ROUIC :: Volume #10 Volume 10

#1164: The whole world shakes( second)

Bang!” “嘭!” The golden light is radiant, red clouds splendor ten thousand ‚the shining Yang divine sword, is woof Bilv such as the water blue sky divine blade, or evolves a world, is known as the defense to be invincible, may keep off under Divine Monarch all attacks mountains and rivers universe chart, was flown unexpectedly on the ball by a Chen Fan sleeve, walks dust to be easy like the ball. 无论是金光璀璨,霞辉万道的‘耀阳神剑’,还是一汪碧绿如水的‘碧落神刀’,又或者演化一个世界,号称防御无敌,可挡神君之下一切攻击的‘山河乾坤图’,竟然被陈凡一袖就弹飞出去,如同弹走身上的灰尘般容易。 How this... is this possible?” “这...这怎么可能?” Qiao Yu Qiao Zhen and the others, dumbfounded. 乔御乔真等人,目瞪口呆。 Chen Fan this, comes like the day beyond, Immortal flicks the sleeve, complete Aloof beyond the imagination of four Son of God, including the Elder(s) god who will survive, with territory that outside on Earth observed cultivator , similarly stared dumbfounded. 陈凡这一手,如同天外而来,仙人拂袖般,完全超脱了四位神子的想象之外,包括一些残存下来的长老神将们,和地球上观战的域外修士,同样瞠目结舌。 That is accurate Divine Treasure. 那可是准神宝啊。 Even if unable to display Great Power to strike full power, at least also has 30%-40%. 哪怕无法发挥出大能全力一击,至少也有30%-40%吧。 Any Innate, and even Golden Core cultivator , if can grasp certainly Divine Treasure, sweeps away all Primal Infant sufficiently, even if seven great sect Son of God collaborate, irresistibly. 任何一尊先天,乃至金丹修士,若能手持准神宝,也足以横扫一切元婴,哪怕七大教神子联手,也无法抵抗。 Because accurate Divine Treasure had involved wrapped in a shroud of obscurity Divine Transformation Domain, it with most powerful Divine Material forging, inscribed Divine Transformation god and Grand Dao, is far from common weapon heavenly treasure can describe. Even can say, sometimes, these accurate Divine Treasure are Divine Transformation Great Power clone, the strength of acting Great Power. Only if these cultivation base above 50,000 years, lived did not know many Years, half foot entered into Divine Transformation Domain remote antiquity Elder(s), no one may depend on empty-handed, contended with certainly Divine Treasure. 因为准神宝已经涉及了神秘莫测的化神领域,它是用最强大的神料锻造而成,其中铭刻了化神的‘神则’与‘大道’,远非一般兵器天宝能形容。甚至可以说,某些时候,这些准神宝就是化神大能分身,代行大能之力。除非是那些修为在五万年之上,活了不知道多少岁月,半只脚迈入化神领域的太上长老们,根本无人可凭空手,抗衡准神宝 I do not believe!” “我不信!” Qin wind yelled. 秦风大叫。 . 唰。 His Divine Soul such as the angry flame burns generally, the golden flame bursts out from inside to outside, Divine Symbol appears baseless in his top of the head, calm nature. Qin wind aura, rising rather than drop, instead was more powerful than before. His combustion vitality, both hands pinch secret art impressively forcefully, controls inside and outside several thousands ‚the shining Yang divine sword, chops to Chen Fan! 神魂如怒焰一般燃烧,金色的火焰由内而外迸发出来,一张神符更凭空浮现在他头顶,无风自然。秦风身上的气息,不降反升,反而比之前更强大。他赫然强行燃烧气血,双手捏动法诀,驾驭数万里外的‘耀阳神剑’,劈向陈凡 Your Highness Son of God stops!” 神子殿下住手!” Several survive Elder(s), the eye quick drop bleeds. 几位残存长老,眼都快滴出血来。 Accurate Divine Treasure is extraordinary the weapon, then in powerful Primal Infant, at most can control it, as soon as strikes, wants to stimulate to movement second to strike, even if Qin wind were the Great Power descendant, Emperor Apollo big Son of God, must pay the grievous cost. 神宝非凡间兵器,便是在强大的元婴,最多也只能驾驭它一击,想要催动第二击,就算秦风是大能后裔,太阳神朝神子,也得付出惨痛代价。 