ROUIC :: Volume #10 Volume 10

#1170: Great Power reincarnation?

This is impossible, you are again powerful, how compared with me and others so many? Great Expert / everybody is half Great Power, existence of boundary of half god. How you can a person enemy cross me and other people, but also almost ingestion accurate Divine Treasure? It is not right, is not right. Half Great Power absolutely does not have this strength, even if Emperor Apollo Crown Prince, is known as under Great Power invincible, should not have such strong strength.” “这不可能,你再怎么样强大,怎会比我等强这么多?大家都是半步大能,半神之境的存在。你怎么能一个人敌过我等七人,还差点摄取准神宝?不对劲,太不对劲了。半步大能绝对没有这种力量,哪怕是太阳神朝的‘太子’,号称大能之下无敌,也不应该有这样强大的实力。” The tall and strong old man was stroked by Chen Fan flies, staggers along in void, in the foreheads full is amazed. 魁梧老者被陈凡一击打飞,在虚空中跌跌撞撞,眉宇间满是惊诧。 Fu word vision is low and deep, whole body Magic Power surges, changes to a giant god link to support its encirclement, but also flies upside down dozens li (0.5 km), stands firm the figure reluctantly. 傅言则目光低沉,周身法力涌动,化作一个巨大的神环将其环绕托住,但也还是倒飞出去数十里,才勉强稳住身形。 In comparison, skinny old man and Wu Hongbo, demon day sect Elder(s) and others, is whole face shocked, is almost staring Chen Fan inconceivable, as if saw anything the great antiquity monster that emits from Universe is ordinary. 相比之下,枯瘦老者、吴洪波、魔日宗长老等几人,则是满脸惊骇,几乎不可思议瞪着陈凡,仿佛见到了什么从宇宙中冒出的洪荒怪物一般。 Although half Great Power is unwritten realm, but after this realm, although there is a high and low difference, but Great Expert / everybody was Son of God walked in the past, the disparity was really not big. Even if stands under Great Power that several people of most apex, such as Song Yufeng, Emperor Apollo Crown Prince and Immortal Religion few founders and others, most compared with their one section, by an enemy two or enemy three. 半步大能虽然是一个不成文的境界,但到了这境界之后,虽有高低差别,但大家当年都是神子走过来的,互相之间差距实在不大。哪怕站在大能之下最顶点的那几人,如宋禹峰、太阳神朝太子长生教少教主等几人,最多比他们强一截,以一敌二或敌三罢了。 Seven people collaborate, again in addition several accurate Divine Treasure. 七人联手,再加上几件准神宝 Even if known as invincible that Emperor Apollo Crown Prince, Qin Jian Fifth Brother here, if not use Divine Treasure, must be killed by several Elder(s) bang to unravelling. This is not that Crown Prince is not strong, but is the Great Expert / everybody disparity is really not big. 哪怕号称无敌的那位‘太阳神朝太子’,秦简的五哥在这里,若不动用神宝,也得被几位长老轰杀至灰飞烟灭。这不是那位太子不强,而是大家互相间差距真不大。 Perhaps in the central Galaxy world, or in these ancient Holy Land, there are to stand in Peak supreme talent powerhouse, can sweep away with realm, even encounters with Great Power. But small Southern Heaven Realm absolutely does not have. 也许在中央星河世界,或那些古老圣地中,有站在巅峰天骄强者,能够同境界横扫,甚至与大能交锋。但小南天境绝对没有。 Including Qin Jian. 包括秦简 Everyone is looking at the Chen Fan's vision, contains deep dreading. 所有人望着陈凡的目光,都包含深深的忌惮。 Only then they, know that the Chen Fan's natural talent multi- evildoer/monstrous talent, obtain the so terrifying strength in such young age, is not Innate Skill / Gift, chance, luck wait/etc can explain. 只有他们,才知道陈凡的天资多妖孽,在这么年轻的岁数就获得如此恐怖的力量,根本不是什么天赋、机缘、运气等等能解释的。 