ROUIC :: Volume #10 Volume 10

#1166: God falling king( first)

In Universe, after the ko-hemp clothing old man said that entire Heaven and Earth one silence, everyone looked up the foot to step on Qin wind Chen Fan, as well as bowed slightly, tone sincere sincere ko-hemp clothing old man. 宇宙中,在葛衣老者说完后,整个天地都一片寂静,所有人都抬头望着脚踩秦风的陈凡,以及微微躬身,语气真挚诚恳的葛衣老者。 In Earth people heart heavy. 地球众人都心中沉甸甸的。 This ko-hemp clothing old man looks that the half body is buried, walks a step body to jolt trembles, said appearance that words cannot breathe quickly, but is really immeasurably deep, merely that age, as scary as the extreme. 这葛衣老头看着半截身子入土,走一步身体都一颠一颤,说句话都快喘不过气来的模样,但着实深不可测,仅仅那岁数,就吓人到极点。 The old men looked that Chen Fan did not say, smiles: 老者看陈凡不言,就笑了笑: Fellow Daoist Chen this strength, truly is above the old man to imagine. Thinks me in the past when Fellow Daoist Chen this age, may be far from the fellow daoist this certainly world, may with the body and spirit that Divine Monarch compares favorably with, as well as that vigorous to inconceivable Magic Power. Before looked fellow daoist with that several boys fought the time, several old fogies also made a bet with me, said that fellow daoist will lose. Look now loses to me entirely, some people also lost a planet mineral lode, therefore fellow daoist opens the mouth although.” 陈道友这一身实力,确实超乎老头子想象啊。想我当年在陈道友这岁数的时候,可远没有道友这强绝天下,可与神君媲美的体魄,以及那一身雄浑到不可思议的法力。之前看道友与那几个小子大战的时候,几个老家伙还与我打赌,说道友会输。这不,现在都通通输给我,有人还输了一颗星辰的矿脉,所以道友尽管开口。” Snort!” “哼!” The Universe deep place, seems several slightly to the common hum/snort. 宇宙深处,似有几个轻微到不起眼的哼声。 The ko-hemp clothing old man resembles had not detected, continues to say with a smile: 葛衣老头似未察觉,继续笑道: Old man lived so many years, it may be said that accomplishes nothing. My that always by natural talent big brother vertically and horizontally/able to move unhindered, following the father to prove Grand Dao together ; Very fond of Sword Technique, was known as that the sword tries the Galaxy Second Brother, won Sword Saint title. The slick Fifth Brother, worked as god towards continually Crown Prince, on my old man, lived reluctantly some years, accumulated some treasures, in Star Ocean, slightly has thin name/reputation of Jubao. Fellow Daoist Chen is sure to should not be polite, wants anything, can say with the old man, is open to discuss.” “老头子活了这么多年,可谓一事无成。我那一向以天资纵横的大哥,追随父亲一同证了大道;酷爱剑术,号称剑试星河的二哥,也博得了个‘剑圣’的称号。连八面玲珑的五哥,都当了神朝的‘太子’,也就我这个老头子,勉强多活了些年,攒了些宝物,在星海中,略有聚宝的薄名。陈道友切切不要客气,想要什么,都可以和老头子说,好商量的。” He said, grasps toward void. 他说完,往虚空中一抓。 Buzz.” “嗡。” A sparkle golden color Divine Glow divine sword from the Universe deep place comes, to fall into him to hold, is shining is positive divine sword. 一柄闪耀金色神芒的神剑自宇宙深处而来,落入他掌中,正是‘耀阳’神剑。 This half Divine Treasure in Qin wind the hand, unruly , can only chop 32 to strike by the strength of Qin wind. But in the ko-hemp clothing old man subordinate, is actually blooming the mild-mannered golden light, seems very tame, as if this sword was him to be common. 这柄半神宝在秦风手中,桀骜不驯,以秦风的实力也不过只能劈出三两击。但在葛衣老者手下,却绽放着柔顺的金光,显得非常驯服,仿佛此剑本就属于他一般。 Yeah, if not this sword is that my father sovereign bestows, then how gave fellow daoist? Thinks that I lived over 70,000 years old, wants this things what to use.” The old men sighed lightly. “哎,若非此剑是那我父皇赐下的,便是给了道友又如何?