RP :: Volume #22

#20: Did this call to be very safe?

Within Matou cautious two eyeful panic-stricken colors in the trash can, look at his facial expression, clearly is the preparation through selling the teammate seeks livehood. 垃圾桶内的间慎二满眼惊恐之色,看他的神情,分明是准备通过卖队友求生。 Where Kotomine Kirei is.” 言峰绮礼在哪。” A Su Xiao's finger check, Realm Cutting Thread springs from his sleeve cuff, entangles on the middle the Matou cautious two napes of the neck. 苏晓的手指一勾,界断线从他的袖口内弹出,缠在间慎二的脖颈上。 This......” “这……” In the middle Matou cautious two are at a loss for words for a while, which his actually not clear Kotomine Kirei, previous time met he to find the opposite party through the channel in every way, and there is a very big luck ingredient. 慎二一时语塞,他其实也不清楚言峰绮礼在哪,上次见面还是他通过多方渠道找到对方,并且有很大运气成分。 Since does not know, you were useless.” “既然不知道,那你没用了。” No, gives me to select the time......” “不,给我点时间……” ~ 滋~ Realm Cutting Thread tightens, deep enters in the Matou cautious two napes of the neck, after the ice-cold filament line cuts open his flesh, pulls out from his within the body leaves, a blood line scatters in the air. 界断线收紧,深深勒入间慎二的脖颈内,冰冷的线丝割开他的血肉后,从他体内抽离,一丝血线飘散在空气中。 In the middle the Matou cautious two eyes stare in a big way, both hands are covering the throat, the blood blowout, in his mouth also sends out to drink the sound, the body gradually pours in the trash can softly. 慎二的眼睛瞪大,双手捂着喉咙,汩汩鲜血喷出,他口中还发出喝喝声,身体逐渐软倒在垃圾桶内。 Bang, Su Xiao covers the trash bung, lifts the step to walk toward the alley, following that his behind Tohsaka Rin god the moment, blindly followed suit finally. 砰的一声,苏晓盖上垃圾桶盖,抬步向小巷外走去,他身后的远坂凛愣神了片刻,最终亦步亦趋的跟上。 Sorry.” “抱歉呐。” Tohsaka Rin twittering, somewhat scared witless going out alley, the acquaintance dies in a low voice attacks at present big to her, but the opposite party is m Master of enemy side, this is Holy Grail War. 远坂凛低声呢喃一句,就有些魂不守舍的走出小巷,熟人死在眼前对她冲击不小,可对方是敌方的master,这就是圣杯战争 Outside the alley, Su Xiao is closing eyes Sensor anything, Eye of the Apostle of upper air has cut the security pattern, before A' Mu and Culin fought, Su Xiao has not made an appearance the main reason is he is seeking for Kotomine Kirei, with opposite party that discrete personality, likely hid in the nearby. 小巷外,苏晓正闭目感知着什么,高空的使徒之眼已切换到警戒模式,之前阿姆与库・丘林交手时,苏晓没露面最主要的原因是他在寻找言峰绮礼,以对方那谨慎的性格,很可能就藏匿在附近。 What a pity is, Su Xiao had not found the Kotomine Kirei position, as for tracking Golden Flash, this indeed is a good method, but by the Golden Flash strength, only if tracked by Boubo, otherwise the successful possibility is very low, does to Boubo to stare at the Stan three people. 可惜的是,苏晓始终未找到言峰绮礼的位置,至于追踪金闪闪,这的确是个不错的方法,但以金闪闪的实力,除非由布布汪跟踪,否则成功的可能性很低,奈何布布汪正在盯着斯坦三人。 In the final analysis, Su Xiao must solve Blood Sect Adventure Group, can participate in Holy Grail War safely. 归根结底,苏晓还是要解决掉血门冒险团,才能安心参与到圣杯战争中。 Thinks of this, Su Xiao recalls Eye of the Apostle, takes Tohsaka Rin to walk toward the Fuyuki City edge, in this war, the Su Xiao's harvest is not low, A' Mu struck to kill Culin after all, at present he has the time to examine Reincarnation Paradise Prompt. 想到这点,苏晓召回使徒之眼,带上远坂凛冬木市边缘走去,此战中,苏晓的收获并不低,阿姆毕竟击杀了库・丘林,眼下他才有时间查看轮回乐园提示 Your Servant struck to kill Culin er)】 【你的从者击杀了库・丘林er)】 Culin to participate in one of the Holy Grail War seven Heroic Spirit, obtains World's Origin 7. 3%, presently obtains World's Origin 7. 3%.】 【库・丘林为参与本次圣杯战争七位英灵之一,获得世界之源7.3%,现共获得世界之源7.3%。】 You obtain treasure box Gold Set( in this treasure box has high probability to obtain Gold Set).】 【你获得宝箱金色套装(此宝箱内有较高几率获得金色套装)。】 ...... …… You struck to kill within Matou cautious two.】 【你击杀了间慎二。】 You obtain World's Origin 0.2%, presently obtains World's Origin 7. 