Either is the big chance in Central Mainland, the real Aloof imagination, this boy obtained similar in Legends ‚the fruit of Grand Dao wooden god's heart and so on not the unimaginable immortal reason, reaches the sky in a single bound, jumps Divine Transformation from Golden Core directly, otherwise no means explained, either Qin Jian lowers the head, in a soft voice speaking, the second later words, he has not been saying either. “要么是中土内的大机缘,真的超脱想象,这小子获得了类似传说中大道之果’‘木神之心’之类无法想象的大仙缘,一步登天,直接从金丹跳到化神,否则没办法解释,要么”秦简低头,轻声说着,第二个要么之后的话,他并未说出。 That guess, even he thinks that feels frightened. 那个猜测,连他想到都感到惊悚。 Several other people, guessed correctly indistinctly Qin Jian wants to say anything, but they cannot think similarly. 其他几人,也隐约猜到秦简想说什么,但他们同样不敢想。 Great Power reincarnation. 大能转世啊。 This type guessed how can talk nonsense. Entire small Southern Heaven Realm Great Power altogether how many positions? 这种猜测怎能瞎说。整个小南天境大能总共才多少位? Extremely rare! 凤毛麟角! Each is standing of immortal god teaches foundation, overawes Star Ocean. If Great Power were once reincarnated into to abandon Star Region, then all Great Sects plan must fail. However looks at the Chen Fan's appearance, not like the Great Power reincarnation. The Great Power reincarnation of genuine, many indications and outs of phase, cannot conceal the truth. 每一位都是一个不朽神教的立教根基,威震星海。若有一位大能曾转世入遗弃星域,那么所有大教的谋算都要落空。不过看陈凡的样子,也并不像大能转世。真正大能转世,是有许多征兆和异相的,瞒不住。 Nearby palace clothing beautiful woman takes back mountains and rivers universe chart, some fright uncertain say/way: 旁边的宫装美妇收回‘山河乾坤图’,有些惊魂不定道: Impossible, these things were not antiquity Immortal are personally used, did not allow the bystander to meddle? I and other during the years, sent people to investigate various immortal earth, but returns empty-handed either, either is the treasure is unable to select immaturely, how to be obtained by him?” “不可能的吧,那些东西不是上古仙人自留,不允许外人插手的吗?我等数十万年间,先后派人去探查各大仙土,但要么空手而归,要么就是宝物未成熟无法摘取,怎会被他得到?” Arrived Qin Jian and palace clothing beautiful woman and other realm, stood in the immortal Great Sects high level, has been able to touch the secret that some mortals are unable to know. 到了秦简、宫装美妇等境界,站在不朽大教的高层,已经可以触摸到一些凡人无法知晓的秘密。 They by these immortal, guessed correctly indistinctly abandons the Star Region back, has the Extreme Powerhouse layout, these immortal chances, such as ‚the fruit of Grand Dao wooden god's heart, is these Extreme Powerhouse leaves itself without a doubt, or the Sect family descendants, small Southern Heaven Realm these immortal great sect, do not dare to touch. Like Longevity and demon day sect Lin He, bold, defies the sect orders to capture in immortal earth secretly the biggest chance, in each great sect rare. 他们透过这些仙阵,隐约猜到遗弃星域的背后,有至强者布局,这些仙阵机缘,如‘大道之果’‘木神之心’等,毫无疑问是那些至强者留给自己,或自家宗门家族后代的,小南天境的这些不朽大教,根本不敢触碰。像洛长生和魔日宗林河这样,胆大包天,违抗师门命令偷偷欲夺得仙土内最大机缘的,在各个大教中都少见。 Stands erect the summit of Galaxy in these genuine, shows disdain for in front of Universe ancient Holy Land Sect, their these immortal great sect, like clay chickens and pottery dogs, others finger, can easily grind them simply. 在那些真正屹立星河之巅,傲视宇宙的古老圣地宗门前面,它们这些不朽大教,简直如土鸡瓦狗,人家一根手指,就能轻易碾碎它们。 