Really. 果然。 Clip clop.” “哒哒。” Only sees, Qin wind the palm, at the visible speed, withered rapidly, as if the whole body essence and blood were absorbed by the divine sword. The realistic arm, is the chest, the four limbs, the five internal organs, the head. 只看到,秦风的手掌,以肉眼可见的速度,迅速枯萎下去,仿佛浑身精气和血液都被神剑吸取走般。现实手臂,然后是胸膛,四肢,五脏,头颅。 Arrived finally, Qin wind the whole person, changed to a skeleton of skin and bones, if not his heart is still beating slightly, perhaps many people suspected that he died. 到最后,秦风整个人,都化作一个皮包骨的骷髅般,若非他心脏还在微微跳动,许多人说不定怀疑他都死去了。 However ‚the shining Yang divine sword as if attracted full, on three chi (0.33 m) sword blade, bloomed again its endless multi-colored sunlight, gold/metal ten thousand, good luck thousand, the enormous and powerful sacred aura appeared in void fiercely again. It resembles a Spiritual God rise, shocks the entire starry sky, the prestige can shake the surrounding moon, making trillion people worship on bended knees in the place. 不过‘耀阳神剑’似乎吸饱了,三尺长的剑身上,再次绽放其无尽霞光,金芒万道,瑞气千条,浩浩荡荡的神圣气息猛地在虚空中再次浮现。它似一尊神灵崛起般,震慑整个星空,威能撼动周围的月亮,让亿万人跪拜于地。 I also come.” “我也来。” The Yuan one clenches teeth similarly, the combustion vitality, the stimulation of movement blue sky divine blade, chops forcefully again to Chen Fan. Therefore, the price that he even pays was more frigid than Qin wind, cultivation base, from Primal Infant Peak, dropped to Primal Infant middle stage. 元一同样咬牙,燃烧气血,强行催动碧落神刀,再次劈向陈凡。为此,他甚至付出的代价比秦风更惨烈,一身修为,生生从元婴巅峰,跌落到元婴中期 Blue sky divine blade, no ** the blood, only attracts the magical skill! 碧落神刀,不**血,只吸道行! Rumble!” “轰隆隆!” Two divine weapon, such as nine Heavenly God dragon -like, are bathing endless Jinxia and cold and gloomy chilly, has the Divine Transformation prestige energy, cuts again to Chen Fan. This without a doubt, is two Son of God finally fought tooth and nail struck, any Primal Infant powerhouse at Chen Fan that position, could not keep off absolutely. 两件神兵,如九天神龙般,沐浴着无尽金霞和森冷清冷,带着化神的威能,再次斩向陈凡。这毫无疑问,是两位神子的最后搏命一击了,任何元婴强者处在陈凡那个位置,都绝对挡不下。 But Chen Fan extends making a move gently, counts on the fingers in in the air light shell two. 陈凡只是轻轻伸出手,屈指在空中轻弹两下。 Thump thump!” “咚咚!” Two such as mighty bell greatly -like sound. 两道如洪钟大吕般的声响。 Chen Fan whole body thousand zhang (3.33 m) void, explodes to break to pieces loudly, changes to giant profound black hole. Surroundings in several thousand li (0.5 km), Golden Core cultivator that as long as lives, can shake the blood fog by the invisible prestige directly, even Primal Infant powerhouse, still resembles the chest to be pounded by the heavy hammer, spitting blood suddenly/violently Tuishu hundred zhang (333 m). 陈凡周身千丈虚空,轰然爆碎开来,化作一个巨大的幽深黑洞。周围数千里内,但凡活下来的金丹修士,直接被无形的威能震成血雾,就算是元婴强者,也似胸口被重锤砸中,吐血暴退数百丈。 But that two divine weapon, by the Chen Fan two fingers, the ball were flown again, these flew upside down time 50,000-60,000 li (0.5 km), even exceeded the beforehand distance. 而那两柄神兵,则被陈凡两指,再次弹飞出去,这一次倒飞出了50,000-60,000里,甚至超过之前的距离。 How possibly?” “怎么可能?” Qin wind was really dull. 秦风是真的呆了。 