ROUIC :: Volume #7 Volume 7

#610: Shocking Wang Family( third)

United States! 美国 This name as if there is charm, blocked everyone's throat instantaneously, making a people word unable to send. This is on Earth the genuine overlord, existence that anybody is familiar. 这个名字仿佛有魔力般,瞬间扼住了所有人的喉咙,让众人一言都发不出来。这可是地球上真正的霸主,任何人都耳熟能详的存在。 Mentioned Lin Shuming and Blood Demon Damon and dark arbitration section. The Wang Family people estimate to have a smattering of knowledge, because they are not the the Dark World people, exists to these God Level actually does not have many understanding, if not Chen Fan is related with Wang Family, they not necessarily go to understand Chen Fan on own initiative, because the Chen Fan's world and they were too remote. 提起林漱溟血魔达蒙、黑暗仲裁部。王家众人估计一知半解,因为他们不是黑暗世界的人,对这些神级存在其实没多少了解,如果不是陈凡王家有关,他们都未必去主动了解陈凡,因为陈凡的世界与他们太遥远了。 But United States is different! 美国不同! United States is everywhere, like Sun of space, shining entire Earth. Its more than 100 military base, almost exists in all countries. Any country and any Great Family, are having to do with United States always, to the United States strength, knows it to well. Even Myth, thinks that United States is invincible! 美国无处不在,如同天上的太阳,照耀整个地球。它的一百多个军事基地,几乎存在于所有国家。任何国家、任何大家族,无时无刻不在与美国打交道,对美国的力量,更是知之甚详。甚至神话了,认为美国不可战胜! Chen Fan defeats Russia, Japan and European Union, they are surprised, defeat United States, that shocked and is unwilling to believe. 陈凡击败俄国日国、欧盟,他们只是惊讶,击败美国,那就震撼与不甘相信了。 This is impossible, Grandpa, United States, but will the world police, the Super great nation, how lower the head?” “这不可能,爷爷,美国可是世界警察,超级大国,怎么会低头呢?” Does not wait for Wang Cheng / King City to speak, nearby king Ben jumps to say. 不等王城说话,旁边的王贲就跳起来道。 Other Wang Family people, does not believe that including old women eye presently being startled color. 其他王家人,也都不信,包括老太太都目现惊色。 The old woman is 80 years old, so-called older is nearly more stubborn. You told her Chen Fan to be fierce, what Present Age Myth, cut Human Immortal wait/etc, she did not believe that thinks that you are boasting. But said that Chen Fan defeats United States, that was different. Old woman life comes, covers in the United States shadow. 老太太已经快八十岁了,所谓越老越顽固。你告诉她陈凡多厉害,什么当世神话、斩人仙等等,她根本不信,认为你在吹牛。但说陈凡打败美国,那就不一样了。老太太这一生过来,都笼罩在美国的阴影中。 Grandpa, this news, how amn't I clear?” 爷爷,这个消息,我怎么不清楚?” Wang Cheng / King City sinking sound said. 王城沉声道。 That is because, this flow of news was blocked off by United States, we are not the Underground World people, too did not understand eventually.” “那是因为,这消息被美国封锁住了,我们不是地下世界的人,终究不太了解。” Wang Zhongguo shakes the head slightly. 王仲国微微摇头。 United States lowers the head, to this Super great nation, is unable to endure. It has no way to do to Chen Fan temporarily, operates with others, the doom pressed the news. Now besides several Underworld Chatroom also outside spreading, is European and US many aristocratic family aristocrats, not necessarily knew. 美国低头,对这个超级大国来说,根本无法忍受。它暂时没法奈何陈凡,就拿别人开刀,死命把消息压了下来。如今除了几个地下论坛还在流传外,便是欧美许多世家贵族,都未必晓得。 