RP :: Volume #22

#14: Bare-handed

On Bell Tower, Su Xiao partly squats in the place, Duke of Silence is put up when the hydraulic pressure stabilization unit, about 3 kilometers distance, aiming even if 0.1 millimeter error, possibly causes the fall point to deviate over half meter. 钟楼上,苏晓半蹲在地,寂灭公爵被架在液压稳定装置上,近三公里的距离,瞄准时哪怕0.1毫米的误差,就可能导致子弹落点偏离半米以上。 Although Duke of Silence has the fixed function, but regarding Fourth Order Contractor, the locked instance, they will detect that the sense of crisis, enough ten seconds of locking times, the Blood Sect person is not impossible spans 3 kilometers distance, in other words, Su Xiao can only kill by the personal ability. 寂灭公爵虽然有锁定功能,但对于四阶契约者来讲,被锁定的瞬间,他们就会察觉到危机感,足足十秒钟的锁定时间,血门的人并不是没可能跨越三公里距离,也就是说,苏晓仅能凭借个人能力狙杀。 Ka and ka...... 咔哒、咔哒…… Su Xiao is revising auto-adapted multiple telescopic sights, at present the telescopic sights had been adjusted to 50 times, goal 3 km away, seems to be close now. 苏晓正在修正‘自适应倍数瞄准镜’,眼下瞄准镜已经被调节到50倍,足足3公里外的目标,如今仿佛近在咫尺。 At this time is 7 : 00 pm, the pedestrian on street is reducing fast, in the cafe in Central Street region, three male and one female are depending in the booth discuss anything, but in opposite restaurant, the similarly several men and women talked in a low voice. 此时已经是晚 7 点,街道上的行人正快速减少,中心街区域的一件咖啡厅内,三男一女正靠在卡座内讨论什么,而在对面的餐厅内,同样有几名男女低声交谈。 The Blood Sect person seemingly disperses in Central Street, in fact they already the Central Street blockade, regardless of the Contractor in cafe or restaurant, they are the baits, once these people were attacked, Central Street will be blocked instantaneously, do not want to fly including a fly. 血门的人看似分散在中心街,实际上他们已经将中心街封锁,无论咖啡厅还是餐厅内的契约者,他们都是诱饵,一旦这些人遭到袭击,中心街会被瞬间封锁,连一只苍蝇都别想飞出去。 In cafe, in that three men and women talked, integrated Boubo in environment to activate coordinates, and turned on the supervisory equipment, was Su Xiao provides the image in restaurant. 咖啡厅内,就在那三名男女交谈时,融入环境中的布布汪已经激活身上的坐标,并打开监视设备,为苏晓提供餐厅内的影像。 On Bell Tower, Su Xiao first locks the Boubo coordinates, later according to the terrain in restaurant, takes Boubo as the frame of reference, thus judges that four Contractor position and distance. 钟楼上,苏晓先是锁定布布汪的坐标,之后再根据餐厅内的地形,以布布汪为参照物,从而判断出那四名契约者的位置与距离。 Two Close Combat and long-distance, a control department, can see that this squad wants to be stranded the enemy in a short time, thus wins the time to the large unit. 两名近战、一名远程、一名控制系,可以看出这个小队只是想短时间内困敌,从而给大部队争取时间。 , Su Xiao draws the Duke of Silence bolt, the thunder attribute ammunition draws back the chest cavity, exchanges an ordinary ammunition. 咔嚓一声,苏晓拉动寂灭公爵的枪栓,雷属性弹药退膛,换上一颗普通弹药。 At present the Duke of Silence ammunition also remains 73, various attribute Elemental Bullet only have 9, 4 thunder attributes, 3 hot attributes, 1 dark attribute, 1 earth attribute. 眼下寂灭公爵的弹药还剩73颗,其中各属性元素弹仅有九颗,四颗雷属性,三颗火属性,一颗暗属性,一颗土属性。 