RP :: Volume #22

#31: Sees ‚Team Slaughterer’ this title, Su Xiao knows that this is protection mechanism of Reincarnation Paradise to Adventure Group, he butchered large-scale Adventure Group Captain after all, had this criminal record, in later three Derivative World , he on

Su Xiao vanishes in suddenly same place, evades a giant dark gravity fist, this thing not only has very strong gravity, the surrounding is also supplementing the attraction, wants to jump to avoid by the side is almost impossible, luckily his Shadow Blink ability enough. spinach 苏晓突然消失在原地,躲过一只巨大的暗重力拳,这东西不仅有很强的重力,外围还附带着引力,想凭借侧跳躲开几乎是不可能,幸好他的龙影闪能力足够强。∑菠 …… …… …… …… bloody aura gushes out from Su Xiao within the body, the fast package in Dragon Flash, his body bends down lowly. 血气苏晓体内涌出,快速包裹在斩龙闪,他的身体低俯。 Bang! The airing spreads, the ground of Su Xiao under foot was shattered, he disappears in same place, speed quickly to exceeding limit, a red blood line has delimited, at this moment, the surroundings seemed to be dark. 砰!气爆扩散,苏晓脚下的地面破碎,他消失在原地,速度快到超出极限,一道红色血线划过,这一刻,周围似乎暗了下来。 Stan stands in same place has not moved, he just wants to make to lift the hand defense posture, what a pity, a metal armor piece has kept off before his heart late, this metal armor piece had been cut, simultaneously was cut also has the chest of Stan, through the wound can see clearly he is beating the heart, wipes the bloodstain to appear on that strong heart. 斯坦站在原地未动,他正想做出抬手防御姿势,可惜已经晚了,一块金属甲片挡在他的心脏前,这块金属甲片已经被斩开,同时被斩开的还有斯坦的胸膛,通过伤口能清楚看到他正在跳动心脏,一抹血痕出现在那颗强壮的心脏上。 If no this armor piece to prevent, Su Xiao this blade Absolute Shadow Flash is not cuts the Stan chest is so simple, the defensive power of this armor piece is very astonishing, once kept off Su Xiao to supplement the Power of the Devil bullet. 如果不是有这甲片阻挡,苏晓这一刀绝影闪就不是斩开斯坦胸膛那么简单,这甲片的防御力十分惊人,曾挡下苏晓附带恶魔之力的子弹。 Blood following the quarrel/corners of the mouth overflow of Stan, how regardless to say, he blocked Su Xiao this blade, with his experience, this frightened blade absolutely is a Ultimate kind of ability, the speed quickly to breaking through the dark gravitational field . Moreover the lethality is quite astonishing. 鲜血顺着斯坦的口角溢出,无论怎么说,他挡住了苏晓这一刀,以他的经验,这惊悚的一刀绝对是大招类能力,速度快到冲破暗重力场,而且杀伤力极为惊人。 In Stan thinks when anti- has lived in this blade, that frightened imposing manner transmits from him behind. 就在斯坦认为已经抗住这一刀时,那让人惊悚的气势又从他身后传来。 Zheng. 铮。 Long blade brittle cry, is the blood line has cut together, around the Stan dark gravitational field dissipated a big piece, this is the dark metal domain side effect, once the attack intensity of enemy exceeds the domain withstanding limit, dark metal domain quiet 10 ~ 15 seconds. 长刀脆鸣,又是一道血线斩过,斯坦周围的暗重力场消散了一大片,这是暗金属领域的副作用,一旦敌人的攻击强度超出领域的承受极限,暗金属领域就会沉寂10~15秒。 The severe pain feeling transmits from Stan, he previously staggered several steps, the pupil of that pair of Dark-Gold looks to Su Xiao, for successive two times Absolute Shadow Flash, his undying, that was one's turn Su Xiao dead. 