Father, a person is strong, has the limit eventually. That Chen Fan, he is only 22 years old, is hits in mother 's womb practice. Defeats a group and a division, arrived at the apex. To defeat United States, impossible!” “爸,一个人再强,终究有极限。那个陈凡,他才22岁,便是打娘胎里修炼。打败一个团、一个师,就到顶尖了。想要打败美国,不可能的吧!” Wang Ke peak non- channel. 王克峰不信道。 Other Wang Family people, in the eye is the doubts. 其他王家人,也眼中全是疑惑。 They do not dare to question the Old Gentleman authority, but really has no way to believe that Chen Fan can by an enemy. 他们不敢质疑老爷子的权威,但实在没法相信,陈凡能以一敌国。 Chen Fan does not defeat United States, but compels United States to make concessions.” Wang Zhongguo the walking stick, Chen Fan the matter that made in the London open sea, said. 陈凡不是打败美国,而是逼美国退让。”王仲国顿了顿拐杖,将陈凡在伦敦外海做的事情,说了一遍。 When hears three aircraft carriers to be uneven, was actually annihilated after by Chen Fan the island gives to go back, all Wang Family people are completely silent. 等听到三艘航母齐出,却被陈凡一击灭岛给下回去后,所有王家人都鸦雀无声了。 The aircraft carrier battle group in their mind, is invincible existence. 航母舰队在他们心目中,是无敌的存在。 United States has 11 aircraft carriers, whom therefore wants to hit to hit anyone in the world. The aircraft carriers of other countries add, is inferior to United States half. But Chen Fan compels the aircraft carrier to make concessions, annihilates islands, simply like Myth Legend. 美国有十一艘航母,所以在世界上想打谁就打谁。其他国家的航母加起来,都不如美国的一半。而陈凡逼得航母都退让,一击灭掉一座岛屿,简直像神话传说一样。 Which this... is the strength of person, will not be exaggerating.” “这...哪是人的力量,不会是夸大了吧。” Second child Wang Keshan pounds the tongue to say. 老二王克山砸舌道。 He wants to say boasts, but was not at all the Old Gentleman surface saying that can only with exaggerate one time. 他本来想说吹牛,但又不敢当着老爷子面说,只能用‘夸大’一次。 This is Minister Xiao of extraordinary part, told me personally. Including Xiaoyun's status, and Chen Fan's experience, is he says personally.” Wang Zhongguo said slowly. “这是特殊部门的萧部长,亲口告诉我的。包括晓云的身份,以及陈凡的经历,都是他亲口所言。”王仲国缓缓说道。 Minister Xiao this name, even a Wang Keqin with deep veneration respect. 萧部长这名字一出,连王克勤都肃然一敬。 As the extraordinary part, far exceeds other departments in the China position, the Minister Xiao status, compares favorably with Imperial Capital Great Family sufficiently. He said personally, could not treat as false. 作为特殊部门,在华国的地位是远超其他部门的,萧部长的身份,足以媲美燕京一线大家族。他亲口所言,当做不得假。 Annihilates the island, compares favorably with the nuclear weapon.” “一击灭岛,媲美核武啊。” Wang Keqin and the others looked at each other in blank dismay. 王克勤等人面面相觑。 Before Chen Fan strong, they do not know, therefore lacked the awe. But said that the Chen Fan's strength compares favorably with the atomic bomb, they had the direct-viewing impression. Atomic bomb what might, who doesn't know? 之前陈凡有多强,他们不知道,所以缺乏敬畏。但说陈凡的力量媲美原子弹,他们就有直观的印象了。原子弹什么威力,谁不知道? Thinks Chen Fan unexpectedly is the human form nuclear bomb, even if Wang Cheng / King City complexion changing suddenly. 一想到陈凡竟然是个人形核弹,哪怕是王城都面色陡变。 Nearby Wang Hao, king Ben and the others, are dumbfounded, such as listens to Myth. 