ROUIC :: Volume #7 Volume 7

#611: The first beautiful woman?( Fourth)

Fall waterside pavilion, situated in the Kunming lakeside. 秋水阁,位于昆明湖畔。 At this time, is dusk, in pavilion resplendent in gold and jade green, lights photo half Tianming penetrating. Looks by the antique gate column, sees one piece to wear the palace clothing to tow the long gown, the appearance simple and beautiful maidservant, holds all kinds of liquor water and starters, continuous. 此时,正是黄昏,阁内金碧辉煌,灯火照的半天明彻。透过古香古色的门栏看进去,就见一片穿着宫装拖地长袍,容貌清丽的侍女,捧着各种各样的酒水、餐点,川流不息。 These maidservants, by the appearance, are one by one outstandingly beautiful, at least is also the School Flower level, takes one casually, was the girl in countless person mind says. 这些侍女,论容貌,各个绝色,至少也是校花水准,随便拿出去一个,都是无数人心目中的女孩说呢。 old child birth was mean, although was the top rich and powerful people, but also on this taste.” “老童出生低微,虽然是顶级富豪了,但也就这品味。” Wang Cheng / King City shakes the head slightly, the eye belt/bring disdains. 王城微微摇头,眼带不屑。 This time Wang Cheng / King City, is genuine Wang Family Young Master. Regardless of he pretended before how amiably, but the arrogance in bone actually has no way to erase. Chen Fan by the vehicle, did not say a word. 此时的王城,才是真正王家大少。无论他之前装作多么谦和,但骨子中的傲气却没法抹掉。陈凡靠在车上,一言不发。 If not the life of mother, in addition wants to look in the Wang Family stomach to sell what medicine, kills him not to attend what junior evening banquet. 如果不是母亲之命,加上想看王家肚里卖什么药,打死他都不来参加什么小辈晚宴。 king less/small, king less/small, you came, how to call my young child one!” “王少,王少,您来了,怎么叫我小童一声啊!” Fatty who sees only wear riches and honor, being sweating profusely flushed. The surroundings pretty maidservant sees him, bows to bend the waist, reveals the big piece snow white flesh, the sweet and delicate voice shouts: 只见一个穿着富贵的胖子,满头大汗的冲了出来。周围俏丽侍女见到他,都纷纷躬身弯腰,露出大片雪白肌肤,娇声喊道: child.” “童总。” child Zhouliang, Imperial Capital famous big rich and powerful people. 童周亮,燕京有名的大富豪。 Chen Fan previous life knows him, frequently rushes to Forbes list of the richest first 30, by worth, over a hundred hundred million, at this time facing Wang Cheng / King City, is respectful, such as sees the elder. 陈凡前世认识他,经常冲上福布斯富豪榜前三十,论身价,也有上百个亿,但此时面对王城时,却毕恭毕敬,如见长辈。 I said that old child, you change the taste. On this repair, this ostentation, I do not dare to lead the guest to come.” “我说老童啊,你好歹把品味改一改。就这装修,这排场,我都不敢带客人来了。” Wang Cheng / King City light snort/hum. 王城轻哼一声。 Certainly changes, certainly changes.” child Zhouliang coordinated this saying that the vision swept to Chen Fan: king less/small, this is?” “一定改,一定改。”童周亮配合这说着,目光扫向陈凡:“王少,这位是?” My younger male cousin, Chen Fan.” “我表弟,陈凡。” Wang Cheng / King City opens the mouth to say. 王城开口道。 Originally is Young Chen. Two please enter quickly, Qin less/small, Hao little.” “原来是陈少。两位快请进,秦少、昊少都在呢。” child Zhouliang curries favor with. 童周亮一阵献媚。 With virgin Zhou bright/light in front, leads the way respectfully, two rows of dozens palace clothing Beauty, simultaneously bows to salute. 随着童周亮在前面,恭敬引路,两排足足有数十个的宫装美女,齐齐躬身行礼。 These are old child look from the Imperial Capital major universities, at least is the key well-known colleges and universities, the talent and beauty, and attractive obedient. Younger male cousin you, if wants, can take away directly.” “这些都是老童从燕京的各大高校找来的,至少都是重点名校,才貌双全,而且漂亮听话。