ROUIC :: Volume #10 Volume 10

#1167: Attacks Earth

The ko-hemp clothing old man, confers a title upon god falling king Emperor Apollo seven imperial prince Qin Jian, smiled, this moment complexion fiercely one stiff, the smile card on the face, looks helplessly the Chen Fan handle his 73 rd generation of descendants step on the meat sauce. 葛衣老者,封号‘神陨王’的太阳神朝七皇子秦简,原先满脸笑容,此刻脸色猛地一僵,笑容卡在脸上,眼睁睁看着陈凡一脚把他的第七十三代后裔生生踩成肉酱。 But big tall and strong stems from Supreme Beginning God Realm remote antiquity Elder(s), then the eye partly narrows the eyes. 而高大魁梧出自太初神境的太上长老,则眼睛半眯。 Several other great sect remote antiquity Elder(s), the surprise, looks slightly to Chen Fan, resembling has not thought that he is so staunch. In comparison, the people on Earth, then in the heart sinks fiercely. 其他几大教太上长老,都微微诧异,望向陈凡,似没想到他如此刚烈。相比之下,地球上的众人,则心中猛地一沉。 How Chen Divine Monarch can so foolish. This Qin wind Undying, was equivalent to the hostage in the hand, can definitely taking advantage of this and Emperor Apollo as well as seven big gods discussed slowly, why to stamp? This completely cuts off the negotiations hope.” “陈神君怎能如此不智啊。这秦风不死,就相当于人质在手中,完全可以借此和太阳神朝以及七大神教慢慢谈嘛,干嘛一脚踩死?这是彻底断绝谈判希望。” Has outside the territory Primal Infant to grasp the wrists. 有域外元婴扼腕。 Yes, god falling king Qin Jian, but must use planet as the exchange, his tone is sincere, unlike Qin wind and the others, the person who does not want to begin, obviously is reasonable, can discuss slowly comes.” Another Heavenly Desolate sovereign, sighed. “是啊,那神陨王秦简,可是要用一颗星辰作为交换的,他语气诚恳真挚,与秦风等人不同,并非想动手的人,显然是讲道理的,能慢慢商量着来嘛。”另一位天荒宗主,也叹气。 Right, right.” “对,对。” cultivator from day, such as Ān pò Heav­enly Monarch wait/etc., shakes the head. 许多来自天外的修士,如安珀天君等,都摇头。 Even many Northern Jade Faction disciples, and average person on Earth, in the heart somewhat is dark strange Chen Fan. The ko-hemp clothing old man performance is good, is completely the kind old person appearance, no aggressiveness, in many hearts raises the hope, whether outside great sect negotiations of Star Ocean with these territories. If can not fight, naturally does not hit well. 甚至连不少北琼派弟子,以及地球上的普通人,都心中有些暗怪陈凡。葛衣老者表现太好,完全是和蔼老人模样,没有一丝咄咄逼人,许多人心中就升起希望,是不是能和这些域外星海大教谈判。若能不打架,自然不打最好。 Especially Qin Dongmu, Xing Hu, stretch/open Qihao and the others, did not favor Chen Fan, is only under the Chen Fan pressure, has to lower the head. At this moment in the heart sneers all secretly. 尤其是秦东穆、邢虎、张启浩等人,本来就不太看好陈凡,只是迫于陈凡压力之下,不得不低头。此刻无不心中暗暗冷笑。 Is the life and death foe, you also counted on that these immortal gods do let off us? How possibly?” little girl Chen Yaoyao rebuttal. “都已经是生死仇敌了,你们还指望这些不朽神教放过我们?怎么可能?”小丫头陈夭夭反驳。 „It is not necessarily impossible, these gods with your Northern Jade are the foes, but does not have the injustice not to have the enmity with our these ordinary common people. Qin Divine Sovereign was broadminded, upright elder. Is willing to forgive Northern Jade, Chen Divine Monarch does not accept, but also killed the direct descendant bloodlines of opposite party, this does not become enemies face to face, continue(s) until one side dies?” Some people are saying mystifyingly. “未必不可能啊,这些神教与你们北琼是仇敌,但与我们这些普通平头百姓则无冤无仇。