ROUIC :: Volume #7 Volume 7

#609: Unqualified!( Second)

Regarding Immortal Cultivation 500 years of Chen Fan, the kinship has looked very pale. 对于修仙五百年的陈凡来说,亲情已经看得非常淡了。 Dao Fusion True Immortal, takes in 3000 as the spring, in 3000 is the autumn, long ten thousand years, calls a Spring and Autumn Period. But the mortal hundred years change to the dust, with Immortal Cultivator, the strict sense, are two Life of different levels. The blood relationship and so on, Immortal Cultivator seizes the shed to repair, moves to trade the body, is the simple things. 合道真仙,以三千年为春,三千年为秋,悠悠万载,才称一春秋。而凡人百年就化作尘土,与修仙者,严格意义上来说,已经是两种不同层次的生命。血缘之类,修仙者夺舍重修,移身换体,都是简单的事情。 Therefore Chen Fan rebirth comes back, only paid attention once to oneself well, wants person who felt sorry to make up. 所以陈凡重生回来,只关注曾经对自己好,想要歉疚弥补的人。 Chen Kexing, Wang Xiaoyun, An Ya, Fang Qiong, Chen Huaian and Aunt Tang... Chen Family and Wang Family others, in Chen Fan's eyes simply do not have him. It can be said that Wang Zhongguo king, has looked in the parental face. As for Xue Hongmei, Chen Fan kills will not call. 陈恪行王晓云安雅方琼陈怀安唐姨...陈家王家的其他人,陈凡眼中根本没有他。能称王仲国一声王老,已经是看在父母面子上了。至于薛红梅,陈凡打死都不会叫的。 Little Fan, how you said. This is your maternal grandfather and grandmother.” 小凡,你怎么叫的。这是你外公和外婆。” Wang Keqin bears the anger in side, frowns said. 王克勤在旁边忍住怒气,皱眉道。 „Are you?” “你是?” Chen Fan surprise visits him. 陈凡诧异的看着他。 Even if by Wang Keqin's astuteness, almost becomes flushed. Chen Fan small time, sees his several times obviously. Knows a moment ago is his uncle, expression that at this time actually did not know, how Wang Keqin can not be mad. 哪怕以王克勤的城府,也差点勃然变色。陈凡小的时候,明明见到他几次。刚才更知道是他大舅,此时却一副不认识的表情,王克勤怎么能不气。 I am your uncle, Wang Keqin.” “我是你舅舅,王克勤。” Wang Keqin depresses the anger forcefully, the surface sinks like the canal. 王克勤强行压下怒气,面沉如水道。 Is my uncle, you are unqualified.” “做我的舅舅,你不够资格。” Chen Fan said, does not visit him, vision ease looking to sitting in seat of honor Wang Zhongguo. 陈凡说完,再不看他,目光悠然的望向坐在主位的王仲国 Even if Chen Fan is so dissolute, Wang Zhongguo sits on the sofa as before, not saying a word, the complexion is tranquil, in the eye cannot see a fluctuation, submits to the extremely deep old fox worthily, even Chen Fan could not see that he has anything to plan. 哪怕陈凡如此放肆,王仲国依旧坐在沙发上,一言不发,脸色平静,眼中看不出一丝波动,不愧是臣服极深的老狐狸,连陈凡都看不出他有什么打算。 However Chen Fan not cares a whoop. 不过陈凡丝毫不在意。 How is the Wang Zhongguo wisdom such as deep? In the face of the strength, collapses at the first blow as before. Previous, ascends a height to get a broad view the summit of Universe, pressure ten thousand boundary/world, is not various clan wise men who these use up all the tricks, but is went fearlessly ahead, by strength Prove the Dao Northern Profound Immortal Exalt! 便是王仲国智如渊海又如何?在力量面前,依旧不堪一击。前一世,登临宇宙之巅,威压万界的,不是那些机关算尽的各族智者,而是勇猛精进,以力证道北玄仙尊 little sister, do you teach them like this?” “小妹,你就这样教他们的?” Wang Keqin does not dare to the Chen Fan ignition, only to turn the head to look to Wang Xiaoyun. 王克勤不敢对陈凡发火,只能转头看向王晓云 Wang Xiaoyun is awkward, but obviously attitude to old woman, is unsatisfied, therefore did not say a word. 王晓云一脸尴尬,不过显然对老太太的态度,也非常不满意,于是一言不发。 Ok, little said two.” Wang Zhongguo in the hand the walking stick, opened the mouth saying: “好了,都少说两句。”