ROUIC :: Volume #10 Volume 10

#1189: He like the god, arrives at this world!( Second)

Chen Fan is shouldering both hands, the head slightly lowly, the eye partly narrows the eyes, is feeling this incomparably familiar, but strange strength. This is the strength that Northern Profound Immortal Exalt once had. 陈凡背负着双手,头颅微低,眼睛半眯,感受着这股无比熟悉但又陌生的力量。这属于‘北玄仙尊’曾经拥有的力量。 Although experienced that had once happened above Nine Heavens, unknown, after the war that actually shook ten thousand boundary/world, experienced the Time-Space Samsara baptism again. On him Mortal Body of first has unravelled, now is only left over this Primal Spirit still to exist, and is most prosperous when compared with previous life, is only left over 1/10000, even cannot use several times, but is enough. 虽然经历过曾经那场发生在九天之上,不为人知,却撼动万界的大战之后,再经历时空轮回的洗礼。他上一世的肉身早就灰飞烟灭,如今只剩下这点‘元神’还存在,并且比起前世最鼎盛时,只剩下万分之一还不到,甚至也不能动用几次,但已经足够了。 Although Chen Fan does not know. 陈凡虽不知。 Why after Samsara reincarnation, his all Divine Ability magic treasure and even Mortal Body destroy, but this point Primal Spirit actually shuttle Time-Space Samsara, arrived at this. Chen Fan previous life, although builds to be known as that immortal does not extinguish, eternal not bad Inextinguishable Primal Spirit, but that is known as eventually. Reveres an ancestor to be able the decrepit including the most ancient day, even Universe will be shattered, ten thousand boundary/world end, how to have genuine doesn't extinguish? 为什么轮回转世后,他的一切神通法宝乃至肉身都毁灭掉,但这一点‘元神’却穿梭时空轮回,也来到了这一世。要知道,陈凡前世虽然修成号称不朽不灭,永恒不坏的‘不灭元神’,但那终究只是号称罢了。连最古老的天尊道祖都会衰朽,连宇宙都会破灭,万界都终结,怎么会存在真正的‘不灭’呢? At least reverses Time-Space, reincarnation rebirth this matter, Chen Fan has never heard. 至少逆转时空,转世重生这种事,陈凡从未听说过。 This is the matter that world most goes against heaven's will, a Great Luo ancestor cannot achieve, even if Chen Fan at this moment , a clue does not have. 这是世间最逆天的事情,大罗道祖都做不到,哪怕陈凡此刻,也一点头绪都没有。 However, this does not hinder him to feel the strength. 不过,这不妨碍他感受力量。 I think, Northern Profound Immortal Exalt strength already, as these reputations, kept on first, has lost heart. But when ties Golden Core Tribulation Transcendence, I should practice successfully Saint Grade Golden Core to be right, suddenly was reversed by in within the body strength, built nine revolutions of Immortal Wheel, at that time I did not feel right. Later obtains the fruit of half Grand Dao in immortal within the earth, has not swallowed directly, but is trying into the soul deep place. A result difference does not have.” Chen Fan looks at own both hands, feeling within the body is rushing to not the unimaginable strength, in a soft voice saying, the corners of the mouth show a faint trace smile: “我本来以为,北玄仙尊的力量早已随着那些名声,都留在了上一世,早就死了心。但结金丹渡劫时,我本该修成圣品金丹才对,突然被体内一股力量逆转,修成了‘九转仙轮’,那时我就感觉不对劲。之后在仙土中取得半枚大道之果,也没有直接吞服,而是尝试着化入魂魄深处。结果一点异样都没有。”陈凡望着自己的双手,感受体内澎湃到无法想象的力量,轻声说着,嘴角露出一丝丝笑容: But this point difference does not have, confirmed my idea.” “但正是这一点异样都没有,却证实了我的想法。” That is the fruit of half Grand Dao. Even if not mature complete, can accomplish -and-a-half Great Power and even false Divine Transformation. Was actually swallowed by my soul deep place one cleanly. If I am only ordinary Golden Core cultivator , should be supported to explode early is right, at that time my in the heart believed firmly.” Chen Fan is smiling, looks to Heaven Treading Divine Monarch: “那可是半枚大道之果。哪怕并不成熟完整,也能造就一位半步大能乃至伪化神。