ROUIC :: Volume #10 Volume 10

#1174: A sword once cut 1 million army!( First, 4000 character big chapters)

Around the Solar System, in covering Primordial Chaos dense fog, the people only saw, is thousand hundreds of zhang (333 m) to be long one after another, just like a hill common battleship, executes from void, crosses the Primordial Chaos dense fog unceasingly, under resembles the stuffed dumpling, one after another appearance. 太阳系周围,一片笼罩的混沌迷雾中,众人只看到,一条又一条长达千百丈长,宛如一座小山一般的战舰,自虚空中施出,不断越过混沌迷雾,似下饺子般,接二连三的出现。 Everlasting Sect no polar star boat, Emperor Apollo solar gold/metal ship, demon day sect demon day fought fort...” Has bystander shivering several. 无极宗的‘无极星舟’,太阳神朝的‘太阳金船’,魔日宗的‘魔日战堡’...”有围观者颤抖数着。 Small Southern Heaven Realm almost count number immortal Sect, almost gets together in this. 南天境几乎数得上号的不朽宗门,几乎齐聚于此。 30 and 50 and 70... 三十条、五十条、七十条... Arrived finally, dense and numerous, camouflages void, is almost impossible several. These battleships such as the forest comes, above each, has the earth-shaking strength to reappear, over ten thousand Golden Core cultivator condense in the same place strength, making the space twist, is a worthy opponent sufficiently Primal Infant Peak cultivator . But such battleship, far more than over a hundred? 到最后,密密麻麻,遮蔽虚空,几乎无法数出。那些战舰如林而来,每一艘之上,都有撼天动地的力量浮现,上万金丹修士凝聚在一起的力量,让空间都为之扭曲,足以匹敌一位元婴巅峰修士。而这样的战舰,何止上百? But makes one dread terrifyingly, walks frontline the battleship group, that is harnessing the golden chariot, by Emperor Apollo Crown Prince that two foot Golden Crow pull a cart Qin Ye!’ 但更恐怖让人畏惧的,是走在战舰群最前方,那个驾着金色战车,以两足金乌拉车的太阳神朝太子‘秦烨!’ dá dá.” “哒哒哒。” Qin Ye drove the line, the facial features were with deep veneration tranquil. 秦烨驾车而行,面容肃然而宁静。 He did not say a word, the manner was indifferent. But keeps several billions all living things on Earth continually, at this moment cannot bear turn very quiet, as if earth-shaking big person of the hour arrive the Solar System. 他一言不发,举止淡然。但连留在地球上的数十亿众生,此刻也忍不住屏住呼吸,仿佛有一尊惊天动地的大人物驾临太阳系般。 How possibly, Qin Ye how can abandon Star Region, he is the god toward Crown Prince, the Emperor Apollo Golden Crow family recognizes fourth existence that is likely to enter step Great Power. How the gods will allow him to step into this Star Region toward the Great Emperor, if die what to do.” Some people stare the big eye. “怎么可能,秦烨怎么会来遗弃星域,他可是神朝太子,太阳神朝金乌家族公认第四个有望进阶大能的存在。神朝大帝怎么会允许他踏入此星域,万一陨落了怎么办。”有人瞪大眼睛。 Snort, but Qin Crown Prince the Emperor Apollo first combat general, was known as under Divine Transformation invincible existence. So long as is not real Divine Transformation Great Power entered the world, who can injure him?” Side has the middle-aged cultivator ridicule. But, does not know that Qin Crown Prince did have that leads into to abandon Star Region to Divine Treasure. If it also came, then sweeps away invincibly on genuine, does not need to fear facing Divine Monarch.” “哼,秦太子可是太阳神朝第一战将,号称化神之下无敌的存在。只要不是真的化神大能出世,谁能伤他?”旁边有中年修士讥讽。“不过,就不知道秦太子有没有把那件至神宝带入遗弃星域。