ROUIC :: Volume #10 Volume 10

#1187: path Jinjian Northern Profound!( Before dawn (3 - 5 am), 5000 character big chapters)

Won't defeat?” “不会败?” Heaven Treading Divine Monarch sneers, he steps on, trillion zhang (3.33 m) god body, as if ancient times Tienchu peak day stood, Chen Fan in his, is really smaller and weaker than the ant, Mortal Body that just reorganized difficultly, was stepped on the meat patty by a foot! 踏天神君冷笑,他一脚踩下,亿万丈的神躯,仿佛远古天柱般耸天而立,陈凡在他脚下,真的比蚂蚁还要弱小,刚艰难重组的肉身,被一脚生生踩成肉饼! How won't you defeat? In my, was not being stepped on by this Divine Monarch as before, like stepping on the ants is stepping on.” Heaven Treading Divine Monarch lowers the head faintly, sound ice-cold. “你再不会败又如何?不依旧在我脚下,被本神君踩着,如同踩蝼蚁般踩着。”踏天神君淡漠低头,声音冰冷。 Lets loose my Teacher!” “放开我老师!” A'Xiu is excited, shoots up to the sky directly, charges into black robe youth. 阿秀激动着,直接冲天而起,冲向黑袍青年 This time, Jiao Zun have not even blocked, making A'Xiu run out of Earth directly, transported True Martial God Fist, the bang to Heaven Treading Divine Monarch, the whole person almost changes to one round shining day the golden god splendor, earth-shaking, like the chariot of sun god, came in waves. But she builds Divine Grade Golden Core, but eventually is only Golden Core cultivator , from a Heaven Treading Divine Monarch hundred li (0.5 km) range, by the invisible pressure, the direct pressure lay in void, points at unable to move. 这一次,连蛟尊者都没拦住,让阿秀直接冲出了地球,运起真武神拳,轰向踏天神君,整个人几乎化作一轮耀日的金色神辉,撼天动地,如同太阳神的战车般,滚滚而来。但她虽修成神品金丹,但终究只是一个金丹修士罢了,才距离踏天神君百里范围内,就被无形威压,直接压趴在虚空中,一根手指动都无法动弹。 „Is this your disciple? Chen Beixuan, I will be in front of your, will fall each disciple careful grinding, from the beginning to teaching, from Divine Soul to Mortal Body, from sea of qi to Violet Palace. This female is first, I thought when you can endure.” Heaven Treading Divine Monarch is saying faintly. “这就是你的弟子吗?陈北玄,我会当着你的面,把你每一个弟子都会仔仔细细的碾碎掉,从头到教,从神魂肉身,从气海到紫府。此女就是第一个,我看你能忍到什么时候。”踏天神君淡漠说着。 Teacher, do not submit he, do not manage me!” A'Xiu is saying tremblingly, her entire Mortal Body, was restrained by force is kneeling in void, the head lowers to Heaven Treading Divine Monarch, the back as if there are ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) mountain. 老师,不要屈服他,不要管我!”阿秀颤巍巍的说着,她整个肉身,被强压着跪在虚空中,头低向踏天神君,背部仿佛有万丈大山般。 But A'Xiu as before difficult raising the head, even if only has a point merely, for this reason resurfaces half Mortal Body to collapse, innumerable skeleton shatter prices, but strong upward lifts as before. In her eye pupil is firm and resolute, nine refusing stubbornly regret. 阿秀依旧艰难的抬起头,哪怕仅仅只有一分,为此复出半个肉身崩溃,无数骨骼破碎的代价,但依旧坚强的向上抬去。她眼眸中全是一片坚毅,九死不悔。 Faith praise worthy, is, if the faith is useful, what also wants the strength to make? I and other painstaking cultivation ten ten thousand years, the little strokes fell great oak, Breathing Heaven and Earth Vitality, comprehend Law(s) every day, after strength that long glorious Years trades, if can easily be routed by the faith, what significance also there is?” Heaven Treading Divine Monarch smiles lightly, a palm gently pressure. “信念可嘉,可是,信念若有用,还要力量做什么?我等苦修十万载,每一日水滴石穿,吐纳天地元气,参悟法则,历经漫长悠久岁月换来的力量,若能被信念轻易大败,又有什么意义呢?”踏天神君淡淡一笑,手掌轻轻一压。 