ROUIC :: Volume #10 Volume 10

#1177: Star Ocean shakes intimidated( second)

Even Divine Transformation Great Power appears, was divided to fly by a sword, this Chen Beixuan, is as terrifying as the extreme, powerful to the extreme.” Crossed for a long time, simultaneous/uniform Yunzong Elder(s) long sighed, says with emotion. “连化神大能出现,都被一剑劈飞,这陈北玄,正是恐怖到极点,强大到极点啊。”过了许久,齐云宗长老才长长一叹,感慨道。 But by him many cultivator , both legs are getting malaria. 而他旁边的许多修士,两条腿都在打摆子。 That is Emperor Apollo ‚the Golden Crow Great Emperor, dominates two big Star Region, dominates small Southern Heaven Realm Super Powerhouse, the reputation has hung ten several tens of thousands years , the when person of father's generation ancestry of many people had not even been born, the Golden Crow Great Emperor is a side overlord. He came, easily was actually cut to kill by a Chen Fan sword, this said, Chen Fan is also Divine Transformation Great Power? Moreover is stronger than Great Power? 那可是太阳神朝的‘金乌大帝’,雄霸两大星域,称雄小南天境超级强者,名声已垂十数万年之久,许多人的父辈甚至祖辈还未出生时,金乌大帝就是一方霸主。他现身了,却被陈凡一剑轻易斩杀,这岂不是说,陈凡也是化神大能?而且还比大能更强? „It is not true, it seems like should such as Chen Bei . Chen Divine Monarch said, the Golden Crow Great Emperor cut the Divine Sense in addition to hold together on Qin Crown Prince. Otherwise perhaps if he true body incarnation to this, I and others had even been fired the ashes.” Scholarly cultivator , frowns said gently. “并非如此,看来应该如陈北..陈神君所说,金乌大帝只是斩出一道神念加持在秦太子身上。否则他若真身甚至化身到此,恐怕我等早就被烧成灰烬了。”一位儒雅修士,轻轻皱眉说道。 Difficult of Divine Transformation, is hard the last blue sky. 化神之难,难于上青天。 One to that realm, each magic spell, cultivator of each Divine Ability non- next four boundary can cross measures. Even if the Divine Transformation Great Power incarnation, can push horizontally invincibly, puts down all half Great Power. That Golden Crow Great Emperor was easily cut to kill by Chen Fan, inevitably is not the incarnation, may extremely is really together Divine Sense. 一到那个境界,每一种法术,每一种神通都非下四境的修士能渡测。哪怕是化神大能的化身,也能横推无敌,扫平一切半步大能。那尊金乌大帝被陈凡轻易斩杀,必然不是化身,极有可能真是一道神念 Right, the Legend Golden Crow Great Emperor whole body thousand li (500 km), has nine Golden Crow to dance in the air, covers in endless Solar True Fire, is ordinary like Demon God. I and others left like this near, perhaps was roasted early.” Some quick people nod. “对对,传说金乌大帝周身千里,都有九只金乌飞舞,笼罩在无尽太阳真火中,如同魔神一般。我等离得这样近,说不定早被烤死了。”很快有人点头。 The image and Divine Ability of Golden Crow Great Emperor, the dissemination is broad, many people know. 金乌大帝的形象和神通,传播非常广,许多人都知道。 But even if this, Star Ocean cultivator as before in shocking bring to dread the vision to look to Chen Fan. A mouth incantation that Great Power rune/symbol paper, a drop of blood, distributes conveniently, may easily grind kills Primal Infant, suppresses Sect. As for the treasure, spell, coffin Great Power refinement wait/etc, is the prestige can powerful to the extreme, can see from several accurate Divine Treasure. 但哪怕这样,星海修士们依旧用震撼中带着畏惧目光望向陈凡大能的一张符纸,一滴血,随手发下的一句口咒,都可轻易碾杀元婴,镇压一个宗门。至于大能炼制的宝物、符咒、秘器等等,更是威能强大到极点,从几件准神宝就能看出。 All, is showing the great strength of Divine Transformation Great Power all. 