ROUIC :: Volume #10 Volume 10

#1183: Does a finger/refers of ball fly?( First)

„.” “咔嚓。” When a Chen Fan sword chops. 陈凡一剑劈出时。 In void, azure Thunder and Lightning blast out baseless, Law(s) is surging, the endless Vitality energy is interweaving, even Light Glow of Sun, was camouflaged under this sword. Countless people raise the head, at this moment can only see, in the sky a darkness, only have the sword light to puncture the livelihood together, cuts the vault of heaven, as if the Antiquity Spiritual God breaks out the Primordial Chaos sharp blade. 虚空中,一道道青色雷电凭空炸开,法则在激荡,无尽的元气能量在交织,连太阳的光芒,在这一剑之下都被遮蔽到。无数人抬头,此刻只能看到,天空中一片黑暗,只剩下一道剑光刺破日月,斩开苍穹,仿佛太古神灵劈开混沌的利刃般。 Even the height trillion zhang (3.33 m), are orthogonal with moon, eye pupil greatly like mountain, power and influence powerful to inconceivable Heaven Treading Divine Monarch, in front of this sword, as if seems tiny. Heaven Treading Divine Monarch looks at dumbly in that from top to bottom, is unable to move including a piece of lower hem corner, was shocked completely by this sword. 连身高亿万丈,与月亮平齐,眼瞳大如山岳,威势强大到不可思议的踏天神君,在这一剑面前,似乎都显得渺小。踏天神君更呆立在那,浑身上下,连一片衣角都无法动弹,完全被此剑所震慑住。 This sword. 这一剑。 May cut to fall the space gods. 可斩落天上神明。 Since without a doubt has been the Chen Fan life, asked strongest strikes. 毫无疑问是陈凡此生以来,问出的最强一击。 „A very powerful big sword, was stronger than before.” “好强大的一剑,比之前更强。” Countless people change colors. 无数人失色。 simultaneous/uniform Yunzong Elder(s) pounds the tongue. 齐云宗长老更是砸舌。 Chen Fan this sword, gathers the strength along with him for a long time, whole body Magic Power Divine Soul Mortal Body, fuses to a body, is joined to Great Divine Ability again flying immortal, stimulates to break in blade Immortal Weapon the remaining day Immortal Soul, almost it can be said that Chen Fan this world Peak strikes. Even ten big remote antiquity Elder(s) heavy labors, facing this sword, it is estimated that must vanish into thin air as before. 陈凡此剑,伴随着他蓄力许久,将全身法力神魂肉身,都融合到一体,再配上大神通‘飞仙’,激发起断刃仙兵中残余的天将仙魂,几乎可以说是陈凡此世巅峰一击。就算是十大太上长老重活,面对这一剑,估计也依旧要烟消云散。 Divine Transformation Great Power strong, I and other this whole life have not seen, but if said, really has Divine Transformation, this is Divine Transformation strikes. Even moon of space, cannot block this sword.” Has Great Cultivator to raise the head, on the face a piece acclaimed. 化神大能到底有多强,我等这辈子都不曾见过,但如果说,真的有化神,这就是化神一击。就算天上的月亮,也挡不住此剑吧。”有大修士抬头,脸上一片赞叹。 Including Ān pò Heav­enly Monarch and Longevity sovereign Li Yuan, clear stone Sanren, Priest Soaring Clouds, the surface exclaims in surprise the color presently. 包括安珀天君长生宗主李元、清石散人、凌云道长等,都面现惊叹色。 Chen Fan this strikes. 陈凡这一击。 Even on Earth the people can feel, that moves mountains, blots out the sky the brilliant sword glow that comes, camouflages the livelihood. Let the sky the cloud layer behind-the-scenes plotting, resembles to be cut by a sword, this terrifying swordsmanship, many Primal Infant cultivator have not seen for a lifetime. 连地球上众人都能感受到,那排山倒海,铺天盖地而来的绚烂剑芒,遮蔽日月。让天空的云层黑幕,都似被一剑斩开,这种恐怖的剑法,许多元婴修士一辈子都不曾见过。 