RP :: Volume #22

#13: The nightmare starts

In the old dwelling of Tohsaka, as three big magic families, now the person is even on the wane, naturally still has its background, for example Tohsaka Rin this demon Second Generation, she fights with Gem, was treated as the consumables use various rare Gem, the ruined family degree can be imagined, if poor, her magic has more than enough. 远坂家的老宅内,作为三大魔术家族,就算现在人丁凋零,自然也有其底蕴,就比如远坂凛这魔二代,她是用宝石战斗,将各类稀有宝石被当做消耗品使用,败家程度可想而知,如果家境贫寒的话,她连魔术都用不了。 This was my family, good.” “这就是我家了,不错吧。” Tohsaka Rin stands in own garden, the night wind has blown, the leaf rustle makes noise, she behind is a western-style villa, in the garden full is the flowers and plants, on the rail of fence climbs the full vegetation, this obviously not the house that spends to buy, but needs several generations of precipitation. 远坂凛站在自家庭院内,夜风吹过,树叶沙沙作响,她身后是栋欧式别墅,庭院内满是花花草草,围墙的铁栏上攀满植被,这明显不是花钱就能买到的住宅,而是需要几代人的沉淀。 Previous time comes to here, kills.” “上次来这里,还是杀进去的。” „Do you...... kill my family?” “你……杀进过我家?” The Tohsaka Rin mouth opens and closes, finally sighed. 远坂凛嘴巴开合,最后叹了口气。 Follows Tohsaka Rin to enter in the villa, because already quickly to below midnight, in villa jet black piece, but is spotless, is antique to the upper-level wooden ladder, on the wall is hanging several great pictures. 跟着远坂凛走进别墅内,因为已经快到下半夜,别墅内漆黑一片,但却一尘不染,通往上层的木梯古香古色,墙上挂着几幅名画。 You live in two buildings, here only then I live, after surpassing 10 : 00 pm, 3rd Layer is absolutely the absolute forbidden area, if you are still attending the high school to one . Moreover the parental double perishing pitiful young girl has improper ambition, I do not have the means.” “你就住在二楼吧,这里只有我自己居住,超过晚10点后,三层是绝对绝对的禁区,你如果对一名还在上高中,而且父母双亡的可怜少女有非分之想,那我也没办法。” Tohsaka Rin will carry with the hand the book bag to place by the shoes cabinet conveniently, changes little bear slipper to go upstairs. 远坂凛随手将手提书包放在鞋柜旁,就换上小熊拖鞋上楼。 Su Xiao has not gone upstairs, but arrives in the garden, starts to build the security installment. 苏晓没上楼,而是来到庭院内,开始布设警戒装置。 After one hour . 一小时后。 White Night, where are you at? Really, Heroic Spirit does not need to sleep.” 白夜,你在哪?真是的,英灵都不用睡觉吗。” Wears the cream color to rest Tohsaka Rin of skirt to go down from 3rd Layer, she just arrived at a staircase corner, saw that Su Xiao is arranging anything in the entrance, through the light, she can see the fiber in Su Xiao hand indistinctly. 身穿米黄色睡裙的远坂凛三层走下,她刚到一层的楼梯转角,就看到苏晓正在门口布置什么,通过灯光,她隐约能看到苏晓手中的纤维丝。 From now on do not stroll in the garden.” “从现在开始不要在庭院内闲逛。” In garden how.” “庭院里怎么了。” Tohsaka Rin suddenly has an ominous premonition. 远坂凛突然有种不祥的预感。 Buried 170 antigravity land mines.” “埋了170颗反重力地雷而已。” „......” “……” The corners of the mouth of Tohsaka Rin twitch fiercely, after the moment, she patted oneself face, turns around to go upstairs, this is certainly having a dream. 远坂凛的嘴角剧烈抽搐,片刻后,她拍了拍自己的脸,转身上楼,她这一定是在做梦。 Under Su Xiao midnight on the villa 2nd Layer sofa rests, next morning 7 : 30 am, whole face vacant Tohsaka Rin will crawl to get out of bed, head tea will send somewhat disorderly, the whole person will be seemingly blurry. 苏晓半夜就在别墅二层的沙发上小憩,次日清晨早七点半,满脸茫然的远坂凛爬起床,头上的茶发有些凌乱,整个人看起来迷迷糊糊。 Early ~ “早~” When Tohsaka Rin passed by the 2nd Layer living room greets with Su Xiao, washes to one, when she washes, runs up to 2nd Layer. 远坂凛路过二层的客厅时与苏晓打了个招呼,就到一层去洗漱,当她洗漱好时,又跑到二层 I must go to school, your words, ok, you will not listen to me to direct in any case.” “我要去上学,你的话,算了,反正你也不会听我指挥。” Goes to school?” “上学?” Su Xiao heard Tohsaka Rin to say goes to school, unavoidably the surprise moment, then thinks, as if had indeed seen that Tohsaka Rin went to school. 苏晓听到远坂凛说上学,难免诧异片刻,转而想到,似乎的确看到过远坂凛上学的一幕。 