ROUIC :: Volume #10 Volume 10

#1169: Fingers and palm defeat enemy( second)

Antiquity Immortal Realm, when there are immortal clan juniors to cultivate/repair immortal infant realm, Primal Infant Mortal Body soul completely Great Accomplishment, will all have Origin Strength, but thus forcing world Divine Transformation. 上古仙界,当有仙族子弟修到仙婴境界,元婴肉身魂魄尽皆大成,就会具备‘一元之力’,从而可力压人间化神 Chen Fan only Primal Infant cultivates the becoming an immortal infant, but the Mortal Body soul also stays in Golden Core realm, but the three unite, the vigor condenses after one, may have half Origin Strength reluctantly. 陈凡元婴修成仙婴,而肉身魂魄都还停留在金丹境界,但三者合一,精气神凝聚为一体后,也勉强可具备‘半元之力’。 Although only semicircle. 虽只半元。 But this is Divine Transformation Great Power the strength of half, non- these so-called half Great Power may compare by far. They seemingly are away from Divine Transformation, only then half step, but many its life are unable to tread finally the final half step, can become Divine Transformation, in hundred does not have one. So long as one day inadequate Divine Transformation, their strength levels with the genuine Divine Transformation poles apart. 但这是化神大能的一半之力,远远非这些所谓的半步大能可比。他们看起来距离化神只有半步,但许多人终其一生都无法踏出最后的半步,能成化神者,百中无一。而只要一日不成化神,他们的力量层次就与真正化神天悬地隔。 If Divine Transformation is True Dragon, Primal Infant is snake, they can only calculate that Flood Dragon White Hornless Dragon first-class, reluctant top of the head grows an corner/horn, the abdomen gives birth to several pairs of feet, has controlling the forces of nature some small Divine Ability, from the genuine Divine Dragon, long distance difference. 如果说化神是‘真龙’,元婴是‘蛇’的话,他们只能算‘蛟龙’‘白螭’一流,勉强头顶长出点角来,腹部生出几对足,拥有些呼风唤雨的小神通,距离真正的神龙,还有十万八千里区别。 But Chen Fan, is equivalent to one underage True Dragon. 陈凡,则相当于一条未成年的‘真龙’。 Although underage, but eventually is True Dragon, with Flood Dragon and python first-class, has the difference of Heaven and Earth. 虽然未成年,但终究是真龙,与蛟龙、蟒蛇一流,有着云泥之别。 Bang.” “轰隆。” When the strength of immortal Immortal Physique soul immortal infant, gathers in together. The endless brilliant immortal light erupts from Chen Fan on, his Yitian stands, shoulders both hands, the long dress flap flap, that power and influence makes the vault of heaven shake. Moon several thousand li (0.5 km) away, unexpectedly on dignity by his whole body, flushed slightly turbulent. The innumerable person body and spirit want to crack, the soul guts trembles. 当仙体仙魂仙婴之力,汇聚在一起的时候。无尽绚烂的仙光自陈凡身上爆发,他倚天而立,背负双手,长衣猎猎,那威势让苍穹都为之撼动。数千里外的月球,竟然被他周身上的威严,冲的微微动荡。无数人体魄欲裂,心魂胆颤。 If not Song Yufeng left the Solar System early, if he then sees this, does not dare to say again Chen Fan will defeat in great sect words hand/subordinate. 若非宋禹峰两人早离开了太阳系,他若回头望见这一幕,绝不敢再说陈凡会败在大教手下之话。 „Is this?” “这是?” Some have not escaped from Earth with enough time, is observing quietly Star Ocean rogue cultivator that in the outer space, the eye circle stares all. 一些还没来得及逃出地球,正在外太空悄悄观战的星海散修,无不眼睛圆瞪。 They only see. 他们只见到。 