ROUIC :: Volume #10 Volume 10

#1175: Person of town/subdues ten thousand teach!

In void. 虚空中。 The energy storm wells up crazily, the blood-color sprinkles the world, the innumerable stump residual limbs break the arm, coordinating the wreckage of battleship to proliferate around Earth. The space sends out the slating explosion sound, that say/way giant black crack, before the Chen Fan body, has extended to ten thousand li (0.5 km) beyond, like the day deep pool, looks together bottom-up, the space as if suddenly are many a black wound. 能量风暴狂涌,血色洒满世界,无数残肢断臂,配合着战舰的残骸遍布地球周围。空间发出雷鸣般的轰响,那道巨大的黑色裂缝,从陈凡身前,一直延伸到万里之外,如同一道天渊般,从下向上看去,天上仿佛突然多出一条黑色伤口般。 How possibly?” “怎么可能?” All bystanders, outside the territory Primal Infant, the Earth people the sect and rogue cultivator who catch up with from Star Ocean. Simultaneously at the scene, inconceivable testimony this, just like seeing fantasy story. 所有围观者,无论是域外元婴,地球众人还是从星海中赶来的宗派、散修们。同时愣在当场,不可思议的见证这一幕,宛如看到天方夜谭般。 Threatens to come, to sweep across the entire Solar System, as if lifts a foot to flatten with a roller ten thousand of Earth to teach the allied armies, was cut to kill by a Chen Fan sword unexpectedly, casualty about half? 气势汹汹而来,席卷整个太阳系,仿佛抬一只脚就能碾平地球的万教联军,竟然被陈凡一剑斩杀,死伤近半? Especially that ten remote antiquity Elder(s), they stem from about ten immortal gods, is teaches the position highest to one of the person of the hour, the town/subdues teaches the big shot. Actually accurate Divine Treasure stimulates, to let a Chen Fan sword continually without enough time soul and Mortal Body, stirs the fragment entirely. 尤其那十位太上长老,他们出自近十个不朽神教,乃是教中地位最高的至人物之一,镇教大佬。却连准神宝都来不及激发,让陈凡一剑连魂魄带肉身,统统搅成碎片。 And, is not no one has for assigning/life secret technique or the top rare treasure, even if Divine Transformation strikes can perhaps escape. 其中,不是没人身怀替命秘法或顶级秘宝,就算化神一击说不定都能逃过。 But Chen Fan kills their, breaks blade Immortal Weapon. 陈凡杀他们的,是断刃仙兵 This breaks the soldier a small section of knife point that although is only standard Immortal Weapon, but eventually is genuine Immortal Weapon, the prestige can arrive powerful inconceivable, besides incomparably sharp firm, what is most terrifying, the created wound is unable to heal. Perhaps if the mortal wound, die, Divine Transformation Great Power does not dare to withstand a Chen Fan's blade at the scene directly. 这件断兵虽然只是制式仙兵的一小截刀尖,但终究是真正仙兵,威能强大到不可思议,除了无比锋锐坚固外,最恐怖的是,造成的伤口根本无法愈合。若是致命伤,更当场陨落,恐怕化神大能都不敢正面承受陈凡的一刀。 Is impossible, this impossible...” “不可能呢,这绝不可能...” Qin Ye suddenly/violently to retreat, his left arm was cut crazily backward by Chen Fan, the scarlet blood scattered, the original bearing was stern, deep pool pavilion Yue Zhi was very honored just like the dragon of the world, but actually the hair hung loose at this moment, the chest front full was the blood that splashed, which also had the least bit honored flavor. 秦烨疯狂向后暴退,他一条左臂被陈凡斩下,猩红血液四溅,原先气度森严,渊亭岳峙无比尊贵宛如人间之龙,但此刻却头发披散,胸前满是溅起的血液,哪还有半点尊贵的味道。 Kills.” “杀。” Chen Fan takes advantage of a favorable situation the pursuit, again a blade, besieging ten several Primal Infant, cut two sections at the scene around the middle. 陈凡乘势追击,再次一刀,把围攻上来的十数个元婴,当场拦腰斩成两截。 Pitifully, this flying immortal swordsmanship can only use one time.” Chen Fan sighed lightly. “可惜,这飞仙剑法只能用一次。”陈凡轻叹。 