却被我的魂魄深处一口吞干净。如果我只是普通的金丹修士,早该被撑爆才对,那时我心中就确信了。”陈凡笑着,望向踏天神君: Originally, you , if not appear, compelling me to put forth Years Great Divine Ability, I may cross again many years, in another life and death edge, can this soul most deep place potential forces. But since you make it regain consciousness ahead of time, this Immortal Exalt pushes someone take on a difficult job making a move, making you feel, anything called genuine to strong strength.” “本来,你若不出现,逼我使出‘岁月大神通,我可能还要再过许多年,在另一次生死边缘中,才能把这灵魂最深处的‘潜力’逼迫出来。但既然你提前让它苏醒,本仙尊就勉为其难出手,让你感受一下,什么才叫真正的至强力量。” Said. 说完。 Chen Fan turn over palm gently. 陈凡轻轻的翻转手掌。 Bang. 轰隆。 At that moment. 那一刻。 Entire Universe as if threw off, Chen Fan big such as on palm of planet, the innumerable Primordial Chaos air currents such as the dragon waterfall irrigation, that each wisp of aura, is condensing to the strong array strength, even is overflowing the strength of loftier Heavenly Dao. Entire void, as Chen Fan's one thunders easily, Law(s) interweaves, ten thousand thunder, as if Chen Fan is Universe control, his struck, towed Heaven and Earth all strengths. 整个宇宙仿佛都被掀翻般,陈凡大如星辰的手掌上,无数混沌气流如龙瀑布般浇灌而下,那每一缕气息,都凝聚着至强的法阵力量,甚至流溢着更高远的天道之力。整个虚空,都随着陈凡的一反掌而轰鸣,法则交织,万道轰鸣,仿佛陈凡就是宇宙的主宰者,他的一击,牵引了天地所有的力量。 But Heaven Treading Divine Monarch feels instantaneously. 踏天神君瞬间感觉到。 His all Magic Power, Divine Ability and even the painstaking cultivation 100,000 years unify the god who becomes, abate instantaneously. No, is not the retrogression, but was suppressed. Heaven Treading can feel, own Yellow Springs god, as if met to the high natural enemy, this moment shivering wail, crawls in most deep place, does not dare to have the tiny bit turbulence. 他的所有法力神通乃至苦修十万年凝聚而成的神则,都瞬间消退掉。不,不是消退,而是被镇压了。踏天能感受到,自己的黄泉神则,仿佛遇见了更至高的天敌般,此刻颤抖哀鸣,匍匐在最深处,不敢有一丝一毫的动荡。 Said simply. 简单的说。 This piece of Star Region, Law(s) of Yellow Springs has expired. Even if this moment Heaven Treading held ‚the spear/gun of Yellow Springs to stab a mortal, the mortals returned safe and sound, because this Law(s) was invalid. 这片星域,黄泉的法则已经失效掉。此刻踏天哪怕持‘黄泉之枪’刺中了一位凡人,那凡人都毫发无伤,因为这‘法则’是无效的。 How possibly?’ ‘怎么可能?’ Black robe youth has continued at this time shocked, the general knowledge of his intuition cultivator ten ten thousand years were overthrown. 黑袍青年此时已经不止惊骇,他直觉自己修士十万载的常识都被推翻了。 Law(s). 法则 Is between Heaven and Earth to one of the high strengths, only has Primal Infant cultivator to touch reluctantly, Divine Transformation can the genuine control. This is foundation of composition entire Universe world foundation. If, in Universe did not have fire suddenly this Law(s), any fire cannot burn again, that definitely wants the worldwide chaos. Although the Yellow Springs is not Five Elements such most widespread foundation Law(s), but also is one of the secondary Law(s), suddenly expires in piece of Star Region, how this enables Heaven Treading Divine Monarch is not surprised. 乃是天地间最至高的力量之一,只有元婴修士才能勉强触摸到,化神才能真正驾驭。这是组成整个宇宙世界基础的根基。假如说,宇宙中突然没有了‘火’这种法则,任何火都再也燃不起来,那必然要天下大乱。黄泉虽不是五行那样最广泛的基础法则,但也是次级法则之一,突然在一片星域内失效掉,这让踏天神君怎么能不惊讶。 Escapes.” “逃。” At this time, in the Heaven Treading heart only has a thought. 此时,踏天心中只有一个念头。 He has frightened Soul Destroyed, the strength that Chen Fan displays, beyond range that Aloof he has imagined. That is not only the Magic Power powerful issue, but the Law(s) aspect steamroll of most foundation he, in front of Chen Fan, his painstaking cultivation 100,000 years of Yellow Springs gods, simply like joke. Does not have an effect, meets, most powerful trump card did not have, how this also hits. 