ROUIC :: Volume #10 Volume 10

#1181: Divine Transformation it prestige( first)

Ended, really ended.” “完了,真的完了。” Few Star Ocean rogue cultivator that escapes from by luck raised the head, witnessed that destroys the day to extinguish strikes, the whole person is immediately scared, the tooth trembled to say. 侥幸逃脱的寥寥几个星海散修抬头,目睹那毁天灭地一击,顿时整个人都失魂落魄,牙齿打颤说着。 Everyone has not thought. 所有人都没想到。 When ten thousand teach the destruction, Earth will end, there is Great Power to kiss. 在万教覆灭,地球将落幕时,有大能亲至。 This destroys extinguishes the day, the racket extinguishes planet, the palm kills half step Great Power strikes, except for in Legends Divine Transformation Great Power, but also who can achieve? Even if a Chen Fan sword cuts ten -and-a-half Great Power, takes advantage of the strength of magic treasure Divine Ability eventually, fights tooth and nail full power. Which such as this black robe youth, is so superficial, pure nestled alongside Magic Power strikes. 这毁地灭天,拍灭星辰,掌杀半步大能的一击,除了传说中化神大能,还有谁能做到?就算陈凡一剑斩十位半步大能,终究是依仗法宝神通之力,全力搏命罢了。哪如这位黑袍青年,如此轻描淡写,纯粹依靠自身法力的一击。 How possibly, not saying that abandoned Star Region by an immortal suppression of antiquity Immortal, Law(s) not entire, was the Heavenly Dao incomplete? How to have Great Power to this, was abandons the Star Region rule to vanish suddenly?” “怎么可能,不是说遗弃星域被上古仙人的仙阵镇压,法则不全,天道残缺吗?怎么会有大能到此,难道是遗弃星域的规则突然消失了?” simultaneous/uniform Yunzong a Elder(s) pair of skinny palm is shivering, he at most edge, had not gone forward to besiege that black robe youth at that time, therefore lives, but facing easily lifts the palm, elimination ten several tens of thousands Star Ocean rogue cultivator, even many half Great Power powerhouse black robe youth, simultaneous/uniform Yunzong Elder(s) is also from the heart to shake fears. 齐云宗长老一双枯瘦的手掌都在颤抖,他处在最边缘,当时并未上前围攻那黑袍青年,所以活下来,但面对轻易抬掌,就消灭十数万星海散修,其中甚至不乏半步大能强者的黑袍青年,齐云宗长老也发自内心震惧。 „It is not, haven't you listened to Chen Divine Monarch to say? Is this Heaven Treading Divine Monarch?” Some people said. “不是,你没听陈神君说吗?这是踏天神君?”有人说。 pulls, Divine Emperor Mountain Heaven Treading Divine Monarch, died in a sitting posture 100,000 years ago. Then is Divine Transformation Great Power, is impossible so to be exactly long, is the sudden rising is inadequate?” The purple dove sends Elder(s) to stare. “呼扯,帝神山踏天神君,早在十万年前就坐化了。便是化神大能,也不可能活这么久吧,难道是诈尸不成?”紫鸠派长老瞪眼。 Can, be deep day Son of God Prove the Dao Divine Transformation?” Another person opens the mouth. “会不会,是冥日神子证道化神了?”另一人开口。 Is impossible, any Divine Transformation Prove the Dao, definitely will leave the mark trace in entire Star Region, when the time comes the Heavenly Dao resonance, Law(s) simultaneous/uniform shakes, is unable to conceal absolutely. Even if here abandons Star Region, can only merely Prove the Dao false Divine Transformation, but cannot escape from this as before.” Some side also rapid people refuted. “不可能的,任何一个化神证道,必然会在整个星域内都留下道纹痕迹,到时候天道共鸣,法则齐震,绝对无法隐瞒过去。哪怕这里是遗弃星域,仅仅只能证道化神,但依旧逃脱不了这点。”旁边也迅速有人反驳。 Since has abandoned Star Region 1 million years Divine Transformation, few, any, records in detail in Star Ocean various ancient books of teaching, dissemination four directions. If there is new Divine Transformation entered the world, is impossible to omit. 