ROUIC :: Volume #10 Volume 10

#1162: Conquers by killing the starry sky( second)

Second Son of God die. 第二个神子陨落了。 Moreover has in for assigning/life Divine Symbol in situation, was massacred by the Chen Fan crack, even/including Timing Divine Symbol has an effect without enough time. This Divine Symbol, although is Great Power by essence and blood writing, has all sorts of inconceivable Divine Ability, to Divine Transformation , even after Primal Infant disruption, can come back in certain time internal bracing, but eventually is not invincible. 而且还是在身上有‘替命神符’的情况下,被陈凡生生裂杀掉,连替命神符都来不及起作用。这种神符,虽然是大能以精血书写而成,拥有种种不可思议的神通,对化神之下,哪怕元婴碎裂之后,都能在一定时间内拉回来,但终究不是无敌。 In Chen Fan hand dragon tattoo god halberd, restrains for specially assigning/life Divine Symbol. 陈凡手中的‘龙纹神戟’,就专门克制替命神符 This god halberd, old name extinguishes god halberd, is the central Galaxy world, invincible Divine Sovereign weapon, a that Divine Sovereign expedition, murderous aura a vertically and horizontally/able to move unhindered arrives richly inconceivable, once Tumie trillion all living things, innumerable planet, endless murderous aura with the blood of coordination True Dragon finally, condense this to extinguish god halberd, its biggest terrifying place, lay was full of dreadful Divine Sense that destroyed Divine Soul. 这柄神戟,原名‘灭神戟’,是中央星河世界,一位纵横无敌的神王的兵器,那位神王一身征战,杀气浓郁到不可思议,曾屠灭亿万众生,无数星辰,最终用真龙之血配合无尽杀气,凝聚成这柄‘灭神戟’,其最大的恐怖之处,就在于其中充满一股摧毁神魂的滔天神念 Although Chen Fan by ten thousand divine weapon imitation, but had as before extinguished god halberd tiny bit ability. 陈凡虽然只是以‘万化神兵’仿制,但依旧具备了‘灭神戟’一丝一毫的能力。 Before is not willing to show, is feared merely these Son of God escaped, but now, has arrived at the plot revealed time, demonstration this terrifying that Chen Fan four Wuji feared to the extreme killed. 之前不愿展现,仅仅是怕这些神子们逃掉,但现在,已经到图穷匕见的时候,陈凡无忌惮的展示这件恐怖到极点的‘杀器’。 „!” “唰!” Chen Fan Halberd Across the Heaven, the god halberd like the dragon, the golden color and azure Light Glow surrounds, the gold thread has swept thousand zhang (3.33 m) void together instantaneously. 78 Primal Infant Elder(s), even responded radically without enough time, the body in the midair, broke baseless two sections, Primal Infant and Divine Soul, cut in half by the gold thread. 陈凡戟横天,神戟如龙,金色与青色光芒环绕,一道金线瞬间扫过千丈虚空。七八位元婴长老,根本连反应都来不及,身体就在半空中,凭空断裂成两截,连元婴神魂,都被金线切成两半。 These Elder(s), stem from immortal great sect. 这些长老们,都出自不朽大教 Their each sale prices as vigorous as the extreme, has all sorts of maintaining life Divine Ability rare treasures , to continue the life treasure, even if ratio for assigning/life Divine Symbol is slightly bad, but is unable easily to kill generally. But at this moment, in extinguishes god halberd front, all magic treasure secret techniques, resemble general that the paper sticks, was easily cut two, Divine Soul by murderous aura of dreadful penetrating place, rips the fragment thoroughly, even if Divine Transformation Great Power kisses/intimate, also do not want to resurrect. 他们各个身价雄浑到极点,拥有种种保命的神通秘宝,一些续命宝物,哪怕比‘替命神符’稍差,但一般也无法轻易杀死掉。但此刻,在‘灭神戟’面前,一切法宝秘术,都似纸糊的一般,被轻易斩成两段,神魂被滔天彻地的杀气,彻底撕成碎片,哪怕化神大能亲至,也别想复活。 Bang bang bang.” “砰砰砰。” At this time. 这时。 That both wings Heavenly Dragon, from beginning to end, blasts open thoroughly. 那条双翅天龙,才从头到尾,彻底炸裂开来。 The innumerable pale golden god bones and Divine Blood, fall to pieces like Celestial Maiden, blooms in void, like fierce fireworks, explodes baseless, brilliantly to the extreme. 