RP :: Volume #22

#27: Plans mutually

The development the present degree, Su Xiao is not accidental/surprised, Blood Sect after all is large-scale Adventure Group, can in Adventure Group that Fourth Order dominates, how they possibly do not have some methods. 事态发展到眼下的程度,苏晓并不意外,血门毕竟是一个大型冒险团,一个能在四阶称霸的冒险团,他们怎么可能没些手段。 Su Xiao looked at distant place Tohsaka Rin, Illya and the others, which link he has problems in the consideration, quick, his vision centralized on Illya. 苏晓看了眼远处的远坂凛伊莉雅等人,他在考虑是哪个环节出了问题,很快,他的目光集中在伊莉雅身上。 A' Mu and Tohsaka Rin were not been big by the tracking possibility, therefore the issue is very possible on Illya, a possibility is, before Su Xiao goes to the Einzbern home castle, the Blood Sect person has arrived there ahead of time, and decided the coordinates on Illia. 阿姆远坂凛追踪的可能性不大,所以问题很可能出在伊莉雅身上,有一种可能就是,在苏晓爱因兹贝伦家的城堡前,血门的人已经提前抵达那里,并在伊利亚身上定了坐标。 Thinks of this, Su Xiao half step and Tohsaka Rin and the others met, on the way of vanguard, he that cell phone income team storage space. 想到这点,苏晓快步与远坂凛等人会合,前行途中,他将那部手机收入团队储存空间内。 Just met with Tohsaka Rin, Su Xiao started on Sensor Illya to have coordinates one kind, but he was not the Sensor department, cannot detect Anomaly. 刚与远坂凛会合,苏晓就开始感知伊莉雅身上有没有坐标一类,可他并不是感知系,没能察觉到异常 Su Xiao is not disappointed, instead takes the people to set out to the Fuyuki City center, goes through quickly on the street, the decisive battle started ahead of time. 苏晓并不失望,反而带上众人向冬木市中心处进发,快步穿行在街道上,决战提前开始了。 Su Xiao rushes to Fuyuki City Area Central Street fast, in sealing of suburb messy building, Contractor both eyes that sits in the metal chair shut tightly, his full is the wire, these wires deeply prick in his flesh. 苏晓这边快速赶往冬木市中心街,郊外烂尾楼的结界内,一名坐在金属椅的契约者双目紧闭,他身上满是导线,这些导线都深深刺入他的血肉中。 Captain, they are setting out to Fuyuki City Area Central Street.” 团长,他们在向冬木市中心街进发。” The Contractor opens the mouth of whole body wire, transmits this important intelligence to Stan oneself, this moment Stan near Fuyuki City Area Central Street. 满身导线的契约者开口,将这个重要情报传递给斯坦本人,此刻斯坦就位于冬木市中心街附近。 Through the special channel, Stan understood that Church has sent, this makes him determine, Su Xiao had been clear their team Main Mission are anything, this nearly is the desperate situation. 通过特殊渠道,斯坦了解到圣堂教会已经派人,这让他确定,苏晓已经清楚他们的团队主线任务是什么,这近乎是绝望的情况。 Stan not desperate, he immediately orders an assassination squad secret to leave sealing, and wants to make that squad means constrain Su Xiao, how long can drag to drag how long, because they obtain the Kotomine Kirei coordinates, what now competes is the speed, who first arrives at whom to win. 斯坦并未绝望,他马上命令一个暗杀小队秘密离开结界,并想让那个小队办法拖住苏晓,能拖多久就拖多久,因为他们已经得到言峰绮礼的坐标,现在比拼的是速度,谁先到谁胜。 Stan receives Su Xiao after the news that Area Central Street catches up with, his footsteps, because of the Kotomine Kirei position in the Fuyuki City edge, the direction that Su Xiao leads the way, clearly dashes to them. 斯坦接到苏晓正向中心街赶的消息后,他的脚步一顿,因为言峰绮礼的位置在冬木市边缘,苏晓前行的方向,分明是向他们直扑来。 The Su Xiao's action lets some Stan doubts, his clear Su Xiao difficult to deal with, at present this crude behavior, is not the Su Xiao anger launches a psychological attack, loses the reason, has something else planned. 苏晓的举动着实让斯坦有些疑惑,他清楚苏晓有多难对付,眼下这鲁莽的行为,不是苏晓怒火攻心,失去理智,就是另有所图。 