5%.】 【你获得世界之源0.2%,现共获得世界之源7.5%。】 ...... …… Sees to strike to kill Matou cautious two also to obtain 0.2% World's Origin, Su Xiao is not accidental/surprised, as for Gold Set treasure box that Culin falls, once this thing starts out Gold Set, the value is not lower than Legendary treasure box. 看到击杀间慎二也获得0.2%世界之源,苏晓并不算意外,至于库・丘林掉落的金色套装宝箱,这东西一旦开出金色套装,价值就不低于传说级宝箱 Walks on the street, Su Xiao is always considering a matter, is Blood Sect team Main Mission is anything. 走在街道上,苏晓始终在考虑一件事,就是血门的团队主线任务到底是什么。 According to understanding of Su Xiao large-scale Adventure Group, their Main Mission is not first simple, and very possible is needs the group cooperation to complete, next has very high probability to be related with Holy Grail War. 根据苏晓对大型冒险团的了解,首先他们的主线任务绝不简单,并且很可能是需要团体协作才能完成,其次是有很高几率与圣杯战争有关。 At present the most ideal way is, Su Xiao can destroy Blood Sect team Main Mission, as the matter stands, he can kill the Blood Sect person completely. 眼下最理想的方式是,苏晓能破坏血门的团队主线任务,这样一来,他就能将血门的人全部害死。 First did not say other, only puts together this fully to be unworthy with Blood Sect hardly, first Su Xiao kills the Blood Sect person twice, is completely because does not have other means that at present passed through Boubo tracking , Su Xiao determined the importance of team Main Mission to Blood Sect. 先不说其他,单是与血门硬拼这点就完全不值得,前两次苏晓袭杀血门的人,完全是因为没其他办法,眼下经布布汪追踪,苏晓确定了团队主线任务血门的重要性。 First, this Holy Grail world scarlet card falling rate/lead arrives lowly exaggeratingly, Su Xiao killed the Blood Sect about 60 people scattered, actually only obtains 3 scarlet cards, this only then two possibilities ; first, this world scarlet card falls sincerely is very low ; second, his Luck attribute due. 首先,这次圣杯世界的猩红卡掉落率低到夸张,苏晓零零散散杀了血门近60人,却仅获得三枚猩红卡,这只有两种可能,一是这个世界的猩红卡掉落率真的很低,二是他的幸运属性到期了。 Thinks of the latter, Su Xiao brain benevolent pains, his some are not willing to accept the latter, if other Contractor had he such high Luck attribute, should be able to fight with the Luck attribute is right, but Su Xiao absolutely does not have this feeling, he always felt oneself restore the Luck attribute to the normal level, or is his luck uneven performance, but also meets the intermittence to restore the big chief halo. 想到后者,苏晓脑仁一阵隐隐作痛,他有些不愿意接受后者,如果其他契约者有了他这么高的幸运属性,应该已经能用幸运属性去战斗才对,可苏晓完全没这种感觉,他总感觉自己只是将幸运属性恢复到正常水平,或者说,是他的运气时好时坏,还会间歇性恢复大酋长光环。 The Su Xiao returning to normal mind, no longer considers the Luck attribute related matter, but the attention will gather on Blood Sect. 苏晓平复心神,不再考虑幸运属性相关的事,而是将注意力重新汇聚到血门身上。 The present situation is very obvious, spells with Blood Sect hardly is unworthy, although is very venting, but kills the enemy even the bullet cost unable to receive especially, this egg hurt. 眼下的情况已经很明显,与血门硬拼根本不值得,虽然很解气,但特么杀敌连子弹成本都收不回来,这就十分蛋疼了。 During the Su Xiao thinking, before he and Tohsaka Rin arrives at an unpopulated 2nd Layer villa, after the preliminary observation, Su Xiao determined that here at least has two months to be unpopulated. 苏晓思索间,他与远坂凛来到一栋无人居住的二层别墅前,经初步观察,苏晓确定这里至少有两个月无人居住。 Su Xiao puts out the uniquely shaped key, after inserting the locking hole, twists, the door opens accordingly, looks at Tohsaka Rin dumbfounded. 苏晓拿出把形状奇特的钥匙,插入锁孔后拧动,房门应声而开,将远坂凛看的一愣一愣的。 In villa quick brilliantly illuminated, Su Xiao sits the sofa, A' Mu before sofa sits the small wooden stool, is watching the television with total concentration. 别墅内很快灯火通明,苏晓坐上沙发,沙发前的阿姆坐着小木凳,正聚精会神的看电视。 A' Mu, you are injured heavily......” 阿姆,你受伤不轻……” Moo ~ “哞~” The A' Mu sound transposition, the head swings the rattle-drum, that meaning is: Master, A' Mu is good, does not need healer to restore.” 