A Duke of Silence ordinary ammunition is 1000 Paradise Coins, therefore Su Xiao will not stockpile too many, this has not used Duke of Silence in Dark Crow Continent, is left over 73 bullets. 一颗寂灭公爵的普通弹药就是1000乐园币,因此苏晓不会储备太多,这还是在暗鸦大陆没怎么用到寂灭公爵,才存下73颗子弹。 Su Xiao's approaches the telescopic sights, the red Cross Style fore or front sight appears in him at present, with his breath and heartbeat, the Cross Style fore or front sight will experience the fluctuation of very big scope. 苏晓的头凑近瞄准镜,红色十字准星出现在他眼前,随着他的呼吸与心跳,十字准星会出现很大幅度的波动。 Deeply inspires, Su Xiao completes the last time revision position, the finger buckles on the trigger, as his respiration rate slows down, Cross Style fore or front sight gradually static. 深吸了口气,苏晓完成最后一次修正方位,手指扣在扳机上,随着他的呼吸速度减缓,十字准星逐渐静止。 In the telescopic sights, Su Xiao saw suit male who is carrying the coffee cup, he has very big probability is control of this squad is or the Sensor department, therefore the first goal is he, kills the Close Combat words, so far distance, only if with thunder attribute ammunition, otherwise is unable to guarantee that a spear/gun must kill. 瞄准镜内,苏晓看到一名端着咖啡杯的西装男,他有很大概率是这个小队的控制系或感知系,因此第一目标就是他,狙杀近战的话,如此远的距离,除非用雷属性弹药,否则无法保证一枪必杀。 Suit male in the telescopic sights puts down the coffee cup, said anything with the side woman, according to the observation of Boubo, after the suit male drinks the coffee each time, at least needs after 1 to 2 minutes to carry the coffee cup, the possibility that in this period of time, his upper part moves is very low. 瞄准镜内的西装男放下咖啡杯,与身旁的女人说了些什么,根据布布汪的观察,西装男每次饮下咖啡后,至少要在一到二分钟后才会重新端起咖啡杯,在这段时间内,他上半身移动的可能性很低。 Su Xiao touches off the trigger slowly, the loud sound of bang, the bullet has the chest cavity, the Duke of Silence strong recoil, causing on Bell Tower to cover entirely the fissure, the wave is centered on the Bell Tower central point to proliferate in the midair all at once. 苏晓缓缓扣动扳机,轰的一声巨响,子弹出膛,寂灭公爵的强大后坐力,导致钟楼上布满裂痕,一股气浪以钟楼为中心点在半空中扩散。 Three kilometers distances, in the suit male situated in town center cafe cannot hear the sound of gunfire fully, from the facial expression between his facial features, he as to make side female Contractor to come one round, does to that female Contractor to have no interest in him, died is gradually close in this time. 足有三公里的距离,位于市中心咖啡厅内的西装男根本听不到枪声,从他眉眼间的神情来看,他似乎想约身旁的女契约者来一发,奈何那名女契约者对他没兴趣,死亡在此时逐渐接近。 Bullet Shatter Sky revolves, in the rear area brings the spiral-shaped air current, by supervelocity to the suit male head assault, the suit male side is that female Contractor, even if this spear/gun does not hit the suit male, may still hit his side female Contractor. 子弹破空旋转,在后方带起螺旋状气流,以超高速向西装男的头部袭去,西装男身旁就是那名女契约者,因此就算这枪打不中西装男,也有可能命中他身旁的女契约者 With the suit male complexion sudden drastic change that female Contractor curries favor with, his almost instinct slope forward body, is too what a pity late. 正与女契约者献媚的西装男脸色突然剧变,他几乎本能向前倾斜身体,可惜已经太晚了。 