况且秦神王宽宏大量,忠厚长者。愿意饶恕北琼,陈神君都不接受,还杀了对方的嫡系血脉,这不是当面结仇,不死不休吗?”有人阴阳怪气说着。 Who? Is who is speaking irresponsibly?” The A'Xiu vision such as the electricity looks. “谁?是谁在乱说?”阿秀目光如电望去。 Many people shut up immediately. 很多人立刻闭嘴。 Chen Fan has not defeated, Northern Jade as before is Earth control, even outside the territory Primal Infant, a A'Xiu sword may still cut to kill, whose without this time dares to touch her mildew head. 陈凡未败,北琼依旧是地球主宰者,就算是域外元婴,阿秀一剑也可斩杀,没谁此时敢触碰她的霉头。 After depressing the people, A'Xiu raised the head, in the vision has a faint trace to be dignified. 压下众人后,阿秀抬头,目光中带着一丝丝凝重。 ... ... At this moment. 此刻。 Everyone vision gathers on Chen Fan, not only Earth several billions all living things, including abandonment Star Region cultivator that observes outside the territory, even including Star Ocean rogue cultivator, looks simultaneously to him. 所有人目光汇聚在陈凡身上,不仅仅地球数十亿众生,连许多在域外观战的遗弃星域修士,甚至包括星海散修,同时望向他。 „Doesn't boy, you fear death? Dares to be in front of our, massacred Qin wind. Is it possible that thinks that our these old fogies are useless, can be easily run over and die by you like these juniors generally?” The skinny old man eyes narrow the eyes. “小子,你怎不怕死?胆敢当着我们的面,杀掉秦风。莫非以为我们这些老家伙不中用,像那些小辈一般可以被你轻易碾死?”枯瘦老者眼睛一眯。 Chen Beixuan, you were too extremely arrogant, does not know the immensity of heaven and earth, beyond the day has outside Celestial some people.” The big tall and strong old man shakes the head. 陈北玄,你太狂妄了,不知天高地厚,天外有天人外有人的。”高大魁梧老者摇头。 Fellow Daoist Chen, what do you mean?” On the Qin Jian also face the smile sinks, the surface such as Pinghu said. 陈道友,你这是什么意思?”秦简也脸上笑容沉下来,面如平湖道。 What meaning also has? Thinks that our these old arm old legs were useless. Hehe, the junior, I and other strength is above beyond your imagination. Do not think that Magic Power dares to disregard me vigorously and others, went to the Divine Transformation Grand Dao road, you only started, but we walk in your front senior.” Everlasting Sect remote antiquity Elder(s) light say/way. “还有什么意思啊?以为我们这些老胳膊老腿不中用了。呵呵,小辈,我等的力量超乎你的想象之外。别以为法力雄浑就敢无视我等,前往化神大道的路上,你刚刚起步罢了,而我们都是走在你前面的前辈。”无极宗太上长老淡淡道。 These remote antiquity Elder(s), each lived of number ten thousand years, even if sees Chen Fan to sweep away seven big Son of God strengths, merely slightly amazed. In their life has witnessed powerhouse, there are numerous similar cases. Although Chen Fan is strong, but they also take advantage respectively, does not dread. 这些太上长老们,每一个都活了数万载之久,哪怕见到陈凡横扫七大神子的力量,也仅仅微微惊诧。他们一生中见证过的强者,不知凡几。陈凡虽强,但他们也各有依仗,毫不畏惧。 Buzz humming sound.” “嗡嗡嗡。” The mountains and rivers universe chart in the rising typhoon sends in the palace clothing beautiful woman hand, slightly tremor. 山河乾坤图在扶摇派宫装美妇手中,微微颤动。 In addition, on each remote antiquity Elder(s), has the different aura to flash on and off, these aura are not inferior mountains and rivers universe chart, obviously is also accurate Divine Treasure first-class. 除此之外,每一位太上长老身上,都有不同的气息明灭,那些气息丝毫不逊色‘山河乾坤图’,显然也是准神宝一流。 additional first fullmoon one blue sky divine blade. 加上元一的‘碧落神刀’。 