ROUIC :: Volume #10 Volume 10

#1163: Steamroll! Steamroll( first)

Works as!” “哐当!” In the ice-cold Universe space, the war cries are shocking, the courage vigor submerges all, the endless fluctuation of energy surges in this place, outside all territories cultivator stares the big eye, wants to look to be clear all that this place has, but such as Ān pò Heav­enly Monarch such Primal Infant powerhouse cannot see clearly even if, Earth several billions all living things, can only penetrate the fuzzy satellite, observes the matter of this place indistinctly. 冰冷的宇宙空间中,杀声震天,血气淹没一切,无尽的能量波动在此地激荡,所有域外修士瞪大眼睛,想要望清楚此地发生的一切,但哪怕如安珀天君这样的元婴强者也看不清,地球数十亿众生,更只能透过模糊的卫星,隐约观测到此地之事。 But everyone can see, in that vast expanse of water bloodshed, in the dense and numerous crowds, a whole body covers in the immortal splendor, grasps powerhouse of golden long halberd, above the standing proudly starry sky. His black hair flap flap, both pupils like torch, even if separated by dozens over a hundred kilometers, distinction that but anybody looks. 但所有人都能看到,在那一片汪洋血海,密密麻麻的人群中,一尊浑身笼罩在仙辉中,手持金色长戟的强者,傲立星空之上。他黑发猎猎,双瞳如火炬,哪怕相隔数十上百公里,可任何人都看的分明。 Kills!” “杀!” Chen Fan facial features ice-cold, each halberd has delimited the expansive sky, has several hundred over a thousand Golden Core cultivator lives. These major gods are selective, each in the Golden Core Peak god army soldiers, even if the row becomes the battlefield, cannot block Chen Fan to strike. 陈凡面容冰冷,每一戟划过长空,都带着数百上千的金丹修士性命。这些各大神教精挑细选出来,每一尊都在金丹巅峰的神军战士们,哪怕列成战阵,也挡不住陈凡一击。 These great sect Elder(s) gods, by scared that Chen Fan kills. 那些大教长老神将们,更被陈凡杀的胆寒。 Four Son of God that only then only remains, can force to fight with Chen Fan. 只有仅剩的四位神子,才能勉强与陈凡交手。 Works as!” “当!” Under the Emperor Apollo main hall Qin wind, controlled the chariot, rushed ahead in the frontline, in his hand the golden god spear/gun such as the dragon dance left, but was wielded conveniently by a Chen Fan halberd, flying upside down that hit, having hair dishevelled, the whole body was the bloodstain. 太阳神朝大殿下秦风,驾驭战车,冲杀在最前方,他手中金色神枪如龙舞出,但被陈凡随手一戟挥出,就打的倒飞出去,披头散发,浑身都是血迹。 The Yuan one displays blue sky ascends to cut, the entire wheel bright moonlight falls from Nine Heavens, was easily struck to break out by Chen Fan. 元一更施展碧落飞升斩,整轮明月从九天坠下,也轻易被陈凡一击劈开。 As for weakest Qiao Zhen and Qiao Yu brother and sister, although two people collaborate, evolves a scenery real relationship of form and spirit chart, inside has the mountain spirit to assume personal command, having the Fairy Maiden dance is spatial, has the flying snake mentioned in ancient legends flying, the innumerable immortal spirits lower from the real shape chart, blot out the sky to hit to Chen Fan. But Chen Fan is only a halberd looks in the sky a vertical stroke, the tearing vault of heaven extinguishes god halberd dreadful Killing Intent, these invisible really spirit, cleanness that cuts all. But if not these two brother and sister escape quickly, perhaps also died in the Chen Fan hand early. 至于最弱的乔真乔御兄妹,虽然两人联手,演化出一副山水真形神图,里面有山神坐镇,有仙子舞空,有腾蛇飞天,无数仙灵自真形图中降下,铺天盖地打向陈凡。但陈凡只是一戟望天空中一竖,撕裂苍穹的‘灭神戟’滔天杀意,就将这些无形真灵,尽数斩的干干净净。而这两兄妹若非逃得快,恐怕也早死在陈凡手中了。 Cannot keep the hand again, Qin the brother, your I retained the card in hand again, perhaps next the person of dying was we.” The Yuan looked pale, turns the head to say to Qin wind. “不能再留手了,秦兄,你我再保留底牌,恐怕下一个死的人就是我们。”元一面色苍白,转头对秦风说道。 