无数淡金色的神骨和神血,如同天女散花般,在虚空中绽放,就像一朵剧烈的烟花,凭空爆裂开来,绚烂到极点。 But all witnesses, actually cold-hearted like ice! 但所有见证者,却心冷如冰! This both wings Heavenly Dragon, is a Supreme Beginning God Realm town/subdues mountain Divine Beast descendant, although that town/subdues mountain Divine Beast six wing Heavenly Dragon will be the day after tomorrow practice successfully, the bloodlines will not be pure, will also set the base in Divine Beast, but eventually will be Divine Beast, Mortal Body to be famous intrepidly. According to Legend, once had Great Power to hold Divine Treasure to strike, divided to injure six wing Heavenly Dragon merely, has not broken out its Mortal Body thoroughly. 这头双翅天龙,是太初神境一只镇山神兽的后裔,虽然那只镇山神兽‘六翅天龙’是后天修成,血脉并不纯正,在神兽中也垫底,但终究是神兽,肉身以强悍著称。据传说,曾有大能神宝一击,都仅仅只是劈伤了‘六翅天龙’,并没有把它肉身彻底劈开。 Thus it can be seen, powerful of this lineage bloodline, firm of Mortal Body! 由此可见,这一脉血统之强悍,肉身之坚固! But inherits both wings Heavenly Dragon of so powerful bloodlines, was broken open by a Chen Fan easily accomplished halberd unexpectedly, thousand zhang (3.33 m) dragon body stopping Chen Fan one second cannot achieve, by Chen Fan with the dragon, the complete halberd was struck to massacre. 但继承如此强大血脉的双翅天龙,竟然被陈凡摧枯拉朽的一戟破开,千丈龙躯连阻拦陈凡一秒钟的时间都做不到,被陈凡连人带龙,全部一戟击杀掉。 Doesn't this shock alarmed and afraid? 这如何不让人惊惧震撼? At this moment. 此刻。 even/including Qinfeng and Yuan one, complexion solemn to the extreme. By Qin Fengle the nine wing hot phoenixes of reins, could not be being been bearing are sounding in a low voice, in both pupils fills anxiously. 连秦风和元一,面色都冷峻到了极点。被秦风勒着缰绳的九翅火凤,忍不住低声鸣叫着,双瞳中充满不安。 Chen Fan ominous prestige too fearsome. 陈凡凶威太可怖了。 „.” “唰唰唰。” When the people are alarmed and afraid, Chen Fan takes advantage of a favorable situation to enter in the Primal Infant group. This time follows Primal Infant Elder(s) that seven big gods come, enough over a hundred, cultivation base weakest also has Primal Infant initial stage, overawes planet sufficiently, overlooks trillion all living things. But at this moment, Chen Fan is actually similar to tiger to jump into the flock of sheep, his each halberd wields, at least 34 Elder(s) flew high to cut to kill! 在众人惊惧的时候,陈凡乘势杀入元婴群中。此次跟随七大神教而来的元婴长老们,足足有上百位之多,修为最弱的也有元婴初期,足以威震一个星辰,俯瞰亿万众生。但此刻,陈凡却如同猛虎扑入羊群中,他每一戟挥出,都至少有三四位长老被凌空斩杀! Extinguishes god halberd to be quenchinged the innumerable years by Chen Fan by Divine Soul, calculates by the quality purely, not compared with accurate Divine Treasure weak many, sharply to the extreme. Generally Primal Infant level spirit treasure touches with it, instantaneously on break two sections. But grasps extinguishes god halberd Chen Fan, arrives powerful inconceivable, his Immortal Body small accomplishment, 48,000 hole holes open always greatly, absorb the between Heaven and Earth inexhaustible energy, the blood in within the body, such as the Yangtze River river is ordinary, turbulent galloping does not hesitate, makes the slating sound. ‘灭神戟’本就被陈凡神魂淬炼无数年,纯以品质来算,并不比准神宝弱多少,锋锐到了极点。一般元婴灵宝与它碰触,瞬间就断裂两截。而手持‘灭神戟’的陈凡,更强大到不可思议,他仙体小成,无时无刻四万八千穴窍大开,吸取天地间无穷无尽的能量,体内的血液,更如长江大河一般,汹涌奔腾不惜,发出雷鸣般的声响。 Even when Immortal Body stimulates to movement most Peak. 甚至当仙体催动到最巅峰的时候。 The Chen Fan heart beats fiercely. 陈凡心脏剧烈跳动。 Thump thump thump! 