ROUIC :: Volume #10 Volume 10

#1173: Ten thousand teach to get together!( Fourth, thanking me is hitting of Brother Dong hegemon enjoys)

How so, how can so?” “怎会如此,怎会如此?” Follows two Son of God that Qin Jian comes, at this moment is looking at this. The previous quarter, they also grasp certainly Divine Treasure, must enter Earth to slaughter, conquers by killing Northern Jade Faction, compelling solemn accurate Divine Monarch Chen Beixuan to lower the head, completes the grand cause that Qin wind and other big Son of God have not completed jointly. But the next second, changes suddenly. 跟随秦简而来的两位神子,此刻愣愣望着这一幕。上一刻,他们还手持准神宝,要进地球大开杀戒,血洗北琼派,逼得堂堂准神君陈北玄低头,完成秦风等七大神子联手都未完成的壮丽伟业。但下一秒,风云突变。 Chen Fan has five blades, kills six remote antiquity Elder(s). 陈凡出五刀,杀六位太上长老 Now beside Earth, only remains Qin Jian one person also to strive the support. 如今地球之外,仅剩秦简一人还勉力支撑。 Although this god falling king, has to seize the treasure to be famous, was known as that may kill half god, but facing more savage Chen Fan, as if no many odds of success. Once he died, how two Son of God can escape? The Yuan one is the precedent. 尽管这位神陨王,有夺宝著称,号称可杀‘半神’,但面对更凶残的陈凡,似乎也没多少胜算啊。而一旦他死掉,两位神子怎能逃脱?元一就是前例。 What enemy I and others provoked.” “我等到底是招惹了什么样的敌人啊。” Suddenly, wells up two people of hearts desperately. 一时间,绝望涌上二人心头。 „It is not necessarily able to defeat, Qin Old Ancestor was your majesty blood relative seven, some multi- treasures were famous, treasure was innumerable, had to the strong rare treasure that your majesty donated, even may still guarantee the life little while facing Divine Transformation Great Power. That Chen Beixuan use so powerful divine weapon, he could not support is too long absolutely, will possibly make a false counter-accusation by divine weapon, attracted the severe wound.” And Son of God lowering the head suddenly said. “未必会败,秦老祖可是陛下嫡亲七子,有多宝著称,身上的宝物数不胜数,更有陛下赠予的至强秘宝,就算面对化神大能也可保一时三刻的性命。那个陈北玄动用如此强大的‘神兵’,他绝对支撑不了太久,甚至可能会被神兵反噬,吸成重伤的。”其中一个神子忽的低头道。 This is the general knowledge. 这是常识。 If accurate Divine Treasure this rank divine weapon, even if half Great Power holds in the hand, is unable long time to use. Is more terrorist as for Divine Treasure, most peak half Great Power, most can only stimulate to movement Divine Treasure to strike. Naturally that strikes, destroys the day to extinguish, but a blade cuts to fall moon of space, compares favorably with Divine Transformation Great Power over 70% prestige to be able sufficiently. 如准神宝这种级别的‘神兵’,就算半步大能持在手中,也无法长时间使用。至于神宝更恐怖,最顶峰的半步大能,也最多只能催动神宝一击罢了。当然那一击,也毁天灭地,可一刀斩落天上的月亮,足以媲美化神大能的七成以上威能。 What a pity. 可惜。 They actually do not know, in Chen Fan palm is not divine weapon Divine Treasure, merely is a breaking blade of immortal, although is very sharp, but stimulates to movement it not to need the big strength. 他们却不知道,陈凡掌中的不是什么‘神兵神宝’,仅仅是一件仙器的断刃罢了,虽然无比锋利,但催动它并不需要多大力量。 .” “哒。” Chen Fan raises the long front but actually, the vision like the sword, the foot is stepping on void step by step, moves toward Qin Jian. 陈凡倒提长锋,目光如剑,一步步脚踩着虚空,走向秦简 Fellow Daoist Chen, has the words to say. Before was really misunderstands, my Emperor Apollo with the meaning that Northern Jade and Central Mainland battled against, was several other great sect instigates. Now their six people have died, the misunderstanding unties, we do not need to kill again.” On the Qin Jian face the smile is genial, incomparably sincere temperate. 