Qin wind clenched teeth to nod, took out Golden Long Sword from the bosom. 秦风咬牙点头,从怀中取出一柄金色长剑 Bang!” “轰隆!” When this divine sword appears, enormous and powerful sacred aura appears from its sword hilt on suddenly, the terrifying power and influence arrives at the surrounding area hundred li (0.5 km), innumerable Golden Core only think that the body and spirit wants to blast open, fearful and apprehensive. void was broken out by that invisible sword qi, cuts together the huge fissure of thorough Universe deep place. Even Earth surface, these Hidden Escape invisible immortal, seemed to be stimulated, the ripple appear indistinctly. 当这柄神剑现出的时候,一股浩浩荡荡的神圣气息忽然自其剑柄上浮现,恐怖的威势降临方圆百里,无数金丹只觉体魄欲炸裂,心惊胆颤。虚空更被那无形剑气劈开,斩出一道深入宇宙深处的巨大裂痕。甚至地球上表面,那些隐遁无形的仙阵们,似乎都受到刺激,有一道道波纹隐约浮现出来。 Recited!” “吟!” The divine sword called, vibrates Nine Heavens. 神剑自鸣,震动九天 Near Golden Core cultivator that depends on, flies high to blast open directly, explodes the blood fog, other Primal Infant gods, will be a face panic-stricken in the future retreat. But Qin wind grasped this sword, the aura raises unlimitedly, as if some breakthrough bottleneck, toward one unknown Domain rise. 许多靠的近的金丹修士,直接凌空炸裂开来,爆成血雾,其他元婴神将,更是一脸惊恐的往后退去。而秦风手持此剑,气息无限制拔高,仿佛突破某个瓶颈般,向着一个未知领域升进去。 Accurate Divine Treasure?” “准神宝?” The Chen Fan's eyes eyeball partly narrows the eyes, is staring in his hand sword. 陈凡眼睛半眯,盯着他手中剑器。 This is by Divine Transformation Great Power, divine weapon that personally forging becomes, therefore above contains the Great Power strength, tiny bit, but disintegration vault of heaven. A Great Power drop of blood may kill Primal Infant, weapon that let alone they refine personally? 这是由化神大能,亲手锻造而成的神兵,所以上面蕴藏着大能的力量,一丝一毫,都可崩碎苍穹。大能一滴血可杀元婴,何况他们亲手炼制的兵器? Correct, this sword name shining is positive, is my Emperor Apollo Great Emperor one of the seven Sword. Chen Beixuan, I do not want to put forth before, but you made me exclaim in surprise, has to have this card in hand.” 不错,此剑名‘耀阳’,乃我太阳神朝大帝的七柄佩剑之一。陈北玄,我之前本不想使出,但你太让我惊叹了,不得不出此底牌。” Qin wind grasped the divine sword, wore ten thousand multi-colored sunlight, is saying every single word or phrase. 秦风手持神剑,身披万道霞光,一字一句的说着。 If some people by the multi-colored sunlight, are witnessable, his whole body muscle is shivering, the blue vein sticks out suddenly, the facial features twist, but is enduring forcefully. Accurate Divine Treasure although is not genuine Divine Treasure, but eventually is god toward the Great Emperor Sword, even if Primal Infant cultivator stimulates its prestige energy, needs to bear the tremendous pressure, is solar Son of God is Peak in Primal Infant Peak, can stimulate shortly. 若有人透过霞光,就可看到,他浑身肌肉都在颤抖,青筋暴起,面容扭曲,只是强行忍着罢了。准神宝尽管不是真正神宝’,但终究是‘神朝大帝’佩剑,元婴修士哪怕激发它的威能,都需要承受巨大压力,也就是太阳神子元婴巅峰中的巅峰,才能短暂激发。 Bang!” “轰!” When two people talked, a Yuan pair of hand stroke, a chilly such as the long blade of bright moonlight, appeared baseless in his top of the head. That long blade one presently, terrifying aura of not inferior shining Yang divine sword, ascension. 在两人对话时,元一双手一划,一柄清冷如明月的长刀,凭空浮现在他头顶。那长刀一现,一股不逊色耀阳神剑的恐怖气息,随之升腾而起。 As can be seen. 可以看到。 On that knife, wave light sparkling, just like Wang Qing spring -like, divulged the details limpidly, above seems reflecting endless Years and Time-Space. 那刀身上,波光莹莹,宛如一汪清泉般,清澈透底,上面仿佛倒映着无尽岁月时空 Blue sky divine blade.” “碧落神刀。” Some Elder(s) had blurted out. 已经有长老脱口而出。 