ROUIC :: Volume #10 Volume 10

#1182: One the sword cuts the god

Correct, Jiang void/false is my killing.” 不错,姜虚是我的杀的。” Heaven Treading Divine Monarch nods, has not concealed tiny bit, on the face the expression does not have the least bit to change: 踏天神君点头,没有一丝一毫隐瞒,脸上表情也没有半点变化: „A time, only permits person of Prove the Dao. The ginger empty his natural talent is certainly colorful, is not under me. The main body or does not fear, but I, if the die deep sleep, the Divine Emperor Mountain later generation is not his opponent, this Divine Monarch will not allow such huge threat born, therefore in Brightshore with its decisive battle, inserts slightly starts.” “一个时代,只许一人证道。姜虚他天资绝艳,不在我之下。本尊在时或可不惧,但我若陨落沉睡,帝神山后辈绝非他对手,本神君不会允许这样巨大威胁诞生,所以在芒涯与其决战中,稍微插下手。” Ginger empty he is very strong, Brightshore not his opponent, can say that compares favorably with Star Ocean Great Sects these so-called half Great Power, has no time to let with you. What a pity looked down on the strength of Great Power eventually. However your planet, truly each generation produces talented people, 100,000 years ago had/left Jiang void/false, before 5000, had/left simultaneous/uniform Xiao, today has your Chen Beixuan, protection of this Divine Monarch is really right. If comes again late two steps, making you grow, even I am difficult the system.” “姜虚他很强,芒涯远非其对手,可以说媲美星海大教的那些所谓半步大能,与你都不遑多让。可惜终究小瞧了大能之力。不过你们这颗星辰,确实人才辈出,十万年前出了姜虚,五千年前出了齐霄,今天又出了你陈北玄,本神君的防备果然是对的。若再晚来两步,让你们成长起来,连我都难制。” The black robe youth facial features are faint, overlook Chen Fan, the pupil light as ice-cold as the extreme. 黑袍青年面容淡漠,俯瞰陈凡,眸光冰冷到极点。 100,000 years ago, shines Central Mainland, is known as second to be able Prove the Dao Great Power Divine Monarch Jiang, in the black robe youth eye, but like an ant, easily can grind. Several thousand years ago, he imprisons Qi Heavenly Monarch, today can strangle Chen Fan? 十万年前,照耀中土,号称第二位能证道大能姜神君,在黑袍青年眼中,不过像一只蚂蚁般,轻易可以碾碎。数千年前,他囚禁齐天君,今日又要扼杀陈凡 All China and earthmen who hear the sound, clench teeth all, but sad from heart. 所有听到声音的华族和地球人,无不咬牙,但更悲从心中来。 Powerful Divine Monarch Jiang died in battle, Qi Heavenly Monarch was imprisoned for several thousand years, that Chen Fan? 强大至极的姜神君战死,齐天君被囚禁数千年,那陈凡呢? The Chen Fan complexion is still tranquil, although the dignity in eye pupil has not reduced the half a point, but his whole body fights intent to be instead more flaming: Said, in the past Qi Heavenly Monarch was imprisoned, as well as Earth several thousand years ago big changes, even plunders the beast back including the starry sky, is you?” 陈凡依旧脸色平静,虽然眼眸中的凝重未减半分,但他周身战意反而更加炽盛:“这么说,当年齐天君被囚禁,以及地球数千年前的大变,甚至包括星空掠夺兽的背后,也是你?” Before Chen Fan, is strange. 陈凡之前就在奇怪。 The starry sky plundering beast vanishes in Universe, how to be abandoning Star Region to appear, can direct or herd this crowd savage to the extreme monster beast, inevitably is not unimaginable Super Powerhouse. 星空掠夺兽早在宇宙中绝迹,怎么会在遗弃星域出现,能够指挥或放牧这群凶残到极点的妖兽,必然是一尊无法想象的超级强者 Right, is I.” Heaven Treading Divine Monarch is answering lightly. “对,也是我。”