On the scene at least has seven accurate Divine Treasure! Moreover holds, in seven in half Great Power hand that touches the boundary of Divine Transformation. 在场至少有七件准神宝!而且还是持在七位触摸化神之境的半步大能手中。 „.” “咔嚓。” These old men pupil light look disdainfully, daring. 这些老者们眸光睥睨,气吞寰宇。 Half Great Power many year of entered the world, many cultivator have not understood their terrors. Only then such as Jiao Zun and Priest Soaring Clouds this lived 12 to long live, understands that indistinctly these old Undying powerhouse are how powerful, earth-shaking. 半步大能已经许多年不曾出世,很多修士早就不了解他们的恐怖。只有如蛟尊者、凌云道长这等活了一两万岁的,才隐约明白这些老不死强者们是多么强大,撼天动地。 Killed killed. He dares to offend the main body the dignity, encroaches upon Central Mainland, disturbed the main body the sealing god grand ceremony, how the main body killed? Not is only he, including Emperor Apollo as well as other great sect that you are , the main body will one day get the gate sooner or later, asks your founders well, how to control the education hand/subordinate disciple.” Chen Fan shoulders both hands, tranquil say/way. “杀了就杀了。他敢触犯本尊的威严,侵犯中土,干扰本尊的封神大典,本尊杀了又怎样?不仅是他,包括你所在的太阳神朝以及其他大教,本尊迟早有一天会打上门去,好好问问你们教主,是怎么管束教育手下弟子的。”陈凡背负双手,平静道。 Extremely arrogant, founder has is Great Power, can their prestige you be able to imagine can it be that? Is it possible that really thinks that indigenous was conferred rank and title by one group of barbarians for Divine Monarch, was really Divine Monarch Great Power?” Everlasting Sect Elder(s) disdains to laugh. “狂妄,诸位教主具都是大能,他们的威能岂是你能想象?莫非真以为被一群蛮夷土著册封为‘神君’,就真的是神君大能了?”无极宗长老不屑嗤笑。 By the magic treasure suppression, detained him with Divine Ability, making him kneel in Great Power your presence, looked that he also does have now is like this haughty.” Palace clothing beautiful woman cold sound said. “以法宝镇压,用神通把他拘禁了,让他跪在诸位大能座前,看他还有没有现在这样狂傲。”宫装美妇冷声道。 Correct, since he acts recklessly, I and others made him see the immortal great sect genuine dignity!” Has Elder(s) to echo. 不错,既然他不知死活,我等就让他见见不朽大教真正的威严!”有长老附和。 Bang!” “轰隆!” Seven enormous and powerful aura, bloom from them fiercely. 七股浩浩荡荡的气息,猛地从他们身上绽放。 The big day horizontal day, Galaxy was radiant, the demon flame swallowed spatially, the world appeared... 大日横天,星河璀璨,魔焰吞空,世界浮现... All sorts of outs of phase appear in seven remote antiquity Elder(s) behind, they obviously out of phase and Son of God are slightly same, but is the aura vaster than far more than several times them? Especially god falling king Qin Jian, his back multi-colored sunlight ten thousand, golden splendor is radiant, as if in really one round of big day self starry sky raised, vied with Sun. Countless earthmen only think, in the sky presented two Sun. The terrifying power and influence sweeps across the Nine Heavens ten places, shakes the mountains and rivers, whips the starry sky like the difficult situation, making several hundreds inside and outside over a thousand Moon shiver slightly. 种种异相出现在七位太上长老身后,他们显化的异相与神子们略微相同,但气息比他们浩大何止数倍?尤其是神陨王秦简,他背后霞光万道,金辉璀璨,仿佛真有一轮大日自星空中升起,与太阳争辉。无数地球人只觉,天空中出现了两个太阳。恐怖的威势席卷九天十地,撼动山河,如同惊涛骇浪般拍打星空,让数百上千里外的月球都微微颤动。 Depends on you?” Chen Fan shot the finger, the complexion is indifferent. “就凭你们?”陈凡弹了弹手指,面色淡然。 