ROUIC :: Volume #10 Volume 10

#1171: Cuts half step Great Power( second)

„.” “唰。” Chen Fan strikes, the racket drew back the attack of Qin Jian, among his fingers and palms, immortal splendor ten thousand, innumerable multi-colored sunlight, since he holds to overflow, patted above nine heavenly treasure, sends out works as the sound that the metal junction called, even if these heavenly treasure mixed in Divine Material, could not shoulder him half Origin Strength struck, laid out to be in charge. 陈凡一击,拍退了秦简的攻击,他指掌间,仙辉万道,无数霞光自他掌中流溢而出,先后拍在九件天宝之上,发出金属交鸣的哐当响声,那些天宝哪怕掺入神料,也扛不住他‘半元之力’的一击,被生生拍出掌印来。 Qin Jian was instead shaken by the strength, shakes several to spit blood, figure suddenly/violently to retreat. 秦简更是被力量反震,震得几欲吐血,身形暴退。 . 紧接着。 Chen Fan hits good-fittingly, bangs into besieging of five accurate Divine Treasure. 陈凡合身一撞,撞入五件准神宝的围攻中。 He uses oneself Mortal Body as the weapon, the fingers and palm brandishes, collided in five accurate Divine Treasure together, sends out trillion multi-colored sunlight, gold/metal everywhere dances in the air. These are close to regain consciousness completely, to may injure Divine Transformation accurate Divine Treasure powerful inconceivable, chops in the Chen Fan palm, has not injured to his slightest unexpectedly, was divided to push by Chen Fan. 他以自己肉身为兵器,指掌挥舞,与五件准神宝先后碰撞在一起,发出亿万道霞光,金芒漫天飞舞。那些接近完全苏醒,强大到不可思议可伤化神的准神宝,劈在陈凡掌中,竟然并未伤到他分毫,被陈凡生生劈推。 Bang bang bang.” “砰砰砰。” Suddenly. 一刹那间。 Chen Fan and five remote antiquity Elder(s), fought. 陈凡先后和五尊太上长老,先后交手。 These remote antiquity Elder(s), eyeful shocked, in the pupil frightened the extreme. Although accurate Divine Treasure is not genuine Divine Treasure, but as before is Great Power personally refinement divine weapon, sharp inconceivable, even the body of Great Power cuts open, actually kept off bare handedly by Chen Fan. Mortal Body of this youngster is what makes? A complete immortal god gold/metal? 这些太上长老们,满眼惊骇,眸中惊吓到了极点。准神宝虽然不是真正神宝,但依旧是大能亲手炼制的神兵,锋锐不可思议,连大能的身体都切开,却被陈凡赤手挡下。这个少年的肉身是什么做成的?一块完整的不朽神金吗? Thump thump thump.” “咚咚咚。” between Heaven and Earth, the courage vigor wells up crazily, immortal splendor ten thousand. The fluctuation of energy of surging forward, sweeps away the four directions. Leaves near observing, was curled directly by the vast energy tide, fell by Devouring with the under tutelage warship instantaneously, is split up, broken is only left over several remnant bones and weapon remnant edges, frightens them to retrocede. 天地间,血气狂涌,仙辉万道。汹涌澎湃的能量波动,横扫四方。许多离得近的观战者,直接被浩瀚的能量大潮卷到,瞬间连人带座下的战船被吞噬掉,四分五裂,碎的只剩下几根残骨和兵器残刃,吓得他们纷纷后退。 Was too terrifying, this is in the past 100000 years, the fight of most Peak, in the past Song Yufeng killed Immortal Religion, fought slightly better with three remote antiquity Elder(s). This youngster, actually a person presses seven big remote antiquity Elder(s) to hit, moreover five people have divine weapon certainly, god falling king Qin Jian, is this what kind of terrifying strength? Even Qin Jian that Fifth Brother, the god does not have this ability toward Crown Prince.” “太恐怖了,这是近100000年以来,最巅峰的战斗啊,当年宋禹峰杀上长生教,也不过先后与三位太上长老交手略胜一筹罢了。这少年,却一人压着七大太上长老打,而且其中五人有准神兵,其中一位还是神陨王秦简,这是何等恐怖的力量?就算秦简那位五哥,神朝太子也没这能耐吧。” Shanyang Star Region simultaneous/uniform Yunzong Elder(s) pounds the tongue. 