它若也来了,那就真正横扫无敌,连面对神君都不需要惧怕了。” Great Expert / everybody knows what he said is anything. 大家都知道他说的是什么。 The Emperor Apollo town/subdues teaches the most precious object. 太阳神朝镇教至宝。 Jinyang halberd! 金阳戟! This is in Legends, beginning Emperor Apollo for the Great Emperor by peerless Divine Treasure that own Mortal Body refinement becomes, was known as that strikes to crush planet, cuts to fall moon of space. 这是传说中,太阳神朝初代大帝以自己肉身炼制而成的绝世神宝,号称一击可粉碎星辰,斩落天上的月亮。 That Divine Treasure has been wielded by Crown Prince Qin Ye, in his hands, may be a worthy opponent in a short time Divine Transformation Great Power. If ‚the Jinyang halberd also brings, then Chen Fan is powerful, only if promoted Divine Monarch at the scene, possibly was not Qin Ye the opponent. 那件神宝一直是由太子秦烨执掌,在其手中,可短时间内匹敌化神大能。若‘金阳戟’也带来,那么陈凡再强大,除非当场晋级神君,也不可能是秦烨的对手。 Is impossible, this piece of Star Region has Curse and ban that antiquity Immortal left behind , the Heavenly Dao was incomplete, completely prohibits the strengths above all Divine Transformation. Divine Treasure is equivalent to Great Power Life to continue, has strength of the purest Great Power, is unlikely to enter abandons Star Region. However, Qin Crown Prince may have other subsequent hands, rare treasure and Divine Symbol that for example Great Power bestows, moreover only depends on this hundreds of battleships, what planet is unable to put down.” Another old, facial features withered sect Elder(s), coughs gently was saying. “不可能,这片星域有上古仙人留下的诅咒和禁制在,天道残缺,禁绝一切化神之上的力量。神宝相当于一位大能生命延续,拥有最纯正的大能之力,不太可能进入遗弃星域。不过,秦太子可能会有其他后手,比如大能赐下的秘宝和神符,而且仅凭这数以百计的战舰,什么星辰无法扫平。”另一位年岁比较大,面容枯槁的宗派长老,轻轻咳着说道。 In Immortal Cultivation World, low rank cultivator quantity, once reaches a magnitude, that was entirely different. 修仙界,低阶修士的数量一旦达到一个量级,那就截然不同了。 Dozens over a hundred Primal Infant, Chen Fan possibly does not care. 几十上百个元婴,陈凡可能不在乎。 But if the Primal Infant quantity does turn into several hundreds over a thousand? 元婴数量若变成数百上千呢? Over a thousand Primal Infant strike jointly, shakes Star Ocean, trembles Universe, the prestige can the terrifying is not able to imagine, perhaps pursues Divine Transformation, is better than Chen Fan, in this unprecedented certainly now under strikes, perhaps also die. 上千元婴联手一击,撼动星海,震颤宇宙,威能恐怖到无法想象,恐怕直追化神,强如陈凡,在这旷古绝今的一击之下,说不定也得陨落 But looked at behind Qin Ye many battleships, without over a thousand Primal Infant, several hundreds, many Golden Core, Chen Fan and Earth really fall into the unprecedented crisis again in addition. 而看秦烨背后的诸多战舰,哪怕没有上千元婴,也有数百,再加上诸多金丹,陈凡和地球真的是陷入前所未有的危局了。 This aspect, many surround cultivator to see clearly incessantly. 这局面,不止诸多围观修士看清。 Including A'Xiu, on Northern Jade Faction people with Earth, simultaneously in one for it heart cool. However they experienced many before, strengthened to the Chen Fan's confidence eventually, no longer easily worrying to reveal. 包括阿秀,和地球上的北琼派众人,都同时为之心中一凉。不过她们之前经历许多,对陈凡的信心终究增强了些,不再轻易把担忧表露出来。 But Qin Jian actually does not think like this. 秦简却不这样认为。 