ROUIC :: Volume #10 Volume 10

#1176: Matchless( first)

ten thousand Jiaolai of threatening attacks, has not begun ended, pierces ten thousand celestial charts with a Chen Fan sword, punctured the Crown Prince Qin Ye body is the end. 气势汹汹的万教来攻,还没怎么开场就落幕了,以陈凡一剑洞穿‘万星图’,刺破太子秦烨的身躯为终结。 How can be this.” “怎会是这样。” Wears royal robes Long Hong pao, bearing vast stern Qin Jian lowers the head, in a soft voice saying. 身穿衮龙红袍,气度浩瀚森严的秦简低头,轻声说着。 Not only he is not willing to believe, all Star Ocean cultivator of surrounding, are not also willing to believe. Many immortal great sect, each is standing proudly small Southern Heaven Realm, dominates Star Region to exists high. It can be said that has not arrived besides the great sect founders, other Extreme Powerhouse almost all hence, even above these cultivation base five ten thousand years, Magic Power is completely inconceivable, Divine Ability as general as extreme remote antiquity Elder(s), cannot shoulder a Chen Fan sword unexpectedly. 不仅他不愿相信,所有围观的星海修士,同样不愿信。诸多不朽大教,每一个都是傲立南天境,称雄一个星域的至高存在。可以说,除了大教教主们没到外,其他的至强者几乎尽皆至此,连那些修为五万载之上,法力不可思议,神通广大到极点的太上长老们,竟然也扛不住陈凡一剑。 This Chen Beixuan strong? Is he really an earthman?” “这个陈北玄到底有多强?他真的是地球人?” In a person of heart exudes the question incessantly. 不止一人心中泛起质疑。 Many people cannot bear recall that guess before Qin Jian. 许多人忍不住回想起秦简之前的那个猜测。 Is it possible that is really he Great Power reincarnation?’ ‘莫非他真是大能转世?’ In addition, really have no reason to explain that Chen Fan's is powerful. Chen Fan's realm understands in that Primal Infant cultivation base, even Primal Infant initial stage. But Magic Power arrives intrepidly inconceivable, any Divine Ability will fall in his hands, will transform rapidly, will also want powerful many compared with top Divine Technique. Regardless of Immortal Religion and demon day sect, soft spatially magic spell that taught Emperor Apollo to grasp, is small Southern Heaven Realm first, but in front of Chen Fan, was actually easily defeated. All sorts of Divine Ability methods, facing Chen Fan, are so pale and weak, as if baby. 除此之外,真没有理由能解释陈凡的强大。陈凡的境界明白在那,元婴修为,甚至元婴初期。但偏偏一身法力强悍到不可思议,任何一门神通落在他手中,都会迅速蜕变,比顶级神术还要强大的多。无论长生教、魔日宗、蹑空教还是太阳神朝掌握的法术,已经是小南天境第一,但在陈凡面前,却被轻易击破。种种神通手段,面对陈凡,如此苍白无力,仿佛幼儿般。 This person is not Earth, even does not abandon Star Region. Either is not the well-known Great Power reincarnation. Either from territory, outside genuine territory, beside small Southern Heaven Realm, even possibly is central Galaxy.” “这人绝非地球的,甚至不是遗弃星域。要么是不知名大能转世。要么来自域外,真正的域外,小南天境之外,甚至可能是中央星河。” Some people lowered the head to say. 有人低头说着。 Central Galaxy? 中央星河 Surrounding person simultaneously shakes. 周围人都齐齐一震。 That is in Legends the place of Myth, entire Universe center, endless supreme talent gathering place. Can achieve Buddhahood ancestor's Divine Transformation Great Power in small Southern Heaven Realm, in central Galaxy, although is not everywhere, but is not also rare. Has does not know that many stands teaches 1 million years and even thousands of years Holy Land and great sect is. Does Chen Fan possibly stem from that place? 那可是传说中神话之地,整个宇宙的中心,无尽天骄汇聚的地方。能够在小南天境成佛道祖的化神大能,在中央星河虽不是比比皆是,但也并非稀有。更有不知多少立教百万年乃至千万年的圣地大教所在。