RP :: Volume #22

#26: Killer

A trailer goes on the Fuyuki City street, after the car(riage), Tohsaka Rin on top grade seat long breathes a sigh of relief, finally to gentle road section. 一辆拖车行驶在冬木市的街道上,车后特等席上的远坂凛长舒了口气,终于到了平缓路段。 The riding feeling of top grade seat is very bad, can see from Illya that desperate small face, but the top grade seat has an advantage, that is safe, after all has A' Mu and Hercules here, by their physiques, keeps off around Tohsaka Rin and Illya body, the enemy will not have to attack these two m Master desires. 特等席的乘坐感很糟糕,从伊莉雅那绝望的小脸上就能看出,但特等席有一种好处,那就是安全,毕竟有阿姆与赫拉克勒斯在此,以他们两个的体格,挡在远坂凛伊莉雅身前后,敌人根本不会有袭击这两名master的欲望。 Where the Kotomine Kirei exact location is.” 言峰绮礼的具体位置在哪。” In the vehicle shed of trailer, Su Xiao is outlining the one portion electronic map, if as expected, can solve and Stan gratitude and grudges tonight. 拖车的车棚内,苏晓正勾勒一份电子地图,如果不出意外,今晚就能解决与斯坦的恩怨。 In underground.” “在地下。” Driving priest Dawn opens the mouth, although he is not good at fighting, but the tracking ability absolutely is the top level in Church, or he is the logistic personnel. 驾驶位的神父道恩开口,他虽然不擅长战斗,可追踪能力绝对是圣堂教会内的顶尖水平,或者说,他就是后勤人员。 Kirei he......, sorry, Kotomine Kirei knew about us very much, we also think understands him very much, now seems like not this, is inconceivable, has the person of that achievement, unexpectedly will resort to all means.” 绮礼他……,抱歉,言峰绮礼对我们很了解,原本我们也认为很了解他,现在看来并不是这样,难以想象,有那种成就的人,居然会这么不择手段。” priest Dawn is still that lazy facial expression, as if could not be interested to anything. 神父道恩依然是那副慵懒的神情,似乎对什么都提不起兴趣。 You use what tracking he. „ “你用什么追踪他。“ Intuition.” “直觉。” „......” “……” Su Xiao has not spoken, but unemotional looks at priest Dawn. 苏晓没说话,只是面无表情的看着神父道恩。 Hey, cracks a joke, will draw near, this thing can the tracking Kotomine Kirei position, only if he will take off the chest front the Cross Style frame.” “喂喂,开玩笑而已,快到了,这东西能追踪言峰绮礼的位置,除非他摘下胸前的十字架。” priest Dawn is grasping the steering wheel single-handed, another searches into the bosom, in Su Xiao thinks when the opposite party must pull out what strange miracle item, Dawn pulls out a cell phone from the bosom, looks at the appearance, is compared with of intelligence. 神父道恩单手握着方向盘,另一手探入怀中,就在苏晓认为对方要掏出什么稀奇古怪的神迹物品时,道恩从怀中掏出一部手机,看模样,还是比较智能的那种。 tracking ?” 追踪器?” Naturally, how otherwise I am possible tracking to Kotomine Kirei.” “当然了,否则我怎么可能追踪言峰绮礼。” priest Dawn eyeful surprise looks at Su Xiao, now Su Xiao carries priest of cell phone not to hold anything to anticipate to this along completely. 神父道恩满眼诧异的看着苏晓,现在苏晓对这名随身携带手机的神父完全不抱什么期待了。 Clergy have the repel psychology of certain extent to the modernized tool, including Kotomine Kirei, this more convenient tracking , their two fathers'and sons' once actions, the church knew certainly, was only......” “神职人员对现代化工具都有一定程度的排斥心理,包括言峰绮礼,这样就更方便追踪,他们两父子曾经的所作所为,教会当然知晓一些,只是……” ! 啪啦! The blood splash, a bullet penetrates the Su Xiao's arm, before his arm was punctured, he seizes the cell phone in priest Dawn hand quickly, the next quarter, another bullet emerges out of thin air, shoots through the priest Dawn's head, submerges behind in the vehicle shed go-between directly. 鲜血飞溅,一颗子弹穿透苏晓的手臂,不过在他手臂被打穿前,他就以迅雷不及掩耳之势夺下神父道恩手中的手机,下一刻,又一颗子弹凭空出现,射穿神父道恩的头颅,径直没入车棚后方的连接环内。 When a lang loud sound, the hauling Link Break of front and rear area of trailer opens, disintegrates two sections. 当啷一声巨响,拖车的车头与后方的牵引环断开,解体成两截。 The rear top grade seat feels the slight bumpy feeling, but the front front direct side turns, after tumbling two, leaves behind the glass fragments to bang into by the street residents everywhere. 后方的特等席只是感觉到轻微的颠簸感,可前方的车头直接侧翻,翻滚两圈后,留下满地碎玻璃撞入街道旁的民宅内。 