踏天神君淡淡答着。 He looks up to Earth, in the eye pupil first secondary dreads greedily yearns for the color: This piece of planet, your ants can come and go out casually, thinks that is the peaceful hometown, actually does not know, in me and other in the eyes, this star just like in world most dangerous restricted area, Law(s) is densely covered, immortal displays, as if the perimeter/thunder pool above Nine Heavens, cannot span half.” 他抬头望向地球,眼眸中第一次生出贪婪畏惧向往之色:“这片星辰,你们这些蝼蚁能够随便出入,更以为是和平故乡,却不知,在我等眼中,此星犹如世间最险恶的禁地,法则密布,仙阵罗列,就仿佛九天之上的雷池,不能跨越半步。” Heaven Treading said at the same time, in the eye greedy is more abundant: 踏天一边说,眼中贪婪越盛: Therefore these for 100,000 years, this Divine Monarch in the deep sleep, branches out Divine Sense, seized the opportunity to train a number of starry sky Predator Beast, loafed outside this starry skies. As long as Central Mainland has powerhouse to rise, immediately strangling. 80,000 years ago, 53,000 years ago, 34,000 years ago, before 3000, this Divine Monarch sends people to attack this planet 56 times continuously, makes it decline finally, has not actually thought. You take advantage of a favorable situation unexpectedly the rise.” “所以这十万年来,本神君在沉睡中,分出神念,乘机培养了一批星空掠食兽,在这片星空外游荡。但凡中土强者崛起,就立刻将之扼杀。八万年前、五万三千年前、三万四千年前,还有三千年前,本神君连续派人攻打这颗星辰五六次,总算才让它没落下来,却没想到。竟然还有你乘势崛起。” 100,000 years, 56 times? 十万年,五六次? China including the Kunlun Burial Grounds numerous immortals, simultaneously complexion one stiff. 华族包括昆墟界众仙,同时面色一僵。 They have not thought, oneself on Earth seem like the growth of peace, had actually been arranged the control by some people in secret. A secondary rise, times were actually strangled. Originally should become the trim Star Region lead and center, rules to abandon Star Region, but was actually destroyed completely to the pouring by Heaven Treading Divine Monarch repeatedly. 他们没想到,自己在地球上看似和平的成长,却早就被有人暗中安排操控。一次次要崛起,却一次次被扼杀。本来早就应该成为整片星域的主角和中心,君临遗弃星域,但却屡次被踏天神君给浇灭掉。 Although Heaven Treading has not talked clearly, in that 100,000 years exactly had anything, but it can be imagined, have inevitably startled pick certainly the colorful powerhouse rise, may rule Universe, actually under the evil behind-the-scenes manipulator by him, died with great regret. 尽管踏天没说清,那十万年中到底发生了什么,但可想而知,必然是有惊采绝艳的强者崛起,本可君临宇宙,却被他下黑手,含恨而死。 Heaven Treading!” 踏天!” At that moment. 那一刻。 Does not know that many earthmen clench teeth. 不知道有多少地球人咬牙。 Chinese Great Elder is one kneels down, the whole body shivers, tears. The straight body of old Azure Dragon air/Qi is also trembling. Including the A'Xiu, Jiang Churan, Qi Xiu'er and other Northern Jade females, Chen Jiuyang, Gao Baisheng and even the Yang Chao ordinary mortal, hears this word like this, clenches jaws. 华族大长老更是啪嗒一声跪倒在地,浑身颤抖,老泪纵横。老青龙也气的笔直的身体都在颤栗。包括阿秀姜初然祁秀儿北琼众女,陈九阳高百胜乃至杨超这样的普通凡人,听到此言,都为之咬牙切齿。 Without Heaven Treading Divine Monarch. 