他已经吓得魂飞魄散,陈凡展现出来的力量,已经超脱他想象的范围外。那不仅仅是法力强大的问题,而是最基础的法则方面碾压了他,在陈凡面前,他苦修十万年的黄泉神则,简直像笑话一样。根本一点不起作用,一碰面,最强大的杀手锏就没了,这还怎么打。 But. 可是。 Heaven Treading Divine Monarch discovered, he conducts the back seems keeping off ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) Divine Mountain, cannot take including a footprint, not to mention escaped. Chen Beixuan, you really must be ruthless.” 踏天神君发现,他背上仿佛挡着万丈神山般,连一步脚印都迈不出,更不用说逃了。“陈北玄,你真要赶尽杀绝。” Heaven Treading Divine Monarch stares: „, I am Divine Transformation. The Divine Transformation incarnation surely, a thought does not extinguish, will never die, only if you can destroy completely all my thought clone simultaneously, otherwise my one day will return finally, takes revenge to you.” 踏天神君瞪眼:“要知道,我可是化神化神化身千万,一个念头不灭,就永远不会死掉,你除非能同时灭掉我所有的念头分身,否则我终有一日会归来,向你复仇的。” Divine Transformation called Divine Transformation. 化神之所以叫化神 Thinks that this realm, Divine Sense can branch out innumerable, is found in the ends of the earth. If there is no way to extinguish Divine Transformation all thoughts massacres, cannot say that cuts to kill this Divine Transformation, possibly several thousand years and even several tens of thousands years later, this Divine Transformation can also grow, stages a comeback. 就以为到了这境界,神念可以分出无数个来,遍布天涯海角。如果没法把一位化神所有的念头都灭杀掉,就不能说斩杀这位化神,可能数千年乃至数万年之后,这位化神还能成长起来,卷土重来。 Because Divine Transformation is so difficult to kill. 正是因为化神如此难杀。 Once builds Divine Transformation, may be known as Great Power, even if facing Immortal Sect, awes merely, is not really an opposition force does not have. Even if in the central Galaxy world, Divine Transformation is a side overlord, not to mention near Universe wild region, is feudal lord earth overlord person of the hour. Almost nothing can threaten. Some Divine Transformation, the creation world gods of incarnation certain races, to tall God, enjoy the endless incense and candle. Also only then steps into Divine Transformation Realm, can say, the hope that some becomes an immortal tiny bit, in certain person eyes, enters the admission ticket of Universe this big chessgame. 所以一旦修成化神,就可号称大能,哪怕面对仙宗,也仅仅是敬畏,并不是真的一丝反抗力量都没有。哪怕在中央星河世界,化神都是一方霸主,更不用说宇宙边荒地带,更是诸侯土霸王般的人物。几乎没有什么能威胁到。有些化神,更化身某些种族的创世神,至高神,享受无尽香火。也只有踏入化神境界,才能说,有一丝一毫成仙的希望,在某些人眼中,算是进入宇宙这个大棋局的入场券。 trivial ant.” 蝼蚁一般。” The Chen Fan's eyes pupil is not not sadly happy, but is saying lightly, the palm continues to depress. 陈凡眼瞳无喜无悲,只是淡淡说着,手掌继续压下。 Spear/Gun.” “枪来。” Heaven Treading Divine Monarch gets angry anxiously, offers a sacrifice to directly concise False God, a ‚the spear/gun of Netherworld, is the zhang (3.33 m), above sparkle Dark-Golden gloss, brings Netherworld hell the sound of shrieking and howling wildly, among the wools the turnover powerful Divine Glow, even void tears. 踏天神君怒急,直接祭出自己凝练的‘伪神器’,一柄‘幽冥之枪’,长达丈许,上面闪耀乌金光泽,带着幽冥地狱的鬼哭狼嚎之声,毛间吞吐着强大的神芒,连虚空都撕裂开来。 Is god spear/gun deep slaughter.” “是神枪‘冥屠’。” Has Heavenly Desolate cultivator , immediately is calling in secret. 天荒修士,顿时暗中叫着。 