ROUIC :: Volume #10 Volume 10

#1185: Hopeless situation( third)

Dominates to abandon Star Region, sweeps away Star Ocean ten thousand teach Chen Fan, under a Heaven Treading Divine Monarch fist, blasts open unexpectedly loudly, like one group of fireworks, bang blast, the innumerable pale golden grace and immortal blood, to splashes to go in all directions. The whole person like the watermelon breakage, in void exploded golden flowers, the endless immortal light good luck, fluttered, appeared incomparable sad touching heroical. 称雄遗弃星域,横扫星海万教的陈凡,竟然在踏天神君一拳之下,轰然炸裂开来,如同一团礼花般,嘭的炸开,无数淡金色的仙骨和仙血,向四面八方飞溅而去。整个人就像西瓜破裂一样,虚空中炸出了一朵金色的花朵,无尽仙光瑞气,随之飘飞,显得无比之凄美壮烈。 Chen did Divine Monarch die?” “陈神君死了?” At that moment, does not know many hearts such as the falling ice bunker. 那一刻,不知道多少人一颗心如坠冰库。 Great Expert / everybody thinks that Chen Fan may defeat, miserable that such but never expected that he defeats, a Heaven Treading Divine Monarch fist cannot even catch, unexpectedly direct Mortal Body one fist destroys under Heaven Treading Divine Monarch. 大家想到陈凡可能会败,但没想到他败的这么惨,连踏天神君一拳都接不住,竟然直接肉身都一拳毁在踏天神君之下。 Is impossible, this is Chen Beixuan, Chen Beixuan of steamroll Star Ocean seven big gods, he will not die, he must dominate entire abandons Star Region, said that the sect is the ancestor, rules the Central Mainland 100,000 years, how dead like this? I do not believe...” Incessantly an earthman and Heavenly Desolate cultivator shakes the head, is not willing to believe. “不可能,这可是陈北玄,碾压星海七大神教的陈北玄,他不会这么就死去的,他还要称霸整个遗弃星域,称宗做祖,统治中土十万年呢,怎会就这样死掉?我不信...”不止一个地球人和天荒修士摇头,不愿相信。 Sovereign!” “宗主!” Teacher!” 老师!” Little Fan!” 小凡!” The Northern Jade Faction people, were instantaneously were redder, looked at the sky to yell, the Aunt Tang tearful eyes danced. Especially A'Xiu, cannot repress directly, must shoot up to the sky, if not Jiao Zun stops with hardship, these Chen Fan's disciples, have killed Earth, like a moth to the flame kills to Heaven Treading Divine Monarch. 北琼派众人,更是眼瞬间都红了,望着天空大叫,唐姨泪眼婆娑。尤其是阿秀,直接按耐不住,要冲天而起,若非蛟尊者苦苦阻拦,这几个陈凡的弟子,早就已经杀出地球,飞蛾扑火般杀向踏天神君 Little sovereign does not need to be worried, Chen Divine Monarch is invincible, big of birth origin, broad of Divine Ability magic spell, was far from the average man can imagine, will not die like this.” Jiao Zun is earnestly advising painstakingly. “少宗主不用担心,陈神君无敌,出生来历之大,神通法术之广,远非常人所能想象,绝不会这样死去的。”蛟尊者苦苦劝着。 The people look up. 众人抬头望去。 Really sees, in that endless golden blood and skeleton, small person sits cross-legged to sit. He only then ruler permits tall, the whole body covers in the endless immortal splendor, nine color splendid light surround in his whole body, his small figure sits well in that seems the entire Universe center. Among that person of features, with the Chen Fan tiny particle must the resembles, no difference, impressively be Chen Fan Primal Infant impressively. 果然看到,那无尽金色血液和骸骨中,有一个小小的人儿盘腿而坐。他只有尺许高,浑身笼罩在无尽的仙辉中,九色华光环绕在他周身,他一个小小身形端坐在那,仿佛就是整个宇宙的中心般。那人儿眉目间,赫然与陈凡纤毫必像,没有一丝差别,赫然是陈凡元婴 „.” “刺啦刺啦。” Chen Fan's immortal infant, since practice success, at this time reveals for the first time in world. 陈凡的仙婴,自从修炼成功后,此时第一次显露在世间。 His feature is chilly, in the pupil opens and closes, seven color Light Glow project, whole body endless immortal splendor Law(s) covers. Golden smallpoxes let fall from the top of the head, is then rapid in the under foot vanishes, so the circulation continuous, whether there is performs the sound of buddhist singing, fills greatly comfortably, the greatly free flavor, as if will exist eternal, Aloof time Years, is ordinary like the Heavenly Dao. Lost Mortal Body, Magic Power of Chen Fan immortal infant, at this moment shows all, that like the tide, shake the planet strength, lets all witnesses, exclaimed in surprise. 