遗弃星域百万年以来出的化神,屈指可数,任何一位,都详细记录在星海各教的典籍上,传播四方。若有新化神出世,绝不可能遗漏。 Really is Heaven Treading Divine Monarch?” “真是踏天神君?” On Earth the people, instead believed Chen Fan, Wu aspire to seize stuttering to say. 地球上众人,反而更相信陈凡,吴问鼎口吃说着。 Chen Divine Monarch has opened the mouth personally, how to have the mistake?” Nearby Longevity sovereign Li Yuan smiles bitterly. Does not know how this Heaven Treading Divine Monarch will resurrect, moreover is going against one deep day Son of God appearance, these must have the source.” “陈神君已经亲自开口,怎会有错?”旁边长生宗主李元苦笑一声。“只是不知,这踏天神君怎会复活,而且还顶着一副冥日神子的样子,这其中必有源头啊。” That was finished, we must be finished. Heaven Treading Divine Monarch resurrects, he will certainly pursue the matter of Divine Emperor Mountain. We stand Chen Divine Monarch, must be finished completely.” Jinghai Old Ancestor and Indifference of Divine Domain territory lord Heavenly Desolate birth, the complexion big change said. “那完蛋了,我们都要完蛋了啊。踏天神君复活,他老人家一定会追求帝神山之事。我们站在陈神君这边,全部要完蛋啊。”天荒出生的静海老祖忘情天域域主,都脸色大变道。 Clear stone Sanren, Chinese Great Elder, Shen Xi wait/etc., all the facial expression changes. 清石散人、华族大长老神曦等,也无不神情微变。 Only then falls firmiana sect three Old Ancestor, after being first startled happy, but restrains the smile rapidly, looks one mutually, sees the joyful color in opposite party eyes, falls firmiana sect two sides to play chess, finally walked right. 只有落梧宗三位老祖,先惊后喜,但迅速收敛笑容,互相对望一眼,都看到对方眼中的喜悦之色,落梧宗这步两边下棋,终于走对了。 Great Elder, who this Heaven Treading is Divine Monarch?” 大长老,这踏天神君是谁?” Has Northern Jade Faction young one generation to raise the head to ask. 北琼派年轻一辈抬头问道。 Heaven Treading Divine Monarch dies in a sitting posture eventually for 100,000 years, cultivator and high level besides territory also clear outside, on Earth new promote generation of cultivator , actually is not quite clear. Including sits in front of the television computer, person who watches the live broadcast, some similarly questions. 踏天神君终究坐化十万年,除了域外修士和高层还清楚外,地球上新晋一辈的修士,其实并不太清楚。包括许多坐在电视电脑前,观看直播的人,也同样有些疑问。 Heaven Treading Divine Monarch is the lord of Divine Emperor Mountain, in trim Star Region sixth Prove the Dao Divine Transformation Great Power. He proves, although is false Divine Transformation, but in our piece of Star Region, actually may compare favorably with genuine Great Power, is exists invincibly, but Legend dies in a sitting posture 100,000 years ago, does not know how today to appear.” Ān pò Heav­enly Monarch opens the mouth to explain. 踏天神君帝神山之主,整片星域中第六位证道化神大能。他所证虽是伪化神,但在我们这片星域中,却可媲美真正大能,是无敌存在,不过传说早在十万年前就坐化,不知今日怎么出现。”安珀天君开口解释。 On his face maintains composure, but in heart actually difficult situation. 他脸上不露声色,但心中却惊涛骇浪。 False Divine Transformation is also Divine Transformation! 化神也是化神 Although left abandoned Star Region, Heaven Treading Divine Monarch will drop to half Great Power level, but in abandoning Star Region, Heaven Treading Divine Monarch was still invincible powerhouse, genuine Great Power. Even if Star Ocean great sect Divine Monarch, easily visit this piece of Star Region, not necessarily is the Heaven Treading Divine Monarch opponent. When this is also Heaven Treading Divine Monarch is alive, the Star Ocean major gods yield the reason. 