ROUIC :: Volume #10 Volume 10

#1168: Semicircle it prestige( first)

Works as!” “哐当!” Three Son of God that Qin Jian brings, with younger generation powerhouse of Qin wind peer, their each arrived at Primal Infant Peak, in the hand holds accurate Divine Treasure that Qin Jian is bestowing shining to be positive, the sword glow was radiant, golden splendor ten thousand. The stimulation of movement, has sharp sword qi that merely slightly punctures the vault of heaven shakes across the sky. The terrifying power and influence shakes less than half Asia slightly to shiver. 秦简所带来的三位神子,都是与秦风同辈的年轻一代强者,他们各个都到达元婴巅峰,手中持着秦简赐下的准神宝‘耀阳’,剑芒璀璨,金辉万道。仅仅微微催动,就有刺破苍穹的锐利剑气横空震下。恐怖的威势震得小半个亚洲都微微颤抖。 ‚!’ ‘唰!’ The Yuan one also controls the blue sky divine blade, such as the water blade air/Qi sweeps across the daytime, the blade glow separates the atmosphere. 元一也驾驭碧落神刀,如水刀气席卷长天,刀芒割裂开大气层。 Earth's surface several tens of thousands li (0.5 km) thick atmosphere, is similar to the egg shell outside egg at this moment, was sheared together over a hundred li (0.5 km) long crack. Countless people raise the head, sees in the blazing very spicy sunlight entokinetic fissure under the photo, was cut open just like the backdrop. These four people hold two accurate Divine Treasure not to enter Earth, shakes the livelihood the pressure on lower, countless people under half Divine Treasure dignity, rustling to shiver. 地球表面一层数万里厚的大气,此刻就如同鸡蛋外的蛋壳般,被割出一道上百里长的裂缝。无数人抬头,就见炽热酷辣的阳光自裂缝中照下,宛如天幕被切开。这四人持两件准神宝还未进入地球,撼动日月的威压就降下,无数人在半神宝威严下,瑟瑟颤抖。 This is accurate Divine Treasure. 这可是准神宝 Even if holds in the Son of God hand, may strike the crushing less than half block mainland. Also is Earth Law(s) is firm, many immortal cover, otherwise, only depending on these two magic treasure, hits to sink half Earth sufficiently. 哪怕持在神子手中,也可一击击碎小半块大陆。也就是地球法则坚固,有诸多仙阵笼罩,否则的话,仅凭这两件法宝,就足以把半个地球打沉。 Courts death.” “找死。” Chen Fan's eyes pupil one cold. 陈凡眼眸一寒。 Earth is his taboo, especially these four people also go to Northern Jade Faction, in the Northern Jade people strongest Jiao Zun also Primal Infant middle stage, keeps off not abbot / abbess merely absolutely accurate Divine Treasure four Son of God. 地球是他的禁忌,尤其这四人还冲着北琼派而去,北琼众人中最强的蛟尊者也仅仅元婴中期,绝对挡不住持着准神宝的四位神子 Bang.” “轰。” The Chen Fan figure flashes, one step steps forward, wants to block before four Son of God. 陈凡身形一闪,一步跨出,就想拦到四位神子前。 But other seven big remote antiquity can Elder(s), how permit? 但其他七大太上长老,怎能允许? „Does boy, where you want to go to? Can our two people fights not finish?” Skinny old man hehe smiles, the figure in a flash, melts nine illusory images in void unexpectedly, each lifelike, from strikes in all directions to Chen Fan. Every one strikes, is quiet, Light Glow is reserved, but in fact brings to destroy day of the terrifying energy of extinguishing the place. “小子,你想去哪里?我们两人的交手可还没结束呢?”枯瘦老者嘿嘿一笑,身形一晃,在虚空中竟然化出九个幻影,每一个都栩栩如生,从四面八方拍击向陈凡。每一击,都悄无声息,光芒内敛,但实际上却带着毁天灭地的恐怖能量。 Even if a several thousand li (0.5 km) long asteroid, perhaps if by a skinny old man palm racket, were still met the instantaneous disintegration. 就算一颗数千里长的小行星,若被枯瘦老者一掌拍中,恐怕也会瞬间崩碎。 Correct, Chen Beixuan, without Elder(s) permits, which your cannot walk.” Everlasting Sect remote antiquity Elder(s) also secret art pinches, among the fingers and palms covers the silver shining brilliance, like a Yinbao, since he holds flows under. 不错,陈北玄,没有本长老允许,你哪都不能走。”无极宗太上长老法诀一捏,指掌间笼罩银灿灿的光辉,如同一条银瀑自他掌中流淌而下。 