ROUIC :: Volume #10 Volume 10

#1178: This Star Region first!( First)

Qin Ye died. 秦烨死了。 Emperor Apollo Crown Prince, the Golden Crow Great Emperor of fifth, by a Chen Fan sword Divine Soul and Mortal Body, cuts to kill thoroughly, the soul that can resurrect tiny bit read has not stayed behind. 太阳神朝太子,金乌大帝第五子,被陈凡一剑连神魂肉身,都彻底斩杀,一丝一毫能复活的魂念都没有留下。 In starry sky. 星空中。 The cutting off limb remnant arm are innumerable, the countless battleships come shatter, hull of flag and breakage horizontally in outer space. The bodies of many figure huge Divine Beast descendant and Monster Clan games beast, shed the blood the sky, frequently counts the hundreds of zhang (333 m) and even over a thousand zhang (3.33 m), dead Golden Core Primal Infant cultivator , is unable by the counting, to have hundreds of thousands. 断肢残臂无数,数不尽的战舰破碎开来,旗帜和破损的船身横在太空上。诸多身形庞大的神兽后裔和妖族兽的尸体,更是血洒天空,动辄数百丈乃至上千丈长,死去的金丹元婴修士,更无法以道计数,足足有数十万之多。 The skeleton like the mountain, baleful qi soars to the heavens. 尸骨如山,煞气冲天。 Works as.” “哐当。” Golden Core cultivator , sees this, the facial features are dull, the sword in hand lets go suddenly, crashes on the deck. 1 million armies, several hundred Primal Infant, many Son of God. Now survives, less than 1/5. 有一位金丹修士,见到这一幕,面容呆涩,手中的刀剑忽然脱手而出,坠落在船板上。百万大军,数百元婴,诸多神子。如今存活下来的,不足五分之一。 Works as, works as.” “哐当,哐当。” This seems a start. 这仿佛是一个开始。 The surplus Combatant gods, the weapon in hand will drop similarly in the place, to finally, almost all surplus cultivator , did not say silently, abandoned the weapon, lowered the head to Chen Fan. Cuts to kill Golden Crow Great Emperor Divine Sense Northern Jade Divine Monarch facing this sword, these great sect juniors, could not mention the heart of tiny bit resistance again, all surface like dying embers. 紧接着,剩余的战兵神将们,手中的兵器同样跌落在地,到最后,几乎所有剩余的修士,都默默不言,抛弃兵器,低头面向陈凡。面对这位一剑斩杀金乌大帝神念北琼神君,这些大教子弟,再也提不起一丝一毫的反抗之心,无不面如死灰。 Defeated, thorough defeat.” “败了,彻彻底底败了。” Qin Jian is saying in a low voice. 秦简低声说着。 His eyeground is bitter and astringent. 他眼底全是苦涩。 This small Southern Heaven Realm ten thousand teach the allied armies to expedite Earth, everyone estimated that easy, smooth can take Earth. Even some people estimated optimistically when seven big Son of God drives to come, Earth cultivator should lift the weapon surrender, no one can revolt. Most exhausted several remote antiquity Elder(s) begin, who can think, even Emperor Apollo Crown Prince, died in battle in this. 这趟小南天境万教联军远征地球,所有人都预计,轻而易举,顺顺利利就能拿下地球。甚至有人乐观估计,七大神子驾车而来时,地球修士就应该举械投降,无一人能反抗。最多劳烦几位太上长老动手,谁能想到,连太阳神朝太子,都战死于此。 All the great sect juniors of defeat, are sipping the lip all, the complexion like the iron. 所有战败的大教子弟,无不抿着嘴唇,面色如铁。 Miserable that too this expedition defeats, they, even if goes on living, returns to small Southern Heaven Realm, god high level that is unable to be furious facing everyone and founders. Including innumerable surrounding Star Ocean cultivator , the heart has the intimacy, they understand, starting today, the Star Ocean various Jiaomen casual person arrives abandons Star Region, was presented by major Sect for the honored guest. Casual Primal Infant cultivator may easily sweep away to abandon the Star Region deeds, since then goes no longer. Because of Earth, because of abandoning Star Region had a new master: 这次远征败的太惨,他们哪怕活下去,逃回小南天境,也无法面对各位震怒的神教高层和教主们。包括无数围观的星海修士们,都心有戚戚,他们明白,从今日起,星海诸教们随便一人来到遗弃星域,都被各大宗门奉为上宾。随便一个元婴修士就可轻易横扫遗弃星域的事迹,从此一去不复还。因为地球,因遗弃星域有了一位新的主人: Divine Monarch Chen Fan Chen Beixuan! 神君陈凡陈北玄 But in comparison, Earth likes the extreme. 而相比之下,地球则是欢喜到了极点。 Looks from the sky downward. 从天空中往下看。 Big Earth, changes to joyful sea. 