The immortal link appears together in the Chen Fan top of the head, under that brilliant such as the immortal link of rosy cloud, Chen Fan bathes Jinxia, Light Glow is radiant, arrives at this world just like the cepheus. That immortal link is extremely sacred, as if compared with the Great Power top of the head god link also wants noble many, is filling eternally unchanging, livelihood not easy big comfortable big completion aura, but, if some people pay attention, will discover that immortal link is quite unreal, as if only has half, not completion. 一道仙环浮现在陈凡头顶,在那绚烂如云霞的仙环下,陈凡沐浴金霞,光芒璀璨,宛如仙王降临凡尘。那仙环无比神圣,仿佛比大能头顶的‘神环’还要高贵的多,充满着永恒不变,日月不易的大自在大圆满气息,不过,若有人注意,就会发现那仙环比较虚幻,似乎只有一半,并不圆满 This what strength?” “这什么力量?” Several Elder(s) are also amazed. 几位长老同样惊诧。 The tall and strong old man stares the big eye, is seeing Chen Fan for the first time. The light smile on Qin Jian face cannot maintain, in the eye pupil reveals amazed. The palace clothing beautiful woman is calm, at this moment also frowns. 魁梧老者瞪大眼睛,第一次正眼看陈凡秦简脸上的淡淡笑容也维持不住,眼眸中露出一丝惊诧。宫装美妇淡定从容,此刻也皱眉 When they on Chen Fan, feel unexpectedly facing the Great Power aura. 他们在陈凡身上,竟然感受到面对大能们时的气息。 Although this aura is far from Divine Transformation Great Power being powerful, as if the difference of baby and adult. But eventually is the Divine Transformation strength, with their these also half foot in this world half god, has the essential difference. 虽然这股气息远没有化神大能们强大,就仿佛幼儿和成年人的区别般。但终究是化神的力量,和他们这些还半只脚在凡尘的‘半神’,有本质区别。 His real Prove the Dao Divine Monarch? But this is how possible, obviously his realm is only Primal Infant. Moreover this piece of Star Region Law(s) lacks, is unable achievement genuine Divine Transformation. Even that so-called false Divine Monarch Heaven Treading, can display the genuine Divine Monarch strength in this piece of Star Region, but eventually is only false Divine Monarch, has the essence unlike Great Power, is not True Dragon!” The skinny old man stares the big eye, cannot believe. “他真的证道神君了?但这怎么可能,明明他境界只是元婴啊。而且这片星域法则有缺,根本无法成就真正化神。就算是那所谓的‘伪神君踏天,在这片星域可以发挥出真正神君的力量,但终究只是‘伪神君’罢了,与大能们有本质不同,并非真龙!”枯瘦老者瞪大眼睛,不敢相信。 Great Power is in Universe to high existence. 大能乃是宇宙中最至高的存在。 Takes a broad view at entire small Southern Heaven Realm, although many Star Region stand in great numbers, but there is Star Region that the immortal god assumes, half, even only has 1/3. Other 2/3, most, only then some ancestors had once had Divine Transformation decline great sect. 100 Flood Dragon, can only have one True Dragon, obviously scarcity of Divine Transformation Great Power. 放眼整个小南天境,虽然诸多星域林立,但有不朽神教坐镇的星域,连一半都不到,甚至只有三分之一。其他三分之二,最多只有一些祖上曾出过化神的没落大教罢了。一百条‘蛟龙’中,只能出一位‘真龙’,可见化神大能的稀少。 But this piece abandons Star Region, in Qin Jian and the others in the eye, is similar to the small place that narrows remotely, compared with small Southern Heaven Realm of broad lake, or vast ocean ‚the central Galaxy world, is only a woof small pond, can a small sewer, how raise True Dragon to come? 而这片‘遗弃星域’,在秦简等人眼中,就如同一个偏僻逼仄的小地方,比起宽阔湖泊的小南天境,又或者汪洋大海般的‘中央星河世界’,只是一汪小水塘,一条小阴沟,怎么能养出‘真龙’来呢? Refers to some uncertain rare treasure, big chance that also or obtains in immortal within the earth secret technique, making a move seizes him together, knows the real situation. Possibly is not real Divine Transformation, this Star Region certainly not True Dragon appearance!” Fu word frowns, light say/way. “指不定某种秘宝,又或者在仙土中得到的大机缘‘秘术’,一起出手擒下他,就知道真实情况。