Flying immortal is Great Divine Ability, can stimulate in the weapon to successively hold the soul that the master leaves behind to read the will, thus erupts incomparably the terrifying that is inconceivable to strike radiantly, in the past displayed this weapon master was more powerful, a flying immortal sword was also more terrorist. Immortal breaks the owner of blade, once was the Immortal Realm combat general, although was only an interruption blade, is unable to display the complete strength, but as before as terrifying as the extreme. ‘飞仙’是大神通,可以激发兵器内历任主人留下的魂念意志,从而爆发出无比璀璨难以想象的恐怖一击,当年施展这柄兵器的‘主人’越强大,飞仙一剑也就越恐怖。仙器断刃的主人,曾是仙界战将,虽然只是一截断刃,无法发挥出完整力量,但依旧恐怖到极点。 Kills, complete making a move, killed him!” “杀,全部出手,杀了他!” Qin Ye angrily roared. 秦烨怒吼。 In his heart not only angry and has the faint trace to be panic-stricken. This moment this Emperor Apollo Crown Prince, understands finally why the Fifth Brother collaborates together with six remote antiquity Elder(s), the hand-held divine tool, was actually also defeated by Chen Fan certainly, originally this Chen Beixuan unexpectedly powerful in this way. 他心中既愤怒又带着丝丝惊恐。此刻这位太阳神朝太子,总算明白为什么自家五弟连同六位太上长老联手,更手持准神器,却也被陈凡击败,原来这个‘陈北玄’竟然强大如斯。 That sword time, Qin Ye even had to face directly from my father sovereign god toward the feeling of Great Emperor! 那一剑的时候,秦烨甚至有直面自家父皇神朝大帝的感觉! On together.” “一起上。” Crash-bang. 哗啦啦。 At that moment, in sky, flags like forest, combat general like rain. After having outside the number field Great Sects Primal Infant Golden Core responded, the eye was red, flushed crazily, the non- birth control died. Many battleships change with most powerful main artillery array, 99 Divine Thunder also stimulate, strikes to compare favorably with Primal Infant most Peak Powerhouse. 那一刻,天空中,旌旗如林,战将如雨。无数域外大教的元婴金丹反应过来后,眼睛都红了,疯狂冲上来,不计生死。许多战舰更动用最强大的主炮法阵,九十九道神雷阵同时激发,一击可以媲美元婴巅峰强者 Kill! 杀! The innumerable war cries vibrate the livelihood, splendid light of thousands of ten thousand idea, stuffed void, the god rainbow passes through day, the terrifying energy tide whipped in the land, making Heaven and Earth shiver, void blasted open. This simply is unprecedented God War. Golden Core cultivator in this fight, is only like trivial ant, was patted by a Chen Fan palm on casualty a lot, Primal Infant cultivator is becomes makes into hits was killed. 无数杀声震动日月,数以千计万计的华光,充塞虚空,神虹贯日,恐怖的能量潮汐拍打在大地上,让天地都颤抖,虚空为之炸裂。这简直是前所未有的神战金丹修士在这场战斗中,只是如蝼蚁一般,被陈凡一掌拍下就死伤千百个,元婴修士更是成打成打的被杀。 „.” “刺啦。” The battlefield most core place that Chen Fan is, has changed to a piece of light thoroughly the sea. Strength of innumerable order god chain and Law(s) surges, lightning Light Glow interweaves, almost every time, has several hundred over a thousand Golden Core Primal Infant cultivator die. 陈凡所在的战场最核心处,已经彻底化作一片光的海洋。无数秩序神链和法则之力在其中激荡,闪电光芒交织,几乎每时每刻,都有数百上千的金丹元婴修士陨落 A Chen Fan sword cuts. 陈凡一剑斩下。 78 battleships explode to break to pieces, ten several Primal Infant were cut to kill. 就有七八艘战舰爆碎开来,十数个元婴被斩杀。 But they give self up to forget as before, goes all out to clash. That ten remote antiquity Elder(s), unexpectedly 2-3, because in the sword -type most edge, hid the most fatal attack reluctantly, although experienced personally the heavy losses almost to drop the boundary of half step Great Power, but the mouth swallowed Divine Medicine as before, stimulated to movement most Peak to control accurate Divine Treasure Magic Power to besiege again. 但他们依旧舍身忘死,拼命冲上来。那十位太上长老,其中竟然有2-3位,因为在剑式的最边缘,勉强躲掉了最致命的攻击,虽然身受重创差点跌落半步大能之境,但依旧口吞神药,把法力催动到最巅峰驾驭准神宝再次围攻上来。 