RP :: Volume #22

#28: Two pairs one

West Fuyuki City, an underground that abandons the warehouse, here has one not to calculate the big secret room, approximately more than 50 square meters function, room inner point candle, ray pale yellow. 冬木市西侧,一栋废弃仓库的地下,这里有一间不算大的密室,约50多平米作用,房间内点着蜡烛,光线昏黄。 priest sits on the wooden chair, by his hand is suspending cup Red Wine, on the table is various literature, the so arid and close environment, traded to be the average man to feel ill, but this priest facial expression was indifferent, because here enough security, can let him in short time Nelly in the invincible position. 一名神父坐在木椅上,他手旁摆着杯红酒,桌上则是各类文献,如此枯燥与封闭的环境,换做常人早就感觉到不适,可这名神父却神情淡然,因为这里足够安全,能让他在短时间内利于不败之地。 When priest reads the expression to be somewhat puzzled, he always some ominous premonitions, this feeling looked like by somebody stared recently, but this feeling some were not real, but this priest status, was Kotomine Kirei, he now does not seem joyful. 神父看书时的表情有些困惑,他最近总有种不祥的预感,这种感觉就像是被某个人盯上,可这种感觉却也有些不真实,而这名神父的身份,正是言峰绮礼,他现在似乎并不愉悦。 Bang! 轰! Crack transmits from the door place, priest on wooden chair sets out to show the fight posture, the remnant shadow has delimited from him together at present. 一声炸响从房门处传来,木椅上的神父起身摆出战斗姿势,一道残影从他眼前划过。 After rapid broken wind sound/rumor, Kotomine Kirei felt that the pricking transmits from the back place. 急促的破风声后,言峰绮礼感觉到刺痛感从脊背处传来。 Tittered one, a long blade passed through the chest of Kotomine Kirei, he looked down to that bloodstained knife point, did not need to guess, attacked his certainly is Heroic Spirit. 噗嗤一声,一把长刀贯穿言峰绮礼的胸膛,他低头看向那染血的刀尖,根本不用去猜,袭击他的一定是英灵 It seems like... is my speed is quicker. „ “看来…是我的速度更快。“ Kotomine Kirei behind Su Xiao long breathes a sigh of relief, he can rush quickly, because of him and Boubo coordination. 言峰绮礼身后的苏晓长舒了口气,他能这么快赶到,是因为他与布布汪的配合。 First is Su Xiao long-distance ambushes the Stan three people with Duke of Silence, while this opportunity, has tracked three people of Boubo to start to rush on ahead before to dash about wildly, runs to the position that Kotomine Kirei is. 首先是苏晓寂灭公爵远程狙击斯坦三人,趁此机会,之前一直跟踪三人的布布汪开始夺路狂奔,跑向言峰绮礼所在的位置。 When Stan three people of when the fire range of running out of Duke of Silence, Boubo uses immediately Wolf clan family heirloom, Su Xiao charged into the Stan three people before, does not want to fight with these people, but is catching up to the initial station coordinates of Boubo establishment. 斯坦三人冲出寂灭公爵的射击范围时,布布汪马上使用【狼族传家宝】,之前苏晓冲向斯坦三人,并不是想和这些人交手,而是在向布布汪设置的起始点坐标赶。 Dashed about wildly several minutes of Boubo to establish the terminal node, the use Wolf clan family heirloom Drags to entrain Su Xiao to it, making Su Xiao exceed the Stan three people at one fell swoop, directly soars Kotomine Kirei. 狂奔几分钟的布布汪又设置了终结点,利用【狼族传家宝】将苏晓拖拽至它附近,让苏晓一举超越斯坦三人,直奔言峰绮礼而来。 As for Blood Sect whether has the space class ability or scroll, Su Xiao in the gambling, bets Blood Sect this Fourth Order Adventure Group not extremely high rank space item or the space ability, ability that type may be called the random gate, the shell is not Fourth Order can contact. 至于血门是否有空间类能力或卷轴这点,苏晓是在赌,赌血门这个四阶冒险团没有太过高阶的空间道具或空间能力,那种堪称任意门的能力,壳不是四阶能接触到。 Wolf clan family heirloom But the Legendary equipment, Grading reaches as high as 508 points, even so, wants to use Wolf clan family heirloom Completes the transmission, that also needs to establish initial and terminal node, rather than the random gate, which wants to go to go. 要知道,【狼族传家宝】可是传说级装备,评分高达508点,纵使如此,想用【狼族传家宝】完成传送,那也需要设置初始点与终结点,而不是任意门,想去哪就去哪。 Su Xiao also has space class ability Shadow Blink, Shadow Blink can indeed move at will, but the moving distance of this ability is only 12 meters. 