Bang.” “嘭。” The A'Xiu petite body, the disintegration falls loudly, explodes one group of blood fog. One is sparkling purely the light gold/metal soul, was lifted the hand to incur to start by Heaven Treading Divine Monarch. 阿秀娇小的身躯,就轰然崩碎掉,爆成一团血雾。只有一个纯净闪耀着淡淡金芒的灵魂,被踏天神君抬手招入手中。 No!” “不!” At that moment, on Earth the innumerable Northern Jade Faction disciple eyes were red. 那一刻,地球上无数北琼派弟子眼都红了。 A'Xiu elder sister.” 阿秀姐。” show.” “秀秀。” Show aunt.” “秀姨。” Countless people are calling. 无数人叫着。 Aunt Tang, Qi Xiu'er, Lu Yanxue, Jiang Churan and Gao Baisheng, all human eye thorough blood red, dreadful Killing Intent ferment in their side. Youngest Chen Yaoyao, almost cries the tears person. 唐姨祁秀儿陆燕雪姜初然高百胜,所有人眼都彻底血红,滔天杀意在他们身边酝酿。年龄最小的陈夭夭,更是差点哭成泪人。 All right, A'Xiu is also living, her Divine Soul also, so long as Little Fan can win, can certainly remould her Mortal Body, revives. You must believe Little Fan, Little Fan can certainly achieve.” “没事,阿秀还活着,她的神魂还在,只要小凡能胜,就一定能将她肉身重塑,重新救活的。你们要相信小凡,小凡一定能做到的。” Lu Yanxue is sipping palely the wan lip, every single word or phrase saying. 陆燕雪抿着惨白无血色的嘴唇,一字一句说着。 Others, stand side Lu Yanxue silently, looks up to the sky, although they know, the probability of Chen Fan victory is uncertain, even can say, Chen Fan from destruction also perhaps close distance, but they like to believe Chen Fan as before, believes the final miracle. 其他人,都默默站在陆燕雪身边,抬头望向天空,尽管他们知道,陈凡胜利的几率渺茫,甚至可以说,陈凡距离覆灭也说不定只有咫尺的距离了,但他们依旧愿意相信陈凡,相信最后的奇迹。 What kind of, Chen Beixuan, you disciple who best most love, now Divine Soul in my hands. If you do not obey my order, the little darling is without a fight, kneels begs for mercy to offer Immortal Technique, this Divine Monarch has to grind her thoroughly. This little girl natural talent Correct, if 100,000 years ago, will move including this Divine Monarch, receives her for the apprentice, do you have a heart of stone like this?” Heaven Treading Divine Monarch lowers the head, is saying, on the face is hanging the smile, but in eye pupil a faintness. “怎么样,陈北玄,你最好最宠爱的弟子,现在神魂在我手中。你若不听从我的命令,乖乖束手就擒,跪地求饶奉上仙法的话,本神君只好将她彻底碾碎。啧啧,这小丫头的天资不错,如果在十万年前,连本神君都会动心,将她收为徒弟的,你就这样铁石心肠吗?”踏天神君低头,啧啧说着,脸上挂着笑容,但眼眸中一片淡漠。 Concentrates.” “凝。” Chen Fan condenses Mortal Body for the tenth time difficultly, for this reason pays the hair thorough half grey half white price, making Mortal Body Magic Power re-enter Peak. When condenses Mortal Body that moment, he puts out a hand fiercely, in the mouth puts out two characters: 陈凡第十次艰难凝聚肉身,为此付出头发彻底半灰半白的代价,让肉身法力重回巅峰。当凝聚肉身的那一刻,他猛地一伸手,口中吐出二字: Years!” 岁月!” . 刺啦。 In the Chen Fan mouth said these two characters. Entire void, a surrounding area ten thousand li (0.5 km) space, stagnated fiercely. The wind stopped, rain to stop, person to stop, Vitality to stop, even the Law(s) energy stopped. The sending silk of everyone solidifies in void, each movement, each fluctuating, even the eyeball has no way to move, thorough such as condenses the mosquito in amber, is unable to rotate. 陈凡口中说出这两个字的时候。整个虚空,方圆万里的空间,猛地都停滞了。风停了、雨停了、人停了、元气停了,甚至连法则能量都停顿。每个人的发丝都凝固在虚空中,他们每一个动作,每一个起伏,甚至连眼珠都没法动弹,彻底如凝聚在琥珀中的蚊子,无法转动。 Even ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) big, high officials, the attire plain azure form, as if goes out from Antiquity Myth, stands erect behind Chen Fan. That form, compared with Chen Fan in the snow wolf valley, drew on Kunlun Burial Grounds in the past, the figure is more concise, the makings even more plain dignity, as if really dominates Antiquity no emperor's father. 