ROUIC :: Volume #10 Volume 10

#1172: Flagitious( third, thank book friend 20180119 hegemons)

My grass, this fellow or person?” “我草,这家伙还是人吗?” Surrounds the eye of cultivator to stare quickly. 围观修士们的眼睛都快瞪下来。 Chen Fan this blade was too terrifying, seven besieging remote antiquity Elder(s), Fu Yanhe Wu Hongbo, were cut to kill at the scene, Divine Soul and Primal Infant was twisted to destroy completely by broken vault of heaven. 陈凡这一刀太恐怖了,七位围攻的太上长老,其中傅言和吴洪波两人,当场被斩杀,连神魂元婴都被‘碎苍穹’绞灭掉。 In Fu word hand does not have Divine Treasure, but before Wu Hongbo, is seriously battered continuously, what therefore most predeceases is their two. Others, or have Divine Treasure, such as Qin Jian this, the body has many for assigning/life magic treasure, in Chen Fan draws a sword, according to the circumstances is not wonderful, will retreat crazily in the future, offers a sacrifice to 78 to defend magic treasure, paying many magic treasure is completely broken, oneself are seriously battered the price, forces to withdraw from this blade. 傅言手中没有神宝,而吴洪波之前就连续遭受重创,所以最先死的是他们两个。其他人,或是有神宝,或是如秦简这样,身上有诸多替命法宝,早在陈凡拔刀时,就见机不妙,疯狂往后退去,更祭出七八件防御法宝,付出诸多法宝尽碎,自身遭受重创的代价,才勉强从这一刀中脱身。 How possibly, Fu brother and did Wu brother really die?” “怎么可能,傅兄和吴兄真的死了?” The palace clothing beautiful woman is still shaken. 宫装美妇惊魂未定。 The rising typhoon sends mountains and rivers universe chart is known as in Divine Treasure to defend first certainly, is not good at attacking, therefore she depends the mountains and rivers chart, instead is receives to attack smallest that. 扶摇派的‘山河乾坤图’号称准神宝中防御第一,并不擅长进攻,所以她仗着山河图,反而是受到冲击最小的那一个。 But saw the appearance that Fu Yanhe Wu Hongbo body dies, the palace clothing beautiful woman surnamed Wen frightens the elegant face snow white, plentiful body as before slightly shivers. 但见到傅言和吴洪波身死的模样,姓温的宫装美妇依旧吓得俏脸雪白,丰腴的身躯微微颤抖。 This is half Great Power, remote antiquity Elder(s) of immortal god, even if great sect, without many such person of the hour. Now is actually cut to kill by a Chen Fan blade. 这可是半步大能,不朽神教的太上长老,哪怕是一个大教,也没有多少尊这样的人物啊。如今却被陈凡一刀斩杀。 . 要知道。 practice to their realm, was unable with for assigning/life Divine Symbol, if wants step Great Power to be fifty-fifty effective, then for assigning/life Divine Symbol probably needs Divine Transformation Great Power by heart Divine Blood plan. Only if most blood relative's son, which Divine Transformation will give up buckle several thousand over ten thousand years of painstaking cultivation, refines such a treasure or Divine Symbol? 修炼到他们这个境界,已经无法用‘替命神符’,若想要对半步大能有效,那替命神符可能就需要化神大能以‘心头神血’绘制而成。除非是最最嫡亲的儿子,哪位化神会舍得折损自身数千上万年苦修,去炼制这样一件宝物或神符呢? What the weapon in this boy hand is, why gives me one type from the feeling that in the soul shivers to dread, even accurate did Divine Treasure under it, almost injure?” “这小子手中的兵器是什么,为什么给我一种发自灵魂内颤抖畏惧的感觉,甚至连准神宝在它之下,都差点伤了?” In the tall and strong old man eyes pupil none explodes shoots, is staring in the Chen Fan palm stubbornly Immortal Weapon. 魁梧老者眼眸中精光爆射,死死盯着陈凡掌中仙兵 Although accurate Divine Treasure is known as accurate Divine Treasure, but in fact compares to genuine Divine Treasure, its needed materials are not the least bit off, by immortal god gold/metal forging, but does not have warming and nurturing gods, cannot become genuine spirits, the suppression teaches, replaces Divine Transformation Great Power to protect Sect. But if discussed the sharp firm degree, accurate Divine Treasure not weak many. 神宝虽然号称‘准神宝’,但实际上比起真正神宝,它用料丝毫不差,都是以不朽神金锻造而成,只不过没有温养其中的‘神明’,不能成为真正的器灵,镇压一教,代替化神大能守护宗门罢了。但若论锋锐坚固程度,准神宝并不弱多少。 Now. 如今。 These accurate did Divine Treasure, almost cause heavy losses to by a Chen Fan blade unexpectedly? 这几件准神宝,竟然差点被陈凡一刀重创? Although chops several small gaps, harmless, but makes the tall and strong old man alarmed and afraid as before. 虽然只是劈出几个小缺口,无伤大雅,但依旧让魁梧老者惊惧。 