The limitless Galaxy chart changes hangs Tianhe / Milky Way across the sky, trillion planet, stop before the Chen Fan body, him with Earth septum transversum both sides. 无极星河图化作一挂天河横空,亿万星辰点点,阻拦在陈凡身前,把他和地球横隔两端。 Fellow Daoist Chen, the words have not said how can leave?” 陈道友,话还未说完,怎能离开?” The ko-hemp clothing old man is also light smiles. 葛衣老者也淡淡一笑。 His leaving shape, has not seen a golden color little hammer to fall from his sleeve. A little hammer present world, rises suddenly against the wind, changes to thousand hundred zhang (333 m) long giant gold/metal hammer instantaneously, welcomed to Chen Fan. Above inscribing innumerable golden color Runic Text, are sparkling the radiant god splendor, although is not half Divine Treasure, actually also by the highest level Heavenly Material casting, but also some Divine Material, the prestige can pursue half Divine Treasure. 他未动身形,就见一柄金色小锤自他袖中滑落而出。小锤一现世,就迎风暴涨,瞬间化作千百丈长的巨大金锤,迎向陈凡。上面铭刻无数金色符文,闪耀着璀璨神辉,虽不是半神宝,却也以最顶级天料铸造,还惨遭一些神料,威能直追半神宝 This god falling king Qin Jian, is celebrated worldwide by the parsimonious multi- treasures. 这位‘神陨王’秦简,以吝啬多宝著称于世。 It is said that he once fought with heathenism Elder(s) that cultivation base was almost the same, that heathenism Elder(s) had half god the name, same half Great Power, was actually battered to death by 17-18 treasures by Qin Jian finally, therefore was known as that god fell, meant that under Divine Transformation met him, must die. 据说他曾经与一位修为相差无几的异教长老交手,那位异教长老有‘半神’之名,同样半步大能,结果却生生被秦简以17-18件宝物砸死,所以号称‘神陨’,意味化神之下遇见他,都得陨落 Bang bang bang.” “砰砰砰。” A Chen Fan sleeve pats the nine figure of broken skinny old man, treads on leaves, judged entire Galaxy, later one fights with the fists, collapses the flying golden color little hammer, then fights with other four remote antiquity Elder(s) one after another. 陈凡一袖拍碎枯瘦老者的九个身形,一脚踏出,把整条星河都裁断,之后一拳打出,崩飞金色小锤,然后又与其他四位太上长老接连交手。 Bang.” “轰。” By him, cultivates the becoming an immortal infant, has half Origin Strength to push many Son of God horizontally, in situation that but in seven remote antiquity Elder(s) struck, re-entry home position that also has to be shaken. 以他之内,修成仙婴,具备半元之力可横推诸多神子,但在七位太上长老先后一击的情况下,也不得不被震的重回原位。 „Can you really block me?” “你们真要拦我?” Chen Fan raised the head, an eye pupil faintness. 陈凡抬头,眼眸一片淡漠。 Seven big remote antiquity Elder(s), or sneer, either disdains, either the complexion is tranquil. Ko-hemp clothing old man Qin Jian said with a smile: Fellow Daoist Chen, the young children's generation handles affairs, and makes them go to solve is. I and others had is half Great Power, half foot strides in the boundary of Divine Transformation, is half god. With their these Golden Core Primal Infant mortals, has huge difference, if meddles them rashly, to bully the weak, non- our generation behavior.” 七大太上长老,或冷笑,或不屑,或面色平静。葛衣老者秦简笑道:“陈道友,小儿辈行事,就且让他们去自行解决就是。我等具是半步大能,半只脚跨入化神之境,乃是‘半神’。与他们这些金丹元婴的凡人,早就有天壤之别,若贸然插手他们,岂不是以大欺小,非我辈所为。” Although half Great Power is not realm. 尽管半步大能并非一个境界 But in Universe recognizes, between Primal Infant and Divine Transformation, the gap is too big, simply is the difference of Heaven and Earth. Builds Divine Grade and Saint Grade Golden Core powerhouse, but can also resist with all one's strength Primal Infant. But even if powerful Primal Infant, Immortal Sect juniors, facing Divine Transformation, is unable to contend, most escapes in a panic. 宇宙中公认,元婴化神之间,鸿沟太大,简直是云泥之别。