ROUIC :: Volume #10 Volume 10

#1186: Without the road( fourth)

A flying immortal sword. 飞仙一剑。 Thunder Prison Spirit Blade. 雷狱神刀 Six Saint Sealing Heavenly Fist. 六圣封天拳 Five Samsara extinguish the technique extremely greatly! 五极轮回大灭术! ... ... All trades powerful Divine Ability, sways from the Chen Fan hand, many Divine Ability once helped Chen Fan overcome the enemy, the rout opponent, any powerhouse, came from Star Ocean deep place top Immortal Sect Holy Land most powerful Divine Ability facing Chen Fan these, must yield, even if the step challenge, Chen Fan also never fears. This piece of Star Region anybody, even if higher than one Chen Fan two-level, not his opponent. 一门门强大的神通,从陈凡手中挥洒出来,许多神通曾经帮陈凡克敌制胜,大败对手,无论是什么样的强者,面对陈凡这些来自星海深处顶级仙宗圣地最强大的神通,也要退让三分,哪怕是越阶挑战,陈凡也从来不惧。这片星域的任何人,哪怕比陈凡高一两级,都非他对手。 This is the self-confidence that Immortal Exalt is reincarnated. 这就是仙尊转世的自信。 Similar to big Life Sciences, even if defines in the elementary school, can easily defeat the result best student with the knowledge of elementary school. 就如同一个大科学家,哪怕限定在小学中,也能轻易用小学的知识战胜成绩最好的学生。 But at this moment. 但此刻。 The Chen Fan as if real strength uses up. 陈凡似乎真的力竭。 His control incomparably powerful Divine Ability, brandish blade Immortal Weapon to kill to Heaven Treading Divine Monarch. But Heaven Treading Divine Monarch is only indifferent is looking at him, lifts the hand, wields the palm, a Daoist Magic strength, easily steamroll Chen Fan. From beginning to end, he has not even used magic spell Divine Ability. Chen Fan never breaks through hundred zhang (333 m) Divine Domain and nine Yellow Springs rivers of his whole body. 他一次次驾驭无比强大的神通,挥舞断刃仙兵杀向踏天神君。但踏天神君只是冷漠的望着他,一抬手,一挥掌,一道法力,就轻易碾压陈凡。从头到尾,他甚至连法术神通都没有动用过。陈凡从未攻破他周身的百丈神域和九道黄泉大河。 Useless, Chen Beixuan. Divine Transformation and Primal Infant are the difference of god and person, this Divine Monarch this hundred zhang (333 m) range, is natural moat Divine Domain, does not have the strength of Divine Transformation, ordinary magic spell Divine Ability, even Law(s), once installs, will immediately dissipate. Only then highest level Divine Technique and Divine Treasure can injure me, but your strength was too small.” Heaven Treading Divine Monarch is looking at Chen Fan indifferently, is smiling lightly. “没用的,陈北玄化神元婴乃是神与人的区别,本神君这百丈范围,就是天堑神域,不具备化神之力,普通的法术神通,甚至法则,一旦装上,立刻就会消散去。只有最顶级的神术神宝才能伤我,但你力量太小了。”踏天神君冷眼望着陈凡,淡淡笑着。 Until now, Chen Fan was hit to explode one after another. But also leaves behind scars on Heaven Treading Divine Monarch. These scars, mainly break blade Immortal Weapon and several Great Divine Ability stay behind. 迄今为止,陈凡接连被打爆。但也在踏天神君身上留下一道道伤痕。那些伤痕,主要就是断刃仙兵和几门大神通留下的。 Although Heaven Treading Divine Monarch on the mouth said indifferently, but in this to the Chen Fan hand breaks the blade to dread several points as before. 踏天神君虽然嘴上说无所谓,但对陈凡手中这柄断刃依旧忌惮几分。 After all although it is only a standard Immortal Weapon section of remnant blade, but eventually is Immortal Realm Immortal Weapon, can cause the damage to Divine Transformation Mortal Body, even possibly lethal. 