RP :: Volume #22

#24: This is the Old Fart war

Iraja stands in same place does not dare to move, she can determine, if she dares to act rashly, her behind Heroic Spirit will cut off her nape of the neck without hesitation. 伊拉雅站在原地不敢动,她能确定,如果她敢妄动,她身后的英灵会毫不犹豫斩断她的脖颈。 Berserker, stops.” beerker,停下。” As Illya orders, Hercules stops is standing by and waiting for orders, has saying that only to Berserker control, Illya has the means very much, after all her whole body is the magic circuit, or she transformed is not humanlike, her body as the carrier of magic circuit. 随着伊莉雅一声令下,赫拉克勒斯停在原地待命,不得不说,单是对beerker控制,伊莉雅很有办法,毕竟她全身都是魔术回路,或者说,她已经被改造的不似人类,她的身体只是作为魔术回路的载体。 You have five minutes.” “你有五分钟。” Unless it is absolutely essential, Su Xiao will not have butchered Illya, the reason is very simple, this younger sister is the small Holy Grail carrier, if killed Illya, moreover without other carriers stores up the small Holy Grail embryonic form, then small Holy Grail will change into Heaven's Hole, at the appointed time do not say seeks for Kotomine Kirei, all Heroic Spirit will come, Chaotic War near Heaven's Hole. 不到万不得已,苏晓还不会宰了伊莉雅,原因很简单,这妹子就是小圣杯的载体,如果杀了伊莉雅,而且没有其他载体储存小圣杯的雏形,那么小圣杯就会化为天之孔,届时不要说寻找言峰绮礼,所有英灵都会现身,在天之孔附近乱战 The turbid water is good to catch a fish by hand, as the concealment in Su Xiao of hidden place, he does not hope that the scene is chaotic, then has the advantage to Blood Sect, they will seize the chance to complete team Main Mission. 浑水好摸鱼,作为隐匿在暗处的苏晓,他不希望场面混乱起来,那对血门更有优势,他们会趁机完成团队主线任务 Although does not butcher the Illya time now, but if the opposite party is not obedient, Su Xiao will consider that makes her lose the ability to act, later uses the endless darkness, Moyi Nora that witch capital cannot shoulder the endless darkness, let alone is Illya this kid. 虽然现在不是宰了伊莉雅的时机,可如果对方不听话,苏晓会考虑让她失去行动能力,之后使用无尽黑暗,摩伊诺拉那种巫女王都扛不住无尽黑暗,更何况是伊莉雅这小屁孩。 Your this...... ~ “你这……呜~” Iraja just opened the mouth, Su Xiao a marble size candy squeezes in her mouth, this candy is the cream color, is Su Xiao manufactures for invading the lifeform nature bomb of enemy within the body specially, its structure is very interesting, without the gunpowder, by the biological material manufacture, was discovered completely difficultly, will be absorbed by the human body fast. 伊拉雅刚开口,苏晓就将一颗弹珠大小的‘糖果’塞入她口中,这颗‘糖果’呈米黄色,是苏晓专门制作出用于侵入敌人体内的生物性质炸弹,它的构造很有趣,没有火药,完全是由生物材料制造,更难被发现,而且会被人体快速吸收。 By theory, this is very stable several Ding more/complete, after entering the stomach pouch, will be absorbed by the human body in a short time, changes into looking like to accumulate the acid the material, pure several Ding more/complete + accumulates the acid to be harmless, moreover can promote the absorption of human body to calcium, but if several Ding more/complete + accumulates the acid + hydrone, coordinates the psychic force again the resonance effect, the manifestation cell rejection reaction, bang flesh will splash finally. 从原理上来讲,这是种很稳定的几丁弥,进入胃囊后,会在短时间内被人体吸收,化为一种酷似积酸的物质,单纯的几丁弥+积酸无害,而且还能促进人体对钙的吸收,可如果几丁弥+积酸+水分子,再配合精神力的共振现象,就会形成细胞排斥反应,最终砰的一声血肉飞溅。 Facts showed that Alchemy Master that each is skilled in Alchemy is the monster, they will develop some to be seemingly harmless, in fact very terrifying weapon. 事实证明,每一位精通炼金学炼金大师都是怪物,他们会开发出一些看似无害,实际上非常恐怖的武器。 After Illya ate forcefully sugar, Su Xiao Dragon Flash turns over to the sheath, and lets loose this to sprout/moe the younger sister, Illya is a little ignorant, but she soon detected that the situation in within the body is not right, in her stomach transmits the cool feeling, as if has anything to be absorbed by her stomach fast, and integrates in the blood. 伊莉雅强行吃了颗‘糖’后,苏晓斩龙闪归鞘,并放开这名萌妹子,伊莉雅有点懵,可她很快就察觉到体内的情况不对,她胃中传来清凉感,似乎有什么东西被她的胃快速吸收,并融入血液中。 