一位山阳星域齐云宗的长老砸舌。 Many petty factions, have sent people to submerge the Solar System secretly, but seven great sect attack jointly, although they arrived, actually does not dare to go forward, only dares to surround outside secretly. 许多中小宗派,早就偷偷派人潜入太阳系,只不过七大教联手来攻,他们虽然到了,却不敢上前,只敢在外面偷偷围观。 Was too strong, was really strong, this thinks that Song Yufeng, Qin Jian and so on, was under Divine Transformation most powerhouse. Now looks like, this Chen Beixuan is under genuine Divine Transformation invincible. He it is said is only 30-40 years old, how to refine this cultivation base?” “太强了,实在是太强了,本以为宋禹峰、秦简之类,就是化神之下最强者。现在看来,这个陈北玄才算真正化神下无敌啊。他据说才30-40岁,到底怎么炼成这身修为的?” Yes, heard that was the fruit of Grand Dao, if I can swallow the fruit of Grand Dao, perhaps was stronger than him.” “是啊,听说是得了大道之果,我若能吞下大道之果,说不定比他更强呢。” Yeah, this abandons Star Region indigenous, although Law(s) not entire, but has the immortal reason, calculates that turns misfortune into a blessing.” “哎,这遗弃星域土著虽然法则不全,但却有大仙缘啊,也算因祸得福。” Many cultivator discussions. 很多修士讨论。 The old sigh, envies the Chen Fan's chance. But is young, by the Chen Fan incomparable strength to the shock, the ear was dazzled the gods vertically and horizontally/able to move unhindered all, wishes one could by body generation of it. 年老的感叹,羡慕陈凡的机缘。而年轻的,则被陈凡纵横无匹的力量给震惊,无不耳炫神明,恨不能以身代之。 . 要知道。 Accurate Divine Treasure is a town/subdues of immortal god teaches the treasure, generally grasps when the Great Power hand, even remote antiquity Elder(s) do not have, only then has the important missions, Great Power will bestow, or Elder(s) go to the ancestor altar/jar to have accurate Divine Treasure. This they come from Star Ocean time, had seven, three bestowed Qin wind and the others to make the insurance. 神宝是一个不朽神教的镇教宝物,一般都掌握在大能们手中,就算太上长老们都没有,只有出重要任务时,大能们才会赐下,或者长老们去祖坛中请出准神宝。这一次他们从星海中而来,也就带了七件,三件赐给秦风等人做保险罢了。 Chen Fan can actually with holding Divine Treasure certainly half Great Power empty-handed to shaking, this strength, is simply shocking. 陈凡空手却能与持准神宝的半步大能对撼,这份实力,简直骇人听闻。 If passes to Star Ocean, makes entire small Southern Heaven Realm many Star Region boil sufficiently. 若传到星海中,足以让整个小南天境诸多星域都沸腾。 Rumble.” “轰隆隆。” The energy light beam dances in the air, the sacred aura spreads, seven people gather round Chen Fan one to attack crazily, project on finally, entire void was hit the crack, the battlefield core changes to piece of Primordial Chaos thoroughly, can only see certainly the Divine Treasure aura, horizontally certainly universe. 能量光束飞舞,神圣气息蔓延,七人围着陈凡一顿狂攻,打到最后,整个虚空都被打裂,战场的核心彻底化作一片混沌,只能看到准神宝们的气息,横绝天宇。 Everlasting Sect spatially ten thousand star mirrors, soft teach ‚the god extinguishes soul dagger certainly, Supreme Beginning God Realm void Luo Tianding... 无极宗的‘万星镜’、蹑空教的‘绝神灭魂匕’、太初神境的‘虚空罗天鼎’... Each, overawes existence of Star Ocean. 每一件,都是威震星海的存在。 Many immortal great sect of decline, teach even Divine Treasure not to have, depends on accurate Divine Treasure to support the face. These accurate Divine Treasure hold in half Great Power hand, even can display to pursue the Divine Transformation strength. 许多没落的不朽大教,教中甚至连神宝都没有,就靠一件准神宝撑面子。这些准神宝持在半步大能手中,甚至可以发挥出直追化神的力量。 But Chen Fan similar terrifying to the extreme. 