ROUIC :: Volume #10 Volume 10

#1188: Who is the ants?( First)

In Universe. 宇宙中。 Ancient and vertical Sun towers high, like great mountain -like, Light Glow shines the entire Solar System. Compared with the height trillion zhang (3.33 m), with moon orthogonal Heaven Treading Divine Monarch, Sun are too many, are too huge many, the volume is innumerable times of Moon, is similar to the difference of giant and dwarf. The energy of Sun supports the entire Solar System, Moon reflects its Light Glow, obviously is that giant. 亘古而立的太阳高高耸立,如同一座巨山般,光芒照耀整座太阳系。比起身高亿万丈,与月亮平齐的踏天神君,太阳就强太多,庞大太多,体积是月球的无数倍,就如同巨人和矮子的区别。太阳的能量养活整个太阳系,月球只是反射它的光芒,显然是那尊巨人。 Although Heaven Treading Divine Monarch has to be on par the planet strength, but the most common satellite, has not shaken strong great power of Sun to be able. 踏天神君虽拥有比肩星辰的力量,但只是最普通的卫星,并没有撼动太阳的强大威能。 But at this moment. 但此刻。 When that treads on livelihood, shoulder when Galaxy, the height is unable to imagine, treats as the entire Solar System terrifying powerhouse of foot basin arrives, is better than Heaven Treading Divine Monarch stiffly at the scene, whole body stiff in that motionless, but dull from the under foot looks at that to be on par with the livelihood, under oneself as if Mount Tai the mortal, the whole body covers in endless Primordial Chaos to strong cepheus. 当那尊脚踏日月,肩当星河,身高无法想象,把整座太阳系当做脚盆的恐怖强者降临的时候,强如踏天神君都僵在当场,浑身僵硬的愣在那,一动不动,只是呆呆的从脚下望着那尊与日月比肩,自己仿佛泰山之下凡人,浑身笼罩在无尽混沌之中的至强仙王。 Who this is, will he be so how powerful?” “这是谁,他怎会如此强大?” The Heaven Treading Divine Monarch whole body trembles. 踏天神君浑身颤栗。 He wants that powerful existence that leaps from Chen Fan within the body, regards a illusion, an imaginary technique. 他想把那尊从陈凡体内跃出的强大存在,当成一个幻象,一种幻术。 But that aura that has the whole body to lend, he of shock and awe from beginning to end, is unable to lift including a small finger. Heaven Treading only felt, in this height hundred million li (0.5 km), in front of treads on Galaxy Primordial Chaos cepheus, oneself like childhood, first time young time of contacting Immortal Cultivator. Has not become like Dao Cultivation, facing keeping aloof, Magic Power immeasurably deep Teacher. It is not able to revolt, cannot revolt. 但那尊存在周身散发出的气息,震慑的他从头到尾,连一根小手指都无法抬起。踏天只感觉,在这尊身高亿里,脚踏星河混沌仙王面前,自己就像小时候,第一次接触修仙者的年幼时代。就像修道未成,面对高高在上,法力深不可测的老师般。根本无法反抗,不可反抗。 But this is how possible, I am solemn Divine Monarch, Divine Transformation Great Power, rules Star Region 100,000 years of existence , anyone can make an appearance latter Magic Power not to display, can only deter me depending on the aura, I refuse to accept!’ ‘但这怎么可能,我是堂堂神君,化神大能,君临一个星域十万年的存在,什么人能露面后一丝法力没施展,仅凭气息就能震慑我,我不服啊!’ In Heaven Treading heart rave. 踏天心中狂吼。 His whole body, the terrifying sacred aura surges crazily, the whole body surface, is similar to the boiling water that boils, drastic fluctuation. Nine Yellow Springs rivers, in the Heaven Treading surrounding area hundred zhang (333 m), change to nine yellow wire ropes turbulently, sends out, crushes void. Let the space for the sound that it bursts. But even if this, in Chen Fan front, as before tiny like dust. 他周身,恐怖的神圣气息疯狂涌动,周身表面,就如同煮沸的开水般,剧烈波动起来。