RP :: Volume #22

#12: The young girls, your external has arrived at the account

Tohsaka Rin just went out of the room in next door, was towed by Su Xiao, strips and exchanges make incantation matter, did not permit in the past Holy Grail War, Church will not agree, Mage's Association will not sit by and do nothing, but fifth Holy Grail War was an exceptional case, because that two big faction had no interest in this time Holy Grail War. 远坂凛刚走出隔壁的房间,就又被苏晓拖了回去,剥离并交换令咒这种事,在以往的圣杯战争中绝不允许,圣堂教会不会同意,魔术协会也不会坐视不理,可第五次圣杯战争是个特例,因为那两个大势力对这次的圣杯战争没兴趣。 After several minutes, some Tohsaka Rin of prostration go out from the room, she looked at two command incantations on the hand, Heroic Spirit that also Sensor that to letting the person blushes with shame, she sighed deeply the tone, she wants saying: A forced alliance is never an easy alliance.’ 几分钟后,有些虚脱的远坂凛从房间内走出,她看了眼手上的两枚令咒,又感知那强到让人汗颜的英灵,她长叹了口气,她很想说:‘强扭的瓜不甜。’ However, Su Xiao does not care about the melon to be sweet, he only needs to turn. 然而,苏晓根本不在乎瓜甜不甜,他只需要扭下来就可以。 Of Tohsaka only daughters magic three big families, become in this Holy Grail War now one of the most faction, because, help of her nearly three Heroic Spirit. 魔术三大家族之一的远坂家独女,现在成为本次圣杯战争中最势力之一,因为,她近乎有三名英灵的帮助。 Suddenly opened hanging, Tohsaka Rin obvious some did not adapt, she touched the command incantation on back of the hand, always felt that this thing was not her own. 突然开了挂,远坂凛明显有些不适应,她摸了摸手背上的令咒,总感觉这东西不是她自己的。 Two, return sees.” “两位,回见。” Su Xiao lifted the step to go out of health/guard Gongjia, Tohsaka Rin looked at Heroic Spirit health/guard Gong, that meaning was: ’ Yourself take care, I am also very helpless. ’ 苏晓抬步走出卫宫家,远坂凛看了眼英灵卫宫,那意思是:’你自己保重,我也很无奈的。’ Quick, in the room only remains Emiya Shiro and Heroic Spirit health/guard Gong, Heroic Spirit health/guard Gong sits cross-legged before the short wooden table, and gave itself but actually. the tea cup 很快,房间内仅剩卫宫士郎英灵卫宫,英灵卫宫盘坐在矮木桌前,并给自己倒了杯茶水。 How we then must do.” “我们接下来要怎么做。” Emiya Shiro a little compels ignorant, rapidness that too matter develops, moreover does not have the captions, his thought somewhat cannot follow. 卫宫士郎有点懵逼,事情发展的太快,而且没有字幕,他的思维有些跟不上。 I drink tea, your bright Amaterasu often goes to school.” “我喝茶,你明天照常上学就可以。” That Holy Grail War?” “那圣杯战争?” Objective, after there is your magic power supplies, I become in this Holy Grail War fortunately weakest Heroic Spirit.” “客观来讲,有了你的魔力供给后,我有幸成为这次圣杯战争中最弱的英灵。” Well ~ “咦~” ...... …… Fuyuki City, in a mansion. 冬木市,一栋豪宅内。 Teacher, I.” “老师,我真的可以吗。” The female voice transmits from the darkness together, can see her Purple long hair through the moonlight indistinctly. 一道女声从黑暗中传来,通过月光隐约能看到她的紫色长发。 As my student, you naturally does not have the issue, had her help, this time Holy Grail War final victor is only you, Sakura.” “作为我的学生,你当然没问题,有了她的帮助,这次的圣杯战争最终胜利者只属于你,。” The vigorous sound conveys, but in room corner, is standing female Heroic Spirit. 浑厚的声音传来,而在房间的角落处,正站着一名女性英灵 Meanwhile, on the Fuyuki City south street, Tohsaka Rin both hands hold the chest vanguard, as if no security sense very much. 与此同时,冬木市南侧的街道上,远坂凛双手抱胸前行,似乎很没有安全感。 S Saber, you will not feel me to be useless suddenly, trades m Master again.” “saber,你不会突然感觉我没用,再换一个master吧。” Obviously, depth of Su Xiao understanding of Holy Grail War, making Tohsaka Rin not have the security sense very much, moreover that type opened the feeling of hanging suddenly, making her not have too many third dimensions. 