Rumble!” “轰隆隆!” void was hit the crack. 虚空都被打裂。 They stimulate to movement most Peak the strength, stimulates to movement accurate Divine Treasure, strikes almost compares favorably with the attack of half Divine Transformation, makes the giant black hole several hundred li (0.5 km) space. Many Golden Core and Primal Infant cultivator , because escapes without enough time, was involved in this attack, finally including snort/hum snort/hum one, the instantaneous whole person changed to the meat sauce without enough time, Divine Soul and Primal Infant was stirred broken in a complete mess. 他们把力量催动到最巅峰,催动准神宝,一击几乎媲美半个化神的攻击,把数百里空间都打出巨大的黑洞。许多金丹元婴修士,由于逃跑来不及,被卷入到这攻击中,最终连哼都来不及哼一声,瞬间整个人都化作了肉酱,连神魂元婴都被搅碎的一塌糊涂。 One flock of ants!” “一群蝼蚁!” The Chen Fan complexion like the ice, the pupil light is faint, holds a sword to cut, has not dreaded slightly. 陈凡面色如冰,眸光淡漠,仗剑斩出,丝毫没有畏惧。 Although is unable in displaying ‚a flying immortal sword, but Chen Fan has half Origin Strength as before, his Mortal Body Divine Soul Primal Infant, achieves realm above Golden Core, the body and spirit arrives powerful inconceivable, Magic Power continuously, like a perpetual motion machine of infinite fight. 虽然无法在施展‘飞仙一剑’,但陈凡依旧拥有‘半元之力’,他肉身神魂元婴,都达到金丹之上的境界,体魄强大到不可思议,法力源源不绝,如同一台无限战斗的永动机般。 How whatever these people rush ahead, Chen Fan disregards, but a blade blade chops, horizontally certainly livelihood. 任凭这些人如何冲杀上来,陈凡不管不顾,只是一刀刀劈出,横绝日月。 Thump thump thump.” “咚咚咚。” In the Chen Fan hand the immortal sword every with that several accurate Divine Treasure collisions, sends out the slating explosion sound one time. Shakes surrounding area several thousand li (0.5 km) cultivator , the soul wants to crack, Mortal Body several want the disintegration, the enormous and powerful sacred aura and immortal light sway in that region. 陈凡手中仙剑每一次与那几件准神宝碰撞,都发出雷鸣般的轰响。震得方圆数千里的修士,魂魄欲裂,肉身几欲崩碎,浩荡的神圣气息与仙光在那一片区域挥洒。 Fights finally. 战到最后。 That region almost changes to the dead boundary. 那片区域几乎化作死境。 Half Great Power, becomes the battlefield of organization system, or controls accurate Divine Treasure Son of God, can participate in this fight reluctantly. Although Son of God Magic Power is well below half step Great Power, whole body Magic Power only enough stimulates to movement accurate Divine Treasure to erupt 12 to strike. 只有半步大能,成建制的战阵,又或者驾驭准神宝神子们,才能勉强参与到这场战斗中来。神子们虽然法力远远不如半步大能,全身法力只够催动准神宝爆发一两击。 But was enough. 但足够了。 Son of God comes up to strike, ten Son of God are ten strikes. 一位神子上来一击,十位神子就是十击。 They are also giant to the disturbance that Chen Fan creates, because wants the wound to Chen Fan, be only the strength of accurate Divine Treasure and half Great Power level is good. Although the Chen Fan's attack is matchless, but his body and spirit, eventually is only Immortal Body small accomplishment of Golden Core boundary, after withstanding the bombardments of innumerable great power, somewhat creakies, on Mortal Body appears slits. Almost in completion Immortal Body, is not perfect. 他们给陈凡造成的干扰也非常巨大,因为想要伤到陈凡,只有准神宝和半步大能级的力量才行。陈凡的攻击虽然举世无双,但他的体魄,终究只是金丹境的仙体小成,在承受无数次强大力量的轰击后,也有些摇摇欲坠,肉身上现出一道道缝隙来。几近于圆满仙体,再也不是完美。 But the Chen Fan's enemy is more miserable. 陈凡的敌人更惨。 Ten remote antiquity Elder(s), dozens Son of God, several hundred Primal Infant and million Combatant attack jointly, now? 