九条黄泉大河汹涌而起,在踏天方圆百丈内,化作九条黄色的铁索,发出刺啦刺啦,粉碎虚空。让空间都为之破裂的声音。但哪怕这样,在‘陈凡’面前,依旧渺小如尘埃。 In comparison. 相比之下。 Other cultivator in Solar System, like observing Star Ocean rogue cultivator, the territory that comes to from many planet gatherings cultivator , and Earth local people and Northern Jade Faction disciple, at this moment is not surprised, but was shocked! 太阳系内的其他修士,如同观战的星海散修,从诸多星辰汇聚而来的域外修士,以及地球本土众人和北琼派弟子,此刻已经不是惊讶,而是惊骇了! They and Heaven Treading Divine Monarch is the same, has not guarded, is shocked by Extreme Powerhouse that appears baseless. 他们与踏天神君一样,都没有丝毫防备,就被那尊凭空浮现的至强者震慑住。 That covers Immortal in Primordial Chaos, stands erect void. The whole body aura shakes the livelihood, sweeps across the entire Solar System, he shouted attracts, turnover endless planet Vital Essence, as if can swallow such as planet, making Light Glow of Sun gloomier. 那笼罩在混沌中的仙人,屹立虚空。周身气息撼动日月,席卷整个太阳系,他一呼一吸之间,都吞吐无尽的星辰精元,仿佛能把星辰都吞如其中,让太阳的光芒都暗淡一些。 Who this... is this? North... Northern Profound Immortal Exalt?... Has not heard.’ ‘这...这是谁?北...北玄仙尊?没...没听说过啊。’ Yes, how does he appear? How can the appearance and Chen Divine Monarch is so similar? Chen Divine Monarch do not defeat? Meets anything to appear such powerhouse suddenly. It is the law, is True Being.’ ‘是啊,他怎么出现的?怎么会容貌与陈神君如此相似?陈神君不是要败了吗?会什么会突然现出这样一尊强者。它是法相,还是真人啊。’ Northern Profound Immortal Exalt, is this Chen Divine Monarch genuine status origin?’ 北玄仙尊,难道这才是陈神君真正的身份来历?’ In innumerable person hearts shocked. 无数人心中惊骇 Time-Space of entire Solar System, seemed condensed a picture scroll. Northern Profound Immortal Exalt standing proudly in the picture scroll, his strength, solely stands in that merely, makes Time-Space congeal. 整个太阳系的时空,都仿佛被凝聚成一部画卷。北玄仙尊傲立在画卷正中间,他的力量,仅仅单单站在那,都让时空为之凝结住。 Although many people have no way to move, is unable to lift including a small finger, the eyeball can only rotate slightly, in the heart seemed been more supreme by that the terrifying as enormous and powerful suppresses as the extreme pressure stubbornly, but cannot bear in the heart unable to bear think eventually. 许多人虽然没法动弹,连一根小手指都无法抬起,眼球只能轻微转动,心中更被那仿佛至高无上,恐怖浩荡到极点的威压给死死压住,但终究忍不住心中忍不住想着。 Especially understands to be many, is in the heart with amazement is deeper. 尤其是一些了解多的,更是心中骇然更深。 Chen Fan's given name, they, although has not heard. 陈凡的名号,他们虽然没听说过。 But looks at him merely, in the name of Immortal Exalt, knows that this Northern Profound Immortal Exalt is existence of multi- terrifying. Although they do not know, Immortal Exalt refers to anything, but even Divine Transformation also only may be known as Divine Monarch merely, obviously this Northern Profound Immortal Exalt in Divine Transformation, is Extreme Powerhouse. 但仅仅看他,以‘仙尊’为名,就知道这位‘北玄仙尊’是多恐怖的存在。他们虽不知道,仙尊到底指什么,但连化神也仅仅只可号称神君,可见这位‘北玄仙尊’在化神中,也是至强者 Although law the hugeness, cannot genuine weigh Immortal Cultivator Magic Power and Divine Ability. But Heaven Treading Divine Monarch method, trillion zhang (3.33 m) high, is orthogonal with Moon. This honorific titles saidNorthern Profound Immortal Exalt existence, changes to the under foot ants Heaven Treading Divine Monarch unexpectedly, even wants huge many compared with Earth, almost may compare favorably with Sun, this was too terrifying, such powerful existence, absolutely is top person of the hour in Divine Transformation, even possibly... above Divine Transformation! ’ ‘虽然法相的巨大,并不能真正衡量一个修仙者法力神通。