许多修成神品圣品金丹强者,还能力敌元婴。但哪怕再强大的元婴,仙宗子弟,面对化神,也无法抗衡,最多仓皇逃命。 This huge strength difference, creates rare of Divine Transformation, one Star Region ten several tens of thousands years, possibly have one reluctantly. 这巨大的力量差别,也造成化神的稀有,一个星域十数万年,可能才勉强出一位罢了。 Therefore the boundaries of these Aloof Primal Infant, has not entered Divine Transformation powerhouse, often is regarded as independent realm. Has many names to this realm. Half Great Power half god would-be god wait/etc. But without a doubt, enters this boundary, controls the strength of tiny bit Divine Transformation, does not have to be possible with Primal Infant again compared with it place, simply powerful to unthinkable. 所以那些超脱元婴之境,又未入化神强者,往往被视为单独一个境界。对这个境界有诸多称呼。‘半步大能’‘半神’‘准神’等等。但毫无疑问,一入此境,掌控一丝一毫化神之力,与元婴再无可比之处,简直强大到匪夷所思。 Go away.” “滚开。” Chen Fan drinks one lightly, makes a fist to fight with the fists. 陈凡轻喝一声,握拳一拳打出。 Bang! 轰隆! Hangs seven color immortal rainbows, spans the universe. Arrived the strength of inconceivable immortal infant, passes the body greatly, spurts thinly in the sky, the immortal light is radiant, like rainbow bridge, from Chen Fan, spans to Earth above together directly, blocks in front of four Son of God. 一挂七彩仙虹,横亘天宇。宏大到不可思议的仙婴之力,透体而出,喷薄在天空中,仙光璀璨浩大,如同一道虹桥般,从陈凡面前,直接跨越到地球之上,拦在四位神子面前。 fellow daoist is not by any means irritable.” 道友切莫急躁。” Chen Beixuan, how could does this place make you run away?” 陈北玄,本座岂能让你跑掉?” Comes back.” “回来。” Several or old or indifferent or the Yin Gloomy sound resounds. 数个或苍老或淡然或阴森的声音响起。 Seven remote antiquity Elder(s) again making a move. Their strengths, terrifying to what degree? From the value, seven people add certainly, painstaking cultivation nearly 400,000 years, has not the unimaginable vigorous magical skill. Although the self-contained status, without genuine collaborate, but left respectively struck, powerful enough to is unable to imagine as before. 七位太上长老再次出手。他们的力量,恐怖到何种程度?从绝地数值上来说,七人加起来,苦修了近四十万年,具备着无法想象的雄浑道行。他们虽然自持身份,没有真正联手,只是各自出了一击,依旧强大到无法想象。 Rumble. 轰隆隆。 Entire sky, by infinite strength stuffing. 整个天空,被无穷的力量给充塞。 The universe bursts, thunders, Law(s) appears, the infinite sacred aura fills void. 天宇破裂,道则轰鸣,法则浮现,无穷的神圣气息弥漫虚空 Only saw, seven are unable to imagine, compares favorably with the strength that Divine Treasure strikes certainly sufficiently, batters, stirs to break to pieces all. Even if the full power of strength of Chen Fan use immortal infant strikes, facing them, stirring to break to pieces by seven god of journeys rainbows. That seven rushing strength, even odd/surplus potential completely, has not attacked on Earth, breaks the surrounding area several hundred li (0.5 km) that the atmosphere of Earth hits, lets this diameter several tens of thousands li (0.5 km) big star, trembles slightly. 只看到,七道无法想象,足以媲美准神宝一击的力量,横冲直撞,搅碎一切。哪怕陈凡动用仙婴之力的全力一击,面对他们,都生生被七道神虹给搅碎掉。那七道澎湃的力量,甚至余势未尽,冲击在地球上,把地球的大气层打的方圆数百里都破碎,让这颗直径数万里的大星,都微微一颤。 But places on Earth, is the landslide cracks in the earth, the land vibrates, river water ebullition. 而放在地球上,就是山崩地裂,大地震动,河水沸腾。 Under this strikes merely, the casualty population tens of thousands. 仅仅这一击之下,死伤的人数就成千上万。 Good opportunity!” “好机会!” In four Son of God also eye pupils greatly rises, holding two accurate Divine Treasure speeds is quicker, changes to the startled rainbow to plunder spatially, goes all out to flush away to Earth. Only was entered in Earth by them, in magic treasure by the hand, four Son of God can definitely sweep away the entire Earth, easily coerces Northern Jade Faction. When the time comes, Northern Jade Faction does in the hand, Chen Fan also dare to revolt up and down? 