陈凡可能出自那种地方? Regarding wild small Southern Heaven Realm of position near Universe, central Galaxy is almost equivalent to in Legends Immortal Realm, indistinct inaudible, many people have not gone out of too small Southern Heaven Realm for a lifetime. 对于位在宇宙边荒的小南天境来说,中央星河几乎相当于传说中仙界,缥缈不可闻,许多人一辈子都没有走出过小南天境 even/including Qinye shock, he was delicate and pretty, on the appearance dignified face brings surprisedly: 连秦烨的震撼,他俊美无比,容貌威严的脸上带着惊疑: Chen Beixuan, who are you? Abandons Star Region, cannot train your such powerhouse absolutely.” 陈北玄,你到底是何人?遗弃星域,绝对培养不出你这样的强者。” He is saying at the same time, the muscle on face cannot bear jump. 他一边说着,脸上的肌肉忍不住一跳跳。 .” “呲呲。” Broke blade Immortal Weapon to insert on Qin Ye's shoulder, easily pierced Golden Crow treasure clothes that’ Qin Ye put on, that was Emperor Apollo by the valuable clothes that the Golden Crow shedding god feather establishment became, although non- Divine Treasure accurate Divine Treasure, but actually defense by far general heavenly treasure. Even if half Great Power strikes is unable to pierce, now actually broken blade Immortal Weapon easily punctures, the wound also resounds the iron to search into the sound in water , white clouds transpiration. 断刃仙兵插在秦烨的肩膀上,轻易洞穿了秦烨所穿的‘金乌宝衣’,那是太阳神朝金乌脱落神羽编制而成的宝衣,虽非神宝神宝,但却防御远胜一般天宝。就算半步大能一击都无法洞穿,如今却被断刃仙兵轻易刺破,伤口还响起烙铁探入水中的声音,刺啦刺啦,白气蒸腾。 What thing are you? Also with asking me?” “你算什么东西?也配问我?” Chen Fan lowers the head, the facial features are faint, is saying lightly. 陈凡低头,面容淡漠,淡淡说着。 He lifts the palm to recall the immortal sword, the bloody battle, defeats Son of God continually, fights seven big remote antiquity Elder(s), cuts the broken 1 million armies, even if Chen Fan somewhat cannot shoulder, Mortal Body above appears the slight crack, on the glittering and translucent carving treasure, there is a similar spider general trace. But his vitality rises rather than drop, such as the big day transpiration, took step by step, compels to Qin Ye. 他抬掌召回仙剑,连番血战,败神子,战七大太上长老,斩破百万大军,哪怕陈凡都有些扛不住,肉身上面现出细微的裂纹,晶莹剔透的宝身上,有类似蜘蛛一般的纹路。但他的气血不降反升,如大日般蒸腾,一步步迈出,逼向秦烨。 The surroundings have the Emperor Apollo disciple, laughs in the face of death. 周围有太阳神朝弟子,舍生忘死冲上来。 But they have not approached Chen Fan in ten thousand zhang (3.33 m), became the meat patty by the invisible power and influence steamroll, bang bang bang explodes, explodes the blood fog. 但他们还未靠近陈凡万丈内,就被无形威势碾压成肉饼,嘭嘭嘭爆裂开来,炸成血雾。 Thump thump thump.” “咚咚咚。” Chen Fan each steps on void, like the spring thunder crack, is startled void for it Zhendan, leaves near cultivator , blasts open directly baseless, the body and spirit and Mortal Body were killed by shock. 陈凡每一脚踩在虚空中,都如同春雷炸响,惊得虚空为之震旦,许多离得近的修士,直接凭空炸裂,体魄和肉身都被生生震死。 Bang.” “轰。” Qin Ye set out forcefully. 秦烨强行直起身来。 Golden yellow brings the blood-color essence rocket from him on, ascends to heaven straightly, almost must cross the universe. Qin Ye wore golden War Armor , the shoulder wound bright red blood, although is flowing as before, had hair dishevelled, had the least bit Crown Prince appearance to the extreme where distressedly, but he actually fought intent to be fierce, body vertical straight, the facial features were firm and resolute: 一股金黄中带着血色的精气狼烟自他身上冲起,笔直升天,几乎要横贯天宇般。