He just took out section of purple glistening Divine Medicine, although only then 1/5, but also makes his instantaneous Mortal Body blow up, the skin re-enters glitteringly and translucent carving, the essence overflows, which also has the least bit weak appearance. Including the Yuan one, clothing/taking next accurate Divine Core, drives back Peak cultivation base similarly. But they see this, looks ashen all. 他刚刚取出一截紫莹莹的神药,虽然只有五分之一,但也让他瞬间肉身鼓起,皮肤重回晶莹剔透,精气四溢,哪还有半点虚弱模样。包括元一,同样服下一枚准神丹,把修为重新推回巅峰。但他们两人见到这一幕,无不面如土色。 Divine Medicine, is accurate Divine Core, that is they presses the bottom the maintaining life thing, for assigning/life Divine Symbol is more precious. 无论是神药,还是准神丹,那都是他们压箱底的保命东西,比‘替命神符’还要珍贵。 Finally they go all out, pulls out the spatial family property strike, by Chen Fan was separated unexpectedly conveniently, how can two people vary disheartenedly the piece? 结果他们拼了命,掏空家底的一击,竟然被陈凡随手弹开,两人怎么能不一片心灰呢? Is impossible, besides these touching Divine Art half Great Power, but how some people shake certainly Divine Treasure bare handedly. Are you person of the hour of some god remote antiquity Elder(s) level?” Qin wind shook the head, in the eye showed look with amazement. “不可能啊,除了那些触摸化神法则的半步大能外,怎可有人赤手撼准神宝。难道你是某个神教太上长老级的人物?”秦风摇头,眼中露出骇然的神色。 If, one struck before, but can also be Chen Fan uses some type to strong secret technique Immortal Technique, then now, he strikes to fly superficially two divine weapon, is really really in strength steamroll. 如果说,之前一击,还能是陈凡动用某种至强秘术仙法,那么现在,他轻描淡写击飞两柄神兵,就是真真在在的实力碾压。 Such terrifying strength, Qin Fengzhi in Sect, these closed up the innumerable years, the essence and blood boiled down, cooks down skinny, but cultivation base is unable to cross remote antiquity Elder(s) that’ measured to see. Even some merely 40,000-50,000 years of remote antiquity Elder(s), not necessarily have Chen Fan so terrifying Divine Ability. 这么恐怖的力量,秦风只在宗门中,那些闭关无数年,精血都熬干,熬成皮包骨头但修为无法渡测的‘太上长老’们身上才见过。甚至一些仅仅40,000-50,000年的太上长老,都未必有陈凡如此恐怖神通 But your vitality is so exuberant, the soul light is so young, where has one point of old resembles?” Qin Fengxiang was not clear. “可你气血如此旺盛,魂光如此年轻,哪有一分老像?”秦风想不明白。 Not only he. 不仅他。 Several great sect gods who Yuan one, Qiao Zhen Qiao Yu brother and sister, as well as only save, will not also be able to think through. 元一、乔真乔御兄妹,以及仅存的几个大教神将,同样想不通。 Primal Infant to Divine Transformation realm, is separated by like the natural moat, any tries to span this realm powerhouse, the competitive millenniums, ten thousand years of Years, is unable to bridge over absolutely. 元婴化神境界,相隔如天堑,任何试图跨越过这个境界强者,不服输千年、万年的岁月,是绝对无法跨过的。 Had not heard, -and-a-half Great Power powerhouse, age under 5000 years old! 从没听说,一尊半步大能强者,年龄在五千岁之下! Main body cultivation base, can your ants cross can it be that measure the imagination?” Chen Fan shoulders both hands, treads on void. He under appears together seven color god rosy clouds fully, said like the rosy cloud that Light Glow composes together, before the Chen Fan body, shop to numerous Son of God in front. “本尊的修为,岂是你们这些蝼蚁能渡测想象?”陈凡背负双手,脚踏虚空。他足下现出一道七彩神霞,如同一道光芒组成的霞道,自陈凡身前,铺到众神子面前。 Chen Fan walks in the rainbow light, the black becoming dark pupil, the long dress flap flap, the whole body all colors Light Glow circulation, exiles immortal Ling Chen just like Nine Heavens. 陈凡走在虹光上,黑发黑瞳,长衣猎猎,周身五彩光芒流转,宛如九天谪仙凌尘。 