ROUIC :: Volume #10 Volume 10

#1165: Great Power presently( first)

In vast dry lonesome Universe, the ice-cold strong wind from afar is howling, the powerful energy storm radiation sweeps across all. But beside Earth, in dozens over a hundred kilometers indistinct upper air, the innumerable stump residual limbs breaks the arm to overspread the entire starry sky. 浩瀚枯寂的宇宙中,冰冷的长风呼啸着,强大的能量风暴辐射席卷一切。而在地球之外,数十上百公里的缥缈高空中,无数残肢断臂铺满整个星空。 But seven big god allied armies that come enormously and powerful, seven Son of God and dozens over a hundred Elder(s) gods, as well as ten ten thousand Golden Core, now all destruction. Ten ten thousand Golden Core entirely to extinguish, the god only has few people Elder(s), Son of God is only Yuan one one. 而浩浩荡荡而来的七大神教联军,七位神子、数十上百的长老神将,以及十万金丹,如今尽数覆灭。十万金丹俱灭,神将长老们只剩下寥寥几人,神子更是只余‘元一’一个。 Countless earthmen, tranquil raising the head are witnessing. 无数地球人,平静的抬头见证着。 Freely, their vision are unable to see clearly beyond the day concrete scene, the hazy picture that but by the space telescope and satellite, transmits occasionally, as well as Ān pò Heav­enly Monarch and Priest Soaring Clouds illustration, who was clear, seven big god allied armies ended thoroughly. 尽管,他们的目光无法看清天外的具体景象,但透过太空望远镜和卫星,偶尔传来的模糊图象,以及安珀天君凌云道长的解说,谁都清楚,七大神教联军彻底完了。 „Did seven big god this extinguish?” “七大神教这就灭了?” Outside many territories cultivator , cannot believe by the present, ‚’ Immortal Religion of Sect inheritance that particularly Longevity Divine Domain sovereign Li Yuan, he is at outside great sect from territory, clearest these immortal Great Sects are powerful and background. 许多域外修士,到现在都不敢相信,尤其是长生天域宗主李元,他所在的宗门传承自域外大教长生教’,最清楚这些不朽大教的强大和底蕴。 Even if not extinguish, after this war, has a fracture, perhaps in a short time, is unable to come again.” “哪怕不灭,经此一战,也伤筋动骨,短时间内,恐怕无法再来了。” Has Heavenly Desolate cultivator , silently saying. cultivator that in the entire Northern Jade main hall, all attended the ceremony, silencing silent. 天荒修士,默默说着。整个北琼大殿内,所有来观礼的修士,都静寂无声。 Everyone was clear. 所有人都清楚。 When Star Ocean seven teach the expeditionary force the destruction, a new overlord raises above the starry sky slowly, he will not only dominate Central Mainland and Heavenly Desolate, will rule entire abandons Star Region. wait/etc. were the same on such as past medicine Divine Monarch, Heaven Treading Divine Monarch, pressure within the four seas, bathing honor, brilliance trillion zhang (3.33 m). But Northern Jade Faction and Chen Family, will become entire to abandon Star Region to be most sacred powerful Sect and aristocratic family, rules the millenniums and ten thousand years, but not but actually! 星海七教远征军覆灭时,一位新的霸主在星空之上冉冉升起,他不仅将称霸中土天荒,更将君临整个遗弃星域。就如当年的药神君踏天神君等一样,威压海内,沐浴荣光,光辉亿万丈。而北琼派陈家,也将一跃成为整个遗弃星域最神圣强大的宗门和世家,统治千年、万年而不倒! Really makes one yearn.” “真是让人向往啊。” king Xuanlong raised the head, looks out beyond the day, in the eye pupil full envies the color of admiration. 王玄龙抬头,遥望天外,眼眸中满是羡慕钦佩之色。 