You ate any strange thing to me.” “你给我吃了什么奇怪的东西。” During the Illya speeches runs up to Hercules quickly behind, the fine scallion finger searches in the entrance, urges to spit one after several other times, full hand saliva that she also makes. 伊莉雅说话间快步跑到赫拉克勒斯身后,纤葱般的手指探入口中,接连催吐几次,她也只是弄的满手口水。 „A candy,...... can explode the hashed meat you momentarily the candy.” “一颗糖果而已,一颗……随时能把你炸成碎肉的糖果。” Before Su Xiao comes, indeed has not thought that the situation so will be smooth, control small Holy Grail, made him have very big advantage without doubt, in the final analysis, does not have sane Heroic Spirit, even the overall quality is strong, is still only the wild animal, if Hercules has the reason, he can with the aid of resurrecting absolutely times the 11 advantages and Su Xiao puts together irreconciliable adversaries. 苏晓来之前,的确没想到情况会如此顺利,控制了小圣杯,无疑让他占据很大优势,归根结底,没有理智的英灵,就算综合素质再强,也只是野兽而已,如果赫拉克勒斯有理智,他绝对能借助复活11次的优势与苏晓拼个你死我活 Berserker, killed him!” beerker,杀了他!” Although Illya is seemingly gentle, in fact after being compelled is anxious, is the gruff donkey temperament. 伊莉雅虽然看似温柔,实际上被逼急后也是倔驴脾气。 Young lady, we do not need...... „ “大小姐,我们没必要……“ Illya maid Seira anxious sound opens the mouth. 伊莉雅身旁的女仆塞拉急声开口。 Seira, draws back, I do not fear death, ~ 塞拉,退下,我不怕死,哇~” Illya finishes speaking, she felt that the severe pain feeling of thorough marrow, this makes her restore the reason from the anger. 伊莉雅话音刚落,她就感觉到深入骨髓的剧痛感,这让她从愤怒中恢复理智。 Berserker, first waits. „ beerker,先等等。“ Just about to Hercules stops immediately, his physique is powerful, these will dodge the old waist absolutely. 刚要冲出去的赫拉克勒斯立刻停下,要不是他体格强大,这一下绝对会闪了老腰。 The Illya whole face struggles, although she does not fear death, but she fears to hurt, in the final analysis, she is not a soldier. 伊莉雅满脸挣扎,她虽然不怕死,可她怕疼,归根结底,她并不是战士。 After the heart intertwines, Illya and side Seira said anything in a low voice, Seira that the nun dresses up long breathes a sigh of relief, immediately runs to castle. 心中一阵纠结后,伊莉雅与身旁的塞拉低声说了些什么,修女打扮的塞拉长舒了口气,马上向城堡内跑去。 Quick, Seira holds an old style telegraph to run castle, and gives Su Xiao the old style telegram. 很快,塞拉抱着一台老式电报机跑出城堡,并将老式电报交给苏晓 You should satisfy.” “你应该满意了吧。” The breeze caresses lightly, the Seira silver long hair flutters with the wind, has saying that Homunculus that Einzbern makes, the appearance is very good, moreover dies absolutely loyally to Einzbern, no wonder Einzbern that rigid in the Homunculus technology. 微风轻抚,塞拉的银色长发随风飘动,不得不说,爱因兹贝伦家制造的人造人,样貌都很不错,而且对爱因兹贝伦家绝对死忠,也难怪爱因兹贝伦家那么执着于人造人技术。 Sees off two.” “恭送两位。” Although the Seira tone is polite, but her complexion is not attractive. 塞拉的语气虽然还算客气,可她的面色却不怎么好看。 Sees off?” “恭送?” Su Xiao received the old style telegraph, at present he control small has Holy Grail, why can also worry to leave the Einzbern home castle? Here basically is a magic defense fortress. 苏晓接过老式电报机,眼下他已经控制圣杯,为何还要着急离开爱因兹贝伦家的城堡?这里基本就是一座魔术防御堡垒。 This is my family!” “这是我家!” Illya does not see right, the anxious sound opens the mouth, matter develops now, she can ignore the city main dignity, or was used the tool rest on the neck, but also was forced to force in the mouth a strange thing, she did not have the city main dignity. 伊莉雅看出不对,急声开口,事情发展到现在,她也顾不上城主的威严,或者说,被人用刀架在脖子上,还被强制塞进口中一颗奇怪的东西,她也没有城主的威严了。 Su Xiao will certainly not leave, Tohsaka and Einzbern simultaneous reporting, Clock Tower that even if keeps aloof must attach great importance. 苏晓当然不会离开,远坂家与爱因兹贝伦家同时的举报,就算是高高在上的时钟塔也要重视起来。 In entering castle that Su Xiao acts in a completely informal or uninhibited manner, sees this, fainting of Illya nearly air/Qi, these Homunculus maids are also a face compel ignorant, does not know how should process, their young lady's lives by opposite party control, they also very despair. 苏晓旁若无人的走进城堡内,看到这一幕,伊莉雅险些气的昏过去,那些人造人女仆们也是一脸懵逼,不知道该如何处理,她们大小姐的性命还由对方控制,她们也很绝望。 