RP :: Volume #22

#16: undying Offender

Bailey is staring at the Blood Sect members, Boubo tracks the Stan three people, A' Mu is responsible for the Tohsaka Rin safety, Su Xiao sets aside the hand to cope with Offender finally, this time hunting mission is somewhat special. 贝妮盯着血门的团员们,布布汪跟踪斯坦三人,阿姆负责远坂凛的安危,苏晓终于腾出手来对付违规者,这次的猎杀任务有些特殊。 hunting mission: Cleans up No. 10777 Offender.】 猎杀任务:清理10777号违规者。】 Mission Details: Cleans up Offender with any method. 任务简介:用任何手段清理违规者 mission information : This Offender is external invade/ Incursio Contractor, because of Origin Rules, is unable Force Execution. 任务信息:此违规者为外来入侵契约者,因初始条例,无法强制处决 Mission Time Limit: Before leaving this Derivative World . 任务期限:离开本衍生世界前。 Mission Reward: Golden Medal Of Honour x7 任务奖励:黄金荣誉勋章x7 mission penalty: Does not have 任务惩罚:无 ...... …… External invade/ Incursio Contractor, according to the wording meaning comprehension words, Contractor that smuggling from other Paradise comes, enters Reincarnation Paradise because of the unknown reason, according to Origin Rules, Reincarnation Paradise cannot his Forced Execution, therefore wants Su Xiao to do for somebody to clean up. 外来入侵契约者,按字面意思理解的话,就是从其他乐园‘偷渡’来的契约者,因未知原因进入轮回乐园,按照初始条例,轮回乐园不能将他强行处决,所以就要苏晓代劳清理掉。 According to information that Su Xiao near in several days collects, this Offender is getting more and more active, initial two days have not made an appearance completely, may arrive third day, his attempt acted, after abducting several school girls to find relief, hid again. 根据苏晓近几天内搜集到的情报,这名违规者越来越活跃,最初两天完全没露面,可到了第三天,他尝试性出手,掳走了几名女学生解闷后,就再次藏匿起来。 May arrive fourth day, this fellow starts is not even more dishonest, if the Su Xiao information is unmistakable, this fellow at least caught over a hundred civilians, young and old , male and female. 可到了第四天,这家伙就开始越发不老实,如果苏晓所得情报无误,这家伙至少抓了上百名平民,不分男女老幼。 As for arriving fifth day, the fellow had started unscrupulously, perhaps is thinks that in this world does not have existence of Hunter. 至于到了第五天,那家伙已经开始肆无忌惮,或许是认为这个世界内没有猎杀者的存在。 This Offender action makes Su Xiao have doubts very much, is such vegetable/dish bi can become Fourth Order Offender unexpectedly? Moreover value seven gold Medal Of Honour? 这名违规者的举动让苏晓很疑惑,就是这样的菜哔居然能成为四阶违规者?而且还值七枚黄金荣誉勋章 The Su Xiao serious suspicion, Second Order Offender like the opposite party, will not arrest the civilians when Derivative World even wantonly, as can be seen, this fellow at first is careful, may after catching several school girls, he starts boldly, the later goal does not envy raw and cold, from 80-year- old man, to young small luoli. 苏晓严重怀疑,就算是二阶违规者都不会像对方这样,在衍生世界内大肆抓捕平民,可以看出,这家伙最初时还算小心,可在抓了几名女学生后,他就开始大胆,之后的目标生冷不忌,上至80岁的老头子,下至几岁的小luoli。 If not Stan has constrained Su Xiao, Su Xiao has looked for that Offender, but now, was the time. 如果不是斯坦一直拖住苏晓,苏晓早就找上那名违规者,而现在,是时候了。 Su Xiao leaps from the roof, stays behind is licking Bailey of claw, just fell to the ground, before he arrives at a launching well shutter, lifts the well shutter, plunges into is flooding in the odor sewer. 苏晓从楼顶跃下,留下正舔爪子的贝妮,刚落地,他就来到一处下水井盖前,掀开井盖,跳入充斥着恶臭的下水道内。 The muddy sewage splash, Su Xiao puts out the gas mask to put on, starts according to under-drainage network vanguard on the tablet PC. 浑浊的污水飞溅,苏晓拿出防毒面具戴上,开始根据平板电脑上的地下排水网络前行。 Drop, drop and drop...... 滴、滴、滴…… The electronic sound transmits from the tablet PC, Su Xiao was not clear that that Offender exact location, only knows the opposite party hides in the sewer, last picture that at least he obtained yesterday, under is that Offender plunges into the well. 电子音从平板电脑内传来,苏晓不清楚那名违规者的具体位置,只知道对方藏身在下水道内,至少昨天他得到的最后一个画面,就是那名违规者跳入下水井。 