想我都活了七万多岁了,要这种身外之物何用。”老者轻叹。 Well, Old Man Qin, your parsimony was well-known entire small Southern Heaven Realm. Do not say half Divine Treasure, is even/including spirit stone does not give up together.” Some people light. “咦,秦老头,你的吝啬可是闻名整个小南天境的。不要说半神宝,便是连一块灵石都舍不得吧。”有人轻咦。 Haha, it is said in the past Old Man Qin and Immortal Religion Goddess married, the solemn god toward seven imperial princes, -and-a-half Divine Medicine bridegroom's gifts to bride's family does not want to pay, the Immortal Religion that founder of air/Qi was angry, out the chaotic stick made him, almost raised Emperor Apollo and Immortal Religion ‚the wars of two teaching , Fu brother?” Another sound said with a smile. “哈哈,据说当年秦老头与长生教神女结婚,堂堂神朝七皇子,连一株半神药的彩礼都不想付,气的长生教那位教主大怒,乱棍将他打出门外,差点掀起太阳神朝长生教的‘两教之战’,是不是,傅兄?”另一个声音笑道。 Snort.” “哼。” Is called Fu brother person, is only layer on layer/heavily one, has not said anything. 被称作‘傅兄’的人,只是重重一哼,并未说什么。 The people look up. 众人抬头望去。 Sees in Universe, appears several people slowly. 就见宇宙中,缓缓又现出几人。 These people, or figure big tall and strong, either white clothing white hair, either the figure is skinny, covers in piece of Primordial Chaos, cannot see clearly the figure. But without a doubt, their aura, terrifying to the extreme. Almost naked eye obvious Law(s), condenses in their whole body, changes to a piece by piece god lotus. They, whether there is perform the out of phase to show. 这几人,或身形高大魁梧,或白衣白发,或身形枯瘦,都笼罩在一片混沌中,看不清身形。但毫无疑问的,他们的一身气息,都恐怖到了极点。几乎肉眼可见的法则,凝聚在他们周身,化作一片片神莲。他们举手投足间,都有无尽异相展现。 Trillion Galaxy are vast, either big day startled day, either Purple Qi like dragon, either the demon swallows Heaven and Earth. 或亿万星河浩大,或大日惊天,或紫气如龙,或魔吞天地 Works as. ‘哐当’。 Several people, the endless power and influence sweeps across entire Heaven and Earth, the surrounding starry sky that the enormous and powerful pressure to/clashes trembles. On Earth the people, are alarmed and afraid of the heart, only thought as if half Divine Treasure Awakened, moreover incessantly one, was many. 几人举手投足间,无尽威势席卷整个天地,浩荡的威压冲的周围的星空都为之颤栗。地球上众人,更是发自内心的惊惧,只觉仿佛半神宝觉醒了般,而且远不止一件,还是许多件。 Chen Fan even can see. 陈凡甚至可以看到。 Flying away mountains and rivers universe chart fell on a palace clothing beautiful woman hand, that beautiful woman figure such as stroked willow -like to drag, on the face brings the veil, was extremely sacred, the lotus trod fully every time one step, in void has a god lotus to split open, the line, lived the lotus step by step, resembled peerless Goddess. 飞走的‘山河乾坤图’落在了其中一个宫装美妇手中,那美妇身形如拂柳般摇曳,脸上带着面纱,无比神圣,莲足每踏出一步,虚空中都有一朵神莲绽开,一路行来,步步生莲,似绝世神女般。 It can be said that no one's aura under Qin wind, each strength is unable to cross or measures, by far above Qin wind, even there is a sacred halo encirclement, as if they are the control of All Heavens, the gods who Heaven and Earth bell spirit is born, every word and deed inspires the entire Heaven and Earth Galaxy strength, wields the myriad things. 可以说,没有一人的气息在秦风之下,或者说,他们每一个的力量都无法渡测,远远在秦风之上,甚至有神圣的光环环绕,仿佛他们就是诸天的主宰着,天地钟灵诞生的神明,一言一行都引动整个天地星河的力量,执掌万物。 