RP :: Volume #22

#25: The salt fish in hunter

The Clock Tower efficiency is very good, after receiving Tohsaka and Einzbern joint reporting, Clock Tower many Sovereign are discontented, but they have not personally acted, the reason is very simple, Heroic Spirit obviously is not Magus can the upfront resistance, let alone Golden Flash that top Heroic Spirit. 时钟塔的效率很不错,接到远坂家与爱因兹贝伦家的联合举报后,时钟塔的多位君主不满,可他们并未亲自出面,原因很简单,英灵明显不是魔术师能正面对抗,更何况还是金闪闪那种顶级英灵 Clock Tower Magus is not willing director such straightforward Magus, at least their intelligence of very this processing. 时钟塔魔术师并非都是肯主任那样的耿直魔术师,至少他们这次处理的很聪明。 Receives Kotomine Kirei after the news that in fifth Holy Grail War embezzles, Clock Tower contacts Church immediately, can say, Magic Association and Church are this world two big mysterious side giants, but their relations are not harmonious. 接到言峰绮礼在第五次圣杯战争中监守自盗的消息后,时钟塔马上联络圣堂教会,可以说,魔法协会圣堂教会就是这个世界的两大神秘侧巨头,可他们的关系并不和睦。 Mage's Association and Church are the hostile relationships, but two side Zhujian discovered, their hostility and no profit, therefore truce. 魔术协会圣堂教会原本是敌对关系,但两方逐渐发现,他们的敌对并没什么益处,因此停战。 Holy Grail War can be said as the magic church leading, but the regulator is actually the person who Church sends, this is both sides shows due respect for the feelings mutually. 圣杯战争可以说是魔术教会所主导,而监管方却都是圣堂教会派下的人,这是双方互相给面子。 In Mage's Association feeds back the Kotomine Kirei situation after Church, high levels been mad heavy of Church, the right of their Holy Grail War supervision side, was Mage's Association to fully the face, in order to avoid Holy Grail War this important matter pushed aside their Church outside, as faction that dreaded mutually, this was basically respects to the opponent. 魔术协会言峰绮礼的情况反馈给圣堂教会后,圣堂教会的高层们被气的不轻,他们圣杯战争监督方的权利,就是魔术协会给足了面子,以免圣杯战争这种大事将他们圣堂教会排挤在外,作为互相忌惮的势力,这是给对手最基本的尊敬。 But the Kotomine Kirei behavior, obviously is to make Church obviously to the face does not want, surveillant status that others invited hotly, their people are actually embezzling, this clearly hit the face by the person on one's own side, what more special was uncomfortable, now Mage's Association takes Church by hitting the face picture walked, said one on the difference, the brothers, this really did not have the means that your people rather went too far, make Heroic Spirit perhaps they to endure, previous Holy Grail War Heroic Spirit took to come out to use, this was not good. 言峰绮礼的行为,明显是让圣堂教会显的给脸不要,别人热邀的监督者身份,他们的人却在监守自盗,这分明是被自己人打脸,更特么难受的是,现在魔术协会拿着圣堂教会被打脸的‘照片’找上门,就差说一句,老哥们,这实在是没办法,你们的人未免太过分,弄一个英灵他们或许就忍了,上次圣杯战争英灵都拿出来用,这不好吧。 Why reported to Mage's Association as for Su Xiao, rather than reported directly to Church, in this also had a big difference. 至于苏晓为何向魔术协会举报,而不是直接举报给圣堂教会,这里面也有不小的差别。 First, if reported directly to Church, stemming from the consideration of own face countenance, Church met the secret to handle this matter, will go round Su Xiao directly, looked for Kotomine Kirei, let the opposite party convergence point, and found the way to ruin the evidence. 首先,如果直接举报给圣堂教会,出于对自身颜面的考虑,圣堂教会一定会秘密处理这件事,会直接绕开苏晓这边,找上言峰绮礼,让对方收敛点,并想办法毁掉证据。 The present situation is different, the Mage's Association high levels knew this matter, if Church does not process is more attractive, that really does not want to the face. 