Worthily is Chen Divine Monarch, that so-called Heaven Treading Divine Monarch, damn, now barely manages to maintain a feeble existence to live the old ghost remnant soul in own son body, dares to jump rampantly. Chen Divine Monarch certainly like trampling flat seven big gods comes the enemy, easily also gives to grind him, like stamping an ant.” Youngster Earth cultivator excited say/way. “不愧是陈神君啊,那个所谓的踏天神君,一个早就该死,如今苟延残喘活在自家儿子身体内的老鬼残魂罢了,也敢跳出来嚣张。陈神君一定会像踏平七大神教来敌一样,轻易的把他也给碾碎掉,如同踩死一只蚂蚁。”有一个少年地球修士激动道。 Nonsense, Chen Divine Monarch is my Central Mainland 100,000 years peerless person of the hour goes, can a barely managing to maintain a feeble existence old ghost compare can it be that?” Nearby person finds fault. “废话,陈神君乃是我中土十万年一出的绝世人物去,岂是一个苟延残喘的老鬼可比?”旁边人挑刺。 Right, a Chen Divine Monarch sword cuts the god, present age is invincible.” The youngster also changed a statement rapidly. “对对,陈神君一剑斩神,当世无敌。”那少年也迅速改口。 Many people are excited, on the face floods excitedly. 许多人都激动的,脸上都满溢兴奋。 They cannot distinguish clearly, Divine Transformation and Chen Fan whose. But the prestige energy of Chen Fan this sword, truly is above the imagination. That terrifying power and influence, even if by several tens of thousands li (0.5 km) from, passes to Earth as before faintly, making many mortal bodies shiver, felt that from soul to sending tree top, is excited for the pressure of this sword. 他们分不清,化神陈凡到底谁强。但陈凡这一剑的威能,确实超乎想象。那恐怖的威势,哪怕透过数万里距离,依旧隐隐传到地球上,让很多凡人身体都在颤抖,感觉从灵魂到发梢,都为这一剑的威压而激动。 The A'Xiu, Lu Yanxue, Qi Xiu'er and other Northern Jade females, more excited raising the head , the waiting witness a Chen Fan sword to cut the invincible power and influence of enemy, reconstructs another magnificent Myth, since then becomes genuine to overawe Central Mainland Chen Divine Monarch. 阿秀陆燕雪祁秀儿北琼众女,更激动的抬起头来,等待见证陈凡一剑斩敌的无敌威势,再造另一个辉煌神话,从此成为真正威震中土的陈神君 Only then on Jiao Zun face, although is also excited, but in the eye pupil actually deeply hides one to worry faintly. 只有蛟尊者脸上虽也激动,但眼眸中却隐隐深藏一丝担忧。 In everyone, only then he had once seen Divine Transformation, knows that the Great Power power and influence is inconceivable, is above the earthman to imagine. Although Chen Fan this sword truly present age, general half Great Power cannot block certainly absolutely, but Jiao Zun actually not like others optimistic. 所有人中,只有他曾见过化神,知道大能的威势不可思议,超乎地球人想象。虽然陈凡此剑确实强绝当世,一般的半步大能绝对挡不住,但蛟尊者却并不像其他人那样乐观。 Hopes that I thought mistakenly.’ ‘希望我想错了吧。’ In the Jiao Zun heart sighed lightly. 蛟尊者心中轻叹。 But next quarter. 但下一刻。 He avoids for a long time, one that is not willing to see, impressively appearance. 他躲避已久,一直不愿看到的一幕,赫然出现。 Works as.” “哐当。” Heaven Treading Divine Monarch moves has not moved. But when that sword light invades in his hundred zhang (333 m), as if the colored glaze pounds together in the steel, suddenly the disintegration comes. Pounds to fall the ground like the drinking glass, bombed and destroyed generally. 踏天神君动都未动。但那剑光侵入他百丈之内时,仿佛一块琉璃砸在钢铁上,突然崩碎开来。如同水杯砸落地面,炸破了一般。 . 刺啦。 That instantaneous, innumerable as Qingshui splashes, but the sword light, to the lasing, pierces void layer by layer in all directions, changes to the sword territory storm the surrounding area several thousand li (0.5 km). 那瞬间,无数似清水泼洒而出的剑光,向四面八方激射而出,洞穿一层又一层的虚空,把方圆数千里都化作剑域风暴。 