The Immortal Religion town/subdues teaches one of the most precious objects, was known as that may cut the murder magical skill in invisible, a blade cuts 50,000 years of cultivation base terrifying divine blade, although is only accurate Divine Treasure, but the mystery of its Divine Ability, not accurate Divine Treasure can describe. 长生教镇教至宝之一,号称可斩杀人道行于无形,一刀斩掉五万年修为的恐怖神刀,虽然只是准神宝,但它的神通之玄妙,远非准神宝能形容。 Meanwhile. 同时。 The Qiao Zhen Qiao Yu sisters also clench teeth, under two human feet, a ten thousand li (0.5 km) mountains and rivers picture roll, launches. This picture roll compared in the middle scenery real shape chart, real far more than a lot of times? And enormous and powerful, mountains rivers and forest ten thousand li (0.5 km) and inner and outer city walls pavilions and trillion all living things, impressively what launches is a world. 乔真乔御姐妹也一咬牙,两人脚下,一副万里山河图卷,随之展开。这幅图卷比起之间的‘山水真形图’,真实何止千百倍?其中浩浩荡荡,山川河流、林木万里、城郭楼阁、亿万众生,赫然展开的是一个世界。 The rising typhoon sends most precious object mountains and rivers universe chart!’ 扶摇派至宝‘山河乾坤图!’ Hiss, this is the rising typhoon sends with to suppress the entrance most precious object, brought unexpectedly.” Jiao Zun vibration. “嘶,这可是扶摇派用以镇压山门的至宝,竟然也带来了。”蛟尊者震动。 The mountains and rivers universe chart is not attacking, is looks like Chen Fan's Locking Sea Pearls general, can refine to turn into a world. Although it is away from the genuine world, some disparities, but is not far. If any Great Power obtains it, can easily allow to integrate itself, does not need to refine Divine Country again, it may be said that simple ten thousand times. 山河乾坤图并非攻伐之器,乃是像陈凡的定海珠’一般,能够炼化成一个世界。虽然它距离真正世界,还有一些差距,但已经不远了。任何大能若得到它,可以轻易容纳入自身,不需要自己再去炼制神国,可谓简单万倍。 This is the genuine most precious object, the value even in dazzling god and blue sky divine blade above, even the Chen Fan's eyes eyeball narrows the eyes slightly. 这是真正至宝,价值甚至在‘耀眼神将’和‘碧落神刀’之上,连陈凡眼睛都微微一眯。 Unexpectedly three accurate Divine Treasure, seven big gods this time really set firm resolve.” Priest Soaring Clouds the lip is shivering. “竟然有三件准神宝啊,七大神教这次是真的下定决心了啊。”凌云道长嘴唇都在颤抖。 Rumble! 轰隆隆! That three enormous and powerful Divine Transformation pressure, pass through void, lowers from Nine Heavens, lets surrounding area several thousand li (0.5 km) people above land, shivers to worship on bended knees. Before the power and influence far ultra, any Son of God! 那三股浩浩荡荡的化神威压,贯穿虚空,从九天之上降下,让大地之上的方圆数千里民众,都为之颤抖跪拜。其威势远超之前任何一尊神子 The person who other know, in the heart also sinks. 其他知道的人,心中也为之一沉。 Divine Treasure in the Star Ocean deep place, is very rare. Many Divine Transformation Great Power its life, are not necessarily able to refine Divine Treasure finally. Therefore Divine Treasure as great sect ultimate divine weapon, will easily not send out. Accurate Divine Treasure was most divine weapon. 神宝星海深处,都无比罕见。许多化神大能终其一生,都未必能炼制出一件神宝来。所以神宝作为一个大教终极神兵,轻易绝不会出动。准神宝就是最神兵了。 Merely look, eight Son of God go to battle, only has three to carry certainly Divine Treasure merely, knows this treasure the rare place. Even if seven big gods, similarly fears Divine Treasure to lose certainly in Earth, that compares loss big many that Son of God exiles to fall creates by far. If not really arrives at the crucial moment, Qin wind and the others do not want to use. 仅仅看,八位神子出征,仅仅只有三位携带准神宝,就知道这宝物的难得之处。哪怕是七大神教,同样惧怕准神宝遗失在地球中,那远远比一位神子谪落造成的损失大的多。若非真到生死关头,秦风等人都不想动用。 