绝不可能是真的化神,此星域绝不会‘真龙’出现!”傅言皱眉,淡淡道。 Correct. Begins together.” 不错。一同动手。” The skinny old man yelled, Yin Gloomy said: Several old fogies, you should not be present at work do not strive, takes him jointly. I have the premonition, the genuine big chance of this star, inevitably on this boy, because if you let escape him, founder blames, but let alone Yao does without sparing anyone's sensibilities.” 枯瘦老者大叫,阴森森道:“几个老家伙,你们也别出工不出力了,联手将他拿下。我有预感,此星的真正大机缘,必然在这小子身上,若因为你们放跑了他,诸位教主怪罪下来,可别说姚某不讲情面。” He finishes barely the words, the figure has vanished on the spot. 他话音未落,身形就已经消失在原地。 Only sees, in void, emits a series of forms, skinny old man surnamed Yao jumps baseless, each piece of void, congeals his figure, suddenly, he leaves behind several hundred images in between Heaven and Earth, encircles Chen Fan, kills. This each form, is actually his clone. The skinny old man can jump in these clone back and forth, the contact is free, if cannot check to destroy all image, is unable to massacre this Yao old man certainly. 只看到,虚空中,冒出一连串的身影,姓姚的枯瘦老者凭空跳跃,每一片虚空,都凝结他一个身形,一刹那间,他就在天地间留下数百道影像,把陈凡团团围住,一齐杀来。这每一道身影,其实都是他的分身。枯瘦老者可以在这些分身中来回跳跃,往来自如,如果不能一刹间摧毁摧毁所有‘影象’,就绝无法杀掉这姚姓老者。 Teaches the town/subdues to teach the secret technique softly spatially. 蹑空教镇教秘术。 Soft shadow no trace Divine Secret Art!’ ‘蹑影无踪神诀!’ Yeah, Chen Xiaozi, I do not want to begin, must blame, blames the secret technique that you show being too strong, talent can arouse jealousy.” Stems from the Supreme Beginning god Elder(s), sighed gently, in his eye pupil, whether there is to perform the world to live to extinguish every time, a void world appeared before his body, then destroyed instantaneously, changed to together iron grey Light Glow, shot at Chen Fan instantaneously. “哎,陈小子,我本不想动手,要怪,就怪你展现的秘术太强,怀璧其罪。”出自太初神教的长老,轻轻一叹,他眼眸中,每时每刻都有无尽世界生灭,一个虚空世界在他身前浮现,然后瞬间毁灭掉,化作一道灰白色的光芒,瞬间射向陈凡 Supreme Beginning lives to extinguish the technique!’ 太初生灭术!’ This technique was known as that takes a strength of the world annihilation as the energy, may injure Divine Transformation! 此术号称以一个世界湮灭的力量为能源,可伤化神 Goes.” “去。” Demon day sect, Everlasting Sect, Immortal Religion and other powerhouse, offered a sacrifice to making a move simultaneously most Divine Ability, killed to Chen Fan. Even palace clothing beautiful women frowns, launches the mountains and rivers universe chart slightly, wants the Chen Fan income chart. The ko-hemp clothing old man shakes the head, flings 34 magic treasure conveniently, each magic treasure is not inferior golden great hammer, changes to three god of journeys rainbows, the prestige can be infinite, chops to Chen Fan. 魔日宗、无极宗长生教强者,同时祭出手中最神通,杀向陈凡。连宫装美妇都微微皱眉,展开山河乾坤图,想要将陈凡收入图中。葛衣老者更摇头,随手甩出三四件法宝,每一件法宝都不逊色‘金色巨锤’,化作三道神虹,威能无穷,劈向陈凡 Bang.” “轰隆。” At that moment, seven remote antiquity Elder(s) did not receive the hand again, is earnest, strikes together. 那一刻,七位太上长老再没有收手,认真起来,共同一击。 Galaxy before them, shivers slightly. Even if moon, by them, as soon as strikes to destroy from the space. 星河在他们面前,都微微颤抖。哪怕是月亮,也会被他们一击从天上打碎掉。 But Chen Fan actually complexion as indifferent as the extreme. 陈凡却面色淡然到极点。 