RP :: Volume #22

#21: Hangs bi the self- training

Consciousness dim, Tohsaka Rin felt that the faint trace cool feeling transmits from the back, is not painful, is only somewhat itchy. 意识朦胧中,远坂凛感觉到丝丝凉意从背后传来,并不痛,只是有些痒。 Un ~ “嗯~” Blurry Tohsaka Rin sits sets out, the silk slippery wool blanket coasts from her, she looks to out of the window, the birdcall transmits. 迷迷糊糊的远坂凛坐起身,丝滑的毛毯从她身上滑下,她看向窗外,吱吱喳喳的鸟叫声传来。 Already noon.” “已经中午了吗。” Flexure the chaotic hair, Tohsaka Rin bound the blanket to sit sets out, immediately, she feels the difference of body, magic power of her within the body complete disappearance, in magic circuit completely empty. 挠了挠乱糟糟的头发,远坂凛裹着毯子坐起身,马上,她就感觉到身体的不同,她体内的魔力完全了消失,魔术回路内空空如也。 This remarkable change, making Tohsaka Rin present the absent-minded, once effort commits to flames in a minute now, this dropping variance feeling made her heart sink the valley, may in the next quarter, she feel that unusual of back, quick, she discovered that magic power of own within the body in the back position, gathered in some unknown place in one unexpectedly. 这惊人的变化,让远坂凛出现片刻失神,曾经的努力如今付之一炬,这种落差感让她的心沉到谷底,可在下一刻,她感觉到后背的异样,很快,她发现自己体内的魔力居然都在后背位置,或者说,是在某个未知地方汇聚在了一起。 Before barefooting Tohsaka Rin thump thump thump runs up to the mirror, lags behind the back blanket, she sees Alchemy Array Chart of back place, this Array Chart whole assumes the circular, that scarlet pigment figure road nearly floods her entire back. 赤着脚的远坂凛噔噔噔跑到镜子前,拉下背后的毯子,她看到脊背处的炼金阵图,这阵图整体呈圆形,那赤红色纹路近乎充斥她整个脊背。 As Tohsaka Rin attempts to stimulate to movement the Gem magic, the three stars splendor Alchemy Array Chart upper reaches exit the light red glow, entire Array Chart lives probably general, tall and pleasing to the eye. 随着远坂凛尝试催动宝石魔术,第三星辉炼金阵图上流转出淡淡的红芒,整个阵图像是活过来一般,美轮美奂。 If the magic power maximum reserves of Tohsaka Rin within the body is 20, she now at least is over 600, naturally, this did not represent her strength to promote 30 times, the might of Gem magic not to have the change, must take advantage of her magic circuit, but she used the number of times large scale promotion of Gem magic, from some name degree, three stars splendor Alchemy Array Chart replaced most magic circuits. 如果说远坂凛原本体内的魔力最大存储量是20,那她现在至少是600以上,当然,这不代表她的实力提升了30倍,宝石魔术的威力并未出现变化,还是要依仗她的魔术回路,但她使用宝石魔术的次数大幅度提升,从某称程度上来讲,第三星辉炼金阵图代替了大部分魔术回路。 Some similar memories? Or is the converter? Really mysterious technology.” “有些类似存储器?或者说是转化器?真是神奇的技术。” Tohsaka Rin is very satisfied, first did not say her magic power reserves, only from the artistic perspective, she does not repel this thing. 远坂凛很满意,先不说她的魔力存储量,单是从美观方面来讲,她就不排斥这东西。 Unexpected benefit.” “意外收获。” Tohsaka Rin smiles is very happy, but next quarter, Su Xiao's words like a basin cold water pouring above her. 远坂凛笑的很开心,但下一刻,苏晓的话如同一盆凉水般浇在她头上。 Do not cheer too soon, the three stars splendor Array Chart performance is indeed outstanding, but by your physique, this thing can only be the portray, rather than engraves, if engraves three stars splendor Alchemy Array Chart behind you, you can crawl now are lucky, your also carrying/sustaining that thing.” “别高兴的太早,第三星辉阵图的性能的确优异,但以你的体质,这东西只能是刻画,而不是刻印,如果是在你背后刻印第三星辉炼金阵图,你现在能爬都已经是万幸,你还承载不了那东西。” Portray? Engraves? This has anything to distinguish.” “刻画?刻印?这有什么区别。” Tohsaka Rin draws in the blanket, although had looked at a none last night, but she has as lady's ashamed heart, and weight/quantity is full. 远坂凛拉上毯子,虽然昨晚已经被看个精光,但作为女士的羞耻心她还是有的,而且分量十足。 