RP :: Volume #22

#11: Youngster, your external due

Su Xiao just entered the room, the talk of Emiya Shiro and Tohsaka Rin stops, Heroic Spirit health/guard Gong stands in Tohsaka Rin behind, prepares to take her to travel at any time. 苏晓刚走进房间,卫宫士郎远坂凛的谈话就停止,英灵卫宫则是站在远坂凛身后,随时准备带上她跑路。 Su Xiao looked at eyeful vigilant Heroic Spirit health/guard Gong, lifts the step to walk toward the room, quick found the bathroom, starts to flush bloodstain. 苏晓看了眼满眼警惕的英灵卫宫,抬步向房间内侧走去,很快就找到浴室,开始冲洗身上的血迹。 Boubo still languid lying down on the place cot, often lifts the dog claw to rub the buttocks, A' Mu has not entered the room, is defending in the garden, in order to avoid Blood Sect person tracking hence, Bailey is unknown, should run to treasure hunt. 布布汪依然懒洋洋的躺在地榻上,不时抬起狗爪揉揉屁股,阿姆则是没进房间,正守在庭院内,以免血门的人追踪至此,贝妮则是去向不明,应该是又跑去寻宝了。 In the bathroom, Su Xiao flushes bloodstain simply, goes out of the bathroom, dripping wet hair also in water drop. 浴室内,苏晓只是简单冲洗身上血迹,就走出浴室,湿淋淋的头发还在滴水。 You...... were killed people before.” “你之前……是去杀人了吗。” The Emiya Shiro complexion is not too attractive, the subconsciousness gets hold of the teacup in hand. 卫宫士郎的面色不算太好看,下意识握紧手中的茶杯。 Individual gratitude and grudges, these matters have nothing to do with you temporarily, the premise is these people does not chase down.” “个人恩怨而已,这些事暂时和你无关,前提是那些人不追杀来。” Chases down......” “追杀来……” Emiya Shiro hears word stares, but he wants to know before Su Xiao, why kills people, and clarifies that slaughters innocents or Holy Grail War. 卫宫士郎闻言一愣,可他更想知道苏晓之前为何去杀人,并弄清那是滥杀无辜还是圣杯战争 Therefore, how you do plan to do?” “所以,你打算怎么做?” Some Su Xiao curious Emiya Shiro this just partners will do to have an accident, if develops to be hostile with him, he did not mind that butchered this plot main character, the opposite party after all is not World's Child. 苏晓有些好奇卫宫士郎这正义的伙伴会做出什么事,如果发展到与他敌对,他不介意宰了这名剧情主角,对方毕竟不是世界之子 Emiya Shiro was silent, he actually does not know how should do, happened to face directly the conflict with Su Xiao? Although he did not dread the death, moreover is willing to complete the ideal and dying in heart, but his clear cognition, under the absolute power gap, his sacrifice was not meaningful. 卫宫士郎沉默了,他其实也不知道该怎么做,与苏晓发生直面冲突?虽然他并不畏惧死亡,而且愿意为了完成心中的理想而死,可他清楚的认知到,在绝对的实力差距之下,他的牺牲没任何意义。 But as the just partner, Emiya Shiro does not allow Su Xiao to go to slaughtering innocents, according to person was killed will die the idea, his whole face serious looks at Su Xiao. 但作为正义的伙伴,卫宫士郎绝不允许苏晓去‘滥杀无辜’,根据‘人被杀就会死’的理念,他满脸严肃的看着苏晓 If I died, you will also disappear. „ “如果我死了,你也会消失吧。“ Emiya Shiro lifts the right hand, on the back of the hand also remains two to make the incantation. 卫宫士郎抬起右手,手背上还剩两道令咒。 When lang, Su Xiao throws a dagger on the short wooden table. 当啷一声,苏晓将一把匕首抛在矮木桌上。 According to my experience, you, if commits suicide, the best blade to pierce own throat and spinal column, if the courage is enough, in the dagger pricks behind the throat to cutting, this will shut off your artery or the vein, at least can make your death speed speed up 70%, do not consider to pierce the heart, if the luck is not good, after the heart was pierced, you can the pain struggle 1 to 2 minutes.” “根据我的经验,你如果自裁的话,最好一刀刺穿自己的喉咙与脊柱,如果勇气足够,在匕首刺入喉咙后侧向切割,这会切断你的动脉或静脉,至少能让你的死亡速度加快70%,不要考虑刺穿心脏,如果运气不好,心脏被刺穿后你会痛苦挣扎一到二分钟。” „......” “……” Emiya Shiro is dumbfounded, he looked at dagger on the table, looked at Su Xiao, finally looks to Tohsaka Rin. 