表弟你若想要,可以直接领走。” In the Wang Cheng / King City surface maintains composure, in heart actually slightly self-satisfied, looked at Chen Fan. 王城面上不露声色,心中却微微得意,瞄了眼陈凡 To have a look at the shocking or greedy color on Chen Fan face. No matter how he reproved child Zhouliang, but child Zhouliang this great writer, was entire China is truly rare. 想看看陈凡脸上的震惊或贪婪之色。不管他怎么训斥童周亮,但童周亮这个大手笔,确实是整个华国都少有的。 But the Chen Fan complexion is light, just like at present is the mist. 陈凡却面色平淡,宛如眼前都是云烟般。 On this level, wants to come startled but actually me? Some previous life starry sky large clans, for goes on living from me hand/subordinate. Searched everywhere for planet Beauty, is placed in front of me, each race has, even there are Primal Infant female to cultivate/repair, day sect Goddess, my eye has not winked.’ ‘就这点水准,也想来惊倒我?前世有些星空大族,为了从我手下活下去。穷搜了一个星辰美女,摆在我面前,各个种族都有,甚至有元婴女修,天宗神女,我眼都没眨一下。’ In Chen Fan heart funny, shakes the head slightly. 陈凡心中好笑,不由微微摇头。 On Wang Cheng / King City this ability, without Wang Family is supporting, is really not necessarily able to advance into Imperial Capital Young Master ranks. In comparison, is Han Juntu is slightly better. 王城这能耐,没王家支撑着,真未必能跻身燕京一线大少行列。相比之下,便是韩俊图都稍胜一筹。 Strange, isn't he lascivious?’ ‘奇怪,难道他不好色?’ In Wang Cheng / King City heart surprise. 王城心中诧异。 But at this time, after a corridor, finally to autumn waters your wife hall. The autumn waterside pavilion semblance is small multi-storied building, actually inside has the universe, just like palace group. 而此时,经过一段走廊后,终于到了秋水阁正厅。秋水阁外表是一座小楼,其实里面别有乾坤,宛如宫殿群般。 The entire palace is very broad, the big gold/metal red light cage, is bright lights Hui of main hall photo. 整个宫殿无比宽阔,高大的金红灯笼,把大殿照的灯火辉明。 One crowd of good-looking man Beauty, the respective end the wine glass, is chatting in the main hall, basically does not have over 30 years old, truly is various Great Family juniors. Chen Fan even saw Wang Chen chen, with that group of people who yesterday's Beishan Mountains saw. 一群俊男美女,各自端着酒杯,在大殿内闲谈,基本没有三十岁以上,确实都是各大家族的小辈在。陈凡甚至看到了王晨晨,与昨天北山见到的那群人。 Was he comes?” “是他来了?” The Prada girls see Chen Fan, immediately the complexion crazily changes. Nearby Zhang Yu, wears a hat, on the face as before inflamed, sees Chen Fan, is such as sees Ghosts and Demons. 普拉达女孩一见陈凡,顿时脸色狂变。旁边的张宇,戴着一个帽子,脸上依旧红肿,见到陈凡,更是如见鬼魅般。 Key or Wang Cheng / King City are accompanying him, it seems like he in Wang Family, the position is extremely truly high.” “关键还是王城陪着他的,看来他在王家,确实地位极高啊。” Xiao young girl slightly frowns: Early morning early morning, you inquired last night, who he was?” 萧姓少女微微皱眉:“晨晨,你昨晚打听到,他是什么人了吗?” He truly is my cousin, is only the concrete news, I was not quite clear.” Wang Chen chen is saying, afraid. “他确实是我表哥,只是具体的消息,我就不太清楚了。”王晨晨说着,一阵心虚。 Although she does not know the Chen Fan status, but actually sees with one's own eyes Chen Fan to contradict Wang Keqin and old woman, even king Old Gentleman takes Chen Fan not to have the means. Such expert, was too fierce, full of admiration that Wang Chen chen admires simply. 她虽不知陈凡身份,但却亲眼看到陈凡顶撞王克勤和老太太,连王老爷子都拿陈凡没办法。这样的牛人,太厉害了,王晨晨简直佩服的五体投地。 