ROUIC :: Volume #10 Volume 10

#1179: Does Earth end?( Second)

At this moment. 此刻。 The entire Earth, in the innumerable person hearts five senses to become Za, the thoughts are complex. Some people transform the thought that the preparation thorough post to Northern Jade Faction. Some people have to be forced to put aside the hatred, helpless lowers the head. Some people feel a heartfelt admiration to kneel down in front of Chen Fan, lay prostrate in worship to this new promote Divine Monarch, some people..., but no one, is thinking again revolted against Chen Fan. 整个地球,无数人心中五味成杂,心思复杂。有人转变念头,准备彻底贴向北琼派。有人不得不被迫放下仇恨,无奈低头。有人心悦诚服跪倒在陈凡面前,对这位新晋神君顶礼膜拜,有人...但再没有一个人,想着反抗陈凡 Ten thousand teach to besiege, was shattered by one person, what but also there is the Chen Fan opponent? 万教围攻,都被一人破灭,还有什么是陈凡对手呢? Golden Crow Great Emperor? 金乌大帝? He is powerful, is unable to step into abandons Star Region, even if comes , must be forced to cut a blade, drops the boundary of Divine Transformation. Otherwise in the past Star Ocean Great Sects Divine Transformation, had broken through to abandon Star Region, tramples flat Divine Emperor Mountain, how to have scruples trivial false Divine Transformation Heaven Treading Divine Monarch? 他再强大,也根本无法踏入遗弃星域,哪怕进来,也得被迫自斩一刀,跌落化神之境。否则当年星海大教的化神们,早就攻破遗弃星域,把帝神山都踏平,怎会顾忌一个区区伪化神的‘踏天神君’? Everlasting Sect, Immortal Religion and Supreme Beginning God Realm? 无极宗长生教太初神境们? Their Emperor Apollo was inferior, difficult boundary that the Golden Crow Great Emperor faces, similarly is their difficult problems. 他们连太阳神朝都不如,金乌大帝面对的难境,同样是他们的难题。 Also or outside territory Primal Infant? In the past starry sky Predator Beast of Earth secret evil behind-the-scenes manipulator? 又或者域外元婴?当年地球幕后黑手的星空掠食兽 Was known as continually abandons Star Region first Ān pò Heav­enly Monarch, acts servilely in front of Chen Fan, outside what territory does Primal Infant dare to explode the thorn with Northern Jade? Creating Earth several thousand years ago starry sky Predator Beast of war of immortal falling, is a joke. Including deep day Son of God and so on, before start, has ended. Chen Fan's exists, was above everyone to imagine beside. 连号称遗弃星域第一的安珀天君,都在陈凡面前卑躬屈膝,什么域外元婴敢和北琼炸刺?至于造成地球数千年前仙陨之战的星空掠食兽,更是个笑话。包括冥日神子之类,早在没开始前,就已经落幕了。陈凡的存在,超乎了所有人想象之外。 Strongly to inconceivable! 强到不可思议! This war ends, the summit of Chen Divine Monarch reaching trim Star Region, was sealed Divine Monarch, is unquestioned. When he gets down, this/should coronates officially, said that revered a territory.” “此战落幕,陈神君登顶整片星域之巅,受封神君,再无疑问。等他老人家下来,就该正式加冕,称尊一域了。” Chinese Great Elder caresses must say with a smile. 华族大长老抚须笑道。 Correct, Correct, deserves so.” Others also nod. 不错,不错,该当如此。”其他人也点头。 Even some people are calling: I looked, henceforth this piece of Star Region should be renamed Central Mainland Star Region or Northern Jade Star Region is right. So long as Chen Divine Monarch, who entire did abandon Star Region also to contend with my Central Mainland star on the 1st? When my Central Mainland dominates various Xing, but Chen Divine Monarch now is only 50 years old, if Prove the Dao Great Power, may live ten ten thousand years, ten ten thousand years what concepts? When the time comes, perhaps the trim abandons Star Region, proliferated my China, calling Central Mainland Star Region simply not to have the issue.” 甚至有人叫着:“我看,从此这片星域应该改叫中土星域北琼星域才对。只要陈神君在一日,整个遗弃星域还有谁能抗衡我中土星?我中土当称雄诸星,而陈神君现在才五十岁,若证道大能,可活十万载,十万载什么概念?