Yeah, my Qin Jian is always generous in aiding others, how to make so the villain to handle affairs? Definitely before is you, loses to me, slanders baseless. Fu brother came from Immortal Religion, will decide will scrub the infamy for me.” Asked the Qin Jian ko-hemp clothing old man to foam with rage. “哎,我秦简一向仗义疏财,怎会做出如此小人行事?肯定是你们之前输给我,凭空污蔑。傅兄来自长生教,定会为我洗刷污名。”叫秦简的葛衣老头吹胡子瞪眼。 The white clothing white hair, the figure is indistinct, stems from Immortal Religion Fu brother, is disinclined to build the ritual he. 白衣白发,身形缥缈,出自长生教的‘傅兄’,根本懒得搭礼他。 They chatted mutually, are saying Chen Fan, actually no one looked to Chen Fan, as if in eye not this child. Until for a long time, the tall and powerfully built big old man brow wrinkled the wrinkle to sweep Chen Fan: 他们互相说笑,句句说着陈凡,却无一人望向陈凡,仿佛眼中并无此子般。直到许久,才有一个身材魁梧高大的老者眉头皱了皱扫过陈凡: Qin brother, since gave you face, looks in your natural talent Correct share, I and others can not kill you, even your back Central Mainland star, can escape this tribulation. Has not hurried putting Qin wind.” “秦兄既然给了你面子,看在你天资不错的份上,我等可以不杀你,甚至连你背后的中土星,都能逃过此劫。还不赶紧把‘秦风’给放了。” Correct, boy, if not Old Man Qin opened the mouth, the main body has grasped to teachto go you softly spatially, my must inheritsoftly teaches master nephew under tutelage of position of founder to lack one to accompany spatially, you did not come good, a battle efficiency to yes, when enough his berm.” Black Clothes skinny old man Yin Gloomy said. 不错,小子,若非秦老头开口,本尊早就将你抓回‘蹑空教’去,我那要继承‘蹑空教’教主之位的师侄座下正缺一个随从,你出身不行,一身战斗力到是可以,足够当他的‘护道者’。”一袭黑衣的枯瘦老者阴森森道。 Several other person vision sweep to Chen Fan, or sneers, either exclamation, either hidden Killing Intent. 其他几个人目光都扫向陈凡,或冷笑,或惊叹,或暗藏杀意 Especially that whole body covers trillion Galaxy luminous spots, doubtful Everlasting Sect powerhouse, eye pupil deep place Killing Intent condenses the extreme, but in the surface shows the smile as before. 尤其那周身笼罩亿万星河光点,疑似无极宗强者,眼眸深处杀意凝聚到极点,但表面上依旧露出微笑。 Put him? Depending on your how many words? You think that who you are?” “放了他?就凭你们几句话?你以为你是谁?” Chen Fan shot the finger, said calmly. 陈凡弹了弹手指,平静说道。 Haha.” “哈哈。” Several people shake the head to laugh in spite of trying not, does not get angry unexpectedly. 几人摇头失笑,竟然丝毫不怒。 Junior is a junior, abandoned planet to stay in this piece for a long time, did not know broadness of the starry sky.” Stems from the skinny old man who soft teaches spatially to shake the head. “小辈就是小辈,在这片遗弃星辰呆久了,不知道外界星空之广阔。”出自蹑空教的枯瘦老者摇头。 Chen Beixuan, you can practice successfully this Magic Power in this piece of Star Region, the natural talent startles the world, even if the old man I, moved accepted the disciple to love heart. But and other good intentions do not regard me naturally. Since you to this cultivation base, should understand, some people can resist, some people cannot resist. Bows to powerhouse, is not the humiliation.” The big tall and strong old man reminds Chen Fan. 陈北玄,你能在这片星域修成此身法力,着实天资骇世,哪怕是老夫我,都动了收徒爱才之心。但你别把我等的善意当成理所当然。你既然到此修为,应该懂得,有些人可以对抗,有些人对抗不得。向强者低头,不算屈辱。”高大魁梧老者点醒陈凡 Correct, Fellow Daoist Chen, you put this small evil creature, the old man I guarantee your life. Thinks my old Undying, although lives crazily tens of thousands years of not really use, but guarantees individual face to have.” Ko-hemp clothing person Qin Jian docile said to Chen Fan. 