王仲国顿了顿手中拐杖,开口道: Since today is the day that Xiaoyun goes home, that the second child and third child they, calls, eats meal. Our whole family, reunites rarely one time.” “今天既然是晓云回家的日子,那就把老二、老三他们,都召集回来,吃顿饭。咱们一家子,难得团聚一次。” Wang Zhongguo after all dignified grave, he such remarks, Wang Keqin has to comply with, continually angry old woman , can only turn the head, no longer pays attention to Chen Fan and the others. 王仲国毕竟威严深重,他此言一出,王克勤不得不遵从,连气恼的老太太,也只能转过头去,不再理会陈凡等人。 little girl Wang Chen chen looks in side, the big eye slides the straight revolutions, obviously has not thought that Chen Fan dares to contradict face to face Wang Zhongguo, is also all right unexpectedly. This in Wang Family, simply is the inconceivable matter. 小丫头王晨晨在旁边看着,大眼睛溜溜直转,显然没想到陈凡敢当面顶撞王仲国,竟然还没事。这在王家中,简直是不可思议的事情。 My this cousin, is what background.’ ‘我这个表哥,到底是什么来头啊。’ The curiosity in Wang Chen chen heart, achieves the apex. 王晨晨心中的好奇心,达到顶点。 When Chen Fan and the others, to Imperial Capital, already day gradually in the evening. 陈凡等人,到了燕京时,已经天渐傍晚。 The evening banquet on the small foreign-style multi-storied building of swayed in home, is the master chef who Wang Family prepares food, is national champion level person of the hour. A consomme vegetarian dish, can make skill|effort, on the thumb big tofu, undercuts one such as really such as the imaginary Guan Yin. 晚宴就摆在家中的小洋楼里面,为王家做菜的大厨,都是国手级人物。一点清汤素菜,都能作出功夫,在拇指大豆腐上面,雕出一个如真如幻的观世音菩萨。 The Wang Family people who receive the notice, catch up. 接到通知的王家众人,都纷纷赶来。 Looks into the distance from the mountain, sees luxury car, from gathers to Beishan Mountains in all directions. Is Lamborghini, Ferrari, Bugatti Veyron limited edition, no is lower than 5 million. 从山上眺望下去,就见到一辆辆豪车,从四面八方向北山汇聚。都是兰博基尼、法拉利、布加迪威龙的限量版,没有一辆低于五百万。 Wang Zhongguo, altogether has four sons and two daughters. 王仲国,一共有四子两女。 Uncle Wang Keqin, uncle Wang Keshan, uncle Wang Ke peak, wife's younger brother Wang Ke dong. Two females respectively are Wang Xiaolei and Wang Xiaoyun. The Chen Fan's mother, in home, the rank second from the bottom, only slightly is bigger than Wang Ke east. 大舅王克勤,二舅王克山,三舅王克峰,小舅王克东。两女分别是王晓蕾和王晓云陈凡的母亲,在家中,排行倒数第二,只比王克东稍大。 Some so many heir, the natural junior number are more, more than ten people, have not calculated fully these attach to the Wang Family collateral branch, the distantly related and dry/does children wait/etc. 有这么多子嗣,自然小辈数量更多,足有十几个人,还不算那些依附王家的旁系、远房、干子女等等。 Outside quick, entire summit small multi-storied building, gathered a large crowd, a babel of voices. 很快,整个山顶小楼外,聚集了一大群人,人声鼎沸。 Parents, we came.” “爸妈,我们来了。” Several uncle paternal aunts, come in waves. 几个舅舅姑姑,联袂而来。 They see Wang Xiaoyun and the others, not surprised, obviously had been informed, when the vision looks to Chen Fan, having the faint trace to dread the color. 他们见到王晓云等人,并未惊讶,显然早就受到通知,只是目光望向陈凡时,带着丝丝忌惮之色。 The Wang Family family rule is stern. 王家家规森严。 Many juniors gather outside small multi-storied building, can not summon does not dare to go, therefore penetrates the window to size up. 众多小辈汇聚在小楼外,不得召唤不敢进去,于是纷纷透过窗户打量。 Heard that is our sister-in-law/little aunt, Wang Xiaoyun?” “听说那就是我们的小姑,王晓云?” Said that youth is the Wang Xiaoyun son? Long is very delicate, by him two girls are quite pretty, has the makings, compared with my these girlfriends, does not know many.” “这么说,那个青年就是王晓云的儿子?