甚至有一尊万丈高大,峨冠博带,衣着古朴的青色身影,仿佛从太古神话中走出,屹立在陈凡背后。那个身影,比起陈凡当年在雪狼谷,在昆墟界中招来的,身形更加凝练,气质越发古朴威严,仿佛真是称雄太古的无上皇者。 Great Divine Ability Years! 大神通岁月’! Antiquity Azure Emperor depending on sidewise compression second, visits the time unsurpassed Divine Ability, is Chen Fan until now, one of the most powerful cards in hand, does not arrive at the crucial moment, would hardly use. 太古青帝赖以横压两世,踏足光阴的无上神通,更是陈凡一直以来,最强大的底牌之一,不到生死关头,几乎不会动用。 Such Divine Ability, truly arrives powerful is unreasonable. 这么神通,也确实强大到不讲道理。 Even if better than Heaven Treading Divine Monarch, the god body big trillion zhang (3.33 m), concentrate at this moment in the midair, the entire figure as if falls in the mire, every action and every movement, are very difficult, as if conducts the back at the back of a Antiquity Divine Mountain, can only with both surprised and greedy vision looks to Chen Fan, as if shocks, in his hand really has powerful to Divine Ability that cannot cross measures so terrifyingly. 哪怕是强如踏天神君,神躯高大亿万丈,此刻也凝在半空中,整个身形仿佛陷在泥潭里,一举一动,都无比艰难,仿佛背上背着一座太古神山般,只能用既惊讶又贪婪的目光望向陈凡,仿佛震惊于,他手中竟然有如此恐怖强大到不可渡测的神通 At that moment, even all living things on Earth, seemed to be imprisoned by the time, is unable the move slightest, this to be the Great Divine Ability Years strength. 那一刻,甚至连地球上的众生,似乎都被时间禁锢住,无法动弹分毫,这就是大神通岁月的力量。 Blade.” “刀来。” Chen Fan puts out a hand to grasp toward void, as if really grips anything. 陈凡伸手往虚空中一握,仿佛真握住什么东西。 The Antiquity Azure Emperor empty shadow of back that high officials, lifts to grasp him to overawe above Antiquity unsurpassed Immortal Treasure. As the Chen Fan palm forwards, extracts a slowly thinly like the autumn waters, there is no character, does not have the knife to see, is almost impossible with a long blade that the language described. 紧接着,背后那尊峨冠博带的太古青帝虚影,也抬掌握住他威震太古的无上仙宝之上。随着陈凡手掌向前,缓缓抽出一柄薄如秋水,没有任何性状可言,更没有刀身可以看到,几乎无法用语言形容的一柄长刀。 That long blade, Killing Intent in each sheath one inch void on congealment one inch, void also is firm a point, in the meantime, Chen Fan's hair grayish white point, when finally ‚the Years blade only remains end of one section, Heaven Treading Divine Monarch was solidified thoroughly in void, is unable to be turbulent including a fine hair eyeball, the person who sees innumerably, in the mind in the right way thinks delightedly Chen Fan must win. 那柄长刀,每出鞘一寸虚空中的杀意就凝结一寸,虚空也随之坚固一分,同时,陈凡的头发灰白一分,到最后当‘岁月刀’只剩一截末尾,踏天神君彻底被凝固在虚空里,连一根汗毛一颗眼球都无法动荡,无数见到的人,正心中欢喜以为陈凡要胜的时候。 Suddenly. 突然。 „.” “咔嚓。”一声 As if the glass was shattered, the water surface was broken, void was torn into shreds like scroll paintings. The whole world bursts suddenly, the time that the surrounding area in ten thousand li (0.5 km) condenses, restores original flowing again. But everyone, including Heaven Treading Divine Monarch, then restores to act. 仿佛玻璃破碎,水面被打破,虚空就像一副画轴被撕碎了般。整个世界突然就破裂开来,方圆万里内凝聚的时间,再次恢复原来的流淌。而所有人,包括踏天神君,则重新恢复行动。 What's the matter?” “怎么回事?” Countless people are surprised. 无数人惊讶。 