不错,陈道友,你放了这个小孽障,老头子我保你一门性命。想我这老不死虽然痴活几万年没甚用处,但保个人的薄面还是有的。”葛衣人秦简温顺对陈凡道。 Suddenly, the entire Universe vision, gathers on Chen Fan. 一时间,整个宇宙的目光,都汇聚到陈凡身上。 A between Heaven and Earth tranquility. 天地间一片平静。 I knew, he is god falling king Qin Jian. How he in this, is not Legend, has he died in a sitting posture?” Jiao Zun shocked said suddenly. “我知道了,他是‘神陨王’秦简。他怎么在这,不是传说,他早就就坐化了吗?”蛟尊者忽然惊骇道。 What god falling king?” A'Xiu doubts. “什么‘神陨王’?”阿秀疑惑。 The Jiao Zun whole body shivered, lowers the head said lightly. 蛟尊者浑身颤抖,低头轻说。 This god falling king is not Great Power, but he is actually the child of Great Power, his father is Emperor Apollo that Great Emperor, entire small Southern Heaven Realm recognized first powerhouse. But his big brother and brothers Prove the Dao Divine Monarch, especially his Second Brother, had been known as that Sword Saint, the sword tries Galaxy, an immortal god that once a person of sword pressed lowers the head. His Fifth Brother inherited Emperor Apollo Crown Prince the position, it is said in the hand is controlling Emperor Apollo powerful Divine Treasure, may be a worthy opponent Great Power. 这位神陨王不是大能,但他却是大能之子,他的父亲就是太阳神朝的那位大帝,整个小南天境公认的第一强者。而他大哥、二哥都早就证道神君,尤其他二哥,号称‘剑圣’,剑试星河,曾一人一剑压的一个不朽神教低头。他五哥则继承了太阳神朝太子’之位,据说手中驾驭着太阳神朝最强大的‘神宝’,可匹敌大能 Although Qin Jian is inferior to several elder brother, but enters into half Great Power 50,000 years ago the boundary. Therefore by Emperor Apollo for god falling king, in various mostly step Great Power, is existence of incomparable terrifying. 秦简虽不如几个兄长,但早在五万年前就迈入‘半步大能’之境。所以被太阳神朝封为‘神陨王’,在诸多半步大能中,都是无比恐怖的存在。 Right, is he, I when the Genkaze/Profound Wind decorative structure atop city gate reads Old Ancestor travel notes, once had recorded his characteristics, wears the ko-hemp clothing, grasps shining who the god emperor bestows to be positive divine sword, is very parsimonious. Is the god falling king.” Priest Soaring Clouds also startled called out. “对,就是他,我在玄风门观看一位老祖游记时,曾记录过他的特征,身穿葛衣,手持神帝赐下的‘耀阳’神剑,无比吝啬。就是神陨王。”凌云道长也惊叫道。 Has contact cultivator with Star Ocean great sect, in the heart sinks all. 许多与星海大教有接触的修士,无不心中一沉。 In the major immortal gods, Legend has to live five to long live the above remote antiquity Elder(s) level to exist. These remote antiquity Elder(s) cultivation base, are simply earth-shaking, the magical skill arrives profound inconceivable, has touched Domain of gods, non- Primal Infant may contend by far. But as the Great Power son of first wife, non- innumerable generation of bloodlines, by conferring the title of prince upon, that this god falling king Qin Jian terrifyingly? 各大不朽神教中,都传说有活五万岁以上的太上长老级存在。这些太上长老一身修为,简直撼天动地,道行高深到不可思议,已经触摸到神明的领域,远远非元婴可抗衡。而作为大能嫡子,非无数代的血脉,更被‘封王’,那这个‘神陨王’秦简得多恐怖? It is said until now, Emperor Apollo king, over ten, each is not to shake existence of Galaxy. 据说迄今为止,太阳神朝的‘王’,不超过十位啊,每一位都是撼动星河的存在。 Many Emperor Apollo Son of God, its life, are unable finally conferring the title of prince upon. 许多太阳神朝神子,终其一生,都无法‘封王’的。 Said, several other people, teaches remote antiquity Elder(s) level person of the hour respectively?” Jiang Churan is saying in a low voice. “这么说,其他几个人,也是各教太上长老人物?”姜初然低声说着。 At this moment. 此刻。 Jiao Zun has recognized them, was saying with the tone of shivering. 