所有的一切,无不在彰显着化神大能的强大。 When entire small Southern Heaven Realm, any powerhouse facing Great Power , can only be respectful, fear of the heart. Several people dare like Chen Fan, to lift the hand slaughter to extinguish about ten great sect factions, even Great Power Divine Sense kisses/intimate presently, must cut to kill, must chase down others two sons. 整个小南天境,任何强者面对大能时,也只能毕恭毕敬,发自内心的畏惧。几人敢像陈凡这样,抬手屠灭近十大教派,甚至连大能神念亲现,也要生生斩杀,更要追杀人家的两个儿子。 . 要知道。 Since Divine Sense appears, that ‚the Golden Crow Great Emperor can certainly see the extraterrestrial situation. It can be said that all scenes, including the Chen Fan's actions, should fall in that Great Emperor eyes are right. Is equivalent is in front of Divine Transformation Great Power, divided him. Such guts, entire Star Ocean, 100,000 years is not necessarily have one. 神念既然出现,那位‘金乌大帝’一定能看到地球外的情况。可以说,现场所有的景象,包括陈凡的所作所为,应该都落在那位大帝眼中才对。相当于当着一位化神大能的面,将他劈了。这样的胆量,整个星海,十万年都未必能出一个。 Therefore when many people discussed Chen Fan, has declared Divine Monarch, does not dare to mention the Chen Fan's name again. 所以许多人讨论陈凡时,已经口称‘神君’,不敢再提到陈凡的名字。 May with pulling wrist/skill, is worth Divine Monarch two characters. 可与扳手腕者,值得‘神君’二字。 ... ... Forgets outside Star Region, does not know many trillion li (0.5 km) distance. 遗忘星域外,不知道多少亿万里的距离。 Is huger than on hundred times of scarlet flame stars Sun, the giant lies down the deep sleep, treated as the bathtub Sun. The giant height does not know that many ten thousand zhang (3.33 m), whole body nine huge Golden Crow pace back and forth, as can be seen, is centered on that powerhouse, the surrounding area thousand li (500 km) was almost stuffed by the flame, as long as Golden Core cultivator enters, can be roasted the ashes instantaneously, even if Primal Infant powerhouse, achieves inside and outside 300, is unable to enter the tiny step again. Only then powerhouse above these Aloof Primal Infant, can approach him. 一颗比太阳庞大百倍的赤焰恒星上,正有一尊巨人躺其中沉睡,把太阳当做了澡盆。那巨人身高不知道多少万丈,周身九只巨大的金乌徘徊,可以看到,以那位强者为中心,方圆千里几乎都被火焰充塞,金丹修士但凡一进入,都会瞬间被烤成灰烬,就算元婴强者,达到三百里外,也无法再进寸步。只有那些超脱元婴之上的强者,才能靠近他。 Whistling.” “呼呼。” The giant deep sleep, during each breath, was having several tens of thousands li (0.5 km) strong wind from afar to howl in void, just like energy storm. Without many immortal protections, can say, this giant spits the one breath, can raise the hundred zhang (333 m) high difficult situation in Pacific Ocean, sweeps across the peripheral dozens countries, destroys the city to extinguish easily. 那巨人沉睡着,每一个呼吸之间,都在虚空中遭起数万里的长风呼啸,宛如能量风暴般。如果没有诸多仙阵守护,可以说,这巨人吐一口气,就能在太平洋上掀起百丈高的惊涛骇浪,席卷周边数十个国家,毁城灭地轻而易举。 But at this moment. 但此刻。 The giants open eyes fiercely, look to the Earth direction, in the giant eye pupil, reveals a faint trace angry look unexpectedly. 巨人猛地睁开眼,望向地球方向,巨大的眼瞳中,竟然露出一丝丝怒色。 Father sovereign, how?” “父皇,怎么了?” In nearby star, has over a hundred li (0.5 km) Golden Crow to depart fully, in the mouth puts out the criticism/human language. Let the person dread, that only Golden Crow unexpectedly three feet, although the third foot is very immature, looks immaturely, but this foot more , implied meaning of representative is completely different. Is the mortal and Divine Beast difference! 