He laughs saying: Chen Beixuan, my god has led the army to arrive toward Crown Prince, solely half Great Power exists has ten, not to mention hundreds of Primal Infant and battleship army, how do you resist?” 他大笑道:“陈北玄,我神朝太子已率领大军驾临,单单半步大能存在就有十位之多,更不用说数以百计的元婴和战舰军阵,你怎么抵抗?” Qin Jian only has a left leg at this moment, the four limbs is cut, the wound above immortal light sparkle, the strength of immortal in the ignition that his Mortal Body and Divine Soul. Although the dark iron bar is only standard Immortal Weapon, is far from the prestige of genuine Immortal Treasure, but makes Qin Jian be seriously battered as before, restores Mortal Body unable to achieve continually, the aura almost drops the boundary of second half step Great Power. 秦简此刻只剩下一条左腿,四肢都被斩下,伤口上面仙光闪耀,仙器之力在噗呲噗呲的灼烧他的肉身神魂。虽然黝黑铁条只是制式仙兵,远没有真正仙宝之威,但依旧让秦简遭受重创,连恢复肉身都无法做到,气息差点跌落下半步大能之境。 Put him.” “放了他。” Qin Ye drove to come, the vision swept body incomplete Qin Jian, in the eye pupil has flashed through an angry look slightly, but quickly returned to normal, said with the incomparably dignified sound. 秦烨驾车而来,目光扫过身体残缺的秦简,眼眸中微微闪过一丝怒色,但迅速恢复平静,用无比威严的声音道。 Follows about ten remote antiquity Elder(s) that Qin Ye came not to speak. 追随秦烨而来的近十位太上长老不说话。 78 accurate Divine Treasure, in their hands sparkle Light Glow. The mountains and rivers universe charts and ten thousand star mirrors, the god extinguishes the treasure that the soul dagger flew away certainly, at this moment falls in corresponding the Great Sects person hand, has restored the gloss, the air/Qi swallows ten thousand li (0.5 km) like the tiger. 七八件准神宝,在他们手中闪耀光芒。山河乾坤图、万星镜、绝神灭魂匕等原先飞走的宝物,此刻落在对应大教的人手中,已经重新恢复光泽,气吞万里如虎。 But their under tutelage Son of God open the mouth in abundance: 而他们座下神子们更纷纷开口: Evil creature, had not put god falling Your Highness king rapidly.” “孽障,还不迅速放了神陨王殿下。” Chen Beixuan, you dare to kill me to teach remote antiquity Elder(s) and Son of God, humiliates great sect, I will teach certainly not to let off you. Now Your Highness Crown Prince has arrived, fast kneels begs for mercy.” 陈北玄,你胆敢杀死我教太上长老神子,欺凌大教,我教一定不会放过你。如今太子殿下已驾临,还不速速跪地求饶。” Also rubbish anything, direct main strength, flattens with a roller him.” “还废话什么,直接大兵一出,碾平他。” The innumerable person vision look cold and gloomy to Chen Fan, some such as Immortal Religion and Everlasting Sect Son of God Elder(s), wish one could to throw directly, swallows Chen Fan one. 无数人目光森冷望向陈凡,一些如长生教无极宗神子长老们,恨不得直接扑上来,把陈凡一口吞掉。 Great Expert / everybody understands. 大家都明白。 In the Son of God mouth said that makes Chen Fan beg for mercy, in fact, simply had not ensure exempts. If Chen Fan really kneels, only then dead end, even Sect and entire Earth all living things must be buried along with the dead. 神子们口中说让陈凡求饶,实际上,根本没有保证免死。陈凡若真跪地,只有死路一条,甚至连宗门和整个地球众生都要陪葬。 The enmity that between Chen Fan and major gods have was too deep, uses the water of Nine Heavens unable to scrub simply. 陈凡和各大神教间结下的仇太深了,简直倾尽九天之水也无法洗刷。 Therefore had been bullied by Chen Fan, various great sect send outside Son of God or the territory Primal Infant, at this moment on the face is hanging sneering, calmly looks to Chen Fan, waits for Chen Fan to perish. 