偌大地球,化作一片欣喜的海洋。 The innumerable flags were endured in the sky, fireworks salutes explode sky over the city. Regardless of the earthman of white skin, the black skin or yellow-skinned skin, the hug peripheral person, yelled heartily cheerfully, wishes one could own innermost feelings all excited divulges. 无数旗帜被忍到天空上,一道道烟花礼炮在城市上空爆炸。无论白皮肤、黑皮肤还是黄皮肤的地球人,都尽情拥抱周边的人,欢快大叫,恨不得把自己内心所有的激动都宣泄出来。 Many Northern Jade Faction disciples, are more excited, several want to cry. 诸多北琼派弟子,更是兴奋的,几欲落泪。 Good. Really good.” “太好了。实在太好了。” Many years, Central Mainland is regarded as the entire Star Region weakest place, Spirit Qi dries up, Dao Lineage does not save. Even other planet powerhouse, the basic even/including comes to be disinclined. My clan Qi Heavenly Monarch was being compelled in the past, crosses the starry sky, goes to Heavenly Desolate to seek livehood, even was imprisoned by Divine Emperor Mountain. Who can think, today Earth can re-enter abandons the summit of Star Region, even fearless Star Ocean great sect!” “多少年,中土被视为整个星域最弱的地方,灵气枯竭,道统不存。甚至其他星球强者,根本连来都懒得来。我族齐天君当年更被逼着,远渡星空,前往天荒求生,甚至被帝神山囚禁。谁能想到,今日地球能重回遗弃星域之巅,甚至无惧星海大教!” Several old Earth Immortal of Kunlun Burial Grounds, such as Fire Spirit King, extinguishes sentiment main, cries all. 昆墟界的几位老地仙,如火灵王、灭情道主等,无不落泪。 Yes, was cut to kill by Divine Emperor Mountain Divine Monarch Jiang in the past, Earth missed 100,000 years of development for this reason, today can feel proud and elated finally, declaration of Light upright, Earth abandons the Star Region center, but my China, is the strongest race under this Star Region!” Old Azure Dragon grasps firmly the fist, feels proud and elated. “是啊,当年连姜神君都被帝神山生生斩杀,地球为此生生错过了十万年的发展,今天总算能扬眉吐气,光明正大的宣称,地球就是遗弃星域中心,而我华族,就是这片星域下的最强种族!”老青龙攥住拳头,扬眉吐气。 Chinese Great Elder, trembling is leaning on the walking stick, the tears. 华族大长老,更是颤巍巍的拄着拐杖,老泪纵横。 Including Lin Wuhua, Yun Yi'er, Shen Xi, although is somewhat strange to this penetration China 100,000 years of sentiment, but is Chen Fan and Northern Jade Faction feels as before excited. 包括林舞华云依儿神曦等,虽然对这种贯穿华族十万年的感情有些陌生,但依旧为陈凡北琼派感到兴奋。 A'Xiu several, cannot repress the joy in heart, shoots up to the sky directly, the sky flies outward, prepares to greet Chen Fan to return. 阿秀几个,更是按耐不住心中的喜悦,直接冲天而起,向外天空飞去,准备迎接陈凡归来。 Wu Family Old Ancestor Wu Wending, more excited is calling again and again: 吴家老祖吴问鼎,更激动的连连叫着: I know, Chen Divine Monarch is invincible, will the sidewise compression starry sky, how suffer defeat? These so-called Star Ocean great sect, but clay chickens and pottery dogs, collapses at the first blow radically...” “我就知道,陈神君无敌,横压星空,怎会败北?这些所谓的星海大教,不过土鸡瓦狗,根本不堪一击...” The annoyed surrounding Heavenly Desolate people, including king Xuanlong, look askance to look at him all. 惹的周围的天荒众人,包括王玄龙在内,无不侧目望着他。 But is opposite with it. 而与之相反。 Outside various multi-ranges Primal Infant, such as Ān pò Heav­enly Monarch, falls firmiana sect several Old Ancestor and Immortal Religion Li Yuan and others, then in the heart has mixed emotions. Although they awe the Chen Fan's strength, but the heart somewhat is eventually unwilling, after all they dominate Old Ancestor level person of the hour of star territory respectively, in own ancestor star said that sect Daozu, rambled for several thousand tens of thousands years, now suddenly must lower the head to an under 50-year-old junior, how in the heart can be resigned? 诸多域外元婴,如安珀天君、落梧宗几个老祖长生教李元等,则心中百感交集。他们虽然敬畏陈凡的力量,但心底终究有些不甘,毕竟他们都是各自称雄一星一域的老祖人物,在自己的祖星称宗道祖,逍遥了几千几万年,如今突然要给一个不满50岁的小辈低头,心中怎能甘心呢? But now, cuts Chen Fan that kills facing even/including Shenchao Crown Prince, no one dares to revolt again. 