RP :: Volume #22

#17: Your this cultivates mixed

Flaming combustion of flame in sewer, although that Offender was cut several sections by Su Xiao . Moreover the head was stepped on broken, but he has not died as before. 火焰在下水道内熊熊燃烧,那名违规者虽然被苏晓斩成几截,而且头颅被踩碎,可他依旧未死。 The high temperature after napalm gas oil burning spreads in the sewer, the head of Offender gradually gathers in the flame, because of the surrounding high temperature, his regeneration speed was suppressed. 凝固汽油燃烧后的高温在下水道内扩散,违规者的头颅在火焰中逐渐聚拢,因周围的高温,他的再生速度被压制。 After Su Xiao, leaps several steps, avoids heat wave that caresses the face to raid, No. 10777 Offender is actually not weak, his too custom with own reproductive property fight, meets Soul Walker this type to restrain the reproductive property at present specially the weapon, ends up is so out. 苏晓后跃几步,避开那扑面袭来的热浪,10777号违规者其实并不弱,他只是太习惯用自身的再生能力战斗,眼下遇到灵魂行者这种特别克制再生能力的武器,才落得这般下场。 Soul Walker as the Legendary weapon, it does not have the sharp degree of same step weapon, is not the indestructible, only ability named Soul Rend, this is also the place of its great strength. 灵魂行者作为传说级武器,它既没有同阶武器的锋利程度,也不是坚不可摧,唯一的能力名为‘灵魂撕裂’,这也是它的强大之处。 shortsword turns over in the Su Xiao hand, the cold light sparkles, he is fixing the eyes on the front flame, in order to avoid that Offender escapes. 短刀苏晓手中翻转,寒光闪闪,他紧盯着前方的火焰,以免那名违规者逃掉。 The gasoline gels burnt for nearly one hour to extinguish, the sewer domestic waters vapor ascended, in the Su Xiao hand the shortsword side cut, the wind pressure blew off the steam. 凝固汽油足足燃烧了近一小时才熄灭,下水道内水蒸气升腾,苏晓手中短刀侧斩,风压将水蒸气吹散。 The ground covers entirely sparks/Mars, can see several piles of ashes indistinctly, the head of that Offender is still regenerating slowly, but before the direction ratio, at this time his regeneration speed is very slow. 地上布满火星,隐约能看到几堆灰烬,那名违规者的头颅依然在缓缓再生,但向比之前,此时他的再生速度已经很慢。 „Was my...... is dying?” “我这是……要死了?” Offender grinned to smile, his both eyes upturned, look at Su Xiao that gradually walked. 违规者咧嘴笑了起来,他的双目上翻,看着缓步走来的苏晓 Last issue, who am I...... am coming?” “最后一个问题,我到底……是谁来着?” Ding! 叮! Soul Walker lets go from the Su Xiao hand, sews on the head of Offender, this is actually a poor man, he was defeated by his ability. 灵魂行者苏晓手中脱手而出,钉在违规者的头颅上,这其实是个可怜人,他被自身的能力战胜了。 10777 th.” “10777号。” Su Xiao opens the mouth at the same time, steps in the Soul Walker hilt, the Azure Steel Shadow energy spreads following the blade. 苏晓开口的同时,一脚踩在灵魂行者的刀柄上,青钢影能量顺着刀刃蔓延。 Right, I am No. 10777 Contractor, no, is not right, I should be No. 21478 Adjudicator, so that's how it is, I had lost to the 10777 th that lunatic unknowingly, your Reincarnation Paradise fellows...... are the mental illness, why initially must attack the father, grass! „ “对啊,我是10777号契约者,不,不对,我应该是21478号裁决者,原来如此,原来我已经不知不觉败给10777号那个疯子,你们这些轮回乐园的家伙……都是神经病吗,当初为什么要去袭击老子,艹!“ The head of Offender gradually breaks, but he is smiling, because he recalled finally who are, he is Revelation Paradise No. 21478 Adjudicator, when some War World execution judgement mission, fights with a Reincarnation Paradise squad. 违规者的头颅逐渐破碎,可他在笑,因为他终于回想起自己是谁,他是天启乐园的21478号裁决者,在某个战争世界执行裁决任务时,与轮回乐园的一个小队交手。 Obviously, in that chaotic War World, who Reincarnation Paradise Contractor will not care about him is, so long as is the person who the revelation or glistens, kills off completely! 显然,在那混乱的战争世界中,轮回乐园契约者们才不会在乎他是谁,只要是天启或辉耀的人,全部杀光! The later situation somewhat is strange, Reincarnation Paradise No. 10777 Contractor has the undying ability, after the teammates killed off by Revelation Paradise No. 21478 Adjudicator, the fellow violent walks, he fuses with a battlefield space, in that region altogether has 16 Contractor, as well as No. 21478 Adjudicator. 