如果没有踏天神君 Divine Monarch Jiang does not need dead, Qi Heavenly Monarch does not need to leave is imprisoned, these for 100,000 years, do not know that Central Mainland many startled pick colorful powerhouse to live certainly, as long as have person of Prove the Dao Divine Transformation. Earth is the trim will abandon the Star Region center, does not need to suffer so many misery, the clansman escapes, Spirit Qi dries up, outside major planet Alien Race and even Star Ocean great sect humiliation by territory. 姜神君不需要死,齐天君不需要出走被囚,这十万年来,不知道中土多少惊采绝艳的强者能够活下来,但凡其中有一人证道化神。地球都将是整片遗弃星域的中心,不需要遭受这么多苦难,族人远遁,灵气枯竭,被域外各大星辰异族乃至星海大教欺凌。 Originally all these, are the Heaven Treading behaviors! 原来这一切,都是踏天所为! Killed him.” “杀了他。” When does not know, some people shouted loudly to the day. 不知道何时,有人对天高喊。 Although they are only the mortals, the sound is small, is unable to disseminate the exoatmospheric, but Chen Fan as if hears, looks to the eye pupil of black robe youth, even more ices coldly. 尽管他们只是凡人,声音非常微小,根本无法传播到大气层外,但陈凡仿佛听到,望向黑袍青年的眼眸中,越发冰寒。 Does not need to look at me, shuts off the talent, the itself/Ben is high-rank should do. When Chen Beixuan you rise tramples flat Divine Emperor Mountain, this Divine Monarch also never said anything. The winners become kings while the losers become bandits, the Divine Emperor Mountain later generation is good-for-nothing, is unable to defend the ancestor Zonki industry, instead provokes the archenemy, should extinguish.” “不用这么望着我,扼杀天才,本就是上位者应该做的。陈北玄你崛起时踏平帝神山,本神君也从未说什么。成王败寇罢了,帝神山的后辈不成器,无法守住祖宗基业,反而招惹大敌,本就该灭。” The Heaven Treading Divine Monarch sound is saying chilly. 踏天神君声音清冷说着。 Said, you don't come for Divine Emperor Mountain?” Chen Fan brows slightly wrinkle. “这么说,你不是为了帝神山而来?”陈凡眉头微皱 Haha, Chen Beixuan, you look down on me, or looked down on Divine Transformation.” Heaven Treading Divine Monarch laughs, but in eye pupil faint actually slightly has not changed, he looks to Chen Fan: “哈哈,陈北玄,你太小瞧我,或者说,太小瞧一位化神了。”踏天神君哈哈大笑,但眼眸中的淡漠却丝毫未变,他望向陈凡: Only Divine Emperor Mountain, extinguished extinguished, how to work this is Divine Monarch one crowd of junior making a move? This Divine Monarch this comes, merely is because you disturb me.” “区区一个帝神山,灭了就灭了,怎么劳动的了本神君为一群小辈出手?本神君此来,仅仅是因为你干扰到我罢了。” Chen Beixuan, you possibly do not know, from you in Heavenly Desolate, this Divine Monarch notices you, at that time only thinks you are a baby, wants to rise to disturbing this Divine Monarch time, at least is several thousand years later, at the appointed time this Divine Monarch has obtained the Central Mainland big chance, leaves this to decline the ice-cold place, how even if this Star Region does give you? Who thinks, you grow such rapidness, to more than I expected beside, that Divine Monarch cannot keep you quickly again.” Black robe youth light say/way. 陈北玄,你可能不知道,从你在天荒时,本神君就注意到你,当时只以为你是一个幼儿罢了,想要崛起到干扰本神君的时候,至少是数千年以后,到时本神君早就获得中土大机缘,离开这个破落冰冷的地方,哪怕这个星域让给你又怎样?谁想到,你成长如此之快,快到超出我的预料之外,那本神君就不能再留你。”黑袍青年淡淡道。 From beginning to end, the expression on Heaven Treading Divine Monarch face has not had the half a point change. 从头到尾,踏天神君脸上的表情都未有半分变化。 