The fifth Holy Grail War Master ability is not much, is actually the young expert, this younger sister is also thinking going to school during Holy Grail War unexpectedly, does not know that should say her heart is big, said that her enthusiasm to the going to school is very high. 第五次圣杯战争御主们能力不怎么样,却都是作死小能手,这妹子在圣杯战争期间居然还想着上学,不知应该说她心大,还是说她对上学的热情很高。 „The words that does not want dead, temporarily leave school temporarily.” “不想死的话,暂时休学。” This......” “这……” Tohsaka Rin withdraws subconsciously several steps, in the brain presents an idea, will be her Heroic Spirit do not imprison her, various children not suitable pictures will map in her brain. 远坂凛下意识退后几步,脑中不禁出现一种想法,就是她的英灵不会是要囚禁她吧,各种少儿不宜的画面映入她脑中。 Daytime words, Heroic Spirit should not act to Master.” “白天的话,英灵应该不会对御主出手吧。” „......” “……” Su Xiao has not spoken, is only silent standing up, after two minutes, wears the cream color to rest Tohsaka Rin of skirt to be bound the hands and feet to throw on the sofa. 苏晓没说话,只是沉默着站起身,两分钟后,身穿米黄色睡裙的远坂凛被绑住手脚扔在沙发上。 Recently, Su Xiao will not make an appearance on own initiative, the reason is very simple, Blood Sect these person full world will certainly look for him, at present waits for the time. 近期内,苏晓不会主动露面,原因很简单,血门那些人一定会满世界找他,眼下等待时机就可以。 Su Xiao sits cross-legged on the sofa, is wallowing the game, sees this, the one side lies down some Tohsaka Rin three view collapses on sofa, Heroic Spirit is playing the game to be surprised enough, in addition the opposite party as if plays her is smoother. 苏晓盘坐在沙发上,正沉迷游戏,看到这一幕,一旁躺在沙发上的远坂凛三观有些崩溃,英灵在玩游戏已经够惊奇,加上对方似乎比她玩的更溜。 Tohsaka Rin by the Su Xiao manual temporary leave, was stopped this making the dead behavior, in the morning, Su Xiao led her to change the place residence, ordinary residents situated in Fuyuki City edge. 远坂凛苏晓手动休学,停止了这作死行为,当天上午,苏晓就带她换了处住所,一栋位于冬木市边缘的普通民宅。 Obviously, Tohsaka Rin is easier than to process many Emiya Shiro, she besides somewhat arrogant tender, does not think oneself are the just partner, what is more important, her magic level is not weak. 显然,远坂凛卫宫士郎好处理很多,她除了有些傲娇之外,并不认为自己是正义的伙伴,更重要的是,她的魔术水平并不弱。 A day, two days, three days of time in the past, Su Xiao anything did not do in Derivative World quickly for the first time such for a long time, if situation really as bad as certain extent, he even can consider that does not complete hunting mission, most was reassigned, goes to War World to make temporary Adjudicator. 一天,两天,三天时间很快过去,苏晓还是首次在衍生世界内什么都不做这么久,如果情况真的糟糕到一定程度,他甚至可以考虑不完成猎杀任务,最多就是被抽调,去战争世界做临时裁决者而已。 Su Xiao, Blood Sect Adventure Group actually cannot consume, their Main Mission are not the survivals, three days of anything does not do, Stan, Naomi and Old Smokey spear/gun three people can calm down, but the following members are discontented day after day, team Main Mission like the mountain of their top of the head. 苏晓这边等的起,血门冒险团却耗不起,他们的主线任务可不是生存,三天什么都不做,斯坦奈洛伊老烟枪三人能沉住气,可下面的团员们却日渐不满,团队主线任务就像他们头顶的一座大山。 When fourth day early morning, in Stan situated in Fuyuki City suburb messy building does not prepare to continue, because they really cannot consume, if not complete team Main Mission, all of them must die. 当第四天清晨时,位于冬木市郊外一座烂尾楼内的斯坦不准备继续等,因为他们真的耗不起,如果不完成团队主线任务,他们所有人都要死。 Stan, waits again for two days, I do not believe that fellow never to appear.” 斯坦,再等两天,我不信那家伙始终不露头。” The Naomi opens the mouth in messy building, her complexion is not attractive, the time is getting more and more unendurable. 烂尾楼内的奈洛伊开口,她的面色不算好看,时间越来越难熬。 We make him come out on own initiative, if team mission has problems, we must die.” “我们主动引他出来,如果团队任务出问题,我们都要死。” But......” “可是……” Not, but, I never wait for death.” “没有可是,我从不等死。” Stan lifts the step to walk toward the messy building, because they indeed cannot consume. 斯坦抬步向烂尾楼外走去,因为他们的确耗不起。 