Perhaps not necessarily, his destiny adds the body, as the child of planet, walked dog shit transporting, obtains the fruit of half Grand Dao and so on, reaches the sky in a single bound is promoted half step Great Power from the mortal, and must Immortal Technique under ancient Immortal instruction, otherwise how possible only 30-40 years old, on practice and others was stronger than me?” Fu word frowns: “未必,说不定他气运加身,作为星球之子,走了狗屎运,得到半枚大道之果之类,一步登天从凡人晋级半步大能,并且还得了古仙人传授下的仙法,否则怎可能区区30-40岁,就修炼的比我等更强?”傅言皱眉: Old Man Qin and Sister warm and Wu daoist brother, our which were not painstaking cultivation 45 ten thousand years, has today this cultivation base. In the past and I and others together and said that Son of God supreme talent, now die most, has changed to loess pou, we as an immortal Great Sects most favorite disciple, enjoyed the resources incline of great sect and even entire Star Region consecrate, the expenditure was so long practice to this situation.” “秦老头、温师妹、吴道兄,我们哪个不是苦修了四五万载,才拥有今天这份修为。当年和我等一起并称神子天骄们,如今陨落大半,早就化作黄土一抔,我们作为一个不朽大教的最得意弟子,享受一个大教乃至整个星域的资源倾斜供奉,花费那么久才修炼到这个地步。” His 30 ~ 40 years old wild planet indigenous, actually dominates I above and others, does not obtain in immortal earth immortal reason, what but also there is able to explain?” “他一个三四十岁的蛮荒星球土著,却凌驾我等之上,不是得到仙土内的‘仙缘’,还有什么能解释的?” Such remarks. 此言一出。 Several Elder(s) were silent. 几位长老都默然了。 Including many observers, outside the Star Ocean rogue cultivator territory Primal Infant are even terrified is startled. 包括许多旁观者,星海散修甚至域外元婴们都悚然一惊。 Yes. 是啊。 In Chen Fan matter too not Life Sciences. Chen Fan subverted everyone's traditional ideas and impression innumerable, times go against heaven's will on, to strike weakly, strengths increase, his strength such as the deep pool like the sea, immeasurably deep is unable to look. But Chen Fan altogether over 30 years old. When they over 30 years old are, but also intertwines in Innate Golden Core realm, prepares to congeal pill Tribulation Transcendence. When can hold treads the broken ten ten thousand Golden Core god army, forcing seven big remote antiquity Elder(s)? 发生在陈凡身上的事情太不科学了。陈凡无数次颠覆了所有人的传统观念和印象,一次次逆天而上,以弱击强,一次次实力攀升,他的实力如渊如海,深不可测根本无法望到底。但陈凡总共才三十多岁啊。他们三十多岁时,还在先天金丹境界纠结,准备凝丹渡劫呢。何时能一掌就踏破十万金丹神军,力压七大太上长老 Hehe.” “呵呵。” Chen Fan smiles lightly. 陈凡淡淡一笑。 In a sense, these people guessed right. He truly obtains one not maturely ‚the fruit of Grand Dao, that not mature Grand Dao if swallows, he can vertical enter step half Great Power. However the fruit of that Grand Dao had been kept it to use, to verify by Chen Fan since some guess that rebirth has had. Now Chen Fan this terrifying cultivation base, is he bit by bit, spends 20 years of painstaking cultivation to come, but something, do not need to explain with these deceased people. 从一定意义上来说,这些人猜测没错。他确实获得一枚不成熟的‘大道之果’,那枚不成熟大道之果若吞下,他可以立地进阶半步大能。不过那枚大道之果早就被陈凡留作它用,印证自重生以来就怀揣的某个猜测。如今陈凡身上这恐怖修为,都是他一点一滴,花费二十年苦修而来,不过有些事情,就无需和这些死人解释了。 „Did idle talk say? That prepares dead.” “废话说完了吗?那就准备去死吧。” Chen Fan crosses the hands behind the back to press. 陈凡负手压上。 