他眉目清冷,眸中开阖间,有七彩光芒射出,周身无尽的仙辉法则笼罩。一朵朵金色天花自头顶垂落,然后又迅速在脚下消失,如此循环不休,更有无尽梵唱之声,充满大自在,大逍遥的韵味,仿佛会永恒存在,超脱时光岁月,就像天道一般。失去了肉身,陈凡仙婴的法力,此刻才尽数展现出来,那一股股如潮汐般,撼动星辰的力量,让所有见证者,都为之惊叹。 How possibly? World so powerful, Magic Power so abundant Primal Infant? This does not conform to the common sense.” God falling king Qin Jian was laughing carefree, sees Chen Fan that unusual immortal infant, immediately the laughter stops suddenly, vision surprised looking to Chen Fan. “怎么可能?世间怎么会有如此强大,法力如此雄厚的元婴?这不符合常理啊。”神陨王秦简本来在畅快大笑,见到陈凡那奇特的仙婴,顿时笑声戛然而止,目光惊疑的望向陈凡 Other such as simultaneous/uniform Yunzong Elder(s), Ān pò Heav­enly Monarch and Priest Soaring Clouds and Longevity sovereign Li Yuan and others , is very surprised. 其他如齐云宗长老安珀天君凌云道长、长生宗主李元等,也都无比惊讶。 Only then in the Jiao Zun heart understands indistinctly. 只有蛟尊者心中隐约明白。 Chen Fan's Primal Infant, according to the central Galaxy world Immortal Sect special method, has so strange prestige energy inevitably concise, making Divine Transformation look askance. 陈凡的元婴,必然是按照中央星河世界仙宗的特殊法门凝练而成,才有如此奇异的威能,让化神都为之侧目。 Correct, is this strength, this Divine Monarch lived ten ten thousand years, traveles across entire abandons Star Region, even once in the founder with Star Ocean great sect fought. Even these genuine gods in Star Ocean, has not seen your such strength, this is not Central Mainland should have the strength that absolutely, even is not the world of mortals should have. This is the ancient Immortal strength, Law(s) from Immortal Realm!” 不错,就是这种力量,本神君活了十万载,踏遍整个遗弃星域,甚至曾与星海大教中的教主交手。就算在星海中那些真正神教,也不曾见过你这样的力量,这绝对不是中土该有的力量,甚至不是凡间该有的。这是属于古仙人的力量,来自仙界法则!” Heaven Treading Divine Monarch greedy is looking at Chen Fan Primal Infant, Divine Sense cuns (2.5 cm) Law(s) that analyzes the Chen Fan whole body, in the eye the greedy sentiment is getting stronger and stronger, under wishes one could to be captured simply immediately Chen Fan, all secrets on Chen Fan, interrogates and tortures clear, squeezed out clean completely. 踏天神君贪婪的望着陈凡元婴,神念一寸寸解析陈凡周身的法则,眼中贪婪之情越来越浓厚,简直恨不得立刻就擒下陈凡,将陈凡身上所有的秘密,全部拷问清楚,榨取的一干二净。 Gives me, do not resist stubbornly again, you one small Primal Infant.” The Heaven Treading Divine Monarch deep place palm, as if the Antiquity mountain came from void, each finger, is several thousand zhang (3.33 m), in he holds, Chen Fan's Primal Infant, the ants are not even. “交给我吧,不要再负隅顽抗,你不过一个小小的元婴。”踏天神君深处手掌,仿佛太古山岳自虚空中而来,每一根手指,都有数千丈长,在他掌中,陈凡的元婴,连蝼蚁都算不上。 Concentrates.” “凝。” Chen Fan drinks one lightly. 陈凡只是轻喝一声。 Divine Ability of Azure Emperor Longevity Body bringing world Samsara starts again. Various golden immortal blood and grace in his whole body surrounding area number hundred zhang (333 m), are similar to receive the summon instantaneously, the rapid gathering comes, again as concise as Chen Fan on, models Mortal Body again, re-enters Immortal Body. 青帝长生体自带的神通‘再世轮回’发动。他周身方圆数百丈内的各种金色仙血、仙骨,都瞬间如同受到召唤般,迅速汇聚而来,重新凝练到陈凡身上,再塑肉身,重回仙体 Six Saints Sealing the Heaven!” 六圣封天!” The flash that Immortal Body condenses, Chen Fan raises hand, fights with the fists. 仙体凝聚的一刹那,陈凡就举手,一拳打出。 Six ancient boundless Ancestral Demon appear behind Chen Fan, swiftly condenses is piece of the Dark World, that the Dark World has a faint trace special ancient flavor, including dark old cities appear, on that old city each demon mark, as if real, has the inconceivable flavor, brings endless evil and boundlessness, seems the Antiquity time, the institute of demon worst Demon God housing. 