Wording meaning, the portray is the picture comes up, the consumables, engraving penetrates your flesh, permanent buff.” “字面意思,刻画就是画上去,消耗品,刻印是深入你的血肉,永久增益。” I can elect to engrave.” “那我能选刻印吗。” magic power that Sensor within the body that rushes, Tohsaka Rin is resolute, pursue of Magus to the magic is the average man is unable comprehension. 感知体内那澎湃的魔力,远坂凛的语气坚定,魔术师对魔术的追求是常人无法理解的。 „Did you determine?” “你确定?” Su Xiao ate the seafood soup, the smile on face is even more temperate. 苏晓喝了口海鲜汤,脸上的笑容越发温和。 Some... did not determine.” “有些…不怎么确定了。” That Strength is not you can withstand, because the material is fine, Array Chart that you conduct the back can exist for 3 ~ 5 months, if often uses, can maintain probably for 15 days to about 1 month, after Array Chart was shattered, you will be weak for several weeks, when Array Chart exists, do not attempt with magic power it to overbrim, otherwise you will regret, if you want to turn into the star splendor, can attempt.” “那种力量不是你能承受,因为材料优良,你背上的阵图能存在3~5个月,如果经常使用,大概能维持15天到一个月左右,在阵图破碎后,你会虚弱几个星期,而且在阵图存在期间,不要尝试用魔力把它注满,否则你会后悔,如果你想变成星辉,可以尝试一下。” Star splendor?” “星辉?” Tohsaka Rin does not have the understanding of Alchemy, naturally does not know that anything is the star splendor. 远坂凛炼金学毫无了解,当然也不知道什么是星辉。 One rare creature material, has the e12 above energy conduction power, majority is the intelligent biotransformation comes, the star splendor Alchemy Array Chart completed initial period, was once taken the Strength intensive bait use, does not know that was Alchemist Master contributed how much star splendor dust, does not know that the pit dies many hope Strength people, after more than ten improvements, had the present three stars splendor Alchemy Array Chart.” “一种稀有生物材料,拥有e12以上的能量传导功率,大部分都是智慧生物转化而来,星辉炼金阵图被完成的初期,一度被作为力量速成诱饵使用,不知为炼金术师们贡献了多少星辉粉尘,也不知坑死多少渴望力量的人,经过十几次完善,才有现在的‘第三星辉炼金阵图’。” I do not want to turn into the star splendor dust, how many are the safety limit?” “我一点都不想变成星辉粉尘,安全极限是多少?” Probably about 95%, exceed this energy storage limit, you...... bang.” “大概95%左右,超过这个能量存储极限,你就……砰。” Su Xiao makes a hand signal of explosion, Tohsaka Rin corners of the mouth twitches , in the world free lunch, has not obtained Strength at the same time, she must take certain risk. 苏晓做出一个爆炸的手势,远坂凛的嘴角一阵抽搐,果然,天底下没有免费的午餐,得到力量的同时,她也要承担一定的风险。 „Can we look for other m Master now? I felt that present are very strong.” “那我们现在可以去找其他master了?我感觉现在的自己很强。” Naturally... is not good.” “当然…不行。” Su Xiao and Tohsaka Rin said so many , because his is very happy, through the surveillance of Boubo, as well as his summary to the Blood Sect Adventure Group trend, he basic has guessed correctly Blood Sect team Main Mission is anything. 苏晓远坂凛说这么多,是因为他的心情很不错,通过布布汪的监视,以及他对血门冒险团动向的总结,他基本已经猜出血门的团队主线任务是什么。 Holy Grail world just started, the Blood Sect person starts to eliminate Contractor in this world, at that time they also placed first man-made Holy Grail plan, may after Su Xiao comes, Stan drops the man-made Holy Grail plan decisively, this is not Stan instigated, but is he mentions first team Main Mission. 圣杯世界刚开始,血门的人就开始肃清这个世界内的契约者,那时他们还将人造圣杯计划放在第一位,可在苏晓现身后,斯坦果断放弃人造圣杯计划,这并非是斯坦怂,而是他将团队主线任务提到第一位。 After Blood Sect is attacked for the first time, they turned the head to attack Kotomine Church, and blocked Area Central Street, this seemed like that is tempting Su Xiao to come, in fact the Blood Sect goal was not Su Xiao, they were to go to Kotomine Church, as for blocking Area Central Street, but to guard against Su Xiao to bother. 血门首次遇袭后,他们转头就袭击了言峰教堂,并将中心街封锁,这看似是在引诱苏晓现身,实际上血门的目标并不是苏晓,他们就是要去言峰教堂,至于封锁中心街,只是为了以防苏晓来搅局。 