His whole body immortal light is radiant, on the whole body bathing multi-colored sunlight, an immortal link surrounds. At this moment, the strength of immortal infant, Immortal Soul , the Immortal Body Chen Fan within the body, condenses, again the difference of unqualified vigor, great strength of half Origin Strength, shown incisiveness. 他周身仙光璀璨,浑身沐浴霞光,一顶仙环环绕头上。此刻,陈凡体内的仙婴、仙魂仙体之力,凝聚到一点,再无分精气神的区别,半元之力的强大,被展现的淋漓尽致。 Bang.” “轰隆。” Chen Fan turns the hand, under strokes, earth-shaking. 陈凡翻手,一击打下,天翻地覆。 Endless Jinxia ten thousand, thundering immortal Origin Strength sweeps across the entire sky, his figure as if changes to trillion zhang (3.33 m) high, the boundless power and influence shakes planet, lets nearby Earth and moon shivers slightly, like Antiquity Heavenly God offers a sacrifice to making a move turns Heavenly Seal. Under seven remote antiquity Elder(s) in Chen Fan this strikes, in the small boat like difficult situation, along with the palm may tilt. 无尽金霞万道,轰鸣的仙元力席卷整个天空,他身形仿佛化作亿万丈高,无边威势撼动星辰,让附近的地球和月亮都微微颤抖,如同太古天神出手中的翻天印般。七位太上长老陈凡这一击之下,更是如同惊涛骇浪内的小舟,随掌就可倾覆。 Catches up from Star Ocean, cultivator that observes secretly, the complexion big change, retreats at this moment all crazily backward. 许多从星海中赶来,偷偷观战的修士,此刻无不脸色大变,疯狂向后退去。 „.” “咔嚓。” Heaven and Earth was hit the crack. 天地都被打裂。 Chen Fan this strikes, shows half Origin Strength terrifying heartily. That shocking power and influence, many observing, even if separated by several thousand li (0.5 km), the body and spirit wants to crack as before, Divine Soul as if must blast open, the heart is stuffing an invisible pressure, must be pressed to lie to kneel above the starry sky. 陈凡这一击,尽情展现半元之力的恐怖。那骇人听闻的威势,许多观战者哪怕相隔数千里,依旧体魄欲裂,神魂仿佛要炸裂开来般,心头充塞着一股无形的压力,要被压趴跪在星空之上。 Kills, he has the immortal reason in the body, I and others killed him, all secrets in Central Mainland star, and other front will launch in me.” Fu words coldly sound said. “杀,他有大仙缘在身,我等杀了他,中土星内的所有秘密,都会在我等面前展开。”傅言冷声道。 Correct, our seven big gods, hundreds of thousands of years of planning, founder calculated wholeheartedly, today. If indigenous is unable to solve including young Xiaoman foreign, how can result in the immortal reason, Prove the Dao Divine Transformation?” The skinny old man also figure compels. 不错,我们七大神教,数十万年的算计,诸位教主呕心沥血的推算,都在今日。若连一个小小蛮夷土著都无法解决,怎么能得大仙缘,证道化神?”枯瘦老者也身形逼上。 Spelled.” Wu Hongbo clenches teeth. Old Man Qin, you cannot keep the hand again.” “拼了。”吴洪波咬牙。“秦老头,你可不能再留手了。” Arrived this position, but how also to keep the hand, I must have a look but actually, what ability does this boy have?” In the Qin Jian eye pupil none explodes shoots, such as thunder Rudian. “到了这境地,还怎么留手,我倒要看看,这小子到底有什么能耐?”秦简眼眸中精光爆射,如雷如电。 Bang! 轰! His figure raises fiercely, the vertebra straight like the sword, a whole body piece of Jinxia surrounds, the ko-hemp clothing vanishes, changes a Nine Dragons royal robes robe, wears the flat crown, the facial features are dignified, which also has the half a point beggar obsolete appearance, clearly is a dignified King. 他身形猛地抬高,脊椎笔直如剑,周身一片金霞环绕,葛衣消失,换上一身九龙衮袍,头戴平天冠,面容威严肃穆,哪还有半分乞丐老朽的模样,分明是一位威严的王者。 Works as!” “哐当!” Qin Jian waves, has nine god of journeys rainbow startled days. 