苏晓也有空间类能力龙影闪,龙影闪的确是能随意移动,可这种能力的移动距离仅有12米。 According to Su Xiao's understood, the space ability of random movement, the transportable distance is not far, far is very slow, needs to establish Array Chart, assigns the coordinates, that type moves more than ten kilometers instantaneously . Moreover the extremely accurate ability, needs the space coordinate, for example Wolf clan family heirloom. 根据苏晓的了解,任意移动的空间能力,可移动距离都不远,远的则是非常慢,需要设置阵图,指定坐标等,那种瞬间移动十几公里,而且还极为精准的能力,就是需要空间坐标,就比如【狼族传家宝】。 But the space of ultra long-distance range moves, without establishment space Array Chart, many are the random kind, unlucky possibly moves to the construction in directly, causes dies by the space and building extrusion. 而超远距离的空间移动,在不设置空间阵图的情况下,多数都是随机类,倒霉一些的可能直接移动到建筑内,导致被空间与建筑挤压而死。 If Blood Sect really has the ability that can move to Kotomine Kirei instantaneously, that Su Xiao is willing to accept this failure, that ability or the scroll, Fifth Order Contractor does not have even. 如果血门真的有能瞬间移动至言峰绮礼附近的能力,那苏晓甘愿接受这次的失败,那种能力或卷轴,就算是五阶契约者也没有。 Su Xiao just a blade pierced the heart of Kotomine Kirei, ceiling of a spider from basement drills, when eight spiders together looks to Su Xiao. 苏晓刚一刀刺穿言峰绮礼的心脏,一只蜘蛛从地下室的天棚钻出,八只蛛眼同时看向苏晓 Above the basement, before abandoning the warehouse gate, Naomi stops the footsteps suddenly, and opens the Adventure Group channel, uses the jurisdiction issue urgent message of team arbitration officer. 地下室上方,废弃仓库门前,奈洛伊陡然停住脚步,并打开冒险团频道,利用团队仲裁官的权限发布紧急消息。 In Blood Sect team channel: 血门的团队频道内: Naomi( team arbitration officer): Team Main Mission will soon be defeated, in all Holy Grail world member instantly leave team.” 奈洛伊(团队仲裁官):“团队主线任务即将失败,所有圣杯世界内团员即刻退团。” ...... …… This team news appears in Holy Grail world all Blood Sect Adventure Group the members at present, more than 100 members mostly in same place, their some do not dare to believe that did they defeat like this? Until now, the surface of their enemy has not seen. 这条团队消息出现在圣杯世界内所有血门冒险团的团员眼前,一百多名团员们大多都愣在原地,他们有些不敢置信,他们就这样败了?迄今为止,他们连敌人的面都没见过。 If Adventure Group Main Mission will soon be defeated, then this Adventure Group Contractor have opportunity a time, refutes the entire attribute to deduct 60%, and deducts 50% all properties penalty, forces to be separated from Adventure Group, is this urgent fleeing survivor? No, this was the chronic death. 一个冒险团主线任务如果即将失败,那么这个冒险团契约者们有一次机会,就是硬顶着全属性扣除60%,并扣除50%所有财产的惩罚,强制脱离冒险团,这是紧急逃生?不,这是慢性死亡。 In the basement, Su Xiao just a blade pierced the chest of Kotomine Kirei, the top of the head hears one to thunder, Stan and big piece building wreckage fall together...... 地下室内,苏晓刚一刀刺穿言峰绮礼的胸膛,头顶就传来一声轰鸣,斯坦与大片建筑残骸一同落下…… The Su Xiao top of the head just heard the bellow, in his hand the long blade is one side, the pale blue ray is centered on the Dragon Flash central point to proliferate, over a hundred close Blade Aura spread in Kotomine Kirei within the body. 苏晓头顶刚传来轰鸣声,他手中长刀就是一侧,淡蓝色光芒以斩龙闪为中心点扩散,上百道细密刀芒言峰绮礼体内扩散开来。 Brushes one, the body of Kotomine Kirei was shattered, is almost simultaneously, Blood Sect Adventure Group reduces 76 members instantaneously, their was transmitted Holy Grail world one after another, these people have not continued with Su Xiao for the qualifications of enemy, even, they in later easily will not disclose oneself once were the Blood Sect member, as for other members, they hesitated the moment is too late, leave team penalty was too frigid. 刷拉一声,言峰绮礼的身体破碎,几乎是同时,血门冒险团瞬间减少76名团员,他们被接连传送出圣杯世界,这些人已经没有与苏晓继续为敌的资格,甚至于,他们在之后都不会轻易透露自己曾经是血门的团员,至于其他团员,他们只是犹豫了片刻就为时已晚,退团惩罚太惨烈。 