RP :: Volume #22

#15: Counter-attack of Blood Sect

Since Su Xiao after Clock Tower ambushes Blood Sect Adventure Group for the first time, later the average 20 ~ 30 minutes he will try the long-distance range to kill one time. 苏晓钟塔首次狙击血门冒险团后,之后平均20~30分钟他就会尝试远距离狙杀一次。 The initial effect is very evident, not only Stan oneself suffered a spear/gun, casualty also over 20 people of his subordinate, but after morning eight points, the Blood Sect person withdraws Fuyuki City in abundance, gave up Su Xiao this as if at present, the goal of but forever not being able to sphere. 初期的效果很显著,不仅斯坦本人挨了一枪,他部下的死伤也超过20人,可过了早八点后,血门的人纷纷撤出冬木市,放弃了苏晓这个似乎就在眼前,可永远也围不住的目标。 Blood Sect everyone has doubts very much, how will be on world to have this sniper, will have been to many compared with Su Xiao stronger sniper their non- friendship, but actually never when coping with a sniper will die so many people, the reason will be very simple, Su Xiao as if locked their position, the detection of Blood Sect will be Contractor worries, how regardless of they will search, will unable to find out Su Xiao to survey their positions with what method. 血门的所有人都很疑惑,就是世界上怎么会有这种狙击手,比苏晓更强的狙击手他们不知遇到过多少,但却从未在对付一名狙击手时死这么多人,原因很简单,苏晓似乎锁定了他们的位置,血门的侦测系契约者可谓是操碎了心,无论他们怎样搜寻,就是查不出苏晓用什么手段探测他们的位置。 Therefore, Stan all members gathers, questioning, these members took off the underpants on the difference one by one, cannot find tracking or a localization coordinates kind of thing. 为此,斯坦将所有团员都聚集在一起,挨个盘查,那些团员就差把内裤脱了,死活找不出追踪器或定位坐标一类的东西。 As for sending people to encircle kills Su Xiao, that impossible, Su Xiao as if knows that they sent many people, can successfully withdraw in their encirclement rings each time, this late Fuyuki City was fully suffered to devastate. 至于派人去围杀苏晓,那更不可能,苏晓似乎知道他们派了多少人,每次都能在他们的包围圈内成功脱身,这一晚的冬木市可谓是饱受摧残。 After Stan, Naomi and Old Smokey spear/gun three people of speculations, in them should have the rebel, who as for the rebel is, Stan does not have to investigate temporarily, at present the Blood Sect people arrive at flustered by the monkey, when has a unlucky brother goes to bathroom suffered a spear/gun, by the present, Stan still remembers that clearly that takes the toilet paper, the member who eyeful startled palpitates, opposite party that helpless look, making Starck scold lowly. 斯坦奈洛伊老烟枪三人的推测,他们中应该是出了叛徒,至于叛徒是谁,斯坦暂时没去调查,眼下血门众人被狙到人心惶惶,有位倒霉的老哥上厕所时都挨了一枪,到现在,斯坦还清楚记得那名拿着厕纸,满眼惊悸的团员,对方那无奈的眼神,让斯塔低骂了一声法克。 Morning after eight points, in Fuyuki City gradually makes noise, the Blood Sect people have withdrawn Fuyuki City, returns to the suburb messy building. 早八点后,冬木市内逐渐喧闹起来,血门的众人已撤出冬木市,返回郊区的烂尾楼内。 At this time in the messy building region, large-scale sealing a messy building protection, the Blood Sect person struck back layer upon layer here. 此时在烂尾楼区域,一层层大型结界将一栋烂尾楼保护在内,血门的人又被打回到这里。 Said to look, you have what countermeasure.” “说说看,你们有什么对策。” Stan was still in those days that calm facial expression, in his side was Naomi and Old Smokey spear/gun, although the relations of Stan and Naomi have started not to gather, but the important matter in team, Naomi can present absolutely. 斯坦依然是往日那淡定的神情,在他身旁是奈洛伊老烟枪,虽然斯坦奈洛伊的关系已经开始不合,但团队中的要事,奈洛伊绝对会在场。 Disperses, will at least surround the net to affect to 3 kilometers range, next time the bastard will sneak attack us again, immediately tightens the surrounding network.” “分散开,至少将包围网波及到三公里范围,下次那王八蛋再偷袭我们,马上收紧包围网。” Old Smokey Gunslinger is tying the arms the bandage, his left arm has obviously been dislocated, after last night , when midnight, the Old Smokey spear/gun and Su Xiao fight, do to cannot detain Su Xiao. 