所以很多被陈凡欺压过的,无论是各大教神子还是域外元婴,此刻都脸上挂着冷笑,静静望向陈凡,等着陈凡灭亡。 „.” “咔嚓。” Chen Fan has swept the people, the vision not Ye the stay half a point in several hundred battleship and on Crown Prince Qin, has turned the head unexpectedly, under glare of the public eye, a blade, cuts a left leg that Qin Jian only remained again. 陈凡一眼扫过众人,目光没有在数百战舰和太子秦烨身上停留半分,竟然又转过头去,在众目睽睽之下,再次一刀,斩下了秦简仅剩的一条左腿。 „.” “啊。” Qin Jian cannot control again, sends out incomparably sad and shrill miserable howling. 秦简再也控制不住,发出无比凄厉的惨嚎。 He calls out, the vision that while resents with the incomparable hatred looks to Chen Fan. The wound that the Nine Heavens Immortal soldier creates, has the non- recoverability. Although Qin Jian does not know the blade origin, but he experiences broadly, knows perhaps own this four limbs are unable to restore again, even if can restore, must pay Qin Jian the grievous cost that is almost impossible to withstand. 他一边嚎叫,一边用无比怨毒愤恨的目光望向陈凡九天仙兵造成的伤口,具有不可复原性。秦简虽不知断刃来历,但他见识多广,知道自己这四肢恐怕再也无法恢复,哪怕能恢复,也得付出秦简几乎无法承受的惨痛代价。 Chen Beixuan, I want you dead! I want your whole families sect, the entire Earth is buried along with the dead to you, I want...” 陈北玄,我要你死!我要你满门宗派,整个地球都给你陪葬,我要...” The Qin Jian hatred is calling. 秦简正怨毒叫着。 . 啪。 A Chen Fan sword flings, pulls out on his face, flies high to pull out the flying number hundred zhang (333 m) him directly, half face beats, the full mouth tooth combines the bright red blood to depart, the entire body transferred dozens to stop at the scene, the face has distorted, almost did not recognize the person. 陈凡一剑甩出,抽在其脸上,直接把他凌空抽飞数百丈,半张脸都打烂,满口牙齿混杂着鲜红的血液飞出,整个身体当场转了数十圈才停下,脸已变形,几乎认不出人来。 noisy.” 聒噪。” At this time Chen Fan said lightly. 这时陈凡才淡淡说道。 Un?” “嗯?” The Crown Prince Qin Ye eyes narrowed the eyes, in the pupil flashed through an angry look. 太子秦烨眼睛一眯,眸中闪过一丝怒色。 His solemn god toward the Crown Prince arrival, 1 million armies to this, Chen Fan dares to be in front of his to cut unexpectedly to injure Qin Jian. Even if he has no sentiment to this younger brother, at this moment is also furious. 他堂堂神朝太子驾临,百万大军到此,陈凡竟然敢当着他的面斩伤秦简。哪怕他对这个弟弟并没有什么感情,此刻也为之震怒。 Chen Beixuan, after you really do not fear is defeated, the whole families are extinguished, entire Earth several billions Life were conquered by killing, merely because of you reason? You will become entire Central Mainland and even abandon the Star Region criminal.” 陈北玄,你真的不怕落败后,满门被灭,整个地球数十亿生命被血洗,仅仅是因为你一人的缘故?你将成为整个中土乃至遗弃星域的罪人。” Had great sect remote antiquity Elder(s) Yin Gloomy to say. 大教太上长老阴森森说着。 Perhaps he is also having the Divine Monarch fond dream, actually does not know, only Primal Infant cultivator , with, when Divine Monarch? Even Your Highness Crown Prince and that alone traveler Song Yufeng, had a disparity from the position of Divine Monarch.” Another middle-aged Elder(s) laughs. “他恐怕还做着神君的美梦呢,却不知道,区区一个元婴修士,也配当神君?就算太子殿下和那个独行客宋禹峰,距离神君之位还有一段差距。”另一中年长老大笑。 Fellow Daoist Chen, you , if without a fight, we do not injure Northern Jade Faction one person.” 