旁边的王昊、王贲等人,更是目瞪口呆,如听神话 Therefore, regardless of Chen Fan makes anything, do not provoke him, instead must leave to relate with him, we after all are the relatives, especially Xiaoyun is also reading us.” “所以,无论陈凡做什么,你们不要去招惹他,反而要和他出好关系,我们毕竟是亲戚,尤其晓云还念着我们。” The king Old Gentleman sinking sound is saying. 老爷子沉声说着。 The people respond reluctantly, but the innermost feelings do not approve obviously. 众人勉强应着,但显然内心不认同。 Chen Fan is very strong, is powerful, but Wang Family is not weak, why to hold Chen Fan? 陈凡很强,非常强大,但王家也不弱,何必去捧着陈凡呢? Snort, you think, I called Chen Fan, I wanted. Your these people are too good-for-nothing, I can't be that bad?” King Old Gentleman coldly snorted: “哼,你以为,我把陈凡叫来,我又愿意。要不是你们这些人太不成器,我何至于此?”王老爷子冷哼一声: My Wang Family in several big rich and powerful families, was the last. Now becomes worse and worse, after I die, Xiao Family, Li Family and can Qin let off us? By you, can support? Therefore Chen Fan is my Wang Family, the last pillar/backbone, had him, others do not dare to violate my Wang Family eventually.” “我王家本就在几大豪门中,排在末席。现在又每况愈下,我死之后,萧家李家、秦家能放过我们?靠你们,能撑住?所以陈凡是我王家,最后一根支柱了,有他在,别人终究不敢犯我王家。” Saying, king Old Gentleman is sighing. 说着,王老爷子叹口气。 If the Wang Family prime of life, his which need does look for what Chen Fan? 如果王家春秋鼎盛,他哪需要去找什么陈凡 But the Wang Family second generation no one becomes a useful person, although the third generation has Wang Cheng / King City. If by any chance Wang Cheng / King City grows, that was the 2-3 ten years later things, Wang Family wait/etc. was so long. 但偏偏王家第二代没人成器,第三代虽然有个王城。但等王城成长起来,那都是2-3十年后的事情了,王家等不了这么久。 The Wang Family people are listening, a piece is discontented. 王家众人听着,一片不满。 Especially Wang Keqin, Wang Ke peak and the others, are in the eye reveals not indignation. Obviously thought that Wang Zhongguo looked down on them. 尤其是王克勤、王克峰等人,更是眼中露出不忿。显然觉得王仲国小瞧他们了。 Old woman Xue Hongmei said: 老太太薛红梅更是说道: I looked Correct that the to subdue|grams attendance and to subdue|grams peak make. Moreover the old man you can also live again for dozens years, why to go to principle that boy? Let him shake before me daily, you have not died, I was first irritated.” “我看克勤、克峰做的挺不错的。而且老头子你还能再活几十年,何必去理那个小子?让他天天在我面前晃悠,你还没死,我先被气死了。” king Ben, Wang Hao and the others a piece echoes, although Wang Cheng / King City had not said that but also in the eye appears one proudly. 王贲、王昊等人一片附和,王城虽然未说,但也眼中现出一丝傲然。 Perhaps, truly is I wants is too many.’ ‘罢了罢了,也许确实是我想太多。’ Wang Zhongguo shakes the head. 王仲国摇了摇头。 Actually he does not believe, Wang Family will decline. Given worry of wise man, wants to grip all changes in the hand. 其实他也不太相信,王家会没落。只是出于一种智者的担忧,想要把一切变化攥在手中罢了。 Small town, how That side do you and Qin relate?” “小城,你与秦家那边联系怎么样?” Wang Zhongguo asked. 王仲国问道。 Qin Old Gentleman approved of very much, but as if Qin had the sound of big opposition, particularly Qin Yan it, the opinion was very big.” Wang Cheng / King City considered, said. “秦老爷子很赞同,但似乎秦家有不小反对的声音,尤其是秦嫣儿本身,意见很大。”王城斟酌了一下,说道。 No matter these, two marry, share that some where she spoke.” “不管这些,两家联姻,哪有她说话的份。” Old Gentleman waves to break. 