陈道友,有话好说。之前真是误会,我太阳神朝并没有要与北琼中土开战的意思,都是其他几个大教怂恿。如今他们六人已死,误会解开,我们不需要再打打杀杀了。”秦简脸上笑容和煦,无比真挚温和。 Some earthmen, even by his appearance deceit, is really believed. 有些地球人,甚至被他样子欺骗,真的相信。 „.” “唰。” Chen Fan did not say, but a blade divided. 陈凡不言,只是一刀劈出。 The Thunder Prison Spirit Blade first type, gets up from Primordial Chaos , the bright as snow blade light cuts the vault of heaven directly, cuts fiercely on Qin Jian. Although this blade was been positive divine sword to fly by shining, exudes the fierce bellow, the life blocks at risk of life, but the shining Yang divine sword is also seriously battered, has to exude wū wū the songs and calls, restrains Light Glow to fall into the Qin Jian bosom. 雷狱神刀第一式,起自混沌之中,雪亮的刀光直接划破苍穹,猛地斩在秦简身上。虽然这一刀被‘耀阳’神剑飞起,发出剧烈轰鸣声,拼死命挡住,但耀阳神剑也遭受重创,不得不发出呜呜的鸣叫声,收敛光芒落入秦简怀中。 Fellow Daoist Chen, what do you mean?” On Qin Jian face smile one astringent. 陈道友,您这是什么意思?”秦简脸上笑容一涩。 Again come.” “再来。” Chen Fan drinks one lightly, in the hand the second blade chops. 陈凡轻喝一声,手中第二刀又劈出。 The Thunder Prison Spirit Blade second type delimits Yin-Yang! 雷狱神刀第二式‘划阴阳’! Such as peerless cepheus, when the Universe great antiquity, a blade divides Heaven and Earth dusk, the good fortune Yin-Yang god show, the fresh air rise is the immortal, the rusticity drop to muddy, brings the inconceivable point, holds in the Immortal Weapon in addition, sharp to the extreme. 刺啦,如绝世仙王在宇宙洪荒的时候,一刀分割天地黄昏,造化阴阳神秀,清气上升为仙,地气下降为浊,带着不可思议的锋芒,在仙兵的加持下,更锐利到了极点。 „.” “咔嚓。” The shining Yang divine sword is unable to prevent, the Qin Jian body surface, appears ten several magic treasure, has ancient bronze Luo discoid, above three foot six ear incomparably strange gold great cauldrons, have the quarter to draw Divine Mark(s) to describe the most precious object that the scepter of innumerable Alien Race Spiritual God... each article defense or maintains life, appears baseless, changes to a layer upon layer radiance, prevents Chen Fan this blade. Finally in a crackle and rattle situation, blocks reluctantly. 耀阳神剑无法阻止,秦简身体表面,浮现出十数件法宝,有古老的青铜罗盘状,有三足六耳无比古怪的黄金巨鼎,有上面刻绘着神纹描绘无数异族神灵的权杖...一件件防御或保命的至宝,凭空浮现,化作一层层光华,阻止陈凡这一刀。最终在一阵噼里啪啦的情况下,勉强挡住。 Chen Beixuan, can you really with my Emperor Apollo continue(s) until one side dies?” Qin Jian stares to look angrily. 陈北玄,你真要与我太阳神朝不死不休?”秦简瞪眼怒视。 But Qin Jian has not relaxed with enough time, the Chen Fan third blade has cut. 秦简还没来得及松口气,陈凡第三刀已经斩出。 Opens Primordial Chaos!’ ‘开混沌!’ This Thunder Prison Spirit Blade, a blade is more powerful than a blade, loses the dazzling divine sword and whole body many defends magic treasure, Qin Jian again also irresistibly, a brushed blade must cut two sections. If not in the final moment, together Divine Symbol suddenly appears, dangles Light Glow, blocked Chen Fan this to tear a void blade, Qin Jian really wants die. 雷狱神刀,一刀比一刀强大,失去耀眼神剑和周身诸多防御法宝,秦简再也无法抵抗,被刷的一刀要斩成两截。若非在最后关头,一道神符突然现出,垂下光芒,挡住了陈凡这撕裂虚空的一刀,秦简真要陨落 What a pity, this Divine Symbol under a Chen Fan blade, deflagrated, died in bed of old age/be exhausted. 可惜,这道神符陈凡一刀下,也迅速燃烧,寿终正寝。 Fellow Daoist Chen forgives, shows mercy, shows mercy!” When the card in hand completely leaves, actually only blocks the Chen Fan three blades, but Chen Fan will soon divide the fourth blade time, on the Qin Jian face appears the panic facial expression finally. 