眼下的情况则不同,魔术协会的高层们都知道了这件事,如果圣堂教会不处理的漂亮些,那就真的是给脸不要了。 After two hours, Su Xiao receives Mage's Association that side reply, Church has sent out the person of burying mechanism/organization, most eight hours arrive in Fuyuki City. 两小时后,苏晓接到魔术协会那边的回信,圣堂教会已经派出埋葬机关的人,最多八个小时抵达冬木市 Sees burying mechanism/organization organization, some Su Xiao suddenly ominous premonitions, in his heart guessed, by the present situation, Church not too possibly sends the powerhouse directly, that will continue to intervene Holy Grail War, by the Master interior solution is the most perfect method. 看到埋葬机关这个组织,苏晓突然有种不祥的预感,他心中不禁猜测,以眼下的情况,圣堂教会不太可能直接派来强者,那会继续干预圣杯战争,由御主们内部解决才是最完美的方法。 Therefore, finally solves Kotomine Kirei, likely also Tohsaka and Einzbern, unite burying mechanism/organization organization, suspicion in his more definite heart. 因此,最终解决言峰绮礼,很可能还远坂家与爱因兹贝伦家,联合到埋葬机关这个组织,他更确定心中的猜想。 This did not have the issue, really anticipated that whom Church sent to come, is not Naru Lek, heard that the personality of that person was very bad.” “这样就没问题了,真期待圣堂教会派谁来,不会是纳鲁巴列克吧,听说那个人的性格很恶劣。” Tohsaka Rin long breathes a sigh of relief, in her opinion, Kotomine Kirei undying, will still be grasped even. 远坂凛长舒了口气,在她看来,言峰绮礼就算不死,也会被抓回去。 Don't think too much, without guessing wrong, come very possible is only a driver.” “别想太多,如果没猜错,来的很可能只是个司机而已。” Driver? Not.” “司机?不会把。” The Tohsaka Rin eyeful doubts, Su Xiao has not gone to look at her, but sizes up Illya up and down, this is the strength of unexpected benefit, at present he can the control opposite party explode at any time same place, as for Heroic Spirit of opposite party, naturally must use well, Illya whether obedient this, Su Xiao has never considered, does not need to take the trouble in this aspect. 远坂凛满眼疑惑,苏晓没去看她,而是上下打量伊莉雅,这是意外收获的战力,眼下他能随时控制对方原地爆炸,至于对方的英灵,当然要好好利用,伊莉雅是否听话这点,苏晓从未考虑过,也不需要在这方面费心。 The waiting lets long that the time changes, that side Boubo is very lively, the Stan three people attacked within Matou, hears this news, the Su Xiao's brow selects, he can determine, Stan is much the same as his goal, wants to seek for Kotomine Kirei with the aid of native faction, but they obviously want slow one step. 等待让时间变的漫长,布布汪那边则是很热闹,斯坦三人袭击了间家,听到这消息,苏晓的眉头一挑,他能确定,斯坦与他的目的基本相同,就是想借助本土势力寻找言峰绮礼,可他们明显要慢一步。 To come Church is also a face compels ignorant, a subordinate priest day was reported twice, Fuyuki City magic three everyone reported one after another, was painstakingly Kotomine Kirei, the person sat in home, unexpected misfortune, he becomes the Holy Grail War key now. 想来圣堂教会也是一脸懵逼,麾下的神父一天被举报两次,冬木市的魔术三大家轮番举报,也是苦了言峰绮礼,人在家中坐,祸从天上来,他现在成了圣杯战争的关键。 Su Xiao has waited till 10 : 00 pm, the security magic outside castle had the response, in a colossus drives walks into the mountain. 苏晓一直等到晚间 10 点,城堡外的警戒魔术有了反应,一个庞然大物驶进山里。 In brilliantly illuminated castle, before Tohsaka Rin and Illya gathering crystal ball, looks that drives the truck on mountain road slowly, no, should be the trailer is right. 灯火通明的城堡内,远坂凛伊莉雅都凑到水晶球前,看着那辆缓缓驶在山路上的卡车,不,应该是拖车才对。 With a bellow, that trailer stops before the castle main entrance, the form opens the cab vehicle door together, jumps down from the vehicle. 随着一阵轰鸣声,那辆拖车停在城堡的正门前,一道身影打开驾驶室车门,从车上跳下。 