Really is, had said with you do not make war, this family/home lost.” “真是的,早就和你说了不要开战,这次家都丢了。” The Tohsaka Rin slightly helpless sound conveys obviously, hears her sound, Illya has turned the head. 远坂凛略显无奈的声音传来,听到她的声音,伊莉雅转过头。 Rin, you are so unexpectedly mean.” ,你居然这么卑鄙。” Yeah ~ “哎~” Tohsaka Rin looks at Illya that deceived expression, in the heart is very helpless. 远坂凛看着伊莉雅那种被欺骗后的表情,心中很无奈。 „If not I, the consequence be more serious than the present, tells you while convenient a secret.” “如果不是我,后果要比现在严重很多,顺便告诉你个秘密。” The Tohsaka Rin sound is getting more and more low, listening to her words, the Illya whole face to write is not believing, that meaning clearly is: You are suspecting my IQ.” 远坂凛的声音越来越低,听完她的话,伊莉雅满脸写着不信,那意思分明是:“你在怀疑我的智商吗。” You do not believe me not to have the means that the command incantation on my hand is only the ornaments. „ “你不信我也没办法,我手上的令咒只是摆设。“ Tohsaka Rin walks toward castle, sees that Illya makes the Homunculus retinues diverge. 远坂凛城堡内走去,见状,伊莉雅人造人仆从们散去。 This is not wonderful.” “这可不妙。” Illya according to the chest, the unusual feeling of her within the body completely vanishes single-handed, this is a more fearful situation. 伊莉雅单手按在胸口,她体内的异样感完全消失,这才是更可怕的情况。 The Illya + Hercules's combination is seemingly powerful, in fact is not such, if Illya has her father 1/10 burns and resorts to all means ruthlessly, she is not the present position. 伊莉雅+赫拉克勒斯的组合看似强大,实际上并非如此,如果伊莉雅有她父亲十分之一的狠辣与不择手段,她都不会是现在的境地。 Tohsaka Rin and Illya, are Emiya Shiro, they are not suitable to become Master, regardless of their aptitude outstanding, but something are not the aptitude can make up. 无论是远坂凛伊莉雅,还是卫宫士郎,他们都不适合成为御主,无论他们的资质有多优秀,可有些东西都不是资质能弥补。 Emiya Kiritsugu and Tohsaka Tokiomi, Kayneth and Kotomine Kirei these previous generation Master, are King in Holy Grail War, when with these fellows with stage Competitor, Su Xiao will not kill to visit directly, that is courting death. 卫宫切嗣远坂时臣肯尼斯言峰绮礼这些上一代御主,才是圣杯战争中的王者们,和这些家伙同台竞技时,苏晓可不会直接杀上门,那是在找死。 Su Xiao this time opponent is Stan and Kotomine Kirei, has Master that had not acted. 苏晓这次的对手是斯坦言峰绮礼、还有位一直未曾出面的御主 In the living room in castle, Su Xiao is observing the old style telegraph before body, obviously, he will not use this thing. 城堡内的客厅内,苏晓正观察身前的老式电报机,显然,他并不会用这东西。 Rin, passed on a message to Clock Tower, tells them Kotomine Kirei to make anything.” ,给时钟塔传讯,告诉他们言峰绮礼都做了什么。” Does not have the issue.” “没问题。” Tohsaka Rin turns on the telegraph, this thing as if not need to energize. 远坂凛打开电报机,这东西似乎并不需要通电。 Told them the truth?” “告诉他们实情吗?” „......” “……” Su Xiao looked at Tohsaka Rin, he does such many matters, how ‚the truth may tell that side Clock Tower. 苏晓看了眼远坂凛,他做这么多事,怎么可能将‘实情’告诉时钟塔那边。 Does your best add inflammatory details, can throw how much filthy water to sprinkle many, murders the master, murders the father, as supervises the side to interfere with Holy Grail, in the union Holy Grail War Heroic Spirit intervenes this Holy Grail War, the secret capture child, takes the vitality of child to provide magic power as previous Heroic Spirit, the human experiment, attempts to open Heaven's Hole.” “尽你所能添油加醋,能泼多少脏水就泼多少,弑师,弑父,身为监督方干涉圣杯,联合上一届圣杯战争英灵干预本次圣杯战争,秘密捕捉儿童,以儿童的生命力为上一届英灵提供魔力,人体实验,尝试打开天之孔。” Su Xiao more said, the Tohsaka Rin facial expression is astonished. 苏晓越说,远坂凛的神情就越是惊愕。 Like this throws filthy water...... does not seem good, was some are too exaggerating.” “这样泼脏水……似乎太不好吧,是不是有些太夸张了。” Who told you these throws filthy water, these were Kotomine Kirei had once done the matters, I was make you add inflammatory details in this in fact again.” “谁告诉你这些是泼脏水,这些是言峰绮礼曾做过的事,我是让你在这事实上再添油加醋。” Tohsaka Rin is too sweet, does not understand Old Fart world. 远坂凛还是太甜,不懂老阴哔世界 All is...... the fact?!” “全都是……事实?!” Tohsaka Rin felt suddenly, actually has not needed to throw filthy water. 远坂凛突然感觉,其实已经没必要泼脏水了。
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