Stan, what to do, dashed, must assemble the manpower to extinguish him.” 斯坦,怎么办,直扑过来了,要不要集结人手灭了他。” During the Naomi speeches makes to shear the throat hand signal, Stan has not spoken, because he knows, at present any wrong resolution possibly causes beyond redemption. 奈洛伊说话间做个割喉手势,斯坦没说话,因为他知道,眼下任何一个错误决断都可能导致万劫不复。 You and Old Smokey spear/gun stay behind obstruct him.” “你和老烟枪留下阻截他。” Ok.” “可以。” Naomi stops the footsteps immediately, nearby Old Smokey spear/gun somewhat hesitates, the iron mouse dies miserable, he comes clearly into view. 奈洛伊马上停下脚步,一旁的老烟枪有些犹豫,铁鼠死的有多惨,他可是历历在目。 Captain, was very near, most 1 kilometer, 900 meters, 700 meters, 500 meters, he stopped. „ 团长,很近了,最多一公里,900米,700米,500米,他停住了。“ Un? Stopped?” “嗯?停住了?” The Stan stop moment, in the brain the thought racing, then bellows to Naomi and Old Smokey spear/gun. 斯坦停顿片刻,脑中念头急转,转而对奈洛伊老烟枪大吼一声。 Walks, at the maximum speed goes to the coordinates position.” “走,以最快速度去坐标位置。” Didn't obstruct White Night?” “不阻截白夜了?” „... Does not have the significance. „ “已经…没意义。“ Stan jumps onto a roof of residents, fast vertical leaps in the short buildings, Naomi and Old Smokey spear/gun, although is not clear what's the matter, but they choose to follow. 斯坦跃上一栋民宅的房顶,在矮楼间快速纵跃,奈洛伊老烟枪虽然不清楚是怎么回事,可他们都选择跟上。 In the dim light of night alley, the form of Black & White interaction is dashing about wildly together, that coquettish drifting movement from the curve, this is not just Boubo. 夜色的小巷内,一道黑白相间的身影正在狂奔,从转弯时那风骚的漂移动作来看,这不正是布布汪吗。 This moment Boubo is breaknecking to dash about wildly, opens the strength of family/home to cause continually, in its mouth is also holding in the mouth a telephone, is the priest Dawn that non- telephone, Blood Sect Adventure Group wants to destroy this thing, did to is actually defeated. 此刻布布汪正玩命狂奔,连拆家的力气都使出来,它口中还叼着一步电话,正是神父道恩那不电话,血门冒险团原本想破坏这东西,奈何却失败了。 Blood Sect can find Su Xiao, indeed was they established the coordinates on Illya, not these people had foresight, but in guard in not however, while convenient the surveillance this Master trend. 血门之所以能找到苏晓,的确是他们在伊莉雅身上设置了坐标,并非这些人未卜先知,而是在防范于未然,顺便监视这名御主的动向。 After Su Xiao to castle of Einzbern, Stan and the others receive the message, knowing Su Xiao must contact Mage's Association, when reported Kotomine Kirei, Stan and Naomi guessed correctly, Su Xiao knew their Main Mission. 苏晓到了爱因兹贝伦家的城堡后,斯坦等人就收到消息,得知苏晓要联络魔术协会,举报言峰绮礼时,斯坦奈洛伊都猜到,苏晓知道了他们的主线任务 After Su Xiao reported was successful, Stan also felt that this method was good, but he was clear that his trend was being monitored, therefore this proposition was proposed by Naomi, although two couples were inharmonious, but the performing skill had, therefore Boubo has not discovered what clue, when Stan contacted Mage's Association, but also reported Su Xiao while convenient, what a pity not too big result. 苏晓举报成功后,斯坦也感觉这方法不错,不过他清楚自身的动向正被监视着,所以这个提议是由奈洛伊提出,两夫妻虽然不睦,但演技还是有的,因此布布汪没发现什么端倪,斯坦联络魔术协会时,还顺便举报了苏晓,可惜没太大成效。 The later matter was simple, priest Dawn rushes, when he puts out that cell phone, will be doomed his life to come to the end. 之后的事情就简单了,神父道恩赶到,当他拿出那部手机时,就注定他的生命将走到尽头。 The Blood Sect first spear/gun wants to destroy that cell phone, may while priest Dawn puts out the cell phone, Su Xiao, seizes this thing for safety's sake conveniently, he was not knows in advance the bullet, but wants to seize the cell phone, therefore he was quicker than one step the bullet. 