陈凡同样恐怖到极点。 Among his fingers and palms, sways innumerable Light Glow, in the meantime, Divine Ability magic spell were executed by Chen Fan, shakes certainly Divine Treasure hardly. 他指掌间,挥洒出无数光芒,同时,一道道神通法术陈凡施出,硬撼准神宝 Azure Emperor extinguishes the god to refer to and Antiquity Five Elements Qi Weapon and Innate being mad Great Seizing Hand... 青帝灭神指’、‘太古五行气兵’、‘先天一气大擒拿手’... Even. 甚至。 Chen Fan pulls out a heavenly treasure level long blade, a blade chops, displays Antiquity God of Thunder does not extinguish sabreplay Thunder Prison Spirit Blade. 陈凡抽出一柄天宝级长刀,一刀劈出,施展出太古雷神的不灭刀术‘雷狱神刀’。 „.” “刺啦。” At that moment, void was cut to split. 那一刻,虚空都被斩裂开。 Several remote antiquity Elder(s) cut flying upside down over a hundred li (0.5 km), are almost separated from the battlefield core. They hold accurate Divine Treasure, although the Light Glow ten thousand zhang (3.33 m), humming sound the vibration, does not injure the slightest as before, vitality ebullition that but they, by the terrifying strength, were actually shaken. Chen Fan this blade, once on producing the pillar of Primal Spirit palace, leaves behind the deep slash, let alone these ordinary half Great Power? 几位太上长老被斩的倒飞出上百里,差点脱离战场核心。他们掌中的准神宝,虽然依旧光芒万丈,嗡嗡震动,不伤分毫,但他们自己,却被恐怖的力量,震的气血沸腾。陈凡这一刀,曾经在造元神殿的柱子上,都留下深深刀痕,何况这些普通的半步大能呢? Supports, this boy soon could not insist.” “支撑住,这小子快要坚持不住了。” For successive 34 times collided, that heavenly treasure long blade, is not obviously able to bump with accurate Divine Treasure hardly, above full is the crack, the crack can be seen everywhere. Qin Jian and the others saw, immediately tall howl. 连续34次碰撞,那柄天宝长刀,明显无法与准神宝硬碰,上面满是裂纹,碎纹到处可见。秦简等人见到,顿时高吼。 Although they are also clenching teeth. 虽然他们也在咬牙。 Accurate Divine Treasure is powerful, but is similar to a high efficiency water pump, goes all out to extract the energy of their within the body. Even if these remote antiquity Elder(s), Magic Power is inconceivable, 40,000-50,000 years of magical skills, but cannot withstand the so very intensive collision as before. They support at this moment, is bets Chen Fan to end merely quickly. 神宝是强大,但就如同一台大功率抽水机般,拼命抽取他们体内的能量。哪怕这些太上长老们,法力不可思议,有40,000-50,000年的道行,但依旧承受不住如此高强度的碰撞。他们此刻支撑下来,也仅仅是赌陈凡快完罢了。 One flock of ants, how can cross measure my prestige energy.” “一群蝼蚁,怎能渡测我的威能。” Chen Fan's eyes pupil as profound as the extreme. 陈凡眼眸深邃到极点。 His blade glow vertically and horizontally/able to move unhindered, opens Primordial Chaos, to delimit the Yin-Yang and broken vault of heaven one after another, this Antiquity God of Thunder does not extinguish the sabreplay, at this moment in the Chen Fan hand, shows the prestige energy, draws a sword just like a cepheus, to is unable to imagine powerful. 他刀芒纵横,开混沌、划阴阳、碎苍穹接连而出,这门太古雷神的不灭刀术,此刻在陈凡手中,才展现出威能,宛如一尊仙王拔刀般,强大到无法想象。 Bang.” “嘭。” Ten thousand star boundaries in Wu Hongbo hand, unexpectedly cut lets go to depart, figure spitting blood suddenly/violently to retreat, unstable realm, the dramatic turmoil, almost fell down at this moment again the boundary of half step Great Power. 吴洪波手中的万星境,竟然被斩的脱手飞出,身形吐血暴退,本来就不稳定的境界,此刻再次剧烈动荡,差点就掉下半步大能之境。 However Chen Fan also pays the price. 不过陈凡也付出代价。 That heavenly treasure level long blade, the thorough disintegration, died in bed of old age/be exhausted. 