Crash-bang, the window of cafe was shattered, the bullet penetrates glass fragment, after the warhead hit suit male ear . 哗啦一声,咖啡厅的落地窗破碎,子弹穿透玻璃碎屑,弹头命中西装男的耳后。 ! 啪! The blood and broken bone splash, blast out big piece Bloody Mist, suit male opposite that two Close Combat Contractor feel on the face to transmit the warm feeling, they close one's eyes subconsciously. 鲜血与碎骨飞溅,炸开大片血雾,西装男对面那两名近战契约者都感觉到脸上传来温热感,他们下意识闭上眼。 Compares by a spear/gun bang broken head suit male, his side that female Contractor is more hapless, she directly by rumbling flew crosswise, the chest place blasts out big piece Bloody Mist. 相比被一枪轰碎头部的西装男,他身旁那名女契约者更倒霉,她直接被轰的横向飞了出去,胸膛处炸开大片血雾 After this spear/gun, in the restaurant the deathly stillness 0.5 second, the pupil of that two Close Combat Contractor stared in a big way, almost simultaneously backward supine, their behind booths back off , helping their manifestation bunker. 这一枪过后,餐厅内死寂了0.5秒,那两名近战契约者的眸子瞪大,几乎同时向后仰,他们身后的卡座倒扣过去,帮他们形成掩体。 On Bell Tower, Su Xiao receives Duke of Silence fast, Realm Cutting Thread springs, entangles on the stone fence before body, he leaps from Bell Tower, just fell to the ground on several vertical leaps vanishes in the dim light of night. 钟楼上,苏晓快速收起寂灭公爵,界断线弹出,缠在身前的石栏上,他从钟楼上跃下,刚落地就几个纵跃消失在夜色中。 After 15 seconds, the form appears under Bell Tower together suddenly, this form seems like only the gecko, crawls to the Bell Tower peak quickly. 15秒后,一道身影陡然出现在钟楼下方,这道身影像是只壁虎般,很快爬到钟楼顶端。 Bang! 轰! The explosion spreads from Bell Tower, this gecko form jumps high, falls with the aid of the impulse of explosion slowly. 爆炸从钟楼内扩散,这道壁虎般的身影高高跃起,借助爆炸的冲击力缓缓下落。 Damn!” “该死!” The gecko form is the famous eye male, under his stepping the ground, the big piece crack appears in the surroundings. 壁虎般的身影是名眼睛男,他一踏脚下地面,大片龟裂在周围出现。 In the Central Street cafe, Stan looks at the two corpses before body, an eye of reveal is surprised. 中心街的咖啡厅内,斯坦看着身前的两具尸体,目露惊奇。 At least 3 kilometers? Moreover kills at night.” “至少三公里?而且还是在夜间狙杀。” During the Stan speeches looks to that two whole face bloodstains Close Combat Contractor, at this time two people lowering the head is standing a row, as to say anything, but concerned about fear to Stan, they do not dare to say. 斯坦说话间看向那两名满脸血迹的近战契约者,此时两人正低头站成一排,似乎想说什么,但碍于对斯坦的畏惧,他们又不怎么敢说。 Cheap trick.” “小把戏而已。” Stan no longer pays attention to the ground two corpses, in this time, he is measuring to pass away suddenly, the clothing of chest cavity place rips one to withstand/top broken, together the metal armor piece quick firing of palm size. 斯坦不再理会地上的两具尸体,正在此时,他突然测过身,胸腔处的衣物撕拉一声被顶破,一块手掌大小的金属甲片急射而出。 When lang, the bullet and armor piece clash, attacks to the surroundings spreads, surrounding area the glass window within dozens meters completely loudly shatter, on the wall presents the dense and numerous fissures. 当啷一声,子弹与甲片对撞,一股冲击向周围扩散开来,方圆几十米内的玻璃窗全部轰然破碎,墙体上出现密密麻麻的裂痕。 