ROUIC :: Volume #10 Volume 10

#1190: The world should not have this person( first)

Vast boundless, the strong wind from afar howls, in Universe of ice-cold cold frost, should deserted no one, but at this moment, has the innumerable say/way vision to gather this. Not is only many Earth, abandons Star Region cultivator , has in Star Ocean powerhouse, unsurpassed Magic Power Divine Ability, will observe this place. 浩瀚无垠,长风呼啸,冰冷寒霜的宇宙中,本来应该空寂无人,但此刻,却有无数道目光汇聚到此。不仅是诸多地球、遗弃星域修士,更有星海强者,会无上法力神通,观测此地。 These Star Ocean Great Power, in Chen Fan destroys completely ten thousand teach the allied armies, or is furious or indignant or Killing Intent thrives, but does not have person of making a move finally. 那些星海大能,虽然在陈凡灭掉万教联军时,或震怒或激愤或杀意勃发,但最终没一人出手 Not is only because abandons the special Law(s) limit of Star Region, because, these Great Power are also clear, Heaven Treading Divine Monarch had not possibly died. 不仅是因为遗弃星域的特殊法则限制,更因为,这些大能们同样明白,踏天神君可能并未死去。 Heaven Treading thinks to play dead to withdraw, hidden Divine Soul in own youngest son's within the body, seizes the shed and living, the deep sleep and Desolate Heaven Star, is the secret evil behind-the-scenes manipulator to control the whole world in secret, but how he knows, oneself actions, in me under and other gaze.” 踏天自以为假死脱身,把神魂隐藏在自己幼子的体内,夺舍而生,沉睡与天荒星,暗中做幕后黑手支配着整个世界,但他又怎知道,自己所作所为,都在我等的注视下。” Star Ocean deep place, on an incomparably huge star. 星海深处,一颗无比庞大的恒星上。 Hundred-mile Three-Legged Golden Crow, is fanning the wing, looks out the Earth direction, coldly is smiling. Suppresses the development of Central Mainland, trains the starry sky plundering beast, several times destroyed grows into new Divine Monarch cultivator hopefully, making a move, cuts off me and others to teach to abandoning the tentacle of Star Region repeatedly respectively, lets our for 100,000 years, the innumerable infiltrations, are unable the genuine control to abandon Star Region. He made all these, but also thinks flawlessly, is simply laughable.” 一只长达百里的三足金乌,扇动着翅膀,遥望地球方向,冷冷笑着。“打压中土的发展,培养星空掠夺兽,数次毁灭有希望成长为新的神君修士,更屡次出手,斩断我等各教对遗弃星域的触手,让我们十万年来,无数次渗透,始终无法真正掌控遗弃星域。他做了这一切,还以为天衣无缝,简直可笑。” Three-Legged Golden Crow is saying at the same time, the wing swings slightly, the star surface curls up the endless flame storm. Many flame elves even condense are the human form, dances in the air in its whole body, supports it, just like Myth in Legends fire god. 三足金乌一边说着,翅膀微微一摇,恒星表面就卷起无尽的火焰风暴。诸多火焰精灵甚至凝聚为人形,在其周身飞舞,把它承托的,宛如神话传说中的‘火神’般。 Son of first wife of this Golden Crow Great Emperor, already completely Awakened Golden Crow bloodlines, then compared with Universe deep place these genuine Golden Crow Divine Beast, does not let many, Magic Power, simply powerful to inconceivable. Many guards in this fierce Yang Xing nearby Emperor Apollo Combatant, have to draw back draw back again, otherwise was given in the volume by its flame very much easily. 这位金乌大帝的嫡子,已经完全觉醒金乌血脉,便是比起宇宙深处那些真正金乌神兽,也不让多少,一身法力,简直强大到不可思议。许多守卫在这颗‘烈阳星’旁边的太阳神朝战兵们,不得不一退再退,否则很容易被它的火焰给卷中。 Heaven Treading Awakened is abandoning Star Region eventually, was blocked by us jointly in this wasteland region ten several tens of thousands years, the vision superficial a point was very normal. However, I have not thought that little fellow, can compel Heaven Treading finally indeed so. His ability, somewhat is above my unexpected, it seems like looked down on this Central Mainland little fellow.” 