旁边的恒星中,一只足有上百里大小的金乌飞出,口中吐出人言。让人畏惧的,那只金乌竟然有三只脚,虽然第三只脚还很稚嫩,看着幼小,但这只脚一多出,代表的蕴意就完全不同。乃是凡人与神兽的区别! I keep your Fifth brother's Divine Sense, was eliminated. Your Fifth Brother and Seventh Brother must die.” The giant opens the mouth, he puts out a character every time, in the solar surface, starts the vast energy storm. “我留在你五弟身上的神念,被人消灭了。你五弟和七弟也要死去。”巨人开口,他每吐出一个字,都在太阳表面,掀起浩大的能量风暴。 Big courage, is who dares to provoke my Emperor Apollo, kills my Golden Crow god clan descendant!” Three-Legged Golden Crow is furious. “好大的胆子,是谁胆敢挑衅我太阳神朝,杀死我金乌神族后裔!”三足金乌震怒。 Its both wings open, face upward to angrily roar. 它双翅打开,仰天怒吼。 Rumble. 轰隆隆。 In the star surface, raised several tens of thousands li (0.5 km) long vast Great Power quantity storm directly, the columns of flame of two Connect The Heavens penetrating places, spray from it, hits to Universe void, does not know many ten thousand li (0.5 km). But defends in star nearby number huge number countless Combatant, shivers to the star that crazily dreads kotows, does not know that is anything, enraged oneself Divine Monarch, has two. 恒星表面上,直接掀起了数万里长的浩大能量风浪,两条通天彻地的火柱,自它麾下喷射起来,撞向宇宙虚空中,不知道多少万里。而守在恒星旁边的数目庞大数都数不尽的战兵们,更是颤抖畏惧的疯狂冲着恒星叩首,不知道是什么事情,激怒了自家神君,更有两位。 He is abandoning Star Region, your I cannot go , after this account, slowly calculates., He will always feel the fetter of that piece of Star Region on the 1st, walks on own initiative, at that time was we revenges.” Giant both pupils looks to abandoning Star Region, in the eye pupil as if the inverted image has the impression of Chen Fan and Earth, near the corners of the mouth suddenly shows a smile: “他在遗弃星域,你我进不去,这笔账以后慢慢算。总有一日,他会感受到那片星域的束缚,主动走出来,那时才是我们报仇的时候。”巨人双瞳望向遗弃星域,眼眸中仿佛倒影出陈凡和地球的印象,嘴角边忽的露出一丝笑容: Moreover... that closed/pass him to cross, two said.” “况且...那一关他能不能渡过,还是两说。” Then, the giant sinks to the star surface again. 说完,巨人再次沉入恒星表面。 At this moment. 此刻。 Not only in Emperor Apollo. 不仅仅在太阳神朝 In Everlasting Sect, in Supreme Beginning God Realm, in Immortal Religion and in the demon day sect... these Great Sects core Sect mystical places or the ancestors, had the powerhouse opens the mouth. cold snort/hum, either is furious, either shakes the head, either frowns. 无极宗、在太初神境、在长生教、在魔日宗...那些大教的核心宗门秘境或祖地中,都有强者开口。或冷哼,或震怒,或摇头,或皱眉 But at that moment, in their eye pupils, the inverted image has the Chen Fan's form simultaneously. 但那一刻,他们眼瞳中,同时倒影出陈凡的身影。 Although is separated by 10000.00000001 trillion li (0.5 km), but the Great Power prestige energy, is above everyone to imagine beside. But finally, why does not know, no powerhouse making a move, Everlasting Sect founder who even if most hates about Chen Fan, sits well in the nebula as before, derives planet Vitality, tempers own Mortal Body and Divine Ability, but to is abandoning Star Region, coldly smiles. 虽然相隔亿亿万里,但大能的威能,超乎所有人想象之外。可最终,不知为什么,没有一尊强者出手,哪怕对陈凡最恨的无极宗教主,也依旧端坐星云中,汲取星辰元气,锤炼自己的肉身神通,只是对着遗弃星域,冷冷一笑。 ... ... On Earth. 地球上。 Chen Fan sense to anything, turned the head to look, brows slightly wrinkle, but took back finally. 