The headless trailer leads the way about hundred meters to stop, A' Mu first leaps from the vehicle, the half step runs to the residents who that was dislodged the hole. 无头拖车前行近百米才停下,阿姆最先从车上跃下,快步向那栋被撞出窟窿的民宅跑去。 In the residents, the tractor-truck to become Cefan shape card enters in a wall, Su Xiao in cab stands up, goes out from the front windshield place, in his hand also takes a cell phone that stains the bloodstain. 民宅内,拖车头成侧翻状卡进一面墙壁中,驾驶室内的苏晓站起身,从前方挡风玻璃处走出,他手中还拿着一部沾满血迹的手机。 Su Xiao flung the blood on cell phone, what is lucky is this cell phone can also use, on the phone screen is the one portion very crude map, red points in the map above position twinkle. 苏晓甩了甩手机上的鲜血,万幸的是这手机还能用,手机屏幕上是一份很简陋的地图,有一颗红点在地图偏上方的位置闪烁。 The position that Su Xiao is a bedroom, on the bed of bedroom has a young couple, they by sitting in bedhead position. Eyeful panic-stricken, on the bedding also has the big piece concrete fragment, the forehead of that husband swells up a large package, can see the bloodstain indistinctly. 苏晓所在的位置是间卧室,卧室的床上有一对年轻夫妻,他们靠坐在床头位置。满眼惊恐,被褥上还有大片混凝土碎片,那位男主人的额头肿起个大包,隐约能看到血迹。 Conceivable, when this to the young couple sleeps, suddenly the tractor-truck bangs into their bedrooms, their moods at this moment will have are terrified and compel ignorant, particularly in cab also headless corpses, twitching of unconsciousness. 可以想象,这对年轻夫妻正在睡觉时,突然有一个拖车头撞入他们的卧室,他们此刻的心情会有多么惶恐与懵逼,尤其是驾驶室内还有一具无头尸体,正无意识的抽搐。 Su Xiao patted dust, very calm shoving open bedroom gate, but also convenient door pass/test strict, after Su Xiao walks, several seconds, in the bedroom spreads the female squeal. 苏晓拍了拍身上的灰尘,很淡定的推开卧室门,还顺手将门关严,苏晓走后几秒钟,卧室内才传出女性的尖叫声。 Goes out of the residents, the Su Xiao's vision looks all around on the street, does not need to want also to know that this is Blood Sect does, other will act alone Contractor not to take such big risk to kill priest, the opposite party will bury the person of mechanism/organization let alone. 走出民宅,苏晓的目光在街道上环顾,不用想也知道这是血门做的,其他独行契约者不会冒这么大风险来杀一位神父,更何况对方还是埋葬机关的人。 Unexpected.” “出人意料。” Su Xiao walks on the street, the vision of that inspection even more is everywhere sharp, that spear/gun did not raid a moment ago from the distant place, if such, the Su Xiao's Instinct ability will forewarn immediately. 苏晓走在街道上,那四处巡视的目光越发犀利,刚才那一枪不是从远处袭来,如果是那样,苏晓的直感能力会在第一时间预警。 That bullet emerges out of thin air in front of the priest Dawn, later destroys his head. 那颗子弹是凭空出现在神父道恩面前,之后打碎他的脑袋。 At this time from a Su Xiao five kilometers away basement, one male and two female is standing here, in the male person hand takes the heavy sniper's rifle, not far away before his body has a crystal mirror, the image in crystal mirror walks Su Xiao on street. 此时距离苏晓五公里远的一间地下室内,一男两女正站在这里,男人手中拿着吧重型狙击枪,在他身前不远处有一块水晶镜,水晶镜内的影像正是走在街道上的苏晓 Again definite coordinates.” “重新确定坐标。” The men spoke at the same time drew the bolt, orange yellow egg shell shot, wisp of haze that above carried scattered slowly. 男人说话的同时拉动枪栓,一颗橙黄的蛋壳弹起,上面携带的一缕烟气缓缓飘散。 Side the man, a short hair governing elder sister refers to presents a bullet, she to this bullet light kiss, in mouth in a low voice twittering. 在男人身旁,一名短发御姐指间出现颗子弹,她对这颗子弹轻吻,口中低声呢喃了一句。 The men received the bullet, from beginning to end he is unemotional, he is human, he actually looks like a machine for murder, numb, stereotypical, ice-cold, this man called the death penalty, Blood Sect Adventure Group trained for coping with other Contractor killers specially. 男人接过子弹,从始至终他都面无表情,与其说他是人类,他其实更像一台用于杀人的机器,麻木,呆板,冰冷,这男人叫死刑,血门冒险团专门培养出用于对付其他契约者的杀手。 