RP :: Volume #22

#19: This more convenient processing

When the mist and dust and ice crystal diverge, Culin leans on the long spear/gun to stand in same place, his ground hollow big piece, the right arm dangles softly, gets down it to be beaten in earth. 当烟尘与冰晶散去时,库・丘林拄着长枪站在原地,他脚下的地面凹陷一大片,右臂软软垂下,下本身都被捶进土里。 Coughs......” “咳咳咳……” Culin puts out a big blood, his mirthless smile, before swallowed Heroic Spirit energy was too fatal, causing his battle efficiency to slide seriously, miserable that such otherwise facing an enemy of severe wound, he will not defeat, naturally, these words Culin will not say, defeat defeated, any reason was not enough to level is defeated these two characters. 库・丘林哇的一声吐出一大口鲜血,他不禁惨笑一声,之前被吞噬的英灵能量实在太致命,导致他的战斗力严重下滑,否则面对一名重伤的敌人,他不会败的这么惨,当然,这些话库・丘林绝不会说出来,败了就是败了,任何理由都不足以抹平失败这两个字。 The heavy sound of footsteps transmits, Culin looks to the front, by the dim rime fog, he sees a pair of blood red pupil. 沉重的脚步声传来,库・丘林向前方看去,透过朦胧的冰雾,他看到一双血红的眸子。 Actually Golden Flash and Culin misplaced the A' Mu ability, severe wound in their opinion, to A' Mu can only be the fine rain, by the enemy crumb skull, A' Mu can the opposite party a hammer, be is punctured more than ten blood holes backhandedly let alone. 其实金闪闪与库・丘林都错估了阿姆的能力,在他们看来的重伤,对阿姆来讲只能算是毛毛雨而已,被敌人捏碎脑壳,阿姆都能反手给对方一锤子,更何况是身上被刺出十几道血洞。 Thump, thump and thump. 咚、咚、咚。 Before A' Mu several steps rush to Culin body, is elegant the palm of cold air to grasp to the enemy. 阿姆几步冲到库・丘林身前,飘逸着寒气的手掌向敌人抓去。 After two minutes, the A' Mu bending the waist big mouth respite, Blood Spear pierces his chest, but in its hand, Culin who grabs the whole face blood. 两分钟后,阿姆弯腰大口喘息,一把血枪刺穿他的胸膛,而在它手中,正抓着满脸鲜血的库・丘林。 A' Mu throws begins Culin, holds the right leg of opposite party accurate, its sinking waist raises the air/Qi. 阿姆抛动手中的库・丘林,精准抓住对方的右腿,它沉腰提气。 Bang! 砰! Culin was fallen by A' Mu on the ground, this has not calculated, A' Mu is grasping the right calf of Culin, starts to beat before the body recklessly. 库・丘林被阿姆摔在地上,这还不算完,阿姆握着库・丘林的右小腿,开始在身前肆意摔打。 Bang, bang, bang and bang...... 砰、砰、砰、砰…… Witnessed that this within Matou cautious two bodies tremble, the subconsciousness withdraws several steps, nearby Golden Flash is the corner of the eye jumps slightly, this frigid situation, he indeed has not seen several times. 目睹这一幕的间慎二身体一哆嗦,下意识退后几步,一旁的金闪闪都是眼角轻微一跳,这种惨烈的情况,他的确没见过几次。 As for Tohsaka Rin of A' Mu not far away, her small mouth slightly, looked that facial expression as to say: Probably does not need to fall , that Heroic Spirit died if as expected absolutely, I guaranteed.” 至于阿姆不远处的远坂凛,她的小嘴微张,看那神情似乎想说:“好像已经不用摔了,不出意外的话,那名英灵绝对是死了,我保证。” After A' Mu fell for several minutes, it flings some Culin of distortion one side, this is it with Boubo looked when movie style that learns, Anomaly belt/bring feeling. 阿姆足足摔了几分钟后,它才将有些变形的库・丘林甩到一旁,这是它与布布汪看电影时学到的招式,异常带感。 