Does not know, has never seen, before merely was a tattered iron bar, how can have the present prestige energy? Moreover is not Divine Treasure or accurate Divine Treasure, but by sharp, even is stronger than Divine Treasure, this what's the matter?” The demon day sect Elder(s) also eye pupil purple glow sparkle, looked at that to break the blade, was full of greedy and a faint trace dreads. “不知道,从未见过啊,之前仅仅是一柄破烂铁条,怎能会有现在的威能?而且绝非神宝或准神宝,但论锋锐,甚至比神宝更强,这到底是怎么回事?”魔日宗长老也眼眸紫芒闪耀,望着那柄断刃,充满贪婪和一丝丝畏惧。 What, I and others could not take him.” “无论是什么,我等都拿不下他了。” The Qin Jian complexion is ugly, in a low voice saying. 秦简面色难看,低声说着。 Strength that Chen Fan erupts, is above them to imagine beside. 陈凡爆发的力量,超乎他们想象之外。 Wu Hongbo and Fu Yanke are half Great Power, Wu Hongbo hand-held certainly Divine Treasure, was actually also cut to kill by a Chen Fan blade. Although this merit has is in the Chen Fan hand that Immortal Weapon is too most probably sharp, accurate Divine Treasure was cut the wound continually, but Chen Fan Magic Power that shakes the livelihood, makes people alarmed and afraid similarly. Although other five remote antiquity Elder(s) live, but also everyone is the wound, on that palace clothing beautiful woman, because is not according to the circumstances wonderful hides in the mountains and rivers chart, escapes reluctantly safely. 吴洪波和傅言可都是半步大能,吴洪波更手持准神宝,却也被陈凡一刀斩杀。虽然这功劳有大半是陈凡手中那仙兵太锋利,连准神宝都被斩伤,但陈凡一身撼动日月的法力,也同样让人惊惧。其他五位太上长老虽然活下来,可也人人是伤,也就那宫装美妇,由于见机不妙躲在山河图内,勉强安然逃过。 But their remaining five people, how many blades can also keep off Chen Fan? 但他们剩下五人,又能挡陈凡几刀呢? So long as thinks of this, in all person hearts alarmed and afraid. 只要想到这,所有人心中都惊惧。 Magic sword comes quickly.” Qin Jian yelled loudly. “神剑快来。”秦简更是高声大叫。 The fate that Fu word dies at present, him does not dare to have scruples the matter on Earth at this time again, putting out a hand to retrieve divine sword shining to be positive. Whiz, the golden light shoots together from Earth. But his recalls, Emperor Apollo three Son of God were miserable, rapidly besieges by Nine Orifices Divine Infant and six big monsters, some people died in battle at the scene, another two, flee in panic. 傅言死的下场就在眼前,他此时也不敢再顾忌地球上的事情,伸手找回神剑‘耀阳’。嗖,一道金光自地球内射来。但他这一招回,太阳神朝的三位神子就惨了,迅速被九窍神婴和六尊大妖围攻,当场有人战死,另外两个,仓皇逃窜。 Fellow Daoist Chen, before I and others, misunderstands, not, if Great Expert / everybody sits, slowly the judging tea theory said, in detail how calmly discussed?” Qin Jian exhibits a modest smiling face appearance. 陈道友,我等之前都是误会,不若大家坐下来,慢慢品茶论道,详细静谈如何?”秦简摆出一副温和笑脸模样。 Even if accurate Divine Treasure in the body, he also felt that has no security sense. 哪怕准神宝在身,他也感觉没什么安全感。 Several other remote antiquity Elder(s), including the skinny old man, on the face also squeeze out one to cry the non- crying faint smile smile. They are solemn god remote antiquity Elder(s), keeping aloof, such as the dragon is common, when so lowers the stance to flatter the enemy, is wild planet indigenous? But Chen Fan is too powerful, the method is also too strange, even they are not willing with Chen Fan for the enemy, at least not to hope again now. 其他几位太上长老,包括枯瘦老者,脸上也挤出一丝似哭非哭似笑非笑的笑容。他们乃是堂堂神教太上长老,高高在上,如龙一般,什么时候这般放低姿态讨好过敌人,更是一蛮荒星球的土著?但陈凡实在太强大,手段也太诡异,就算是他们也不愿再与陈凡为敌了,至少现在不愿。 Yuan one also alarmed and afraid, hurries to control the blue sky divine blade, runs away Earth, shoots to the Universe deep place. 元一也惊惧,慌忙驾驭碧落神刀,逃窜出地球,向宇宙深处射去。 Late.” “迟了。” Chen Fan directs, the Yuan of running away one, the point explodes at the scene, only then the blue sky divine blade exudes one to call out in grief, humming sound called to inject Universe , Chen Fan held the sword in the hand, a blade divided again. 陈凡一指点出,把逃窜的元一,当场点爆掉,只有碧落神刀发出一声悲鸣,嗡嗡叫着射入宇宙,紧接着,陈凡持剑在手,再次一刀劈出。 Broken vault of heaven!” “碎苍穹!” This Thunder Prison Spirit Blade fourth type in he holds, several may be a worthy opponent that Antiquity God of Thunder. 