Some cultivator even stand beyond ten thousand li (0.5 km), thinks here distance battlefield is far, will not be involved. Finally the sword light/only flies together, leads Golden Core to cut to pieces together with Mortal Body him. He is also Golden Core Peak Great Cultivator, actually cannot block including the disintegration incomparable remaining corner sword light together, but did such sword light, far more than say surely? 修士甚至站在万里之外,自以为此处距离战场远,绝不会被卷入。结果一道剑光飞来,就将他连同肉身金丹都切碎掉。他好歹也是金丹巅峰大修士,却连一道崩碎无比的残余边角剑光都挡不住,而这样的剑光,何止千万道? Hiss.” “嘶。” That flickers. 那一瞬。 All sees this cultivator stiffly, the smile on the face. 所有见到此幕的修士,笑容都僵在脸上。 Chen Fan stimulates to movement Great Divine Ability flying immortal, condenses the Mortal Body Magic Power soul half Origin Strength, in addition stimulates the day in blade Immortal Weapon forcefully Sword Intent, so may cut to fall a sword of space moon, in the Heaven Treading Divine Monarch hundred zhang (333 m) isn't even able to invade unexpectedly? 陈凡催动大神通‘飞仙’,凝聚肉身法力魂魄的半元之力,再加上强行激发断刃仙兵中的天将剑意,如此可斩落天上月亮的一剑,竟然连踏天神君百丈内都无法侵入? This is impossible! 这不可能! Many have prepared to cheer, celebration Chen Fan defeats Heaven Treading Divine Monarch, coronates to abandon Star Region first person of Earth cultivator officially, is the figure one astringent, cannot believe is looking at this. 不少已经准备欢呼,庆祝陈凡击败踏天神君,正式加冕遗弃星域第一人的地球修士,更是身形一涩,不敢相信的望着这一幕。 How can like this?” “怎么会这样呢?” Even outside many territories cultivator , is puzzled with Star Ocean rogue cultivator. 连许多域外修士,和星海散修都不解。 Chen Fan that sword, in their eyes, already promote in the world Peak. General half Great Power, even including Crown Prince Qin Ye, under this sword, must vanished in a puff of smoke. That bright sword glow, enormous and powerful, sweeps across several thousand li (0.5 km), is space planet can cut to fall. Primal Infant Golden Core in front of this sword, comes 1100, over ten thousand, is a sword sweeps away. 陈凡那一剑,在他们眼中,已经晋于人间巅峰。一般的半步大能,甚至包括太子秦烨,在这一剑之下,都要灰飞烟灭。那煌煌剑芒,浩浩荡荡,席卷数千里,便是天上星辰都能斩落。元婴金丹在此剑面前,更是来百千个,上万个,都是一剑横扫的。 How to be defeated? 怎会失败呢? Fly wasp shakes the tree, cuts a ridiculous figure by overestimating one's ability.” Heaven Treading Divine Monarch light say/way. “蚍蜉撼树,可笑不自量。”踏天神君淡淡道。 His eye pupil cold and gloomy such as under Nine Nethers coldest glacier, stares at Chen Fan, does not have the tiny bit sentiment. 他眼眸森冷如九幽之下最寒冷的冰川,凝视陈凡,没有一丝一毫感情。 But in the Earth people eyes, as if Heaven Treading Divine Monarch at this moment, occupies above Nine Heavens high, the foot steps on the livelihood, as if invincible Divine Sovereign, standing erect mountains. But Chen Fan, is the arrogant knight who that overreaches oneself to charge into the mountain, looks heroically, has a faint trace to be helpless, to dying fresh solemnness and stirring. 而在地球众人眼中,仿佛此刻的踏天神君,高居九天之上,脚踩日月,仿佛一尊无敌的神王般,屹立山川。而陈凡,就是那个不自量力冲向山岳的自大骑士,看着英勇,却带着一丝丝无能为力,向死而生的悲壮。 Kills.” “杀。” But Chen Fan actually does not fear, complexion as before chilly like water, endless sword light collapse leisurely/scatter, but he holds breaking blade Immortal Weapon, is getting more and more flaming, sends out the endless immortal light, changes to the zhang (3.33 m) permits Chang energy light sword, as Chen Fan lifts the hand, a sword to the Heaven Treading Divine Monarch detachment. Even that firm such as the hundred zhang (333 m) space of steel, in front of this sword, as if appears somewhat cannot resist, was broken out. 