长的挺清秀的,他旁边的两个女孩好漂亮,非常有气质,比我的那些女朋友,强不知道多少。” Low voice, sister-in-law/little aunt has the background it is said that even big brother Wang Cheng / King City raised them, dreaded very much.” “小声点,据说小姑一家非常有来头,连王城大哥提起他们,都很忌惮。” Numerous collateral branches, or the young Wang Family third generation, is discussing earnestly. Wang Xiaoyun, is very strange to the juniors, more than ten years have not seen. But knows that the Chen Fan genuine status, only has the Wang Family many elders, as well as Wang Cheng / King City such core direct descendant. 众多旁系的,或年龄小的王家第三代,在热切讨论着。王晓云一家,对众小辈来说很陌生,十几年没见。而知道陈凡真正身份的,只有王家的众多长辈,以及王城这样的核心嫡系。 But beside many juniors, is standing several old youngster. 而在诸多小辈之外,站着几个年龄稍大的年轻人 They are outstanding, seems the barrier with the surrounding person, is Wang Family third generation several elite person of the hour, one of them has about 30 years old, unclearly for the center of people. 他们卓然不群,与周围人似有隔阂,正是王家第三代的几个精英人物,其中一人有三十岁左右,隐然为众人的中心。 „Is this Chen Fan?” “这就是陈凡?” Wang Hao frowns said slightly. 王昊微微皱眉道。 He is the child of uncle Wang Keshan. 他是二舅王克山之子。 Hehe, Chen Beixuan, big power and prestige. First Imperial Capital, at the foot of the hill hit east the lake Zhang Family Zhang Yu, after coming up, is maternal grandfather does not call, air/Qi such Paternal Grandmother, said anything, Uncle does not match to be his uncle. Does not place in our Wang Family the eye completely.” “呵呵,陈北玄,好大的威风。一来燕京,就在山脚下打了湖东张家的张宇一顿,上来之后,更是连一声外公都不叫,把奶奶气成那样,更说什么,大伯不配做他舅舅。一副完全不把咱们王家放在眼中嘛。” Wang Hao's blood younger brother king Ben coldly snort said. 王昊的亲弟弟王贲冷哼道。 Little said two, others after all are Sixth Nation Chen, it is said shakes big person of the hour of European Union hardly. Our Wang Family must ask him to come, Old Gentleman dreads his three points. You must make with him, perhaps others really did not recognize such marriage.” “少说两句,人家毕竟是陈六国,据说硬撼欧盟的大人物。咱们王家都得请他来,老爷子都忌惮他三分。你要和他闹,说不定人家真不认这么亲事了。” Nearby uncle's son king tiger, mystifying saying. 旁边三舅的儿子王虎,阴阳怪气的说道。 Three people are saying, the vision sweeps to nearby a man and a woman, obviously they are the Wang Family younger generation, genuine leading person of the hour. 三人说着,目光扫向旁边的一男一女,显然他们才是王家年轻一代,真正的领军人物 Wang Cheng / King City. 王城 Wang Keqin's son, Wang Family highest level Young Master, then takes a broad view at Imperial Capital, is the eminents in various Great Family third generation. 王克勤之子,王家最顶级的大少,便是放眼燕京,都是各大家族第三代中的翘楚。 But by him is cutting the short hair, valiant female, is the Wang Cheng / King City fiancee, called Han Junli, was born from Imperial Capital Han Family, the Han Juntu younger sister. 而他旁边剪着短发,英姿飒爽的女子,则是王城的未婚妻,叫韩俊丽,出生自燕京韩家,韩俊图的妹妹。 What shakes European Union and Sixth Nation Chen hardly, who knows that is really the false.” “什么硬撼欧盟、陈六国,谁知道是真是假。” The Han Junli beautiful pupil sparkle hatred said. 韩俊丽美眸闪耀仇恨道。 Several people on the scene know, because of Chen Fan, Han Family Han Family two few Han Hongkun, detained several years forcefully. Although the middle emits after a period of time, if by any chance Chen Fan returns after Russia, Han Family frightens detains Han Hongkun, dead of this pass/test, does not allow anybody to contact, just like sitting. 