陈道友饶命,手下留情,手下留情!”当底牌尽出,却只拦住陈凡三刀,而陈凡即将劈出第四刀的时候,秦简终于脸上现出惊慌失措的神情。 Accurate Divine Treasure and guard rare treasure, defends Divine Symbol. 神宝、护身秘宝、防御神符 He pressed the bottom the sign to hit, was in front of Chen Fan, was only a matter of blade blade, Qin Jian fears finally. Although he was Emperor Apollo lived 70,000 years of old Undying remote antiquity Elder(s), but pitied the life as before. However when he opens the mouth to beg for mercy is also keeping half Great Power dignity: 他压箱底的牌都打出来了,可是在陈凡面前,只是一刀刀的事情,秦简终于惧了。他虽然是太阳神朝活了七万余年的老不死太上长老,但依旧惜命。不过他开口求饶时还保持着半步大能的尊严: Fellow Daoist Chen, you, if can put my life, Qin wish offers the family property. That was my several tens of thousands years saves, plundered many planet, many people said, I may the enemy star, not be truly fake richly, under I saved the property, bought several planet to have more than enough to spare. Qin is willing to not take a single cent, gives you completely.” 陈道友,你若能放我一命,秦某愿把家产奉上。那可是我数万年积攒,搜刮了诸多星球,许多人都说,我富可敌星,确实不假,我积攒下的财产,买下几颗星球都绰绰有余。秦某愿意分文不取,全部给您。” Qin Jian sincere is saying. 秦简正色说着。 As the solemn Emperor Apollo imperial prince, he saved many family property, many observing do not know. But Great Expert / everybody calculates simply, breathes to be irritable, that absolutely is the rich enemy, by the magnanimous practice resources, the pile can also pile the terrifying asset that Son of God or half Great Power come only. 作为堂堂太阳神朝的皇子,他到底积攒了多少家产,连许多观战者都不知道。但大家简单一算,都不由喘气粗起来,那绝对是富可敌国,单靠海量的修炼资源,堆也能堆出一个神子或半步大能来的恐怖资产啊。 What a pity Chen Fan is not interested, raises the blade to take a step to come as before, the facial features are indifferent. 可惜陈凡似并不感兴趣,依旧提刀迈步而来,面容淡然平静。 Chen Beixuan, do not reach out for a yard after taking an inch.” Sees the Chen Fan footsteps to keep, the Qin Jian fiercely facial expression changes: You, if really kills me, my big brother and Second Brother, five buddies, will certainly revenge for me. I am the solemn Emperor Apollo seven imperial princes, the god toward the son of first wife of Great Emperor. Even if you resulted in the immortal reason to reach the sky in a single bound, absolutely possibly was not their opponents, hides in abandoning Star Region is grasped by them, by far the strength of our immortal god, was above you to imagine...” 陈北玄,你别得寸进尺。”见陈凡脚步不停,秦简猛地神情一变:“你若真的杀我,我的大哥、二哥,五哥们,一定会为我报仇的。我是堂堂太阳神朝的七皇子,神朝大帝的嫡子。你哪怕得了仙缘一步登天,也绝对不可能是他们的对手,躲在遗弃星域中都会被他们抓出的,我们不朽神教的力量,远远超乎你想象的...” Replied his, only had a blade. 回答他的,只有一刀。 „.” “刺啦。” Blade glow disruption void. 刀芒碎裂虚空 A Qin Jian arm, was cut directly. 秦简一条手臂,直接被斩了下来。 „.” “啊。” Qin Jian sends out a sad and shrill pitiful yell. 秦简发出一声凄厉的惨叫。 This is by a blade that the Nine Heavens Immortal soldier chops, at that time broke the blade once to insert in solar Son of God Divine Soul, causes the huge damage to solar Son of God Divine Soul, this is actually because Nine Heavens Immortal is only incomparably pure high-grade energy, is similar to the fire to pour into the water, must have the huge response. At this moment similarly so, Qin Jian, even if solemn half Great Power, but his wound place, was surrounded by a light immortal light as before, making Qin Jian only think, oneself resemble to suffer to put to death by dismemberment is cut to pieces the pain. 