老爷子挥手打断。 Qin Jia, Wang Family this and other marriages of top aristocratic family children, simply does not have the share that the junior spoke. 如秦家、王家这等顶级世家子女的婚姻,根本没有小辈发言的份。 Especially Qin Yan this, in aristocratic family rare Great Beauty, was known as that ‚the Imperial Capital goddess, was hounded by the innumerable sons of the influential, is the most powerful chip in Qin hand, Qin will not allow her own to choose. 尤其秦嫣儿这样,世家中难得一见的大美女,更号称‘燕京女神’,受到无数公子哥追捧,是秦家手中的最有力筹码,秦家绝不会允许她自己选择的。 But Grandpa. Qin and Xiao Family that but must become engaged to make. We Xiao Family wife truncation reckless. Can Xiao Family bear? Can Xiao Xuan be able to bear?” “可是爷爷。秦家与萧家那位,可是要订婚约了。咱们把萧家的媳妇截胡了。萧家能忍得了?萧玄能忍得住?” Wang Cheng / King City said scruple. 王城迟疑道。 Hehe, endured living how? How can't bear? Finally withstand/top the thunder, is not my Wang Family, but is Chen Fan.” Wang Zhongguo said lightly. “呵呵,忍的住如何?忍不住又如何?最后去顶雷的,又不是我王家,而是陈凡。”王仲国淡淡说道。 If his such wise man, walking one step is three steps. 如他这样的智者,走一步算三步。 From planning to call Chen Fan to come, Wang Zhongguo started the layout. 从打算叫陈凡过来,王仲国就开始布局了。 If Chen Fan also has the sentiment to Wang Family, Wang Zhongguo did not mind that makes him make Wang Family the main position. But if Chen Fan is discontented with Wang Family, that Wang Zhongguo takes him to push out, as a blade, cuts Xiao Family and Li Family even Qin. 如果陈凡王家还有感情,王仲国也不介意让他做王家之主的位置。但假如陈凡王家不满,那王仲国就把他推出去,作为一把刀,去砍萧家李家甚至秦家。 These Great Family weaken, profited naturally is being indifferent to another's plight Wang Family! 那些大家族削弱,得利的自然是隔岸观火的王家 Wang Cheng / King City and the others are the smart people, almost understands everything right off. 王城等人都是聪明人,几乎一点就透。 Naturally, this matter, must both aspects probably conduct. Before Little Fan, possibly the angry words, we must be primarily the sentiment to win over for a while, making him be adopted by us.” “当然,这件事,必须两方面都要进行。小凡之前可能只是一时气话,我们还是要以感情拉拢为主,让他为我所用。” Wang Zhongguo confesses to say finally. 王仲国最后交代道。 Yes, Grandpa.” “是,爷爷。” Wang Cheng / King City and the others, although should, but in the heart has decided that must push out Chen Fan, making him go against Xiao Family. 王城等人虽然应下,但心中已经打定主意,一定要把陈凡推出去,让他顶着萧家 hehe, snatched the Xiao Family wife, particularly Xiao Xuan woman. Can Xiao Family bear? It is said behind Xiao Family, is that terrifying Swallow Mountain Ye Family!’ 嘿嘿,抢了萧家的媳妇,尤其是萧玄的女人。萧家能忍住?要知道,据说萧家背后,可是那个恐怖的燕山叶家!’ In the Wang Cheng / King City eye appears one to sneer. 王城眼中现出一丝冷笑。 Can marry Qin Yan as for Chen Fan, Wang Cheng / King City and the others has never been worried. 至于陈凡会不会娶秦嫣儿,王城等人从未担心过。 But Qin Yan Imperial Capital goddess, in recognized circle first Great Beauty, enchanting Huo Shui, causing the downfall of the nation beautiful woman. No man can reject her. So long as Chen Fan has not repaired to become an immortal Buddha, will move the worldly desire eventually. 秦嫣儿可是燕京女神,公认的圈子里第一大美女,妖娆祸水,倾国倾城。没有任何男人能拒绝她。陈凡只要没修成仙佛,终究会动凡心。 Especially they have studied, Chen Fan has many attractive female apprentices. 