Does not need them, my one person killed you to be enough.” Everlasting Sect remote antiquity Elder(s) sneers, goes forward one step to press. “无需他们,我一人杀你足够了。”无极宗太上长老冷笑,上前一步压来。 ! 唰! A Galaxy picture roll horizontal day, separates two, in Chen Fan before seven Elder(s) bodies, the people are on the rise horizontally, only thinks in the starry sky, seeming is also were many a Milky Way. 一副星河图卷横天,分隔两界,横在陈凡与七位长老身前,众人抬头,只觉星空中,似有又多了一条银河般。 Limitless Galaxy chart! 无极星河图! Everlasting Sect is on the waiting list Son of God Wu Kai to condense Divine Grade Golden Core, had displayed Great Divine Ability. In this Galaxy picture roll, each planet, represents strength of the Golden Core, in Wu Kai celestial chart has several hundred planet, but in this moment this Galaxy picture roll, planet tens of thousands , the number cannot count, like a sand river that is flowing radiant planet. 无极宗候补神子吴凯凝聚神品金丹,曾经施展过的大神通。这星河图卷中,每一个星辰,都代表一尊金丹之力,吴凯的星图中有数百颗星辰,而此刻这幅星河图卷内,星辰成千上万,数都数不过来,如同一条流淌着璀璨星辰的沙河。 What person Wu is Kai your?” Chen Fan looks. “吴凯是你什么人?”陈凡偏头望来。 In clan descendant, originally my Wu Family ten thousand years later be likely to have a remote antiquity again, was actually broken by you. This enmity, this must calculate well with you.” Named Wu Hongbo Everlasting Sect Elder(s) cold snort/hum, his palm lays out, resembles trillion planet points limitless Galaxy charts, loudly pressure on Chen Fan. “族中后裔,本来我吴家万年后有望再出一位太上,却被你打破了。这笔仇,本座要好好和你算算。”名叫吴洪波的无极宗长老冷哼,他一掌拍出,似亿万星辰点点的无极星河图,就轰然压向陈凡 Bang!” “轰隆!” At this moment, the entire starry sky as if collapsed by pressure, in Universe lowers vast Nine Heavens planet, must crush All Heavens. Radiant drops from the clouds, has the incomparable terrifying loudly the great strength to not unimaginable Galaxy, making the space break, forms the giant black hole. Wu Hongbo discards all Divine Ability, by the forcing person, must impressively Chen Fan, running over of scarlet Guoguo. 这一刻,整个星空似乎都被压塌般,宇宙中降下一颗浩瀚的九天星辰,要粉碎诸天般。一条璀璨到无法想象的星河从天而降,带着无比恐怖的轰然巨力,让空间都破碎,形成巨大的黑洞。吴洪波舍弃一切神通,赫然以力压人,要将陈凡,赤果果的压死。 Strikes merely. 仅仅一击。 Wu Hongbo shows half Great Power terrifying, ten Son of God here, perhaps also by him, as soon as strikes the steamroll to become the smashing. This was unreasonable, was the pure strength oppresses others, but steamroll all Divine Ability, were visits Divine Transformation worthily to the boundary, half Great Power terrifying existed. 吴洪波就展现出半步大能的恐怖,十个神子在此,恐怕也会被他一击碾压成粉碎。这根本不讲道理,是纯粹的力量压人,可碾压一切神通,不愧是踏足化神至境,半步大能的恐怖存在。 Snort.” “哼。” Chen Fan light snort/hum, flings the sleeves. 陈凡轻哼一声,一甩衣袖。 „.” “咔嚓。” void tearing. 虚空撕裂。 Not unimaginable Magic Power, strikes. Arrived inconceivable immortal infant Magic Power, changes to together seven color mighty currents in void vigorously, galloping, releases the thousand li (500 km), hits loudly in Wu Hongbo together, lets that tens of thousands of Golden Core accumulation limitless Galaxy, was interrupted is cut off, blocks in the midair, sets aside together the clear boundary in Universe. 无法想象的法力,同样拍击而出。雄浑到不可思议的仙婴法力,在虚空中化作一道七彩洪流,奔腾而下,直泄千里,轰然与吴洪波撞击在一起,让那成千上万枚金丹聚集的无极星河,都生生被截断阻隔,拦在半空中,在宇宙中划分出一道鲜明的分界线。 Side is trillion planet, side is the immortal light is radiant. 