六尊古老苍茫的祖魔陈凡背后浮现,又迅速凝聚为一片黑暗世界,那黑暗世界带着一丝丝特殊的古老味道,其中有一座黑暗古城浮现,那古城上面每一道魔纹,都仿佛是真的,有着不可思议的韵味,带着无尽的邪恶和苍茫,仿佛是太古时代,魔界最邪恶的魔神居住之所。 Bang.” “轰隆。” The the Dark World strength, gathers in the Chen Fan fist. At that moment, his Mortal Body Magic Power re-enters Peak, changes to half Origin Strength, the vitality stimulates to movement the extreme, as this fights with the fists, as if must make a hole the day. 黑暗世界的力量,汇聚在陈凡拳中。那一刻,他肉身法力重回巅峰,化作半元之力,气血催动到极点,随着这一拳打出,仿佛把天都要打出一个窟窿。 This fist. 这一拳。 God Buddha flinches, even Crown Prince Qin Ye here, must fight with the fists to explode, it may be said that is under Divine Transformation a fist of most Peak! 神佛辟易,就算太子秦烨在这里,也要被一拳打爆掉,可谓是化神之下最巅峰的一拳! What a pity useless, Heaven Treading Divine Monarch is genuine Great Power, even if merely is false Divine Transformation, but grasps Great Power Law(s) eventually. 可惜没用,踏天神君真正大能,哪怕仅仅是伪化神,但终究掌握大能法则 Chen Beixuan, you do not understand, I am Divine Transformation, grasps Divine Art strength. Your Divine Ability is strong, the Merit Law rank is high, Magic Power is abundant, but eventually is only a mortal, but I am the god, the strength of mortal, how can injure the god of journeys?” Heaven Treading Divine Monarch is saying indifferently. 陈北玄,你还是不懂,我是化神,掌握化神法则的力量。你的神通再强,功法等级再高,法力再雄厚,但终究只是一个凡人罢了,而我是神,凡人的力量,怎能伤害道神呢?”踏天神君冷漠说着。 Chen Fan that shakes the livelihood, the fist vigor that such as the common hatred flood dragon emerges, just entered in the Heaven Treading Divine Monarch hundred zhang (333 m), withers away rapidly, as if by the invisible Heaven and Earth strength obliterating, is unable to stop including six Saint Ancestral Demon, to finally, only then a small section of fist vigor hits on Heaven Treading Divine Monarch, pounds a wash bowl size the wound. But to height trillion zhang (3.33 m) Heaven Treading Divine Monarch, such wound, the pore, is not worth mentioning simply. 陈凡那撼动日月,如同恶蛟出笼的拳劲,刚刚进入踏天神君百丈内,就迅速消亡掉,仿佛被无形的天地力量给磨灭掉,连六圣祖魔都无法阻拦,到最后,只有一小截拳劲打在踏天神君身上,砸出一个脸盆大小的伤口。而对身高亿万丈的踏天神君来说,这样的伤口,简直连毛孔都不到,根本不值一提。 Death.” “死。” Heaven Treading Divine Monarch is a palm pats merely, Chen Fan is similar to the rubber ball, was flown by the racket, pounds into moon loudly, almost pounds to put on Moon, makes a crater. 踏天神君仅仅是一掌拍下,陈凡就如同皮球般,被生生拍飞,轰然砸入月亮中,差点把月球都砸穿,打出一个环形山。 Again come.” “再来。” Chen Fan explodes drinks, does not draw back, in the eye pupil the Golden Flames flaming combustion, displays the Divine Ability bang again to Heaven Treading Divine Monarch. 陈凡爆喝,丝毫不退,眼瞳中金色火焰熊熊燃烧,再次施展神通轰向踏天神君 This time, he was exploded by a Heaven Treading Divine Monarch direction, the innumerable golden immortal blood grace sways. Although the next second, was displayed second Samsara Great Divine Ability by Chen Fan, remoulds Mortal Body. Person but who any has the reason, looks, this Divine Ability is impossible not to limit, without price. Chen Fan displays every time one time, his hair white a section. This Divine Ability, takes overdrawing the life and potential as the price impressively. 这一次,他生生被踏天神君一指点爆掉,无数金色仙血仙骨挥洒。虽然下一秒,就被陈凡施展两世轮回大神通,重塑肉身。但任何一个有理智的人,都看出来,这种神通不可能是没有限制,没有代价的。陈凡每施展一次,他的头发就白了一截。这门神通,赫然是以透支寿元和潜力为代价。 Thump!” “咚!” When Chen Fan was hit to explode for the fourth time, remoulds Mortal Body for the fourth time. 陈凡第四次被打爆,第四次重塑肉身时。 Teacher! Do not hit again.” 老师!你不要再打了。” Qi Xiu'er cannot bear again, cried directly, on Earth, the innumerable bystanders look at Chen Fan helplessly, in the heart are only having one piece to despair and dismal. 祁秀儿再也忍不住,直接哭了出来,地球上,无数围观者眼睁睁望着陈凡,心中只剩下一片绝望与悲凉。 Earth and can Northern Jade, really come to the end? 地球和北琼,真的要走到尽头了吗?
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