在场几人都知道,因为陈凡,韩家硬生生把韩家二少韩鸿昆,圈禁了数年。中间虽然放出过一段时间,但等陈凡俄国杀回后,韩家吓得又把韩鸿昆圈禁,这次关的更死,不允许任何人接触,宛如坐死牢般。 Can Han Junli as the Han Hongkun elder sister, how not be hostile toward Chen Fan? 韩俊丽作为韩鸿昆的姐姐,怎么会不仇视陈凡 Whether or not boasted, he can with various Imperial Capital head of the clan Great Family, equal big person of the hour. Only looks at father-in-law one, knew with the Grandpa attitude, is more respectful to him.” “无论是不是吹牛,他都是能与燕京大家族族长,平起平坐的大人物。仅看岳父一家,和爷爷的态度就知道了,对他还是恭敬一些。” Wang Cheng / King City in nearby tranquil say/way. 王城在旁边平静道。 Chen Fan's detail, only then the major national intelligence departments and dark organizations grasp, is the Wang Family also collection not entire. Only knows that the Chen Fan beforehand deeds, the latest news, was suppressed by United States stubbornly, is not quite clear. 陈凡的详细资料,只有各大国家情报部门和黑暗组织掌握,便是王家也搜集不全。仅知道陈凡以前的事迹,最新的消息,被美国死死压住,不太清楚。 Even but if this, Chen Fan losses Japan, presses Russia, shakes European Union, is this shocks everybody? 但哪怕这样,陈凡日国,压俄国,撼欧盟,这是何等惊世骇俗? hehe, we are respectful, others do not recognize this to kiss.” 嘿嘿,我们想恭敬,人家根本不认这门亲啊。” king Ben is indignant. 王贲愤愤不平。 Wang Family these people, keep aloof eventually too for a long time, is far from the Dark World too, to the awe of Peak Powerhouse, was short of several points. Even if knows that the Chen Fan's status origin, always cannot constrain the arrogance and not indignation in heart. 王家这些人,终究高高在上太久,离黑暗世界太远,对巅峰强者的敬畏,少了几分。哪怕知道陈凡的身份来历,总是压抑不住心中的傲气与不忿。 At this time, the third child Wang Ke peak went out, summons Wang Cheng / King City and the others. 这时,老三王克峰出门,召唤王城等人。 Enters the room, Wang Cheng / King City several people felt that the atmosphere is not right. 一进屋,王城几人就感觉气氛不对劲。 Chen Fan and Fang Qiong and An Ya, stand before the deep place window, turns away from the people, looks under the mountain the scenery, resembles does not pay attention to the Wang Family person completely. But Wang Xiaoyun and Chen Kexing, then awkward sitting on the sofa, the surrounding several Wang Family two generations, the surface is discontented presently, an old woman face is pale, depressed Qinan puts down. 陈凡方琼安雅,立在深处窗户前,背对众人,看着山下风景,似完全不理会王家人。而王晓云陈恪行,则尴尬的坐在沙发上,周围的几个王家二代,都面现不满,老太太一脸铁青,郁气难平。 Small town, your sister-in-law/little aunt family/home came from far away, you arrange tonight, making them live in the Beishan Mountains mountainside No. 5 villa.” “小城啊,你小姑家远道而来,你今晚安排一下,让他们住北山山腰的五号别墅吧。” Wang Keqin opens the mouth to say. 王克勤开口道。 Yes, father.” “是,父亲。” Wang Cheng / King City responds. 王城应着。 The evening banquet eats hastily, on the entire table, no one spoke. Many collateral branch junior outside small multi-storied building, seemed to be also affected, does not dare to open the mouth. The old woman is the air/Qi, water has not drunk. Only the Chen Fan complexion is still usual, talked and laughed merrily with Fang Qiong and An Ya. 晚宴吃的非常匆匆,整个桌子上,无一人说话。在小楼外的众多旁系小辈,似乎也受到影响,不敢开口。老太太更是气的,一口水都没喝。只有陈凡依旧面色如常,和方琼安雅谈笑风生。 When the evening banquet ended, after Wang Cheng / King City brings Chen Fan to leave . 等晚宴结束,王城带着陈凡离开后。 