Drops out Culin, A' Mu sits on the ground, it has been incapable of fighting again. 抛下库・丘林,阿姆一屁股坐在地上,它已经无力再战。 Also is...... the splendid fight.” “还算是……精彩的战斗。” Wears the white shirt, outside wraps Golden Flash of black motorcycle clothing/taking to walk, his wear is very fashionable, will come from the aesthetic standard, Golden Flash will rank among the best absolutely. 身穿白衬衫,外面套着黑色机车服的金闪闪走来,他的穿着很时髦,从审美观来将,金闪闪绝对是数一数二。 Both hands insert the pocket, before facial expression leisurely and carefree Golden Flash arrives at the A' Mu body . 双手插兜,神情悠闲的金闪闪来到阿姆身前。 Looked that protects Master in you loyally, bestows you honored cause of death.” “看在你忠心保护御主,赐你个光彩的死法。” The golden space ripple slanting above appears in Golden Flash, a sharp sword finds out the golden ripple. 金色空间波纹在金闪闪斜上方出现,一把利剑探出金色波纹。 Zheng! 铮! Together diameter about ten meters Blade Aura streaks across the nighttime sky, cuts directly to Golden Flash, in the Golden Flash above golden color ripple projects the long sword, welcomed cuts the glow to that say/way. 一道直径近十米的刀芒划破夜空,径直向金闪闪斩来,金闪闪上方的金色波纹内射出长剑,迎向那道斩芒。 Bang, Golden Flash Noble Phantasm was cut to fly. 轰隆一声,金闪闪宝具被斩飞。 The form leaps together from the parking lot tall building, bang steps in a black sedan, steps on flatly the vehicle shed. 一道身影从停车场旁的高楼上跃下,轰的一声踩在一辆黑色轿车上,将车棚踩扁。 Looks the man who that walks silent, the Golden Flash facial expression has no change, the idea in heart is, where this comes cultivates mixed. 看着那沉默不语走来的男人,金闪闪的神情没什么变化,心中的想法是,这又是哪来的杂修。 Rin, be not gawking, goes the blue wool that watches the fun that side to butcher. „ ,别愣着,去把那边看热闹的蓝毛宰了。“ Good, good.” “好,好吧。” In the Tohsaka Rin heart long breathes a sigh of relief, her Heroic Spirit arrived finally, actually Su Xiao has caught up for several minutes, before was to prepare to help A' Mu long-distance kill Culin, what has not thought that A' Mu solved the enemy unexpectedly alone, as for knight spirit one kind, very sorry, Su Xiao that thing, has not had the opportunity to besiege him certainly not with enemy One on One Duel. 远坂凛心中长舒了口气,她的英灵终于到了,其实苏晓已经赶来几分钟,之前是准备帮阿姆远程狙杀库・丘林,没想到的是,阿姆居然独自解决掉敌人,至于骑士精神一类,很抱歉,苏晓没那东西,有机会围攻他绝不和敌人单挑 Su Xiao leads the way gradually, the blue haze his left arm package, the next quarter, he vanishes in suddenly same place, appears in front of Golden Flash directly, coping with Golden Flash he is very experienced, Golden Flash that is earnest is strong, however, this fellow will not be basically earnest, according to Holy Grail world present rank, Golden Flash, if acts full power, can exceed the Fourth Order strength absolutely, achieves degree that Fifth Order is not. 苏晓缓步前行,蓝色烟气将他的左臂包裹在内,下一刻,他突然消失在原地,直接出现在金闪闪面前,对付金闪闪他很有经验,认真起来的金闪闪非常强,然而,这家伙基本不会认真,按圣杯世界眼下的阶位,金闪闪如果全力出手,绝对能超越四阶战力,达到五阶不到的程度。 Sudden Su Xiao, making Golden Flash somewhat accidental/surprised, may in the next quarter, he not feel accidentally/surprisingly, because he dares to take the attitude of having a low opinion of the enemy again, he possibly dies in this. 