Words that black robe youth spoke, is more bitterly disappointing. Several times let capture Central Mainland, shut off the talent, grinds including the present kills Chen Fan, why at all was not the Divine Emperor Mountain retaliation, took revenge for the descendant. Purely is the struggle of Grand Dao, feared that Chen Fan and Central Mainland rise, threaten his position. 黑袍青年说的话,更让人心寒。数次让手下攻入中土,扼杀天才,包括现在碾杀陈凡,根本不是为什么帝神山报复,为后代复仇。纯粹是大道之争,怕陈凡中土崛起,威胁到他的地位罢了。 Star Ocean cultivator that even/including Bushao surround changes color. 连不少围观的星海修士都变色。 This Heaven Treading Divine Monarch the indifference of disposition, compares the most brutal killer also to want callous many simply. 这位踏天神君的心性之冷漠,简直比最残酷的杀手还要冷酷的多。 On Earth innumerable cultivator , online scolded directly, but Great Expert / everybody, although scolded, in the heart was the ice is cold. Facing this refusing to acknowledge family, to pursue Grand Dao, resorts to all means that even can occupy oneself biological son Mortal Body fellow, what matter but also there is he cannot do? 地球上无数修士,更直接在网上骂起来,但大家虽然骂,心中却是冰寒。面对这种六亲不认,为了追求大道,不择手段,甚至能占据自己亲生儿子肉身的家伙,还有什么事是他做不出来的? Because I keep off you, can therefore kill me?” “就因为我挡你,所以要杀我?” Chen Fan shot the finger, tranquil say/way. 陈凡弹了弹手指,平静道。 Does not kill you. You can rise in such short time, building lets Magic Power Divine Ability that this/Ben Divine Monarch cannot completely understand surprisedly, this possibly is not the inheritance of Central Mainland or Heavenly Desolate, must be obtains in Central Mainland the antiquity Immortal chance. You could rest assured that after this Divine Monarch seizes you, will let off your disciples, servants and Sect, only stresses your, queries the immortal reason.” Heaven Treading Divine Monarch faint say/way. “不是杀你。你能在这么短的时间崛起,更修成让本神君都惊讶看不透的法力神通,这不可能是中土天荒的传承,必是得到中土内上古仙人的机缘。你放心,本神君擒下你之后,会放过你的那些弟子、奴仆、宗门的,仅抓你一人,问清仙缘罢了。”踏天神君淡漠道。 I, if did not say.” Chen Fan said. “我若不说呢。”陈凡道。 Hehe.” Heaven Treading Divine Monarch smiles lightly, in the eye pupil reveals a faint trace ridicule: Chen Beixuan, you too overestimate your strength, looks down on the Great Power prestige energy. Your one day inadequate Great Power, even if Divine Ability is strong, Magic Power are many, in the hand the pointed weapons are powerful, in my eyes, one ants, most waste point hands and feet.” “呵呵。”踏天神君淡淡一笑,眼瞳中露出一丝丝讥讽:“陈北玄,你太高估自己的力量,小瞧大能的威能。你一日不成大能,哪怕神通再强,法力再多,手中兵刃再强大,于我眼中,也不过一只蝼蚁罢了,最多废点手脚。” Is that right? 是吗? Chen Fan is answering lightly. 陈凡淡淡答着。 His whole body immortal glow is getting more and more flaming, as can be seen, flower petal that is blooming golden Light Glow, appears in his surrounding ten zhang (3.33 m) baseless, from in the air falls gently, then vanishes instantaneously, so starts once again, often unceasingly. That each flower petal, is interweaving the terrifying immortal, above Immortal Realm Law(s) just like Nine Heavens, is filling with the greatly comfortable free aura, as if wants Aloof this momentarily. The immortal infant, Immortal Body, the Immortal Soul tertiary strength, interlocks mutually, gradually gathers as one, forms one in the Chen Fan top of the head illusory, as if the immortal link of half-finished product. 