Chen Beixuan, I asked you finally, submitted.” Qin wind grasped the divine sword, bathed ten thousand Jinxia, solemn sound transmitted from Nine Heavens, terrifying power and influence, pressure wave after wave to Chen Fan. Chen Fan only thinks that situated in difficult situation in general, as if must subvert momentarily. 陈北玄,我最后问你,是否屈服。”秦风手持神剑,沐浴万道金霞,冷峻的声音似从九天之上传来,恐怖的威势,一浪接一浪的压向陈凡陈凡只觉似处于惊涛骇浪中一般,随时仿佛要颠覆。 Yuan one, Qiao Family brother and sister, hold Divine Treasure certainly to press. 元一、乔家兄妹,同样持准神宝压上来。 Buzz!” “嗡!” The blue sky divine blade, resembles Azure Glow like the water, separates void. Around it, the endless say/way flower appears baseless, vanishes baseless, each is representing hundred years of painstaking cultivation. The countless say/way flowers, mean that blue sky divine blade cut to fall did not know many Primal Infant overhaul. 碧落神刀,似青芒如水,割裂虚空。它周围,无尽道花凭空浮现,又凭空消失,每一朵都代表着百年苦修。数不尽的道花,意味着碧落神刀一身斩落了不知道多少尊元婴大修。 „!” “唰!” The Qiao Zhen Qiao Yu sisters, launch mountains and rivers universe chart. 乔真乔御姐妹,同样展开‘山河乾坤图’。 This volume holds a microcosm god attempts, although does not have the strength of tiny bit attacking, but truly best defense magic treasure. Any attack, making the mountains crash, the great lake was shattered, sea water surges, but falls into the whole world , is to make the mountains and rivers chart shake merely slightly, makes the inadequate official damage by far. 这卷容纳一个小世界的‘神图’,虽然不具备一丝一毫的攻伐之力,但确实最好的防御法宝。任何攻击,让山川崩塌,大湖破碎,海水翻腾,但落入一整个世界中,也仅仅是让山河图微微一震罢了,远远造不成正式损伤。 Even has the rumor. 甚至有传言。 Even if half Great Power cultivator , if falls into this chart, is unable to work loose, will be stranded thousands of years, finally changes to the bleached bone. 哪怕半步大能修士,若落入此图中,也无法挣脱,会被困千万年,最终化作枯骨。 Thump thump thump!” “咚咚咚!” Cover Chen Fan three to the strong pressure, the sword calls the highest heaven, the blade light is shocking, the world evolves. Even if holds confidence Jiao Zun to Chen Fan, at this moment also a heart raises slightly. 三股至强威压笼罩陈凡,剑鸣九霄,刀光震天,世界演化。哪怕对陈凡抱有信心的蛟尊者,此刻也不由一颗心微微提起来。 Hehe, relied on you three people of strengths, wants to control these three accurate Divine Treasure is not impossible for a long time, only has strength of the striking.” Chen Fan grasps the long halberd, wields conveniently, final several Primal Infant powerhouse will cut to kill, complexion light say/way. “呵呵,凭你们三人的实力,想要长久驾驭这三件准神宝根本不可能,只有一击之力吧。”陈凡手持长戟,随手一挥,将最后几尊元婴强者斩杀,面色平淡道。 Even if only then strikes, kills you sufficiently!” “哪怕只有一击,也足以杀你!” Qin Fengleng. 秦风冷哼。 Yuan one, Qiao Family brother and sister, similarly vision ice-cold, Killing Intent overflows. Accurate Divine Treasure in their hands, exudes the sonorous songs and calls, departs momentarily, strikes disintegration Heaven and Earth, making the mountains and rivers shatter. Countless people under their soldier/weapon fronts, tremble. Even if widely separated by several hundred kilometers Northern Jade mountain, at this time everyone can also feel that three dreadful penetrating places the prestige energy. 元一、乔家兄妹,同样目光冰冷,杀意四溢。准神宝在他们手中,发出铿锵鸣叫声,随时飞出,一击崩碎天地,让山河震裂。无数人在他们兵锋之下,瑟瑟发抖。哪怕是远隔数百公里的北琼山,此时所有人也能感受到那三股滔天彻地的威能。 Just like three gods, regains consciousness in Universe. 宛如三尊神明,在宇宙中苏醒般。 Without the suspicion, they casual strike, can level entire Chuzhou, even Jiangnan Province! 没有怀疑,它们随便一击,就可以抹平整个楚州,甚至江南省 This is the accurate Divine Treasure prestige energy. 这就是准神宝的威能。 