突然出现的苏晓,让金闪闪有些意外,可在下一刻,他就不感觉意外了,因为他再敢抱有轻敌的态度,他就可能死在这。 The long blade cuts to the throat of Golden Flash slantingly, the golden space ripple appears in the Golden Flash neck side position immediately, a long halberd punctures. 长刀向金闪闪的喉咙斜斩而过,金色空间波纹立刻出现在金闪闪颈侧的位置,一把长戟刺出。 Ding a bell resounding, the long halberd cut off, Dragon Flash is so sharp, while this short neutral, after Golden Flash raises head leaps, the close bloodstain appears in his face side together. 叮铃一声脆响,长戟被斩断,斩龙闪就是如此锋利,趁这短暂的空挡,金闪闪仰头后跃,一道细密的血痕出现在他脸侧。 Golden Flash just fell to the ground looks the scowl: Trivial wild dog, injures to this king unexpectedly.” 金闪闪刚落地就面露怒容:“区区野狗,居然伤到本王。” During the speeches, Golden Flash presents dozens golden space ripple behind, he was somewhat earnest. 说话间,金闪闪身后出现几十道金色空间波纹,他有些认真了。 The Su Xiao's pupil blue glow flashes, after a blade nearly cuts is spatial, the hand that he holds the blade gets hold, he felt that the night wind has caressed the long blade lightly, felt when the long blade has cut the air that faint trace resistance. 苏晓的眸子蓝芒闪动,一刀近乎斩空后,他持刀的手握紧,他感觉到夜风轻抚过长刀,也感觉到长刀斩过空气时那丝丝阻力。 Only my ceaselessness......” “惟我不断者……” In the Su Xiao mouth twittering, the next quarter, bloody aura wraps in a low voice on Dragon Flash, Swordplay achieves realizing from experience of Grandmaster Level in this moment completely obviously without doubt. 苏晓口中低声呢喃,下一刻,一股血气包裹在斩龙闪上,刀术达到宗师级的体悟在这一刻尽显无疑。 Bloodedge. 血刃’。 Brushes one, Su Xiao cuts together blood-color Blade Aura, this Blade Aura and ordinary Blade Aura sharp degree is close, but his speed is ordinary Blade Aura several times continues, this is the ability that Su Xiao indenpendently develops has, the tentative plan is he is completed, later and Sha practices together, thus develops successfully. 刷拉一声,苏晓斩出一道血色刀芒,这刀芒与普通刀芒的锋利程度相近,可他的速度是普通刀芒的几倍不止,这是苏晓自行开发出的能力,设想是他个人完成,之后与一同实践,从而开发成功。 Achieves the cooperation with Sha, that Su Xiao benefits, not only the promotion of Close Combat Hand-to-Hand ability, Sha that came from the void vision. 达成合作,苏晓得到的好处不只是近战肉搏能力的提升,还有那来自虚空的眼界。 Golden Flash only felt that at present the red light flashes, the next quarter chest place transmits the severe pain. 金闪闪只感觉眼前红光一闪,下一刻胸膛处传来剧痛。 Tittered one, the large share blood blasts out in the Golden Flash chest, but this fellow after all was once most Heroic Spirit, with his control, that dozens King's Treasury to Su Xiao. 噗嗤一声,大股鲜血在金闪闪胸膛炸开,但这家伙毕竟是曾经的最英灵,随着他的控制,那几十把王之财宝苏晓袭来。 embodiment of Counterstrike Shield around Su Xiao, before his left hand extends, dozens Counterstrike Shield change into the blade shape energy weapon, to raiding King's Treasury welcomed. 反击盾苏晓周围具现,他左手前伸,几十面反击盾化为刀刃形能量武器,向袭来的王之财宝迎去。 Dingdong the resounding sound spreads, with the aid of this neutral, Su Xiao jumps side more, before the hand the long blade one after another cuts, cuts big piece Blade Aura. 