阿姆的声音都变了调,脑袋摇成拨浪鼓,那意思是:“主人,阿姆挺好的,不需要治疗就能恢复。” Right, Rin , helping A' Mu dress the wound.” “是吗,,去帮阿姆包扎伤口。” „, I was not injured well.” “不是吧,我也受伤了好吧。” Tohsaka Rin discovers the medical kit, starts to help the A' Mu careful wrap wound, if tonight is not A' Mu, she may not encounter anything. 远坂凛找出医疗箱,开始帮阿姆仔细包扎伤口,今晚如果不是阿姆,她不一定会遭遇什么。 The Su Xiao following plan is very simple, that is, he does not believe Stan not to complete team Main Mission, once reveals the traces, that is the outset that they roll to extinguish. 苏晓接下来的计划很简单,那就是等,他不信斯坦不去完成团队主线任务,一旦露出蛛丝马迹,那就是他们团灭的起始。 Tohsaka Rin, takes off the clothes, you need some self-preservation abilities.” 远坂凛,脱衣服,你需要些自保能力。” Ha?!” “哈?!” Hears the Su Xiao's words, the Tohsaka Rin startled passing heart is cool, she withdraws slowly, would rather die than from appearance. 听到苏晓的话,远坂凛惊的透心凉,她缓缓退后,一副宁死不从的模样。 Sees the response of Tohsaka Rin, the Su Xiao's facial expression has no change, he has a very good tentative plan, at present needs under the experiment, from the tonight's situation, at least needs to make Tohsaka Rin be capable of self-preservation being safe. 看到远坂凛的反应,苏晓的神情没什么变化,他有个很不错的设想,眼下需要试验下,从今晚的情况来看,至少要让远坂凛有自保能力才稳妥。 I said, this matter cannot demand, moreover you are the crime,......” “我说,这种事不能强求,而且你这是犯罪,无论是……” Under Tohsaka Rin symbolic struggling, her coat took off, and lies on the sofa. 远坂凛象征性的挣扎下,她的上衣被脱去,并趴在沙发上。 Su Xiao entrains the tea table to sit above, above is also putting more than ten Alchemy materials, is lying before his body on the sofa, only puts on Tohsaka Rin that the corsage confuses it to blush. 苏晓拽过茶几坐在上面,上面还放着十几种炼金材料,在他身前是正趴在沙发上,仅穿着胸衣迷之脸红的远坂凛 Really... does not have the issue, won't I turn into the monster?” “真的…没问题吗,我不会变成怪物?” Theoretically does not have the issue.” “理论上来讲没问题。” Theoretically......” “理论上……” , Jackknife of Su Xiao in the hand selects the Tohsaka Rin corsage brings, Tohsaka Rin felt that release feeling, this also makes her more anxious, both hands keep off in the chest side, in order to avoid being exposed. 啪啦一声,苏晓用手中折叠刀挑断远坂凛的胸衣后带,远坂凛感觉到释放感,这也让她更紧张,双手挡在胸侧,以免走光。 The Su Xiao's tentative plan is very simple, portrays Alchemy Array Chart behind Tohsaka Rin, the leading role of this Array Chart is the storage energy, the nature is close to make the incantation as far as possible. 苏晓的设想很简单,就是在远坂凛背后刻画一副炼金阵图,这阵图的主要作用是存储能量,性质尽可能接近令咒。 This world magic power is general, decided what truly magic attribute is the magic circuit, Su Xiao has not studied to the magic circuit, does not want to study, he must do, is to make Tohsaka Rin have massive magic power, even cannot raise her magic intensity, at least still makes her the fort. 要知道,这个世界魔力是通用的,真正决定魔术属性的是魔术回路,苏晓对魔术回路没有研究,也不想去研究,他要做的,就是让远坂凛拥有大量魔力,就算不能提升她的魔术强度,至少也让她成为炮台。 Metal injection shots appears in the Su Xiao hand, sees this, Tohsaka Rin that was just calm nearly startled sits sets out. 一支金属注射枪出现在苏晓手中,看到这一幕,刚淡定下来的远坂凛险些惊的坐起身。 This time is to make anything.” “这次又是做什么。” This is the anesthetic of lifeform nature, compared with the side effects of most anesthetics small over 70%, can avoid when portray three stars splendor Alchemy Array Chart you are in shock because of the severe pain, thus creates the cognitive death phenomenon, generally speaking is very safe.” “这是生物性质的麻醉剂,比大多数麻醉剂的副作用小70%以上,能避免在刻画‘第三星辉炼金阵图’时你因剧痛休克,从而造成脑死亡现象,总体来讲很安全。” star splendor and Alchemy Array Chart, severe pain, shock, cognitive death and other inscription feeling phrases are stimulating the Tohsaka Rin nerve continually, she grasps the clothes to escape, may after a half minute, she lie to return to the sofa, Anomaly that rests is fragrant, 星辉、炼金阵图、剧痛、休克、脑死亡等铭感字眼持续刺激着远坂凛的神经,她抓起衣服就逃,可在半分钟后,她重新趴回到沙发上,睡的异常香甜, D d
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