踏天终究觉醒在遗弃星域,被我们联手封锁在这片莽荒地带十数万年,眼界浅薄了一点很正常。不过,我没想到,那个小家伙,最后尽然能逼出踏天来。他的能耐,有些超乎我的意料之外,看来小瞧这个中土的小家伙了。” A huge dignified sound, conveys from the star deep place. 一个巨大威严的声音,自恒星深处传来。 In void, a deputy chief reaches ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) picture scroll to reappear, above appears the extraterrestrial scene, that Heaven Treading Divine Monarch comes. Incessantly is the Golden Crow Great Emperor and his young child. 虚空中,一副长达万丈的画卷浮现,上面浮现出地球外的场景,正是踏天神君现身的那一幕。不止是金乌大帝和他的幼子。 At this moment. 此刻。 In small Southern Heaven Realm, is surrounding 78 Star Region deep places that abandon Star Region, have not well-known Great Power powerhouse to gaze. Although they are unable to step into abandon Star Region, but by Great Power Magic Power, draws another Star Region picture at present, easy. 在小南天境,环绕着遗弃星域的七八个星域深处,都有不知名的大能强者正在注视着。他们虽然无法亲身踏入遗弃星域,但以大能法力,将另一个星域的画面拉到眼前,轻而易举。 Father sovereign, you felt, this little fellow is hopeful?” “父皇,你感觉,这小家伙还有希望吗?” Three-Legged Golden Crow lowers the head, said. 三足金乌低头,说道。 The big giant of deep sleep in star deep place, opens the eye slowly, swept screen picture scroll one: Heaven Treading, although is false Divine Transformation, but he Prove the Dao in that piece of Star Region, is that piece of Star Region son of first wife, although he was abandoned the Star Region Heavenly Dao incompletely limiting, but similarly, so long as his both feet still in abandoning Star Region, has genuine the strength of Divine Transformation, and others will feel thorny about him including me. Theoretically, the boy does not have any strength of overturn.” 沉睡在恒星深处的高大巨人,缓缓睁开眼睛,扫了屏幕画卷一眼:“踏天虽是伪化神,但他在那片星域证道,属于那片星域的嫡子,虽然他被遗弃星域的天道残缺给限制住,但同样,只要他双脚还在遗弃星域内,就拥有真正化神之力,连我等对他都会感到棘手。理论上来说,那小子是不具备任何翻盘的力量的。” Seventh Brother said him, possibly is the Great Power reincarnation.” Three-Legged Golden Crow said with a smile. 七弟说他,可能是大能转世。”三足金乌笑道。 Snort, how is Great Power reincarnated? previous life is previous life, even after the reincarnation, has the little strength, perhaps is still less than the Peak period 1/10 and even 1%. Great Power 0% repeatedly strong, how is also a false Divine Transformation opponent? Only if his previous life is ancient Saint, otherwise does not have the least bit possibility.” The Golden Crow Great Emperor is saying lightly. “哼,大能转世又怎样?前世前世,就算转世后带着一点点力量,恐怕也不及巅峰时期的十分之一乃至百分之一。一位大能的百分之一再强,又怎是一尊伪化神的对手?除非他前世是古圣,否则没半点可能性。”金乌大帝淡淡说着。 Generally Great Power has not involved this level, the side that but the Golden Crow Great Emperor walks in Divine Transformation Domain is deep, the nature is clear, so-called reincarnation Great Power, looked that keeps aloof powerful, but is the landing phoenix is inferior to the chicken eventually. But the Innate Skill / Gift wisdom is much stronger compared with ordinary cultivator , really said the strength, actually also on that matter. 一般大能还未涉及到这个层次,但金乌大帝在化神领域走的极深,自然清楚,所谓的‘转世大能’,看起强大高高在上,但终究是落地凤凰不如鸡。只不过天赋智慧比起普通的修士强得多,真说力量,其实也就那回事。 