RP :: Volume #22

#22: 50 Charm attribute effects

Tohsaka Rin as of descendants three big magic families, she has certainly the means to contact Clock Tower, way simple and crude that she contacts, sends the magic telegram. 远坂凛作为三大魔术家族之一的后代,她当然有办法联络时钟塔,她联络的方式简单粗暴,就是发魔术电报。 Not all Magus repel the modernized tool, but most traditional Magus do not like the telephone, perhaps also to avoid being intercepted, tracking . 并非所有魔术师都排斥现代化工具,可大部分传统魔术师都不喜欢电话,或许也是为了避免被窃听、追踪 When Su Xiao brings Tohsaka Rin gets Tohsaka home the villa, Tohsaka Rin by the present scene is shocked, because her family/home exploded, no, should be her family/home by the smashing of gravity magnetic field impact. 苏晓远坂凛回到远坂家的别墅时,远坂凛被眼前的场景惊呆,因为她家炸了,不,应该是她家被重力磁场冲击的粉碎。 Looks that pile doubtful is constructs the wreckage the powder, Tohsaka Rin stands in the breeze drags, she eyeful helpless looks to Su Xiao. 看着那堆疑似是建筑残骸的粉末,远坂凛站在微风中摇曳,她满眼无奈的看向苏晓 Magic telegram in my bedroom, the present words, should turn into the powder.” “魔术电报就在我的卧室,现在的话,应该已经变成粉末了吧。” Without other channels?” “没有其他渠道?” Seemed like does not have.” “似乎是没有了。” The Tohsaka Rin vision somewhat moves aside indistinctly. 远坂凛的目光隐约有些躲闪。 With for the magic three big families, Einzbern likely also has to contact the Clock Tower way.” “同为魔术三大家族,爱因兹贝伦家很可能也有联络时钟塔的方式。” Can with Old Fart Su Xiao with stage Competitor, naturally see that Tohsaka Rin is concealing anything. 能与老阴哔们同台竞技苏晓,当然看出远坂凛在隐瞒什么。 „, This Einzbern is not one of the Holy Grail War participants, we walk in like this, obviously makes war.” “不是吧,这次爱因兹贝伦家也是圣杯战争的参与方之一,我们这样找上门,明显是开战。” Therefore?” “所以?” Eh “额“ Tohsaka Rin a little wants to cry, her Heroic Spirit seemed like must go to put down Einzbern, moreover she did not have the means to prevent, the most important thing is, she and Einzbern family/home that child's relations were better very much, if to the final moment, she does not want to be hostile with that child, even if were hostile, she does not want to injure the opposite party. 远坂凛有点想哭,她的英灵似乎是要去平了爱因兹贝伦家,而且她还没办法阻止,最重要的是,她与爱因兹贝伦家那孩子的关系很要好,如果不是到了最后关头,她绝不想和那孩子敌对,纵使敌对,她也不想伤对方。 „It is not wonderful, is not wonderful, the Illya situation is not very wonderful!” “不妙,不妙,伊莉雅的情况很不妙!” Even if Tohsaka Rin is in every possible way anxious, but Su Xiao has gone out of the villa, this was can find Kotomine Kirei to be most direct, was the most effective method. 纵使远坂凛百般焦急,可苏晓已经走出别墅,这是能找到言峰绮礼最直接,也是最有效的方法。 ...... …… In the afternoon, Fuyuki City suburb Southwest, in a man-made forest. 当天下午,冬木市郊外西南方,一片人造森林内。 Arrived here, was negotiated by me.” “到了这里,就由我来交涉吧。” Tohsaka Rin stands on an unsurfaced road, leads the way again about half kilometer, can arrive in Einzbern castle. 远坂凛站在一条土路上,再前行半公里左右,就能抵达爱因兹贝伦家的城堡 To here, Su Xiao is familiar and easy, he killed Emiya Kiritsugu after all here. 对这里,苏晓可谓是轻车熟路,他毕竟在这里狙杀了卫宫切嗣 At this time in castle of Einzbern, a full silver long hair, the eye pupil scarlet young girl is drinking the afternoon tea, on the table before her body is also placing a crystal ball, image Tohsaka Rin and Su Xiao in crystal ball two people. 此时在爱因兹贝伦家的城堡内,一名满头银色长发,眼瞳赤红的少女正在喝下午茶,她身前的桌上还摆放着颗水晶球,水晶球内的影像正是远坂凛苏晓两人。 Rin.” 。” The silver young girl is somewhat puzzled, why she cannot think through Tohsaka Rin in this time nearby her family/home, her corners of the mouth turn upwards, reveal a small canine tooth. 银色少女有些不解,她想不通远坂凛为何在这个时间来她家附近,不过她的嘴角翘起,露出一颗小虎牙。 