The whole body was stood in same place by Stan of black golden energy wrapping, his right hand lifts by the making a fist posture before the body, the black golden energy on hand scatters slowly upwardly, the surrounding air starts to twist. 全身被黑金色能量包裹的斯坦站在原地,他的右手以握拳姿势举在身前,手上的黑金色能量缓缓向上飘散,周围的空气都开始扭曲。 The palm of Stan loosens, the electric light flashes, a bullet of twist deformation falls from his hand, ding bell one ground ball. 斯坦的手掌松开,电光闪动,一颗扭曲变形的子弹从他手中落下,叮铃一声在地上弹起。 He locked our position.” “他锁定了我们的位置。” Stan flung waving the arms about superficially, flings the electric light on martial art combining various techniques, his Old Smokey spear/gun GuLu swallowed under the saliva, if the goal of this spear/gun is he, he cannot shoulder absolutely. 斯坦轻描淡写的甩了甩手,甩散手上的电光,他身旁的老烟咕噜一声咽了下唾液,如果这一枪的目标是他,他绝对扛不住。 Several pattern spiders crawl from the Naomi neckband, the speeds of these spiders are extremely fast, turn into remnant shades to vanish in the line of sight of people. 几只花纹蜘蛛从奈洛伊的领口内爬出,这些蜘蛛的速度极快,化成一道道残影消失在众人的视线中。 Be not gawking, southeast, goes quickly!” “别愣着,东南方向,快去!” The Old Smokey spear/gun angrily roars, he leads the person to flush away to the direction that the bullet flies. 老烟枪怒吼一声,他带人向子弹飞来的方向冲去。 Sees the subordinate to run far, Stan has carried the hand slowly, his right hand is shivering, the close fissure appears in his palm. 看到部下跑远,斯坦缓缓背过手,他的右手在颤抖,细密的裂痕在他掌心出现。 Acid is crisp.” “酸爽吧。” Naomi smiled one badly, Stan sweeps her one eyes not to say a word, beforehand Stan seemed like serene, was not such actually. 奈洛伊坏笑一声,斯坦扫了她一眼没做声,之前的斯坦看似风轻云淡,实际并非如此。 Thunder attribute bullet, additional Devil's Seal branch ability Demon's Gaze( initiative)’ the spear/gun of addition, is not good to resist. 雷属性子弹,加恶魔之印的分支能力‘恶魔凝视(主动)’所加成的一枪,可不是那么好抗的。 …… …… 10 attaches the ability 十附加能力 Demon's Gaze( initiative): When long-distance attack, may cover Power of the Devil to bullet, bow and arrow and other weapons on, launches a long-distance attack, this attack will attach hurts the value finally 80% True Damage( e.g., the final injury of bullet hit enemy will be 100 points, Demon's Gaze( initiative) will attach 80 True Damage). 恶魔凝视(主动):远程攻击时,可将恶魔之力覆盖至子弹、弓箭等武器上,进行一次远程攻击,本次攻击将附加最终伤害数值的80%真实伤害(如,子弹命中敌人的最终伤害为100点,恶魔凝视(主动)将附加80点真实伤害)。 Prompt: Uses Demon's Gaze( actively) to consume Soul Crystal (Small) x1 each time, Soul Crystal (Small) may transform as Power of the Devil that to cover the weapon needs. 提示:每次使用恶魔凝视(主动)需消耗灵魂结晶(小)x1,灵魂结晶(小)可转化为覆盖武器所需的恶魔之力 Prompt: Demon's Gaze( initiative) the Cooldown time is 72 hours. 提示:恶魔凝视(主动)冷却时间为72小时。 ...... …… At this time the right hand of Stan is completely numb, the blood drops following his fingertip, in chest cavity an intermittent worried transmission, but he actually cannot display the slightest, Blood Sect Captain...... cannot defeat. 此时斯坦的右手完全麻木,鲜血顺着他的指尖滴落,胸腔内一阵阵气闷感传来,可他却不能表现出分毫,血门团长……是不能败的。
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