RP :: Volume #22

#23: Crazy

Also without and other Su Xiao opens the mouth, opposite Illya slightly draws back one step, looks at that facial expression, prepares to make Berserker go forward at any time to meet the enemy. 还没等苏晓开口,对面的伊莉雅就小退一步,看那神情,随时准备让beerker上前迎敌。 Sees this, Su Xiao first examines own Charm attribute, because of the effect of Traveller title, his 28 points Charm attributes has promoted to 50 points temporarily, after completing a negotiation, the Charm attribute will restore to 28 points, and by 1 points speed accumulates every hour again, until promotion to 50 points. 看到这一幕,苏晓先是查看自身的魅力属性,因旅行者称号的效果,他28点的魅力属性已经临时提升至50点,在完成一次交涉后,魅力属性将恢复至28点,并再次以每小时一点的速度累积,直到提升至50点。 Determined that the Charm attribute does not have the issue, on the Su Xiao face the reappearing smile. 确定魅力属性没问题,苏晓脸上浮现笑容。 Rin servant, you have... anything.” 的servant,你有…什么事吗。” In the Illya eye some doubts, a moment ago why did not know, her unexpected happening drew back one step, that seems like the action of instinct. 伊莉雅眼中也有些疑惑,刚才不知为何,她就鬼使神差的退了一步,那似乎是本能的举动。 About this negotiation, Einzbern seems like some misunderstandings.” “关于这次交涉,爱因兹贝伦家似乎有些误解。” Hears Su Xiao these words, Illya numerous Homunculus maids relaxes with her behind secretly, although Su Xiao whole body bloody aura, but tone actually unexpected genial. 听到苏晓这句话,伊莉雅与她身后一众人造人女仆都暗暗松了口气,虽然苏晓满身血气,但语气却出人意料的‘和善’。 After Tohsaka Rin hears these words, in her heart actually thump, knows that the situation is not wonderful. 然而在远坂凛听到这句话后,她心中却咯噔一声,知道情况不妙。 Considering present current Holy Grail War, our standpoints is indeed different, that asked you to make the choice, killed me, or handed over contacts the Magic Association communication facilities, either, I killed off you.” “考虑到眼下正在进行的圣杯战争,我们双方的立场的确不同,那就请贵方做出选择,杀了我,或者交出联络魔法协会的通讯工具,又或者,我杀光你们。” During the Su Xiao speeches grips the Dragon Flash hilt, the Tohsaka Rin negotiation failure, basically represents this negotiation to be defeated completely, Su Xiao after trying 50 Charm attribute effects, he prepares to conduct the physics to negotiate, disregards the influence that the Charm attribute has by this. 苏晓说话间握住斩龙闪的刀柄,远坂凛交涉失败,基本就代表这次交涉完全失败,苏晓在尝试50点魅力属性的效果后,他准备进行物理交涉,以此无视魅力属性所造成的影响。 bloody aura spreads around Su Xiao, that rich bloody aura manifestation above him a wicked beast, seemed to be grinning fiendishly to the people of Einzbern. 血气苏晓周围蔓延开来,那浓郁的血气似乎在他上方形成了一只恶兽,正对爱因兹贝伦家的众人狞笑。 The Illya complexion enforces, she looks to Su Xiao behind Tohsaka Rin, that vision seemed to be inquiring: Rin, this is the goal that you come.’ 伊莉雅的面色严肃下来,她看向苏晓身后的远坂凛,那目光似乎在询问:‘,这就是你来的目的吗。’ Let the Illya very accidental/surprised matter, Tohsaka Rin signal with the eyes to her, from the shape of the mouth, Tohsaka Rin was very possible saying: Agreement, quick agreement, my control he.’ 伊莉雅很意外的事,远坂凛正对她使眼色,从口型来看,远坂凛很可能是在说:‘同意啊,快同意,我控制不了他。’ Bold avid follower, Seira, protects the young lady.” “大胆狂徒,塞拉,保护大小姐。” Several Homunculus maids keep off before the Illya body, grasps various long weapons. 十几名人造人女仆挡在伊莉雅身前,手持各类长武器。 puppet.” 人偶。” Su Xiao's finishes speaking, his ground cuns (2.5 cm) crack. 苏晓的话音刚落,他脚下的地面寸寸崩裂。 Roar!” “吼!” Illya behind Berserker angrily roars, this is the famous height over two meters robust man, the whole body muscle grips the knot, the skin is dark, he only puts on the metal to fight the skirt, the upper body is barebacked, to the race the coarse ore, or is the Berserk feeling. 