四个神子也眼眸中大盛,持着两件准神宝速度更快,化作惊虹掠空,拼命向地球冲去。只有被他们杀入地球内,凭借手中法宝,四个神子完全能横扫整个地球,轻易压服北琼派。到时候,北琼派一门上下在手,陈凡还敢反抗? fellow daoist is not anxious, when my under tutelage several good-for-nothing disciples go to Earth, brings the fellow daoist being in direct line juniors, when the time comes I and other under tutelage judging tea theories said well, shows our generation Immortal Cultivator elegant demeanor, so kills, can it be that I and others half god behavior?” Qin Jian said with a smile lightly. 道友莫急,等我座下的几个不成器弟子去地球,将道友的嫡传子弟们带来,到时候我等座下好好品茶论道,才彰显我辈修仙者风采,如此打打杀杀,岂是我等‘半神’所为?”秦简淡淡笑道。 His each few words, boast of being half god, above far Aloof mortal, even dominates above other Immortal Cultivator. 他每一句话,都自诩为‘半神’,远超脱凡人之上,甚至凌驾其他修仙者之上。 Here half god, is not the Alien Race Spiritual God half god, but is half Divine Transformation the meaning, Great Power such as True Dragon like Heavenly God, is the transformation and emergence of Life level, with Immortal Cultivator genuine huge difference of next four boundary. 这里的‘半神’,可不是异族神灵的半神,而是半个‘化神’的意思,大能真龙天神,是生命层次的蜕变与羽化,与下四境的修仙者真正天壤之别。 Correct.” 不错。” The palace clothing beautiful woman nods. 宫装美妇点头。 She offers a sacrifice to making a move mountains and rivers chart. The radiant vast god splendor covers mountains and rivers universe chart launches, changes to a world, covers above Earth, this accurate Divine Treasure changes to several thousand heads at this moment, like the backdrop, in the palace clothing beautiful woman hand, compared with Qiao Zhen Qiao Yu far more than powerful several times, Chen Fan wants to break through together such as to ascend to heaven difficultly simply. 她祭出手中‘山河图’。璀璨浩大神辉笼罩的‘山河乾坤图’展开,化作一个世界,笼罩在地球之上,这件准神宝此刻化作数千里长,如同一道天幕般,在宫装美妇手中,比起乔真乔御何止强大数倍,陈凡想突破简直难如登天。 Chen Beixuan, your disciple whole families will not guarantee, fast is without a fight, otherwise Yuan they conquer by killing Northern Jade Faction time, you want to beg for mercy on the evening again.” Everlasting Sect remote antiquity Elder(s), displays ‚the limitless Galaxy chart, again second rolling. 陈北玄,你弟子满门将不保,还不速速束手就擒,否则等元一他们血洗北琼派的时候,你再想求饶就晚了。”无极宗太上长老,同样施展‘无极星河图’,再次压来。 This principle.” “正是此理。” Although several other remote antiquity Elder(s) not making a move, but stimulation of movement accurate Divine Treasure, the power and influence such as the dragon raises in secret. 其他几位太上长老虽未出手,但暗中催动准神宝,威势如龙升起。 Their vision is indifferent, on the face the facial expression is optional. Although Chen Fan is powerful, but steamroll many Son of God, but lived several tens of thousands years in these, after the half Great Power eyes of innumerable wind and rain, no more than so, is actually not necessarily able to win one-on-one, but seven people collaborate, Chen Fan is unable to overturn absolutely. 他们目光淡然,脸上神情随意。陈凡虽然强大,可碾压诸多神子,但在这些活了数万年之久,历经无数风雨的半步大能们眼中,却不过如此,单对单未必能胜,但七人联手,陈凡绝对无法翻盘。 Rumble.” “轰隆隆。” Seven not unimaginable greatest pressure, vibrate the expansive sky, shakes certainly Star Ocean, cultivator courage entirely cracks who the pressed innumerable distant places surround quietly, even if on Earth, in trillion all living things hearts heavy, as if feels seven gods to raise outside the territory. 