到时候,恐怕整片遗弃星域,都遍布我华族了,叫中土星域根本没问题。” Truly.” “确实啊。” Many people also nod the head, including Chinese Great Elder, feels to so, outside the territory cultivator not dare to refute. 很多人也颔首,包括华族大长老在内,都感觉应当如此,连域外修士都不敢反驳。 As for the class/flow of first ancestor Qin Dongmu, Japan, Europe and US and even Blood Clan ran away, clay chickens and pottery dogs, Great Elder and the others raised simply radically has not raised, is disinclined to pay attention. 至于秦东穆、日国、欧美乃至血族逃窜的第一祖之流,简直土鸡瓦狗,大长老等人根本提都未提,懒得理会。 So long as Chen Fan coronates Divine Monarch officially, reaches Central Mainland Star Region. 陈凡只要正式加冕神君,登顶中土星域 Then he does not need to speak, naturally has outside the innumerable territories cultivator , even rogue cultivator and small sect in Star Ocean, are willing for the Chen Fan potency, this to be a Divine Monarch dignity! Even if abandons Star Region Divine Monarch merely, has to give loyalty to as before, turns to under tutelage to follow it to go on an expedition the All Heavens charm. 那么他根本不需要说话,自然有无数的域外修士,甚至星海中的散修和小宗派,愿意为陈凡效力,这就是一位神君的威严!哪怕仅仅是遗弃星域神君,依旧有让人效忠,投靠座下追随其征战诸天的魅力。 ... ... Teacher, Teacher, you are really awesome.” 师父,师父,你太厉害了。” A'Xiu, Lu Yanxue and Qi Xiu'er several disciples, break through the atmosphere, flies in the outer space, excited goes toward Chen Fan. Although all the way, there are great sect juniors of vestiges, even many Primal Infant and even Son of God, ten several tens of thousands people, take above many battleships. 阿秀陆燕雪祁秀儿几个弟子,更冲破大气层,飞到太空中,激动的向着陈凡而去。一路上,虽然有残余的大教子弟,其中甚至不乏元婴乃至神子,足足有十数万人之多,乘坐诸多战舰之上。 But no one dares to these Golden Core making a move. 但无一人敢对这几个金丹出手 Chen Fan is too powerful. 陈凡太强大。 Trim Star Region covers under his terrifying invincible might, as long as the person, the finger dares to lift lightly, Chen Fan can a sword, cut to massacre it conveniently thoroughly, even can let his Divine Soul forever falling without a gap hell, always can not turn over/stand up. 整片星域都笼罩在他恐怖神威下,但凡有一个人,手指敢轻抬一下,陈凡都能随手一剑,将其彻底斩杀掉,甚至能让他神魂都永坠无间地狱,永世不得翻身。 What is the invincible might, this called the genuine invincible might to be dreadful, a person, killed All Heavens bowed the head, ten several tens of thousands armies do not dare to raise the head.” Has the bystander to sigh deeply. “什么叫神威,这才叫真正的神威滔天啊,一个人,杀的诸天俯首,十数万大军不敢抬头。”有围观者长叹。 Many Star Ocean cultivator , in same core intimate. 诸多星海修士,同样心中戚戚。 They can understand. 他们能理解。 Although 1 million armies have ten several tens of thousands Golden Core soldiers, even Primal Infant Son of God, more than ten. As long as in them person of making a move, can easily cut to kill A'Xiu and the others. After all although A'Xiu several strong, but eventually is only Golden Core, is not stronger than Primal Infant. But these great sect juniors, had lost the hostile frame of mind. 虽然百万大军还剩下十数万金丹战士,连元婴神子们,都还有十几位。他们中但凡有一人出手,就能轻易斩杀阿秀等人。毕竟阿秀几个虽强,但终究只是金丹罢了,并不比元婴强到哪。可这些大教子弟们,已经丧失了敌对的心气。 How even if massacres A'Xiu, Qi Xiu'er and the others? 哪怕杀掉阿秀祁秀儿等人又如何? According to the old wound does not arrive at the Chen Fan slightest, will only compel Chen Fan to be furious, ten several tens of thousands armies who conquer by killing this surviving thoroughly. Under his flood Heavenly God prestige, no one can escape, lives is going out of the Solar System. With it so, might as well lowers the head, imploring Chen Fan can bypass a life. But now looks, Chen Fan does not want to kill their appearances. 依旧伤不到陈凡分毫,只会逼得陈凡震怒,彻底血洗这残存的十数万大军。在他的滔天神威下,根本没有一个人能逃脱,活着走出太阳系。