秦简一挥手,就有九道神虹惊天。 That nine god of journeys rainbows, each in which contains top heavenly treasure, is not inferior golden great hammer, can say, each heavenly treasure has the Fable story and origin, stems from the small Southern Heaven Realm famous expert's hand, dopes Divine Material, the prestige can the incomparable terrifying, even if Divine Transformation not necessarily dares to meet hardly. Generally in the remote antiquity Elder(s) hand, most also on such heavenly treasure, Qin Jian actually lifts hand nine, worthily god falling king's title. 那九道神虹,每一道其中都蕴藏着一件顶级天宝,丝毫不逊色‘金色巨锤’,可以说,每一件天宝都有传奇故事和来历,出自小南天境名家之手,掺杂神料,威能无比恐怖,哪怕化神都未必敢硬接。一般太上长老手中,最多也就一件这样的天宝,秦简却抬手就九件,不愧神陨王的封号。 Kills!” “杀!” Wu Hongbo eyes are red. 吴洪波双眼赤红。 He offers a sacrifice to silver ancient Jing, leaves to the Chen Fan photo fiercely. ancient mirror, when makes noise, the terrifying power and influence, sweeps across entire Star Ocean, vibrates the universe, the sacred aura overflows, innumerable earthman pressed kneeling place, impressively is accurate Divine Treasure. 他祭出一面银色古镜,猛地向陈凡照出。古镜哐当作响,恐怖的威势,席卷整个星海,震动天宇,神圣气息四溢,无数地球人被压的跪地,赫然是一件准神宝 Not only Wu Hongbo. 不只是吴洪波。 Skinny old man, palace clothing beautiful woman and demon day sect Elder(s) wait/etc., respectively in stimulation of movement hand accurate Divine Treasure. 枯瘦老者、宫装美妇、魔日宗长老等,都分别催动手中准神宝 Rumble.” “轰隆隆。” At that moment. 那一刻。 void blasting open, livelihood surges. 虚空炸裂,日月翻腾。 Countless earthmen frighten courage entirely cracks, even these Primal Infant cultivator , cannot withstand, looks with amazement to the starry sky. They only felt, above Heaven and Earth, seems five powerful gods Awakened, these gods stuff Universe, aura can easily steamroll Innate Golden Core. If shoots down , the people in less than half mainland must vanished in a puff of smoke, even on planet, is not necessarily able to block these accurate Divine Treasure day after day strikes. 无数地球人吓得肝胆俱裂,就算是那些元婴修士,也承受不住,骇然望向星空。他们只觉得,天地之上,似有五尊强大的神明觉醒,那些神明充塞宇宙,一点气息都可以轻易碾压先天金丹。若一击落下,小半个大陆的人都要灰飞烟灭,甚至连天上的星辰,都未必能挡住这些准神宝的一击。 It can be said. 可以说。 Two accurate Divine Treasure that except that Qin Jian and Fu said that was taken away to attack extraterrestrially by four Son of God, other five remote antiquity Elder(s), have disregarded, in oneself hand the strongest card in hand will lift. 除了秦简和傅言的两件准神宝,被四位神子带去攻打地球外,其他五位太上长老,已经不管不顾,将自己手中最强的底牌都掀开。 „!” “咔嚓!” These accurate Divine Treasure, in their hands, the prestige can compare to the Son of God hand, far more than powerful several times? As if really looks like the Great Power stimulation of movement, had a Divine Transformation Great Power several points of ability. 这些准神宝,在他们手中,威能比起神子们手里,何止强大数倍?仿佛真的像大能催动,有了化神大能的几分能耐。 But Chen Fan at this moment, compared with before, is unable similarly by the counting. 但此刻的陈凡,比起之前来,同样无法以道计数。 Semicircle semicircle. 半元半元。 Although only the semicircle, enters into Divine Transformation Domain eventually, just like childhood True Dragon, has huge difference from these Flood Dragon. 虽只半元,终究是迈入化神领域,宛如幼年真龙,与这些蛟龙们有着天壤之别。
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