Although accurate Divine Treasure is powerful, but Chen Fan has built Primal Infant, had half Origin Strength, although merely only then Origin Strength half, but the prestige can terrifying enough is not able to imagine as before. 神宝虽然强大,但陈凡早就修成元婴,具备了‘半元之力’,虽然仅仅只有‘一元之力’的一半,但威能依旧恐怖到无法想象。 So long as is not genuine Divine Transformation Great Power to this, Chen Fan pushes under Divine Transformation not to have the rival horizontally! 只要不是真正化神大能到此,陈凡横推化神之下无敌手! No!” “不!” Saw Chen Fan whole face faint walks, in numerous Son of God heart a fear. Big Son of God Qiao Zhen of rising typhoon god, ignores the stop of nearby younger sister Qiao Yu, goes all out the combustion aura, pays the big mouth to spit blood, almost the die price, offers a sacrifice to mountains and rivers universe chart again, changes to one volume of the world, blocks in front of Chen Fan Divine Dao. 看到陈凡满脸淡漠的走过来,众神子心中一阵恐惧。扶摇神教的大神子乔真,不顾旁边妹妹乔御的阻拦,也拼命燃烧气息,付出大口吐血,差点陨落的代价,再次祭起‘山河乾坤图’,化作一卷世界,拦在陈凡神道面前。 But Chen Fan is only under treads on. 陈凡只是一脚踏下。 Bang!” “轰隆!” God rainbow startled day. 神虹惊天。 Hangs the seven colors rainbow again transverse frame above the mountains and rivers universe chart, his treads on rainbow, one falls on the universe chart fully, lets this picture roll comprised of unexpectedly the world, shivers slightly. As if Chen Fan such as opens the Primordial Chaos Antiquity Deity, his foot weight, making the land crash, is broken, the state destroys, is the mountains and rivers universe chart cannot withstand. 一挂七色彩虹再次横架在山河乾坤图之上,他脚踏彩虹,一足落在乾坤图,竟然让这幅由世界组成的图卷,都微微颤抖。仿佛陈凡如开辟混沌太古神人般,他一脚重量,让大地崩塌,山河破碎,国度毁灭,便是山河乾坤图都承受不住。 Rumbling.” “轰轰轰。” When the Chen Fan second foot, the third foot and fourth foot step in the universe chart. This accurate Divine Treasure cannot withstand again, whiz the changing rainbow light, shoots at the starry sky deep place together. 陈凡第二脚、第三脚、第四脚踩在乾坤图上。这件准神宝再也承受不住,嗖的化作一道虹光,射向星空深处。 But Qiao Zhen also the strength of counter- shaking was transmitted by the universe chart on, regards to shake the blood fog, Soul Destroyed! 乔真也被乾坤图上传来的反震之力,当成震成血雾,魂飞魄散 Elder Brother!” “哥哥!” Qiao Yu exudes the incomparably sad and shrill pitiful cry, Goddess of this rising typhoon god, has hair dishevelled, in white skirt armor dyes the full bloodstain, where has the half a point Goddess appearance? In she tender and beautiful peerless facial features, leaves behind two lines of clear tears, this moment eyeground appears one point of fierceness unexpectedly, is looking at Chen Fan like the hell malicious ghost. 乔御发出无比凄厉悲惨的叫声,这位扶摇神教的神女,披头散发,白色裙甲上染满血迹,哪有半分神女的模样?她娇艳绝世的面容上,留下两行清泪,此刻眼底竟然现出一分狰狞,望着陈凡如同地狱恶鬼般。 Is you, was you killed my brother, I must kill your Devil...” “都是你,都是你杀了我哥哥,我一定要杀死你这个恶魔...” Bang! 轰! Her combustion vitality, controls a rising typhoon blade, passed through day like White Rainbow, killed to Chen Fan, Divine Light was radiant, the energy thundered. Anybody faces this pretty beautiful Goddess, perhaps will keep several to bid good-bye. 她更燃烧气血,驾驭一柄扶摇刀,如同白虹贯日般,杀向陈凡,神光璀璨,能量轰鸣。任何人面对这位娇俏美艳的神女,说不定都会留几分手。 But Chen Fan strokes the sleeves gently. 陈凡只是轻轻一拂衣袖。 Terrifying to not unimaginable immortal Origin Strength, vigorously. This is dominates the immortal infant strength by far above world True Essence, even genuine Son of God Goddess of central Galaxy world to this, is unable to contend. 