秦烨身穿金色战甲,肩部伤口鲜红的血液虽然依旧在流淌,披头散发,狼狈到极点哪有半点太子的样子,但他却战意烈烈,身体立的笔直,面容坚毅: Chen Beixuan, do not think, beats 1 million armies, cuts to kill ten big remote antiquity Elder(s), defeated Emperor Apollo on genuine, defeated softly taught spatially. I and other dignity and background of immortal god, are much more than you expected beside, the Divine Transformation Great Power strength, is not you can contend, even imagines.” 陈北玄,你不要以为,击败百万大军,斩杀十大太上长老,就真正击败了太阳神朝,击败了蹑空教。我等不朽神教的威严和底蕴,是远远超出你预料之外,化神大能的力量,更不是你能抗衡,甚至想象的。” „, Is that right? Chen Fan shows neither approval nor disapproval. “哦,是吗?陈凡不置可否。 You think, killed Fu word they, killed these Son of God Elder(s), even defeats me, even won? Laughable, small Southern Heaven Realm many great sect, which teaches not to have Divine Treasure or the Divine Beast suppression simply, does not have immortal Divine Formation under ancient arrange/cloth, 12 Divine Transformation haven't Great Power existed? They want to kill you, lifts a finger gently, can the smashing that you grind.” Qin Ye is saying calmly, cracked into a smile: I, although is known as Emperor Apollo Crown Prince, but in several sons of my father sovereign, ranked third.” “你是不是以为,杀了傅言他们,杀了这些神子长老,甚至打败我,就算赢了?简直可笑,小南天境诸多大教,哪个教中没有神宝神兽镇压,没有亘古布下的不朽神阵,没有一两尊化神大能存在?他们想要杀你,轻轻抬起一根手指,就能把你碾的粉碎。”秦烨平静说着,咧嘴一笑:“我虽然号称太阳神朝太子,但在我父皇的几个儿子中,也只是排第三罢了。” My that big brother, the cultivation base Connect The Heavens penetrating place, pursues the father sovereign, several tens of thousands years ago on Prove the Dao Divine Transformation. My that Second Brother has the Sword Saint title, once a person of sword, pressed teaches to bow the head. Not to mention, besides my Emperor Apollo, Everlasting Sect, Immortal Religion and Supreme Beginning God Realm wait/etc, control vast Star Region, teaches Primal Infant all by thousand ideas, cultivator by billion ideas.” “我那大哥,修为通天彻地,直追父皇,早在数万年前就证道化神。我那二哥更有剑圣的称号,曾经一人一剑,压的一教俯首。更不用说,除了我太阳神朝,还有无极宗长生教太初神境等等,无不统御辽阔星域,教中元婴以千计,修士以千百万计。” You, even if killed me, like the army, they want to organize several times, organization several times, how many your can Chen Beixuan keep off again?” “你哪怕杀了我,像这样的大军,他们想组织几次,就组织几次,你陈北玄再强能挡多少?” Qin Yeyan the pupil Light Glow sparkle, in the surface full was proudly. 秦烨眼眸光芒闪耀,面上满是傲然。 These stand erect the immortal gods of summit of Galaxy, is too truly powerful, in powerhouse of extraterrestrial buckle, to them, although non- a drop in the bucket, but will not have a fracture. Also makes them be a pity on several remote antiquity Elder(s). As for Son of God and Primal Infant and so on, several thousand years can train. 那些屹立星河之巅的不朽神教们,确实太强大,在地球外折损的强者,对它们来说,虽非九牛一毛,但也不会伤筋动骨。也就几位太上长老让他们可惜罢了。至于神子元婴之类,几千年就能重新培养回来。 Many people heard Qin Ye saying that all the complexion slightly changed. 许多人听闻秦烨所言,无不面色微微一变。 Divine Transformation that you said that possibly is very powerful, but their people?” “你说的化神,可能很强大,但他们人呢?” Chen Fan shot the interrupt blade, looks the ridicule. 陈凡弹了弹手中断刃,面露讥笑。 This...” “这...” Qin Ye smile slightly one stiff. 秦烨笑容微微一僵。 