陈凡感应到什么,转头望了下,眉头微皱,但最终收回。 But at this moment, Qin Ye the figure drew back insanely wild, which on this moment face also had the half a point to be calm. 而此刻,秦烨身形疯狂暴退中,此刻脸上哪还有半分从容淡定。 Is impossible, this impossible...” This Emperor Apollo Crown Prince, Golden Crow Great Emperor fifth child scared, the whole face is panic-stricken, all courage and confidence, seemed to be divided to fly thoroughly by the Chen Fan's three swords. “不可能,这不可能...”这位太阳神朝太子,金乌大帝的第五子失魂落魄,满脸惊恐,所有的勇气和信心,似乎都被陈凡的三剑给彻底劈飞掉。 Not to be how impossible.” “怎么不可能。” Chen Fan ball sword, proudly however vertical. 陈凡弹剑,傲然而立。 He does not feel better, these three swords almost the incisiveness of Chen Fan half Origin Strength display, gathered the Chen Fan vigor three strongest strength, great skill seems like lack of skill, the heavy sword does not have the front, without using any tiny bit strength, by Vitality, divided to disperse Divine Sense of Golden Crow Great Emperor purely. But Chen Fan's Immortal Body resilience as powerful as the extreme, is Azure Emperor Longevity Body. He shouted attracts, many cracks in body and spirit, healed rapidly. 他也不好受,这三剑几乎把陈凡元之力发挥的淋漓尽致,汇聚了陈凡精气神三者最强的力量,大巧若拙,重剑无锋,没动用任何一丝一毫的力量,纯粹靠一口元气,生生劈散了金乌大帝的神念。但陈凡的仙体恢复能力强大到极点,乃是‘青帝长生体’。他一呼一吸之间,体魄上的许多裂纹,都迅速愈合。 Your only Earth indigenous, will an under 50-year-old youngster, be so how powerful? I do not believe that I do not believe.” Qin Ye the eye pupil opened, eyeful capillaries. “你不过区区一个地球土著,一个不满50岁的少年,怎会如此强大?我不信,我不信啊。”秦烨眼瞳睁开,满眼血丝。 His solemn Emperor Apollo Crown Prince, was known as that under Divine Transformation Extreme Powerhouse of no rival, lost to one unexpectedly less than 50 youngster, Qin Ye the innermost feelings suffers 10,000 storms to strike. 他堂堂太阳神朝太子,号称化神之下无敌手的至强者,竟然败给一个不满五十的少年,秦烨内心遭受一万点暴击。 Divine Sense that moreover, the father sovereign leaves behind, even if only a thought that also your such Primal Infant cultivator cannot contend, how to be defeated? Is impossible, is absolutely impossible.” Qin Ye hurried to shake the head. “况且,父皇留下的神念,哪怕只是一个念头,也非你这样的元婴修士能抗衡,怎会失败呢?不可能啊,绝对不可能。”秦烨慌忙摇头。 ‚The Golden Crow Great Emperor in his heart, exists like True God generally. 金乌大帝’在其心中,如同真神一般存在。 Qin Ye is occupying this card in hand, did not fear, who thinks that was actually destroyed by the Chen Fan three swords. 秦烨就占着这张底牌,才丝毫不惧,谁想到却被陈凡三剑摧毁掉。 Yeah, hasn't the Fifth Brother, you discovered? We had lost, lost thoroughly. Not is only we, entire Emperor Apollo and even small Southern Heaven Realm, lost. In this piece abandons in Star Region, whose his opponent? He in this piece of Star Region, is genuine Divine Monarch!” Qin Jian sorrowful is calling. “哎,五哥,你难道没发现吗?我们已经输了,彻彻底底输了。不仅是我们,整个太阳神朝乃至小南天境,都输了。在这片遗弃星域中,谁还是他的对手?他在这片星域,就是真正神君啊!”秦简悲哀的叫着。 This Emperor Apollo god falling king, although is only left over a foot, but thought mind actually unprecedented sober keen. 这位太阳神朝的‘神陨王’,虽然只剩下一只脚,但思维头脑却前所未有清醒敏锐。 After this war ended, Qin Jian understands. 这次大战结束后,秦简就明白。 Small Southern Heaven Realm ended. 南天境完了。 