但踏天神君的法相,也就亿万丈高,与月球平齐罢了。这尊号称‘北玄仙尊’的存在,竟然将踏天神君都化作脚下蝼蚁,甚至比地球都要庞大的多,差点可与太阳相媲美,这就太恐怖了,这样强大的存在,绝对是化神中的顶级人物,甚至可能...化神之上!’ So long as Jiao Zun is thinking, the whole body is shivering. 蛟尊者只要想着,浑身都在颤抖。 That is above Divine Transformation! 那可是化神之上! To entire abandons Star Region and even small Southern Heaven Realm, Divine Transformation is supreme existence. A person may tread to extinguish one, such as Heaven Treading Divine Monarch, even if false Divine Transformation, sweeps away as before invincibly, life ten number ten thousand years. Above Divine Transformation, is unable to imagine. That is the Antiquity Holy Land ancient Saint first-class exists. 对整个遗弃星域乃至小南天境来说,化神已经是至高无上的存在。一人就可踏灭一宗,如踏天神君般,哪怕是一尊伪化神,依旧横扫无敌,寿元十数万载。化神之上,根本无法想象。那是太古圣地的古圣一流存在。 Jiao Zun lived for 30,000 years, hears, in Violet Firmament Holy Land of ancient Galaxy deep place, has the sage to assume personal command. 蛟尊者活了三万年,也就听闻,在古老星河深处的紫霄圣地,有圣人坐镇。 Violet Firmament Holy Land, control many Star Region, even if better than Emperor Apollo, huge such as small Southern Heaven Realm, compared with the area of Violet Firmament Holy Land control, still tiny like dust, is not worth mentioning. But Violet Firmament Holy Land so to excel big, except for in teaching powerhouse like clouds, Dao Lineage inherits for million years to calculate outside, in the final analysis, there is a sage to exist. 紫霄圣地,统御诸多星域,就算强如太阳神朝,庞大如小南天境,比起紫霄圣地统御的疆域,也渺小如尘埃般,根本不值一提。而紫霄圣地之所以如此至高强大,除了教中强者如云,道统传承数以百万年来计算外,归根到底,还是有圣人存在。 It can be imagined, like this suppresses Galaxy, haunches an ancient Holy Land town/subdues to teach general person of the hour, powerful, many to high, at this moment appears in Earth unexpectedly, appears on having Chen Fan of boundary of Primal Infant. 可想而知,这样镇压星河,撑起一个古老圣地的镇教一般的人物,得有多强大,多至高,此刻竟然出现在地球,出现在只有元婴之境的陈凡身上。 Sent.’ ‘发了。’ Jiao Zun only has a thought at this moment. 蛟尊者此刻只有一个念头。 He somewhat understands indistinctly, Chen Fan's origin not only Immortal Sect disciple may describe, is Immortal Sect Great Power is reincarnated absolutely . Moreover, this Great Power background, is not ordinary Divine Transformation, perhaps, when is some in True Martial Immortal Sect does not know the die high level. Perhaps that status origin, compares general ancient Saint to be high. 他有些隐约明白,陈凡的来历绝非区区一个仙宗弟子可形容的,绝对是仙宗大能转世,而且,这尊大能的来头,也不是什么普通化神,说不定,就是真武仙宗中的某位不知道什么时候陨落的高层。那身份来历,说不定比一般的古圣还要高。 Incessantly is he. 不止是他。 God falling king Qin Jian, this moment smile also stiff on face. He also laughed a moment ago, prepares to look at the Chen Fan joke, but at this moment, the smile is similar to the sculpture, deeply imprints to carve in his appearance. But Qin Jian at this time the innermost feelings are the tumbling like the difficult situation. 神陨王秦简,此刻笑容也僵在脸上。他刚才还哈哈大笑,准备看陈凡笑话,但此刻,笑容就如同雕塑般,深深印刻在他的容颜上。而秦简此时内心更是翻滚如惊涛骇浪般。 