这是以九天仙兵劈出的一刀,当时断刃曾插在太阳神子神魂中,对太阳神子神魂造成巨大伤害,这其实是因为九天仙光是无比纯粹的高等级能量,就如同火倒入水中般,必然要起剧烈的反应。此刻同样如此,秦简哪怕堂堂半步大能,但他伤口处,依旧被一层薄薄仙光环绕,让秦简只觉,自己似遭受凌迟千刀万剐般痛苦。 Chen Beixuan, you are making the huge mistake, the incurable blunder, fast halts, otherwise you and entire Northern Jade Faction will crash into the abyss!” Qin Jian is shouting hoarsely. 陈北玄,你在犯大错,无可救药的大错,速速止步,否则你和整个北琼派都会坠入深渊!”秦简沙哑叫着。 „.” “唰。” Again a blade. 再一刀。 A Qin Jian leg was unloaded again. 秦简一条腿再次被卸下。 He exuded one compared with a former bigger pitiful yell: Why, I have begged for mercy to you. Why you must begin...” 他发出一声比之前更大的惨叫:“为什么,我已经向你求饶了。你为什么还要动手...” Chen Fan grasps Immortal Weapon, holds a sword to stand, an eye pupil faintness: I have said that to evil and hatred that your Emperor Apollo once violated, I can, take back from you on personally. My Chen Beixuan this life does not have other merit, has the debt to receive, having a grudge must report, your is only the small interest, sooner or later, I will a little ascend Emperor Apollo, when the time comes is both capital and interest takes back.” 陈凡手持仙兵,仗剑而立,眼眸一片淡漠:“我说过,对你们太阳神朝曾犯下的罪恶和仇恨,我会一笔笔,亲手自你们身上收回的。我陈北玄这一生没别的优点,就是有债必收,有仇必报,你这只是微小的利息,迟早有一点,我会登太阳神朝,到时候才是连本带利收回的时候。” Then, a Chen Fan blade, cuts the right hand of Qin Jian again. 说完,陈凡再次一刀,斩下秦简的右手。 Qin Jian this time no longer called out pitifully, but lowered the head, looked with the vision of incomparable hate to Chen Fan. Chen Beixuan, you will certainly regret that I must tread your Sect in the under foot, frustrates the bone to raise the ash entire Northern Jade and Earth, disciple family member who you and you most like, massacres entirely, fires for 10,000 years with the demon flame, until unravelling that moment, I pledged that... I pledged!” 秦简此次不再惨叫,只是低头,用无比怨恨的目光望向陈凡。“陈北玄,你一定会后悔的,我要把你的宗门踏在脚下,把整个北琼和地球挫骨扬灰,把你和你最喜欢的弟子家人,统统杀掉,用魔焰灼烧一万年,直到灰飞烟灭那一刻,我发誓...我发誓!” Said. 说完。 He called out fiercely loudly: 他猛地大声叫道: Fifth Brother, I fall to present this appearance, haven't you saved me?” “五哥,我都落到现在这幅模样,你还不救我?” ! 呜! With Qin Jian such remarks, Universe deep place, suddenly resounds ancient boundless bugle horn sound. That bugle horn sound is so long, penetrates the entire Solar System, spreads over Earth each corner, even if closes up the painstaking cultivation Old Monster thing, at this moment also has to open eyes, looking that shocks to Universe void. 随着秦简此言一出,宇宙深处,忽的响起一声古老苍茫的号角声。那号角声是如此悠长,穿透整个太阳系,传遍地球每一个角落,哪怕闭关苦修老怪物,此刻也不得不睁眼,震撼的望向宇宙虚空中。 Clip clop.” “哒哒。” Sees, the Primordial Chaos dense fog beyond Solar System separates, first walks into, is a youth man who harnesses the Golden Crow chariot to step into the battlefield, the male black hair is glittering and translucent carving, throws over on the shoulder. The height is straight, the whole body covers the god splendor, just like the golden casting, his whole body is filling with the sacred and dignified aura, as if a Sun crushes into entire planet. To Golden Crow that he drives, although only has both feet, but aura compared with nine wing hot phoenix powerful far more than ten times. 就见,太阳系外的混沌迷雾分开,最先走入的,是一架驾着金乌战车踏入战场的青年男子,男子黑发晶莹剔透,披在肩膀上。身高笔直,周身笼罩神辉,宛如黄金铸造而成,他周身充满着神圣与威严的气息,仿佛一轮太阳挤进整个星球般。给他驾车的金乌,虽然只有双足,但气息比九翅火凤强大何止十倍。 