I most can also maintain a spear/gun, from was too far.” “我最多还能维持一枪,距离太远了。” Another long hair young girl opens the mouth, her holding their palms together, in the pupil flashes the colorful ray. 另一名长发少女开口,她的双手合十,眸子内闪动五彩斑斓的光芒。 Was enough.” “足够了。” The death penalty received the bullet that the short hair governing elder sister hands over, on shoots, draws the hitch, lifts gun the aiming, Su Xiao in goal that crystal mirror. 死刑接过短发御姐递来的子弹,上弹,拉栓,举枪瞄准,目标正是那块水晶镜内的苏晓 The death penalty has not opened fire immediately, he draws out the tactical dagger of waist, a blade lacerated the artery of arm, the blood spurted directly. 死刑并未在第一时间开枪射击,他拔出腰间的战术匕首,一刀割破自己手臂的动脉,鲜血直接喷了出来。 What unexpected is, the blood unexpectedly counter volume of death penalty on, to that on social climbing heavy sniper's rifle. 让人意想不到的是,死刑的血竟逆卷而上,向那把重型狙击枪上攀附。 After 30 seconds, the short hair governing elder sister is somewhat unable to continue watching, the anxious sound says: „The death penalty, lets blood again, predeceasing certainly is you.” 30秒后,短发御姐有些看不下去,急声开口说道:“死刑,再放血,先死的一定是你。” Not, by far not, he is very strong, therefore......” “还不够,远远不够,他很强,所以……” Brushes one, the tactical dagger delimits the short hair governing elder sister's nape of the neck, the short hair governing elder sister has turned the head to look to the death penalty, eyeful angry. 刷拉一声,战术匕首划过短发御姐的脖颈,短发御姐转头看向死刑,满眼愤怒。 You retarded, said dozens times, needing the blood must inform ahead of time, moreover must shear the arm.” “你是弱智吗,说了几十次,需要鲜血要提前通知,而且要割手臂。” The short hair governing elder sister is grasping the throat single-handed, and puts out the medicament for hematischesis, several seconds the volume of blood, makes the short hair governing elder sister somewhat collapse, this is that is the result the mysterious side sniper's rifle. 短发御姐单手握着喉咙,并拿出用于止血的药剂,短短几秒的出血量,就让短发御姐有些虚脱,这是那把神秘侧的狙击枪所致。 The death penalty has not paid attention to the short hair governing elder sister, he deducts the trigger slowly, loud sound descendants spring the chest cavity, injects in the crystal mirror, this spear/gun do not say is Su Xiao, even if withstand/top A' Mu of shield unable to shoulder directly. 死刑没理会短发御姐,他缓缓扣下扳机,一声巨响后子弹出膛,射入水晶镜内,这一枪不要说是苏晓,就算是顶盾的阿姆都不能正面扛。 Meanwhile, walks Su Xiao on street to feel suddenly fine hair erectness, before this is not the crisis raids the premonition, but is the Instinct ability is forewarning, a bullet has appeared before him, only has several centimeters distance from his forehead. 与此同时,走在街道上的苏晓突然感觉到汗毛直立,这并非是危机袭来前的预感,而是直感能力在预警,一颗子弹已经出现在他面前,距离他的眉心仅有几公分距离。 So near distance, Su Xiao simply does not have the time to dodge, the bullet takes advantage of opportunity to submerge his head, departs from the back of the head place, bang submerges in the rear asphalt road. 如此近的距离,苏晓根本没时间闪避,子弹顺势没入他的头颅,从后脑处飞出,砰的一声没入后方的沥青路面内。 Su Xiao continues, returns safe and sound, sees this through the crystal mirror secretly, the pale death penalty is still unemotional, but next quarter he falls to the ground, whole body 90% blood outflows, if he were not Contractor has passed coolly. 苏晓继续前行,毫发无损,通过水晶镜看到这一幕后,脸色苍白的死刑依然面无表情,可下一刻他就栽倒在地,全身90%的血液流失,如果他不是契约者早就凉透。 Su Xiao can evade this might astonishing bullet, because of the Shadow Blink ability, he stopped when space penetration the moment, causes that bullet unable to hit he by this. 苏晓能躲过这颗威力惊人的子弹,是因为龙影闪能力,他在穿透空间时停顿了片刻,以此导致那颗子弹未能命中他。 The present bad news is, the Blood Sect person does not know that left sealing with what method, moreover in situation that in Bailey not detects, what is worse, their tracking to the Su Xiao's position. 眼下的坏消息是,血门的人不知用什么方法离开了结界,而且是在贝妮毫无察觉的情况下,更糟的是,他们追踪到了苏晓的位置。 Reading website: m. 阅读网址:m.
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