剧痛感从斯坦背后传来,他先前踉跄几步,那双暗金色的眸子看向苏晓,连续两次绝影闪,他不死,那就轮到苏晓死了。 The dark metal domain just vanished, Su Xiao has appeared in the Stan body side, a blade cuts horizontally, the knife point bar is good to touch and go the Stan nape of the neck, the wound is not deep, but a Azure Steel Shadow energy submerges Stan within the body, in this Azure Steel Shadow energy also has other things. 暗金属领域刚消失,苏晓就已经出现在斯坦身侧,一刀横斩,刀尖杠好擦过斯坦的脖颈,伤口不算深,但一股青钢影能量没入斯坦体内,这股青钢影能量中还有其他东西。 Starck leans a avoidance, as if has anything to invade his within the body, will burn his Mana energy to invade his within the body with that type together. 斯塔侧头躲避,似乎有什么东西侵入他体内,与那种会燃烧他法力值的能量一同侵入到他体内。 The Stan present scene suddenly changes, Su Xiao vanished, that broken basement also vanishes, he arrives in a mist dim space, grasps the form of long blade to walk together toward him. 斯坦眼前的场景突然一变,苏晓消失了,那间残破的地下室也消失,他来到一处雾气朦胧的空间内,一道手持长刀的身影向他走来。 The Stan subconsciousness wants to open the dark metal domain, but he discovered with amazement, surroundings no change, not only that his body somewhat is also strange, changed illusory, in the meantime, that person's shadow has arrived in front of him. 斯坦下意识想开启暗金属领域,可他惊讶的发现,周围没任何变化,不仅如此,他的‘身体’也有些奇怪,变的虚无缥缈,就在此时,那道人影已经来到他面前。 Brushes one, is elegant the long blade of black blue mist to cut the throat of Stan, the body of Stan has gradually desalinated, finally dissipates, compared with Demon Spirit Blade in Dragon Flash, Stan Soul Vitality is not worth mentioning completely, that Stan sees, but he consciousness the scene in space, for this reason, he is unable to use the dark metal domain. 刷拉一声,飘逸着黑蓝色雾气的长刀斩过斯坦的喉咙,斯坦的身体逐渐淡化,最终消散开来,与斩龙闪内的刃之魔灵相比,斯坦灵魂强度完全不值一提,斯坦所看到的一幕,只是他意识空间内的景象而已,正因如此,他才无法使用暗金属领域。 Devil's Blade: When attacks the HP below 25% enemy side units, may be assigned away from the capital Demon Spirit Blade in Dragon Flash, Demon Spirit Blade will draw support from the Azure Steel Shadow energy to invade enemy within the body, creates to disregard the resistance to the enemy, disregards the exemption, disregards cutting of defense to kill the effect. 魔刃:攻击生命值25%以下敌方单位时,可外放出斩龙闪内的刃之魔灵,刃之魔灵将借助青钢影能量侵入敌人体内,对敌人造成无视抗性,无视豁免,无视防御的斩杀效果。 In the reality, Stan stands erect same place in has not moved, grayish white that pair of Dark-Gold pupil has changed, has the shatter trace indistinctly. 现实中,斯坦屹立在原地未动,那双暗金色眸子已经变的灰白,隐约还有破碎的痕迹。 A black blue energy gushes out from the Stan wound, finally submerges in Dragon Flash, the hand grasps Dragon Flash Su Xiao to plant very strange feeling, was Shadow Blink seems like eats to the full. 一股黑蓝色能量从斯坦的伤口涌出,最终没入斩龙闪内,手握斩龙闪苏晓有种很奇异的感觉,就是龙影闪似乎是吃饱了。 Detected that this, the Su Xiao's corner of the eye jumps, if he has not guessed wrong, Demon Spirit Blade in Dragon Flash should swallow the Stan soul. 