This is the genuine Divine Beast descendant. 这是真正神兽后裔。 Although both feet Golden Crow bloodlines are impure, but its within the body has a five points of Golden Crow bloodline, can be called Divine Beast direct descendant. Such a Divine Beast descendant, Mortal Body powerful to being almost impossible to cut to kill, being skilled in various types of fires is Divine Ability, the becomes year compares favorably with half step Divine Transformation sufficiently, in the future will even have opportunity Evolution to become genuine Divine Beast. The value in Universe, is unable to estimate, buys ten rich resources sufficiently minerals planet, even if trades accurate Divine Treasure, perhaps the opposite party can heart movement. Is Clan Protector defends the mountain to pull a cart the necessary war to favor. 虽然双足金乌血脉不纯,但它体内有五分之一金乌血统,称得上神兽嫡系。这样一头神兽后裔,肉身强大到几乎无法斩杀,精通各种火系神通,一成年就足以媲美半步化神,未来甚至有机会进化成为真正神兽。在宇宙中的价值,无法估量,足以买下十颗资源丰富的矿产星辰,就算去换一件准神宝,对方说不定都会心动一下。乃是镇族守山拉车必备的战宠。 Can pull a cart by the Divine Beast descendant, in addition this Fifth Brother, Chen Fan has known the person status. 能以神兽后裔拉车,再加上这一声‘五哥’,陈凡已经知道来人身份。 Five imperial princes of Emperor Apollo Great Emperor, Crown Prince Qin Ye! 太阳神朝大帝的五皇子,太子秦烨! Crash-bang.” “哗啦。” Qin Ye arrived, merely was a start. 秦烨到来,仅仅是个开始。 In him behind, has one thousand zhang (3.33 m) ‚the solar gold/metal ship puts forth , is second, third, fourth. Arrived finally, ‚the solar gold/metal ship and no polar star boat and Supreme Beginning good fortune ship and demon day fought fort incessantly... enough hundreds and thousands of warships, has flown across void, drove out of the Primordial Chaos dense fog, enters the Solar System. 在他身后,现有一艘千丈长的‘太阳金船’使出,紧接着,是第二艘,第三艘,第四艘。到最后,不止‘太阳金船’、‘无极星舟’、‘太初造化船’、‘魔日战堡’...足足成百上千的战船,横越过虚空,自混沌迷雾中驶出,开入太阳系。 On that each warship, has many Primal Infant Elder(s), innumerable Golden Core Combatant stand in great numbers sternly. 那每一艘战船上,都有诸多元婴长老,无数金丹战兵森严林立。 Even, many people are one of them, not only sees seven Great Sects warships, but also saw that Divine Monster Church simultaneous/uniform Yunzong falls phoenix deep pool day evil valley and other in Star Ocean the every large or small Sect battleship. Many dozens, few 12. Also there is a Son of God control chariot, hot phoenix long cry, the scarlet tiger roared, follows side Crown Prince Qin Ye. 甚至,许多人在其中,不仅看到七大教的战船,还见到‘妖神教’‘齐云宗’‘落凤渊’‘天邪谷’等其他星海中大大小小宗门的战舰。多者数十艘,少者一两艘。也有神子驾驭战车,火凤长鸣,赤虎咆哮,追随在太子秦烨身边。 The battleship is dense and numerous, the flags like the forest, the quantity number are countless, camouflage the entire Solar System. 战舰密密麻麻,旌旗如林,数量数都数不尽,遮蔽整个太阳系。 Small Southern Heaven Realm, ten thousand teach to get together, at this moment, the war of Earth, reaches the biggest high tide finally! 南天境,万教齐聚,这一刻,地球之战,终于进入最大的高潮! PS: Hitting that thanks politely the book friend Something went wrong again and I am the Brother Dong two hegemons enjoys, extremely thanks politely. Tomorrow will continue to renew. Recently uploaded the leading lady Fang Qiong person to suppose the picture, Great Expert / everybody can pay attention to WeChat public number ten li (0.5 km) sword god main body to see ^ _ ^ PS:再次拜谢书友[Not Found]和我是东哥两位盟主的打赏,万分拜谢。明天会继续更新啦。最近上传了女主角方琼的人设画,大家可以关注微信公众号‘十里剑神本尊’就能看到呢^_^
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