卫宫士郎哑口无言,他看了眼桌上的匕首,又看了眼苏晓,最终看向远坂凛 Tohsaka Rin is the side is excessive, that meaning is I and he is not ripe, is only the schoolmate, does not want to commit suicide with him. 远坂凛则是侧过头,那意思是我和他不熟,只是同学,可不想和他一起自裁。 A moment ago I was only...... the analogy.” “刚才我只是……比喻。” Emiya Shiro stupidly will certainly not arrive commits suicide, under he wants to probe whether to achieve the mutually restrictive relations with Su Xiao, obviously cannot. 卫宫士郎当然不会傻到自裁,他只是想试探下能否与苏晓达成相互制约的关系,显然是不能。 Right, that continues the beforehand talk, Tohsaka Rin, you have the big interest in Holy Grail.” “是吗,那就继续之前的谈话,远坂凛,你对圣杯有多大兴趣。” Su Xiao had discovered, compares Emiya Shiro, Tohsaka Rin obviously is more suitable m Master, at least this younger sister is not the just partner, he does not have the interest and Emiya Shiro discussed that anything is just, idea of both sides is different, he has not planned to impose oneself idea in the opposite party, that is not meaningful, 苏晓已经发现,相比卫宫士郎,远坂凛明显是更适合的master,至少这妹子不是正义的伙伴,他没兴趣与卫宫士郎讨论什么是正义,双方的理念不同,他也没打算将自己的理念强加于对方,那没任何意义, Is interested very much.” “很感兴趣。” Tohsaka Rin participates in the Holy Grail War goal, although is not only Holy Grail, but if can obtain Holy Grail, she will certainly not reject. 远坂凛参与圣杯战争的目的虽然不仅是圣杯,但如果能得到圣杯的话,她当然不会拒绝。 Right, I can make very strong, at least achieves in Master that you change first several.” “是吗,那我能让你变的很强,至少达到御主中的前几。” This......” “这……” Tohsaka Rin thinks of anything, looks to behind Heroic Spirit health/guard Gong. 远坂凛想到什么,看向身后的英灵卫宫。 I will not work for in waste material m Master.” “我不会效力于废材master。” Heroic Spirit health/guard Gong also listened to Su Xiao to say anything, he glanced Emiya Shiro, although this was once, but this did not represent him to approve once. 英灵卫宫也听出苏晓在说什么,他瞟了眼卫宫士郎,虽然这就是曾经的自己,但这不代表他会认同曾经的自己。 The mouth of Emiya Shiro opened and closed, hears him to understand now, was oneself this no one wants? 卫宫士郎的嘴巴开合,听到现在他是明白了,自己这是没人要了吗? Emiya Shiro , I must be able to arrive with the aid of you to this world for some reasons, the idea between you and me is different, I help you trade Heroic Spirit.” 卫宫士郎,因为某些原因,我必须借助你才能降临到这个世界,考虑到你我之间的理念不同,我帮你换一个英灵。” I opposed.” “我反对。” Heroic Spirit health/guard palace opens the mouth. 英灵卫宫开口。 That...... I actually also......” “那个……我其实也……” Tohsaka Rin as to say anything, Su Xiao side looks to her, smile Anomaly on face is temperate. 远坂凛似乎想说什么,苏晓侧头看向她,脸上的笑容异常温和。 „If the tactical need, is actually not unacceptable.” “如果是战术需要的话,其实也不是不能接受。” The corners of the mouth of Tohsaka Rin twitch, that flash she felt, the rejection could die. 远坂凛的嘴角抽搐,刚才的那一瞬间她感觉到,拒绝可能就会死。 I also opposed!” “我也反对!” Emiya Shiro is resolute, his idea is very simple, lets out Fiend with it, might as well first makes Fiend swallow him, perhaps this can little increase a victim. 卫宫士郎的语气坚定,他的想法很简单,与其将恶魔放出去,还不如先让恶魔将他吞噬,或许这样就能少增加一个受害者。 Actually the Emiya Shiro little brother wants to be many, Su Xiao absolutely has no interest in person outside Blood Sect, Heroic Spirit, Master and Offender, so long as does not walk on own initiative, the egg that Su Xiao will not idle hurts to kill them. 其实卫宫士郎小老弟想多了,苏晓血门英灵御主违规者之外的人完全没兴趣,只要不是主动找上门,苏晓也不会闲的蛋疼去杀他们。 As for all these explained that to the Emiya Shiro hear, Su Xiao is disinclined troublesome, with its explanation of talking endlessly, trading Master or butchered Emiya Shiro is a more efficient choice. 至于将这一切解释给卫宫士郎听,苏晓更是懒得麻烦,与其喋喋不休的讲解,换个御主或宰了卫宫士郎是更高效的选择。 