According to the Fuyuki City under-drainage network, Su Xiao moves forward in the sewer, the draining water network is seemingly dense and numerous, in fact majority are the pipelines, can hold human to pass through, only has more than ten main channels. 根据冬木市的地下排水网络,苏晓开始在下水道内前行,排水网络看似密密麻麻,实际上大多数都是管道,能容纳人类通行的,也只有十几条主渠道。 So long as distance between Offender and Su Xiao is lower than one kilometer, the chase and hunt function will open, at the Fuyuki City range, in addition the sewer compresses the range, so long as that Offender has not left Fuyuki City, Su Xiao had very big probability to find the opposite party. 只要违规者苏晓间的距离低于一公里,追猎功能就会开启,以冬木市的范围,再加上下水道将范围压缩,只要那名违规者没离开冬木市,苏晓有很大几率找到对方。 warning, the chase and hunt function has opened.】 警告,追猎功能已开启。】 【The Offender position has locked, simulates in the map production.】 违规者位置已锁定,模拟地图生成中。】 ...... …… At the same time the virtual three-dimension map appears in front of Su Xiao, on the map has, is that Offender that red gradually moves together. 一面虚拟三维地图出现在苏晓面前,地图上有一道逐渐移动的红点,正是那名违规者 Bang, the Su Xiao under foot muddy water splash, several steps vanish in the sewer, according to marking on map, he leads the way several hundred meters in the sewer, after turning 67 was curved, the form appears in the sewer of distant place together. 砰的一声,苏晓脚下泥水飞溅,几步就消失在下水道内,根据地图上的标识,他在下水道前行几百米,拐了六七个弯后,一道身影出现在远处的下水道内。 This is a strong robust man, on his shoulder carries two people, a stature is skinny, the whole face bloodstain, another person is the famous young girl, wears the short skirt school uniform, goes to school the appearance to be similar when with Tohsaka Rin. 这是名膀大腰圆的壮汉,他肩上扛着两人,一个身材干瘦,满脸血迹,另一人是名少女,身穿短裙校服,与远坂凛上学时的打扮类似。 The robust men hear the footsteps, immediately turns the head to Su Xiao looks like, after seeing Su Xiao of hand-held long blade, he by shoulder the skinny man and young girl drops out, escapes directly to the sewer. 壮汉听到脚步,马上转头向苏晓看来,看到手持长刀的苏晓后,他将肩膀两侧的干瘦男人与少女抛下,径直向下水道内侧逃去。 Looks the robust man who gradually goes far away, Su Xiao has not pursued, because he felt that Offender is despising his IQ. 看着逐渐远去的壮汉,苏晓并未追击,因为他感觉那名违规者在藐视他的智商 D - Assassin appears in the Su Xiao hand, the muzzle aims at skinny man of that half immersion in sewage. d·暗杀出现在苏晓手中,枪口对准那名半浸泡在污水内的干瘦男人。 , and ...... 噗、噗、噗…… Seven spears/guns get down one after another, lie skinny man hit staggering one after another in sewage, the body blasts out covered with blood the blood holes. 接连七枪下去,趴在污水内的干瘦男人被打的接连踉跄,身上炸开一道道血肉模糊的血洞。 Almost forgot, your Hunter has the tracking ability, this move, no matter uses.” “差点忘记,你们猎杀者都有追踪能力,这招并不管用。” The skinny man stands up, his injury heals at the extremely quick speed, the stature no longer is also skinny, the robust man who distant place that rushes on ahead to dash about wildly knocks down, loses the sound quickly, although this Offender on the mouth said like this, in fact he does not want to feign death, thus avoids a tribulation, when wants to pursue the robust man while Su Xiao sneak attacks Su Xiao. 干瘦男人站起身,他身上的伤势以极快速度愈合,身材也不再干瘦,远处那名夺路狂奔的壮汉扑倒在地,很快失去声息,这违规者虽然嘴上这样说,实际上他并不是想装死,从而躲过一劫,而是想趁苏晓追击壮汉时偷袭苏晓 The sewage drops following the cheeks of Offender, his appearance is very ordinary, seems like 20 years old over, stature intermediate grade, is sizing up Su Xiao at this time up and down. 污水顺着违规者的脸颊滴落,他的样貌很普通,看起来二十岁出头,身材中等,此时正上下打量苏晓 How did we chat? It is not necessarily hostile.” “我们谈谈怎么样?不一定非要敌对吧。” Offender tears to pieces fully is the crack coat, gradually walks to Su Xiao. 违规者扯碎满是破洞的上衣,缓步向苏晓走来。 . 噗。 