显然,苏晓圣杯战争的了解之深,让远坂凛很没有安全感,而且那种突然就开了挂的感觉,让她没有太多真实感。 Receives you by persecution paranoia.” “收起你的被迫害妄想症。” Su Xiao through tablet PC examination recently news or the fantastic story different matter, seeks for the Offender trail. 苏晓正通过平板电脑查看近期内的新闻或奇闻异事,从中寻找违规者的踪迹。 Before listened to you saying that you have participated in fourth Holy Grail War, that time who did win? Can Holy Grail really realize all desires?” “之前听你说,你参与过第四次圣杯战争,那次到底谁胜了?圣杯真的能实现所有愿望?” No one win.” “没人胜。” Yeah? Wasn't the Einzbern family wins?” “哎?不是爱因兹贝伦家族胜了吗?” You the news where from obtains.” “你从哪得到的消息。” Said peak priest to say like this, he was this Holy Grail supervision side, the credibility is very after all high.” “言峰神父是这样说的,他毕竟是这次圣杯的监督方,可信度很高。” Hears sells the Rin words, movement on Su Xiao. 听到远贩的话,苏晓手上的动作一顿。 He has not told you, is who holds a blade behind his teacher? With that to master Noble Phantasm.” “那他没告诉你,是谁在他老师背后捅一刀?用那把‘对师宝具’。” What? „ “什么?“ The Tohsaka Rin footsteps stop suddenly, keep off before the Su Xiao body. 远坂凛的脚步突然停住,挡在苏晓身前。 Who is sneak attacks him behind my father, to master Noble Phantasm is anything.” “是谁在我父亲背后偷袭他,对师宝具又是什么东西。” Tohsaka Rin stunned looks at Su Xiao, intelligent she has guessed correctly anything. 远坂凛错愕的看着苏晓,聪明的她已经猜到什么。 Do not obstruct the road.” “别挡道。” Su Xiao's according to the Tohsaka Rin top of the head, transfers the front her body forcefully, and pushed under her soft back. 苏晓的手按在远坂凛头顶,将她的身体强行调转到前方,并推了下她柔软的背。 You know anything, told me......” “你到底知道什么,告诉我……” Walks while said.” “边走边说。” Su Xiao sees the Tohsaka Rin expression, although knows that the opposite party will not entirely believe his words, but is near perfect. 苏晓看到远坂凛的表情,虽然知道对方不会完全相信他的话,但已经八九不离十。 Facts showed that young girl of having little experience of the world after on Old Fart, the qualifications of simply not having revolted against. 事实证明,涉世未深的少女对上老阴哔后,根本没有反抗的资格。 Your father Tohsaka Tokiomi was one of the initial Master, all -round strength arranged at first four, the Heroic Spirit strength was the first, King of Heroes of Archer duty step Gilgamesh, almost strongest Heroic Spirit, the premise is he received the heart of having a low opinion of the enemy initially.” “你父亲远坂时臣是当初的御主之一,综合实力排在前四,英灵实力排在首位,arher职阶的英雄王吉尔伽美什,几乎是当初最强的英灵,前提是他收起轻敌之心。” That natural.” “那当然。” Tohsaka Rin hears Su Xiao to mention her father, the facial expression was more moderate, moreover very proud throwing out the chest dried meat. 远坂凛听到苏晓说起她父亲,神情缓和了很多,而且很自豪的挺起胸脯。 However your father has good student, is Kotomine Kirei, Kotomine Kirei takes the Kotomine Risei heir, he also participated in one of the Holy Grail War Master initially, Heroic Spirit that what a pity his downing on one's luck, summoned can be was weakest initially. “然而你父亲有个‘好学生’,也就是言峰绮礼,言峰绮礼作为言峰璃正的子嗣,他当初同样是参与圣杯战争御主之一,可惜他的时运不济,召唤出的英灵可以算是当初最弱。 Your father and Kotomine Kirei are not the masters and disciples related, but Kotomine Kirei father Kotomine Risei, is on a Holy Grail War supervision side, Church acting. 你父亲与言峰绮礼原本不是师徒关系,而言峰绮礼的父亲言峰璃正,正是上一届的圣杯战争监督方,圣堂教会的代行者。 