Blood Sect Adventure Group almost put down Kotomine Church, at that time Kotomine Church no one, in other words, they were looking for something, or is somebody's trail, after seeking is fruitless, blows up Kotomine Church, takes the smoke shell by this, making Su Xiao take for this is to the trap that he sets up. 血门冒险团几乎平了言峰教堂,当时言峰教堂没任何人,也就是说,他们正在寻找某件东西,或者是某个人的踪迹,寻找无果后,才炸毁言峰教会,以此作为烟雾弹,让苏晓误认为这是对他设下的陷阱。 At first, Su Xiao has not thought of this, at that time he and Blood Sect tactical situation was extremely intense, when soon, he and Golden Flash fought, the Stan three people caught up at the inconceivable speed, he detected that indistinctly was not right. 最初时,苏晓还未想到这点,当时他与血门的战况太过激烈,可在不久之后,他与金闪闪交手时,斯坦三人以不可思议的速度赶来,他就隐约察觉到不对。 The Stan three people come is too quick, leaves sealing from them in the suburb, is close to Su Xiao and Golden Flash battlefield to them, the entire journey is also several hours, locates to the so accurate degree, can only explain a matter, Stan is seeking for Kotomine Kirei. 斯坦三人来的实在太快,从他们在郊外离开结界,到他们接近苏晓金闪闪的战场,全程也就是几小时,定位到如此精准的程度,只能说明一件事,斯坦正在寻找言峰绮礼 Su Xiao and Stan have ripped bi to the irreconciliable adversaries degree, by this time, the opposite party also had the leisurely mood to look for Kotomine Kirei unexpectedly? The situation is very obvious, the Blood Sect goal is Kotomine Kirei, or Kotomine Kirei and Blood Sect team Main Mission is closely linked. 苏晓斯坦已经撕哔到你死我活的程度,到了这时,对方居然还有闲心找言峰绮礼?情况已经很明显,血门的目标就是言峰绮礼,或者说,言峰绮礼血门的团队主线任务息息相关。 From behaving badly, cannot live.” “自作孽,不可活。” Su Xiao could not bear smile, because the present situation is interesting, Stan was very possible to dig a pit in fourth Holy Grail War, at present he was advanced in this pit by team Main Mission. 苏晓忍不住笑了起来,因为眼下的情况非常有趣,斯坦很可能是在第四次圣杯战争中挖了个坑,眼下他被团队主线任务推到这坑内。 Hears the Su Xiao's laughter, is appreciating Tohsaka Rin absolutely terrified of star splendor Array Chart to the mirror, in the heart intertwines, does not know that has such Heroic Spirit is good is bad. 听到苏晓的笑声,正对镜子欣赏星辉阵图远坂凛一阵毛骨悚然,心中一阵纠结,不知道有这样的英灵是好是坏。 As if thought through anything, Su Xiao's is happier, if as expected, this time Holy Grail War will soon finish, once solves Blood Sect Adventure Group, he later can even push. 似乎想通了什么,苏晓的心情更好,如果不出意外,这次的圣杯战争将很快结束,一旦解决掉血门冒险团,他之后就能一路平推。 Rin, finding the way to contact Mage's Association, best is that side direct contact Clock Tower, told them, Kotomine Kirei embezzled. „ ,想办法联络魔术协会,最好是直接联络时钟塔那边,告诉他们,言峰绮礼监守自盗。“ This......” “这……” Tohsaka Rin is somewhat ignorant, Kotomine Kirei is the Church person, if must report, obviously should report to Church is right, moreover she has opens hangs suspicion, three Heroic Spirit led a cheer fully, at this time reported Kotomine Kirei, she always had to plant as hangs bi to report that others used the bug Sin feeling. 远坂凛有些懵,言峰绮礼圣堂教会的人,如果要举报的话,明显应该向圣堂教会举报才对,况且她本身就有‘开挂’嫌疑,足有三个英灵助阵,这时去举报言峰绮礼,她总有种身为挂哔去举报别人利用bug的罪恶感。 Reported by all means that relax, Mage's Association at this matter compared with the enthusiasm that you imagine.” “只管去举报,放心,在这件事上魔术协会要比你想象的热情。” The Su Xiao's goal is very simple, found Kotomine Kirei before Stan, regardless of the opposite party wants to obtain anything, first holds Kotomine Kirei right, as for reported to Mage's Association, this is seeking for Kotomine Kirei using native faction- 苏晓的目的很简单,就是在斯坦之前找到言峰绮礼,无论对方想得到什么,先抓住言峰绮礼准没错,至于向魔术协会举报,这是在利用本土势力寻找言峰绮礼- On draws load next chapter of s-> u 上拉加载下一章s->u
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