On the difference last step, Chen Fan must win, cuts to kill this evil Heaven Treading by unsurpassed Years Divine Ability, how to collapse suddenly. But many people actually discovered keenly, this moment Chen Fan hair changes to gray, grayish white one piece thoroughly, does not have any tiny bit black, the whole person aura, gradually old, like old man. The skin is arid, pupil pollution, even some figure rickets. 就差最后一步,陈凡就要赢了,以无上岁月神通斩杀这个邪恶的踏天,怎么突然崩溃了。但许多人却敏锐发现,此刻陈凡头发彻底化作花白,灰白一片,没有任何一丝一毫的黑色,整个人身上的气息,更垂垂老矣,如同苍老的老者般。皮肤枯燥,瞳孔浑浊,甚至连身形都有些佝偻。 Behind that big ten thousand zhang (3.33 m), the Antiquity Azure Emperor empty shadow of high officials, sends out a sigh of indistinct almost impossible feelings, in the Years blade with hand, dissipates slowly. 那背后高大万丈,峨冠博带的太古青帝虚影,都发出一声隐约几乎无法感触的叹息,随着手中的岁月刀,缓缓消逝。 Why will defeat. Do not cut to kill Heaven Treading by time Divine Ability?” Some people are puzzled. “为什么会败了。不是要以时间神通斩杀踏天吗?”有人不解。 Jiao Zun has sighed, lowers the head saying: Then Divine Ability of control time, although is very overbearing, even Time-Space can congeal. However, Heaven Treading Divine Monarch was too powerful. Stands like you in the river course, grasps the fork to go to the fork fish, if in the fork the ordinary river fish nature is indifferent, but if fork to a great white shark, even ancient times Tyrannosaurus? The nature only then the fork broken person perishes. Chen Divine Monarch is this, oneself strength is not enough to support him to cut to kill Heaven Treading Divine Monarch!” 蛟尊者已经叹息一声,低头道:“那么掌控时间的神通,虽然无比霸道,连时空都能凝结。但是,踏天神君太强大了。就像你站在河道中,手持叉子去叉鱼,若叉中普通河鱼自然无所谓,但若叉到一条大白鲨,甚至远古霸王龙呢?自然只有叉破人亡。陈神君就是这样,自身力量不足以支撑他斩杀踏天神君啊!” Jiao Zun said that while sighed. 蛟尊者一边说,一边感叹。 Also only then Chen Fan this stemming from unsurpassed Immortal Sect large amount of juniors, can display so terrifyingly, almost unthinkable Divine Ability. 也只有陈凡这种出自无上仙宗的大宗子弟,才能施展出如此恐怖,几乎匪夷所思的神通吧。 Pitifully, misses one step,...’ Jiao Zun shakes the head. ‘可惜,就差一步,一步啊...’蛟尊者摇头。 But on Earth, many people also want to understand this, looks deathly pale all instantaneously, some people even hate to beat the breast and stamp the feet. 而地球上,许多人也都想明白这点,无不瞬间脸色惨白,有些人甚至恨得捶胸顿足。 Even some Heaven Treading Divine Monarch shocked, on the face indifferent win, in the eye pupil almost is howls, but the callous strong winds, are staring at Chen Fan stubbornly: Chen Beixuan , you are also hiding such method of unexpectedly pressing the bottom. A moment ago that strength, was Immortal Technique Divine Ability, time rare treasure that on you carried. But which type regardless, this Divine Monarch sent, immediately hands over, otherwise this Divine Monarch immediately Divine Soul of crumb your girl student, and conquers by killing the entire Earth.” 踏天神君都有些惊骇,脸上冷漠更胜,眼眸中几乎全是呼啸而过的冷酷狂风,死死盯着陈凡:“陈北玄,没想到,你竟然还藏着这样一手压箱底的手段。刚才那个力量,是仙法神通,还是你身上携带的时间秘宝。但不论哪一种,本神君都发了,立刻交出来,否则本神君立刻捏碎你这个女弟子的神魂,并且血洗整个地球。” Chen Beixuan, do not provoke this Divine Monarch patience, my patience has arrived at the end.” Heaven Treading Divine Monarch is saying at the same time, in eye pupil greedy is getting deeper and deeper, almost cannot constrain. 陈北玄,不要挑衅本神君的耐心,我的耐性已到尽头了。”踏天神君一边说着,眼眸中的贪婪越来越深,几乎压抑不住。 Time Divine Ability! 时间神通啊! This, even if central Galaxy macrocosm, is incomparably rare Super Divine Ability, even there is the opportunity advances into Universe distinguished merit list top Merit Law. Before Heaven Treading Divine Monarch do not say has seen, listened not to hear continually. As for the time rare treasure, that is more precious. This kind of treasure, although does not turn over to Divine Treasure and Saintly Treasure. 