七股无法想象的莫大威压,震动长空,撼绝星海,压的无数远处悄悄围观的修士肝胆俱裂,哪怕是地球上,亿万众生都心中沉甸甸的,仿佛感受到七尊神明在域外升起般。 Jiao Zun and Priest Soaring Clouds, are Ān pò Heav­enly Monarch and Li Yuan and others, the facial expression crazily changes. 无论是蛟尊者、凌云道长,还是安珀天君、李元等,都神情狂变。 Half Great Power strength, is above everyone to imagine. 半步大能的力量,超乎所有人想象。 Although they do not have genuine Great Power to push ten thousand Yu the invincible strength horizontally, is not genuine gods, but such as True Dragon circles as before, such as the gods are comfortable, shake Galaxy. Can say under Divine Transformation, their strengths have achieved most certainly the summit, enters does not have to enter! 他们虽然不具备真正大能横推万域的无敌之力,并非真正的‘神明’,但依旧如真龙盘空,如神明自在,撼动星河。可以说化神之下,他们的力量已经达到了最绝巅,进无可进! Kills.” “杀。” A'Xiu even clenches teeth, a control sword vertical day, welcomed to four Son of God. 阿秀甚至咬牙,驾驭剑阵纵天而起,迎向四个神子 Many Northern Jade disciples, knows that this was the life and death crisis moment, above Golden Core was ready for any sacrifice, harnessed magic treasure to soar to the heavens, even if praying mantis arm, when the car(riage), was also unafraid of death. 许多北琼弟子,也知道此是生死危机关头,金丹之上都豁出去了,一个个驾法宝冲天,哪怕螳臂当车,也视死如归。 This sect, although cannot establish for several years, but really condenses.” Some people sighed lightly. “这宗派虽成立不过数年,但真是凝聚啊。”有人轻叹。 Sits outside various multi-ranges in main hall Primal Infant, the eye pupil flashes on and off erratically, although on the face is sighing, actually no one sets out. Great Expert / everybody knows, this is only fights a hopeless battle, simply does not have the odds of success, decides all, is the extraterrestrial fight. 坐在大殿内的诸多域外元婴,眼眸明灭不定,脸上虽在叹息,却无一人起身。大家都知道,这只是以卵击石而已,根本没胜算的,决定一切的,还是地球外的战斗。 But at this moment. 而此刻。 Chen Fan actually turns the head, no longer looks to Earth. 陈凡却转过头来,不再望向地球。 Nine Orifices Divine Infant holds to extinguish the god halberd to jump from his whole body, changes to together the golden light, brings six big evil spirit vertical Earth. But Chen Fan actually shoulders both hands faintly, the eye pupil such as the gods overlooks all living things: 九窍神婴持着灭神戟从他周身跳跃而出,化作一道金光,带着六尊大妖魔纵向地球。而陈凡却背负双手,眼眸淡漠如神明俯瞰众生: „, To leave outside these territories this card in hand Great Power and secret evil behind-the-scenes manipulators, since you court death, and that makes you experience, anything is genuine the strength of Great Power.” “罢了,本想将这张底牌留给那些域外大能和幕后黑手们,既然你们找死,那就且让你们见识一下,什么才是真正大能之力。” Said. 说完。 His within the body immortal infant, Immortal Soul, Immortal Body, the tertiary strength shrinks fiercely, fuses together, changes to a brilliant immortal light to cover the whole body. 他体内仙婴、仙魂仙体,三重力量猛地一缩,融为一体,化作一层绚烂的仙光笼罩全身。 At that moment, the Chen Fan's figure is motionless, but such as ancient boundless gods are actually born, advances into, stuffs trim Star Ocean, the terrifying strength shakes Galaxy, even this piece of Heaven and Earth seems unable the carrying/sustaining he, the surrounding heavenly body to shiver slightly, seven cultivation innumerable year of remote antiquity Elder(s) in its front, see True God just like False God, cannot help but starts to shiver unexpectedly from top to bottom. 那一刻,陈凡的身形不动,但却如一尊古老苍茫的神明降世,跻身此间,将整片星海都充塞,恐怖的力量撼动星河,连这片天地仿佛都无法承载他,周围的天体都微微颤动,七位修行无数年的太上长老在其面前,宛如伪神见到真神般,竟然浑身上下不由自主都开始颤抖。 The three delicacies of the land unite, half Origin Strength present! 三仙合一,半元之力现!
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