察觉到这点,苏晓的眼角一跳,他如果没猜错,斩龙闪内的刃之魔灵应该是吞噬了斯坦的灵魂。 Stan died, can see like the glass fragments pupil from his pair, but he has not dropped down, because Blood Sect Captain does not permit the defeat, if even defeated, cannot drop down. 斯坦死了,从他那双如同碎玻璃般的瞳孔就能看出,但他并未倒下,因为血门团长是不允许败的,就算万一败了,也不能倒下。 Stan just died, Su Xiao puts out the finger length the small-scale injector, as his finger pushes slowly, when the medicine in small-scale injector pours into the palm, the fight, the enemy the opportunity will not drink to restore the medicament to him, this type can inject fast, moreover was not detected easily the small-scale injector that is the optimization. 斯坦刚死,苏晓就拿出支手指长短的小型注射器,随着他的手指缓缓推送,小型注射器内的药物注入掌心,战斗时,敌人根本不会给他机会饮下恢复药剂,这种能快速注射,而且还不易被察觉到的小型注射器才是最佳选择。 If Su Xiao does not inject the medicament promptly, Demon Hunter King unyielding effect time arrives, he will fall into near-death mode, at the appointed time defeats Naomi on impossible. 如果苏晓不及时注射药剂,猎魔之王的‘不屈’效果时间一到,他就会陷入濒死状态,到时就没可能战胜奈洛伊 He cut the Stan process to be seemingly simple, was not such actually, first, he Demon Hunter King transformation shape, obtained unyieldingly the effect addition of ability, this guaranteed when his HP was very low can also continue to fight for 20 seconds, in order to avoid fell into near-death mode. 他斩了斯坦的过程看似简单,实际并非如此,首先,他将猎魔之王转变形态,获得‘不屈’能力的效果加成,这保证他的生命值很低时还能继续战斗20秒,以免陷入濒死状态 Later presses HP to below 35%, long-term usage Absolute Shadow Flash, cuts half dead Stan twice, finally in Demon Spirit Blade with Dragon Flash invades Stan within the body, creates to cut to kill the effect on Stan, making the opportunity that the opposite party including wrestles at risk of life not have, this is the powerful place of Beheading Category ability. 之后就是将生命值压到35%以下,连续使用两次绝影闪,将斯坦砍个半死,最后用斩龙闪内的刃之魔灵侵入斯坦体内,对斯坦造成斩杀效果,让对方连拼死一搏的机会都没有,这就是斩杀类能力的强大之处。 Su Xiao examines Reincarnation Paradise Prompt, determined whether Stan has died, after seeing that you have struck kills No. 10009 Contractor Prompt, the Su Xiao's vision starts in underground indoor to look all around, what a pity, Naomi has disappeared without a trace. 苏晓查看轮回乐园提示,确定斯坦是否已死,在看到那条‘你已击杀10009号契约者’的提示后,苏晓的目光开始在地下室内环顾,可惜,奈洛伊已不知去向。 Naomi escaped, actually according to her temperament, she should die in battle in then right, may , was trampled into the wall by Su Xiao, she just stood up sees lifetime unforgettable one. 奈洛伊逃了,其实按照她的脾气,她应该战死在这才对,可在被苏晓一脚踹入墙壁内,她刚站起身就看到毕生难忘的一幕。 The Su Xiao three blades cut to kill Stan, the entire journey not over 2 seconds , impression of Stan in Naomi heart was powerful, and blood and iron, accounted for majority powerful, or after Stan became Second Order Contractor, Naomi did not recognize this on some once is his husband's man, that type both familiar and strange feeling, let in her heart five senses mixed Chen. 苏晓三刀斩杀了斯坦,全程不超过二秒,要知道,斯坦奈洛伊心中的印象是强大且铁血,其中强大占大多数,或者说,在斯坦成为二阶契约者后,奈洛伊就有些不认得这名曾经是他丈夫的男人,那种既熟悉又陌生的感觉,让她心中五味杂陈。 