但现在,面对连神朝太子都斩杀的陈凡,无人再敢反抗。 Ān pò Heav­enly Monarch turns away to reprove to big disciple Xing Hu: 安珀天君转脸对大弟子邢虎训斥道: In your heart also has anything to read thinks, gives me to receive completely, cannot disclose again is tiny bit. Later as long as to me discovered that you have anything disrespect to Northern Jade Faction and Chen Divine Monarch, do not blame I to disregard another's feelings for the master.” “你心中还有什么念想,都给我全部收起来,不许再透露出一分一毫来。以后但凡给我发现你有什么对北琼派和陈神君不敬的,别怪为师我不留情面。” Ān pò Heav­enly Monarch Divine Sense passes message, reproved ruthlessly. 安珀天君神念传音,狠狠训斥。 The Xing Hu fist grips fiercely tightly, in the eye pupil is unwilling completely, but can only lower the head finally. Nearby four disciple stretch/open Qihao, wear the green robe, incomparably also can only long sigh prettily at this moment. 邢虎猛地拳头攥紧,眼眸中满是不甘,但最终只能低头。旁边的四弟子张启浩,身穿绿袍,无比俊秀此刻也只能长长一叹。 Big Senior Brother, do not blame Teacher being weak, this Chen Beixuan was too strong. If provokes him, does not want his personally making a move, perhaps some countless people must throw, gnaws the white bones my day billows lineage.’ ‘大师兄,别怪师父软弱,实在这陈北玄太强了。若招惹他,不要他亲自出手,恐怕有无数人要扑上来,把我天澜一脉啃成白骨。’ Longevity sect sovereign Li Yuan, Galaxy Heavenly Monarch and Holy Fire Sky City city main Primal Infant that observes from Heavenly Desolate, at this moment is also convinced thoroughly, in the heart that last point is unwilling to retreat. 长生宗宗主李元、星河天君圣火天城城主等从天荒来观战的元婴,此刻也彻底服气,心中那最后一点不甘都退去。 Including falling first Old Ancestor of firmiana sect, confessed in secret ruthlessly own Junior Brother: 包括落梧宗的第一老祖,也暗中狠狠交代自家师弟: Starting today, any dares to raise the fourth child, do not blame this under tutelage being infinite. I fell the firmiana sect on three Primal Infant, the fourth child had disappeared, his whereabouts, and others not tiny bit relations with me.” “从今天开始,任何胆敢提老四的,别怪本座下手无穷。我落梧宗就三个元婴,老四早就消失了,他的去向,与我等没有一丝一毫的关系。” Big Senior Brother, I and others understand.” “大师兄,我等明白。” The two Junior Brothers of wear middle age Daoist robe and scarlet long gown, nod layer on layer/heavily. 穿着中年道袍和大红袍服的两个师弟,都重重点头。 Originally falls the firmiana sect two sides to bet, making fourth Old Ancestor follow deep Yang Son of God to go. But now, Chen Fan has been doomed to dominate Heavenly Desolate, even Emperor Apollo Crown Prince cuts to massacre. Only one deep day Son of God, what was also considered as? How even if he is the Heaven Treading Divine Monarch parent-child? Heaven Treading Divine Monarch is strong, can strong the Golden Crow Great Emperor? That is genuine Divine Transformation Great Power. Heaven Treading Divine Monarch merely is false Great Power, can only display the strength of Great Power in this piece of Star Region, once leaves, immediately crashes into the boundary of half step Great Power. 本来落梧宗两边下注,让第四老祖追随冥阳神子而去。但现在,陈凡已经注定要称霸天荒,连太阳神朝太子都斩杀掉。区区一个冥日神子,又算得了什么呢?哪怕他是踏天神君亲子又怎么样?踏天神君再强,能强过金乌大帝?那可是真正化神大能踏天神君仅仅是个伪大能,只能在这片星域发挥出大能之力,一旦离开,立刻坠入半步大能之境。 Four Junior Brothers, do not blame me, big Senior Brother I am also helpless.’ The age is old, white-haired first Old Ancestor shakes the head. ‘四师弟,你别怪我,大师兄我也无能为力啊。’年龄苍老,满头白发的第一老祖摇头。 He is looking at keeping aloof, is majestically located Chen Fan above Nine Heavens. 他望着高高在上,雄踞九天之上的陈凡 In the heart understands. 心中明白。 Perhaps 100,000 years ago Heaven Treading Divine Monarch comes back to life, no one can do to Chen Fan again, even if Star Ocean great sect, similarly so. 恐怕除了十万年前踏天神君复生,再无人能奈何陈凡,哪怕星海大教,也同样如此。 This war, Chen Fan genuine coronates to abandon the Star Region first person! 这一战,陈凡真正加冕遗弃星域第一人!
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