陈道友,你若束手就擒,我们绝不伤北琼派一人。” Some person of over the face are temperate, tries to induce somebody to capitulate Chen Fan, making Chen Fan give up resisting. 还有人满面温和,试图劝降陈凡,让陈凡放弃抵抗。 Before although they have not caught up with enough time, but enters the arena now, saw that the corpse proliferated the starry sky everywhere, and god falling king Qin Jian pitiful condition, is showing Chen Fan's to be difficult to annoy all. 之前他们虽然没赶来得及,但如今进场,看到满地尸体遍布星空,以及神陨王秦简的惨状,无不在彰显陈凡的难惹。 Although they are self-confident, about ten remote antiquity Elder(s) also grasp certainly Divine Treasure, in addition Crown Prince Qin Ye with several hundred Primal Infant battleships, encircled the entire Earth, besieges one to be fought repeatedly at this moment only then mast scull end Chen Fan, should not have the major problem, but if can the Undying person on the victory, be naturally best. This makings scholarly warm Elder(s), is temperate on the facial features, wants to urge Chen Fan to be hands tied. 虽然他们自信,近十位太上长老还手持准神宝,再加上太子秦烨与数百元婴战舰,把整个地球团团围住,围攻一个屡遭大战此刻只有樯橹之末的陈凡,应该没多大问题,但若能不死人就胜,自然最好。这位气质儒雅温煦的长老,就面容温和,想劝陈凡束手。 But Chen Fan inspires the hand interrupt blade gently. 陈凡只是轻轻一振手中断刃。 Kills!” “杀!” Follows a chilly sound, Chen Fan has changed into together bolt of white silk splendid light, injects in many battleship groups. His sword glow radiant as sharp as the extreme, a layer upon layer space, in Chen Fan powerful to inconceivable Immortal Body small accomplishment in front, just like the frail flimsy, was easily pierced to put on, several tens of thousands kilometers distance, Chen Fan almost one step treads broken. 伴随一声清冷的声音,陈凡已化为一道匹练华光,射入诸多战舰群中。他剑芒璀璨锐利到极点,一层层空间,在陈凡强大到不可思议的仙体小成面前,宛如脆弱的薄纸般,被轻易捅破穿开,数万公里的距离,陈凡几乎一步就踏破。 Whiz. 嗖。 Next second. 下一秒。 Chen Fan has arrived in the battleship group. 陈凡已来到战舰群中。 Bang.” “轰隆。” He hits good-fittingly 他合身一撞 Although these battleships by planet capital or solar fine gold casting, carves to draw many array, but also is the heavenly treasure level level eventually, where can block the hit of Chen Fan Immortal Body small accomplishment? 这些战舰虽然是以星辰母金或太阳精金铸造而成,更刻绘着诸多法阵,但终究还属于天宝级层次,哪能挡得住陈凡仙体小成的撞击? At the scene, 78 battleships were cracked-up by him at the scene. In the battleship many Golden Core cultivator of carrying/sustaining, under the tofu like iron hammer, several tens of thousands Golden Core cannot withstand his incomparable great strength, flies high to blast open, with the ship, was hit the blood fog by Chen Fan. 当场,七八艘战舰就被他当场撞碎。战舰之中承载的诸多金丹修士,更如同铁锤之下的豆腐般,数万金丹承受不住他无匹的巨力,凌空炸裂开来,连人带船,被陈凡撞成血雾。 But this had not finished. 但这还没结束。 Then a Chen Fan sword sweeps, displays Thunder Prison Spirit Blade with the sword belt blade, a blade horizontal day, blade glow void, cuts dozens Primal Infant horizontally certainly continually! These Primal Infant defense magic treasure, several such as the paper sticks general, even stops Chen Fan moment even one second radically cannot achieve, is divided into two sections baseless. 紧接着,接着陈凡一剑扫出,以剑带刀施展出雷狱神刀,一刀横天,刀芒横绝虚空,连斩数十元婴!那些元婴身上的防御法宝,几如纸糊一般,根本连阻拦陈凡片刻甚至一秒钟的时间都做不到,就凭空分成两截。 . 噗。 Almost hits a blade. 几乎一撞一刀。 Crosses void to come layer on layer/heavily, the high-spirited desire easily conquers Earth and entire abandons the Star Region small Southern Heaven Realm expeditionary force, the damage is serious. Enough over a hundred Primal Infant level battle efficiency die. 远渡重重虚空而来,意气风发欲轻易征服地球和整个遗弃星域的小南天境远征军,就损伤惨重。足足上百个元婴级战斗力陨落 You how dare?” “你怎敢?” Remote antiquity Elder(s) startled anger, even Crown Prince Qin Ye also opened the eye fiercely, in the pupil the fine glow explodes shoots, incomparably was furious. 诸位太上长老惊怒,连太子秦烨也猛地睁大眼,眸中精芒爆射,无比震怒。 Facing 1 million armies, the normal person should not first admit defeat to beg for mercy, discussed the condition well, finally compelled the hopeless situation making a move? Chen Fan dares to press unexpectedly layer on layer/heavily facing their these, just like withstanding great pressure general innumerable powerhouse first begins. 面对百万大军,正常人不应该先服软求饶,好好谈条件,最后逼到绝境才出手吗?陈凡竟然敢面对他们这些重重压来,宛如泰山压顶一般的无数强者们抢先动手。 This courts death simply! 这简直是找死! Bringing about own destruction. 自寻死路。 Even if in tolerant Son of God or Elder(s), the heart also sentenced the death penalty to Chen Fan. 哪怕是在宽容的神子长老们,心底对陈凡也判了死刑。 This fellow radically is a boorish fellow, only then muscle, without existence of brain. Depending on him, dares the direct impact indeed so my 1 million armies, thinks how many Golden Core Primal Infant kills, can show disdain for the immortal god? He does not know that the immortal god genuine strength is. I and others, if strikes jointly, but completely easily his steamroll to become dust.’ ‘这家伙根本就是个莽夫,只有肌肉,没有脑子的存在。凭他一个人,尽然敢直冲我百万大军,以为杀几个金丹元婴,就能傲视不朽神教吗?他根本不知道不朽神教真正的力量所在。我等若联手一击,完全可轻易把他碾压成灰。’ In the Everlasting Sect remote antiquity Elder(s) heart sneers. 无极宗太上长老心中冷笑。 Several other Elder(s), whole body True Essence thrives all, the aura shakes Heaven and Earth, prepares to stimulate to movement accurate Divine Treasure in hand at any time, strikes the Chen Fan bang jointly kills. 其他几位长老,也无不周身真元勃发,气息撼动天地,随时准备催动手中的准神宝,联手一击把陈凡轰杀。 Although before Chen Fan, once beat Qin Jian and the others. 尽管陈凡之前曾击败秦简等人。 But they believe, oneself ten remote antiquity Elder(s) as well as many accurate Divine Treasure and several hundred Primal Infant strike, can easily cancel from Earth Chen Fan absolutely, this is abandons the Star Region person forever not the unimaginable strength. Let alone also had Crown Prince Qin Ye, this was known as that under Divine Transformation invincible existence, the body has the trip biggest pressure bottom method! 但他们相信,自己十位太上长老以及诸多准神宝、数百元婴一击,绝对能轻易把陈凡从地球上抹去,这是遗弃星域的人永远无法想象的力量。更何况还有太子秦烨,这可是号称化神之下无敌的存在,身上带着此行最大的压箱底手段! But Chen Fan is disinclined to answer them, but shakes the hand interrupt blade gently, in the mouth puts out two characters: 陈凡根本懒得答他们,只是轻轻一震手中断刃,口里吐出二字: Flying immortal!” “飞仙!” Bang. 轰隆。 At that moment, is unable to imagine together, appears to the extreme silver sword rainbow brilliantly baseless. 那一刻,一道无法想象,绚烂到极点的银色剑虹凭空浮现。 