与其如此,还不如低头,祈求陈凡能绕过一命。而现在看下来,陈凡并没有想杀他们的样子。 This is Divine Monarch!” “这就是神君啊!” Some people lower the head sigh lightly. 有人低头轻叹。 At this moment, many Star Ocean rogue cultivator looked at the Chen Fan's vision is changing. 此刻,许多星海散修望着陈凡的目光都变了。 Although abandons Star Region is only a piece is very narrow and small, near the desolate situated in Universe, has Life planet, perhaps on several hundred small-scale Star Region, Primal Infant cultivator is also not necessarily able to collect 3500 people, is Dao Lineage is more incomplete, Law(s) does not save, Spirit Qi dries up. 虽然遗弃星域只是一片很狭小,位于宇宙边荒,有生命星辰,恐怕也就几百个的小型星域,元婴修士都未必能凑出三五百人,更是道统残缺,法则不存,灵气枯竭。 But this eventually is Star Region! 但这终究是一个星域 Any dominates Star Region, reaches everyone the summit, said that sect Daozu, attains seals Divine Monarch existence. Stands in the summit of Universe, few person of the hour. At least in small Southern Heaven Realm, is no one dares to offend, the immortal god regarding this, must have the respect equal attitude continually. In the past the Golden Crow Great Emperor and others were powerful, facing Heaven Treading Divine Monarch, hasn't also offended the slightest, the ritual respects? 任何一位称雄一个星域,登顶所有人之巅,称宗道祖,获封‘神君’的存在。都是站在宇宙之巅,寥寥无几的人物。至少在小南天境,是没有任何人敢触犯,连不朽神教对此,都要持尊敬平等态度的。当年金乌大帝等再强大,面对踏天神君,不也同样未触犯分毫,礼敬有加吗? This is in Legends, the place of Immortal town/subdues demon, although Law(s) does not save, but I and others should hear, in this piece of Star Region had many buried treasure and antiquity Immortal vestige buries, moreover this piece of Star Region is still recovering, in the future will not necessarily leave the Star Region grade compared with Shanyang Star Region and south, moreover... Chen Divine Monarch was only dozens years old, at his age, not necessarily cannot Prove the Dao become genuine Great Power.” Elder(s) that a purple dove sends is saying gently. “这可是传说中,仙人镇魔之地,虽法则不存,但我等应该都听说过,这片星域中有诸多宝藏和上古仙人遗迹葬下,而且这片星域还在复苏,未来未必比山阳星域、南离星域等差,况且...陈神君才几十岁啊,以他的年龄,未必不能证道成为真正大能。”一位紫鸠派的长老轻轻说着。 The surrounding person completely all mind vibrates. 周围人尽皆心神震动。 Yes. 是啊。 Chen Fan less than 50 years old. 陈凡才不满五十岁。 Such natural talent, if has no way Prove the Dao Divine Transformation, that God does not let simply. In the past small Southern Heaven Realm strongest Golden Crow Great Emperor, in his age, but also Golden Core not. 这样的天资,若没法证道化神,那简直老天爷都不让。当年小南天境最强的金乌大帝,在他这个年龄,还连金丹都不是呢。 This simply is accurate Divine Transformation in the front. 这简直是一位准化神在面前。 Even if Chen Fan just conquered by killing seven big gods, kills people 1 million, corpse on the ground everywhere. Even if Chen Fan cuts Killing God toward Crown Prince, provoked small Southern Heaven Realm innumerable powerhouse, enrages seven big gods. Even if the Chen Fan crack killed Divine Sense of Golden Crow Great Emperor, with this small Southern Heaven Realm first person of the death enmity of having continue(s) until one side dies. 哪怕陈凡刚刚血洗七大神教,杀人百万,伏尸遍地。哪怕陈凡杀神太子,招惹了小南天境无数强者,更激怒七大神教。哪怕陈凡生生裂杀了金乌大帝的神念,与这位小南天境第一人结下不死不休的死仇。 However, this eventually is Divine Monarch, powerhouse that dominates Star Region, future Great Power! 但是,这终究是一位神君,一位称雄一个星域强者,一位未来的大能 Thinks of this merely, many Star Ocean rogue cultivator, mental vacillate, some people look in the Chen Fan's eyes pupil to bring blazing Light Glow. Is thinking can turn to Chen Fan? Each Divine Transformation, the rise of each immortal god, has massive surrounding cultivator to turn, even many small Sect sovereign and Elder(s). After all if Chen Fan really Prove the Dao, later, they are the high-level senior statesmen of immortal god. 