Gets up.” “起。” He pinched secret art gently, directs conveniently, together green such as green Light Glow, projects instantaneously, clear blue green and lustrous, is full of the strength of myriad things vitality, brings the strength of ruling by force destroys Divine Soul. 他轻轻捏了个法诀,随手一指点出,一道清翠如绿的光芒,就瞬间射出,碧油油绿莹莹,充满着万物生机的力量,却带着毁灭神魂的霸道之力。 Azure Emperor extinguishes the god to refer to. 青帝灭神指’。 This is Divine Ability that in Azure Emperor Longevity Secret Art supplements, although is the high-grade, but in Chen Fan in many Divine Ability of meeting, not strongest, even first ten cannot stand in line, Chen Fan has not perhaps had for a long time the use. But at this moment, by half Origin Strength stimulation of movement, reveals this Divine Ability original feature instantaneously. 这是青帝长生诀中附带的一门神通,虽是上品,但在陈凡所会的诸多神通中,绝非最强,甚至连前十都排不上,陈凡也许久未动用。但此刻,以‘半元之力’催动,瞬间露出这门神通的本来面目。 Rumble.” “轰隆隆。” At that moment. 那一刻。 In Universe, together tiny incomparable, to the extreme, above mark draws innumerable mysterious Runic Text verdantly, the golden light is surrounding, Azure Glow radiant Divine Glow appears baseless, just like Antiquity Spiritual God finger, gently hit on the Yao old man. 宇宙中,一道细小无比,青翠到极点,上面纹绘着无数神秘符文,金光环绕,青芒璀璨的神芒凭空浮现,宛如太古神灵的手指般,轻轻撞击在姚姓老者身上。 On the Yao old man face really brings sneering, only clone was destroyed, does not have the injury to his, he can jump to several hundred clone on momentarily, the channel that but the next quarter, that azure Light Glow, such as the deep-rooted ulcer of tarsal bone, along is unable to observe unexpectedly instantaneously, spreads to Yao old man several hundred clone. The next quarter, in the foreheads of several hundred Yao old men, for a it azure, then the instantaneous aura does not have, falls from the sky together. 姚姓老者脸上真带着冷笑,区区一个分身被毁,对他根根毫无伤害,他随时可以跳跃到数百个分身身上,但下一刻,那青色光芒,竟然如跗骨之疽,瞬间沿着无法观测的通道,蔓延到姚姓老者数百个分身。下一刻,几百个姚姓老者的眉宇间,同时为之一青,然后瞬间气息全无,一同陨灭。 Azure Emperor extinguishes the god to refer, extinguishes Divine Soul specially, even if separated by surely, breath air/Qi follows, cannot escape. 青帝灭神指,专灭神魂,哪怕相隔千万里,一息气相随,也逃脱不掉。 If not the Yao old man in finally, offers a sacrifice to accurate Divine Treasure that soft teaches spatially, cuts off that last relation, perhaps his last clone together with the true body, die will fall simultaneously. 若非姚姓老者在最后,祭起蹑空教的准神宝,斩断那最后一点联系,恐怕他最后一个分身连同真身,都会同时陨落掉。 Kills.” “杀。” A finger/refers causes heavy losses to the Yao old man, the Chen Fan complexion is faint, lifts the palm conveniently, counter pushes on, such as the Spiritual God holds the day. 一指重创姚姓老者,陈凡面色淡漠,随手抬掌而起,逆推而上,如神灵托天般。 „.” “咔嚓咔嚓。” Everlasting Sect Elder(s) from hangs Tianhe / Milky Way that in the sky pounds down, cannot withstand Chen Fan's half Origin Strength, at this moment cuns (2.5 cm) blast open unexpectedly, like Galaxy god sand -like trillion planet, under the Chen Fan copious difficult to bear not unimaginable great strength, falling from the sky falls, each planet blasts out, was shattered on behalf of a Everlasting Sect Elder(s) painstaking cultivation Golden Core magical skill. 无极宗长老自天空中砸下的一挂天河,承受不住陈凡的‘半元之力’,此刻竟然寸寸炸裂开来,其中如同星河神沙般的亿万星辰,在陈凡沛然难当的无法想象的巨力之下,大片大片的陨灭掉,每一颗星辰炸开,都代表无极宗长老苦修的一尊金丹道行破碎。 