血门的第一枪就是想破坏那部手机,可在神父道恩拿出手机的同时,苏晓出于保险起见,顺手夺下这东西,他并非是预知到了子弹,而是原本就想夺下手机,因此他比子弹更快一步。 One is a kind of event showed that Blood Sect indeed has when the qualifications that Fourth Order dominates, the Holy Grail world initial period, they indeed somewhat were hit ignorant by Su Xiao, may after slow the god, this team machine starts to operate. 一系类事件表明,血门的确有在四阶称霸的资格,圣杯世界初期时,他们的确有些被苏晓打懵,可在缓过神后,这个团队机器就开始运作起来。 At present both sides have the coordinates, who first arrives in the coordinates the position, holds or massacres Kotomine Kirei, is who wins. 眼下双方都有坐标,谁先抵达坐标的位置,抓住或杀掉言峰绮礼,就是谁胜。 Before several minutes, Su Xiao plunges the Stan three people of actions directly, makes these three people be surprised, because Su Xiao has not only fired into the coordinates, instead toward opposite direction advance. 几分钟前苏晓直接扑向斯坦三人的举动,着实让这三人大感意外,因为苏晓不仅没冲向坐标,反而往相反的方向突进。 This is Su Xiao is attracting their attention intentionally, fears them unable to see, but also takes Illya this traitor within, or Illya does not know oneself is a traitor within. 这是苏晓在故意吸引他们的注意力,怕他们看不到,还带上伊莉雅这个‘内奸’,或者说,伊莉雅都不知道自己是内奸。 Su Xiao does that is giving Boubo to win the time, at present a series of matters, happen in just several minutes, Tohsaka Rin and Illya compel very much ignorant, they stand in the jet black alley, two moe the younger sister as if in the silent interrogation, who I am, which I am, a moment ago who attacked us. 苏晓这么做,是在给布布汪争取时间,眼下一系列的事,都是在短短几分钟内发生,远坂凛伊莉雅都很懵逼,她们站在漆黑的小巷内,两名萌妹子仿佛都在无声的质问,我是谁,我在哪,刚才谁袭击了我们。 Before Su Xiao , after flushing several steps, jumps high, his finger like the hook, pricks in an outer wall of tall building, and climbs up at the extremely quick speed upwards. 苏晓前冲几步后就高高跃起,他的手指如钩,刺入一栋高楼的外墙内,并以极快的速度向上方攀爬。 At the maximum speed puts up Duke of Silence after the roof, Su Xiao turns on the hot induction device, after a search, he found beyond one kilometer 3 to run fast far red. 以最快速度在楼顶架好寂灭公爵后,苏晓开启热感应装置,经过一番搜寻,他找到一公里外三个快速跑远的红点。 Bang, bang and bang...... 轰、轰、轰…… Su Xiao starts to explode to the Stan three people of crazy bang randomly, at present can the hit opposite party not be unimportant, constraining these three people are more important. 苏晓开始对着斯坦三人狂轰乱炸,眼下能不能命中对方不重要,拖住这三人更重要。 Fast vertical leaps among Stan figure in residents, a bullet bang in his 5 meters places. 正快速纵跃在民宅间的斯坦身形一顿,一颗子弹轰在他身旁五米处。 The Stan three people refute the Su Xiao's crazy bang to explode randomly to Fuyuki City clash, but Duke of Silence is not good to resist, their speeds markedly reduce. 斯坦三人硬顶着苏晓的狂轰乱炸向冬木市西侧冲,可寂灭公爵不是那么好抗的,他们三人的速度明显降低。 After a crazy bang explodes randomly, the maximum range that three people run out of Duke of Silence, vanishes in the dim light of night, but in the next quarter, Su Xiao vanishes in suddenly same place, disappears without a trace. 一番狂轰乱炸后,三人冲出寂灭公爵的最大射程,消失在夜色中,而在下一刻,苏晓突然消失在原地,不知去向。 The Fuyuki City suburb, sealing opening in messy building, more than 100 Contractor run out from sealing, scene Anomaly is magnificent, before them , the direction that to/clashes is the same, hurries to Fuyuki City. 冬木市郊外,一片烂尾楼内的结界开启,一百多名契约者结界内冲出,场面异常壮观,他们前冲的方向相同,都是向冬木市西侧赶去。
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