虽然出了遗弃星域,踏天神君就会跌落到半步大能层次,但在遗弃星域内,踏天神君依然是无敌强者,真正大能。哪怕星海大教神君们,轻易踏足这片星域,也未必是踏天神君对手。这也是踏天神君在世时,星海各大神教退让三分的原因。 Real Great Power?” “真的大能?” At this moment. 这一刻。 All earthmen were shocked. 所有地球人都愣住了。 Fights continuously again and again, they by the popular science, were known the great strength of Divine Transformation Great Power early. Only -and-a-half Great Power, dares to be known as , under must step on Earth, if not Chen Fan making a move, it is estimated that no one can block god falling king Qin Jian. Now really has genuine Great Power to appear, can Chen Fan shoulder? 连续三番五次战斗,他们早被科普,知道化神大能的强大。区区一个半步大能,就敢号称至强,要一脚踩踏下地球,若非陈凡出手,估计没人能拦得住‘神陨王’秦简。如今竟然有真正大能出现,陈凡能扛得住吗? Even Northern Jade people, worries fiercely. 北琼众人,也猛地提起心来。 Chinese Great Elder and old Azure Dragon and the others, are anxious straight stamping the feet. A'Xiu they may side Chen Fan, this critical moment, the war be still ready to be set off, their Golden Core cultivation base, holds the Chen Fan hind leg simply. 华族大长老和老青龙等人,更是急的直跺脚。阿秀她们可还在陈凡身边,这紧要关头,大战一触即发,她们那点金丹修为,简直是托陈凡后腿啊。 ... ... Teacher...” Several females look. 老师...”几女望来。 Fast returns at once Earth, here gives me.” Chen Fan facial features dignified say/way. “速速回地球,这里交给我。”陈凡面容凝重道。 No, I do not draw back, I must fight with Teacher shoulder to shoulder.” A'Xiu bites white/shell tooth lightly, treads fiercely the previous step, the petite lovable body blocks before Chen Fan. “不,我不退,我要和老师一起并肩战斗。”阿秀轻咬贝齿,猛地踏前一步,娇小可爱的身躯拦在陈凡之前。 Qi Xiu'er, Jiang Churan, Lu Yanxue and the others, stand silently side Chen Fan. 祁秀儿姜初然陆燕雪等人,也默默的站到陈凡身旁。 They are not innocent, because is too sensible, therefore knows that the present situation is bad. The Chen Fan's card in hand fought before, 7788 that raised. Very strong, may defeat half step Great Power, but has not shown to dominate completely strength above half step Great Power. But at present this black robe youth is different. 她们并非不懂事的,但正是因为太懂事,所以知道现在的局势是何等恶劣。陈凡的底牌在之前战斗中,掀的七七八八。是很强,可击败半步大能,但并没有展现出完全凌驾半步大能之上的力量。而眼前这尊黑袍青年不同。 Regardless of he were deep day Son of God, died resurrecting Heaven Treading Divine Monarch. 无论他是冥日神子,还是死而复活的踏天神君 He is genuine Great Power, having is unapproachable, sweeps away the terrifying prestige energies under all Great Power. 他都是真正大能,拥有无可匹敌,横扫一切大能之下的恐怖威能。 Great Power like the dragon, Chen Fan this war, nine dies not fresh! 大能如龙,陈凡此战,九死无生! Haha... Chen Beixuan, never expected that you will also fall to today's this fate. Even if you are a day of transporting child, peerless supreme talent how? Even if your defeats ten thousand to teach the allied armies alone, how defeated me to kill my Fifth Brother? Eventually in others, do not change to the fragment powder? Even your disciple, the relatives and friends and clansmen cannot protect!” “哈哈...陈北玄,没想到你也会落到今日这下场。哪怕你是天运之子,绝世天骄又如何?哪怕你一人独败万教联军,败了我又杀了我五哥又如何?终究不是要在他人脚下,化作齑粉?甚至连你的弟子,亲友和族人都护不住!” Qin Jian laughs. 秦简哈哈大笑。 His two hand and a leg were truncated by Chen Fan, breaks the blade Immortal Weapon strength, deeply infiltrates into his five main internal organs (entrails), making his Divine Body sea of qi almost completely waste, Magic Power loose 7788, even the Primal Infant almost relationship of form and spirit collapses the powder unable to move can only wait for death same place. But at this moment, the Qin Jian whole face ridiculed, in the eye pupil is the happy color. 