The god spear/gun deep slaughter, the Divine Emperor Mountain Sect Protecting divine tool, the Heaven Treading Divine Monarch past weapon along, once along with Heaven Treading Divine Monarch went on an expedition to abandon Star Region, even outside Divine Transformation with the territory has fought, is genuine Fable. After Heaven Treading Divine Monarch dies in a sitting posture, this god spear/gun has buried in Divine Emperor Mountain most deep place, along with deep day Son of God. It is said although non- genuine Divine Treasure, but has the Divine Treasure 90% prestige energies as before, once regains consciousness, may shake livelihood void, bursts out Great Power to strike full power. 神枪冥屠,帝神山镇宗神器,踏天神君当年的随身兵器,曾随踏天神君征战遗弃星域,甚至与域外化神交过手,是真正传奇。在踏天神君坐化后,这柄神枪就一直埋葬在帝神山最深处,伴随着冥日神子。据说虽非真正的‘神宝’,但依旧有神宝90%威能,一旦苏醒,就可撼动日月虚空,迸发大能全力一击。 Why this is also other influences, even if powerful, awes the Divine Emperor Mountain reason as before. 这也是为什么其他势力,哪怕再强大,依旧敬畏帝神山的原因。 Gets up.” “阵起。” Heaven Treading Divine Monarch drinks again. 踏天神君再喝。 His, an incomparably huge, innumerable black azure trace interweaves, as if the hell malicious ghost design spreads to go to void in all directions, finally covered the surrounding area thousand li (500 km), changed to a three-dimensional chart. The enormous and powerful sacred aura, recovers from the chart on, arrives at this world to be the same like ancient Shendi. 他脚下,一个无比庞大,无数黑青色纹路交织,仿佛地狱恶鬼图案向四面八方的虚空蔓延而去,最后笼罩了方圆千里,化作了一个立体型的阵图。浩浩荡荡的神圣气息,自阵图上复苏,如同古神邸降临此世一般。 Divine Emperor Mountain town/subdues mountain Divine Formation. 正是帝神山的镇山神阵 Opens to me.” “给我开。” Heaven Treading Divine Monarch rave. 踏天神君狂吼。 He grasps god spear/gun deep slaughter, the foot steps on Divine Emperor Mountain Divine Formation, the middle trillion zhang (3.33 m) high god bodies, burst out the endless dim light. Finally all Light Glow, gather in the palm all the lance point place of god spear/gun. That lance point Light Glow turnover is uncertain, is very blazing, pierces void directly, does not know that penetrated many world, sharply, even if separated by hundreds of thousands of li (0.5 km), felt own soul seemed broken out. 他手持神枪‘冥屠’,脚踩帝神山神阵,中间亿万丈高的神躯,迸发出无尽的幽光。最后所有光芒,尽数汇聚到掌中神枪的枪尖处。那枪尖光芒吞吐不定,无比炽热,直接洞穿虚空,不知道穿透了多少个世界,锐利到哪怕相隔数十万里,都感觉自己灵魂都仿佛被劈开般。 „.” “刺啦。” Heaven Treading Divine Monarch holds the lance, kills to Chen Fan. 踏天神君持矛,杀向陈凡 This is really he since birth most powerful strikes, to burst out the complete strength, Heaven Treading Divine Monarch did not even attend to deep day Son of God Mortal Body not being able to withstand, eye nose and other facial features flowed out the blood, Mortal Body was almost exploded by the terrifying Divine Power quantity brace, not cared a whoop, but a lance struck to Chen Fan. Even if not use the Yellow Springs Law(s) strength, this lance, is Divine Transformation really strikes, a lance shoots sufficiently moon of space. 这真是他有生以来最强大的一击,为了迸发出全部力量,踏天神君甚至不顾冥日神子肉身承受不住,眼睛鼻子等五官都流出血来,肉身差点被恐怖的化神力量撑爆掉,也丝毫不在意,只是一矛击向陈凡。哪怕不动用黄泉法则的力量,这一矛,也是实打实的化神一击,足以一矛将天上的月亮都射下来。 Any sees cultivator of this lance, looks deathly pale, lowers the head to close eyes, does not dare to face directly, only thinks that Divine Soul most deep place was pierced. Meanwhile, Heaven Treading Divine Monarch pinches in the palm, on the face shows the cruel smile, must first pinch the dead A'Xiu soul, with Chen Fan jade entirely burn. 任何见到这一矛的修士,都脸色惨白,低头闭目,不敢直面,只觉神魂最深处都被洞穿。与此同时,踏天神君更一捏掌中,脸上露出残忍笑容,要先捏死阿秀的魂魄,与陈凡玉石俱焚。 But in uses Northern Profound Immortal Exalt at this moment in Chen Fan's eyes of strength, the resistance of Heaven Treading Divine Monarch, is similar to that to shake the big tree the fly wasp, overreaches oneself laughably. 但在此刻动用‘北玄仙尊’力量的陈凡眼中,踏天神君的反抗,就如同那撼动大树的蚍蜉,可笑而不自量力。 