Pitifully, magic treasure, although is strong, but you cannot control eventually, cannot display their genuine prestige energy.” Chen Fan shot the finger. Moreover, this is only accurate Divine Treasure, rather than genuine Divine Treasure, does not hold in the Great Power hand, being insufficient makes me dread!” “可惜,法宝虽强,但终究非你们所能驾驭,发挥不出它们的真正威能。”陈凡弹了弹手指。“况且,这只是准神宝,而非真正神宝,也非持在大能手中,不足以让我畏惧!” show off!” 大言不惭!” Qin Fengleng drank, offers a sacrifice to the divine sword, bang divided. 秦风冷喝,祭起神剑,轰隆一声劈下。 Bang!” “轰!” At that moment, trillion multi-colored sunlight bloom on the shining Yang divine sword, Sword of its as if Divine Sovereign waist, cuts to fall. The entire Universe space, the surrounding area several thousand li (0.5 km) were swept across by the endless God Level energy, any asteroid, meteorite and Universe residual, in it, as soon as under striking, the instantaneous disintegration becomes the smallest powder dust. 那一刻,亿万道霞光在耀阳神剑上绽放,它仿佛神王腰间的佩剑,随之斩落般。整个宇宙空间,方圆数千里都被无尽的神级能量席卷,任何小行星、陨石、宇宙残渣,在它一击之下,瞬间崩碎成最微小的碎末。 Even nearby moon, shakes slightly, as if a little cannot withstand the terrifying of this sword. 甚至连旁边的月亮,都微微撼动,仿佛有点承受不住这一剑的恐怖。 Gets up!” “起!” Yuan one, Qiao Family brother and sister, offer a sacrifice to magic treasure simultaneously. 元一、乔家兄妹,同时祭出法宝 Blue sky divine blade changes to thousand zhang (3.33 m) green Flood Dragon, clear blue Light Glow shining entire void, makes threatening gestures to fly just like a genuine Divine Dragon to Chen Fan, its above sprinkles the light of endless ascends, as long as there is cultivator to contaminate, instantaneous shocked discovered, own cultivation base as if by flaking, was crashed all fast toward the ordinary mortal, even revering of Primal Infant, is unable to avoid. ‘碧落神刀’化作一条千丈长的绿色蛟龙,碧油油的光芒照耀整个虚空,宛如一只真正神龙般张牙舞爪飞向陈凡,它上面洒落无尽的飞升之光,但凡有修士沾染到,瞬间惊骇发现,自己的修为仿佛被尽数剥落般,向着普通凡人飞快坠落下去,连元婴之尊,也无法躲避。 The mountains and rivers chart the line, launches in void later, appears a side world, protects three people, obviously feared that Chen Fan goes all out. 山河图随后而行,在虚空展开,现出一方世界,护住三人,显然怕陈凡拼命。 Rumble!” “轰隆隆!” Facing these three dreadful penetrating places, pursues the Divine Transformation Great Power strength, Chen Fan laughs, then in the people shocked vision, Chen Fan's Magic Power raises successively, breaks through Golden Core rapidly, then defeats the Primal Infant boundary, arrives at inconceivable, is unable to cross realm that measures. 面对这三股滔天彻地,直追化神大能的力量,陈凡哈哈大笑,然后在众人惊骇的目光中,陈凡的法力节节拔高,迅速冲破金丹,然后击破元婴的界限,到达一个不可思议,无法渡测的境界 His as if Deity assumes void, aura not inferior three accurate Divine Treasure, even still has had it. 他仿佛一尊神人坐镇虚空般,气息丝毫不逊色三件准神宝,甚至犹有过之。 „.” “唰。” A Chen Fan sleeve wields gently, hangs the immortal rainbow to reappear, flies across void like the seven colors rainbow, terrifying immortal Origin Strength passes the body, easily goes to three accurate Divine Treasure collapse flying, flies upside down beyond several tens of thousands li (0.5 km) in Universe, how whatever Qin wind, a Yuan first-grade person controlled, did not help matters. 陈凡只是轻轻一袖挥出,一挂仙虹浮现,如同七色彩虹横越虚空,恐怖的仙元力就透体而出,轻易将三件准神宝崩飞而去,在宇宙中倒飞出数万里之外,任凭秦风、元一等人怎么控制,都无济于事。 „Is this?” “这是?” Everyone holds breath cold air, stares dumbfounded to look to Chen Fan. 所有人倒吸一口凉气,瞠目结舌望向陈凡 PS: First offers, the author fungus continues to write second ^ _ ^ PS:第一更奉上,作者菌继续去写第二更^_^
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