A bullet penetrates the Offender forehead, after his head supine, but in the next quarter, his shatter skull regenerates fast, the blood hole of forehead was also levelled quickly. 一颗子弹穿透违规者的眉心,他的头不禁后仰,可就在下一刻,他那破碎的颅骨快速再生,眉心的血洞也很快被抹平。 It seems like can't discuss? However you know that in this sewage has tens of thousands of only aquatic animals.” “看来是不能谈喽?不过你知道吗,这污水内有成千上万只水生物。” Zheng. 铮。 Blade Aura cuts the throat of Offender, Su Xiao has received D - Assassin and Dragon Flash simultaneously, Soul Walker shortsword appears in his hands, deals with this resilience extremely abnormal enemy, Soul Walker not two electing. 刀芒斩过违规者的喉咙,苏晓同时收起d·暗杀斩龙闪,灵魂行者短刀出现在他手中,对付这种恢复能力极为变态的敌人,灵魂行者是不二之选。 Blade Aura has cut, in nape of the neck that the Azure Steel Shadow energy submerges Offender, the smile on his face removes, the stabbing pain in within the body is telling him, that pale blue energy has injured to him. 刀芒斩过,青钢影能量没入违规者的脖颈内,他脸上的笑容褪去,体内的刺痛在告诉他,那种淡蓝色能量已经伤到他。 The bloodstain in Offender nape of the neck place vanishes fast, he bends down, searches into the sewage of under foot single-handed. 违规者脖颈处的血痕快速消失,他俯下身,单手探入脚下的污水中。 Gives you life.” “予你们生命。” Finishing speaking of Offender, the insects of various appearances appear in the sewage, the volumes of these insects had been enlarged dozens times, majority is the beetle. 违规者的话音刚落,各类模样的昆虫在污水内出现,这些昆虫的体积已经被放大几十倍,其中大部分都是甲虫。 „!” “斯!” Various kind of insects exude the neighing sound, the conservative estimate has several hundred, they nearly die of suffocation the sewer, as that Offender hit a sound to refer, these insects flushed to Su Xiao. 各类昆虫发出嘶鸣声,保守估计有几百只,它们近乎将下水道堵死,随着那名违规者打了个响指,这些昆虫向苏晓冲来。 Kills, kills heartily, this type of little thing, in sewer, but billions, therefore I must say good bye now.” “杀吧,尽情杀,这种小东西,下水道内可是数以亿计,所以失陪了。” Offender mumbled in a low voice, turned away from Su Xiao to beckon with the hand, from beginning to end, he was a languid attitude, this was not Pride, but was this fellow does not care about is in itself lives dies, if died, that stopped, if can continue to live, he will not as if reject, this Offender was very faint to all lives, including he himself. 违规者低声嘟哝,背对苏晓摆了摆手,从始至终,他都是一副懒洋洋的态度,这不是傲慢,而是这家伙根本不在乎自己是生是死,如果死亡,那就到此为止,如果能继续活着,他似乎也不会拒绝,这名违规者对一切生命都很淡漠,包括他自己。 Zheng! 铮! The blade edge brittle cry, Offender has turned the head subconsciously, he by the present scene attraction, dense and numerous, at least several hundred spreading across Blade Aura appear, cuts completely broken these insects. 刀锋脆鸣,违规者下意识转过头,他被眼前的情景吸引,密密麻麻,至少几百道纵横交错的刀芒出现,将那些昆虫全部斩碎。 Tittered and titters! 噗嗤、噗嗤! Two cut the mark to appear in the Offender nape of the neck and waist, he was cut three sections by Su Xiao, this moment Su Xiao has appeared in Offender behind, grasps Soul Walker. 两道斩痕出现在违规者的脖颈与腰部,他被苏晓斩成了三截,此刻苏晓已出现在违规者身后,手持灵魂行者 Ah? Unexpectedly cannot restore.” “啊呀?居然不能恢复了。” The head of Offender falls into the sewage, his two legs clash to Su Xiao, those who greet these two legs is more than ten cuts the glow. 违规者的头颅掉入污水中,他的两条腿向苏晓冲来,迎接这两条腿的是十几道斩芒。 Brother, you compared with before me Hunter stronger, it seems like you can kill me.” “老兄,你比我之前遇到的猎杀者都要强,看来你能杀了我。” The Offender head opens the mouth, the Su Xiao's brow wrinkles is deeper, he has not clarified this is anything, in brief is not a human. 违规者的头颅开口,苏晓的眉头皱的更深,他始终没弄清这是个什么东西,总之绝不是人类。 My head in this, cuts to here......” “我的头在这,对这边砍……” Ka, Su Xiao steps on the head of broken Offender, this fellow is a super big chatterbox, compared with the Death Omen chatterbox that once met. 咔吧一声,苏晓一脚踩碎违规者的头颅,这家伙是个超级大话痨,比曾经遇到的死兆更话痨。
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