Arrived finally, trim ‚the limitless Galaxy chart breaks, Tianhe / Milky Way counter was drawn back by Chen Fan from beginning to end, a Everlasting Sect Elder(s) blood puts out, the figure violent draws back dozens li (0.5 km). 到最后,整片‘无极星河图’都破碎,天河从头到尾被陈凡逆退,无极宗长老一口血吐出,身形暴退数十里。 His Divine Ability bursts, instantaneous Vitality damages severely, 50,000 years of painstaking cultivation by a Chen Fan move of broken merit, was almost dropped the boundary of half step Great Power. 神通破裂,瞬间元气大伤,五万年苦修陈凡一招破功,差点跌落半步大能之境。 How possibly, will his strength how be stronger than before so many?” Everlasting Sect Elder(s) coughs up blood, while stares the big eye. “怎么可能,他的力量怎会比之前强大那么多?”无极宗长老一边咳血,一边瞪大眼睛。 But this is only starts. 但这只是开始。 Chen Fan refers to like the blade, a void stroke. 陈凡并指如刀,虚空一划。 „.” “刺啦。” Entire Star Ocean, under Chen Fan this blade, was broken out. The scarlet yellowish white black azure five colors, the invisible Light Glow circulation, changes to a Antiquity Five Elements Qi Weapon, fully several tens of thousands zhang (3.33 m), in the day blade just like Spiritual God palm, breaks open the vault of heaven, is Five Elements Immortal Sect the technique of unsurpassed qi weapon. 整个星海,在陈凡这一刀之下,都生生被劈开。赤黄白黑青五种颜色,无形光芒流转,化作一柄‘太古五行气兵’,足有数万丈长,宛如神灵掌中的天刀,劈破苍穹,正是五行仙宗的无上气兵之术。 Demon day sect remote antiquity Elder(s), under his blade, cut in half, the blood sprinkles the expansive sky, Mortal Body is stirred to break to pieces, if not Divine Soul Primal Infant under the accurate Divine Treasure protection, changes to the startled rainbow to run away to project together, must fall from the sky at the scene, but even if this , the complexion is frightened the extreme. 魔日宗太上长老,在他一刀之下,生生被切成两半,鲜血洒满长空,肉身都被搅碎掉,若非神魂元婴在准神宝保护下,化作一道惊虹逃窜射出,就要当场陨灭,但哪怕这样,也面色惊惶到极点。 . 紧接着。 Chen Fan has a fist and a palm, to grasp. 陈凡又出一拳、一掌、一抓。 Fu word, the tall and strong old man were shaken to fly by Chen Fan. Especially the rising typhoon sends palace clothing beautiful woman, is known as invincibly facing this, may surround Divine Transformation mountains and rivers universe chart, Chen Fan displays Kun Peng Great Confusion Tearing Technique directly, confronts accurate Divine Treasure by space Divine Ability, almost attracted the mountains and rivers chart in beautiful woman hand, the frightened beautiful woman receives the mountains and rivers chart hurriedly, in a panic backward retreat. 傅言、魁梧老者先后被陈凡震飞出去。尤其是扶摇派的‘宫装美妇’,面对这号称无敌,可困住化神的‘山河乾坤图’,陈凡直接施展出鲲鹏大混洞术,以空间神通对阵准神宝,差点将美妇手中的山河图吸了过来,吓的美妇匆忙收起山河图,仓皇向后退去。 In an instant. 刹那间。 Seven big remote antiquity Elder(s) besiege Chen Fan, finally performs is all defeated, two almost at the scene life and death, remote antiquity Elder(s) accurate Divine Treasure must be seized to start by Chen Fan. Innumerable bystanders, dumbfounded, is in these Star Ocean rogue cultivator, stares the looking blank eyeball, thinks oneself misread. 七大太上长老围攻陈凡,结果尽皆落败,其中两人更差点当场生死,一位太上长老的的准神宝都要被陈凡夺入手中。无数围观者,目瞪口呆,便是那些星海中来的散修,都瞪直了眼睛,以为自己看错。 Only then Chen Fan person of standing proudly void, the whole body multi-colored sunlight is radiant, the immortal encirclement top, several such as Great Power is born. 只有陈凡一人傲立虚空,周身霞光璀璨,仙环绕顶,几如大能降世。 PS: Second offers, one ^ _ ^ PS:第二更奉上,还有一更啦^_^
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