Old priest Kotomine Risei also longs for Holy Grail, therefore he relates by oneself heir and your father Tohsaka Tokiomi connective masters and disciples, thus achieves the cooperation, two Master add two Heroic Spirit, although is the relations of using each other, but was also having the overwhelming superiority initially. ” 神父言峰璃正同样渴望圣杯,所以他让自己的子嗣与你父亲远坂时臣结缔师徒关系,从而达成合作,两名御主加两名英灵,虽然是互相利用的关系,但也在当初占据绝对优势。” Comes the safe/without matter, Su Xiao to plan that idly brings back Tohsaka Rin to long for Strength root, that is the vengefulness for father's murder. 闲来无事,苏晓打算勾起远坂凛渴望力量的根源,那就是杀父之仇。 How you know these.” “你怎么知道这些。” Tohsaka Rin slows down the footsteps, leads the way with Su Xiao shoulder to shoulder. 远坂凛放缓脚步,与苏晓并肩前行。 Because I am previous Holy Grail War Berserker.” “因为我是上次圣杯战争beerker。” Ha? You? Berserker?” “哈?你?beerker?” Tohsaka Rin compelled ignorant, how because Su Xiao sees not like Berserker. 远坂凛懵逼了,因为苏晓怎么看都不像beerker This is not the key, your father after Kotomine Kirei achieves the cooperation, their initial cooperation are happy, persuaded your father's Heroic Spirit Gilgamesh until Kotomine Kirei, the later matter was very simple, some of your father presented as a gift in a Kotomine Kirei short-sword, Kotomine Kirei is using that to hold dead your father from the back the short-sword, as for that the whereabouts of sword, Kotomine Kirei as if presented as a gift in giving somebody. „ “这不是关键,你父亲在与言峰绮礼达成合作后,他们初期的合作还算愉快,直到言峰绮礼说动你父亲的英灵吉尔伽美什,之后的事情很简单,某次你父亲赠于言峰绮礼一把短剑,言峰绮礼正就用那把短剑从背后捅死你父亲,至于那把剑的下落,言峰绮礼似乎又赠于给了某个人。“ Su Xiao speaking of this, Tohsaka Rin already being able to start to walk footsteps, because Kotomine Kirei presented as a gift that the short-sword many years ago in her, the premise was she has not guessed the wrong words. 苏晓说到这,远坂凛已经迈不开脚步,因为言峰绮礼在多年前将那把短剑赠于了她,前提是她没猜错的话。 Then...... has what characteristics the sword.” “那把剑……有什么特征。” Tohsaka Rin lowers the head, the breath is somewhat rapid. 远坂凛低着头,呼吸有些急促。 Wide blade, on the sword hilt seems like embedding red Gem.” “宽刃,剑柄上似乎镶嵌着一颗红宝石。” Although Su Xiao does not have to see that truly the sword, but he can actually find through various types of materials, as for with the original works information that Tohsaka Rin disclosed that this had no risk, Su Xiao's strength complete steamroll Tohsaka Rin. 苏晓虽然没真正见过那把剑,可他却能通过各种资料了解到,至于与远坂凛透露的原著情报,这点没什么风险,苏晓的战力完全碾压远坂凛 Was Kotomine Kirei killed my father?” “是言峰绮礼杀了我父亲?” The Tohsaka Rin innermost feelings were attacked big, but the Su Xiao's words she entirely does not believe. 远坂凛的内心受到不小冲击,但苏晓的话她并不会完全相信。 Therefore, you do prepare to take revenge? Do not think, present you are also not the Kotomine Kirei opponent, moreover do not count on that I will help you. „ “所以,你准备去复仇?别想了,现在的你还远不是言峰绮礼的对手,而且别指望我会帮你。“ Your this...... bad fellow “你这……恶劣的家伙” Tohsaka Rin somewhat had nothing to say in reply, who Su Xiao told her killing father opposing enemy is, but will actually not help her revenge, in fact, Tohsaka Rin, although was filled with the anger, but she will not be hated becomes confused, she after all was Magus, moreover her father died in Holy Grail War. 远坂凛有些无言以对,苏晓告诉了她的杀父仇人是谁,但却不会帮她报仇,实际上,远坂凛虽然满心怒火,可她不会被仇恨冲昏头脑,她毕竟是魔术师,况且她的父亲是死于圣杯战争中。 You said before will help me grow stronger, how must do, I do not want to be turned into the monster by certain strange ceremonies.” “你之前说会帮我变强,要怎么做,我可不想被某些古怪的仪式变成怪物。” With making magic power fight in incantation.” “用令咒内的魔力战斗。” With making the magic power fight of incantation?!” “用令咒的魔力战斗?!” Tohsaka Rin is dumbfounded, obviously does not know this is what show operates. 远坂凛傻眼,明显不知道这是什么骚操作。
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