仅仅想到这,许多星海散修,都心智动摇,有些人望着陈凡眼眸中都带着炽热光芒。想着是不是要投靠陈凡呢?每一位化神,每一个不朽神教的崛起,都有大量的周围修士投靠,其中甚至不乏一些小宗门的宗主、长老。毕竟若陈凡证道,以后,他们就是不朽神教的高层元老啊。 Fu brother, you are think...” simultaneous/uniform Yunzong Elder(s) turns the head to look to nearby purple dove sends Elder(s). “傅兄,你是想...”齐云宗长老转头望向旁边紫鸠派长老 Haha, isn't Brother Lin this meaning? This is from the merit of dragon. A god must vertical teach, perhaps then in my small Southern Heaven Realm, 100,000 years also not necessarily has one time, the opportunity is rare. I and others, when joined together to accomplish a great task.” The purple dove sends Elder(s) to laugh. “哈哈,林兄不也是这个意思吗?这可是从龙之功啊。一个神教要立教,便是在我小南天境,恐怕十万年也未必有一次吧,机会难得。我等当共襄盛举。”紫鸠派长老哈哈大笑。 By rights ought to so.” simultaneous/uniform Yunzong Elder(s) nods. “理当如此。”齐云宗长老点头。 In many Star Ocean the small sect and rogue cultivator, in the heart are transferring the thought. 许多星海中小宗派和散修们,心中都转着念头。 „Do you come? Doesn't know now also some bad risks?” “你们怎么过来?不知道现在还有些凶险吗?” But Chen Fan frowns, looks at A'Xiu and the others. 陈凡皱眉,看着阿秀等人。 But he sees several disciple exciting appearances, especially A'Xiu full is the small cheek of laughing heartily, on the face reveals one finally, helpless smile. 但他见几个弟子兴奋模样,尤其阿秀满是欢笑的小脸蛋,脸上最终露出一丝无奈笑容。 This war. 这一战。 Although continues the half day, a enemy stretches across the universe attack, but was defeated by Chen Fan eventually, although he also pays some prices for this reason, including some Mortal Body breakages, Vitality damages severely, even foundation of body of three delicacies of the land somewhat is turbulent, the especially final three swords, have to erupt continuously, stimulate to movement flying immortal Great Divine Ability, but was he wins finally. 虽然持续半日,一波波敌人横跨天宇来袭,可终究被陈凡击败,虽然他为此也付出一些代价,包括肉身有些破损,元气大伤,连三仙之体的根基都有些动荡,尤其最后三剑,不得不连续爆发,催动‘飞仙’大神通,但终是他胜了。 This war ends, these Star Ocean Great Sects Divine Transformation, should lose heart. They send Emperor Apollo Crown Prince, was cut to kill by me, Divine Sense was divided by me, finally also endures, does not have a school of incarnation or the true body to this, should really in abandoning Star Region cannot take me. In the future so long as my one day Undying, they do not dare to send for again.’ ‘这一战落幕,那些星海大教的化神们,应该死心了吧。他们连太阳神朝太子派进来,都被我斩杀,神念被我劈掉,最终也忍下,没有派化身或真身到此,应该是真的在遗弃星域内拿不下我。日后只要我一日不死,他们就绝不敢再派人进来了。’ Chen Fan looks into the distance, in the heart considers. 陈凡眺望远方,心中思量。 Every so often, under he has not actually will the extreme methods, can definitely draw back one step, with solar Son of God, Qin Jian and other discussions, when even Emperor Apollo enrolling god. After all these immortal gods, does not want to kill. 很多时候,他其实未必要下死手,完全可以退一步,与太阳神子秦简等商谈,甚至当太阳神朝的挂名神将都可以。毕竟这些不朽神教们,也不想打打杀杀。 But Chen Fan must leave Earth eventually, if he leaves, how can shelter Earth? Shelters Northern Jade Faction? 陈凡终究是要离开地球的,他若离开,怎能庇护住地球?庇护住北琼派 Only then hit to love them, projected on, even if my person disappeared for dozens years, they do not dare to send people to come in again, project on them to know that provoked my consequence unable to imagine, is unable to withstand, they met genuine to ponder, understood fear.’ ‘只有把他们打疼了,打到哪怕我人消失几十年,他们都不敢派人再进来,打到他们知道招惹我的后果无法想象,无法承受,他们才会真正思考,懂的畏惧。’ The Chen Fan vision is spooky. 陈凡目光幽幽。 