这在哪怕中央星河大世界,也是无比稀罕的超级神通,甚至有机会跻身‘宇宙奇功榜’的顶级功法。以前踏天神君不要说见过,连听都没听说过呢。至于时间秘宝,那更珍贵。这类宝物,虽然不归在神宝圣宝之中。 But each time rare treasure, is in Divine Treasure highest level existence, even is scarcer than Saintly Treasure, ordinary Divine Transformation Great Power touches continually unqualified, only then these stand in Universe apex big powerhouse, has the ability to control them. 但每一件时间秘宝,都是神宝中最顶级的存在,甚至比圣宝还要稀少,普通化神大能连摸一下都不够资格,只有那些站在宇宙顶点的大强者,才有能耐掌控它们。 Sent, this is the Central Mainland immortal reason, here!’ ‘发了,这就是中土的大仙缘,就在这里!’ Heaven Treading Divine Monarch only has a thought at this moment. 踏天神君此刻只有一个念头。 On his face the greedy color wins, but the ice in eye pupil are coldly getting more and more, obviously decides, so long as Chen Fan informs Merit Law, immediately destroys completely Chen Fan and even the entire Earth, to guard to divulge a secret, precious of this kind of Divine Ability or treasure, makes Star Ocean great sect many founders send out, not to hesitate sufficiently to abandon Star Region personally thoroughly, must make one with him. 他脸上贪婪之色更胜,但眼眸中的冰寒越来越多,显然打定主意,只要陈凡告知功法,立刻灭掉陈凡乃至整个地球,以防走漏风声,这类神通或宝物之珍贵,足以让星海大教诸多教主亲自出动,不惜深入遗弃星域,也要和他做过一场的。 „.” “咳咳。” Chen Fan stands in that tremblingly, Divine Ability was shattered, the Mortal Body decrepit, ordinary Magic Power could not support unexpectedly continually. But his as before forcefully stiff back, figure straight like javelin, faces directly Heaven Treading Divine Monarch. 陈凡颤巍巍站在那,神通破碎,肉身衰朽,竟然连普通的法力都支撑不住了。但他依旧强行挺直脊梁,身形笔直如标枪,直面踏天神君 Divine Transformation eventually is Divine Transformation. 化神终究是化神 Although he builds half Origin Strength, grasps innumerable Great Divine Ability, but is unable to make up for between Divine Transformation and Primal Infant eventually that huge to not the unimaginable gap. This Heaven Treading Divine Monarch, is Chen Fan in history, most powerful enemy who rebirth faces, even the Chen Fan card in hand completely leaves, goes all-out abundantly, is unable to defeat as before, but the Chen Fan back is still stiff, on the face does not have the half a point scared look. 他虽然修成半元之力,更掌握无数大神通,但终究无法弥补化神元婴之间那巨大到无法想象的鸿沟。这尊踏天神君,更是陈凡有史以来,重生面对的最强大敌人,甚至连陈凡底牌尽出,博尽全力,也依旧无法战胜,但陈凡依旧背脊挺直,脸上没有半分惧色。 What's wrong, didn't say?” “怎么,不说?” Heaven Treading Divine Monarch sneers. 踏天神君冷笑。 Does not need him to make anything, a back a group of follower has welled up. 不用他做什么,背后一大群追随者就已经一涌而来。 Your this ant, Sir Divine Monarch can the blessings in you, making you offer Merit Law, receives under you, this is you and entire Earth greatest being honored, also dares to resist unexpectedly, courts death simply!” “你这蝼蚁,神君大人能赐福于你,让你只是献上一个功法,就将你收入麾下,这是你和整个地球的莫大荣幸,竟然还敢抗拒,简直找死!” Correct, Chen Beixuan, you do not know that you missed anything, you will certainly pay the price for today's mistake.” 不错,陈北玄,你不知道你错过了什么,你一定会为今日的过错付出代价。” One crowd of cultivator accuse. 一群修士指责。 These followers, are Heaven Treading Divine Monarch plunder to come from each planet, slightly direction training. Each is Primal Infant cultivation base, even has Primal Infant Peak cultivator . Although this cultivation base is not worth mentioning in front of Chen Fan, but facing the Earth people, if actually withstands great pressure. 