一阵叮当脆响声传开,借助这空挡,苏晓纵身侧越,手中长刀接连前斩,斩出大片刀芒 When Golden Flash stimulates to movement King's Treasury Blade Aura crushes completely, Su Xiao has vanished in his line of sight. 金闪闪催动王之财宝刀芒全部击碎时,苏晓已经消失在他的视线内。 Collapsed, the glare blasts out in the Golden Flash under foot, his subconsciousness keeps off the hand at present, presents big golden space ripple, at least has over a hundred, the scene Anomaly robust man. 崩的一声,强光在金闪闪脚下炸开,他下意识将手挡在眼前,身后出现一大片金色空间波纹,至少有上百个,场面异常壮汉。 When the glare diverges, Su Xiao vanished, A' Mu also vanished, Tohsaka Rin, within the Matou cautious second-rate people disappear. 强光散去时,苏晓消失了,阿姆也消失了,远坂凛、间慎二等人都消失。 Golden Flash obviously has the instantaneous surprise, because Su Xiao led the person to escape unexpectedly, this made him somewhat unable to think through. 金闪闪明显有瞬间的诧异,因为苏晓居然带人逃了,这让他有些想不通。 Beyond several kilometers, three forms go through in the dim light of night. 几公里外,三道身影穿行在夜色中。 Stops, that side fight fluctuation vanished.” “停,那边的战斗波动消失了。” Naomi stops the footsteps, by her ear a spider crawls into her neckband. 奈洛伊停下脚步,她耳旁一只蜘蛛爬入她的领口内。 Grass, the bastard really chose monitored us.” “艹,那王八蛋果然选择了监视我们。” In the Old Smokey spear/gun point cigarette, that cigarette was taken by him at the visible speed. 老烟枪点上一支烟,那根烟以肉眼可见的速度被他吸食。 Right, because Boubo sends in the information to inform Su Xiao, Stan and the others arrived, he stops fighting with Golden Flash. 没错,正是因为布布汪发来情报通知苏晓,斯坦等人到了,他才停止与金闪闪战斗。 In a Fuyuki City alley, Su Xiao conducts the back to carry A' Mu, the right arm clamps Tohsaka Rin, in the left hand is also carrying within Matou cautious two. 冬木市一条小巷内,苏晓背上扛着阿姆,右臂夹着远坂凛,左手中还拎着间慎二。 The instantaneously captured alive within Matou cautious two whole faces compel ignorant, his stiff turning the head, forces to smile to Su Xiao. 被瞬间生擒的间慎二满脸懵逼,他僵硬的转过头,勉强对苏晓笑了笑。 You, hello/you good, how to call.” “你,你好,请问怎么称呼。” Su Xiao has not paid attention to Matou cautious two, he first is puts down A' Mu and Tohsaka Rin, later cautious two squeezes in within Matou the trash can of alley. 苏晓没理会间慎二,他先是放下阿姆远坂凛,之后把间慎二塞入小巷的垃圾桶内。 Eh ~, is this must link the trash can belt/bring to go back together? Although indeed is very suitable he......” “额~,这是要连垃圾桶一起带回去吗?虽然的确很适合他……” Tohsaka Rin has the ominous premonition, but she has not prevented, because this is Holy Grail War, this brutal battle always wants the deceased person. 远坂凛已经有不祥的预感,可她并未阻止,因为这是圣杯战争,这种残酷的厮杀总是要死人的。 No, this quite convenient processing corpse.” “不,这样比较方便处理尸体。” Does not want, you want to know anything, I told you completely, do not kill me!” “不要啊,你们想知道什么,我全部告诉你们,别杀我!” In within Matou cautious two in trash can with tears, because he feels, Su Xiao will really butcher him, moreover butchered him without hesitation. 垃圾桶内的间慎二眼中含泪,因为他感觉到,苏晓真的会宰了他,而且是毫不犹豫的宰了他。 :. m. 天才本站地址:。m.
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