This war is only starts, when he will leave Earth in the future, must go to small Southern Heaven Realm to do eventually again. Regardless of Emperor Apollo, is Everlasting Sect, Immortal Religion wait/etc, the enmity has not settled. However that is, he now eventually half Origin Strength, is not the genuine Great Power opponent. When he builds genuine Origin Strength, is genuine runs amuck Universe, the fingers and palm presses Great Power the time. 这一战只是开始,他日后离开地球时,终究还要再去小南天境做过一场。无论太阳神朝,还是无极宗长生教等等,还有仇怨没有了结。不过那是以后,他现在终究半元之力,不是真正大能们的对手。等他修成真正元之力时,就是真正横行宇宙,指掌压大能的时候。 Makes the Primal Spirit palace, can accomplish my Three Immortal Forms. Immortal within the earth, but 99 make the Primal Spirit palace. This war ended, after coronating Divine Monarch, I thoroughly close up, open that 99 to make the Primal Spirit palace, not also advances the Primal Infant level Mortal Body and Divine Soul, does not build Origin Strength, does not go out.” “一座造元神殿,就能造就我三仙之姿。仙土中,可是还有九十九座造元神殿啊。这次大战结束,加冕完神君后,我就彻底闭关,开启那九十九座造元神殿,不把肉身神魂也推到元婴层次,不修成一元之力,绝不出关。” Chen Fan touched A'Xiu and the others the small heads, in the heart considers. 陈凡摸了摸阿秀等人的小脑袋,心中思量。 On his face also relaxes. 他脸上也放松。 This war was he won eventually, although came as a surprise to Chen Fan to be somewhat relaxed, even the card in hand has not lifted, Qin Ye who finally hit also collapsed at the first blow, only facing Divine Transformation Great Power Divine Sense, but won eventually, although his psychology also a little anxiety, but under crowding around of several disciples, prepared to go to Earth with a smile, coronated Divine Monarch officially time. 此战终究是他胜了,虽出乎陈凡预料有些轻松,连底牌都没有掀开,最后打的秦烨也不堪一击,只面对化神大能的一道神念,但终究是胜了,他心理虽还有点疑虑,但还是笑着在几个弟子的拥簇下,准备向地球而去,正式加冕神君的时候。 Suddenly, ice-cold has an old sound to transmit from void: 忽然,一个冰冷中带着一丝苍老的声音从虚空中传来: Mediocre.” “不过如此。” This sound is very light, only spreads over less than half Earth, many people have not even heard. Solely from the sound, may know its cultivation base is not powerful, cannot compare Qin Jian and Qin Ye and the others, but Chen Fan hears word instantly, actually the pupil shrinks. 这个声音很平淡,只传遍小半个地球,许多人甚至没听到。单单从声音中,就可知其修为并不强大,远不能比秦简、秦烨等人,但陈凡闻言的刹那,却瞳孔一缩。 Who?” “谁?” A'Xiu stares to look. 阿秀瞪眼望去。 Sees a wear plan star mark, just like silver dragon common magnificent black robe, ancient grave, the imposing manner is solemn and respectful, just like youth of the world emperor, shoulders both hands, under one crowd of Primal Infant crowd around, strolls. youth long gown, many people look familiar very much, impressively is the clothes of Divine Emperor Mountain god. The youth aura is not powerful, most with a Emperor Apollo big Son of God Qin wind rank, half Great Power. 就见一个穿着绘制星纹,宛如银龙一般的华丽黑袍,古老庄重,气势肃穆,宛如人间帝王的青年,背负双手,在一群元婴拥簇下,漫步而来。青年身上的袍服,许多人很眼熟,赫然是帝神山神主的衣服。青年的气息也并不强大,最多和太阳神朝神子秦风一个级别,连半步大能都不到。 Deep day Son of God?” “冥日神子?” Falling firmiana sect several Old Ancestor is amazed, blurted out. 落梧宗几位老祖惊诧,脱口而出。 „Was he deep day Son of God? Heaven Treading Divine Monarch son? Even Emperor Apollo Crown Prince die, the child of he small Great Power, but also dares to provoke to Chen Divine Monarch?” When the people cannot be bearing laugh. “他就是冥日神子踏天神君的儿子?连太阳神朝太子陨落,他一个小小的大能之子,还敢向陈神君挑衅?”众人正忍不住嗤笑时。 Chen Fan has turned the head slowly, looks to youth of that wear Divine Emperor Mountain god long gown, arrives at the extreme seriously. 陈凡已经缓缓转头,望向那个穿着帝神山神主袍服的青年,面色凝重到极点。
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