Did not say, small Southern Heaven Realm cannot put out to cope with Chen Fan's expert. In fact, if Chen Fan outside abandoning Star Region, not necessarily was Qin Ye the opponent. That suppressed Emperor Apollo inherited Divine Treasure ‚the Jinyang halberd to be possible in Qin Ye the hand, struck by Divine Treasure full power, several may compare favorably with Divine Transformation to erupt, any powerhouse could not resist. What a pity Divine Treasure eventually by an immortal blockade. 不是说,小南天境拿不出对付陈凡的高手。实际上,陈凡若在遗弃星域外,都未必是秦烨对手。那柄镇压太阳神朝的祖传神宝‘金阳戟’可就在秦烨手中,以神宝全力一击,几可媲美化神爆发,任何强者都抵挡不住。可惜神宝终究被仙阵封锁。 Even but if does not have Divine Treasure, Divine Formation, coffin, huge crowd and even Divine Transformation Great Power. 但哪怕没有神宝,神阵、秘器、人海乃至化神大能 Each, is not Chen Fan can contend. 每一个,都不是陈凡能抗衡的。 But Chen Fan shrinks in abandoning Star Region, then any powerhouse, enters this place, is similar to fetters both hands both feet and Chen Fan duel, no one is the Chen Fan opponent, Chen Fan is doomed to dominate this piece of Star Region. Even by the Chen Fan present potential, Qin Jian raises to worry for the first time, in the future, Chen Fan will not really take revenge to Emperor Apollo. 可偏偏陈凡就缩在遗弃星域中,那么任何一个强者,进入此地,就如同束缚住双手双脚与陈凡决斗,根本无人是陈凡对手,陈凡注定要称霸这片星域。甚至以陈凡现在的潜力,秦简第一次升起担忧,未来,陈凡不会真的向太阳神朝复仇吧。 Although wants to become Divine Transformation , without several thousand years of accumulation is not impossible, but in the Qin Jian heart somehow, really vacillates unexpectedly, arrives at the extreme pale. 尽管想要成为化神,没有数千年积累根本不可能,但秦简心中不知怎的,竟然真的动摇,脸色苍白到极点。 But Qin Ye was different, he is shouting loudly, the whole face sneered: 但秦烨就不同,他大声叫着,满脸冷笑: Chen Beixuan, you how, even if beat these 1 million armies? I am Emperor Apollo Crown Prince, I will not surrender forever. Sits demise of wait for you!” 陈北玄,你哪怕击败了这百万大军又如何?我是太阳神朝太子,我永不会投降。坐等你的灭亡!” You are only a frog at the bottom of a well, even if lived crazily for tens of thousands years, how could also to open the eye, has a look at the world outside well. With your barren imagination, how to imagine again, has no way to imagine my natural talent.” Chen Fan is saying lightly, then lifts a hand sword, wanting Son of God Qin Ye of turn tail, sewed in void. “你只是一只井中之蛙罢了,哪怕痴活了几万年,又何曾睁开眼睛,看看井外的世界。用你那贫瘠的想象力,再怎么想象,也没法想象我的天资。”陈凡淡淡说着,然后抬手一剑,就把要转身逃跑的神子秦烨,生生钉在了虚空中。 This time, Qin Ye clenched teeth, although on the face the muscle jumped, has not revealed the tiny bit sound, was only angry looking to Chen Fan. 这一次,秦烨咬牙,尽管脸上肌肉直跳,没有露出一丝一毫的声音,只是愤怒的望向陈凡 The Chen Fan response, is a sword cuts conveniently his head, even Divine Soul and Primal Infant, stirred thoroughly crush, making Qin Ye die cannot die again. All witnesses to this person, in the heart trembles. 陈凡回应的,是随手一剑将其脑袋斩下,连神魂元婴,都彻底搅得粉碎,让秦烨死的不能再死。所有见证到这一幕的人,心中都颤栗。 On March 8 , 2028, Northern Jade Divine Monarch Chen Beixuan, cut outside the territory in the summit of Central Mainland continually seven big god allied armies, killed Emperor Apollo Crown Prince Qin Ye, person of broken 1 million armies. The news spreads, entire Star Ocean shakes intimidated! 2028年3月8日,北琼神君陈北玄,于中土之巅连斩域外七大神教联军,杀太阳神朝太子秦烨,一人破百万大军。消息传出,整个星海为之震怖!
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