蛟尊者已经认出他们,用颤抖的语气先后说着。 Qin Jian stems from Emperor Apollo. Called Fu brother, was Immortal Religion remote antiquity Elder(s) Fu word, the palace clothing beautiful woman came from the rising typhoon faction, the skinny old man stemmed from softly teaches spatially, the big tall and strong old man was Supreme Beginning God Realm remote antiquity Elder(s). Finally two Galaxy circle the body or demonic qi is dense, from Everlasting Sect and demon day sect. 秦简出自太阳神朝。叫‘傅兄’的,则是长生教太上长老傅言,宫装美妇来自扶摇派,枯瘦老者出自蹑空教,高大魁梧的老者是太初神境的一位太上长老。最后两个星河绕体或魔气森森的,则来自无极宗与魔日宗。 These seven people, impressively are heavyweight existences of major gods. 这七人,赫然都是各大神教的重量级存在。 Each, lived for over 50,000 years, in the Star Ocean deep place has been Fable, Myth general person of the hour. Before the innumerable generations, they are also Son of God, even is the outstanding person in Son of God, regardless of Qin wind, Yì gān, the Qiao Yu Qiao Zhen sisters, before them, does not know that many generation of later generations, are not worth mentioning. 每一位,都活了五万年以上,在星海深处早就是传奇,神话一般的人物。在无数代之前,他们也是神子,甚至是神子中的佼佼者,无论秦风,易乾,乔御乔真姐妹,在他们面前,都是不知道多少代的后辈,根本不值一提。 These, but teaches the town/subdues to teach the level respectively person of the hour, besides several Divine Monarch founders, the god takes them as to revere, except for involving to extinguish the war of teaching, mostly is closing up painstaking cultivation to break through Divine Transformation, will some 10,000 years not necessarily crop up, how make them brave the danger to enter abandon Star Region?” Jiao Zun is puzzled, but Priest Soaring Clouds thinks that immortal within the earth, is somewhat clear. “这些,可都是各教镇教级的人物,除了几位神君教主外,神教以他们为尊,除了涉及到灭教之战,大多都在闭关苦修突破化神,有些一万年都未必冒头,怎么会让他们冒着危险进入遗弃星域呢?”蛟尊者不解,但凌云道长想到仙土中的一幕幕,有些明白。 The weight/quantity of Earth, is above them to imagine by far. 地球的分量,远远超乎他们想象。 Great Power look like to Earth exerts its utmost, but this is also representing, the threat that Chen Fan faces will also be very huge, is above their imagination. Thinks of this, Priest Soaring Clouds a heart sinks to the former home grounds, everyone can only calmly raise the head, waits for the Chen Fan's reply. 大能们看来对地球势在必得,但这同时也代表着,陈凡面对的威胁也将无比巨大,超乎他们的想象。想到这,凌云道长一颗心就沉入故地,所有人只能静静抬头,等待陈凡的回复。 fellow daoist, if put my good-for-nothing later generation, besides your life, the old man can with just win that is located in Shanyang Star Region the minerals star to make the compensation, that star has rarely aurin stone mineral lode, can be as good as ten hundred million spirit stone sufficiently. How does Fellow Daoist Chen think?” The ko-hemp clothing old man said to Chen Fan with a smile. 道友若放了我这不成器的后辈,除了你一门性命外,老头子可以用刚赢到手的一座位于‘山阳星域’的矿产星做补偿,那座星有罕见的‘金精石’矿脉,足以抵得上十亿灵石陈道友以为如何?”葛衣老者笑着对陈凡道。 Not.” “不如何。” Chen Fan is saying lightly, then steps on. 陈凡淡淡说着,然后一脚踩下。 passes. 噗通。 Qin wind who is saved from death by luck, Divine Soul and Mortal Body was stepped on the meat patty by Chen Fan, the innumerable blood scatter. A between Heaven and Earth deathly stillness, but the smile of ko-hemp clothing old man, fiercely stiff on face. 正侥幸死里逃生的秦风,连神魂肉身陈凡一脚踩成肉饼,无数鲜血四溅。天地间一片死寂,而葛衣老者的笑容,也猛地僵在脸上。
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