这些追随者,都是踏天神君从各个星球搜刮而来,略加指点培养。每一个都是元婴修为,其中甚至有元婴巅峰修士。虽然这点修为陈凡面前不值一提,但面对地球众人,却如泰山压顶般。 And the Primal Infant Peak Blood Clan overhaul, shoulders both hands, overlooks the lane: 其中有一尊元婴巅峰血族大修,背负双手,俯瞰地球道: Has to seize the Northern Jade Faction disciple, hands over in front of Divine Monarch, a wisp grants Heavenly Pill. If captures alive the Northern Jade Faction high level and even Chen Beixuan disciple, bestows top heavenly treasure one, may receive under Divine Monarch, as the follower, goes on an expedition All Heavens!” “有将北琼派弟子擒来,交到神君面前者,一缕赐予天丹。若生擒北琼派高层乃至陈北玄弟子者,赐顶级天宝一件,更可收入神君麾下,作为追随者,征战诸天!” Gives you a double-hour to consider, if not, since, the entire Earth, conquers by killing thoroughly.” Blood Clan overhaul sound ice-cold. “给你们一个时辰考虑,如果不从,就将整个地球,彻底血洗掉。”血族大修声音冰冷。 At that moment. 那一刻。 On Earth, countless people like the ice, the cold penetrating penetrate to the bone cold-hearted. 地球上,无数人心冷如冰,寒彻透骨。 The Northern Jade Faction disciple, is sad and anger, they can feel, outside surroundings these Heavenly Desolate and territories Primal Infant, such as Ān pò Heav­enly Monarch, Xing Hu, Golden Race Old Ancestor and the others, vision vacillation looks, in which evil intention lets their anger to the extreme , as dismal as the extreme. 北琼派弟子,更是又悲又怒,他们能感受到,周围那些天荒和域外元婴,如安珀天君,邢虎,黄金族老祖等人,目光游移的望来,其中的恶意让他们愤怒到极点,又悲凉到极点。 Jiang Churan looks up. 姜初然抬头望去。 In the entire Northern Jade Pavilion main hall, one group of people have own axe to grind, outside each territory in the cultivator pupil light, resembles the hungry wolf to stare at the Northern Jade Faction disciple to look. After losing Chen Fan, Northern Jade Faction changes to a big sheep thoroughly, is incapable of resisting the aggressions of these traitors radically. Even Xing Hu Heavenly Monarch, the corners of the mouth grin fiendishly, trod step by step, looking that the vision harbors evil intentions to Qi Xiu'er and Lu Yanxue. 整个北琼阁大殿内,一群人各怀鬼胎,每个域外修士的眸光中,都似饿狼盯着北琼派弟子看。失去陈凡后,北琼派彻底化作一只大绵羊,根本无力抵抗这些背叛者的侵略。甚至邢虎天君,更嘴角狞笑的,一步步踏了上来,目光不怀好意的望向祁秀儿陆燕雪 Ended, the entire Earth and Northern Jade Faction ended...’ ‘完了,整个地球和北琼派都完了...’ Jiang Churan sorrowful closing one's eyes. 姜初然悲哀的闭上眼。 That moment when Chen Fan defeats, means the decline and destruction of Northern Jade. Chen Fan is foundation of Northern Jade and even entire Earth, others defeat, but can also he stand to pull the great power to lean. Now, even Chen Fan defeated, but also who? Many people rely on Chen Fan to overturn innumerable, Great Expert / everybody as if believes that but also wants Chen Fan, will certainly not defeat, but today to this aspect, even most optimistic Qi Xiu'er and the others, in the heart also only have a despair. 陈凡战败的那一刻,就意味着北琼的没落与毁灭。陈凡就是北琼乃至整个地球的根基,别人败掉,还可以等他站出来挽回天倾。如今,连陈凡都败了,还有谁呢?许多人无数次依赖陈凡翻盘,大家仿佛认为,还要陈凡在,就一定不会败,但今日到这种局面,甚至连最乐观的祁秀儿等人,心中也只剩下一片绝望。 Teacher, are we really dying?’ 老师,我们真的要死了吗?’ Qi Xiu'er raised the head, looks to Nine Heavens, the figure is trembling, collapsing at the first blow Chen Fan. 祁秀儿抬头,望向九天之上,身形颤巍巍,不堪一击的陈凡 Lin Wuhua facing Xing Hu Heavenly Monarch that pressing on step by step to come, is, when draws out the back black long sword, the surface such as the cold frost, the hand grasps the sword hilt, obviously the resolution died in battle. 