If it's going to be like this, Rin should not be angry, un, cannot.” “这样做的话,应该不会生气,嗯,绝不会的。” During the young girl speeches, smiles the eye to narrow a line. 少女说话间,笑眼已经眯成一条线。 This young girl named Illya Phil Feng Einzbern, Homunculus, as the direct descendant Homunculus young girl of Einzbern, she also inherited certainly destiny that becomes the Holy Grail carrier, like her mother such. 这少女名叫伊莉雅丝菲尔・冯・爱因兹贝伦,人造人,作为爱因兹贝伦家的嫡系人造人少女,她当然也继承了成为圣杯载体的命运,就像她母亲那样。 Young lady, is it possible that you planned that allows these two to enter castle? But they......” “大小姐,莫非您打算让这两人进入城堡?他们可是……” The retinue opens the mouth that Illya nun dresses up, from her hair color and pupil color, she similarly is Homunculus. 伊莉雅身旁一名修女打扮的仆从开口,从她的发色与瞳色来看,她同样是人造人 Has, has what relations, after all is Rin.” “有,有什么关系嘛,毕竟是。” Although Illya as the castle master, but she usually does not have the city main dignity. 伊莉雅虽然作为城堡的主人,但她平常并没城主的威严。 Young lady......” “大小姐……” Has not related, even if they have to attempt, could not win Berserker absolutely.” “没关系的,就算他们另有企图,也绝对赢不了beerker。” Illya finishes speaking, her fair small face gradually delay, because she saw through the crystal ball, Su Xiao and Tohsaka Rin walk unexpectedly frankly and uprightly to castle, these magic traps link one not to trigger. 伊莉雅话音刚落,她白皙的小脸就逐渐呆滞,因为她通过水晶球看到,苏晓远坂凛居然正大光明向城堡走来,那些魔术陷阱连一个都没触发。 Malfunctioned? Hasn't activated with enough time?” “失灵了?还是没来得及激活?” Illya was not very happy, she also wants first to make fun of Tohsaka Rin, later puts the opposite party to enter the castle warm entertainment. 伊莉雅很不高兴,她原本还想先捉弄远坂凛一番,之后再放对方进入城堡热情招待。 The unsurfaced road to castle, Su Xiao is leading the way gradually, Azure Steel Shadow submerges below soil from his sole, and fast dissipation, may before the Azure Steel Shadow energy dissipates, in the surrounding ground often emits black smoke. 通往城堡的土路上,苏晓正缓步前行,青钢影从他脚底没入下方的泥土内,并快速消散,可在青钢影能量消散前,周围的地面上不时冒出一股黑烟。 This...... is not quite good.” “这……不太好吧。” Tohsaka Rin follows in Su Xiao behind, the smile on face is even more stiff. 远坂凛跟在苏晓身后,脸上的笑容越发僵硬。 „......” “……” Su Xiao has not spoken, but steps out, the person of which side he temporarily also not clear Einzbern is, if Blood Sect that side, today must kill. 苏晓没说话,只是加快脚步,他暂时还不清楚爱因兹贝伦家是哪一方的人,如果是血门那一方,今天就要杀进去。 Just before arriving in castle, Su Xiao saw that the front front door shut tightly, in the castle garden was also the nobody left. 刚抵达城堡前,苏晓就看到前方大门紧闭,城堡的庭院内也是空无一人。 As if too does not welcome us, this... the matter is simpler, A' Mu, knocks on a door.” “似乎不太欢迎我们,这样的话…事情就简单很多,阿姆,去敲门。” Su Xiao finishes speaking, hides the A' Mu half step in rear forest to run, looks at its stance, where is must knock on a door, clearly is tramples the gate, this perhaps is the A' Mu unique knocking on a door way, conservative estimate opening the door rate/lead over 90%. 苏晓话音刚落,藏身在后方森林内的阿姆快步跑来,看它的架势,哪里是要敲门,分明是去踹门,这或许就是阿姆的独特敲门方式,保守估计开门率在90%以上。 Waits for!” “等一下!” The Tohsaka Rin both arms lift, keep off before the front door, if this foot tramples, by her understanding oneself this Heroic Spirit, after a half hour, in castle will not have the living person basically again. 远坂凛双臂抬起,挡在大门前,这一脚要是踹下去,以她对自己这名英灵的了解,半小时后城堡内基本不会再有活人。 A' Mu stops, the vision looks to Su Xiao, that meaning is: Master, must trample together.” 阿姆停下,目光看向苏晓,那意思是:“主人,要不要一起踹了。” To A' Mu, Tohsaka Rin is only the goal of protection, so long as Su Xiao orders, it will beat without hesitation flatly Tohsaka Rin. 阿姆来讲,远坂凛只是保护的目标而已,只要苏晓一声令下,它会毫不犹豫将远坂凛捶扁。 