老烟枪手上绑着绷带,他的左臂明显已经脱臼,昨晚后半夜时,老烟枪与苏晓交手,奈何没能留住苏晓 That does not return to the beforehand position, enemy in dark, I in bright, this is the worst situation, moreover in us rebel is too fatal, so long as solves this rebel, he actually also takes us to have no means that sneak attacks with the way of ambush, because in the final analysis his positive/direct strength is unable to resist with us, actually this is a good news, he in the gambling, bets us unable to encircle him, once we succeed, this heart big trouble can be solved.” “那不是又回到之前的境地,敌在暗,我在明,这才是最糟糕的情况,况且我们中的‘叛徒’太致命,只要解决这叛徒,他其实也拿我们没什么办法,用狙击的方式偷袭,归根结底还是因为他的正面战力无法与我们对抗,其实这是个好消息,他在赌,赌我们无法合围他,一旦我们成功,这心头大患就能解决掉。” Naomi takes the fresh meat of block drop blood, several colorful spiders are gnawing food that fresh meat. 奈洛伊拿着块滴血的鲜肉,几只五彩斑斓的蜘蛛正啃食那块鲜肉。 In other words, do you have no good way?” “也就是说,你们同样没什么好办法?” Stan is listens, the Old Smokey spear/gun and Naomi this is dodging him. 斯坦是听出来,老烟枪与奈洛伊这是在搪塞他。 If the deep pool still, him has certainly the means. „ “如果渊还在,他一定有办法。“ Naomi looked at Stan, the implication is very obvious. 奈洛伊看了眼斯坦,言外之意很明显。 Naomi, your anything meaning.” 奈洛伊,你什么意思。” Old Smokey spear/gun vision brilliant is staring at Naomi, if in the past, he certainly not confronted by this tone and Naomi. 老烟枪目光灼灼的盯着奈洛伊,如果是在以往,他绝不会以这种语气和奈洛伊对峙。 Made a mistake made a mistake, departure of deep pool, you, I and Stan could not tow the open system.” “错了就是错了,渊的离开,你、我、斯坦都拖不来开系。” Naomi has not cared about the attitude of Old Smokey spear/gun, as if in statement fact. 奈洛伊没在乎老烟枪的态度,似乎只是在陈述事实。 Snort.” “哼。” Old Smokey spear/gun cold snort/hum no longer spoke, he has been clear actually fatal issue in team, was the insufficient unity, is supporting depending on a deterrent force of Stan person completely, as for under Stan, that was the deep pool, arrived at bald person extremely intelligently. 老烟枪冷哼一声不再说话,他其实一直都清楚团队内的致命问题,就是不够团结,完全是凭斯坦一个人的威慑力撑着,至于在斯坦之下,那就是渊,一个聪明到绝顶的秃子。 Shut up.” “都闭嘴。” The Stan opens the mouth, the Old Smokey spear/gun and Naomi did not speak, in important decision, Stan decided. 斯坦开口,老烟枪与奈洛伊都不说话,重要决策上,还是斯坦说了算。 At this time internal strife stupid, you should be clearer than me, moreover has the means to cope with White Night, what Naomi said is not groundless, we following......” “这种时候内讧有多蠢,你们应该比我更清楚,而且也不是没办法对付白夜,奈洛伊说的并不是全无道理,我们接下来……” The Stan terminate words to this, later he establishes the jurisdiction the team channel temporarily, three people start the private talk in the team channel. 斯坦的话到此终止,之后他将团队频道暂时设定权限,三人开始在团队频道内密谈。 Heard the Stan words to say half to stop, squats before his nearby Boubo gathered up, what a pity, it is unable to continue to obtain the information from Stan this, Stan had detected indistinctly existence of Boubo, he was not Sensor, but was guessed that existence of Boubo, this was in them rebel. 听到斯坦话说一半停下,蹲在他附近的布布汪凑上前,可惜,它无法从斯坦这继续得到情报,斯坦已经隐约察觉到布布汪的存在,他不是感知到,而是猜测到布布汪的存在,这就是他们中的‘叛徒’。 The Stan three people of talks ended quickly, sealing opening outside messy building. 斯坦三人的谈话很快结束,烂尾楼外的结界开启。 Fuyuki City edge, under the fiery sunlight photo, Su Xiao lies in a roof, is waiting for the opportunity to kill the Blood Sect person. 冬木市边缘处,火热的阳光照下,苏晓趴在一栋楼顶,正等待机会狙杀血门的人。 Quick, the Boubo that side spreads the news, Su Xiao sets out from the ground immediately, builds Duke of Silence by half squatting posture. 很快,布布汪那边传来消息,苏晓马上从地上起身,以半蹲姿势架起寂灭公爵 The Blood Sect action makes Su Xiao quite be surprised, but has the bad news to transmit immediately, is Stan, Naomi and Old Smokey spear/gun three people separates with the large unit unexpectedly, Blood Sect others still in sealing of messy building, only have these three people to leave sealing. 