Not is only he, Heavenly Desolate many Primal Infant, outside the territory cultivator , Shen Xi and clear stone Sanren and others raised the head, looks to void. In there, the whole body covers the form in endless immortal light, his standing proudly Universe starry sky, as if the gods are born. 不仅是他,天荒诸多元婴,域外修士,神曦、清石散人等都抬头,望向虚空。在那里,有一个浑身笼罩在无尽仙光中的身影,他傲立宇宙星空,仿佛神明降世般。 Only has Jiao Zun when the joy, in the eye pupil has faint trace doubts. 只有蛟尊者在喜悦时,眼眸中带着一丝丝疑惑。 He was born Star Ocean great sect, naturally is clear about these gods the background. According to the truth, seven big gods should not only prepare this sign, goes all out also uses the full power, outside territory planning of founders , is so superficial? 他出生星海大教,自然清楚这些神教的底蕴。按照道理,七大神教不该只准备这一张牌而已,狮子搏兔亦用全力,域外教主们的算计只有如此浅薄? ... ... Moon. 月球。 At this moment, Song Yufeng brings Jiang Feifei to fall on the lunar terrain, he waves to diverge array, draws on a gorgeous brilliant golden flying boat, the whole body covers in endless within the golden light, two people fall into. 此刻,宋禹峰已经带着姜菲菲落在月球表面,他挥手散去法阵,招来一架华美绚烂的黄金飞舟,浑身笼罩在无尽金光中,两人落入其中。 Teacher, did this end?” 师父,这就落幕了?” Jiang Feifei turns head, she almost witnesses, how Chen Fan sweeps away step by step, kills the four directions greatly, urged to break 100,000 armies, stepped on seven big Son of God under the foot. 姜菲菲回头,她几乎是亲眼目睹,陈凡如何一步步横扫,大杀四方,催破了十万大军,将七大神子踩在脚底下。 Such graceful bearing, like this invincible, even if has Jiang Feifei of opinion to Chen Fan, shivers for it mind. Chen Fan is so powerful, how could it not be to explain Earth could be saved? 这样的风姿,这样的无敌,哪怕是对陈凡有意见的姜菲菲,也不由为之心神颤动。陈凡如此强大,岂不说明地球有救了? Her joyful turning the head looks, actually saw Song Yufeng this moment complexion, wanted dignified ten times compared with before. 她喜悦的转头望去,却见宋禹峰此刻面色,比之前还要凝重十倍。 Teacher?” Jiang Feifei is amazed. 师父?”姜菲菲惊诧。 This boy brought the big trouble, the genuine catastrophe, pierced the day enrages them.” “这小子闯大祸了,真正的大祸,把天都捅破激怒他们了。” Song Yufeng lowered the head, is saying fast. Luxuriant, we leave immediately, here must change to the genuine Asura battlefield immediately, otherwise when the time comes, cannot protect you Teacher. But you will witness, the immortal great sect genuine background and strength, that is far from powerhouse can be a worthy opponent to contend, Earth was incurable.” 宋禹峰低头,快速说着。“菲菲,我们立刻离开,这里马上就要化作真正修罗战场,否则到时候,连师父都护不住你。而你将会见证,不朽大教真正的底蕴和实力,那远非一个强者能匹敌抗衡的,地球没救了。” Then, he stimulates to movement the flying boat rapidly, flies to shoot to go toward the Universe deep place, Song Yufeng is harnessing the flying boat, while is speaking gently. 说完,他迅速催动飞舟,向着宇宙深处飞射而去,宋禹峰一边驾着飞舟,一边轻轻说着话。 Then the Jiang Feifei instantaneous complexion big change, as if hears the inconceivable matter. 然后姜菲菲瞬间脸色大变,仿佛听到不可思议的事情。 ... ... At this moment. 此刻。 Not was only Song Yufeng, originally in many Star Ocean rogue cultivator that on Earth saw a play, the complexion crazily changed, the apprentices and disciples under crazy belt/bring touchdown player, went all out to escape to the starry sky, the evening of as if again escaping, will meet any earth-shaking catastrophe. 不仅仅是宋禹峰,原先在地球上看戏的许多星海散修们,都脸色狂变,疯狂的带着地球手下的徒弟和弟子们,拼命向星空中逃去,仿佛再逃的晚了,就会遇见什么惊天动地的大灾难般。 ... ... In outer space. 