You negotiated, the time were not much, gave you most a half hour.” “你来交涉,时间不多,最多给你半小时。” Was enough.” “足够了。” Tohsaka Rin long breathes a sigh of relief, in the heart prayed silently do not have the accident/surprise. 远坂凛长舒了口气,心中默默祈祷千万别发生意外。 Has the person.” “有人吗。” Tohsaka Rin shouted the sound, she stands before the iron gate, looks from the iron gate slit to the completely empty garden, she always felt oneself just like mental handicap. 远坂凛喊了声,她站在铁门前,从铁门缝隙看向空空如也的庭院,她总感觉自己宛如智障。 Originally is the young lady of Tohsaka, does not know that what matter will let you in the so sensitive time here.” “原来是远坂家的大小姐,不知有何事会让你在如此敏感的时间来这里。” A retinue who wears the nun to take comes, her tone is not friendly. 一名身穿修女服的仆从现身,她的语气并不算友善。 Tohsaka Rin smiles somewhat stiff, she wants saying: You best be politer, I really indifferent, is only I behind this......’ 远坂凛笑的有些僵硬,她很想说:‘你最好还是客气一些,我真的无所谓,只是我身后这位……’ I have the important matter to look for Illya Phil Feng Einzbern, is related to this Holy Grail War.” “我有要事找伊莉雅丝菲尔・冯・爱因兹贝伦,事关这次圣杯战争。” Tohsaka Rin finishes speaking, another female voice transmits. 远坂凛话音刚落,另一道女声传来。 Seira, opens the door.” 塞拉,去开门。” But......” “可是……” Was needless saying that opens the door.” “不用说了,去开门吧。” The young girl who just arrived at smiling looks at Tohsaka Rin. 刚到的这名少女笑意盈盈的看着远坂凛 Rin, does not see for a long time.” ,好久不见。” , for a long time did not see. If in this situation, we do not could drink the afternoon tea together.” “呼,好久不见。如果不是在这种场合下,我们或许能一起喝下午茶吧。” Tohsaka Rin looks at that young girl behind big Heroic Spirit, obviously, both sides are clear about the respective standpoint. 远坂凛看着那名少女身后的高大英灵,显然,双方都清楚各自的立场。 In the garden, the breeze blows gently, the pink flower petal flutters with the wind, this castle is actually not the supreme headquarters of Einzbern, same castle, moreover situated in Germany, there year to year fluttering snow, nearby Fuyuki City this castle can only be the imitation, here season climate change is very normal. 庭院内,微风习习,粉色花瓣随风飘飞,这座城堡其实并非是爱因兹贝伦家的大本营,相同的城堡还有一座,而且是位于德国,那里常年飘雪,冬木市附近这座城堡只能算是仿造品,这里的季节气候变化很正常。 Said that Rin, you ask me to have anything, moreover brings Heroic Spirit to visit.” “说吧,,你来找我有什么事,而且还是带着英灵登门。” At this time Illya is standing behind more than ten maids, since, they are fixing the eyes on Su Xiao, Su Xiao's bloody aura, they are clear Sensor, this makes them more vigilant. 此时伊莉雅身后站着十几名女仆从,她们都紧盯着苏晓,苏晓的血气,她们都清晰感知到,这让她们更警惕。 Matter is this......” “事情是这样……” Tohsaka Rin and Illya described the present situation fast, including Kotomine Kirei, as well as contacts Clock Tower. 远坂凛伊莉雅快速描述了眼下的情况,其中包括言峰绮礼,以及联络时钟塔等。 This.” “这样吗。” The Illya expression also gradually enforces. 伊莉雅的表情也逐渐严肃起来。 Very sorry, Rin, although your request is not excessive, will trade to be me certainly not to reject in the past, but now, this concerns the standpoint issue, we were m Master.” “很抱歉,,虽然你的要求并不过分,换做以往我一定不会拒绝,可现在,这关乎立场问题,我们都是master。” Illya, considers again......” 伊莉雅,再考虑一下……” The Tohsaka Rin words have not said, Su Xiao's builds on her shoulder, changes players the negotiation, Su Xiao prepares under the experiment the effect of Traveller title, after all this thing can significantly promote his Charm attribute. 远坂凛的话还没说完,苏晓的手就搭在她肩上,换人交涉,苏晓准备实验下旅行者称号的效果,毕竟这东西能大幅度提升他的魅力属性。 Whose to become thinks, Su Xiao just went forward, opposite Illya slightly draws back one step. 谁成想,苏晓刚上前,对面的伊莉雅就小退一步。
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