伊莉雅身后的beerker怒吼一声,这是名身高两米以上的壮汉,全身肌肉扎结,皮肤黝黑,他仅穿着金属战裙,上身赤膊,给人种粗矿,或者说是狂暴感。 This time Berserker named Hercules, Demigod, in the myth, Hercules is called sea Geli, the heir of Zeus and mortal, once completed 12 Trial by Fire that impossible completes. 这次的beerker名为赫拉克勒斯,半神,神话中,赫拉克勒斯更多被称为海格力斯,宙斯与凡人的子嗣,曾完成不可能完成的12试炼 If after is dies, Hercules who is coronated the Titan, that Golden Flash came even possibly is not an opponent, obviously, present Hercules is not that period, moreover as Berserker, he was given crazy. 如果是死后,被加冕成大力神的赫拉克勒斯,那就算金闪闪来了可能也不是对手,显然,眼下的赫拉克勒斯并非是那个时期,而且作为beerker,他被赋予了狂化。 Crazy this thing, is not can certainly increase the Heroic Spirit strength, for example present Hercules, he was weakened by crazy, without the crazy characteristics, he even possibly is in this Holy Grail War strongest Heroic Spirit. 狂化这东西,并不是一定能增加英灵的战力,就比如现在的赫拉克勒斯,他就是被狂化削弱,如果没有狂化特性,他甚至可能是本次圣杯战争中最强的英灵 However when even Hercules of crazy, is still very strong existence, in the original works Heroic Spirit health/guard Gong and he fights, besides Ultimate, other attacks Hercules against cannot break, hammered quite miserable. 然而就算是狂化的赫拉克勒斯,也是很强的存在,原著中英灵卫宫与他交手时,除了大招外,其他攻击连赫拉克勒斯的防都破不了,被锤的相当惨。 Hercules grasps a great blade, although this thing is called the axe in the myth, in fact this is an appearance uncouthly broadsword, from that uneven cutting edge, this thing is lithical. 赫拉克勒斯手持一把巨刀,虽然这东西在神话中被称为斧,实际上这就是一把模样粗鲁的大刀,从那凹凸不平的刃口来看,这东西是石质。 Do not despise this stone great blade, it is polishes by the cornerstone of temple, can be joined to the status of Hercules this big hero. 不要小看这把石巨刃,它是由神殿的基石所打磨出,配得上赫拉克勒斯这大英雄的身份。 When Golden Flash with others fight, is the mixed up names, the Berserker duty step was generally called the mad dog by him , when he to fighting Hercules, actually must call an opposite party big hero Hercules. 金闪闪与其他人战斗时,都是杂碎称呼,beerker职阶更是被他统称为疯狗,可在他对战赫拉克勒斯时,却要称呼对方一声大英雄・赫拉克勒斯。 The pupil of Hercules that pair of Pure Black is staring at Su Xiao, Su Xiao is also looking straight ahead him, however, Su Xiao only sees the anger in the opposite party eyes, this disappoints him somewhat, without the crazy characteristics, this is quite thorny Heroic Spirit. 赫拉克勒斯那双纯黑的眸子盯着苏晓,苏晓也在直视他,然而,苏晓只在对方眼中看到愤怒,这让他有些失望,如果没有狂化特性,这就是名相当棘手的英灵 Berserker......” beerker……” The Illya anxious sound opens the mouth, she does not want now to make war with Tohsaka Rin obviously. 伊莉雅急声开口,她显然不想与远坂凛现在就开战。 Bang! 轰! Illya the stone splash, this younger sister calls out in alarm behind, the subconsciousness keeps off both hands before the body, her nearby these Homunculus maids are stagger the retreat. 伊莉雅身后土石飞溅,这妹子惊呼一声,下意识将双手挡在身前,她附近那些人造人女仆更是踉跄后退。 Hercules cuts a shadow, throws directly to Su Xiao, then cuts directly the black stone blade. 赫拉克勒斯划破一道黑影,径直向苏晓扑来,那把黑石刃迎头斩下。 Zheng. 铮。 Blade edge clear recited, Dragon Flash came out of the sheath, around the Su Xiao both legs branched off slightly, the long blade before his body, the left hand arrived horizontally on the blade keel. 刀锋清吟,斩龙闪出鞘,苏晓双腿前后略微岔开,长刀横在他身前,左手抵在刀脊上。 Bang crack, the black stone blade chops on Dragon Flash, the Su Xiao right foot gradually submerges in the soil, from Dragon Flash transmitting the strength by his body, submerges the ground from his right foot. 