Abandons the Star Region situation is too special, day Daoist Magic is incomplete, all sorts of immortal invisible suppression, cause here strongest false Divine Transformation. But only if Divine Transformation cuts a blade, by own magical skill not completion, otherwise is unable to step into this territory absolutely. Makes in the Primal Spirit palace that Emperor Apollo senior Great Power, is this case. Even Divine Treasure and Divine Formation, are unable to take to bring, will be suppressed by array. 遗弃星域的情况太特殊,天道法则残缺,种种仙阵无形镇压,导致这里最强的只有伪化神。而外界化神除非自斩一刀,让自己道行不圆满,否则绝对无法踏入此域的。造元神殿中那个太阳神朝的前辈大能,就是此例。甚至连神宝神阵,都无法带进来,会被法阵压制。 Great Power plans, you cannot imagine. Chen Beixuan, reins at the brink of the precipice, opportunity.” Qin Yechen sound said. 大能算计,非你能想象。陈北玄,悬崖勒马,还有机会。”秦烨沉声道。 „, Has anything to plan, causes, making me take a look.” Chen Fan is saying lightly, treads again the previous step. “哦,有什么算计,使出来啊,让我瞧瞧。”陈凡淡淡说着,再踏前一步。 Bang.” “轰。” Chen Fan these step treads, has drawn close to Qin Ye the hundred zhang (333 m), Qin Ye did not endure again. On him, erupts the infinite power and influence fiercely, the whole body golden light flap flap, the aura surges upward, breaks through from Primal Infant to half Great Power boundary, even is also rising upward, has achieved this realm most Peak. 陈凡这一步踏出,已经贴近秦烨百丈之内,秦烨再也忍不了。他身上,猛地爆发出无穷威势,周身金光猎猎,气息一路高涨,从元婴突破到半步大能境,甚至还往上涨着,一直达到此境界的最巅峰 Kills.” “杀。” Qin Ye controlled the shining Yang divine sword, flew high to kill, but this was not Qin Ye genuine trump card. 秦烨驾驭耀阳神剑,凌空杀来,但这并不是秦烨的真正杀手锏 Bang! 轰隆! At this moment, sees only his top of the head, suddenly greatly leaps one to not the unimaginable golden form, that form whole body stuffs the endless god splendor aura, wears the Nine Dragons royal robes robe, wears the Golden Crow god crown, Three-Legged Golden Crow that nine are burning the flame moves around him. That person of appearance is fuzzy, covers in smog, just like occupies the gods above Nine Heavens high. 此刻,只见他头顶,突然跃出一道巨大到无法想象的金色身影,那身影周身充塞无尽的神辉气息,身着九龙衮袍,头戴金乌神冠,九只燃烧着火焰的三足金乌围绕他旋转。那人容貌模糊,笼罩在一片烟雾中,宛如高居九天之上的神明。 With that form one presently, was more powerful than the innumerable time of terrifying power and influence before, such as the difficult situation, swept across the entire Solar System instantaneously. 随着那身影一现,一股比之前强大无数倍的恐怖威势,如惊涛骇浪般,瞬间席卷整个太阳系。 The innumerable person whole bodies tremble. 无数人浑身颤栗。 Many people stare the big eye, all as panic-stricken as the extreme. 许多人瞪大眼睛,无不惊恐到极点。 Divine Transformation! 化神 Really has real Great Power to appear? 竟然有真的大能出现? Ān pò Heav­enly Monarch and Jiao Zun and Priest Soaring Clouds and other on the original faces just showed the smile, this moment smile stiff on face, does not dare to imagine. Wasn't Great Power blocked outside abandoning Star Region? Even in Divine Treasure is unable to enter, how to have Great Power to appear? Moreover sees that Great Power form, impressively is the god toward that ‚the Golden Crow Great Emperor, this is Emperor Apollo most powerhouse, the small Southern Heaven Realm first person! Even if in Divine Transformation, can be called to strong existence, he appeared too inconceivable. 安珀天君蛟尊者、凌云道长等原先脸上刚露出笑容,此刻笑容都僵在脸上,不敢想象。大能不是被封锁在遗弃星域外吗?连神宝都无法入内,怎么会有大能出现?而且看那尊大能的身影,赫然是神朝那位‘金乌大帝’,这可是太阳神朝的最强者,小南天境第一人!哪怕在化神中,都称得上至强的存在,他出现太不可思议了。 Cuts!” “斩!” Qin Yebao drank. 秦烨爆喝。 Sees that ‚the Golden Crow Great Emperor, similarly in the palm appears a golden divine sword, is positive with shining touches, shows the similar posture, the same sword cuts. 