尤其他们可是研究过,陈凡有不少漂亮女徒弟的。 .... .... Next day gets up. 第二天起来。 Chen Fan leads Fang Qiong and other whole families, runs to go to Badaling, Forbidden City and other places, tours. Looks at the heroic spirit of Juyongguan, the looseness of giving free reign to the imagination ancient, is very pleased. 陈凡就带着方琼等一家人,跑去八达岭、故宫等地方,游览一圈。看着居庸关的豪迈气概,畅想古人的风流,很是快意。 By afternoon time, Wang Cheng / King City visited. 到了下午的时候,王城登门了。 This Wang Family Young Master, in no Chen Fan memory arrogant aggressive, instead the elegant bearing, the attitude is extremely low, incomparably said temperately: 这位王家大少,毫无陈凡记忆中的傲慢霸气,反而风度翩翩,态度极低,无比温和道: Paternal aunt, uncle. In the evening has the meeting of junior, in the autumn waterside pavilion of Kunming Lake. Is Imperial Capital this generation of youngster, in family/home several younger brother younger sisters will go, I want to lead the younger male cousin to look. You two opinions?” “姑姑,姑丈。晚上有个小辈的聚会,在昆明湖的秋水阁。都是燕京这一代的年轻人,家里面的几个弟弟妹妹都会去,我想带表弟去看一看。您两位的意见呢?” The Wang Xiaoyun nature was happy. 王晓云自然高兴。 She has hoped Chen Fan can be together with the Wang Family person well, but Wang Family hurt thoroughly the heart of Wang Xiaoyun each time. Rare Wang Family offers the good intentions, Wang Xiaoyun lifts both hands approval. 她一直希望陈凡能和王家人好好相处,但每次王家都伤透了王晓云的心。难得王家释放出善意,王晓云举双手赞成。 Chen Fan sees mother to nod, from may all. 陈凡老妈点头,自无不可。 Since this, I meet the younger male cousin in the evening.” “既然这样,那我晚上来接表弟。” Wang Cheng / King City amiable saying with a smile. 王城谦和的笑道。 He had/left No. 5 villa, starts to dial the telephone: 他出了五号别墅,就开始拨通电话: Hey, was Qin heaven? Told your older sister, tonight one side her fiance will come, making her see. Said that this is the meanings of two Sirs.” “喂,是秦天吗?告诉你姐姐,今晚她的那个未婚夫会来,让她过来见一面。就说这是两家大人的意思。” ... ... Quick, the time flies, by evening. 很快,时间飞逝,到了傍晚。 Wang Cheng / King City meets on time, he is driving a low-key Audi, in Imperial Capital that this luxury car converges, common. So long as looks on the mirror numerous special passes, knows that the weight/quantity of this car(riage), is not running quickly and Rolls-Royce can compare. 王城准时来接,他开着一辆低调的奥迪,在这豪车云集的燕京,丝毫不起眼。但只要看一下镜子上面的众多特殊通行证,就知道这辆车的分量,远不是什么奔驰、劳斯莱斯能比。 Fall waterside pavilion in eastern suburbs of Kunming Lake, once was the place that a Qing emperor played, until now, has a history of more than 170 years, afterward was bought by top rich and powerful people, transformed, inside facility, all used the world top equipment.” “秋水阁在昆明湖东郊,曾经是清朝一位皇帝游玩的地方,迄今为止,已经有170多年历史了,后来被一位顶级富豪买下,进行改造,里面的设施,全采用世界顶级设备。” Wang Cheng / King City is very talkative. 王城很健谈。 Chen Fan did not say a word, vision profound like deep pool, does not know that is thinking anything. 陈凡一言不发,目光深邃如渊,不知在想什么。 After a half hour, the Audi car(riage) stops in front of an antique restaurant. 半个小时后,奥迪车停在一座古香古色的酒楼前。 Fall waterside pavilion. 秋水阁到了。 PS: Third offers, the author fungus continues to write fourth OO PS:第三更奉上,作者菌继续去写第四更OO
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