毕竟它虽然只是一柄制式仙兵的一截残刃,但终究是仙界仙兵,对化神肉身也能造成伤害,甚至可能致死。 But. 可是。 The Heaven Treading Divine Monarch method was too huge. His big thousands of zhang (3.33 m), are orthogonal with Moon of side, breaking blade Immortal Weapon in Chen Fan palm zhang (3.33 m) permits Chang, Heaven Treading Divine Monarch stands in that no matter what Chen Fan cuts, it is estimated that must spend not the short time. 踏天神君的法相太庞大了。他高大千万丈,与旁边的月球平齐,陈凡掌中的断刃仙兵才丈许长,踏天神君就是站在那任陈凡砍,估计也要花费不短的时间。 Fire-Trigram Fiery Golden Pupils!” 离火金瞳!” Chen Fan even pressing bottom Fire-Trigram Fiery Golden Pupils displays, the terrifying nine color flame, the mutual winding, changes to nine color fire dragon fever to Heaven Treading Divine Monarch. 陈凡甚至把压箱底的离火金瞳都施展出来,恐怖的九色火焰,互相缠绕,化作九色火龙烧向踏天神君 But black robe youth, opens the mouth one breath merely. 但黑袍青年,仅仅是张开口吹一口气。 Snoring.” “呼噜。” In void as if raises baseless enormous and powerful, is tens of thousands li (0.5 km) strong wind from afar, the blow(s) earth's surface, the cloud layer breaks open, pulls out a long trace, as if the sky was broken out suddenly. That storm looks ordinary, but many Golden Core Primal Infant cultivator of observing, were involved incautiously. Golden Core changes to the bleached bone at the scene, the god sells the bone to destroy. Even these Primal Infant, still offer a sacrifice to magic treasure, forces to work loose from the storm. But that nine color fire dragons, in front of this enormous and powerful strong wind from afar, the nature dissipate rapidly. 虚空中仿佛凭空升起一股浩浩荡荡,长达几万里的长风,吹动的地球表面,云层都破开,拉出一道长长的痕迹,仿佛天空突然被劈开般。那风暴看着普通,但许多观战的金丹元婴修士,一不小心被卷入其中。金丹当场化作枯骨,神销骨毁。就算是那些元婴,也是纷纷祭出法宝,才勉强从风暴中挣脱。而那九色火龙,在这浩浩荡荡的长风面前,自然迅速消散掉。 Was too terrifying, is this prestige of Great Power?” “太恐怖了,这就是大能之威吗?” Countless people are flabbergasted. 无数人咂舌。 „A Legend Divine Transformation drop of blood, may can be as good as Primal Infant cultivator , I had not believed before, now really letter/believes.” Primal Infant cultivator of many escaping, have a lingering fear. 传说化神一滴血,可抵得上一尊元婴修士,我以前还不信,现在真的信了。”不少逃脱的元婴修士,心有余悸。 Before they directly and Heaven Treading Divine Monarch for the enemy, observing also has not been Chen Fan regretted, thinks how he can so easily suffer defeat. But now witnesses Heaven Treading Divine Monarch to blow the tone, may extinguish kills one crowd of Primal Infant, genuine understands that Divine Transformation means anything. 之前他们没有正面与踏天神君为敌,观战还为陈凡惋惜,认为他怎么能如此轻易就败北。但现在见证踏天神君吹口气,就可灭杀一群元婴,真正明白化神到底意味着什么。 No wonder many remote antiquity Elder(s) of immortal god, rather give up the endless power and influence, closes up painstaking cultivation, pursues the boundary of Divine Transformation. This grade of realm, a person teaches, is one, is Star Region. Which also needs what Sect and aristocratic family to lend a hand.” Some people sighed. “难怪不朽神教的诸多太上长老们,宁愿放弃无尽权势,也闭关苦修,追求化神之境。这等境界,一人就是一教,就是一宗,就是一个星域。哪还需要什么宗门、世家来帮衬啊。”有人感叹。 