even/including Chenchen cannot inquire, it seems like his origin imagines compared with me also mysterious. Is low-key Young Master of place large clan? But place large clan surnamed Chen, rarely, as if on Jincheng...” “连晨晨都打听不到,看来他的来历比我想象的还神秘啊。难道是地方大族的低调大少?但姓陈的地方大族,很少啊,似乎就一个金城...” The Xiao young girl is thinking deeply about time, side Zhang Yu said suddenly: 萧姓少女正思索的时候,旁边张宇突然道: „Wasn't that Qin heaven Young Master? How did he find that person? Moreover seems like, seems like looks for a job.” “那不是秦天大少吗?他怎么找上那人去了?而且看起来,似乎是找事的啊。” People hears word, has looked immediately. 众人闻言,立刻看过。 Really saw Qin Young Master Qin heaven of agitated, the anger rushed to front of Wang Cheng / King City, the vision such as the wolf looks at Chen Fan, pushed to say with the gap between teeth in: Wang Cheng / King City, is this your Wang Family wants to marry my elder sister's that person?” 果然见到秦家的大少秦天,怒气汹汹的冲到了王城面前,目光如狼看着陈凡,用牙缝里挤出来道:“王城,这就是你们王家想娶我姐姐的那人?” Marries your older sister?” “娶你姐姐?” Chen Fan brows slightly wrinkle, puzzled say/way. 陈凡眉头微皱,不解道。 Hehe, you also denied! This full Imperial Capital, who does not know that my elder sister Qin Yan, with big brother Xiao Xuan is friends from childhood, Inborn one pair. Had become engaged, before long must hold the wedding. Never expected that your Wang Family butts in horizontally, must marry my elder sister, but also persuaded Old Gentleman. Really thinks that this news can hide the truth from the residence to have the person?” “呵呵,你还抵赖!这满燕京,谁不知道我姐姐秦嫣儿,和萧玄大哥是青梅竹马,天生一对。早就订婚了,过不了多久就要举行婚礼。没想到你们王家横插一脚,非要娶我姐,还说动了老爷子。真以为这消息能瞒住所有人?” Qin heaven sneered to say. 秦天冷笑道。 What? Can Wang Family snatch the Xiao Family marriage? Does that person want to marry Qin Yan?” “什么?王家要抢萧家的婚?那个人要娶秦嫣儿?” This news, if immediately a bomb falls in Pinghu. Let everyone shock. 这个消息,顿时如一颗炸弹落在平湖中。让所有人都为之震惊。 But Qin Yan the goddess in Imperial Capital innumerable young master Young Master mind, but she has been deeply in love with Xiao Xuan, many people sigh with regret. However also believes that only then Imperial Capital first Young Master Xiao Xuan can be joined to her. 秦嫣儿可是燕京无数公子大少心目中的女神,只不过她一直钟情萧玄,许多人扼腕叹息。不过也认为,只有燕京第一大少萧玄配得上她。 But now, Wang Family comes out suddenly section of reckless. Appearance not wonderful youth, must become the Qin Yan fiance ordinary, who can not startled? 但现在,王家突然出来截胡。一个容貌平凡无奇的青年,更要成为秦嫣儿的未婚夫,谁能不惊? This is the flash news, must make a stir in Imperial Capital absolutely.” “这是大新闻啊,绝对要轰动燕京的。” „, This person is really the big courage, the Xiao Xuan boss woman, is he can snatch?” “啧啧,这人真是好大的胆子,萧玄老大的女人,也是他能抢的?” Xiao Family, but the recognized Imperial Capital first large clan, in comparison, Wang Family was far on the difference. Wang Cheng / King City is not desolate boss opponent.” 萧家可是公认的燕京第一大族,相比之下,王家就差远了。王城也不是萧老大对手啊。” The people discussed like the tide, looked with the vision of taking pleasure in others' misfortunes to Chen Fan. 众人议论如潮,纷纷用幸灾乐祸的目光望向陈凡 Zhang Yu and the others, were shocked thoroughly. 张宇等人,更是彻底惊呆了。 