This is castle of Einzbern, is very magnificent.” “这就是爱因兹贝伦家的城堡,很壮观嘛。” What jumps down from the trailer is Hedgehog priest, his about 40, wears priest robe, brings the eyeglasses, a appearance of Magic Hunter priest, in fact, he is a driver. 从拖车上跳下的是名刺猬神父,他的年龄在40岁左右,身穿神父长袍,带着眼镜,一副猎魔神父的打扮,实际上,他就是个司机。 Who this is, the burying mechanism/organization has such a person, may feel that he somewhat looks familiar, but looks at the appearance, seems very strong......” “这是谁,埋葬机关有这么一个人吗,可又感觉他有些眼熟,不过看模样,似乎很强……” Tohsaka Rin is nipping the nail, who suddenly without thinking of the person is. 远坂凛咬着指甲,一时间没想到来人是谁。 Do not think, he is only a driver.” “别多想,他只是个司机。” The Su Xiao's forehead pains, Church is also one crowd of Old Fart, really sent this driver to come, was completely same as his guess. 苏晓的额头隐隐作痛,圣堂教会也是一群老阴哔,真的派了这个司机来,和他的猜测完全相同。 priest Dawn, buries the mechanism/organization member, Dawn has not killed the enemy the ability, is mainly responsible for transporting another very easy getting lost exorcisming master, Dawn is lazy, is the salt fish in burying mechanism/organization. 神父道恩,埋葬机关成员,道恩本人并没有杀敌能力,主要负责运送另一名‘很容易迷路’的驱魔师,道恩为人慵懒,属于埋葬机关中的咸鱼。 Is good does not need Church to send out the strength because of Su Xiao, he only needed to find Kotomine Kirei, if priest Dawn had not found the Kotomine Kirei ability, he is away from passed away is not far. 好在苏晓并不需要圣堂教会派出战力,他只需要找到言峰绮礼就可以,如果神父道恩没有找到言峰绮礼的能力,那他距离去世就不远了。 Dawn was led into castle by the Homunculus maid quickly, his facial expression is slightly sluggish, or he is a very lazy person. 道恩很快被人造人女仆带入城堡内,他的神情略显懒散,或者说,他就是个很懒的人。 Made a long story short, you were responsible for finding Kotomine Kirei, I was responsible for butchering him.” “长话短说,你负责找到言峰绮礼,我负责宰了他。” Su Xiao comes straight to the point directly, priest Dawn has also received the order of Church, both fit in easily. 苏晓直接开门见山,神父道恩也早就接到圣堂教会的命令,两者一拍即合。 Now leaves.” “现在就动身吗。” Dawn's sound magnetic , cannot see the essence of his salt fish very much from just the appearance. 道恩的声音很有磁性,单从外表来看,根本看不出他咸鱼的本质。 Right.” “没错。” That walks, on my car(riage), this matter I most excel, backs up in the mountain is an issue.” “那走吧,上我的车,这事我最擅长,不过在山里倒车是个问题。” „......” “……” Su Xiao has not spoken, nearby Tohsaka Rin is covering the forehead single-handed, she suspected seriously, this priest is not kills people, but comes funny. 苏晓没说话,一旁的远坂凛单手捂着额头,她严重怀疑,这神父不是来杀人的,而是来搞笑的。 Backs up for nearly ten minutes in Dawn, after knocking down five trees, braving the black smoke the trailer to turn around finally, makes the trailer to have an advantage, is A' Mu and Hercules has the place to sit. 在道恩倒车近十分钟,撞倒五棵树后,冒着黑烟的拖车终于掉头,做拖车有个好处,就是阿姆与赫拉克勒斯有地方坐。 Quick, the trailer starts slowly, Dawn drives in main driving, Su Xiao sits in the copilot, the glass window is shaken down by him, in the found out hand is clamping cigarette, as for Tohsaka Rin, Illya, Homunculus Seira, A' Mu, big hero Hercules, they in following top grade seat. 很快,拖车缓缓启动,道恩在主驾驶开车,苏晓则是坐在副驾驶,玻璃窗被他摇下,探出的手中夹着一支烟,至于远坂凛,伊莉雅,人造人塞拉,阿姆,大英雄・赫拉克勒斯,他们都在后面的‘特等席’。 Makes a mistake, this is what top grade seat! that was close, almost falls.” “有没有搞错,这是什么特等席!好险,差点跌下去。” On the bumpy mountain road, transmits Tohsaka Rin slightly to select the vibrato the shout. 颠簸的山路上,传来远坂凛略点颤音的喊声。
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