陈凡却丝毫不惧,面色依旧清冷如水,无尽剑光崩散,但他掌中的断刃仙兵,却越来越炽盛,发出无尽仙光,化作丈许长的能量光剑,随着陈凡抬手,一剑向踏天神君劈去。就算那坚如钢铁的百丈空间,在这一剑面前,似乎也显得有些抵挡不住,被生生劈开。 Chen Fan holds the sword, as if a snail of slow movement, although is slow, but breaks out the numerous difficult situations, unprecedented, steadfast cuts toward Heaven Treading Divine Monarch. That breaks the immortal splendor on blade Immortal Weapon, is even more radiant, to finally, almost cannot see the sword-shaped, even Chen Fan covers in the immortal light. The enormous and powerful immortal territory aura, to takes away as many things as possible in all directions. 陈凡持剑,就仿佛一个缓慢移动的蜗牛般,虽然缓慢,但生生劈开重重惊涛骇浪,一往无前,坚定不移的向着踏天神君斩去。那断刃仙兵上的仙辉,越发璀璨,到最后,几乎看不到剑形,连陈凡都笼罩在仙光中。浩浩荡荡的仙域气息,向四面八方席卷而去。 Good weapon.” “好兵器。” Heaven Treading Divine Monarch changes countenance at this moment finally slightly, in his eye reveals an exclamation, turns round to change greedily: 踏天神君此刻终于微微动容,他眼中露出一丝惊叹,复而化作贪婪: Only depending on this sword, you exceeded past Jiang void/false, may call under Divine Transformation the first person. You hold the weapon, sharp not inferior Divine Treasure. What a pity... Chen Beixuan, you do not know eventually, disparity between Divine Transformation and Primal Infant, big, to only depends on the weapon and Magic Power, has no way to make up by far, this is person and the difference of god.” “仅凭这一剑,你就胜过当年的姜虚,可称化神之下第一人。你掌中兵器,更锐利丝毫不逊色神宝。可惜...陈北玄,你终究不知道,化神元婴之间的差距,到底有多大,大到仅凭兵器和法力,是远远没法弥补的,这是人与神的差别。” Said. 说完。 Heaven Treading Divine Monarch lifts gently refers , a finger/refers springs. 踏天神君轻轻抬指,一指弹出。 Bang.” “嘭。” His thumb like the mountain, the ball on the sword blade, Chen Fan cannot dominate greatly unexpectedly, breaks blade Immortal Weapon directly by collapse flying, lets go, like Chen Fan, in the hand the weapon cannot even grip powerful unexpectedly, Immortal Weapon collapse flying, this is the first time, A'Xiu and the others calls out in alarm all. 他拇指大如山岳,弹在剑身上,陈凡竟然把持不住,断刃仙兵直接被崩飞,脱手而出,强大如陈凡,竟然连手中兵器都握不住,仙兵崩飞,这是第一次,阿秀等人无不惊呼而出。 Bang bang.” “嘭嘭。” Heaven Treading Divine Monarch springs the second finger/refers again, Chen Fan cannot shoulder, on Immortal Body blows out one group of radiant immortal light, stubbornly resistance, but was shot to fly as before, changes to together the meteor, flies upside down instantaneously several thousand li (0.5 km), almost pounded a asteroid of hundred zhang (333 m) size. By Chen Fan's Mortal Body, almost a blood spouts, was known as Immortal Body small accomplishment that does not extinguish, somewhat cannot withstand at this moment. 紧接着,踏天神君再次弹出第二指,陈凡也扛不住,仙体上爆出一团璀璨仙光,死死抗拒,但依旧被弹飞出去,化作一道流星般,瞬间倒飞出去数千里,差点砸中了一颗百丈大小的小行星。以陈凡的肉身,都差点一口血喷出,号称不灭的仙体小成,此刻都有些承受不住。 Only two fingers. 区区两指。 Heaven Treading Divine Monarch routs Chen Fan. 踏天神君就击溃陈凡 At that moment, all sees this person, is silent, cannot believe stares the big eye to look at this. 那一刻,所有见到此幕的人,都寂静无声,不敢相信的瞪大眼睛望着这一幕。
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