他两只手和一条腿被陈凡削断,断刃仙兵的力量,深深渗透入其五脏六腑中,让他神体气海几乎尽废,一声法力散的七七八八,连元婴都差点形神崩散无法动弹只能原地等死。但此刻,秦简却满脸嘲笑,眼眸中全是痛快之色。 Chen Beixuan, this is genuine Heaven Treading Divine Monarch, in this Star Region Magic Power not necessarily compared with my father sovereign weak many. You not from number Divine Monarch? Has a look at your false Divine Monarch, has the wide difference from really Divine Monarch.” Qin Jian taunt. 陈北玄,这可是真正踏天神君,在此星域法力未必比我父皇弱多少。你不是自号‘神君’吗?就看看你这个伪神君,和真神君有多大差别。”秦简嘲讽。 noisy.” 聒噪。” A Chen Fan palm lays out, departs several thousand zhang (3.33 m) his sitat side, then pours to raise the long front, treads the previous step, blocks before all disciple bodies, passes on Divine Sense rapidly: Immediately leaves, this fights me to be not necessarily able to defeat, but you here, I definitely have no way to go all-out to display, must protect you. The speed returns to Earth to go, there has an immortal protection, he is powerful, cannot enter Earth.’ 陈凡一掌拍出,将他打横飞出数千丈,然后倒提长锋,踏前一步,拦在所有弟子身前,迅速传神念:‘立刻离开,这一战我未必会败,但你们在这里,我肯定没法尽全力施展,要保护你们。速度回地球去,那里有仙阵守护,他再强大,也进不了地球的。’ Although Earth from the outside, is ordinary planet. But here suppresses Antiquity Demon God the star of sealing town/subdues, completely prohibits the strengths above all Divine Transformation. 地球虽然从外面看着,是一颗普通星辰。但这里是镇压太古魔神的封镇之星,禁绝一切化神之上的力量。 This black robe youth, if dares to step into Earth half step, will immediately write off by many immortal, cannot support including a half second. 这个黑袍青年,如果胆敢踏入地球半步,立刻就会被诸多仙阵抹杀,连半秒钟都支撑不住。 Teacher, we go back together, since he cannot enter, we did not fight with him, hides into Earth line...’ Qi Xiu'er Divine Sense is calling. 老师,我们一起回去,既然他进不了,我们不和他打了,躲入地球就行...’祁秀儿神念叫着。 Walks quickly.” “快走吧。” Chen Fan shakes the head. 陈凡只是摇头。 Black robe youth does not begin to look on that A'Xiu and the others withdrew Earth, because merely they in the black robe youth eye, but the Golden Core ants, are not worth mentioning. Because Chen Fan assumes personal command in this, attracted the black robe youth overwhelming majority attention. 黑袍青年之所以不动手坐视阿秀等人撤回地球,仅仅因为她们在黑袍青年眼中,不过金丹蝼蚁罢了,不值一提。更因为陈凡坐镇在这,吸引了黑袍青年绝大部分注意力。 If he also returns to Earth, black robe youth will not permit, by Divine Transformation Great Power, the Chen Fan assurance has not carried an attack of Divine Transformation to cross these roads of several tens of thousands li (0.5 km) going home slightly. 如果他也逃回地球的话,黑袍青年绝不会允许,以化神大能,陈凡没有丝毫把握扛着一位化神的攻击横渡这数万里回家之路。 Moreover, how even if escapes, he is unable to enter by the Divine Transformation status, definitely may suppress Magic Power, presses a strength under Divine Transformation. And, Desolate Heaven Star, Heavenly Jupiter and hibernation of insects far star these, may not have an immortal protection. Xiaoman and the others may also in Heavenly Desolate, I, if runs away, what to do he then does look for Xiaoman and China does accounts?’ ‘况且,哪怕逃回去又怎样,他无法以化神身份进入,完全可压制法力,将一身力量压在化神之下。并且,天荒星天木星、蛰远星这些,可没有仙阵守护。小蛮等人可都还在天荒,我若逃走,他回头找小蛮和华族算账怎么办?’ In the Chen Fan heart is thinking, lifts the sword to lift the eyebrow, the eye pupil fights intent flap flap. 陈凡心中想着,举剑举眉,眼眸战意猎猎。 Divine Emperor Mountain is his destruction, how can let Heavenly Desolate Xiaoman and China withstands this causes and effects. His Chen Beixuan vertically and horizontally/able to move unhindered, when also draws back more than half steps. 帝神山是他一人覆灭,怎么能让天荒小蛮和华族承受这份因果。他陈北玄一身纵横,又什么时候退过半步。 Heaven Treading.” When A'Xiu and the others do not abandon leaves, after returning to Earth, Chen Fan raised the head to call out. 踏天。”等阿秀等人不舍离开,回归地球后,陈凡抬头叫道。 Black robe youth is aloof, the complexion is faint, such as the mountain towers. 黑袍青年无动于衷,面色淡漠,如山耸立。 You with the aid of Mortal Body resurrecting of your heir, attach to Primal Spirit above him, seizes the shed forcefully. Perhaps in the past you young child deep day seal time, is thinking this day.” The Chen Fan sound is chilly. “你借助自己子嗣的肉身复活,将元神依附于他之上,强行夺舍。恐怕当年你将幼子冥日封印的时候,就想着这一天了吧。”陈凡声音清冷。 Un?” “嗯?” This time. 这一次。 Black robe youth opens eyes finally slightly, his law incomparably big several are on par with moon, an eye, like the mountain, weakens to the extreme greatly overlooks Chen Fan. 黑袍青年终于微微睁开眼,他法相无比高大几与月亮比肩,一双眼睛,都大如山岳,淡漠到极点俯瞰陈凡 Your strength is not good, vision also reluctantly.” Deep day Son of God, no, Heaven Treading Divine Monarch opens the mouth. “你实力不行,眼光还勉强可以。”冥日神子,不,踏天神君开口。 His voice vibration universe, merely is a few words, makes surrounding area several thousand li (0.5 km) void tremble, many Golden Core cultivator of escaping, were shaken the body and spirit to crack at the scene, many Primal Infant are continually pale, the vitality ebullition, the hand and foot is almost impossible to begin numb. All cultivator that witnesses the prestige of Divine Transformation, simultaneously with amazement. 他声音震动天宇,仅仅是一句话,就让方圆数千里都虚空为之颤栗,许多逃过一劫的金丹修士,当场就被震得体魄欲裂,连不少元婴都脸色苍白,气血沸腾,手足酥麻几乎无法动手。所有见证化神之威的修士,同时骇然。 A few words, may shake kill Primal Infant. 只是一句话,都可震杀元婴 That Divine Transformation genuine full power making a move, what degree also results in the terrifying to? 化神真正全力出手,又得恐怖到什么程度? Before many, to cultivator of some Chen Fan also confidence, in the thorough heart lacked self-confidence at this moment. 许多之前对陈凡还有些信心的修士,此刻彻底心中没底了。 Chen Beixuan, your Innate Skill / Gift Correct, what a pity should not extinguish my Divine Emperor Mountain, breaks my Dao Lineage. Otherwise can definitely belong to under me, as my Divine Emperor Mountain lineage second generation successor, your my two people collaborates, dominant entire Star Region, captures the immortal reason together.” Heaven Treading Divine Monarch shakes the head gently, looks at Chen Fan, in the eye pupil has one to ponder, like cat play mouse: 陈北玄,你天赋不错,可惜不该灭我帝神山,断我道统。否则完全可以归入我麾下,作为我帝神山一脉第二代传人,你我二人联手,一同统治整个星域,夺取仙缘。”踏天神君轻轻摇头,望着陈凡,眼眸中带着一丝玩味,如同猫戏老鼠般: Before you die, I allow you to ask three questions.” “在你死之前,我允许你问三个问题。” Unexpected, Chen Fan has not been furious, is only the consideration moment, opens the mouth slowly: 出乎意料,陈凡并未震怒,只是思虑片刻,缓缓开口: 100,000 years ago, my clan is Divine Monarch Jiang you kills?” “十万年前,我族姜神君是你杀的?” Correct!” 不错!” Heaven Treading Divine Monarch nods. 踏天神君点头。
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