咚咚咚! Each, resembles the Deity to beat a drum, vibrates void. Leaves near Golden Core cultivator , by this sound, was shaken the body and spirit to crack directly, Divine Soul vacillates. 每一声,都似神人擂鼓般,震动虚空。许多离得近的金丹修士,直接被这个声音,震得体魄欲裂,神魂动摇。 Chen Fan bathes radiantly in the immortal light, Azure Glow to the extreme, in the hand the halberd like long dragon(s), the immortal prestige illustrious. He at this moment, arrives at the world like the Nine Heavens war-god, all Primal Infant, Son of God and god, before him, frail like ants, collapses at the first blow radically. 陈凡沐浴在仙光,青芒璀璨到极点,手中戟如长龙,仙威赫赫。他此刻,就像九天战神降临人间般,一切元婴神子、神将,在他面前,都脆弱如蝼蚁,根本不堪一击。 „!” “唰!” Does not care, king prestige who just resurrected was deducted two by his halberd. 一个不在意,刚复活的王威被他一戟劈成两段。 This was third Son of God. 这是第三位神子了。 Everlasting Sect in seven big gods, is next to Emperor Apollo and Immortal Religion, is the top three great sect factions, now solemn Everlasting Sect big Son of God, by Chen Fan such as the slaughter chicken duck, easily is actually chopped into pieces conveniently. Behind king prestige that to the heavenly treasure level spirit wing, was torn by Chen Fan, received Locking Sea Pearls, prepares to bestow under tutelage disciple A'Xiu they. 无极宗在七大神教中,仅次于太阳神朝长生教,是排名前三的大教派,如今堂堂无极宗神子,却被陈凡随手如屠杀鸡鸭般,轻易劈碎。王威背后那对天宝级灵翅,更被陈凡生生撕裂下来,收入定海珠中,准备赐给座下弟子阿秀他们。 Buzz!” “嗡!” In void, trillion planet appear, one round of gold/metal day and bright moonlight, from the West raises, king prestige die out of phase startled day time. Other Son of God and various great sect gods will unable to bear finally. 虚空中,亿万星辰浮现,一轮金日和一轮明月自西方升起,王威陨落的异相惊天的时候。其他神子和各大教神将终于忍不住了。 No!” “不!” Everlasting Sect several gods, in the eye will flow out the tears of blood. 无极宗的几位神将,眼中都流出血泪来。 Chen Beixuan, you kill me to teach Son of God, my Everlasting Sect and you are absolutely irreconcilable, continue(s) until one side dies!” Has Everlasting Sect Elder(s), bang, combustion Divine Soul, changes together to the extreme silver shining multi-colored sunlight brilliantly, shoots at Chen Fan fiercely. 陈北玄,你杀我教神子,我无极宗与你不共戴天,不死不休!”更有无极宗长老,嘭的一声,燃烧神魂,化作一道绚烂到极点的银灿灿霞光,猛地射向陈凡 This struck, shakes Heaven and Earth, the prestige can even exceed Primal Infant Peak, pursued Divine Transformation Domain. 这一击,撼动天地,威能甚至超越了元婴巅峰,直追化神领域 But a Chen Fan halberd, deducts conveniently two sections that say/way radiant silver light, then intimidates again, his both pupils weakens like the ice, Black Clothes flap flap, endless Azure Light shoots up to the sky, like flag shining entire Star Ocean. This moment Chen Fan, the hand held long halberd, treads on void, the whole body bathes Divine Blood, which also a little youngster appearance, falls in people's eyes, just like Killing God that in the Nine Nethers bloodshed goes out. 陈凡只是随手一戟,将那道璀璨银光就劈成两截,然后再次威逼上去,他双瞳淡漠如冰,黑衣猎猎,无尽青光冲天而起,如同旗帜般照耀整个星海。此刻陈凡,手提长戟,脚踏虚空,浑身沐浴神血,哪还有一点少年模样,落在众人眼中,宛如九幽血海中走出的杀神 Cannot hesitate, I and others collaborated, fights with all might with him!” “不能再犹豫了,我等联手,和他拼杀到底!” In Qin wind the hand is forcing the reins, in a low voice howling. 秦风手中勒着缰绳,低声吼叫着。 Correct, be not frightened by him. He is only Mortal Body is powerful, is half Great Power level, magic treasure in hand is sharp. But I on and others, there is Divine Monarch to bestow the rare treasure, is not weak in him, 100,000 god army help one another again in addition, definitely may fight with him!” Taught Son of God just to come back to life softly spatially, the complexion was a little pale, yelled loudly. 