太空中。 Chen Fan steps on rotten Emperor Apollo big Son of God Mortal Body, but his cultivation base is powerful, there is for assigning/life Divine Symbol, for a while has not died, but in Chen Fan just like the under foot of Djinn god , can only struggle, Mortal Body was just reorganized by Divine Symbol, but is also rapid to be exploded again by the extremely powerful pressure. Chen Fan lowers the head indifferently, looks that group of golden flesh struggle unceasingly, go all out to condense the forming to change to the muddy flesh instantaneously. 陈凡一脚踩烂太阳神朝神子肉身,不过他修为强大,又有‘替命神符’,一时没有死,但在陈凡宛如巨灵神的脚下,也只能挣扎,肉身刚刚被神符重组,但又迅速被万钧之力重新压爆掉。陈凡只是冷漠低头,看着那团金色的血肉不断挣扎,拼命凝聚成形又瞬间化作肉泥。 Chen Beixuan, do you really want to be ruthless?” 陈北玄,你真要赶尽杀绝?” Qin wind the both eyes circle stared, angry say/way. 秦风双目圆瞪,愤怒道。 Your Emperor Apollo bluffs and blusters to arrive at Earth, easily when stamps my Northern Jade Faction, has thought some day, will turn into one group of muddy fleshes of wasteland indigenous under foot?” The Chen Fan complexion is faint, the sole steps on layer on layer/heavily, once again became the meat patty Qin Fengcai. “你们太阳神朝耀武扬威降临地球,轻易踩死我北琼派时,有想过自己有朝一日,会变成莽荒土著脚下的一团肉泥吗?”陈凡面色淡漠,脚底重重踩下,又一次将秦风踩成肉饼。 When Qin wind melted again formed the person, on his face full is a fierceness: Chen Beixuan, you are bringing about own destruction, you do not know, our strengths the background Aloof your imagination of powerful, immortal god, that is the genuine standing proudly starry sky, existences of control trillion planet. The founders and remote antiquity Elder(s), one day, will have the entire Earth like stepping on me you sooner or later, steps on under the foot!” 当秦风再次化形成人时,他脸上已经满是一片狰狞:“陈北玄,你是在自寻死路,你根本不知道,我们的力量有多强大,不朽神教的底蕴超脱你的想象,那是真正傲立星空,统御亿万星辰的存在。教主和太上长老们,迟早会有一天,把你还有整个地球像踩我一样,踩在脚底下!” He is shouting crazily, body golden splendor ten thousand. 他疯狂叫着,身上金辉万道。 Is that right? that you cannot see forever.” Chen Fan is saying lightly, steps on again. This was Qin wind last for assigning/life Divine Symbol, after he died, is unable to resurrect again. 是吗?不过那一幕,你永远都见不到的。”陈凡淡淡说着,再次一脚踩下。这是秦风最后一张替命神符,当他死去后,将再也无法复活了。 But at this time, in void, an old sound conveyed fiercely: 但这时,虚空中,猛地一个苍老声音传来: fellow daoist please stop.” 道友请住手。” That sound, as if conveys from Universe most deep place, is filling the endless Years vicissitudes and vastness, as if a Spiritual God sound. It is very light, actually reverberation near the entire Earth everyone ear. 那声音,仿佛自宇宙最深处传来,充满着无尽岁月的沧桑与浩渺,仿佛一尊神灵的声音般。它很轻,却回荡在整个地球所有人耳边。 At that moment. 那一刻。 Everyone also turns the head. Outside Primal Infant including territory is stunned. 所有人同时转头。包括诸位域外元婴都愕然。 What's the matter, outside the territory does great sect also send for? But their Son of God died in battle, but also who can come? Always possibly is not Great Power kisses/intimate.” “怎么回事,域外大教还派人来?但他们神子都战死了,还有谁能前来呢?总不可能是大能们亲至吧。” Only then Jiao Zun, the pupil shrinks fiercely. 只有蛟尊者,猛地瞳孔一缩。 