Woman who early morning early morning, your cousin must snatch big brother Xiao Xuan?” “晨晨,你表哥要抢萧玄大哥的女人?” Wang Chen chen companion is saying, at the same time the vision looks to the Xiao young girl. Who does not know, Xiao Xuan may be the blood brother of this young girl, but by the young girl's worship to Xiao Xuan, how possibly to accept own sister-in-law to be robbed? 王晨晨的同伴说着,一边目光瞄向萧姓少女。谁不知道,萧玄可就是这少女的亲哥,而以少女对萧玄的崇拜,怎么可能接受自己的嫂子被人抢走? Really, Xiao young girl elegant face slightly cold, eye such as frost. 果然,萧姓少女俏脸微寒,眼如冰霜。 I don't know either.” “我也不知道啊。” Wang Chen chen was scared, she noticed that Xiao young girl must get angry, holds on her hand to say hastily: Fine bamboo elder sister, you do not impulse. My this cousin is very probably fierce, Grandpa and Uncle do not dare to annoy him.” 王晨晨傻眼了,她看到萧姓少女似要发怒,连忙拉住她的手道:“纤竹姐,你别冲动。我这表哥好像很厉害,连爷爷大伯都不敢惹他呢。” Wang Chen early morning these words are the truth. 王晨晨这句话是真话。 But listens in others ear, actually like joke. king and Wang Keqin are what kind of person of the hour, how possibly to fear 20-year-old youth. 但听在别人耳朵中,却如同玩笑般。王老与王克勤是何等人物,怎么可能怕一个20多岁的青年呢。 Snort, your Wang Family makes such matter, feels all right to call my elder sister?” “哼,你们王家作出这样的事,也好意思叫我姐?” Xiao Xian bamboo coldly snorted. 萧纤冷哼一声 But at this time, the scene in hall, has been ready to be set off. 而此时,大厅内的场面,已经一触即发了。 Any assorted, I do not know completely. The kids, I had the girlfriend, moreover immediately must become engaged, do not come to be tired of me.” “什么杂七杂八,我完全不知道。小屁孩,我有女朋友了,而且马上就要订婚,你别来烦我啊。” Chen Fan funny waving. 陈凡好笑的挥了挥手。 Qin heaven immediately fair and clear cheek one red, the bulge like the tomato, wished one could a fist to pound on the Chen Fan face. His figure is quite short, long is the childish face, therefore most hated others saying that he was a child. 秦天顿时白净的脸蛋一红,胀如番茄般,恨不得一拳砸在陈凡脸上。他身材比较矮小,长的又是娃娃脸,所以最恨别人说他是小孩。 Qin less/small, calm, calm. This was Qin Old Gentleman already the matter that subscribed, you opposed again also uselessly.” “秦少,冷静,冷静。这是秦老爷子已经订下的事情,你再反对也没用的。” Wang Cheng / King City adds fuel to the flames in side. 王城在旁边推波助澜。 Hehe.” “呵呵。” Really, Qin heaven got angry instead smiles extremely, looks at Chen Fan saying: 果然,秦天怒极反笑,看着陈凡道: Thinks that my Grandpa did comply on the line? My elder sister dies will not agree to marry your. Moreover big brother Xiao Xuan knows that this matter, Xiao Family can let off you? I told you, my elder sister may probably come immediately, you currently have the opportunity of reneging on a promise.” “以为我爷爷答应就行了?我姐死都不会同意嫁给你的。而且萧玄大哥知道这件事,萧家能放过你?我告诉你,我姐可马上就要来了,你现在还有反悔的机会。” Then, Qin heaven sneered. 说完,秦天一阵冷笑。 Chen Fan is listening in side, the vision flashes. 陈凡在旁边听着,目光一闪。 He understood the intention of Wang Family finally, sentiment him, when the spear/gun caused. Shakes the head to sneer secretly: 他终于明白王家的用意了,感情是把他当枪使啊。不由暗暗摇头冷笑: This thinks that Wang Family corrected much. If they really move mother with the kinship, made up for my father my mother grievance more than 20 years, I not necessarily cannot help their. Finally wants to use up all the tricks, thinks that I will have scruples the kinship, doesn't dare to kill people?’ ‘本以为王家改正了不少。他们若真用亲情打动老妈,弥补我爸我妈这20多年来的委屈,我未必不能帮他们一把。结果还是想要机关算尽,以为我会顾忌亲情,不敢杀人吗?’ Younger male cousin, this matter, blames me not to inform you ahead of time, my mistake.” “表弟,这件事,都怪我没提前通知你,我的错。” Wang Cheng / King City pats to say again and again: 王城连连拍头道: Since knows after you and sister-in-law/little aunt ate many grievance, Grandpa has wanted to find an opportunity, makes up for your family. Happen, Grandpa ally Qin had a granddaughter, was attractive, was in our Imperial Capital circle, recognized first Great Beauty, you can see her immediately, absolute causing the downfall of the nation beautiful woman . Moreover the appearance, family background and scholarship were top, could be joined to the younger male cousin you.” “自从知道你和小姑一家吃了许多委屈后,爷爷一直想找一个机会,弥补一下你们家。正好,爷爷的战友秦老有个孙女,非常漂亮,是我们燕京圈子里,公认的第一大美女,你马上能见到她,绝对倾国倾城,而且容貌、家世、才学都是顶尖,配得上表弟你。” His is sincere, for your good appearance. 他一副非常诚恳,为你好的模样。 For this, our Wang Family also offended Xiao Family. Grandpa also lagged behind the facial skin to ask the old friend. But you could rest assured that this is our Wang Family should do, compensates a sister-in-law/little aunt grievance . Moreover the sister-in-law/little aunt knew, will be happy.” Wang Cheng / King City continues to strike one's chest to say. “为了这个,我们王家还得罪了萧家爷爷也拉下了脸皮去求老战友。但你放心,这是我们王家应该做的,补偿小姑一家的委屈,而且小姑知道了,也会非常高兴。”王城继续拍胸脯道。 The average people, were really possibly deceived by Wang Cheng / King City. 普通人,真可能被王城欺骗了。 After all introduced the Imperial Capital first beautiful woman to Chen Fan, Wang Family took the chestnut for his fire, offended Imperial Capital first large clan Xiao Family. If Chen Fan previous life, even if not want, will appreciate kindness rendered, grateful tears tears directing current. 毕竟把燕京第一美人介绍给陈凡,还是王家替他火中取栗,得罪了燕京第一大族萧家。如果是陈凡前世,哪怕不要,也会领情,感激的涕泪直流。 But Chen Fan of this, has completely understood the indifference in Wang Family bone, which also eats this set? 但这一世的陈凡,早就看透王家骨子里的冷漠,哪还吃这套? Ahem, since your Wang Family courts death, I am not blocking.” “哼哼,既然你们王家找死,我也不拦着。” Qin heaven in side, sneered again and again. 秦天在旁边,连连冷笑。 The Xiao Xian bamboo, is the face such as the cold ice, can blow there is a white frost to come, eyes look at Chen Fan ruthlessly. 萧纤竹,更是脸如寒冰,可以刮下霜来,一双眼狠狠看着陈凡 Others encircle, looks at this. In many eyes full is envies the envy to hate, as to take Chen Fan, but generation it, after all the popularity of Qin Yan, was too high, the Imperial Capital first beautiful woman. 其他人围在一圈,纷纷看着这一幕。许多人眼中满是羡慕嫉妒恨,仿佛想取陈凡而代之,毕竟秦嫣儿的人气,实在太高了,燕京第一美人啊。 At this time, the entrance heard noise suddenly. 这时,门口突然传来一阵嘈杂声。 Miss Qin came, with also has .... Xiao Xuan Young Master?” “秦小姐来了,跟着的还有....萧玄大少?” This sound, audience deathly stillness. 这声音一出,全场死寂。 Everyone has not thought, usually Xiao Xuan of hard to get hold can barely catch a glimpse, also arrived unexpectedly, this is sparks/Mars hits the collision of Earth! 所有人都没想到,平时神龙见首不见尾的萧玄,竟然也到场了,这是火星撞地球的碰撞啊! In people heart, an anticipation. 众人心中,一片期待。 Sees only pair of good-looking man Beauty, in the vision of countless person, steps into the hall fearlessly. The men are big, aura is extremely strong, as if Inborn leader. The female appearance is peerless, cheek clear and charming union, enchanting Huo Shui. 只见一对俊男美女,在无数人的目光中,昂然踏入大厅。男子高大英俊,气场极强,仿佛天生的领袖。女子容貌绝世,脸蛋清纯与妩媚结合,妖娆祸水 Xiao Xuan and Qin Yan. 正是萧玄秦嫣儿。
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