How possibly, he how suddenly becomes so powerful, this does not conform to the common sense. No magic spell, any Divine Ability, can Primal Infant cultivator , become is on par suddenly Divine Transformation, even is stronger than Divine Transformation.’ ‘怎么可能,他怎么会突然变得如此强大,这不符合常理。没有任何一种法术,任何一种神通,能够把一个元婴修士,突然变得比肩化神,甚至比化神还强。’ Only if...’ ‘除非...’ ‚Is he Great Power reincarnation?’ ‘他是大能转世?’ Thinks of this, the Qin Jian eye pupil five senses Chen Za, brings three points of panic-stricken, three points of indignation, three points dreads, the vision that as well as a faint trace laments looks at that stands erect Galaxy Chen Fan. If knows that Chen Fan is Great Power is reincarnated, the background is so astonishing, he or Emperor Apollo, where so will be arrogantly arrogant, raises forces to clash to entering Earth? 想到这,秦简眼眸已经五味陈杂,带着三分惊恐,三分愤慨,三分畏惧,以及一丝丝悔恨的目光看着那屹立星河的‘陈凡’身上。如果知道陈凡是一位大能转世,来头如此惊人的话,他或者太阳神朝,哪会这么高傲自大,兴师冲冲的杀入地球来? . 要知道。 Great Power that any can be reincarnated, non- ordinary Divine Monarch may compare, even his father, the Emperor Apollo Golden Crow Great Emperor, compared with such Great Power, must be not as good as the slightest. But appears the terrifying prestige energy that from Chen Fan, the Golden Crow Great Emperor is well below. Qin Jian this life more than 70,000 years later, once read to change entire small Southern Heaven Realm many Divine Transformation to exist, even once roamed through Galaxy, leave small Southern Heaven Realm, periphery go to other Star Region to roam through, have been to the central Galaxy world surrounding most. 任何一尊能够转世的大能,都非普通神君可比,就算是他的父亲,太阳神朝金乌大帝,比起这样的大能,也要稍逊分毫。而从陈凡身上显现出的恐怖威能,金乌大帝更是远远不及。秦简这一生七万多年下来,曾经阅变整个小南天境的诸多化神存在,甚至曾遨游星河,离开小南天境,去周围的其他星域遨游,最远更到过中央星河世界外围。 But such as Chen Fan so powerful existence, he has not seen. 而如‘陈凡’这般强大的存在,他也不曾见过。 At this moment, in the Qin Jian heart, was almost stuffed by the lamentation, hates more and more, even flows out the tears, he knows, oneself and father chess, goes astray eventually, Emperor Apollo kicked the sheet iron. 此刻,秦简心中,几乎被悔恨充塞住,越来越恨,甚至都流出泪来,他知道,自己和父亲这一步棋,终究是走错,太阳神朝踢中了铁板了。 But is opposite with a Chen Fan's enemy. 而与陈凡的一众敌人相反。 Northern Jade Faction people, Qi Xiu'er, Jiang Churan, Lu Yanxue and old Azure Dragon, even including the Heaven Treading Divine Monarch palm A'Xiu soul, is both startled and happy. 北琼派众人,祁秀儿姜初然陆燕雪、老青龙,甚至包括踏天神君掌中的‘阿秀’魂魄,则是既惊又喜。 They raise the head. 他们抬头。 The rapid determination, this height trillion li (0.5 km), does not know many times compared with Earth greatly, entire planet is similar to the projectile in his hands Northern Profound Immortal Exalt, absolutely is Chen Fan, because their appearances were too similar. 迅速确定,这尊身高亿万里大小,比地球都大不知道多少倍,整颗星辰在他手中都如同弹丸的‘北玄仙尊’,绝对就是陈凡,因为他们的容貌太相似了。 Although that Northern Profound Immortal Exalt appearance covers in Primordial Chaos, only reveals indistinctly for three points, but they are so familiar with Chen Fan, almost a contrast, can determine two people relations. But compares this time slightly immature Chen Fan, that Northern Profound Immortal Exalt, is obviously more ancient, is profounder, as if after the baptism of innumerable Years vicissitudes, both pupils is not not sadly happy, resembles the livelihood to hang, has experienced endless Time-Space. 