Has departed Song Yufeng of Moon, the vision concentrates, sinking sound said: 已经飞出月球的宋禹峰,目光一凝,沉声道: They came.” “他们来了。” Jiang Feifei turns head, looks out Earth. She knows, this possibly was since birth, sees Chen Fan and hometown for the last time. Thinks the words that Song Yufeng spoke, in the Jiang Feifei heart only had a despair. 姜菲菲回头,遥望地球。她知道,这可能是自己有生以来,最后一次看到陈凡和故乡了。想到宋禹峰所说的话,姜菲菲心中只剩下一片绝望。 So-called seven big Son of God, that is only a handful cutting edges, the immortal god genuine strength, shows at this moment. Such withstanding great pressure front, a strength of person, is really small and weak, was too base and low, arrives at the qualifications of even revolting against not to have base and low... 所谓的七大神子,那只是一小撮先锋罢了,不朽神教真正的力量,此刻才展现出来。在那样泰山压顶面前,一个人的力量,真的是太弱小,太卑微了,卑微到连反抗的资格都没有... But is escaping from Star Ocean rogue cultivator of Earth, shakes the head sighs: 而许多正逃出地球的星海散修,都不由摇头一叹: Why bother, to go all out to struggle, in the end, changes to loess pou.” “何苦呢,拼命挣扎,到头来,也不过化作黄土一抔罢了。” They are sighing at the same time, the complexion is even more bitter and astringent. 他们一边叹着,脸色越发苦涩。 These rogue cultivator, under the Star Ocean Great Sects dignity, the crevice survive. Although they have not been connected with Earth, looks down upon this to abandon planet, but at this moment, has the meaning of like grieve for like. 这些散修们,何尝不是在星海大教的威严下,夹缝生存。他们虽然与地球没有关联,也看不起这颗遗弃星辰,但此刻,却也不由心生兔死狐悲之意。 ... ... Under Jiao Zun shocked, in Priest Soaring Clouds surprised, Primal Infant outside various multi-ranges puzzled, in countless earthmen are filled in the doubts, in Qin wind and a Yuan whole face wild with joy. 蛟尊惊骇下,在凌云道长惊疑中,在诸多域外元婴不解中,在无数地球人满心疑惑中,在秦风和元一满脸狂喜中。 Chen Fan turns the head. 陈凡转头。 Sees the Universe deep place, walks an old man slowly. 就见宇宙深处,缓缓走来一位老者。 The old men from the darkness in come, to wear the ko-hemp clothing, the body sewing and mending, like the kasaya of beggar. The appearance of old man also incomparably withered, the body skin like the bark from old trees, is rougher than the flesh of Mu Xiao, the vitality has declined the extreme, the tiny bit aura could not feel continually, seems on the verge of death the person of dying. 老者自黑暗中而来,身穿葛衣,身上缝缝补补,一块块的如同乞丐的百衲衣。老者的容貌也无比枯槁,身上皮肤如同老树皮般,比木枭的肌肤还要粗糙,气血早就衰落到极点,连一丝一毫的气息都感觉不到,仿佛行将就木的将死之人。 But this skinny old man, every step treads, stretches across several hundred over a thousand li (0.5 km), dry lonesome indifferent Universe, in his, as if smooth land. In him behind, is following three golden light ten thousand Son of God, each Son of God, cultivation base was not inferior in Qin wind, even still has had it, but these three Son of God actually acted servilely at this moment, followed to the extreme respectfully in the old man behind. 但这枯瘦老者,每一步踏出,都横跨数百上千里,枯寂冷漠的宇宙,在他脚下,仿佛平坦大地般。在他身后,跟随着三位金光万道的神子,每一尊神子,修为都并不逊色于秦风,甚至犹有过之,但这三位神子此刻却卑躬屈膝,恭敬到极点追随在老者身后。 „, fellow daoist also please stop, looks in the obsolete face, forgives the breeze, he merely is only a child, for a while willful stubbornly disobedient, if there is the place of what offending, apologized to fellow daoist obsolete.” The old men cough lightly, said slowly. “咳咳,道友还请住手,看在老朽的面子上,饶过小风吧,他仅仅只是个孩童,一时任性顽劣,若有什么冒犯之处,老朽给道友赔罪了。”