At least one has not fully restored Peak reincarnation Great Power, the Golden Crow Great Emperor does not fear, even the making a move interest does not have. 至少一尊没有完全恢复巅峰的转世大能,金乌大帝丝毫不惧,甚至连出手的兴趣都没有。 And other Central Mainland things understood, you make people go the Little Qi belt/bring to come back, in any event, he eventually is my son of first wife.” The Golden Crow Great Emperor is saying indifferently, closes one's eyes again slowly, wants the deep sleep to enter in the scarlet flame star. “等中土的事情了解,你就让人去把小七带回来,无论如何,他终究是我的嫡子。”金乌大帝冷漠说着,再次缓缓闭上眼,要沉睡进赤焰恒星中。 Three-Legged Golden Crow also nods. 三足金乌也点头。 After Heaven Treading Divine Monarch wins, the god falling king Qin Jian poor life grasped even. Heaven Treading Divine Monarch is not Chen Fan like this is ignorant the fearless junior, although he in abandoning Star Region is known as invincibly, but eventually is Divine Transformation, knows the Golden Crow Great Emperor and Emperor Apollo prestige energy. If compelled Emperor Apollo anxiously, Golden Crow Great Emperor even any immortal god completely had the background, is putting together the die danger, can definitely Heaven Treading Divine Monarch together with his Divine Emperor Mountain, level completely. 踏天神君了后,神陨王秦简的小命就算抱住了。踏天神君可不是陈凡这样无知无畏的小辈,他虽然在遗弃星域内号称无敌,但终究是一位化神,知道金乌大帝和太阳神朝的威能。若把太阳神朝逼急了,金乌大帝甚至任何一个不朽神教尽起底蕴,拼着陨落的危险,完全可以把踏天神君连同他的帝神山,全部抹平掉。 „After and other boys die, I send the incarnation to enter Central Mainland personally, Heaven Treading want to come to give me this face...” Three-Legged Golden Crow is looking in the screen, has approached the destruction Chen Fan, saying, must turn the head no longer to pay attention to this matter. “等那小子死后,我就亲自派化身进中土,踏天想来会给我这个面子...”三足金乌望着屏幕中,已临近覆灭的陈凡,笑着说着,就要转头不再关注这件事。 Not is only he. 不仅是他。 In many Great Power of Star Ocean deep place, shakes the head, sees Heaven Treading Divine Monarch making a move, knows that this time a matter that abandons Star Region calculates that ended officially. Then, is behind Great Power plans, looks at the Great Expert / everybody method, who can withhold a fattest meat from the Heaven Treading hand. 星海深处的诸多大能,都摇头,看到踏天神君出手,知道这次遗弃星域的事情算正式落幕了。接下来,就是各位大能背后算计,看大家手段,谁能从踏天手中扣出最肥的一块肉了。 Well?” “咦?” Suddenly. 突然。 All Great Power well, turns the head fiercely. Three-Legged Golden Crow looks with amazement. Sees, hangs in fierce Yang Xing the sky giant picture scroll, suddenly was shattered, was covered by one group of Primordial Chaos dense fog, cannot see clearly on Earth again anything. 所有大能都猛地咦一声,同时转头。三足金乌更骇然望去。就见到,高悬在‘烈阳星’上空的巨大画卷,突然破碎,被一团混沌迷雾所笼罩,再也看不清地球上发生的任何事情。 What's the matter?” “怎么回事?” Three-Legged Golden Crow surprise. He thinks that is Magic Power has problems, on wings of gold/metal Cuiru jade, Light Glow overflows, shines suddenly like a god of journeys link, stimulates to movement Divine Ability, wants to pass through layer on layer/heavily Star Region, absorbs again the scene in Central Mainland front. 三足金乌诧异。他以为是自己法力出了问题,一身金翠如玉的羽翅上,光芒流溢,如同一道神环突然亮起,催动神通,想要穿过重重星域,将中土内的场景再次摄到面前。 But comes as a surprise to Three-Legged Golden Crow. 但出乎三足金乌预料。 On the picture scroll screen, anything does not have as before. In its one pair big such as in the golden anger flame pupil of mountain, Earth and even the entire Solar System, were surrounded by one group of dense fog thoroughly, is unable to penetrate including own Magic Power. 