So powerful Stan, like killing the chicken slaughter dog butchered by the Su Xiao three blades, this contrast, making Naomi be afraid, she feared, therefore she escaped. 如此强大的斯坦,被苏晓三刀如同杀鸡屠狗般宰了,这种反差,让奈洛伊心生恐惧,她怕了,所以她逃了。 In Fuyuki City some clothing store, Naomi by the bar, she lifts the alone arm that shivers unceasingly, the full mouth tooth bites ka ka makes noise, she thinks own frightened anything, cannot today, she to a hand-held long blade, the aura such as the common hatred beast man be afraid again feels. 冬木市的某间服装店内,奈洛伊靠在吧台内,她抬起那条不断颤抖的独臂,满口牙齿咬的咔咔作响,原本她认为自己不会再恐惧任何东西,可在今天,她对一名手持长刀,气息如同恶兽般的男人心生恐惧感。 Has linked the qualifications that...... and that fellow fights to lose, hateful.” “已经连……和那家伙战斗的资格都失去了,可恶。” Naomi bites on own alone arm, the ache makes her arm no longer shiver, by this time, has not needed to consider that Stan controls the Adventure Group method is whether correct, Stan one but actually, Blood Sect will disintegrate extremely in a short time, foe who at the appointed time Stan has, in not being able to find the Stan situation, will look for Naomi. 奈洛伊一口咬在自己的独臂上,疼痛让她的手臂不再颤抖,到了这时,已经不必去考虑斯坦掌控冒险团的方法是否正确,斯坦一倒,血门会在极短时间内分崩离析,届时斯坦结下的仇敌,在找不到斯坦的情况下,就会来找奈洛伊 In the basement, Su Xiao pale blue energy scatters, a weak feeling raids, he solves trusted aide archenemy Stan finally, as for escaping Naomi , Su Xiao will butcher the opposite party if possible, without the opportunity words, he to not planning Stan so will chase down the opposite party on own initiative, Stan he did not fear, let alone will be escaping Naomi. 地下室内,苏晓身上的淡蓝色能量飘散,一种虚弱感袭来,他终于解决掉心腹大敌斯坦,至于逃掉的奈洛伊,如果有机会的话,苏晓会去宰了对方,没机会的话,他也不会向算计斯坦这般主动去追杀对方,斯坦他都不怕,更何况是逃掉的奈洛伊 The crack from basement leaps, walks a relaxedness in the Su Xiao heart on street, he becomes enemies with Stan when Second Order, at present finally solves this trusted aide archenemy. 从地下室上方的破洞跃出,走在街道上的苏晓心中一阵轻松,他在二阶时与斯坦结仇,眼下终于解决掉这心腹大敌。 The bright moonlight hangs, in Su Xiao walks when the street, Reincarnation Paradise Prompt appears. 明月高悬,就在苏晓走在街道上时,轮回乐园提示出现。 Prompt: Hunter has struck to kill large-scale Adventure Group Captain, you have obtained temporary title Team Slaughterer.】 提示:猎杀者已击杀大型冒险团团长,你已获得临时称号‘团队屠戮者’。】 【The Team Slaughterer title to force to wear, will continue three Derivative World.】 团队屠戮者称号为强制佩戴,将持续三个衍生世界。】 【The Team Slaughterer title does not have the attribute, is unable to relieve wears, is unable to trade, is unable to destroy, after Hunter experiences three Derivative World, this title vanishes.】 团队屠戮者称号无属性,无法解除佩戴,无法交易,无法销毁,猎杀者经历三个衍生世界后此称号消失。】 【During wearing the Team Slaughterer title, when Hunter with any Contractor clashes, enemy Contractor will receive the caution, and knows Team Slaughterer the concrete origin of title.】 【佩戴团队屠戮者称号期间,猎杀者与任何契约者发生冲突时,敌方契约者将收到警示,并得知‘团队屠戮者’称号的具体由来。】 ...... ……
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