雷狱神刀第四式在他掌中,几可匹敌那位太古雷神 Terrifying half Origin Strength controls the Nine Heavens Immortal soldier remnant blade, although merely is the remnant blade, but the prestige can the terrifying arrive at the summit as before. 恐怖的半元之力驾驭九天仙兵残刃,虽然仅仅是残刃,但依旧威能恐怖到极巅。 No.” “不。” Several remote antiquity Elder(s) yelled panic-stricken. 几位太上长老惊恐大叫。 But useless. 但没用。 This blade, cuts open Universe again, the disruption vault of heaven, the invisible slash even prints above Moon, pulls out together over a thousand li (0.5 km) long tool marks in the moon surface. In void, Primordial Chaos tears, the Yin-Yang division, as if can see Antiquity God of Thunder of that dragon first person, wields the good fortune, a blade separation life and death! 这一刀,再次切开宇宙,碎裂苍穹,无形刀痕甚至印在月球之上,在月亮表面拉出一道上千里长的刀印。虚空中,混沌撕裂,阴阳分割,仿佛可以看到那尊龙首人身的太古雷神,执掌造化,一刀分隔生死! Bang!” “嘭!” Several accurate Divine Treasure were divided to fly by Chen Fan. But demon day sect Elder(s) this time, has not escaped, was cut two sections by a Chen Fan blade directly. But demon day sect accurate Divine Treasure that he controls, swallowed the Heavenly Demon pot, exuded one to call out in grief, changes together black light, injected in Universe. 先后有数件准神宝陈凡劈飞出去。而魔日宗长老这一次,则没逃脱掉,直接被陈凡一刀斩成两截。而他掌控的魔日宗准神宝,一件吞天魔壶,更发出一声悲鸣,化作一道黑光,射入宇宙中。 Another remote antiquity Elder(s) die. 又一位太上长老陨落 This is only starts. 这只是开始。 No matter how the remaining several people beg for mercy, the threat, tries to escape. In front of Chen Fan like the iron, does not pay attention. 不管剩下的几人怎么求饶,威胁,试图逃脱。陈凡面前如铁,丝毫不理会。 The third blade. 第三刀。 Supreme Beginning God Realm tall and strong old man die, void Luo Tianding on cauldron was almost divided together the slash, similarly the wail, is escaping into the Universe deep place. 太初神境的魁梧老者陨落,‘虚空罗天鼎’鼎身上差点被劈出一道刀痕,同样哀鸣着,遁入宇宙深处。 The fourth blade. 第四刀。 The figure hundred change, everywhere, as if must escape after momentarily into trillion world soft teaches Elder(s) spatially, skinny old man die. ‚The god extinguishes soul dagger almost to make into Fan soldier certainly. 身形百变,无处不在,仿佛随时要遁入亿万世界之后的蹑空教长老,枯瘦老者陨落。‘绝神灭魂匕’差点被打成凡兵。 The fifth blade... 第五刀... Chen Fan each blade wields, carries off at least one remote antiquity Elder(s) life. Arrived finally, hides continually in mountains and rivers universe chart, wants palace clothing beautiful woman who changes to the escaping light to fly away, has not escaped, was cut the universe chart by a Chen Fan blade, the blade glow vertically and horizontally/able to move unhindered, tears into shreds it. That evolves a world mountains and rivers universe chart sends out the pitiful wail, on the picture roll appears together the naked eye obvious slash, melts the light to go. 陈凡每一刀挥出,都带走至少一位太上长老的性命。到最后,连躲藏在‘山河乾坤图’中,欲化作遁光飞走的宫装美妇,都没有逃脱,被陈凡一刀斩开乾坤图,刀芒纵横,生生将其撕碎。那演化一个世界的‘山河乾坤图’更是发出凄惨的哀鸣,图卷上现出一道肉眼可见的刀痕,化光而去。 In a flash, Chen Fan has five blades, kills six -and-a-half Great Power. 弹指间,陈凡出五刀,杀六尊半步大能 Arrived is only left over Qin Jian one person finally. 到最后只剩下秦简一人。 Even if he were known as that god falling king, the body defends magic treasure to be innumerable, hand-held Divine Treasure shining is certainly positive, but also trembles at this moment, under the Chen Fan's blade, just like trivial ant! The innumerable bystanders are dumbfounded, Chen Fan's is savage, is unable to imagine simply. 哪怕他号称神陨王,身上防御法宝无数,更手持准神宝‘耀阳’,但此刻也瑟瑟发抖,在陈凡的刀下,宛如蝼蚁一般!无数围观者目瞪口呆,陈凡的凶残,简直无法想象。 PS: Third offers, thanked the book friend Something went wrong hegemons and I am hitting of Brother Dong two hegemons enjoys, extremely thanked politely, before did not renew stably, does not dare to feel grateful, here Super thanked, some behind also ^ _ ^ PS:第三更奉上,非常感谢书友[Not Found]盟主和我是东哥两位盟主的打赏,万分拜谢,之前更新不稳定,不敢感激,这里超级感谢,后面还有的^_^
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