画卷屏幕上,依旧什么都没有。在它一双大如山岳的金色怒焰瞳孔中,地球乃至整个太阳系,彻底被一团迷雾所包围,连自己的法力都无法穿透。 Couldn't completely understand indeed so? This is impossible.” “尽然看不透了?这不可能啊。” Three-Legged Golden Crow frowns, in heart angry. 三足金乌皱眉,心中恼怒。 When its whole body Divine Light greatly rises, prepares to stimulate the strength again, the star deep place suddenly broadcasts the dignified sound: Useless, some people by Great Divine Ability, camouflaged entire Central Mainland Galaxy, you only depend on Magic Power, is unable to see clearly absolutely any scene.” 它周身神光大盛,正准备再次激发力量时,恒星深处忽然传来威严声音:“没用的,有人以大神通,遮蔽了整个中土星系,你仅凭法力,是绝对无法看清其中任何景象的。” Is impossible, can camouflage my Magic Power, that at least is existence of same level, Heaven Treading is not necessarily able to achieve. Abandons Star Region, Divine Transformation entered the world? But, we will not be clear, there only then Heaven Treading will Divine Transformation, how under our noses, emit new Divine Transformation to come?” Three-Legged Golden Crow shock, in its heart surprised, even surpasses to the Chen Fan Magic Power anxiety. “不可能,能遮蔽我的法力,那至少得是同等层次的存在,踏天都未必能做到。难道遗弃星域,又有一尊化神出世?但不会啊,我们都清楚,那里只有踏天一尊化神的,怎么会在我们眼皮底下,冒出一尊新的化神来?”三足金乌震惊,它心中惊讶,甚至超过对陈凡法力的疑虑。 Possibly, like the seventh child said that boy really has the background, is Great Power reincarnations of some abilities.” “可能,就像老七说的,那个小子真的有来头,是一尊有些能耐的大能转世吧。” The star deep place, the big dignified giant appears slowly. The giant eye pupil looks to Earth, the facial features with deep veneration, in the eye even has an angry look: Snort, I must have a look but actually, where is sacred, dares again and again, the provocation to deceive the main body.” 恒星深处,高大威严的巨人缓缓浮现而出。巨人眼瞳望向地球,面容肃然,眼里甚至带着一丝怒色:“哼,我倒要看看,到底是何方神圣,敢一而再再而三,挑衅欺瞒本尊。” Said. 说完。 The giants receive / and transport Magic Power, the whole body scarlet flame surges, two gush out from his eye in like the torch golden light beam, pierced layer on layer/heavily void instantaneously, flies across endless planet, looks to abandoning Star Region, looks to Earth. 巨人直接运起法力,周身赤焰翻腾,两道如同火炬般的金色光柱自他眼中喷薄而出,瞬间洞穿了重重虚空,横越无尽星辰,望向遗弃星域,望向地球之外。 This Golden Crow Great Emperor, is powerhouse in Divine Transformation, after he loses one's temper, is the power and influence so terrifying? Is almost impossible to imagine that two light beams the great strength, any mountain forest, vegetation and cultivator even asteroid keep off in front of the light beam, was pierced instantaneously. Pressure of blotting out the sky, even makes entire fierce Yang Xing the surrounding protectors, trembles. 这位金乌大帝,乃是化神中的强者,他动怒之后,威势何等之恐怖?几乎无法想象那两道光柱的强大,任何山林、草木、修士甚至小行星挡在光柱面前,都被瞬间洞穿掉。铺天盖地的威压,甚至让整个‘烈阳星’周围的守护者们,瑟瑟发抖。 Father sovereign got angry.” In the Three-Legged Golden Crow heart secretly rejoices. “父皇怒了。”三足金乌心中暗喜。 Once Golden Crow Great Emperor making a move, even if Chen Fan is really what Great Power is reincarnated, cannot stop absolutely. After all by cultivation base. The Golden Crow Great Emperor is away from so-calledrevolutions is Great Powerrealm, only misses half. 金乌大帝一旦出手,就算陈凡真是什么大能转世,也绝对阻拦不住。毕竟论修为金乌大帝距离所谓的’转是大能境界,也只差半步而已。 Then, looked that boy also has something to conceal.’ Three-Legged Golden Crow is just about to smile. ‘这下,看那小子还有什么可隐瞒。’三足金乌正要笑着。 Bang.” “嘭。” Seeing only. 只见。 That two pass through Heaven and Earth, just like Tienchu thick golden color light beam, breaks off suddenly in the sky. The Golden Crow Great Emperor was reappeared by one baseless, not the unimaginable great strength pounds, the entire figure, pounds into fierce Yang Xing loudly, as if the child played is flung a palm of the hand by the parents suddenly, the sitat side is flying upside down, pounded in the star, in scarlet flame star that even in this angry flame ascended, pounded one incomparably greatly, surrounding area several thousand li (0.5 km) sank such as the bowl general giant gulf. 那两道贯穿天地,宛如天柱般粗大的金色光柱,突然当空折断。金乌大帝更被一股凭空浮现,无法想象的巨力砸中,整个身形,轰然砸入‘烈阳星’中,就仿佛小孩玩耍突然被父母甩了一巴掌般,打横着倒飞下去,砸进恒星之中,甚至在这颗怒焰升腾的赤焰星中,砸出一个无比巨大,方圆数千里的凹下去如碗一般的巨大深坑。 At this moment. 此刻。 Not only in fierce Yang Xing. 不仅仅在烈阳星。 Teaches, Supreme Beginning God Realm and Everlasting Sect softly spatially... even Divine Monster Church, the most deep places of these immortal god founder's temples, have Great Power stuffily suddenly snort/hum, bang flying upside down, even some people pass through the center of the earth deep place directly, how almost gives own entrance founder's temple to put on. 蹑空教、太初神境无极宗...甚至妖神教,这些不朽神教祖庭的最深处,都有大能突然闷哼一声,嘭的倒飞出去,甚至有人直接贯穿进地心深处,差点把自家山门祖庭都给咋穿。 What's all this about?” “这是怎么回事?” Three-Legged Golden Crow has gawked there. 三足金乌已经愣在那里。 By this Emperor Apollo big imperial prince, the solemn Divine Monarch wisdom, somewhat cannot respond at this moment. Is only waiting for in a big way such as the pupil of mountain, is looking at the star deep place, is very puzzled. 以这位太阳神朝大皇子,堂堂神君的智慧,此刻也有些反应不过来。只等着大如山岳的瞳孔,愣愣望着恒星深处,无比不解。 But in fierce Yang Xing, hears the Golden Crow Great Emperor earth-shaking angry roaring sound of quickly, frightens the trim Star Region innumerable lives to tremble. 而烈阳星中,很快传来金乌大帝惊天动地的怒吼声,吓得整片星域无数生灵都瑟瑟发抖。 ... ... One flock of ants.” “一群蝼蚁。” Kills Heaven Treading Divine Monarch at a palm bang, then a palm, is away from the innumerable starry skies, spies on after these conveniently Star Ocean Great Power of Earth hit ruthlessly, Chen Fan lightly is saying, turns the head to overlook Earth officially. 在一掌轰杀踏天神君,然后再一掌,隔着无数星空,随手将那些窥探地球的星海大能们狠狠打回去后,陈凡淡淡说着,转过头来正式俯瞰地球。 His vision institute and place. 他目光所及之处。 Everyone is looking at him dumbfoundedly, even if Qi Xiu'er, Jiang Churan, Aunt Tang wait/etc., as if knows Chen Fan for the first time. 所有人都目瞪口呆望着他,哪怕是祁秀儿姜初然唐姨等,都仿佛第一次认识陈凡般。 Even Chen Fan most beloved disciple A'Xiu, still stands in Chen Fan in a big way such as in the palm of planet, is in a daze, cannot believe that present Primordial Chaos Immortal is Chen Fan. At this moment, Earth several billions all living things, silencing silent, a needle falls can hear. As for god falling king Qin Jian, is more scared, looks deathly pale the extreme, trembles under the Chen Fan vision. As if not dare not to believe. 就算是陈凡最心爱的弟子阿秀,也站在陈凡大如星辰的掌中,愣愣发呆,不敢相信眼前的混沌仙人就是陈凡。此刻,地球数十亿众生,都静寂无声,一根针落下都能听见。至于神陨王秦简,更失魂落魄,脸色惨白到极点,在陈凡目光下瑟瑟发抖。仿佛不敢也不愿相信。 How does the world have this grade of person of the hour? 人间怎有这等人物
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