北玄仙尊的容颜虽然笼罩在混沌中,只隐约露出三分来,但他们对陈凡如此熟悉,几乎一对比,就能判定两人的关系。只不过相比起此时略微稚嫩的陈凡,那尊‘北玄仙尊’,显然更加古老,更加深邃,仿佛历经无数岁月沧桑的洗礼,双瞳无喜无悲,似日月高悬般,经历过无尽时空 How does Teacher turn into this? This is the Teacher secret, wait/etc, his many scars, this after what war, some so many scars?’ 老师怎么变成这样?难道这就是老师的秘密,等等,他身上好多伤痕啊,这到底是经过什么样的大战,才有这么多伤痕?’ A'Xiu forgot itself for a while, looks crazily to Chen Fan. 阿秀一时都忘了自身,痴痴望向陈凡 Quick, she discovered, that covers in Primordial Chaos Northern Profound Immortal Exalt, carefully looked, stands tall and erect above trillion li (0.5 km) immortal body not to know every large or small, many wounds. The big wound, some tens of millions heads, span the Chen Fan chest front fully, almost must cleave in two Chen Fan, small wound, smallest, only then zhang (3.33 m) permits deep. 很快,她发现,那尊笼罩在混沌中的‘北玄仙尊’,仔细看,高耸亿万里的仙躯之上不知道大大小小,有多少道伤口。大的伤口,足有数千万里长,横亘陈凡胸前,几乎要把陈凡劈成两半,小的伤口,最小只有丈许深。 Blade, sword, axe, halberd, hook and hammer... 刀、剑、斧、戟、钩、锤... All kinds of scars, the number are countless, in many wounds, is sparkling the different energies, even if the great distance does not know many years, attaches above as before, has not vanished slightly. Many azure black interactions ‚the thunder of Primordial Chaos, surrounds on Chen Fan. The thunder of that Primordial Chaos, although to hundreds of thousands of li (0.5 km), but many people can feel as before, as terrifying as the extreme prestige energy, as if a faint trace, can collapse destroys the livelihood, the bang kills Primal Infant, even Divine Transformation exists, among Heaven and Earth Universe, most to the high penalty, lets trembling that the person is from the heart. 各种各样的伤痕,数都数不尽,许多伤口上,闪耀着不同的能量,哪怕相隔不知道多少年,依旧依附于其上,丝毫没有消失掉。更有诸多青黑相间的‘混沌之雷’,环绕在陈凡身上。那混沌之雷,虽然离了数十万里,但许多人依旧能感受到,其中恐怖到极点的威能,仿佛一丝丝,就能崩毁日月,轰杀元婴,甚至化神存在,就像天地宇宙间,最为至高的刑罚般,让人发自内心的颤栗。 So many scars. 如此多的伤痕。 May think that Chen Fan in the past, has experienced the fearful war, that magnificent ancient war, in most Legend God War the epic is inevitably more intense, but also wants many of Fable. Chen Fan's opponent, is not present Heaven Treading Divine Monarch and even Primal Infant Golden Core may compare. 可想‘陈凡’当年,经历过何等可怕的大战,那种辉煌古老的战争,必然比史诗中最传说神战还要激烈,还要传奇的多。陈凡的对手,也绝非现在的踏天神君乃至元婴金丹可比。 However although many wounds, each can let the person heavy losses and even accumulated falls, by azure black interaction ‚the thunder of Primordial Chaos lingers, extinguishes, eternal continuous. 不过虽有诸多伤口,每一道都能让人重创乃至蕴落,更被青黑相间的‘混沌之雷’萦绕,生生灭灭,永恒不休。 But that Northern Profound Immortal Exalt standing proudly Galaxy, shoulders both hands as before, as if body all scars do not exist, as before is this piece of Universe Galaxy control. He at this moment is in a big way low such as the head of planet, the vision looks to under foot ants Heaven Treading Divine Monarch, the eye pupil full is the ridicule: 但那北玄仙尊依旧傲立星河,背负双手,仿佛身上一切伤痕都不存在般,依旧是这片宇宙星河的主宰者。他此刻低下大如星辰的头颅,目光望向脚下蝼蚁般的踏天神君,眼眸满是讥讽: Now, you said that who is the ants?” “现在,你说谁是蝼蚁?” The Heaven Treading Divine Monarch complexion is pale, the body is trembling. 踏天神君面色铁青,身体都在颤栗。
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