老者轻咳,缓缓说道。 Too profound ancestor, prays for rescue to rescue the breeze.” Qin wind is calling. “太玄祖,求救救小风啊。”秦风叫着。 Your this evil creature, practice in 3000, thinks invincibly, today beyond the person with every day/sees the sky, knew fiercely.” The old man scolded loudly, just like reproving grandson. “你这孽障,才修炼三千年,就自以为无敌,今日遇见天外之人,知道厉害了吧。”老头大声呵斥,宛如训斥孙子般。 Qin wind lowered the head, timid. 秦风低头,唯唯诺诺。 This unruly Emperor Apollo big does Son of God, which have the half a point to be arrogant, as if the little darling listens to the student younger generation that teaches. 这尊桀骜不逊的太阳神朝的大神子,哪还有没有半分傲慢,仿佛乖乖听训的学生晚辈般。 But all sees this person, in heart one cold. 但所有见到这一幕的人,都心中一寒。 On Earth, regards as nine generations of elders the great-grandfathergreat-grandmother, remote ancestor and first ancestor. The first ancestors are most remote, must go upstream nine generations, Grandpa Grandpa Grandpa... 地球上,将太祖、远祖、鼻祖视为九代长辈。鼻祖已经是最久远的,要上溯九代,爷爷爷爷爷爷... But what profound is too ancestor? 而‘太玄祖’是什么? The skinny old man has opened the mouth to dispel doubt: Quite makes fellow daoist know, this good-for-nothing evil creature is the obsolete 73 rd generation of too great-great-grandsons. Obsolete crazy so many years, in later generation, on this boy also reluctantly a little prospect , he if died, obsolete this lineage really lacked successors. Therefore asked fellow daoist to spare and not punish too severely shamelessly, puts his horse. If fellow daoist has anything to request, although raises, obsolete can comply.” 枯瘦老者已经开口解惑:“好让道友知晓,这不成器的孽障是老朽第七十三代太玄孙。老朽痴了这么多年,后辈中,也就这个小子还勉强有点出息,他若死了,老朽这一脉就真的后继无人了。所以厚颜求道友高抬贵手,放他一马。道友若是有什么要求,尽管提出来,老朽都可以答应。” Puts on the old man of ko-hemp clothing, the facial features are sincere, the tone brings sincere. 穿着葛衣的老者,面容诚恳,语气带着真挚。 Hiss. 嘶。 But many people to cold air. 但许多人到一口凉气。 Qin wind was 3000 years old, is actually this old man 73 generations of too great-great-grandsons, even if in Universe the person delayed marriage and postponement of having children, 100 years are one generation, that also had 76,000 years. But old man's own age , how many? 秦风已经三千岁了,却是这老头七十三代太玄孙,哪怕宇宙中人晚婚晚育,一百年算一代,那也有七万六千年了啊。而老头自己的岁数,又有多少呢? Creepy feeling that Primal Infant cultivator of innumerable knowing the circumstances of the matter, startle all. 无数知情的元婴修士,无不骇的头皮发麻。 Divine Medicine Sect bending down Old Ancestor lived 23,000 years old, has been known as old Undying, the Jiao Zun three ten thousand years achieves Primal Infant Peak. How many years this lived did not know, at least 78 long live the above old man, can be terrorist? Accurate Divine Monarch, or, genuine Divine Monarch? 药神宗的伏都老祖活了两万三千岁,已经号称老不死,蛟尊者三万载更达到元婴巅峰。这个活了不知道多少年,至少七八万岁以上的老头,又得多恐怖?准神君,又或者,真正神君 In all person hearts, is heavy. 所有人心中,都沉甸甸的。 Suddenly, the entire Earth, falls into the endless silence. 一时间,整个地球,都陷入无尽的沉默中。 PS: First offers, over the two days Carvin desire wanted the immortal, solved fortunately, hurried to renew, asking the little friends to make reparations... PS:第一更奉上,这两天卡文卡的欲死欲仙啊,还好解决了,赶紧更新,求小伙伴们赎罪啊...
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