血门的举动让苏晓颇感意外,但马上就有坏消息传来,就是斯坦奈洛伊老烟枪三人居然与大部队分开,血门的其他人还在烂尾楼的结界内,仅有这三人离开结界 Obviously, Stan this is detected indistinctly existence of Boubo, the present difficult problem is, Boubo should track the Stan three people , to continue to keep in sealing. 显然,斯坦这是隐约察觉到布布汪的存在,眼下的难题是,布布汪应该跟踪斯坦三人,还是继续留在结界内。 According to news that Boubo spreads, its side situation is very urgent, that will locate sealing soon to be closed, at the appointed time it wants to come out to be very difficult again. 根据布布汪传来的消息,它那边的情况很紧急,那处结界即将要被关闭,届时它再想出来很难。 Tracks Stan!’ ‘跟踪斯坦!’ Su Xiao gives Boubo to order without hesitation, Boubo in messy building several steps run out of sealing, follows close on after Stan and others. 苏晓毫不犹豫给布布汪下令,烂尾楼内的布布汪几步就冲出结界,紧跟在斯坦等人身后。 The Stan three people of goals are Fuyuki City, these three people did not fear that Su Xiao kills them, is opposite with it, they instead want to make Su Xiao kill them. 斯坦三人的目标是冬木市,这三人并不怕苏晓狙杀他们,与之相反,他们反而更想让苏晓狙杀他们。 The high roof, Su Xiao's deeply frowned, he cannot find out Stan to prepare to make anything temporarily, gives up the population advantage, only three people leave sealing, obviously is not the wise choice. 高楼顶,苏晓的眉头紧锁,他暂时想不出斯坦准备做什么,放弃人数优势,仅有三人离开结界,明显不是明智的选择。 The hesitation moment, Su Xiao contacts Bailey through the Adventure Group channel, although Bailey is treasure hunting, in fact it has not left Fuyuki City, a half hour is less than arrives in the position that Su Xiao is. 沉吟片刻,苏晓通过冒险团频道联络贝妮,贝妮虽然在寻宝,实际上它并未离开冬木市,半小时不到就抵达苏晓所在的位置。 Bailey several vertical leap on the jumping up roof, before stepping the graceful cat step to arrive at the Su Xiao body . 贝妮几个纵跃就跳上楼顶,迈着优雅的猫步来到苏晓身前。 Meow?” “喵?” Bailey tilts the head looks at Su Xiao, the meaning is: Asks her to make anything.” 贝妮歪头看着苏晓,意思是:“找她做什么。” Stares at that to locate sealing.” “盯着那处结界。” Meow ~ “呜喵~” Bailey protested in a low voice, as yearning for free Cat, how it can follow closely? Possibly? impossible! 贝妮低声抗议,作为向往自由的喵星人,它怎么能盯梢?可能吗?不可能的! According to recent account, you recently......” “根据近期的账目来看,你最近……” Meow meow meow ~ “喵喵喵~” Bailey flung the tail, that meaning is: I made a mistake was not good, once they left sealing, I informed immediately.” 贝妮甩了甩尾巴,那意思是:“我错了还不行,他们一旦离开结界,我马上通知。” Su Xiao indeed takes Contractor in sealing not to have the means temporarily, before can kill so many Blood Sect Contractor, is mainly existences of these person of not clear Boubo, therefore has wanted to encircle him, at present these fellow bright famous doctrines were intelligent. 苏晓暂时的确拿结界内的契约者们没办法,之前能狙杀那么多血门契约者,主要是那些人不清楚布布汪的存在,所以才一直想合围他,眼下这些家伙明显学聪明了。 Goes to and Stan as for the present puts together irreconciliable adversaries, that is unwise, once fights, if Blood Sect Adventure Group by some chance has the team fast building up ability, that Su Xiao must face besieging of Stan + Naomi + Old Smokey spear/gun + 129 Contractor simultaneously, at the appointed time on you are screwed, god knows will present many sealing at the appointed time, once there are sealing that blocks the space class, Su Xiao, even if opened Hunting Time, he will still be besieged lethal, naturally, the Blood Sect person will not have the good fruit to eat. 至于现在去和斯坦拼个你死我活,那也不明智,一旦交手,血门冒险团万一要是有团队快速集结能力,那苏晓就要同时面对斯坦+奈洛伊+老烟枪名契约者的围攻,到时就死定了,天知道届时会出现多少层结界,一旦有阻断空间类的结界,苏晓就算开了猎魔时刻,他也会被围攻致死,当然,血门的人也不会有好果子吃。 The aspect stiffens suddenly, Su Xiao does not have the means with Stan, Stan also takes him not to have the means that the good news is, Su Xiao has been able to act on free will, has the opportunity to complete hunting mission as soon as possible, the trail about Offender, he has begun to materialize. 局面突然僵住,苏晓斯坦没办法,斯坦也拿他没办法,好消息是,苏晓已经可以自由行动,也就是有机会尽快完成猎杀任务,关于违规者的踪迹,他已经有眉目。
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