轰隆一声炸响,黑石刃直劈在斩龙闪上,苏晓右脚逐渐没入泥土内,从斩龙闪上传来的力道透过他的身体,从他的右脚没入地面。 The muscle on Su Xiao both arms sticks out slightly, in his hand long blade one wrong, as if suction holds the black stone blade in Hercules hand, starts the direction that follows Su Xiao to guide to cut, finally has cut from Su Xiao, cuts in the person soil. 苏晓双臂上的肌肉略微隆起,他手中长刀一错,似乎有一股吸力将赫拉克勒斯手中的黑石刃吸住,开始顺着苏晓所引导的方向斩去,最终从苏晓左侧斩过,斩人泥土内。 Position that Hercules cuts, like bomb in ground detonation, soil crushed stone like flowers showered on the earth below by a goddess of the sky proliferation. 赫拉克勒斯所斩的位置,如同炸弹在地面爆炸,泥土碎石如同天女散花般扩散。 The Dragon Flash blade edge touches and goes the black stone blade, in the Su Xiao mouth aspirates slowly, a blade ordinary side cuts. 斩龙闪的刀锋擦过黑石刃,苏晓口中缓缓吐气,一刀普通至极的侧斩斩出。 Brushes one, a gigantic head was cut to fly, Su Xiao beheads Hercules unexpectedly, sees this, Illya obviously has instantaneous stunned, this vanishes in the next quarter startled, because Su Xiao has appeared in her behind, single-handed according to above her. 刷拉一声,一颗硕大的头颅被斩飞,苏晓竟将赫拉克勒斯斩首,看到这一幕,伊莉雅明显有瞬间的愕然,这愕然在下一刻就消失,因为苏晓已经出现在她身后,单手按在她头上。 Hercules is not Heroic Spirit that a blade can cut, his head regenerates fast, quickly restores such as beginning, this fellow altogether can resurrect 11 times, has 12 lives. 赫拉克勒斯可不是一刀就能斩掉的英灵,他的头颅快速再生,很快恢复如初,这家伙共能复活11次,也就是有12条命。 What is more abnormal, is quite huge because of magic power of Illya within the body, number of times that causing Hercules can restore to resurrect, in other words, only if kills the Hercules 12 times within certain amount of time, otherwise soon, Hercules's resurrecting number of times will increase, restores to maximum upper limits the 11 times. 更为变态的是,因伊莉雅体内的魔力极为庞大,导致赫拉克勒斯能恢复复活的次数,也就是说,除非在一定时间内杀赫拉克勒斯12次,否则在不久之后,赫拉克勒斯的复活次数就会增加,重新恢复至11次的最大上限。 What very pitifully is, Hercules is the Berserker duty step, basically does not have the reason, the battle efficiency at least to drop over 60%. 很可惜的是,赫拉克勒斯是beerker职阶,基本没有理智,战斗力至少下降60%以上。 Su Xiao will not put together Strength with Hercules hardly, he a moment ago that blade was the best proof, used Dragon Flash as the Strength conduction carrier, Hercules that rudely divided to induct the ground, and drew support from cutting of opposite party to strike Strength, leaning the figure belt/bring of opposite party, causing the enemy empty gate to open greatly, later was very simple, a blade beheaded, by the Dragon Flash sharpness, broke open Hercules that tenacious body is not difficult. 苏晓根本不会与赫拉克勒斯硬拼力量,他刚才那刀就是最好的证明,以斩龙闪力量传导载体,将赫拉克勒斯那势大力沉的一劈导入地面,并借助对方的斩击力量,将对方的身形带偏,导致敌人空门大开,之后就很简单了,一刀斩首,以斩龙闪的锋利度,破开赫拉克勒斯那强韧的身体并不难。 Roar!!” “吼!!” A blade almost chops spatial Hercules to angrily roar, a sound wave spreads, shakes Tohsaka Rin of not far away to staggering several steps. 一刀几乎完全劈空的赫拉克勒斯怒吼一声,道道声波扩散,将不远处的远坂凛震到踉跄几步。 Now, we change a way to negotiate.” “现在,我们换一种方式交涉。” Su Xiao presses the head of Illya single-handed, Dragon Flash is taking advantage of opportunity to arrive on her nape of the neck, after the blade edge touches Illya that tender and delicate flesh, wipes the bloodstain to emerge, the fact showed, the physics negotiated is more credible. 苏晓单手按着伊莉雅的头,斩龙闪顺势抵在她的脖颈上,刀锋触碰到伊莉雅那娇嫩的肌肤后,一抹血痕涌现,事实证明,物理交涉更靠谱。 Reading website: m. 阅读网址:m.
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