就见那‘金乌大帝’,同样掌中现出一口金色神剑,与‘耀阳’一摸一样,摆出同样的姿势,同样一剑斩出。 At that moment. 那一刻。 void was cut the crack, a between Heaven and Earth dimness, as if changes to the dark sea, only then together radiant to not unimaginable golden light, gives to break out the livelihood. In many eyes, the prestige energy of this sword, even can chop into pieces Moon. 虚空都被斩裂,天地间一片黯淡,仿佛化作黑暗的海洋,只有一道璀璨到无法想象的金光,把日月都给劈开。在许多人眼中,这一剑的威能,甚至能把月球都劈碎。 Facing this as if epoch-making power and influence, Chen Fan actually sneers: 面对这仿佛开天辟地的威势,陈凡却冷笑: Divine Sense, did not say the true body together, does not dare to step into Central Mainland the incarnation, wants to kill me? Daydreams simply, gives me to break!” “一道神念罢了,不说真身,连化身都不敢踏入中土,也想杀我?简直白日做梦,给我破!” Then, on Chen Fan similarly endless immortal glow blooms, flaming combustion, like the Nine Heavens Immortal flame. Bang in the sound, breaks blade Immortal Weapon, in he holds, bursts out not unimaginable Light Glow, as Chen Fan cuts. 说完,陈凡身上同样无尽仙芒绽放,熊熊燃烧,如同九天仙焰般。轰隆声中,断刃仙兵在他掌中,迸发出无法想象的光芒,随着陈凡斩出。 The first sword. 第一剑。 Chen Fan chops to fly shining to be positive god, making this accurate Divine Treasure send out to call out in grief to go. 陈凡劈飞‘耀阳’神将,让这件准神宝发出悲鸣而去。 The second sword. 第二剑。 Chen Fan breaks open the infinite golden light, deducts two sections that golden form. Disregards fierce angry roaring sound that form exudes, does not keep the hand. 陈凡破开无穷金光,将那金色身影生生劈成两截。无视那身影发出的剧烈怒吼声,也丝毫不留手。 The third sword. 第三剑。 Crown Prince Qin Ye by Chen Fan, was divided to fly directly directly, the whole person was almost cut two halves, an arm brings the innumerable blood to sprinkle the sky, by Chen Fan is broken open with Golden Crow treasure clothes that’ the Divine Beast Golden Crow feather knitting becomes. Although is the Divine Beast feather, cannot block the sharpness of Nine Heavens Immortal soldier. 太子秦烨直接被陈凡,直接劈飞出去,整个人差点被斩成两半,一条胳膊带着无数鲜血洒满天空,用神兽金乌羽毛编织而成的‘金乌宝衣’生生被陈凡破开。虽然是神兽的羽毛,也挡不住九天仙兵的锋锐。 Merely three swords. 仅仅三剑。 Chen Fan beat Crown Prince Qin Ye of being insufferably arrogant, as well as that seems like not surmountable arrival Divine Transformation. 陈凡就击败了不可一世的太子秦烨,以及那看似无可战胜的降临化神 Hiss.” “嘶。” At that moment, whole world silent. 那一刻,举世无声。 Only remains god falling king Qin Jian of leg, many Son of God that only remains, surrounded Star Ocean cultivator , or outside various countries and territories on Earth Primal Infant, they perform are looking at the starry sky that all shocks, does not make the little sound. 无论是只剩一条腿的神陨王秦简,还是仅剩的诸多神子们,围观的星海修士,又或者地球上的诸国和域外元婴们,他们尽皆震撼的望着星空,不发出一点点声音。 In many hearts understands. 许多人心中明白。 Perhaps after today, entire Central Mainland and even entire Star Region, will have no person to revolt against Chen Fan again, even if Star Ocean great sect, similarly is not good! 恐怕今日之后,整个中土乃至整个星域,将再也没有任何一个人能反抗陈凡,哪怕是星海大教,同样不行! What is matchless? 何谓举世无双? This is matchless! 这就是举世无双! PS: First offers, behind also has, yesterday the itself/Ben thinks that can renew, but the matter had not processed, ultra was sorry that felt the author fungus prestige must go bankrupt, tragedy .... PS:第一更奉上,后面还有,昨天本以为能更新的,但事情一直没处理完,超抱歉啊,感觉作者菌信誉要破产了,悲剧啊....
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