那柄天宝级长刀,彻底崩碎,寿终正寝。 Kills.” “杀。” Several other remote antiquity Elder(s) saw, in the eye the fine glow explodes shoots, if in abundance the lunatic goes all out to besiege, wants to want his life while the Chen Fan's sickness. However Chen Fan pulls out a heavenly treasure long blade immediately, opposes the enemy again. 其他几位太上长老们见到,眼中精芒爆射,纷纷如疯子般拼命围攻过来,想乘陈凡的病要他的命。不过陈凡立刻又掏出一柄天宝长刀,再次对敌。 He from the Heavenly Desolate line, cuts Primal Infant cultivator that kills, has several hundred. Although many weapons have broken, but dozens heavenly treasure fall in the Chen Fan hand as before. 他一路自天荒行来,斩杀的元婴修士,足足有数百个。虽然许多兵器已经破碎,但依旧有数十件天宝落在陈凡手中。 What a pity. 可惜。 These heavenly treasure qualities were too low, cannot block the Divine Treasure full power to besiege certainly. 这些天宝的品质都太低了,根本挡不住准神宝的全力围攻。 Even if top heavenly treasure, in the collision of accurate Divine Treasure, most can also support 35, breaks baseless. Arrived finally, Chen Fan cold snort/hum, pulled out a dark iron bar directly. 哪怕是顶级天宝,在与准神宝的碰撞下,最多也就能支持三五下,就凭空破碎掉。到最后,陈凡冷哼,直接掏出了一根黝黑铁条。 Haha, Chen Beixuan you were at the end of the rope, does a broken iron bar also dare to take?” “哈哈,陈北玄你技穷了,一根破铁条也敢拿出来?” The tall and strong old man laughs. 魁梧老者哈哈大笑。 Snort, it seems like it is the net worth is too shallow, how many heavenly treasure made him love dearly shatter, pulled out a broken simply and rotten, even the shape could not see is the broken iron bar of blade or sword, did the boy you tremble? Really is barbarian planet comes out, a background does not have, only rations my nephew, when accompanies.” The skinny old man sneers. “哼,看来是身家太浅,几件天宝破碎让他心疼了,干脆掏出一柄又破又烂,甚至连形状都看不出到底是刀还是剑的破铁条来,小子你寒颤不寒颤?果然是蛮夷星球出来的,一点底蕴都没有,只配给我侄子当随从。”枯瘦老者冷笑。 Fellow Daoist Chen, you, if lacks the treasure, this can you 17-18, why kill?” Qin Jian smiles lightly. 陈道友,你若缺宝物,本座可以给你17-18件,何必打打杀杀呢?”秦简淡淡一笑。 Really is a broken iron bar, above full is the copper rust, is black and green. This Chen Beixuan good and evil is also accurate Divine Monarch, immediately must rule Star Region. Can't take including weapon while convenient?” Other surround cultivator , similarly stares the big eye. “真是的一根破铁条啊,上面满是铜锈,又黑又绿的。这陈北玄好歹也是一位准神君,马上要君临一个星域了。连件趁手的兵器都拿不出来吗?”其他围观修士,同样瞪大眼睛。 Right, this also trembled, my simultaneous/uniform Yunzong wanted heavenly treasure, can pull out dozens over a hundred momentarily. His solemn Divine Monarch actually comes up the fight with a broken iron bar, to court death?” simultaneous/uniform Yunzong Elder(s) shakes the head. “对啊,这也太寒颤了吧,我齐云宗想要天宝,也随时能拉出几十上百件来。他堂堂神君却用一柄破铁条上去战斗,岂不是找死吗?”齐云宗长老摇头。 Can be special divine weapon?” Some people guessed. “会不会是特殊神兵?”有人猜测。 But was ridiculed by the nearby person rapidly. 但迅速被身边人嘲笑。 Which divine weapon is such tattered appearance, on that dark iron bar, the copper rust doping, to the extreme, Foundation Establishment Realm small cultivator , disdains with this type of weapon miserably, it is estimated that can only use to the beggar. How even if is really divine weapon? Five accurate Divine Treasure here, Chen Fan talked nonsense with what divine weapon sharp weapon. 哪家神兵是这么个破烂模样,那黝黑铁条上,铜锈掺杂,惨到极点,就连筑基境的小修士,都不屑用这种兵器,估计只能给乞丐用了。况且哪怕真是神兵又怎样?五件准神宝在此,陈凡用什么神兵利器都是扯淡。 