林舞华面对步步紧逼而来的邢虎天君,更是哐当一声拔出背后的黑色长剑,面如寒霜,手握剑柄,显然决议战死。 At that moment. 那一刻。 When the entire Earth, everyone falls into desperately. 当整个地球,所有人都陷入绝望中。 When the Northern Jade people, draw a sword only to pledge to fight to the death a war, not looks back again. 北琼众人,拔剑只为誓死一战,再无后顾。 When all bystanders, heave a deep sigh, thinks that this war not overturns again, Chen Beixuan this Myth ends eventually... 当所有围观者,都摇头叹息,认为此战再无翻盘,陈北玄这个神话终究落幕... When Heaven Treading Divine Monarch sentences the death penalty to Chen Fan thoroughly, in the hand pinches A'Xiu Divine Soul, the preparation is pinching to explode directly, warned this barely managing to maintain a feeble existence Chen Beixuan's time. 踏天神君都彻底对陈凡判死刑,手中捏着阿秀神魂,准备直接捏爆,警告这个苟延残喘的陈北玄的时候。 Chen Fan smiled suddenly, smiled such as the naive child, as if obtained anything to lose for a long time precious treasure. 陈凡忽然笑了,笑的如天真孩童般,仿佛重新得到了什么失去已久的珍贵宝物。 What are you smiling?” Heaven Treading Divine Monarch frowns, is looking at him indifferently, like looking at a sheatfish on block, is unable to jump to stumble. Many bystanders, shake the head to sigh, no longer thinks Chen Fan has any tiny bit overturn opportunity time. “你在笑什么?”踏天神君皱眉,冷眼望着他,就像看着一条砧板上的鲶鱼,根本无法蹦跶。许多围观者,更摇头叹气,不再认为陈凡有任何一丝一毫翻盘机会的时候。 The Chen Fan restraining smile, is on the rise slowly, in eye pupil as profound as the extreme, said gently: 陈凡收敛笑容,缓缓抬头,眼眸中深邃到极点,轻轻道: I am smiling, you think to beat me, but you know that who I am? What did I call?” “我在笑,你以为击败我,但你知道我是谁吗?我叫什么吗?” Haha, you called anyone, was, this Divine Monarch why cared, is it possible that you called Antiquity Azure Emperor , was ancient Holy Land Holy Child, or the Nine Great Immortal Sects disciple was inadequate.” Heaven Treading Divine Monarch laughs. “哈哈,你叫谁,是什么人,本神君又何必在意,莫非你叫太古青帝,是古老圣地圣子,又或者九大仙宗弟子不成。”踏天神君哈哈大笑。 Behind him is standing many accompany, laughs like the thunder. 他背后站着的诸多随从,更是爆笑如雷。 Innumerable bystanders, simultaneously dejected shaking the head. Chen Fan has totally given up hoping, how otherwise to say such stupid words, perhaps had been compelled insanely. Thinks that depends on a Chen Divine Monarch reputation, can intimidate solemn Divine Transformation? Do not say accurate Divine Monarch that abandons Star Region, even if Chen Fan is really ancient Holy Land Holy Child, this moment Heaven Treading Divine Monarch not concessions slightest. 无数围观者,同时心灰意冷的摇头。陈凡已经彻底放弃希望了,否则怎么会说出这么愚蠢的话,恐怕已经被逼疯了。以为靠着一个陈神君的名头,就能吓阻堂堂一尊化神吗?不要说一个遗弃星域的准神君,就算陈凡真是古老圣地圣子,此刻踏天神君也不会让步分毫的。 They laugh, but Chen Fan has not actually paid attention slightly, but shoulders both hands, raises head to look at the day, an eye pupil during battle round of profoundness: 他们爆笑,但陈凡却丝毫未理会,只是背负双手,仰头望天,眼眸中越发深邃: „Since self- rebirth, they have called me Master Chen, General Chen, Immortal Master Chen, True Monarch Chen, Sixth Nation Chen, Chen Pill King..., but, this is not my genuine given name, I seek for it, looking was very long, even I once think, I had lost it, when even I integrate within the body the fruit of that half Grand Dao, has not sought for it, has decided no longer to seek it desperately ‚’, until a moment ago, wields the Years blade time, I discovered, originally it continuously in...” “自我重生以来,他们叫我陈大师,陈将军,陈仙师,陈真君,陈六国,陈丹王...