The temperament most fiery Wang Ke peak pats the table say/way directly: 脾气最火爆的王克峰直接拍桌子道: What thing, really thinks what big person of the hour are oneself? Also is a boorish fellow. We are his biological uncles, finally he not only did not call one, in the basic eye did not have us. Even Grandma even/including and maternal grandfather did not call, was simply lawless, has no regard for elders and superiors, an education did not have, really does not know how Xiaoyun taught him.” “什么东西,真以为自己是什么大人物?也就是一莽夫罢了。我们可是他亲舅舅,结果他不但不叫一声,根本眼中没我们。甚至连外婆、外公都不叫,简直无法无天,目无尊长,一点教养都没有,真不知道晓云怎么教他的。” Correct, was too dissolute. When are really the great nation state head, a country president! These are only the military people lift his, boasted.” Wang Keshan cold -ly snorted and said. 不错,太放肆了。真当自己是大国元首,一国总统啊!那些只是武夫们抬他的罢了,吹牛而已。”王克山冷哼道。 They get angry time, has not thought. 他们发火的时候,从来没想到。 20 years ago, they Chen Fan one, make a clean sweep, does not recognize Wang Xiaoyun this daughter. In several years a telephone has not hit, abandoned completely. Now sees Chen Fan across the sky entered the world, wants to flatter Chen Fan, cannot have a long face, wants to be the prostitute purely. Also wants to set up the memorial arch. 二十年前,他们把陈凡一家,扫地出门,根本不认王晓云这个女儿。这十几年一个电话都没打过,完全抛弃了。现在看到陈凡横空出世,又想巴结陈凡,又拉不下脸来,纯粹是又想做婊.子,又想立牌坊。 The Wang Zhongguo surface sinks like the water, did not say a word. 王仲国面沉如水,一言不发。 Old man, this matter you must manage, you are his own maternal grandfather, a gram attendance is his biological uncle. Finally what did he say? Does not have the qualifications to be his uncle, he really thinks oneself are extraordinary! Ascended the sky.” “老头子,这件事你必须管管,你可是他亲外公,克勤是他亲舅舅。结果他说什么?没资格做他舅舅,他真以为自己了不得啊!都上天了。” Old woman Xue Hongmei, the lip of air/Qi trembles to say. 老太太薛红梅,气的嘴唇直哆嗦道。 Delivers Chen Fan, hurrying back Wang Cheng / King City, hears this saying, in the eye flashes through haze. 送完陈凡,赶回来的王城,听见这话,也眼中闪过一丝阴霾。 Wang Cheng / King City, you are family's future steerage, how do you see?” 王城,你是家族未来的掌舵者,你怎么看?” The Wang Zhongguo walking stick leans on, said slowly. 王仲国拐杖拄地,缓缓说道。 Grandpa, I, although understands your meaning. But sister-in-law/little aunt, was extremely eventually unruly. Such person, even if using for our Wang Family, is a double-edged sword. Incautiously, can injure to oneself. Moreover, our Wang Family is also the solemn Imperial Capital rich and powerful family, why to be asking him?” 爷爷,我虽然理解您的意思。但小姑一家,终究太过桀骜了。这样的人,哪怕为我们王家所用,也是一把双刃剑。一不小心,会伤到自己。而且,我们王家也是堂堂燕京豪门,何必如此求着他呢?” Wang Cheng / King City hesitant, opens the mouth finally. 王城犹豫一下,最终开口。 The surrounding Wang Family people, nod, is incomprehensible. 周围王家众人,都点了点头,不能理解。 That is because, you do not know the latest news.” Wang Zhongguo closes the eye, heaving a deep sigh, resembling to be surprised and puzzled. Half a month ago, he and United States, fought a war, compelling United States to lower the head.” “那是因为,你们不知道最新的消息。”王仲国闭上眼睛,长叹一声,似惊讶与不解。“就在半个月前,他与美国,打了一战,逼得美国低头了。” Such remarks, immediately audience excitedly look changes. 此言一出,顿时全场都勃然色变。 What?” “什么?” Wang Cheng / King City is calls out in alarm. 王城更是惊呼出来。 PS: Second offers, the author fungus continues to write third OO PS:第二更奉上,作者菌继续去写第三更OO
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