不错,别被他吓到。他只是肉身强大,达到半步大能层次,手中的法宝锐利罢了。但我等身上,也有神君赐下秘宝,并不弱于他,再加上十万神军相助,完全可与他一战!”蹑空教神子刚刚复生,脸色还有点苍白,高声大叫。 Kills!” “杀!” The Yuan one does not say a word, direct stimulation of movement bright moonlight out of phase, pressure on Chen Fan. 元一不发一言,直接催动‘明月异相’,压向陈凡 Bang! 轰隆! Other five Son of God, including the Qiao Zhen Qiao Yu brother and sister, begin, erupts to strike full power, bang to Chen Fan. At this moment, no one dares to keep the hand again. Prestige energy that Chen Fan shows, is extremely terrifying, slaughter Son of God such as the slaughter dog, facing such powerhouse, any keeps the hand, is to own is irresponsible. 剩余的五位神子,包括乔真乔御兄妹,都同时动手,爆发出全力一击,轰向陈凡。此刻,没有人再敢留手了。陈凡展现出来的威能,太过恐怖,屠神子如屠狗,面对这样的强者,任何一丝留手,都是对自己的不负责。 Bang.” “轰。” Qin Fengchong in forefront. 秦风冲在最前边。 In his hand, carries the long spear/gun that a gold casting is becoming, nine wing hot phoenixes draw the chariot, the wheel are grinding billowing void, the under foot have been stepping on a god rainbow, changes to the enormous and powerful golden light beam, charges into Chen Fan. 他手中,端着一柄黄金铸造而成的长枪,九翅火凤拉着战车,车轮碾过滚滚虚空,脚下踩着一条神虹,化作浩浩荡荡的金色光柱,冲向陈凡 This Emperor Apollo big Son of God, the hair such as the angry flame blooms, the whole body covers in layer upon layer Golden Flame, long spear/gun sharp sparkle cold glow, controls the hot phoenix, as if may puncture the vault of heaven, the prestige can be better than king prestige and the others, will then be ten gods will collaborate, will unable to block him, as soon as will strike. 这位太阳神朝神子,头发如怒焰般绽放,浑身笼罩在层层金焰中,长枪锐利闪耀寒芒,驾驭火凤,仿佛可刺破苍穹,威能远远胜过王威等人,便是十个神将联手,都挡不住他一击。 A Yuan pair of hand wields. 元一双手一挥。 The back chilly bright moonlight pounds down, changes to one round sad touching as simple and beautiful as the extreme ‚the light of ascends from the sky simply directly, cuts to Chen Fan. In the light of that ascends, even can see ancient Tianzun standing proudly void indistinctly. This blue sky ascends cuts, cuts the completion mortal Peak Primal Infant sufficiently, perhaps if Chen Fan clone, strikes gets makes the ashes. 背后清冷明月干脆直接从天空中砸下,化作一轮凄美清丽到极点的‘飞升之光’,斩向陈凡。那飞升之光中,甚至隐约能看到古天尊傲立虚空。这一记‘碧落飞升斩’,足以把一个巅峰元婴斩落成凡人,若是陈凡分身在,恐怕一击就变作灰灰。 Teaches Son of God to follow to jump softly spatially into void, the Qiao Zhen Qiao Yu brother and sister, similarly evolves Divine Ability. 蹑空教神子跟着跳跃入虚空,乔真乔御兄妹,同样演化神通 Many Primal Infant Elder(s) and gods the rave, will transfer the remaining several tens of thousands god army, the arrange/cloth becomes the ultra-large battlefield, from the Nine Heavens ten places, dense and numerous encirclements to Chen Fan, all kinds of Divine Ability magic spell, blots out the sky to hit. The flags like the forest, armor light to day, stuff Universe to murderous aura of extreme simply frigidly, each Golden Core cultivator , erupts the most powerful strength. 诸多元婴长老和神将们狂吼,更调动剩下的数万神军,布成超大型战阵,从九天十地,密密麻麻的围向陈凡,各种各样的神通法术,铺天盖地打来。简直旌旗如林,甲光向日,惨烈到极点的杀气充塞宇宙,每一位金丹修士,都爆发自己最强大的力量。 As we all know. 所有人都知道。 If cannot cut to kill Chen Fan, then this war, must come to an end by the expedition routs of seven big gods. 如果不能斩杀陈凡,那么这一战,必以七大神教的远征溃败而告终。 