In the basement, Stan looks at the Kotomine Kirei shatter body, as well as opposite party that was once invaded by the Holy Grail sludge, at present had been cut the heart of hashed meat, team Main Mission, the failure. 地下室内,斯坦看着言峰绮礼破碎的身体,以及对方那颗曾被圣杯污泥所侵染,眼下已被斩到碎肉的心脏,团队主线任务,失败。 The blue vein on Stan nape of the neck sticks out suddenly, the fist gets hold of ka ka makes noise. 斯坦脖颈上的青筋暴起,拳头握紧的咔咔作响。 God of plague that grass, where you come.” “艹,你到底是哪来的瘟神。” The Old Smokey spear/gun facial expression tranquil entering basement, he lights on cigarette, deeply attracted one. 老烟枪神情平静的走进地下室,他点上一支烟,深吸了一口。 White Night, the father defeated even, will not die in your hands , father called the Old Smokey spear/gun.” 白夜,老子就算败了,也不会死在你手里,记好了,老子叫老烟枪。” The Old Smokey spear/gun spout light smoke, the corners of the mouth turn upwards, dignity that even the death, he must die. 老烟枪吐出口青烟,嘴角翘起,就算死,他也要死的体面。 A chains emerges out of thin air after the Old Smokey spear's/gun's body, pricks his back, the skin reappearing fissure of his body surface, like the shatter ceramics, later was gradually stripped, suddenly, the Old Smokey spear/gun changes into the flying ash, gradually volatilizes in the air. 一根锁链在老烟枪身后凭空出现,刺入他的脊背,他体表的皮肤浮现裂痕,如同破碎的陶瓷,之后逐渐被剥离,眨眼间,老烟枪化为飞灰,逐渐挥发在空气中。 Even if Su Xiao had once seen repeatedly by Forced Execution Contractor, when Forced Execution that terrifying fluctuation, still makes him have a vivid memory, if one day his short distance Sensor to that fluctuation, that perhaps is his time of death. 纵使苏晓曾多次见过被强行处决契约者,可强行处决时那种恐怖波动,却依然让他记忆犹新,如果某一天他近距离感知到那股波动,那或许就是他的死期。 In basement, Stan static is staring at Su Xiao, what is strange, he by Forced Execution, has to together concave-convex the form is leapt from the above, is Naomi, she also had not been executed, this makes Su Xiao think, two people likely have to exempt from the main plot Mission Failure jurisdiction, this thing he had long ago obtained, is also saving, but after using similar jurisdiction, Stan and Naomi are unable to stay in this world are too long, moreover empties in this world income completely. 地下室内,斯坦静静的盯着苏晓,奇怪的是,他并未被强行处决,一道凹凸有致的身影从上方跃下,是奈洛伊,她同样未被处决,这让苏晓想到,两人很可能是有豁免主线任务失败的权限,这东西他在很久之前就获得过,至今还存着,不过使用类似权限后,斯坦奈洛伊无法在这个世界停留太久,而且在这个世界的收益完全清空。 Naomi, you biggest weakness is softhearted.” 奈洛伊,你最大的弱点就是心慈手软。” The Stan opens the mouth, previously Naomi when the team channel issued news that Main Mission will soon be defeated, used the jurisdiction of team arbitration officer, that news, is not only the member in Holy Grail world can see, the members in other Derivative World can also see similarly, same time so many member leave team, but also dozens people by Forced Execution, the members in other world are thought does not pay attention difficultly, this will cause the Blood Sect entire Adventure Group turbulence, 斯坦开口,之前奈洛伊在团队频道内发布主线任务即将失败的消息时,用了团队仲裁官的权限,那条消息,不仅是圣杯世界内的团员能看到,其他衍生世界内的团员同样也能看到,同时间那么多团员退团,而且还有几十人被强行处决,其他世界内的团员们想不注意都难,这会导致血门整个冒险团的动荡, I and you are different, without you are so ruthless, although these members each is a bastard, homicidal maniac, but since they follow I to risk one's life, I will not make them fall by Forced Execution in the situation of knowing nothing.” “我和你不同,没你那么狠,那些团员虽然每个都是混蛋,杀人狂,可既然他们跟着我出生入死,我就不会让他们在毫不知情的情况下被强行处决掉。” The body of Naomi gradually has the change, although her some loose and fickle, but she absolutely is a female man. 奈洛伊的身体逐渐出现变化,虽然她有些水性杨花,但她绝对是位女汉子。 Womanly compassion.” “妇人之仁。” Stan no longer pays attention to Naomi, but looks to Su Xiao, the present situation was very simple, two pairs one. 斯坦不再理会奈洛伊,而是看向苏晓,现在的情况就很简单了,二对一。
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