一边是亿万星辰点点,一边是仙光璀璨。 Some abilities?” “有些能耐啊?” Wu Hongbo surprise looks. 吴洪波诧异望来。 He once was Everlasting Sect Son of God, painstaking cultivation ‚the limitless Galaxy chart had of five ten thousand years before fully, by Divine Ability not necessarily was in the people first, but Magic Power actually may excel by far the audience vigorously, even/including Shenyun king Qin Jian not his opponent. Never expected that today, actually by a trivial junior blocking, moreover transmits from the Galaxy chart in faint vigorous vigorously, even even/including Wu Hongbo some are unable to contend, how can he not be surprised? 他之前就曾是无极宗神子,苦修‘无极星河图’足有五万载之久,论神通未必是众人中第一,但法力雄浑却可冠绝全场,连神陨王秦简都非他对手。没想到今日,却被一个区区小辈给拦下来,而且自星河图中传来的隐隐蓬勃大力,甚至连吴洪波都有些无法抗衡,他怎能不惊讶? I try.” “我来试试。” Skinny old man hehe sneers, one step treads, figure on as imaginary as Chen Fan behind, withers to become emaciated to the extreme palm, prints out from void, traces lightly silent must print in the Chen Fan back. 枯瘦老者嘿嘿冷笑,一步踏出,身形就幻到陈凡身后,一只枯萎消瘦到极点的手掌,自虚空中印出,轻描无声般要印在陈凡后背。 Teaches by without shadow softly spatially invisible, the void assassination is well-known. 蹑空教以无影无形、虚空刺杀而闻名。 This palm, even if half Great Power powerhouse does not dare to meet hardly. 这一掌,哪怕是半步大能强者也不敢硬接。 Thump.” “咚。” But a Chen Fan actually palm lays out, hits to behind, with skinny old man right a palm. 陈凡却一掌拍出,打向身后,与枯瘦老者对了一掌。 This palm is superficial, even void has not aroused mighty waves. But the skinny old man actually fiercely complexion changes, the figure violent draws back several thousand zhang (3.33 m) backward, in the pupil light has a faint trace to be amazed, resembles has not thought of Chen Fan Magic Power such vigor. 这一掌轻描淡写,连虚空都没有激起一点波澜。但枯瘦老者却猛地脸色微变,身形向后暴退数千丈,眸光中带着一丝丝惊诧,似没想到陈凡法力如此之雄浑。 I come.” “我来。” I also come.” “我也来。” The palace clothing beautiful woman, big tall and strong old man offensive making a move, strikes with the Chen Fan exchange. Their magical skill cultivation base has several tens of thousands years, but is Chen Fan one vigorous exclaimed in surprise to inconceivable Magic Power as before. 紧接着,宫装美妇,高大魁梧老者先手出手,与陈凡互换一击。他们一身道行修为都有数万年,但依旧为陈凡一身雄浑到不可思议的法力所惊叹。 Although Chen Fan uses strength of the most basic Primal Infant merely, but makes these remote antiquity Elder(s) pupil light dignified as before. 陈凡虽然仅仅动用最基本的元婴之力,但依旧让这些太上长老们眸光凝重。 Depends on this ability, wants to kill me?” “就凭这点能耐,也想杀我?” Chen Fan sneers. 陈凡冷笑。 Fellow Daoist Chen, I and others were not necessarily able to do to you, but your only one person, even if can block me and others, how can also shelter the entire Central Mainland star?” Ko-hemp clothing old man saying with a smile of suddenly. 陈道友,我等未必能奈何你,但你只一人,哪怕能拦住我等,又怎能庇护住整个中土星呢?”葛衣老者忽的笑道。 The Chen Fan pupil light one coldly, then looks fiercely. 陈凡眸光一冷,猛地回头望去。 Sees impressively, follows in ko-hemp clothing old man behind three Son of God , and Yuan one, holds accurate Divine Treasure to kill to Earth goes. The goal impressively is the Northern Jade heavenly palace of Fog Mountain summit! 赫然见到,追随在葛衣老者身后的三位神子,以及元一,已经持着准神宝杀向‘地球’而去。目标赫然是云雾山巅的北琼天宫!
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