The Immortal Cultivator mighty force belongs to itself, powerhouse reveres alone. 修仙者伟力归于自身,强者独尊。 Many people are not quite clear, think that takes advantage of the huge crowd Sect organization, is still very powerful, does not need to dread anything, but sees the performance of Heaven Treading Divine Monarch today, is all fearful. 许多人还不太明白,以为依仗人海宗门组织,依旧很强大,并不需要畏惧什么,但今天看到踏天神君的表现,无不心寒。 Heaven Treading Divine Monarch merely is false Divine Monarch, has the so terrifying powerful strength. That genuine Divine Monarch? Is known as in Divine Monarch to the strong Golden Crow Great Emperor? Also terrifying? 踏天神君仅仅是个伪神君,就有如此恐怖强大的力量。那真正神君呢?号称神君中至强的金乌大帝呢?又有多恐怖啊? Teacher...” 师父...” A'Xiu, Lu Yanxue and the others hearts, even more sink to the abyss. 阿秀陆燕雪等人的一颗心,越发沉入深渊。 Kills.” “杀。” Chen Fan abandons Fire-Trigram Fiery Golden Pupils, stimulates to movement Primal Infant full power, in a flash, back nine Divine Idol shine simultaneously. When Black Tortoise, Kun Peng, Lei Ze and Ancestral Demon... nine laws are the same appears, at that moment, Chen Fan by unsurpassed Magic Power, stimulates to movement nine Great Divine Ability unexpectedly simultaneously. The bang kills to Heaven Treading Divine Monarch. 陈凡抛弃离火金瞳,全力催动元婴,一瞬间,背后九种神相同时亮起。玄武鲲鹏雷泽祖魔...九种法相同时浮现,那一刻,陈凡竟然以无上法力,同时催动九种大神通。一齐轰杀向踏天神君 Seven deep real water.” “七冥真水。” Great Confusion Tearing Technique.” 大混洞术。” Thunder Prison Spirit Blade.” 雷狱神刀。” „The cauldron of Grand Dao...” 大道之鼎...” Nine different Divine Ability, are corresponding nine of Chen Fan cultivation since rebirth to Divine Idol. Each type, is God Level Peak, even enters into the Saint level strong Merit Law. This moment Chen Fan making a move, is equivalent to nine Saint Grade Primal Infant to strike simultaneously, the prestige can arrive powerful inconceivable, particularly final True Martial God Fist, by the True Martial Divine Idol stimulation of movement, shakes the livelihood, golden light sharp say/way extreme, destroying the hardest defenses , without the thing broken! Many people look straight ahead that sharp Light Glow merely, felt that Divine Soul must be broken out. 九种不同的神通,对应着陈凡重生以来修行的九尊至神相。每一种,都是神级巅峰,甚至迈入圣级的超强功法。此刻陈凡出手,相当于九尊圣品元婴同时一击,威能强大到不可思议,尤其是最后的‘真武神拳’,以真武神相催动,撼动日月,金光锐利道极点,无坚不摧,无物不破!许多人仅仅直视那锐利光芒,就感觉神魂要被劈开。 But Heaven Treading Divine Monarch, returned is the hand wields merely. 踏天神君,回的仅仅是手一挥。 . 刺啦。 During wields, nine Yellow Springs rivers condense are one, changes to spear/gun of the Yellow Springs. On the spear/gun concentrates to carve many traces, on draws the Nine Nethers Demon God demon mark, has the Yellow Springs big snake to face upward to shout. This long spear/gun one presently, even really has under Nine Nethers Yellow Springs appears indistinctly, having a faint trace to be ancient, evilly to the extreme strength. 一挥之中,九条黄泉大河凝聚为一,化作一柄黄泉之枪。枪上凝刻着诸多纹路,上绘九幽魔神的魔纹,更有黄泉大蛇在仰天嘶吼。这柄长枪一现,甚至真的有九幽之下的‘黄泉’隐约浮现,带着一丝丝古老苍茫,邪恶到极点的力量。 Bang.” “嘭。” Heaven Treading Divine Monarch depending on this spear/gun, a spear/gun pierces nine Great Divine Ability, Chen Fan's Mortal Body, passes through at the scene, flies high to hit to explode. 