但是,这都不是我真正的名号,我寻找‘它’,找了很久,甚至我一度以为,我已经失去了‘它’,甚至当我把那半枚大道之果融入体内时,都没寻找到‘它’,已经绝望决定不再寻‘它’、直到刚才,挥出岁月刀的时候,我才发现,原来‘它’一直都在...” „, Who are you?” Heaven Treading Divine Monarch is good to say with a smile. “哦,那你是谁?”踏天神君好笑道。 „ Do you think the genuine experience? „ Chen Fan turns the head, the faint smile is looking at him. “你想真正见识?“陈凡转头,似笑非笑望着他。 Correct, has a look to this Divine Monarch.” On the Heaven Treading Divine Monarch face the ridicule smile is getting more and more abundant. The surrounding follower also looks with a smile, like looking at an idiot. 不错,给本神君看看啊。”踏天神君脸上讥讽笑容越来越盛。周围的追随者也笑着望来,如同看着一个白痴般。 Good.” “好。” Chen Fan nods. 陈凡点头。 He closes the eye gently. 他轻轻闭上眼睛。 In an instant, the Chen Fan whole body aura declines the extreme, just like a mortal, everyone is preparing the flash of yacketing., The immortal light from Chen Fan Dantian Violet Palace, from the Chen Fan Mortal Body soul, from Chen Fan Divine Soul mark most deep place, is unable to describe suddenly together, the indescribable place, leaps suddenly. 刹那间,陈凡周身气息衰落到极点,宛如一个凡人,所有人正准备哄堂大笑的一刹那。忽的,一道仙光自陈凡丹田紫府,自陈凡肉身魂魄,自陈凡神魂印记最最深处,一个无法描述,无法形容的地方,突然跃出。 Bang!” “轰!” That flickers. 那一瞬。 Everyone's smile stiff on face, stares the big eye, looks inconceivable. 所有人的笑容都僵在脸上,瞪大眼睛,不可思议望去。 Only saw, is unable to imagine, the brace day moves, Something went wrong miles in height, the whole body surrounds in the endless immortal splendor, regards the bathtub the entire Solar System, Sun becomes him to hold the projectile, moon changes to the dust Immortal, emerges out of thin air in front of Heaven Treading Divine Monarch. That Immortal wears Black Clothes, the facial features covers in Primordial Chaos, that reveals indistinctly, is almost the same as Chen Fan impressively. That Immortal powerful enough to is unable to understand, the prestige can arrive indescribably, as if lifts the hand to break open Universe, lifts the foot to pierce the Nine Heavens Primordial Chaos cepheus. When Heaven Treading Divine Monarch in his, several like the ants, is similar to Chen Fan facing Heaven Treading general. 只看到,一尊无法想象,撑天动地,[Not Found],周身环绕在无尽仙辉中,把整个太阳系当成澡盆,太阳成他掌中弹丸,月亮化作尘埃的仙人,凭空出现在踏天神君面前。那位仙人身穿一袭黑衣,面容笼罩在混沌之中,隐约露出的一丝,赫然与陈凡相差无几。那仙人强大到无法理解,威能到无法形容,仿佛抬手就能撑破宇宙,一抬脚就捅破九天混沌仙王般。踏天神君在他脚下,几如蝼蚁,就如同陈凡面对踏天时一般。 Next second. 下一秒。 In countless person shocked, stares in many followers, in vision that in Heaven Treading Divine Monarch changes colors with amazement, that Primordial Chaos cepheus opens the mouth slowly, makes noise, vibrates ten side Universe, the infinite universe: 在无数人惊骇,在诸多追随者瞠目,在踏天神君骇然失色的目光中,那尊混沌仙王缓缓开口,一出声,震动十方宇宙,大千世界: My...” “吾名...” Northern Profound Immortal Exalt!” 北玄仙尊!” ps: Before dawn (3 - 5 am) finished, this chapter is 5000 character big chapters, asked the monthly ticket and recommendation ticket. Recommends the underhanded fungus while convenient the public number, ten li (0.5 km) sword god main body, is renewing the secret in book every day, Great Expert / everybody will urge next time, can go to the public number to urge, the author fungus sees certainly ^ _ ^. ps:五更完毕,这章是五千字大章,求下月票和推荐票呢。顺便推荐下作者菌的公众号,十里剑神本尊,每天都在更新书中的秘密呢,大家下次催更,可以去公众号催,作者菌一定看到^_^。
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