十位太上长老、数十神子、数百元婴、百万战兵联手来攻,如今呢? Remote antiquity Elder(s) only has 2-3, Son of God loses seriously, Primal Infant Golden Core are left over is less than 1/3. In void this fight, only erupted for short a half hour, cultivator that but died, far more than hundreds of thousands of? 太上长老只剩下2-3位,神子损失惨重,元婴金丹们更剩下不到三分之一。虚空中这场战斗,只爆发了短短半小时,但死去的修士,何止数十万? Chen Beixuan, death!” 陈北玄,死!” Qin Ye grasped the shining Yang divine sword, at this moment, he erupted full power, performs to reveal under Divine Transformation the invincible god to be dignified toward Crown Prince, a sword horizontal day, vibrated four wildly, must cut to kill Chen Fan. 秦烨手持耀阳神剑,这一刻,他全力爆发,尽显化神之下无敌的神朝太子威严,一剑横天,震动四野,要斩杀陈凡 But Chen Fan chops backhandedly, easily shoots to fly him. 陈凡只是反手劈出,就轻易将他弹飞出去。 Although he is known as under Divine Transformation invincible, but with half Origin Strength, has the vast gap eventually. 他虽号称化神之下无敌,但与半元之力间,终究有巨大差距。 How can so? How can so?” “怎会如此?怎会如此?” Qin Jian that the four limbs all lose, lies down in the battlefield edge, is looking at this, scared is calling. 四肢全失的秦简,躺在战场边缘,望着这一幕,失魂落魄的叫着。 Should not. 不应该啊。 Ten thousand teach the allied armies to come, solely immortal great sect has about ten, other every large or small Sect, have over a hundred. What isn't Star Region able to conquer? Only if genuine Divine Transformation Great Power making a move, otherwise should easily trample flat early is right, is Chen Fan so why powerful? In defeats such mostly in the step Great Power situation continuously, fights intent to be hearty as before, looks to creaky, but is actually similar to the storm center mountain, stands erect proudly, the peak however is motionless. 万教联军而来,单单不朽大教就有近十个,其他大大小小宗门,更有上百。什么星域无法征服?除非真正化神大能出手,否则早应该轻易踏平才对,为什么陈凡如此强大?在连续击败这么多半步大能的情况下,依旧战意酣畅,看着摇摇欲坠,但却如同暴风雨中心的山岳,傲然屹立,耸然不动。 „Who is this person? Really is the Great Power reincarnation?” Qin Jian could not have spoken. “这人到底是什么人?难道真是大能转世?”秦简已经说不出话来。 „.” “啊。” Fights finally. 战到最后。 Has itself Son of God directly-burning, burns Divine Soul and Mortal Body entirely, changes to purest Light Glow, fuses certainly in Divine Treasure. Erupting accurate Divine Treasure is strongest strikes, on Chen Fan, left behind a several cuns (2.5 cm) wound forcefully. 神子直接燃烧自己,把神魂肉身统统燃烧,化作最纯粹的光芒,融合进准神宝中。爆发出准神宝最强一击,硬生生在陈凡身上,留下了一道数寸长的伤口。 What a pity. 可惜。 That wound almost suddenly, healing. 那伤口几乎眨眼间,就愈合。 I come!” “我来!” I also come.” “我也来。” Calculates my one.” “算我一个。” Other Son of God, bellowing, is burning oneself, integrates in own Divine Soul accurate Divine Treasure, stimulates to movement accurate Divine Treasure to regain consciousness completely, erupts strikes full power. 其他神子们,也大吼着,燃烧自己,把自己的神魂融入到准神宝中,催动准神宝完全苏醒,爆发全力一击。 . 唰唰唰。 On Chen Fan increased 78 wounds instantaneously, what a pity these injuries to the Chen Fan not slight hindrance. His complexion like the iron, the sword glow has swept void as before, holds interrupt blade Immortal Weapon not able to imagine sharply, by dies, is scratching on the wound, even accurate Divine Treasure were divided the gap by Chen Fan. After Son of God casualty most, even half Great Power despair, the combustion vitality, by the body about the soldier, puts in own complete Divine Soul and strength into accurate Divine Treasure, erupts to Chen Fan to strikes. 陈凡身上瞬间添加了七八道伤口,可惜这些伤势对陈凡并没有丝毫的阻碍。他依旧面色如铁,剑芒扫过虚空,掌中断刃仙兵锐利到无法想象,挨着就死,擦着就伤,甚至有一件准神宝都被陈凡劈出缺口来。等神子们死伤大半后,甚至有半步大能绝望,燃烧气血,以身合兵,把自己的全部神魂和力量投入到准神宝,对陈凡爆发至强一击。 Bang!” “轰隆!” That strikes really powerful, somewhat cannot shoulder Chen Fan. 