In the sword rainbow, seems one to cover in the endless immortal splendor, wears immortal armor, grasps the immortal dagger-axe, the stature reaches as high as thousands of zhang (3.33 m), facial features fuzzy forehead god in Light Glow Ling Chen, a sword lacerates void, tears Universe. That sword rainbow is almost impossible to imagine beautifully. Compared with previous time, more elegant Aloof, as if really from the peerless divine sword that the Nine Heavens Immortal person cuts. The only inadequate location, was that day courtyard god the empty shadow somewhat will be indistinct illusory, before being far less, congealing reality. But its aura, actually compared with any sword that previously Chen Fan divided, wants powerful many. 剑虹中,似有一尊笼罩在无尽仙辉中,身穿仙甲,手持仙戈,身材高达千万丈,面容模糊在光芒中的天庭神将凌尘,一剑割破虚空,撕裂宇宙。那剑虹的美丽几乎无法想象。比起上一次,更多了一股飘逸超脱,仿佛真的来自九天仙人斩出的绝世神剑。唯一的不足处,就是那天庭神将的虚影有些缥缈虚幻,远不如之前凝实。但它的气息,却比此前陈凡劈出的任何一剑,都要强大的多。 „!” “唰!” Under this sword. 在这一剑之下。 This Universe freezes, everyone regardless of many Primal Infant, about ten remote antiquity Elder(s) that grasps certainly Divine Treasure, even including Crown Prince Qin Ye, was motionless, as if stupidly fell generally. Only had a Chen Fan superficial sword passing over gently and swiftly expansive sky. Concentrates silver sword glow to sweep at present everyone gently, Light Glow even is far and beyond ten thousand li (0.5 km), but does not dissipate, resembles breaks out Heaven and Earth! 这个宇宙似都冻结,所有人无论诸多元婴,还是近十位手持准神宝的太上长老,甚至包括太子秦烨,都一动不动,似乎傻掉了一般。只有陈凡轻描淡写的一剑掠过长空。凝成一线的银色剑芒轻轻扫过眼前所有人,光芒甚至远及万里之外而不消散,似把天地都劈开般! Then. 接着。 Receives the sword, sheathes. 收剑,入鞘。 . 咔嚓。 After . 一声之后。 Keeps off about ten remote antiquity Elder(s) before Chen Fan body, even accurate Divine Treasure in hand stimulates without enough time, bursts from the middle. 挡在陈凡身前的近十位太上长老,连手中的准神宝都来不及激发,就从中间破裂开来。 They Mortal Body and Divine Soul Primal Infant, were deducted all two sections by the immortal sword, even Crown Prince Qin Ye also sent out an earth-shaking pitiful yell, the left arm cut off, the chariot was broken out, the hair hung loose such as insanely, the figure drew back insanely wild. But they behind, hundreds of battleships and Primal Infant, over a hundred also break at the scene, innumerable Golden Core Primal Infant die, that say/way concentrates silver sword glow, even chops over ten thousand li (0.5 km), cuts not a unimaginable huge black fissure void, for a very long time does not heal, splendid sight. 他们连肉身神魂元婴,尽数被仙剑劈成两截,甚至连太子秦烨也发出一声惊天动地的惨叫,左臂被斩断,战车被劈开,头发披散如疯,身形疯狂暴退。而他们身后,数以百计的战舰和元婴们,更当场有上百艘同时破碎,无数金丹元婴陨落,那道凝成一线的银色剑芒,甚至劈出上万里,把虚空都斩成一条无法想象的巨大黑色裂痕,久久不愈合,蔚为壮观。 1 million armies, several hundred Primal Infant, under a Chen Fan sword, several like clay chickens and pottery dogs, collapse at the first blow! 百万大军,数百元婴,在陈凡一剑之下,几如土鸡瓦狗,不堪一击! The full house shakes intimidated! 满场震怖! PS: First offers, the evening that this chapter of 4000 characters write, ultra was sorry, behind also has one. ^ _ ^ PS:第一更奉上,这章4000字写的晚了,超抱歉,后面还有一更。^_^
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