之后的情况就有些离奇,轮回乐园的10777号契约者拥有不死能力,在队友都被天启乐园的21478号裁决者杀光后,那家伙暴走,他将战场的一片空间与自身融合,那片区域内共有16名契约者,以及21478号裁决者 The further development is stranger, No. 10777 Contractor has not disappeared with the consciousness of No. 21478 Adjudicator, they enter in the same body, is No. 10777 Contractor that body that has the overspeed regeneration, as for the consciousness of other 16 Contractor, had been removed by these two. 后续的发展就更离奇,10777号契约者与21478号裁决者的意识都未泯灭,他们进入同一个身体内,也就是10777号契约者那具拥有超速再生的身体,至于其他16名契约者的意识,早就被这两人除掉。 This powerful body, disregarded the repel of soul and body, fused a big space not dead, let alone was many external souls, after one ripped the bi war, No. 10777 Contractor nearly fused in the consciousness of No. 21478 Adjudicator together, to this stage, everyone had actually died, surplus only had Controlled Carapace and chaotic consciousness. 这具强大的身体,无视了灵魂与身体的排斥,融合了一大片空间都没死,更何况是多处一个外来灵魂,经过一番撕哔大战,10777号契约者与21478号裁决者的意识近乎融合在一起,到了这个阶段,其实所有人都已经死了,剩余的只有一个驱壳与混乱的意识。 , The head of No. 10777 Offender explodes, this poor man dissipates, no longer operates this Controlled Carapace with the ignorant consciousness. 啪啦一声,10777号违规者的头颅爆开,这个可怜人消散,不再以浑浑噩噩的意识操纵这具驱壳 In fact, No. 10777 Offender simply has not been clear about the goal, he is thinks that anything makes anything, sometimes suddenly remembered once first love, he caught several high school girls according to rub on the ground, sometimes remembered oneself once grandfather, caught an old man to talk about old days. 实际上,10777号违规者根本没有明确目的,他是想到什么就做什么,有时突然想起曾经的初恋,他就去抓几名高中女学生按在地上摩擦,有时想起自己曾经的祖父,就抓个老头来叙旧。 Has succeeded to clean up No. 10777 Offender.】 【已成功清理10777号违规者。】 Has succeeded to clean up No. 21478 Adjudicator( respective Revelation Paradise).】 【已成功清理21478号裁决者(所属天启乐园)。】 You obtain golden Medal Of Honour x7.】 【你获得黄金荣誉勋章x7。】 ...... …… Sees Reincarnation Paradise Prompt, Su Xiao knows finally this consciousness chaotic Offender is what value seven gold Medal Of Honour, because the opposite party impressively is Revelation Paradise Adjudicator. 看到轮回乐园提示,苏晓终于知道这名意识混乱的违规者为何值七枚黄金荣誉勋章,因为对方赫然是天启乐园裁决者 It is not cleans up Offender to have very big risk each time, in Su Xiao has cleaned up in numerous Offender, there is funny bi, has to instigate bi, is the dead amateur, at present this Offender are most compares wonderful (strange). 并不是每次清理违规者都有很大风险,在苏晓清理过的众多违规者中,有逗哔,有怂哔,还有作死爱好者,眼下这名违规者最多算是比较奇葩而已。 ~ “呼~” Su Xiao long breathes a sigh of relief, cleans up Offender, the heavy burden on his shoulder puts down 1/3 suddenly, later copes with Blood Sect full power then, or he, so long as constrains the Blood Sect person, so long as does not make the opposite party complete team Main Mission, these people must die under Forced Execution. 苏晓长舒了口气,清理掉违规者,他肩上的重担陡然放下三分之一,之后全力对付血门即可,或者说,他只要拖住血门的人就可以,只要不让对方完成团队主线任务,那些人就要死于强行处决之下。 Sometimes does not need to put together irreconciliable adversaries with the enemy, compares is cut to kill by Su Xiao, dies actually lets the people collapse of Blood Sect of Reincarnation Paradise Forced Execution. 有时并不需要与敌人拼个你死我活,相比被苏晓斩杀,死于轮回乐园强行处决其实更让血门的众人崩溃。 Prepares the tracking Boubo coordinates when Su Xiao, disturbs the Blood Sect three people complete team Main Mission, that side A' Mu unexpectedly sends to request reinforcements, Tohsaka Rin is attacked. 就在苏晓准备追踪布布汪的坐标,干扰血门三人完成团队主线任务时,阿姆那边居然发来求援,远坂凛遇袭。 ...... …… In a parking lot, the big piece cold ice spreads, alarm sound Anomaly of automobile is grating. 一处停车场内,大片寒冰扩散,汽车的警报声异常刺耳。 Bang! 轰! Blood Spear sweeps away, that automobile that exudes the alarm sound cuts horizontally. 一根血枪横扫而过,将那辆发出警报声的汽车横斩开来。 The cold air ascends repeatedly in the parking lot, grasps Icy Battle Hammer A' Mu to confront with Heroic Spirit, this Heroic Spirit Gunner Culin. 屡屡寒气升腾在停车场内,手持寒冰战锤阿姆正与一名英灵对峙,这英灵正是枪兵库・丘林。 The blood following dropping of A' Mu arm, on it at least more than ten passes through the wound, these wounds are not Culin are the result, but has someone else. 鲜血顺着阿姆手臂的滴落,它身上至少有十几处贯穿伤,这些伤并非库・丘林所致,而是另有其人。 A' Mu not far away, the Tohsaka Rin fingertip clamps several Gem behind, on the face can see the bloodstain vaguely, that is the blood of A' Mu. 阿姆身后不远处,远坂凛指尖夹着几颗宝石,脸上依稀能看到血迹,那是阿姆的血。 Lancer, as the hero in myth, your approaches also was too rather mean. „ laner,作为神话中的英雄,你们这种做法未免也太卑鄙了。“ Tohsaka Rin big mouth respite, although she is speaking with Culin, in fact her peripheral vision actually looks to the distant place two people. 远坂凛大口喘息,虽然她正与库・丘林说话,实际上她的余光却看向远处两人。 Also is standing two people after the rail of parking lot edge, a person of full dark violet quiff, seems like with the Tohsaka Rin age is close, he smilingly is looking at Tohsaka Rin at this time. 在停车场边缘的铁栏后还站着两人,一人满头蓝色卷毛,看起来与远坂凛的年龄相近,他此时正笑眯眯的看着远坂凛 Gilgamesh, after next butchered that ox head person Heroic Spirit, its m Master must grasp lives, really the hope to see her at that time the desperate expression.” 吉尔伽美什,等下宰了那个牛头人英灵后,它的master一定要抓活的,真希望看到她那时绝望的表情。” Sends the quiff face to paste blue on the wire netting, looks at the stockings and beautiful leg under Tohsaka Rin short skirt, discovered when Tohsaka Rin vision this looks to here, he beckons with the hand, does not care about the dislike in opposite party eyes. 蓝发卷毛的脸贴在铁丝网上,看着远坂凛短裙下的长筒袜与美腿,发现远坂凛的目光这看向这边时,他摆了摆手,根本不在乎对方眼中的厌恶。 Chop suey.” “杂碎。” Sends quiff blonde man somewhat to disdain blue, although two people now are the allied forces, but he does not conceal oneself disdaining, but looks at opposite party one eyes lightly, no longer to pay attention. 蓝发卷毛身旁的金发男人有些不屑,虽然两人现在是友军,可他毫不掩饰自己的不屑,只是淡淡看对方一眼,就不再以理会。 Hey, how saying that I am also your proxy m Master, you cannot respect my some.” “喂,怎么说我也是你的代理master,你就不能尊重我一些。” Sends the quiff to scoff at one blue lightly, his named within Matou cautious two, in within Matou as three big magic families the heir, he naturally knew about Holy Grail War very much, moreover participates in this Holy Grail War by the status of no magic aptitude, as for his blonde man, is has participated in previous Holy Grail War King of Heroes Gilgamesh. 蓝发卷毛轻嗤一声,他名为间慎二,作为三大魔术家族中‘间家’的子嗣,他当然对圣杯战争很了解,而且以毫无魔术资质的身份参与到这次圣杯战争中,至于他身旁的金发男人,则是参与过上次圣杯战争英雄王吉尔伽美什 If according to the Su Xiao's Holy Grail world plot progress, Gilgamesh will not enter the stage, after all had been cut by Su Xiao, this time can participate in fifth Holy Grail War together, is the irony of fate. 如果是按苏晓的圣杯世界剧情进度,吉尔伽美什不会出场,毕竟已经被苏晓斩了,这次能一同参与第五次圣杯战争,也算是奇缘。 You were only a waste, the waste must have self-knowledge.” “你只是个废物,废物就要有自知之明。” Golden Flash simply does not have to see Matou cautious two, in his is happy, he will talk with the opposite party occasionally. 金闪闪根本没正眼看间慎二,不过在他心情好时,他还是会偶尔与对方交谈。 In the middle some Matou cautious two complexion non- natures, were scolded the feeling of waste and bastard is not good after all face to face. 慎二的面色有些不自然,毕竟被人当面骂成废物、杂种的感觉并不好。
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