他周身仙芒越来越炽盛,可以看到,一朵朵绽放着金色光芒的花瓣,在他周围十丈内凭空浮现,自空中飘落,然后又瞬间消失,如此周而复始,往往不绝。那每一片花瓣,都交织着恐怖的仙则,宛如九天之上仙界法则,充满着大自在逍遥的气息,仿佛随时要超脱此界。仙婴、仙体仙魂三重力量,更互相交错,逐渐汇聚于一体,在陈凡头顶形成一个略带虚幻,仿佛半成品的仙环。 Is this strength, so indistinct to high, although is weak, but essential as if this/Ben Divine Monarch the strength of Divine Transformation also wants to plan high incessantly, this is not the strength that you should have. This certainly is the strength of ancient Immortal.” Heaven Treading Divine Monarch looks, on the face flashes through wisp of greedy. “就是这种力量,如此缥缈至高,虽然微弱,但本质仿佛比本神君化神之力还要高不止一筹,这不是你应该具备的力量。这一定是古仙人之力。”踏天神君看着,脸上闪过一缕贪婪。 Chen Fan in his eyes, as if in world most good meal, wishes one could to begin immediately, swallows. 陈凡在他眼中,仿佛世间最美味佳肴,恨不得立刻动手,一口吞掉。 Waits for, last issue.” Before Heaven Treading Divine Monarch begins, Chen Fan opens the mouth suddenly: My disciple, Xiaoman they are all right in Heavenly Desolate.” “等一下,还有最后一个问题。”在踏天神君动手前,陈凡忽然开口:“我的弟子,小蛮她们在天荒没事吧。” Chen Fan covers in the immortal splendor, the figure is getting more and more indistinct, sound transmits from the day. Breaking blade Immortal Weapon in palm, is getting more and more flaming, to finally, as if changes to the light sword that a energy interweaves intensely. 陈凡笼罩在仙辉中,身形越来越缥缈,声音似从天外传来。掌中的断刃仙兵,也越来越炽盛,到最后,仿佛化作一柄能量激烈交织的光剑吧。 One flock of ants, how this Divine Monarch will pay attention to them.” Heaven Treading Divine Monarch impatient say/way. You asked that this Divine Monarch occupied this Mortal Body, although can resurrect, but the time is limited. Asked, hurried to be without a fight, this Divine Monarch is also waiting for into the immortal earth, wrestled the big good fortune.” “一群蝼蚁,本神君怎会关注她们。”踏天神君不耐烦的道。“你问完了没,本神君占据这具肉身,虽能复活,但时间是有限的。问完了,就赶紧束手就擒吧,本神君还等着入仙土,搏大造化。” „.” “咔嚓。” Responded his, punctured the sword glow of vault of heaven together. 回应他的,是一道刺破苍穹的剑芒。 That sword glow radiant as brilliant as the extreme, as if breaks open Universe void, at that moment, the entire Universe all living things, in the eye pupil, only have that say/way to cut the broken livelihood the sword light. In the sword light, Chen Fan both hands grip tightly blade Immortal Weapon, the whole person, the person the sword unite, change to together the flaming incomparable sword glow. As if at that moment, the Chen Fan whole person, integrates in the sword light, all Magic Power, Divine Ability and soul, change to a body with the sword light, makes no distinctions. 那剑芒璀璨绚烂到极点,仿佛把宇宙虚空都破开,那一刻,整个宇宙众生,眼眸中,都只剩下那道斩破日月的剑光。在剑光中,陈凡双手紧握断刃仙兵,整个人,人剑合一,化作一道炽盛无比的剑芒。仿佛那一刻,陈凡整个人,都融入到剑光中,一切法力神通、魂魄,都与剑光化作一体,无分彼此。 Bang. 轰隆。 between Heaven and Earth, as if has Heaven's Gate to open, Nine Heavens Immortal the steps, holds the sword to cut, a sword divides the sea. 天地间,更仿佛有天门打开,九天仙将踏步而出,持剑斩来,一剑分海。 Great Divine Ability flying immortal. 大神通飞仙。 Reappear! 再现!
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