踏天神君凭此枪,一枪洞穿九大神通,更把陈凡的肉身,都当场贯穿,凌空打爆。 When Chen Fan remoulds Mortal Body for the eighth time, when the control flying immortal strikes cuts, Heaven Treading Divine Monarch is finally impatient. His sleeve wields blade Immortal Weapon, the eye pupil faint say/way: 陈凡第八次重塑肉身,驾驭飞仙一击斩来时,踏天神君终于不耐烦。他一袖挥开断刃仙兵,眼眸淡漠道: Chen Beixuan, you exhausted the bag of clumsy tricks!” 陈北玄,你黔驴技穷了!” Cuts.” “斩。” The Chen Fan response, merely is this character, simultaneously stimulates to movement the flying immortal to strike again, does not hesitate to burn own Divine Soul belt/bring spirit, stimulates to movement the combat general brand mark in blade Immortal Weapon forcefully, the empty shadow will congeal again, even if its empty shadow to the extreme, has possibly vanished pale momentarily, Chen Fan does not have the least bit to hesitate. 陈凡回应的,仅仅是这一字,同时再次催动飞仙一击,不惜燃烧自己的神魂带精神,强行催动断刃仙兵中的战将烙印,将之虚影再次凝结而出,哪怕它的虚影已经淡到极点,随时可能消失,陈凡也丝毫没有半点犹豫。 Bang.” “嘭。” The Heaven Treading Divine Monarch direct palm depresses, boundless sacred Law(s) is broad, the brace day moves, moves mountains to press, pounds down like a Antiquity Divine Mountain, cranks up the meat patty Chen Fan's Mortal Body directly. 踏天神君直接一掌压下,无边神圣法则恢弘浩大,撑天动地,排山倒海压来,如同一座太古神山砸下,直接把陈凡的肉身都拍成肉饼。 Chen Beixuan, you, if only then this trick, hurries to kneel begs for mercy, this Divine Monarch is happy, can let off your disciple Sect.” Heaven Treading Divine Monarch occupies above Nine Heavens high, raised the head to look up to under foot Chen Fan, the corners of the mouth reveals the faint trace taunt. 陈北玄,你如果只有这点伎俩,还是赶紧跪地求饶吧,本神君心情好,可以放过你的弟子宗门。”踏天神君高居九天之上,抬头仰望脚下陈凡,嘴角露出丝丝嘲讽。 whistling.” “呼呼呼。” Chen Fan remoulds Mortal Body difficultly. 陈凡艰难重塑肉身 Although again world Samsara is Great Divine Ability, Antiquity Azure Emperor once depended on this Divine Ability, heavy labor first, the life span lengthens one time, may think that it is powerful. For successive nine times but Mortal Body was destroyed, is better than Chen Fan, some difficulties. His hair at this moment already half black half white, about half long hair turn into the iron grey, this means that Chen Fan rushes the vast life, buckle about half in this war! 再世轮回虽然是大神通,太古青帝曾凭这门神通,重活一世,寿命延长一倍,可想它有多么强大。但连续九次肉身被毁灭,强如陈凡,也有些困难了。他头发此刻已经半黑半白,有近半的长发变成灰白色,这意味着陈凡澎湃浩大的寿元,在此战中折损近半! I will not defeat!” “我不会败!” Chen Fan opens the mouth. 陈凡开口。 A little bit golden color immortal blood, bones, difficult goes to the Chen Fan's Primal Infant gathering. His voice is astringent, both pupils is not not happy the sad, tranquil opens the mouth, as if falls into the crisis, is not he. 一滴滴金色仙血,一根根骨头,艰难的向陈凡的元婴汇聚而去。他声音涩涩,双瞳无喜无悲,平静开口,仿佛陷入危局的,不是他。 But in all person hearts, is only left over dismal. 但所有人心中,只剩下悲凉。 How Chen Fan said again how, front did not have the road... Myth to end, he must defeat eventually! 陈凡再怎么说又如何,前面没路了...神话终结,他终究要败了!
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