那一击是真的强大,连陈凡都有些扛不住。 The blue sky divine blade like emerald green True Dragon, has the inexhaustible Divine Transformation aura, vast as powerful as the extreme, breaks void, on Chen Fan, cut the injury of forcefully being foot permits Chang, almost cut to fall a Chen Fan arm. Even Chen Fan Immortal Body small accomplishment, facing this strikes cannot withstand, caused heavy losses, the scarlet blood sprinkles all over void. 碧落神刀如同一条翠绿的真龙般,带着无穷无尽的化神气息,浩瀚强大到极点,震碎虚空,硬生生在陈凡身上,斩出了一道长达尺许长的伤势,差点把陈凡一条臂膀都斩落掉。连陈凡仙体小成,面对这一击都承受不住,生生遭到重创,猩红的鲜血洒遍虚空 Was too weak.” “太弱了。” But Chen Fan spoke a few words lightly, the eye pupil still is not not sadly happy. Lifts a hand sword, strikes to fly the blue sky divine blade, making this accurate Divine Treasure be seriously battered instantaneously, sends out wail sound that sobs. 陈凡只是淡淡说一句话,眼眸依旧无喜无悲。抬手一剑,把碧落神刀打飞出去,让这件准神宝瞬间遭受重创,发出呜咽呜咽的哀鸣声。 old Xing!” “老邢!” Finally is left over, Everlasting Sect remote antiquity Elder(s), this moment eye was red. 最后剩下的,一位无极宗太上长老,此刻眼都红了。 Kills!” “杀!” His rave. 他狂吼着。 Ten thousand celestial charts erupt most radiant Light Glow instantaneously, the Everlasting Sect remote antiquity Elder(s) entire person gather the god chart, complete vitality True Essence integrates ten thousand celestial charts, finally the whole person changes together to extreme Light Glow brilliantly. At that moment, between Heaven and Earth only has a piece of light, purely to the extreme light. ten thousand Xingtu changes to as if trillion li (0.5 km) long Galaxy, pounds fiercely to Chen Fan. That flickers, the earth-shattering, the livelihood avalanche, as if innumerable planet from nine spatial above crash, the entire Earth shivers. 万星图瞬间爆发出最璀璨的光芒,无极宗太上长老整个人身合神图,全部气血真元融入到‘万星图’内,最后整个人化作一道绚烂到极点的光芒。那一刻,天地间只剩下一片光,纯粹到极点的光。万星图更化作一条仿佛亿万里长的星河,猛地砸向陈凡。那一瞬,天崩地裂,日月崩塌,仿佛无数星辰从九空之上坠落般,整个地球都为之颤抖。 But Chen Fan, only snaps fingers lightly, according to the sword stands, in the mouth puts out flying immortal again two characters. 陈凡,只轻弹指,按剑而立,口中再吐出‘飞仙’二字。 ! 唰! Breaks blade Immortal Weapon to change to together the silver rainbow fiercely, holds from him departs, like a brilliant to not unimaginable god lance, passes through Heaven and Earth, easily pierced ten thousand celestial charts, cuts to kill that Everlasting Sect remote antiquity Elder(s) final Divine Soul, then passes through innumerable Golden Core Primal Infant, finally pricked Qin Ye within the body, Crown Prince Qin Yeding in void, just like a mural. 断刃仙兵猛地化作一道银虹,从他掌中飞出,如同一柄绚烂到无法想象的神矛般,贯穿天地,轻易的洞穿了万星图,把那位无极宗太上长老最后的神魂斩杀,然后一路贯穿无数金丹元婴,最后刺入秦烨体内,生生把太子秦烨钉在了虚空中,宛如一副壁画般。 At that moment. 那一刻。 The whole world for it one static. 整个世界为之一静。 Countless people can only look at this Black Clothes youngster dumbfoundedly, witnesses his sidewise compression ten thousand teach radiance and magnificence! 无数人只能目瞪口呆看着这个黑衣少年,见证他一人横压万教的璀璨与辉煌! „Who is he? Point how in this way?” “他到底是什么人?锋芒何以如斯?” simultaneous/uniform Yunzong Elder(s) raised the head, slow saying. 齐云宗长老抬头,呐呐说着。 What a pity, no one can reply... 可惜,无人能回答... PS: First offers, in the evening something, possibly only had one chapter. Tomorrow starting from, can make up. A chapter that yesterday owed also had the beforehand renewal, tomorrow will start to make up, Super was sorry. PS:第一更奉上,晚上有些事情,可能只有一章了。明天开始,就能补更了。昨天欠下的一章还有之前的更新,明天就会开始补啦,超级抱歉。
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