Since the party concerned agreed that decided like this, right, m Master of Tohsaka.” “既然当事者同意,那就这样决定了,对吧,远坂家的master。” Eh ~, actually, I also...... I agreed ~ “额~,其实吧,我也……我同意~” Discovered Su Xiao smiles even more temperate, Tohsaka Rin changed a statement immediately, obviously, compared Emiya Shiro, she wanted intelligent many. 发现苏晓笑的越发温和,远坂凛马上改口,显然,相比卫宫士郎,她要聪明的多。 Even if I agreed, made the incantation is still a major problem, magic power supplies......” “就算我同意,令咒也是个大问题,还有魔力供给方面……” This is not the issue, made incantation thing, you wanted many, I can help you get so far as many. „ “这都不是问题,令咒这东西,你想要多少,我就能帮你弄到多少。“ By the relations of Su Xiao and old priest, he making the incantation the understanding, wants some far ultra-large Master, made the incantation is not cannot strip, once old priest collected to make the incantation massively, and can give at will to others, in fourth Holy Grail War, Kayneth once begged to make the incantation to old priest, and succeeded. 苏晓和老神父的关系,他对令咒的了解,要远超大部分御主,令咒并非是不可剥离,曾经的老神父就搜集到大量令咒,并且能随意赋予给他人,第四次圣杯战争中,肯尼斯就曾向老神父讨要令咒,并且成功。 Making the incantation be only a mark, is close with the Saint mark and engraving, if traces Origination, making the incantation evolve to come by the Saint mark.” “令咒只是一种标记,很接近与圣痕、刻印,如果追溯起源,令咒就是由圣痕演化而来。” During the Su Xiao speeches puts out a Cross Style frame, on this Cross Style frame full is the golden stripe, this is souvenir, after old priest dies stays behind, stemming from old priest once help, Su Xiao spent 12000 Paradise Coins after fourth Holy Grail War this thing notarization, he can give Emiya Shiro to give to make the incantation forcefully, because of existence of this thing, the function of this thing was very unitary, the principle and energy stripper were very similar, was only the nature is special, underwent the special handling of Church. 苏晓说话间拿出一枚十字架,这十字架上满是金色条纹,这算是个‘纪念品’,老神父死后留下,出于对老神父曾经的帮助,苏晓在第四次圣杯战争后花费12000点乐园币将这东西公证,他能强行给卫宫士郎赋予令咒,就是因为这东西的存在,这东西的作用很单一,原理与能量剥离器很类似,只是性质特殊,经过了圣堂教会的特殊处理。 A' Mu.” 阿姆。” Su Xiao finishes speaking, A' Mu enters the room, manifestation of Icy Battle Hammer in its hand, that meaning is, who has the objection it to hammer anyone, is very straightforward. 苏晓话音刚落,阿姆走进房间,一把寒冰战锤在它手中形成,那意思是,谁有异议它就锤谁,很耿直。 In Tohsaka Rin cannot respond under the speed, Su Xiao holds her arm, entrains the next room her, after the moment . 远坂凛根本反应不过来的速度下,苏晓抓住她的手臂,将她拽进隔壁房间,片刻后。 Wait, you, you want, elegant mie......” “等等,你,你这是要,雅蠛……” Quick, Tohsaka Rin covers the arm to go out from the next room, Su Xiao moves toward Emiya Shiro directly , compared to strip the Tohsaka Rin command incantation, strips the Emiya Shiro command incantation to be simpler, this is Su Xiao imprint comes up after all, 很快,远坂凛捂着手臂从隔壁房间内走出,苏晓径直走向卫宫士郎,相比剥离远坂凛的令咒,剥离卫宫士郎的令咒要简单很多,这毕竟就是苏晓烙印上去, When Su Xiao holds the right hand of Emiya Shiro, the command incantation on his back of the hand removes fast, is the three command incantations of Archer duty step to appear quickly. 苏晓抓住卫宫士郎的右手时,他手背上的令咒快速褪去,属于arher职阶的三枚令咒很快出现。 In this moment, magic power relation between Su Xiao and Emiya Shiro cuts off completely, Emiya Shiro becomes Heroic Spirit health/guard Gong Master, from beginning to end, Heroic Spirit health/guard Gong are hold the shoulder to wait and see in the one side, because he was clear, once sends out the conflict, all Master in this room must die. 在这一刻,苏晓卫宫士郎间的魔力联系完全断绝,卫宫士郎成为英灵卫宫的御主,从始至终,英灵卫宫都是抱肩在一旁观望,因为他清楚,一旦发出冲突,这房间内的所有御主都要死。
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