Immortal great sect standing proudly void, overlooks Star Ocean, how can withstand this grade of failure? Great Power are furious inevitably, is below Son of God, perhaps cannot save the life, with it so, might as well die in battle at the scene. 不朽大教傲立虚空,俯瞰星海,怎么能承受这等失败?大能们必然震怒,便是神子以下,恐怕都保不住性命,与其如此,不如战死当场。 Kills!” “杀!” At that moment, murderous aura to shake the livelihood, is implicated in several billions all living things who on Earth observe, can feel the top of the head, that cold penetrating myriad things, murderous aura of thorough marrow. 那一刻,杀气撼动日月,连坐在地球上观战的数十亿众生,都能感受到头顶,那寒彻万物,透彻骨髓的杀气。 How struggles again, one crowd of ant existences, you, since dares to visit Earth, the main body makes you have not to return, on the Samsara road, be not provoking my Central Mainland again!” “再挣扎又如何,一群蚂蚁般的存在,你们既然胆敢踏足地球,本尊就让你们有去无回,轮回路上,记着别再来招惹我中土!” The Chen Fan complexion is faint, both pupils as ice-cold as the extreme. 陈凡面色淡漠,双瞳冰冷到极点。 He stands in void, the body blooms ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) immortal light, the god halberd in hand, every strikes to wield the starry sky, brings the innumerable stump residual limbs to break the arm, cuts to add up totals not the god army. 他站在虚空,身躯绽放出万丈仙光,手中的神戟,每一击挥过星空,都带着无数的残肢断臂,斩杀数不尽的神军。 Golden Core and Primal Infant, god Elder(s). In Chen Fan as sharp as the extreme golden god halberd, is the matter that a halberd strikes to kill. Then was solar Son of God Qin wind, by Chen Fan conveniently halberd collapse flying. 无论是金丹元婴,神将还是长老们。在陈凡锐利到极点的金色神戟下,都是一戟击杀的事情。便是太阳神子秦风,都被陈凡随手一戟崩飞。 „.” “唰。” Teaches Son of God to sneak attack softly spatially. 蹑空教神子想偷袭。 His combustion rare treasure, in the hand a nameless short dagger, erupts sacred aura suddenly, the strength breaks through the Primal Infant limit, touches the sacred level. Impressively is the taboo rare treasure that Great Power once refined, can display Great Power to strike. Although the Great Power strength receives the suppression of this piece of Universe, the number does not save one, but eventually as terrifying as the extreme, the entire starry sky boils, the livelihood trembles, innumerable Golden Core cultivator , at the scene body and spirit disruption avalanche. 他更燃烧秘宝,手中一件无名短匕,猛然爆发出一股神圣气息,力量冲破元婴极限,触摸神圣层次。赫然是一件大能曾炼制的禁忌异宝,可以发挥出大能一击。虽然大能的力量受到这片宇宙的压制,数不存一,但终究恐怖到极点,整个星空都沸腾,日月都为之颤栗,无数金丹修士,当场体魄碎裂崩塌。 What a pity. 可惜。 The Chen Fan gods machine circle, has built Immortal Soul, the seeing the whole matter clearly situation. The figure flashes through instantaneously, is only by that enormous and powerful sacred strength, scratches the half body. 陈凡神明机圆,早已修成仙魂,洞察一切先机。身形瞬间闪过,只是被那股浩浩荡荡的神圣之力,擦到半边身躯罢了。 Although is wounded as before, but his Immortal Body small accomplishment, is Great Power strikes full power is not necessarily able to strike to massacre, let alone is only the attack of several tenths strength, rapid restores. 虽然依旧受创,但他仙体小成,便是大能全力一击都未必能击杀掉,何况只是数成力量的攻击,迅速就恢复。 Kills!” “杀!” Chen Fan is furious, the killed bleeding floating scull, 100,000 god army, were almost cut by him all certainly, teach Son of God to avoid softly spatially without enough time, was twisted the meat sauce by his halberd. On that day, above the starry sky, the bloodshed submerged all, the entire sky, changed to one red vastness! 陈凡震怒,杀的流血漂橹,十万神军,几乎被他尽数斩绝,蹑空教神子更是来不及躲避,被他一戟绞成肉酱。那一日,星空之上,血海淹没一切,整个天空,化作一片赤色汪洋! Ominous prestige vibration vault of heaven! 凶威震动苍穹!
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