Whiz.” “嗖。” Chen Fan has not used any Magic Power, A'Xiu has fallen into his left palm, but his right palm turns, bang pats. 陈凡没动用任何法力,阿秀就已经落入他左掌中,而他右掌一翻,轰隆拍下。 Bang.” “嘭。” As a Chen Fan palm strikes, surrounding area in void, was patted into light one by a Chen Fan palm absolutely. As if the three-dimensional world, turned into a light paper. planet, vegetation, mountain, rivers and asteroid stand in Heaven Treading Divine Monarch, and god spear/gun in his handdeep slaughter ’, was patted into the flimsy by a Chen Fan palm at this moment. 随着陈凡一掌击下,方圆万万里的虚空,都被陈凡一掌拍成了薄薄一层。就仿佛原本立体的世界,变成了薄薄的一张纸般。无论是星辰、草木、山岳、河流、小行星还是站在其中的踏天神君,以及他手中的神枪’冥屠’,此刻都被陈凡一掌拍成薄纸。 Not...” “不...” In finally, Heaven Treading Divine Monarch unwilling yelling, he tries to escape Primal Spirit, to escaping. But the entire space, and even the time was imprisoned by Chen Fan. The Northern Profound Immortal Exalt strength was too strong, even if this moment Chen Fan only has Inextinguishable Primal Spirit strength that 1/10000 do not arrive, but wants to pat false Divine Transformation, is simply easy as pie. 在最后,踏天神君不甘的大叫,他试图遁出元神,向外逃去。但整个空间,乃至时间都被陈凡禁锢住了。北玄仙尊的力量太强大了,哪怕此刻陈凡只剩下‘不灭元神’的万分之一都不到的力量,但想拍死一个伪化神,简直易如反掌。 „.” “啪嗒。” After a Chen Fan palm, Heaven Treading Divine Monarch holds False God together with him, with under foot Divine Formation, cuns (2.5 cm) crashes simultaneously, even Primal Spirit is flown to annihilate, does not have little surplus, changes to the flying smoke that Chen Fan pats all. 陈凡一掌之后,踏天神君连同他掌中伪神器,和脚下神阵,同时寸寸崩塌掉,连元神都被陈凡拍的会飞湮灭,没有一点点剩余,尽数化作飞烟。 Meanwhile. 于此同时。 In the Desolate Heaven Star wild deep place, in an ancient temple. The middle idol opens the eye suddenly, the look is panic-stricken, wants to howl loudly, but is late, that zhang (3.33 m) permits tall idol, blasts open fiercely, an cuns (2.5 cm) disruption, seemed cranked up the smashing by an invisible palm, does not have tiny bit preserving. 天荒星的蛮荒深处,一座古老神庙中。正中间的神像突然睁开眼睛,神色惊恐,想要大声吼叫,但已经迟了,那丈许高的神像,猛地炸裂开来,寸寸碎裂,仿佛被一个无形的手掌拍成粉碎般,没有一丝一毫的存留。 If some people, definitely will discover with amazement that idol is unexpectedly similar to the Heaven Treading Divine Monarch appearance. 如果有人在,必然会惊讶发现,那神像竟然与踏天神君容貌相似。 Not only in Desolate Heaven Star, in Heavenly Jupiter and hibernation of insects far star and black fog star... even abandon some small planet outside Star Region, has hundreds of idol avalanches or cultivator explodes to break to pieces suddenly. Chen Fan this palm, not only the bang killed the Heaven Treading Divine Monarch true body, other all thoughts in Universe, writes off together, one generation of Divine Monarch, in light of this die. 不仅在天荒星,在天木星、蛰远星、黑雾星...甚至遗弃星域之外的某个小星辰,同时有数以百计的神像崩塌或修士突然爆碎掉。陈凡这一掌,不仅轰杀了踏天神君的真身,更将其他在宇宙中的所有念头,一同抹杀掉,一代神君,就此陨落 This is Immortal Exalt overbearing! 这才是‘仙尊’的霸道! At that moment. 那一刻。 All witnesses this cultivator , only thinks oneself as if look like the mortal to face god Di -like, is incapable like that weakly, tiny like dust. Even planet in the Chen Fan palm, collapses at the first blow frailly. In entire Solar System, silencing to the extreme, only then Chen Fan's Primal Spirit, above standing proudly, as if the Nine Heavens Immortal king arrives mortally, Ye Ye lives the splendor like that is unapproachable! 所有目睹这一幕的修士,只觉自己仿佛像凡人在面对神邸般,那般微弱无力,渺小如尘埃。连星辰陈凡掌中,都脆弱不堪一击。整个太阳系中,静寂到极点,只有陈凡的元神’,傲立其上,仿佛九天仙王降临凡人般,那般烨烨生辉,无可匹敌!
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