The people on many Earth, including the Northern Jade Faction disciple, feel somewhat bashfully. 就连许多地球上的人,包括北琼派弟子,都感觉有些害臊。 This with the broken iron bar that the root beggars do not use, how to go to war? 这用根乞丐都不用的破铁条,怎么打仗啊? That several Elder(s) must taunt. 那几位长老还要嘲讽。 Chen Fan already coldly snorted: 陈凡已经冷哼一声: noisy.” 聒噪。” Fills to pour into this to inconceivable immortal Origin Strength vigorously ‚the Nine Heavens Immortal soldier, the next quarter, the verdigris on dark iron bar abates instantaneously, the dark sword blade instantaneously becomes bright as snow, not unimaginable terrifying aura, since this immortal breaks on the blade to raise. 雄浑到不可思议的仙元力灌注入这柄‘九天仙兵’中,下一刻,黝黑铁条上的铜绿瞬间消退,黝黑的剑身瞬间变得雪亮,一股无法想象的恐怖气息,自这柄仙器断刃上升起。 Rumble. 轰隆隆。 That flickers, innumerable azure Thunder and Lightning are combining all colors Divine Thunder, blasts open outside the blade, that is not only Law(s) and so on, is doping the strength of Heavenly Dao indistinctly. The people only think, at present seems ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) gods to raise. The terrifying immortal light/only stuffs Universe void, was similar another round of big day, raised beside Earth, the photo spread the four directions. Everyone under this brilliant immortal splendor, trembles. 那一瞬,无数青色雷电混杂着五彩神雷,在断刃外炸裂开来,那不仅仅是法则之类,更隐约掺杂着天道的力量。众人只觉,眼前似有一尊万丈神明升起般。恐怖的仙光充塞宇宙虚空,就仿佛又一轮大日,在地球之外升起,照遍四方。所有人都在这绚烂的仙辉下,瑟瑟发抖。 In this breaks in front of the blade, other five accurate Divine Treasure, are the Sir front baby, is unable to be a worthy opponent. 而在这柄断刃面前,其他的五件准神宝,都是大人面前的幼儿,根本无法匹敌。 This is...” “这是...” Countless people stare the big eye. 无数人瞪大眼睛。 Several Elder(s) are on the face reveals the color of shocked, including Qin Jian and Fu word and the others, in heart fiercely one startled, must stimulate to movement accurate Divine Treasure to retreat instantaneously full power backward. 几位长老更是脸上露出惊骇之色,包括秦简、傅言等人在内,心中猛地一惊,瞬间就要全力催动准神宝向后退去。 But is late. 但已经迟了。 „.” “咔嚓。” Chen Fan takes the blade to make the blade, a blade chops. 陈凡以断刃作刀,一刀劈出。 „The Thunder Prison Spirit Blade fourth type, crack vault of heaven!” 雷狱神刀第四式,裂苍穹!” A blade disruption vault of heaven. 一刀碎裂苍穹。 void was divided one to be nearly ten thousand li (0.5 km) fissure, that slash, gets up from Chen Fan in front, has swept across several remote antiquity Elder(s), continuously as be continuous as the Universe deep place, leaves near surrounding cultivator , by the blade glow volume, was twisted the fragment directly instantaneously. 虚空被劈出一道长达近万里的裂痕,那道刀痕,起自陈凡面前,席卷过数位太上长老,一直绵延到宇宙深处,许多离得近的围观修士,直接被刀芒卷中,瞬间绞成碎片。 In seven remote antiquity Elder(s). 七位太上长老中。 Two, the figure breaks at the scene fiercely, the forehead appears together the blood line. Was cut two sections by a Chen Fan blade from the middle. Other five people, is everyone is wounded, complexion shocked, several accurate Divine Treasure as if caused heavy losses, Light Glow is dim, sends out to call out in grief. 当场有两位,身形猛地断裂开来,额头浮现一道血线。被陈凡一刀自中间斩成两截。其他五人,也是人人带伤,面色惊骇,几件准神宝更仿佛遭到重创,光芒黯淡,发出悲鸣。 A blade cuts half Great Power! 一刀斩半步大能 PS: Sweat, yesterday, Super had not been sorry, today many will select, will have had. PS:汗,昨天没更,超级抱歉,今天会多更点,过会还有。
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