On the same day 6 : 00 pm, a loud sound broke Fuyuki City to continue several days of tranquilities. 当天晚 6 点,一声巨响打破了冬木市持续几天的宁静。 In the residents in Fuyuki City edge, Su Xiao is looking image that Boubo long-distance feeds back, that is the place flaming combustion church, this is Kotomine Church, although has abandoned very for a long time, but this church that is located in the town center is still the place that Kotomine Kirei patronizes frequently. 冬木市边缘的民宅内,苏晓正看着布布汪远程反馈回来的影像,那是座熊熊燃烧的教堂,这是言峰教堂,虽然已废弃很久,但这座位于市中心的教堂依然是言峰绮礼经常光顾的地方。 You could not calm down finally.” “你们终于沉不住气了。” Su Xiao closes image on the micro computer, lifts the step to walk toward the residents, seeing Su Xiao must go out, Tohsaka Rin came the spirit. 苏晓关闭微型电脑上的影像,抬步向民宅外走去,看到苏晓要出门,远坂凛来了精神。 Must start.” “要开始了吗。” Temporarily does not need you to enter the stage, as the trump card, you continues to treat in this.” “暂时不用你出场,作为王牌,你继续待在这就可以。” „, Dislikes me to hold back speaks frankly.” “切,嫌我拖后腿就直说。” In fact, if not to fighting Heroic Spirit, Tohsaka Rin cannot act, Contractor has too many methods to massacre her, Su Xiao stays as the Heroic Spirit status in this world, once the Tohsaka Rin death, he needs to find next Magus in a short time, this is not the simple matter. 实际上,如果不是对战英灵,远坂凛决不能出面,契约者有太多方法杀掉她,苏晓是作为英灵身份停留在这个世界,一旦远坂凛死亡,他就需要在短时间内找到下一名魔术师,这可不是简单的事。 Su Xiao hurries to the town center fast, compares Su Xiao, has arrived in Boubo of city strolling, for these days time Su Xiao has not been idling, but remembers clear the Fuyuki City terrain, this concerns his some plan, lets the Blood Sect Adventure Group everyone's sleepless plan. 苏晓快速向市中心赶去,相比苏晓,一直在市内闲逛的布布汪早就到场,这几天时间苏晓可不是一直闲着,而是将冬木市的地形记得一清二楚,这关乎到他某个计划,一个让血门冒险团所有人夜不能寐的计划。 Before flaming combustion church, the tip of the nose twitch of Boubo, is searching for anything. 熊熊燃烧的教堂前,布布汪的鼻头抽动,正在搜寻什么。 Quick, Boubo catches suspicious smell in the air, that is the fierce detonation flame flavor, seeks the smell of irritating the nose, Boubo is staring at one to be plain-looking quickly, places in the crowd very not conspicuous youngster. 很快,布布汪在空气中捕捉到一股可疑气味,那是烈性爆燃火焰的味道,寻着刺鼻的气味,布布汪很快盯上一名相貌平平,放在人堆里很不显眼的少年。 The Boubo track starts, it is not the following in range, but follows in that youngster behind two meters distant place. 布布汪跟踪开始,它可不是远距离跟踪,而是就跟在那名少年身后两米远处。 Boubo with three hours, the youngster left nearby the church, looks at the appearance seems somewhat disappointed. 布布足足跟了三个小时,那少年才离开教堂附近,看模样似乎是有些失望。 On Fuyuki City obsolete Bell Tower, this thing should demolish, but since considering that its significance retains. 冬木市一座老旧的钟楼上,这东西早就应该拆除,但考虑到它的意义才保留至今。 Top level of Bell Tower, Su Xiao draws the Duke of Silence bolt, his plan both simple and crude, is to make Boubo mix in the Blood Sect large unit, after it successfully infiltrates the enemy interior, provides the real-time coordinates to Su Xiao, Su Xiao is the long-distance ambush, by his ambush ability + Duke of Silence performance, kills 3. goal 5 km away not to have the issue, this limit firing distance of spear/gun, but 4762 meters, will cause the trajectory seriously to deviate again. 钟楼顶层,苏晓拉动寂灭公爵的枪栓,他的计划既简单又粗暴,就是让布布汪混入血门的大部队中,在它成功打入敌人内部后,给苏晓提供实时坐标,苏晓则是远程狙击,以他的狙击能力+寂灭公爵的性能,狙杀3.5公里外的目标没问题,这把枪的极限射程可是有4762米,再远就会导致弹道严重偏离。 After a Su Xiao monkey spear/gun, will remove immediately, Boubo is continues to ambush, thus provides the Blood Sect coordinates to Su Xiao, 3. 5 kilometers distance, only if Blood Sect has the collective to flicker to move, otherwise cannot do to Su Xiao, is unable to defeat Blood Sect everyone simultaneously, Su Xiao chooses nibbles slowly. 苏晓狙一枪后会马上撤,布布汪则是继续潜伏,从而给苏晓提供血门的坐标,3.五公里的距离,除非血门有集体瞬移,否则根本奈何不了苏晓,无法同时战胜血门的所有人,苏晓就选择慢慢蚕食。
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