恐怖到无法想象的仙元力,就蓬勃而出。这是远远凌驾于人间真元之上的仙婴之力,就算中央星河世界的真正神子神女到此,也无法抗衡。 Bang.” “嘭。” Qiao Yu pulled out the fragment by his sleeve directly, a Goddess fragrant disappearing jade perishes at the scene, for assigning/life Divine Symbol just wants to use, was suppressed into the Sea Suppressing bead by Chen Fan by the unsurpassed Magic Power detention. 乔御被他一袖直接抽成了碎片,一位神女当场香消玉殒,替命神符刚想动用,就被陈凡以无上法力拘禁镇压入镇海珠内。 Clip clop.” “哒哒。” At this moment. 此刻。 Always calm, peaceful landslide in before, but motionless color Qin wind , the whole body starts to shiver. 一向镇静,泰山崩于前而不动色的秦风,也浑身都开始颤抖。 Snaps fingers collapse flying accurate Divine Treasure, strikes to kill Son of God, suppresses Divine Symbol conveniently. Prestige energy that Chen Fan shows at this moment, has been above their imagination by far, even if in immortal god, only then few people can achieve. Even in their mind, Chen Fan physique at this moment, indistinct and several standing proudly Star Ocean Great Power Divine Monarch, somewhat was similar. 弹指崩飞准神宝,一击杀神子,随手镇压神符陈凡此刻展现出来的威能,已经远远超乎他们的想象,哪怕在不朽神教中,也只有寥寥几人能做到。甚至在他们印象中,陈凡此刻的身姿,隐约与几位傲立星海大能神君,有几分相似了。 „... Do not kill me, I am Emperor Apollo big Son of God, I am the god toward the subordinate descendant of Great Emperor, if you kill me, entire Star Ocean and even small Southern Heaven Realm, no one can accommodate below you again. Chen Beixuan, no, Chen Divine Monarch, I comply, after going back, certainly will make various great sect receive the hand, will not step into the abandonment absolutely again . No, the Central Mainland Star Region half step, I pledged, I pledged in the name of ancestor!” Qin wind quickly is shouting. “别...别杀我,我是太阳神朝的大神子,我是神朝大帝的直属后裔,你若杀我,整个星海乃至小南天境,没有人能再容的下你。陈北玄,不,陈神君,我答应,回去之后,一定会让各大教收手,绝对不会再踏入遗弃..不,中土星域半步,我发誓,我以先祖的名义发誓!”秦风急忙叫着。 Several gods the vision will be sorrowful. 几个神将都目光悲哀。 This is solemn Emperor Apollo big Son of God, unexpectedly to only one abandons Star Region indigenous acts servilely. Even has Primal Infant Elder(s) to kneel wails, the Emperor Apollo sidewise compression Star Ocean hundreds of thousands of years, when encounter so the humiliations. 这可是堂堂太阳神朝的大神子啊,竟然对区区一个遗弃星域的土著卑躬屈膝。甚至有元婴长老跪地哀嚎,太阳神朝横压星海数十万年,什么时候遭遇这般屈辱。 Late.” “迟了。” Under Chen Fan treads on, depresses like the god of Djinn god fully, solar Son of God that will attempt to resist, together with his under tutelage combat tanks and nine wing hot phoenixes, presses the meat patty entirely. 陈凡脚踏下,如同巨灵神的神足压下,将企图抵抗的太阳神子,连同他座下的战车和九翅火凤,统统压成肉饼。 When Emperor Apollo conquers by killing my Northern Jade Faction at that moment, this enmity receives, is not only you, the main body one day, will ascend Emperor Apollo to visit, criticizes this blood debt!” “当太阳神朝血洗我北琼派那一刻,这个仇就接下,不仅是你,本尊总有一天,会登太阳神朝上门,清算这笔血债!” At that moment. 那一刻。 Entire Universe, only has Chen Fan coldly such as the ice sound. 整个宇宙,只剩下陈凡寒冷如冰的声音。 Space underground, all cultivator , outside Primal Infant including the territory, survive the Son of God Yuan that Elder(s), only remains one, and even innumerable once attempted to the Chen Fan making a move person, incomparably vibrates the extreme with amazement. 天上地下,所有的修士,包括域外元婴、残存长老、仅剩的神子元一,乃至无数曾企图向陈凡出手的人,无比骇然震动到极点。
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