影,顷刻间已出现在苏晓身前,这种速度,就算是真实属性达到99点也无法拥有。 Two green armor raise fully, like two sharp alloy fangs to Su Xiao. 两根绿色甲足扬起,如同两根锋利的合金獠牙般向苏晓袭来。 Bang a loud sound, before Su Xiao , the position that is at breaks to pieces Shiheng to fly, grasps him of long blade to vanish in same place, appears again, has stood on the Naomi behind spider abdomen unexpectedly. 轰隆一声巨响,苏晓之前所在的位置碎石横飞,手持长刀的他已经消失在原地,再次出现时,竟已站在奈洛伊身后的蛛腹上。 The long blade quiet breaking open air, cuts to the nape of Naomi, Naomi has detected the sense of crisis, but this blade is too quick , is too sudden. 长刀悄无声息的破开空气,斩向奈洛伊的后颈,奈洛伊已察觉到危机感,可这一刀实在太快,也实在太突然。 In the blade edge will soon cut when the nape of Naomi, by the jet black fist appearance of dark gravity manifestation, the conservative estimate has the grinding pan size, from top to bottom pounds to Su Xiao. 就在刀锋即将斩在奈洛伊的后颈时,一只由暗重力形成的漆黑拳头出现,保守估计有磨盘大小,由上至下向苏晓砸来。 At present Su Xiao has two choices, withdraws using the Shadow Blink ability, or the hard anti- this fist, a blade cut Naomi. 眼下苏晓有两个选择,利用龙影闪能力脱身,或是硬抗这一拳,一刀斩了奈洛伊 Ponder in a flash, Su Xiao vanishes in same place, that only jet black dark gravity fist stops before the spider abdomen of Naomi. 转瞬间的思考,苏晓消失在原地,那只漆黑的暗重力拳停在奈洛伊的蛛腹前。 Naomi is somewhat disappointed, Stan also narrows the pupil, the coordination of their two couples, once does not know that the pit dies many powerful enemies. 奈洛伊有些失望,斯坦同样是眯起眸子,他们两夫妻的这种配合,曾经不知坑死多少强敌。 Su Xiao breaks open the space with the Shadow Blink ability, appears before the Naomi body, the corner of the eye of Naomi jumps, in the heart criticizes: „ This special was also too flexible. „ 苏晓龙影闪能力破开空间,出现在奈洛伊身前,奈洛伊的眼角一跳,心中暗骂:“这特么也太灵活了.“ Titter! 噗嗤! The blood splash, in the vision of Naomi surprise, Su Xiao appears in her body side, a blade cuts off her right arm. 鲜血飞溅,在奈洛伊诧异的目光中,苏晓又出现在她身侧,一刀斩断她的右臂。 Sees this, Stan lifts slowly starts, before treads, his foot deeply submerges the ground, has not arrived at the knee position directly. 看到这一幕,斯坦缓缓抬起脚,一步前踏,他的脚深深没入地面,直接没到膝盖位置。 Bang! 轰! Stan these step treads, the surrounding area half kilometer presents the vibration, above the dark metal domain lowers a strong gravity suddenly, probably invisible day cover Banza to Su Xiao. 斯坦这一步踏下,方圆半公里都出现震动,暗金属领域上方突然降下一股强重力,像是无形天盖般砸向苏晓 Around Su Xiao presents spatial fluctuation, when his space penetration stopped the moment, avoids from the above no difference attack. 苏晓周围出现空间波动,他穿透空间时停顿了片刻,躲开来自上方的无差别攻击。 This time Stan, can only with immovability to describe, but he treads every time one step, will create no difference attack to the domain, climbs the dark metal armor piece except for the body the friend side. 此时的斯坦,只能用不动如山来形容,而他每踏出一步,都会对领域内造成无差别攻击,除了身上攀有暗金属甲片的友方。 Su Xiao close to Stan, the reason is not very simple, the dark gravity and dark attraction near opposite party repel one another, the air twisted, at present close to the opposite party is not the wise action, first butchered Naomi is the best choice. 苏晓始终没靠近斯坦,原因很简单,对方附近的暗重力与暗引力相互排斥,空气都扭曲了,眼下靠近对方绝不是明智之举,先宰了奈洛伊才是最好的选择。 Stan, finding the way to surround him.” 斯坦,想办法困住他。” Naomi is covering the arm single-handed, eye of reveal ominous light. 奈洛伊单手捂着断臂,目露凶光。 Stan has not spoken, he also wants to surround Su Xiao, but Su Xiao nearly is the nonseptate space moves, he cannot catch the trail of opposite party. 斯坦没说话,他也想困住苏晓,可苏晓近乎是无间隔的空间移动,他连对方的踪迹都抓不到。 Naomi just sent out to shout, Su Xiao on the quiet appearance in her behind, a blade cuts. 奈洛伊刚发出大喊,苏晓就悄无声息的出现在她身后,一刀斩下。 Ka one, the Naomi main body unexpectedly with spider abdomen separation of lower part , this thing is facile machine armor, is not the Naomi main body. 咔哒一声,奈洛伊的本体竟与下半身的蛛腹分离,果然,这东西是种轻便机甲,并非奈洛伊的本体。 Places the midair, a Naomi finger check, light machinery armor fast separation of that spider appearance, eight armor fully simultaneously thorn to Su Xiao. 身处半空,奈洛伊的手指一勾,那蜘蛛模样的轻机甲快速分离,八只甲足同时刺向苏晓 Titter! 噗嗤! The long blade cuts into the chest of Naomi, breaks open the muscle and skeleton, a lot of internal organs were cut broken, Naomi is not the ordinary person, that in the separation spider armor has sprung several spider's silks, entangles in her waist, pulls her backward draws back a small section distance, this avoids her being cut two sections by a blade. 长刀斩入奈洛伊的胸膛,破开肌肉与骨骼,大量脏器被斩破,颗奈洛伊也不是等闲之辈,那已经分离的蜘蛛装甲内弹出几根蛛丝,缠在她腰间,将她向后扯退一小段距离,这才避免她被一刀斩成两截。
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